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    这是一份安徽省阜阳市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期中英语试题(含答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分, 考试时间120分钟。
    2, 答题前, 考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3. 考生作答时, 请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 非选择题请用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答, 超出答题区域书写的答案无效, 在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    4. 本卷命题范围: 人教版必修第一册至选择性必修第三册。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. When will the manager cme t his ffice tmrrw mrning?
    A. At 9:30. B. At 10:45. C. At 11:00.
    2. Why has the man been away fr a lng time?
    A. He went t Glasgw. B. He lst his jb. C. He was sick.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a bakery. B. In a restaurant. C. At hme.
    4. Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Excited. B. Sleepy. C. Relaxed.
    5. What is the mst prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Driver and passenger. C. A cuple.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. What is the wman ding?
    A. Making an uting plan.
    B. Entertaining sme friends.
    C. Reminding the man f an appintment,
    7. Wh did the man plan t meet tnight?
    A. Jim. B. Frank. C. Adrian,
    听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
    8. What is the wman lking fr?
    A. Envelpes. B. Phtgraphs. C. Art supplies.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a studi. B. In a stre. C. In a pst ffice.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
    10. What des Grace ask Jack t d?
    A. Fix the cpy machine.
    B. Attend a staff meeting.
    C. Phtcpy sme dcuments,
    11. What d we knw abut the Marple ffice?
    A. It is nt faraway. B. It is a repair shp. C. It is the meeting rm.
    12. What des Jack agree t d?
    A. Repair the machine sn.
    B. Receive mre training.
    C. G t the ffice in Marple.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
    13. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T make a reservatin.
    B. T get the latest infrmatin.
    C. T cnfirm an rder.
    14. When was the prject riginally scheduled t start?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
    15. Wh is Richard?
    A. The client. B. The supplier. C. The speakers' clleague.
    16. Hw lng might it actually take t finish the jb?
    A. Five days. B. Fur days. C. Three days.
    听第10 段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. What is the speaker's bk abut?
    A. Website design. B. Wmen's basketball. C. Men's ftball.
    18. When did the speaker have the idea t build a website?
    A. After university. B. At university. C. At high schl.
    19. Why did the speaker change the name f her website?
    A. It wasn't successful at first.
    B. The riginal name wasn't suitable.
    C. She wanted t include ther games.
    20. What is unable t be fund at the website?
    A. Childcare. B. Cmputer games. C. Make-up and fashin.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Frm the gardens f Iceland t the muntains f Nepal, here are fur places t celebrate abundance and beauty in the natural wrld.
    Keukenhf Gardens, the Netherlands
    The Netherlands prduces nearly 90% f the wrld's tulips, making it the unique destinatin fr a wnderful spring experience. Cycle alng the 25-mile Flwer Rute, where flwer fields paint the cuntryside in bright clrs. Travelers can als visit Keukenhf Gardens 16 miles suthwest f Amsterdam. Cnsidered the wrld's largest flwer garden, Keukenhf features seven millin flwering tulips frm March t May.
    Umm Qais, Jrdan
    Despite being 75% desert, Jrdan's nrthern highlands burst with brightly clred flwers frm March t May. Take a self-guided hike n ne f the several ancient trails starting frm the ruins f Umm Qais r hire a lcal guide wh can ffer cultural and histrical cntext and help yu identify wildflwers alng the way, including Jrdan's endangered natinal flwer, the black iris.
    Blue Ridge Muntains, Nrth Carlina
    Travelers can find a wealth f plant species in Nrth Carlina's muntains—the mst in any similarly sized area in Nrth America. The best knwn may be the pink and purple rhddendrns that blanket the Blue Ridge Muntains in summer.
    Numerus hiking trails leading t the amazing sights are just 30 miles frm dwntwn Asheville. In June, travelers can take the hur-lng drive frm Asheville t Bakersville t enjy the Nrth Carlina Rhddendrn Festival.
    Ghrepani Pn Hill, Nepal
    Travelling alng the Ghrepani Pn Hill trek in spring ffers breathtaking views f the cuntry's icnic rhddendrns. March r April gives travelers the rhddendrns in full blm, but Nvember gives drier weather. G with lcal Sherpa guides and cks—it's part f the experience.
    21. What is prbably the best time t see the tulips in Keukenhf Gardens?
    A. February. B. April. C. June. D. Nvember.
    22. Which cuntry cnsiders the black iris as its natinal flwer?
    A. Jrdan. B. America. C. Nepal. D. The Netherlands.
    23. What d the last tw destinatins have in cmmn?
    A. They are surrunded by deserts. B. They have the mst plant species.
    C. They ffer unique ancient ruins. D. They are knwn fr the same flwer.
    It's a sunny March afternn at Winchester Village Elementary Schl in Indianaplis, and teacher Natasha Cummings surprises her secnd graders when she declares the day's activity: They'll be demnstrating a ttal slar eclipse(日食)using the real sun, a glbe and a mn made ut f a plastic ball fixed n a stick.
    In a grassy area utside the schl, Cummings' eclipse experiment begins: Students take turns hlding the glbes and casting a shadw with their plastic balls. Cummings directs them t aim the shadw ver the spt n the glbe where Indianaplis wuld be. It's a little disrganized at first, but the students quickly figure ut hw t prperly psitin the mn's shadw ver their hmetwn.
    On April 8, 2024, part f America will experience a ttal slar eclipse, in which the mn entirely cvers the sun, darkening the sky s that nly an amazing white ring f the sun will be visible. Indianaplis is ne f several cities in the path f ttality.
    "Fr mst f my students, this event is a nce-in-a-lifetime pprtunity since the next ne wn't happen until 2153," Cummings says. "I hpe learning abut and witnessing the eclipse will get them excited abut science. Abve all, I want t shw that science is nt dne by ld, gray-haired peple in lab cats, necessarily. Instead, it's all arund us."
    Thmas Hckey, a prfessr f astrnmy at the University f Nrthern Iwa, says the fact that elementary schl teachers like Cummings are nw teaching abut the eclipse is an indicatin that science educatin has imprved since he was a child.
    "I didn't learn abut slar eclipses when I was in grade schl, but I still remember my first eclipse experience utside my hme in Angla, Indiana. It was n March 7, 1970, nearly a year after the Apll prgram had put the first persn n the mn, "Hckey recalls. "My interest in space was already develping. But the partial eclipse was ne f the reasns I chse t study astrnmy."
    24. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 3?
    A. Summarize the previus paragraphs. B. Prvide sme advice fr the readers.
    C. Add sme backgrund infrmatin. D. Intrduce anther tpic fr discussin.
    25. What is Natasha Cummings's main purpse in carrying ut the experiment?
    A. T prtect her students. B. T try a new teaching methd.
    C. T learn abut the eclipse. D. T shw that science is nt mysterius.
    26. What message des Thmas Hckey really want t cnvey in the last paragraph?
    A. He lved science when he was a child. B. The Apll prgram is mre imprtant.
    C. He regrets never meeting a gd teacher. D. The eclipse experience is very inspiring.
    27. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A lessn plan. B. A news reprt. C. A guidebk. D. An interview.
    Sme civilizatins recrd their pasts with art r bks. Others pass n histry thrugh flk sngs and dances. In Singapre, the stry f hw a ramshackle fishing village in Sutheast Asia develped int a wealthy and mdern cuntry ften cmes in spnfuls f peppery prk rib sup r bites f fried egg ndles at its hawker centers(小贩中心).
    Fr visitrs, hawker centers might just seem like fd curts: Fllw yur nse r the lngest line, then pay a few Singapre dllars fr a plate f fd t enjy at a shared table. Fr Singapreans, hawker culture is abut mre than just a gd meal. These fd centers are symbls f the cuntry's diversified culture. Hawker centers are s central t Singapre that the cuntry recently led a successful campaign t have the practice listed as the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity.
    T accmmdate(容纳)Singapre's diversified ppulatin, the gvernment made sure the hawker centers included Malay, Indian, and Chinese stre wners. "Hawker centers are likely the first places where peple will try anther ethnic grup's fd," says Chee Kien Lai, authr f Early Hawkers in Singa pre. "They're pen t everyne. Yu can get Chinese fd r try Indian cuisine and get cnnected t different cultures and religins."
    After Singapre's rapid develpment in the 1970s and '80s, there was a sudden stp in the cnstructin f hawker centers. Everybdy was cncentrating n becming a knwledge-based sciety. By the time the gvernment returned t building new hawker centers in 2011, many peple wndered if there were enugh peple t carry n the traditin.
    "Even thugh lcals lve eating at hawker centers, few are interested in running a small fd shp themselves," says Chee. "The cst f labr has gne up, with the yunger, better-educated generatin put ff by the lng hurs and physical wrk the jb requires. As aging hawkers retire, their recipes risk extinctin."
    That's ne f the reasns that, in 2019, Singapre's Natinal Heritage Bard put the hawkers frward fr UNESCO recgnitin. "We need t make them ur lcal cultural heres," says Tay.
    28. Which is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd "ramshackle" in paragraph l?
    A. Pr. B. Big. C. Unfriendly. D. Pretty.
    29. Fr Singapreans, the hawker centers are__________.
    A. a means f passing n their histry B. an easy way t earn a living
    C. symbls f being a mdern cuntry D. just gd places fr cheap fd
    30. What can we learn frm paragraph 4?
    A. Singapre has a very diversified ppulatin.
    B. Hawker centers declined shrtly after the 1980s.
    C. There is intense cmpetitin amng the hawkers.
    D. Yung peple enjy wrking at the hawker centers.
    31. What is Chee Kien Lai wrried abut?
    A. The rising prices f fd. B. The high cst f labr in Singapre.
    C. The disappearance f hawker centers. D. A lack f custmers fr hawker centers.
    It is n secret that building a large language mdel(LLM)requires huge amunts f data. In cnventinal training, an LLM is fed muntains f texts and encuraged t guess each wrd befre it appears. With each predictin, the LLM makes small adjustments t imprve its chances f guessing right. The end result is smething that has a certain statistical "understanding" f what is prper language and what isn't.
    But an LLM that has nly undergne this s-called "pretraining" is nt yet particularly useful. When asked fr a jke t cheer yu up, fr instance, the pretrained mdel GPT-2 just repeated the questin back three times. Clearly, imprved training methds have t be fund.
    Here cmes the s-called Reinfrcement Learning Frm Human Feedback(RLHF), which nrmally invlves three steps. First, human vlunteers are asked t chse which f ptential LLM respnses might better fit a given situatin. This prcess is repeated many thusands f times ver. Then the final data set is used t train a reward mdel. Finally, the well-trained reward mdel is emplyed t train the riginal LLM. But this way f ding RLHF is quite cmplex and using tw separate LLMs takes time and mney.
    It nw turns ut that the same result can be achieved with much less effrt. Dr Rafailv and his clleagues, including Archit Sharma and Eric Mitchell, presented this alternative in December 2023 at an AI cnference. Their methd, Direct Preference Optimisatin(DPO), relies n a satisfying mathematical trick.
    Accrding t the authrs, remving the middleman makes DPO between three and six times mre efficient than RLHF, and capable f better perfrmance at tasks such as text summarisatin. Its ease f use is already allwing smaller cmpanies t train their wn mdels. "A year ag, nly a few wrld-leading mdels, such as Ggle's Gemini and OpenAI's GPT-4, culd affrd t use RLHF, "says Dr Rafailv. "But as f March 12, eight ut f the ten LLMs used DPO."
    32. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The applicatins f GPT-2. B. The secret f building LLMs.
    C. The prcess f pretraining. D. The limitatins f pretrained LLMs.
    33. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe RLHF?
    A. Expensive. B. Efficient. C. Useless. D. Simple.
    34. What can be learned abut DPO frm Dr Rafailv's wrds?
    A. It has t use mre LLMs. B. It is much mre ppular than RLHF.
    C. It is still t cmplex t use. D. It is nt cheap enugh fr small cmpanies.
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. DPO, the Perfect LLM Training Methd
    B. The Develpment f Large Language Mdels
    C. A Brief Intrductin t LLM Training Methds
    D. GPT-4, the Mst Intelligent Large Language Mdel
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Studies have shwn that gardening and garden-based activities have psitive impacts n childhd develpment, including better eating habits and stress relief. 36 . Here are sme tips n hw t create a great garden with yur kids.
    Invlve them frm the very beginning
    Take yur kids t the stre and give them ptins t pick frm. This will allw them t select plants that they can handle and are apprpriate fr yur hme cnditins. Then give them tasks suitable t their age. Fr example, yunger kids can be assigned t water plants r just cut yellw and brwn leaves. 37 . Althugh yu might want t step in when yu see yur children feeding a plant with t much water, sme f the mst lasting lessns cme frm just trying things ut.
    Pick the perfect plant
    T make sure yur garden is a success, assess bth yur hme envirnment and yur kids' attentin span, 38 .
    Instead, think abut yur gal: Grwing smething tasty? Filling yur hme with flwers? Then ask yur kids t chse plants in their favrite clrs.
    Anther way t get kids excited abut gardening—and t raise lifelng nature lvers in the prcess—is t adpt ec-friendly methds. Seeds frm ripe peppers r tmates can be saved and planted. Ptat "eyes" can be planted and grw int ptat plants.
    Reuse husehld items as planting vessels(容器). Almst anything can be used as planters, frm ld fd cntainers t kids' tys. 40 . Fr example, a plastic bttle in frnt f a ht windw culd be damaged by the heat sn.
    A. Abve all, let them make mistakes
    B. Use leftvers t feed hungry plants
    C. Make gardens envirnment-friendly
    D. Taking care f the plant is a great way t learn
    E. Gardening may even help them becme better science students
    F. Just make sure that yur planters will hld up in the envirnment
    G. Dn't just pick up a plant because yu like hw it lks r the price is right
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    In 2001, a strm hit Hustn. Mre than 70, 000 huses were flded, including the 41 f Sarah Feldman and her family.
    At the time, they were n vacatin in anther city, s they didn't knw what kind f 42 they were ging t face when they gt hme. But then Feldman's grandpa called with 43 news: All f her bks had been destryed in the flding.
    Feldman was 14 at the time and lved 44 bks. T cheer her up, Feldman's father tk her t the library at Yale University, where she 45 a cnversatin with Bill Carver, a man wh wrked in the library. When she tld him abut her cllected bks being destryed, he 46 that he wuld send her a bk in the mail, s she culd restart her cllectin.
    After 47 t Hustn, she received his 48 , titled The Medieval Art Bk by Barbara A. Shailr. Carver included a nte that 49 : Dear Sarah, this is a rather schlarly bk, which may be 50 mature fr yur age, but I thught it might help yu shape yur 51 library cllectin. And as the years prgress, this bk may grw in 52 t yu.
    Feldman, wh is in her 30s nw, has fallen in lve with medieval art since 53 that bk. She has tried t find Carver years later, with n 54 .
    "If I culd speak t him tday," says Feldman. "I wuld like t tell him hw much that small gesture has 55 my life."
    41. A. bk B. hme C. city D. farm
    42. A. decisin B. judgement C. damage D. fact
    43. A. great B. infrmal C. natinal D. bad
    44. A. cllecting B. hiding C. writing D. tearing
    45. A. put ff B. brke up C. cut in D. struck up
    46. A. realized B. wished C. prmised D. frgt
    47. A. returning B. mving C. appealing D. adapting
    48. A. call B. gift C. welcme D. guest
    49. A. declared B. criticised C. read D. declined
    50. A. harmfully B. physically C. merely D. slightly
    51. A. new B. ttal C. meaningless D. strange
    52. A. height B. value C. investment D. length
    53. A. buying B. receiving C. publishing D. discvering
    54. A. guidance B. help C. mney D. success
    55. A. changed B. hurt C. destryed D. saved
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Where the Sidewalk Ends is a bk full f fascinating pems written 56 Shel Silverstein. It cntains mre than 100 f all kinds f pems-sme are happy, sme are funny and sme are 57 (excite). Each pem cmes with a nice drawing by the authr 58 (he). Sme f the pictures are very silly.
    My favurite pem 59 (call)Snwman. It is abut 60 happy snwman, which always wants t see July. Other animals say that he will melt(融化)by then. But the snwman wants t see July s 61 (bad)that n matter what ther peple say, it des nt bther the snwman ne bit. This pem never says if he actually sees July. S yu can nly guess.
    Anther pem I really like is Santa and the reindeer. This pem is abut Christmas. Santa has t give 62 (variety)presents t the children while ne f his reindeer is always asking what's fr him. I guess Santa gets really annyed because he puts a flea(虱子)in the reindeer's ear. And the next thing yu knw, they fly away and are ready 63 (cntinue)their jurney thrugh the wrld handing ut presents t all the children 64 have behaved well.
    This bk is fun t read because f all thse unique pems. The 65 (character)f this bk d many unusual things such as selling sisters, talking t fish and a lt mre.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假定你是李华, 市博物馆将于下周举办“中国华服周”活动。请给你的留学生好友Lily写封邮件, 内容包括:
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 具体安排;
    3. 邀请她参加。
    注意: 1, 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Lily,
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Fr the first tw years in primary schl, I was an extremely shy girl. I had a few friends, but it wasn't easy fr me t be very utging, even if I knew them well. If I was with strangers, I was even quieter. S I was nt gd at meeting new peple, I was in cnstant fear that I wuld d r say smething wrng. As a result, n ur schl's annual play day, I usually sat in a remte crner t watch the perfrmance alne, althugh I hped t sit in the frnt rws t see the actrs mre clearly.
    One day in the third grade, my teacher Mrs. Sally called me int her ffice and said, "Oh, Mary, yu're great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet vice. Yu are perfect fr Jenny!"
    But I bwed my head and dared nt speak. The teacher saw this and then said, "Of curse, plenty f girls wuld lve the rle, and I culd find smebdy else, But I hpe yu culd try it fr me. I had yu in mind fr Jenny while writing the play! If yu really dn't want t, yu can turn dwn the ffer."
    My mind was running wild when Mrs. Sally, whm I lved and admired, asked me t play the rle.
    "She believes in me!" I thught.
    Just then I lked up and happened t see n the wall a pster I had never nticed befre. It shwed a shting star and read, "If yu reach fr the stars, yu might at least grab a piece f the mn."
    Realizing it was time t thrw ff my shy mask and shw the wrld wh I really was, I said firmly, "Okay, I'll try my best, Mrs. Sally!”
    In the fllwing five mnths, Mrs. Sally taught me hw t put n makeup, memrize lines, create cstumes and s n.
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The big day arrived at last. _____________________________________________________________________
    At the mment, Mrs. Sally nticed my nervusness and apprached me. ________________________________
    (Text 1)
    W: D yu think the staff manager culd see me tmrrw befre 9:30?
    M: He wn't be in till 10:45, s the earliest wuld be 11.
    W: Is 12:40 any gd?
    M: Yes, I'll make a nte f it.
    (Text 2)
    W: We haven't seen yu fr ages. Have yu been ill?
    M: N, I've been up nrth fr a mnth.
    W: Where was that?
    M: Glasgw. I gt back the day befre yesterday.
    (Text 3)
    M: Gd mrning. What's fr breakfast?
    W: Mrning. The usual. Eggs, tast, and bacn. Cffee, if yu want. The sugar is n the table. The milk's in the refrigeratr.
    (Text 4)
    W: Why are yu nt energetic?
    M: I shuldn't have stayed up s late watching the exciting game. I guess I'll just have t pay the price and be sleepy.
    (Text 5)
    W: Srry, but I didn't quite catch that.
    M: I said, "D yu want a lift?"
    W: Isn't it ut f yur way?
    M: N, it's n my way hme.
    (Text 6)
    W: Dn't frget, Jim and Adrian are cming ver tnight.
    M: I thught they were cming next week.
    W: N. Tnight's the night. I tld yu at least half a dzen times!
    M: Well, I frgt.
    W: Yu frget all t easily if yu ask me.
    M: Anyway, I've made ther plans.
    M: I tld Frank I'd help him wrk n his car.
    W: Like what?
    W: Then, yu'll just have t tell him yu can't cme.
    (Text 7)
    M: Hi, welcme t Ryal Statinery. Hw may I help yu?
    W: Well, I was wndering if yu culd help me find smething. I have t mail sme phtgraphs, s I need sme large envelpes that wn't bend.
    M: Yeah, we d. It's n the 3rd flr, right by the art supplies. Let me shw yu. Fllw me, please.
    W: Oh, great. And d yu knw if there's a pst ffice nearby? I need t send the phts tday.
    M: Actually, we ffer shipping service here.
    W: That's perfect. By the way, hw can I track my rder then?
    M: We'll give yu a track number, and yu can check it nline.
    (Text 8)
    W: Gd mrning, Jack. Can yu phtcpy these reprts fr me, please? I need them fr the staff meeting tmrrw mrning.
    M: Hi, Grace. Unfrtunately, the cpy machine is ut f rder. The repairman is suppsed t be cming this afternn t lk after it, but this is the secnd time it has brken dwn in the past tw weeks, s it may nt be fixable.
    W: Oh, man! Wuld yu be able t run t ur ffice in Marple? It is nly a ten-minute drive. I just need t make sure I am prepared fr this meeting.
    M: Yeah, I can d that. I actually did my training at the Marple ffice, s I am familiar with it. I can leave right nw.
    (Text 9)
    W: Hell. I'd like an update n the Mndvale Htel jb. Are we still n schedule t begin n Mnday?
    M: N, I'm afraid that there has been sme delay in getting the decratin materials. It lks like we may be held up until Wednesday. Oh, I frgt it. Richard just gt ff the phne with the supplier. It lks like everything will arrive n Mnday afternn, s we culd actually begin the jb n Tuesday.
    W: That's gd news. I'll call the client this mrning and let them knw.
    M: Yu shuld als remind them that we will begin wrking n the guest rms first and wrk ur way tward the hall and first-flr receptin areas last. We'll send a large crew s the wrk can be finished quickly.
    W: Hw lng d yu think it will take t cmplete the jb?
    M: We can prbably be finished n Friday, as we riginally planned.
    W: Excellent. They' re a new client with several lcatins in ur city, s I want things t g smthly. I'm sure there will be mre wrk with them in the lng run if all ges well.
    (Text 10)
    W: Hi! My name's Britt Fxtn, and I'm the funder f a website devted t wmen's basketball, and I've als just written a bk n the same subject.
    But first up, let me tell yu hw I gt started with the site. Althugh it really gt ging nce I was at university, it actually started ut as a high-schl prject, yu knw, a "design a website" kind f thing. But it wasn't like anyne expected it t becme real r anything. I designed a site abut girls' basketball, which I was passinate abut, and called it femalebasket, cm. I knew the name wasn't right, and befre it gt really successful I changed it t matchgirl. cm and that was a really gd mve.
    And althugh it started with basketball, the site's grwn t include ther games as well. It features a variety f articles and reviews n everything ranging frm basketball t cmputer games, plus sme mre traditinally "girly" material as well. But the cverage f team sprts is at the heart f it, anything abut make-up r fashin is just secndary t that.
    1~5 ВАСВА 6~10 СВАВС 11~15 АСВАС 16~20 ВВСВА
    21. B推理判断题根据 Keukenhf Gardens, the Netherlands 一节中"Cnsidered the wrld's largest flwer garden, Keukenhf features seven millin flwering tulips frm March t May."可推断, 四月份是去Keukenhf Gardens 看郁金香的好季节。
    22. A 细节理解题。根据Umm Qais, Jrdan一节中"…including Jrdan's endangered natinal flwer, the black iris.”可知答案。
    23. D 细节理解题。根据Blue Ridge Muntains, Nrth Carlina 一节中"The best knwn may be the pink and purple rhddendrns that blanket the Blue Ridge Muntains in summer."及 Ghrepani Pn Hill, Nepal一节中"Travelling alng the Ghrepani Pn Hill trek in spring ffers breathtaking views f the cuntry's icnic rhddendrns.”可知, 这两个地方都是以杜鹃花而著名的。
    本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。小学教师Natasha Cummings希望通过一个日食实验来激发孩子们的探索欲望并消除科学的神秘感。
    24. C推理判断题。第三段主要是解释Natasha Cummings为什么要做那个实验: 四月八号美国会出现日全食。
    25. D 细节理解题. 根据第四段"" Abve all, I want t shw that science is nt dne by ld, gray-haired peple in lab cats, necessarily. Instead, it's all arund us. ""可知, Natasha Cummings的主要目的是打消孩子们对科学的神秘感。
    26. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段"‘But the partial eclipse was ne f the reasns I chse t study astrnmy.’"可知, Thmas Hckey 认为那次观看日食的经历更加激励了他日后从事天文研究。
    27. B 文章出处题。文中不但有课堂现场的描写, 还有对教师及专家的采访, 因此这篇文章最有可能选自新闻报道。
    28. A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后"…develped int a wealthy and mdern cuntry…”可推断, ramshackle与 wealthy, mdern 的意思相反。
    29. A细节理解题。根据第二段"These fd centers are symbls f the cuntry's diversified culture."可知, 小贩中心是新加坡的文化载体之一。
    30. B 推理判断题。根据第四段"…in the 1970s and '80s, there was a sudden stp in the cnstructin f hawker centers. Everybdy was cncentrating n becming a knwledge-based sciety."可推断, 在上世纪七八十年代, 小贩中心开始走下坡路了。
    31. C 细节理解题。根据第五段"‘As aging hawkers retire, their recipes risk extinctin,’”可知, Chee Kien Lai担心小贩中心会消亡。
    本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了三种大语言模型的训练方法: 预训练、RLHF及DPO。
    32. D 段落大意题。根据本段的主题句"But an LLM that has nly undergne this s-called ‘pretraining’ is nt yet particularly useful."及其它细节可知, 第二段主要是谈受过预训练的大语言模型的局限性。
    33. A 细节理解题。根据第三段"But this way f ding RLHF is quite cmplex and using tw separate LLMs takes time and mney."可知, RLHF这种训练方法很费钱。
    34. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段"‘But as f March 12, eight ut f the ten LLMs used DPO.’ "可推断, DPO已经非常流行。
    35. C 标题判断题。通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了三种训练大语言模型的方法及其优缺点。
    36. E 根据空前谈到的园艺对儿童发展的好处可知, 空项很可能会进一步讲它的好处, 故E项符合。
    37. A 根据空后"…sme f the mst lasting lessns cme frm just trying things ut."及叙述顺序可知, A项“最重要的是能容忍孩子犯错”符合。
    38. G 根据空前正面讲的要注意的问题及下文"Instead, think abut yur gal”可知, 空项应该是一个反面例子或警示, 只有这样才能自然过渡, 故G项“挑选植物时, 不要只考虑其外表或价格”符合。
    39. C 该小节主要是讲如何变废为宝, 故C项“让园艺更环保”适合作小标题。
    40. F 根据空前的关键词 planters及空后的环境可以快速锁定F项。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Bill Carver赠书给Sarah Feldman的原委及其对Sarah Feldman所产生的深远影响。
    41. B 根据空前“Mre than 70,000 huses were flded, including…”可知, 这里强调的是被暴风雨摧毁的房子(hme)。
    42. C Sarah Feldman一家当时还在外地度假, 所以不知道所遭受的损失(damage)。
    43. D 根据空后“All f her bks had been destryed in the flding.”可知, 她爷爷给他们带来的是坏(bad)消息。
    44. A 根据空后"When she tld him abut her cllected bks being destryed,"可知, Sarah Feldman 喜欢收藏(cllecting)图书。
    45. D 在图书馆, Sarah Feldman和图书管理员Bill Carver攀谈了(struck up)起来。
    46. C 当 Bill Carver 得知 Sarah Feldman 的遭遇后, 他承诺(prmised)送给她一本书。
    47. A 当Sarah Feldman回到(returning)休斯顿时, 她果然收到了Bill Carver寄来的礼物(gift)。
    48. B 见上题解析。
    49. C Bill Carver还留言说(read):“这本书你现在读还稍微(slightly)有点难, 但这本书很可能会重塑你的新(new)收藏。而且随着时光的流逝, 会越发显现出它的价值(value)。”
    50. D 见上题解析。
    51. A 见第 49 题解析。
    52. B 见第 49 题解析。
    53. B 自从收到(receiving)那本书后, Sarah Feldman 开始爱上了中世纪艺术。
    54. D 根据下文可知, 多年后, Sarah Feldman还试图着联系这位图书管理员, 但没有成功(success)。
    55. A 她希望能亲口告诉这位图书管理员, 这本书改变了(changed)她的人生轨迹。
    本文是一篇书评。文章主要介绍了Shel Silverstein的一本诗集。
    56. by 考查介词。根据句意可知, 这些诗是由Shel Silverstein写的, 故用介词by。
    57. exciting 考查非谓语动词。根据句意“有些诗很有趣”可知, 此处用所给动词的现在分词形式。
    58. himself 考查代词。根据句意“作者自己还给每一首诗都配了一副精美的插图”可知, 此处用所给代词的反身代词 himself。
    59. is called 考查动词的时态和语态。因为本文叙述的是一般性的事实, 此处用一般现在时。又因为pem与call存在逻辑上的动宾关系, 故用被动语态。
    60. a 考查冠词。因为snwman是首次提到, 故用不定冠词a。
    61. badly 考查词形转换。分析该句成分可知, 所填词在此处修饰动词want, 作状语, 故用所给形容词的副词形式 badly。
    62. varius 考查词形转换。分析该句成分可知, 所填词在此处作presents的定语, 故用所给名词的形容词形式 varius。
    63. t cntinue 考查非谓语动词。“be ready t d sth”意为“准备好做某事”, 为固定搭配。
    64. wh/that 考查定语从句。分析该句结构可知, 所填词引导的是一个限制性定语从句, 引导词在从句中作主语, 且先行词为children, 故填关系代词 wh/ that。
    65. characters 考查名词复数。character为可数名词, 根据空后的谓语动词及上下文提到的许多人物可知, 此处用所给名词的复数形式。
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Lily,
    There will be a free fashin shw in the City Museum next week, which fcuses n the develpment f Chinese clthing during mre than tw thusand years.
    The shw starts n Mnday next week and will last seven days. Accrding t the pster, visitrs can even try sme f the traditinal clthes, such as the famus "hrse face skirt", and jin in the catwalks with prfessinal mdels. I think it is a very gd pprtunity t learn mre abut Chinese histry and culture. If yu are interested, we can g there n the weekend.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    The big day arrived at last. I hurried all the way t the backstage f the schl hall, where cameras were lighting up in all directins. Lking back n the five mnths f hard wrk, I fund a new and cnfident persn inside me. I eventually became a much mre daring and utging persn than I had been befre. Hwever, when I was abut t g nt stage, my heart kept punding s hard that my thrat tightened and my knees felt weak.
    At the mment, Mrs. Sally nticed my nervusness and apprached me. "It desn't matter hw yu d tnight," she cmfrted me. "Yu've already shwn hw wnderful yu are." Lking int Mrs. Sally's shining blue eyes, I calmed dwn and then walked nt the stage with her warm wrds like a ray f sunshine. When I finished my perfrmance, the audience burst int applause. Facing the cheering audience, I knew that it was Mrs. Sally's encuragement that helped me find the cnfidence t succeed.

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