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      浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题Word版含解析docx、浙江省强基联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At the train statin. B. At the bus stp. C. On the playgrund.
    2. What is the girl ding?
    A. Playing a jke n the man.
    B. Asking the man fr a phne.
    C. Reprting a crime t the man.
    3. What des the man mean?
    A. He is ging t resign.
    B What the wman heard is nt true.
    C. The wman shuldn’t spread rumrs.
    4. What’s the man’s destinatin?
    A. A lng line. B. A big statue. C. A ticket ffice.
    5 Where will the wman g t buy a hat?
    A. T a shp n Fifth Avenue.
    B. T a shp near campus.
    C. T a stre n Secnd Avenue.
    6. Why did the wman change her mind abut the cat?
    A. Its clr was great.
    B. It was actually her cat.
    C. She wanted smething inside its pcket.
    7. What will the man d next?
    A. Call the plice.
    B. Give the cat t the wman.
    C. Share the mney with the wman.
    8. When will the cncert be held?
    A. On the 15th. B. On the 24th. C. On the 31st.
    9. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Take care f his snake. B. Help him deliver papers. C. Buy him the tickets.
    10. What is mre imprtant t the man?
    A. Attending the cstume party.
    B. Ging t a cncert with a girl.
    C. Wrking tgether with the wman.
    11. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Tailr and custmer. C. Saleswman and custmer.
    12. What’s the man’s prblem?
    A. His cat is trn. B. He can’t sew. C. His cat was fixed prly.
    13. Why is the wman upset?
    A. She spent a lt f mney n the cat.
    B. The man never shares the husewrk.
    C. The man is cmplaining abut her wrk.
    14. What is the man ding?
    A. Having a jb interview.
    B. Having a talk with his teacher.
    C. Explaining his qualificatins t his bss.
    15. What did the man first sell when he was in high schl?
    A. Clthes. B. Candy. C. Electrnics.
    16. What did the man d with the mney he made in high schl?
    A. He paid his cllege tuitin.
    B. He helped sme pr students.
    C. He started a business with his uncle.
    17. What is the wman’s cncern?
    A. The man has changed jbs t ften.
    B. The man des nt have any experience.
    C. The man is much yunger than everyne else.
    18. Where des the speaker live?
    A. In a drm n campus.
    B. At hme with his parents.
    C. In an apartment ff campus.
    19. What is the best thing abut the laundry machines in laundrmats?
    A. They are big. B. There are a lt f them. C. They are easy t perate.
    20. What is the speaker’s pinin abut ding laundry in laundrmats?
    A. It is very bring. B. It can be a scial activity. C. It’s nt wrth the mney.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Best Huseplants fr Every Space and Situatin
    The best indr plants are the nes that suit yur aesthetic (审美的) preferences and aren’t t difficult t maintain. Here’s what yu need t knw abut these different categries f huseplants, s yu can chse the nes that wrk best in yur wn hme.
    Lw-light Indr Plants
    Nt every hme has a large bay windw fr plants t sak up the sunshine. Frtunately, there’s a large variety f plants that aren’t die-hard sun-wrshippers. Whether yu have a dim crner that’s crying ut fr a little greenery r yu’re craving sme clr in yur bedrm, the best lw-light indr plants dn’t require a lt f time r energy.
    Tall Indr Plants
    Tall huseplants can instantly bring a space t life by adding definitin and texture (质感) t any hme-decr style. Wrking with limited space? Nt a prblem. Yu can still make the mst f tall indr plants. Even just ne f them can be a striking visual pint fr a rm, and it can help draw the eye upward, making the rm appear larger.
    Small Indr Plants
    Just because yu dn’t have a mansin desn’t mean yu can’t have a lush indr garden. There are plenty f plants that grw in smaller spaces, the teeniest f which can lk adrable like a tiny family n a windwsill r shelf. Keep in mind, hwever, that the smaller the pt is, the quicker the sil will dry ut.
    Indr Hanging Plants
    What makes indr hanging plants s special? They fill a blank space in a rm with a beautiful silhuette, fr starters. They create the illusin (假象) f a jungle, where plants peek ut at different heights. They als mve the eye upward, pening up the space.
    1. What d tall indr plants and indr hanging plants have in cmmn?
    A. They d with limited space.B. They fill a space like a jungle.
    C. They match any decr style.D. They imprve visual effect.
    2. Which plants need extra care in watering?
    A. Lw-light indr plants.B. Tall indr plants.
    C. Small indr plants.D. Indr hanging plants.
    3. In which sectin f a magazine may the text appear?
    A. Gardening.B. Health.C. Fashin.D. Wildlife.
    It’s a sunny March afternn at Winchester Village Elementary Schl in Indianaplis, and teacher Natasha Cummings is leading her class in a brand new lessn. It’s the first time she’s teaching it and als likely the last. The secnd graders audibly take a shrt quick breath when Cummings explains the day’s activity: They’ll be simulating(a ttal slar eclipse (日全食) using the real sun, an inflatable glbe and a mn made ut f a play dugh ball munted n a stick.
    On April 8, a narrw strip f Nrth America will experience a ttal slar eclipse, in which the mn entirely cvers the sun, darkening the sky s that nly the sun’s crna, a ghstly white ring, will be visible. Indianaplis is ne f several cities in the path f ttality. The last time that happened was ver 800 years ag, and it wn’t happen again until 2153. Fr many f Cummings’ students, this event is a nce-in-a-lifetime pprtunity. Cummings hpes learning abut and witnessing the eclipse will inspire her students, and get them excited abut science. It’s an experience she expects them t remember fr the rest f their lives. “This is a stry yu’re gnna be able t tell,” she reflects befre class.
    In a grassy area utside the schl, Cummings’ eclipse simulatin begins: Students take turns hlding the inflatable glbes, and casting a shadw with their play dugh mns. Cummings directs them t aim the shadw ver the spt n the glbe where Indianaplis wuld be. It’s a little chatic, but the students quickly figure ut hw t prperly psitin the mn’s shadw ver their hmetwn.
    Thmas Hckey, a prfessr f astrnmy at the University f Nrthern Iwa, says he didn’t learn abut slar eclipses when he was in grade schl. He thinks the fact that elementary schl teachers like Cummings are nw teaching abut them is an indicatin that science educatin has imprved since he was a child. "Science is nt dne by ld, gray-haired peple in lab cats, necessarily. Citizens can participate in it. It’s nt a magic black bx; it’s all arund us,” Hckey says.
    4. Hw d the students prbably feel when tld abut the new lessn?
    A. Frightened.B. Disappinted.C. Astnished.D. Satisfied.
    5. Why is Cummings teaching her students abut the eclipse?
    A. T imprve their stry-telling skills.B. T stir up their passin fr science.
    C. T witness a real ttal slar eclipse.D. T seize a nce-in-a-lifetime chance.
    6. What is paragraph 3 f the text mainly abut?
    A. The prcess f the simulatin.B. The directin f Cummings.
    C The psitin f the mn.D. The reactin f the students.
    7. What des Thmas Hckey suggest peple d t learn science?
    A. D experiments in lab cats.B. Study hard in elementary schl.
    C. Participate in sme magic tricks.D. Experience scientific phenmena.
    Trained gldfish demnstrated a remarkable ability t accurately estimate the distance. Spatial navigatin (空间导航) in mammals, birds, and reptiles is well understd, but it was unknwn whether similar structures existed in fish. This knwledge wuld allw us t better understand hw spatial navigatin systems evlved.
    Researchers frm the University f Oxfrd tested whether gldfish culd perfrm a task central t spatial mapping-distance estimatin — t see if they have similar spatial navigatin systems t land species. The study, led by Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux, trained nine gldfish t travel 70 cm within a narrw tank cvered with a repeating pattern f vertical stripes (竖条纹) every 2 cm. When the fish reached the predetermined distance, they were prmpted by an external cue t turn arund and swim back t the starting pint. The researchers then tested whether the fish wuld swim the same distance if the external cue was remved and the starting psitin was changed. They als tested whether gldfish wuld swim the same distance when the backgrund pattern was changed.
    Accrding t the researchers, the results indicate that gldfish estimate distances by visually streaming the apparent mtin patterns f bjects in the envirnment (called “ptic flw”). Many land species are knwn t use ptic flw t estimate distance, but gldfish appear t prcess the infrmatin differently. Land animals, including humans, ants, wlf-spiders, and hney bees, estimate distances by measuring hw the angle between their eye and surrunding bjects changes as they travel. Gldfish, n the ther hand, appear t use the number f cntrast changes experienced n the way.
    “We present strng evidence that gldfish can accurately estimate distance and shw that they use ptic flw t d s,” says lead authr Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux. “These findings supprt the use f gldfish as a mdel system fr studying the evlutin f the mechanisms in vertebrates (脊椎动物).”
    8. What des the wrd “prmpted” underlined in the secnd paragraph refer t?
    A. Punished.B. Reminded.C. Frgtten.D. Cheated.
    9. Why was the external cue was taken away frm the tank?
    A. T make it easy fr the gldfish t turn arund.
    B. T demnstrate the gldfish’s swimming ability.
    C. T research int the gldfish’s sense f distance.
    D. T help the gldfish reach the learned distance.
    10. Accrding t the results, gldfish estimate distances by ________.
    A. cpying land animalsB. prcessing infrmatin
    C. experiencing changesD. applying ptic flw
    11. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Gldfish Have an Excellent Sense f Distance
    B. The Use f Optic Flw Amng Land Animals
    C. A Study Is Being Carried Out n Trained Gldfish
    D. The Evlutin f Spatial Navigatin in Vertebrates
    When we are desperately searching fr ur glasses, wallet r keys, we might wish t have a pht-graphic memry, but the truth is we are designed t frget.
    In fact, the majrity f what we experience in a given day is likely t be frgtten in less than 24 hurs. And that is a gd thing. Think f all the passing encunters with peple yu will never see again and the times yu spend waiting in a queue at the supermarket. If ur brains harded (贮藏) every mment f every experience, we wuld never be able t find the infrmatin we need amng an ever-increasing pile f infrmatin.
    S, if memry is nt suppsed t be a cmprehensive cllectin f the past, what is the pint f remembering at all?T answer this questin, it helps t think abut what it means t remember in the first place. Fr mre than 25 years, I have studied hw we are able t recall past events, an ability knwn as “episdic memry”. It is described as the uniquely human capability fr “mental time travel, raming at will ver what has happened as readily as ver what might happen, independently f the physical laws that gvern the universe”. I first read this descriptin f mental time travel when I was a graduate student, and I was deeply sceptical. Nw, with the wisdm f age, I understand what it meant.
    When yu recall a rich episdic memry, there is a nticeable feeling f being transprted back t a pint in yur past, a specific time and place. Fr instance, the smell f freshly baked pastries might remind yu f having breakfast with yur grandmther. Findings frm my lab and thers have shwn that, at the mment f remembering, the brain appears t return a bit t the state that it was in at the time, enabling us t relive these past experiences.
    This is why, if yu have misplaced yur keys, it can be helpful t put yurself, mentally int the cntext where yu last saw them. Getting in tuch with the sights, sunds and thughts frm an earlier time perid can be an effective way f accessing thse memries.
    12. Why des the authr think frgetfulness is a gd thing?
    A. We are brn t frget the past events.
    B. It helps t find the needed infrmatin.
    C. All the encunters are nt that pleasant.
    D. Our brains fail t hard imprtant mments.
    13. What d we knw abut “episdic memry”?
    A. It partly depends n the physical laws.
    B. It explains ur ability t remember the past.
    C. It becmes bvius with the wisdm f age.
    D. It fcuses n purpseful mental time travel.
    14. What is the authr’s purpse in mentining freshly baked pastries?
    A. T express lve fr grandmther.B. T share a feeling f time travel.
    C. T illustrate a vivid episdic memry.D. T frget precius past experiences.
    15. What can we d t find the misplaced keys?
    A. Recall the situatin where we saw them.
    B. Search the labs where we d experiments.
    C. Think in ur mind what they lked like.
    D. Write ur real thughts related t them.
    When is bedtime? ____16____ Inside every living thing is a clck that fllws the sun.
    Fr a lng time, peple assumed that daylight tld animals when t g t sleep r wake up. See light, wake. See dark, sleep. Then, in 1729, a French scientist named Jean-Jacques d’Ortus de Mairan did an experiment with a mimsa (含羞草), a plant that flds up its leaves at night. ____17____
    Frm time t time he peeked inside. T his surprise, the leaves cntinued t pen and clse each day as usual, even in ttal darkness. And he had discvered a new thing abut living creatures. Inside every cell, there is a tiny clck that keeps track f whether it’s mrning, nn, r night n the 24-hur cycle f a day. ____18____
    Every cell in the bdy has its wn tiny time-clicker. A master timekeeper in the brain keeps all these cell clcks in step. Fr humans, a small grup f cells at the back f the eye are in charge f the special jb. ____19____ The master clck then sends “wake up” r “sleep” chemicals t all yur cells.
    Yu can feel light reset yur clck if yu fly t a different time zne. Fr a few days yu get sleepy at bedtime back hme even if it’s afternn in yur new place. This is called “jet lag”. ____20____ But sn the bright light in the mrning and dark at night will reset yur master clck t match the lcal time where yu are, and yu’re back n schedule.
    S dn’t wrry if yu frget yur watch—yur clck inside will keep yu n sun time.
    A. Inside every cell, there is a tiny clck.
    B. That’s yur bdy’s internal clck at wrk.
    C. If yu dn’t have a phne r watch, dn’t wrry.
    D. T learn mre abut this, scientists did sme research.
    E. They signal when they see strng daylight r grwing darkness.
    F. He put sme f the plants in a cupbard and kept them in cnstant darkness.
    G. These timekeepers cause cells t d different things at different times f day.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Biar Kn grew up in a refugee camp in Kenya, after his parents were frced t flee the war in neighbring Sudan. When he was 17, he mved t Nairbi, the capital f Kenya, t ____21____ schl.
    Once he arrived, he needed t get sme ____22____ frm the Sudanese embassy. But when he went lking fr the embassy, he culdn’t find it. Then an lder wman ____23____ him n the back, “Hey, my sn, hw are yu ding?” The wman tld Kn that she had seen him asking questins f ____24____ peple as they passed, and she wndered if he needed sme help. The wman’s ____25____ left a deep impressin n Kn. And it inspired him t pay it ____26____, five years later, when he mved t Bstn, Massachusetts.
    One day, utside a cffee shp, he ____27____ an interactin between a yung wman and a(n) ____28____ man that trubled her. Kn went up t the man, t see what he culd d. “He tld me why he was n the street — because he made a mistake when he was in high schl, and he culdn’t get a ____29____ nw,” Kn recalled.
    Kn bught the man sme breakfast, and gave him a little bit f mney. Tday, it’s an encunter he ____30____ n ften. Fr him, it was a reminder that yu never knw what peple are ____31____ unless yu make a pint t talk t them.
    “She kind f swed a seed f ____32____ in me. And every time I see smebdy wh’s in truble, I always try t ____33____,” Kn said.
    Kn is nw a student at the University f Massachusetts Lwell. He hpes t prvide husing and scial supprt fr peple ____34____ n the streets — an idea partly inspired by his unsung ____35____.
    21. A. enjyB. attendC. quitD. teach
    22. A. bksB. dcumentsC. patentsD. tests
    23. A. blamedB. seizedC. tappedD. kicked
    24. A. multipleB. busyC. exhaustedD. anxius
    25. A. cmfrtB. patienceC. genersityD. name
    26. A. backB. frwardC. ffD. up
    27. A. bservedB. createdC. admiredD. ignred
    28. A. evilB. friendlyC. carefulD. hmeless
    29. A. degreeB. handC. clueD. jb
    30. A. reflectsB. dependsC. cncentratesD. researches
    31. A. putting utB. talking abutC. ging thrughD. hlding up
    32. A. wnderB. passinC. curisityD. kindness
    33. A. cheerB. figureC. helpD. tell
    34 A. assistingB. interactingC. wrkingD. living
    35. A. herB. manC. teacherD. rganizer
    As a cuntry with a rich histry and splendid civilizatin, China has witnessed the passing dwn f numerus frms f intangible cultural heritage which cntinue t flurish tday. Rnghua, r velvet ____36____ (flwer) that are made f silk and cpper wire, hld a rich histrical legacy in China.
    Velvet flwers ____37____ (pass) dwn since the Tang Dynasty and were nce ffered as a tribute t the imperial curt. The main raw material fr the velvet flwers is silk, ____38____ is relatively rare in handmade crafts.
    Observatin is key ____39____ making velvet flwers. In ur daily lives, we need t understand the structure f these flwers.
    The prductin prcess invlves making the velvet strip, fllwed by shaping, which refers t trimming it int varius shapes ____40____ (use) scissrs. Finally, the artists assemble the flwers, which is als knwn as arranging. They are entirely handmade and there is n step that can ____41____ (replace) by a machine.
    Creatively, I adpted a black backgrund with flwers in the Mrandi clr palette (调色板) in Siguangxingcan. The clr palette, tgether with the changes in flwer shape and different cmbinatins, ____42____ (give) the artwrk a mysterius and slightly il-painting-like appearance. It is ____43____ (cmplete) different frm the traditinal lk f velvet flwers.
    As fr the develpment f velvet flwers, we need t cntinue explring ____44____ (they) applicatins, making them integrate mre clsely with mdern fashin in daily life. I believe that in this way, they will have ____45____ increasingly prmising future.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是某国际学校学生李华,你校将组织开展“走进文化遗产”主题活动,现向全校学生征求活动建议。请你给组织者写信,内容包括:
    1. 推荐活动;
    2. 说明理由。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Organizers,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Sme kids play sprts. They run hundreds f laps, and tackle, kick, r swing. Sme kids d makever parties. They pl their fashin magazines and rganize their wn spa hair salns. And sme kids are cmputer geeks. Their prgramming ability is a thing f wnder.
    Me? I had the spelling bee (拼字比赛). The bee was my Wrld Series. And what happened during a Spelling Bee remained fresh in my memry.
    I trained every day n my frnt steps after schl, the dictinary pages rippling sftly in the breeze. I frmed a habit carrying arund my buddies Lngman, Webster, and Oxfrd.
    As sn as I pened my eyes n Friday mrning, I felt the hairs n my arm stand up. I glanced at my alarm clck—it was nly 6:27. I usually wke up at 7:01, which meant I had an extra thirty-fur minutes t study. Starting with the wrd “judgment” which I always spelt as “J-U-D-G-M-A-N-T”, I went ver several wrds.
    T calm my butterflies in my stmach, I reminded myself that I was ne f the best spellers in my class. I was nt ambitius enugh t want t g t the Scripps Natinal Spelling Bee r anything—I just wanted t win the bee at Meadwbrk Middle Schl, s that I culd defeat my main enemy, Nathan Frtescue.
    Nathan thught he was a better speller than I was, but he didn’t even study wrds. He just read tns f science and math bks. Really, he wasn’t a speller at heart—he was a mathematician. Nathan and I had nthing in cmmn except being gd spellers, but since he was a gd speller withut even trying, it didn’t cunt. I bet if yu gave Nathan a mdern literature wrd like “denuement”, he’d be ut n the first rund.
    The Spelling Bee wasn’t until after lunch, s all I did in the mrning was stare at the clck and wndered hw secnds culd pssibly pass by s slwly. I sneaked away frm lunch early s I culd get in a few extra minutes f study time.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    As sn as I shut the classrm dr behind me, I heard a vice.
    “Nw it’s time fr the Spelling Bee!” Ms. Hawking said brightly.
    听力答案:1-5 AABCB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 ACCAB 16-20 ACCBB

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