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    这是一份2024合肥六中高三下学期最后一卷英语试题含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Have a picnic. B. G fishing. C. Repair his car.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. Indr activities. C. The wman's illness.
    3. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a bus statin. B. At a train statin. C. At an airprt.
    4. What will the man d next?
    A. Help the wman find a jb. B. Advertise fr a wrker. C. Cnduct an interview.
    5. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T bk a rm. B. T cnfirm his flight. C. T reschedule a meeting.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Which place will be cleaned first?
    A. The hallways. B. The frnt ffice. C. The cafeteria.
    7. What will the wman d next week?
    A. Hld a wrkshp. B. Design a schedule. C. Attend a cnference.
    8. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Prud. B. Tired. C. Excited.
    9. What did the wman use t be?
    A. A dancer. B. An actress. C. A musician.
    10. What d we knw abut the jacket?
    A. It is small fr the man. B. It has been returned t the stre. C. It was an n-sale item.
    11. What des the wman ask the man fr?
    A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
    12. Hw lng is the credit nte gd fr?
    A. A week. B. A mnth. C. A year.
    听第9段材料,回答第13 至16题。
    13. What did Paul d after he left schl?
    A. He pened a shp. B. He did several different jbs.
    C. He gt a jb as a chef in a restaurant.
    14. What was Paul's first restaurant jb like?
    A. Difficult but beneficial. B. Bring but well-paid. C. Enjyable but demanding.
    15. What des Paul's current jb invlve?
    A. Managing the whle kitchen. B. Cking every day. C. Assisting chefs.
    16. What des. Paul think makes a restaurant successful?
    A. Inventing new dishes. B. Using quality materials.
    C. Creating a less stressful envirnment.
    听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题。
    17. What is the speaker's jb related t?
    A. Medicine. B. Wild animals. C. Artificial intelligence.
    18. What was the main gal f Prject Skylark?
    A. T create a system fr health care, B. T pen up pssibilities f finance.
    C. T teach a machine t identify different birds.
    19. What is the prgram MediScan used fr?
    A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Prducing reprts.
    20. What is the speaker's attitude twards AI in general?
    A. Wrried. B. Psitive. C. Uncncerned.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Schl's ut fr summer! The lng break is the perfect time t lunge(躺) arund with a gd bk, and luckily we have a selectin f the best reading ut right nw. Frm pizza-based chas t detective penguins, we're sure yu'll find what yu're lking fr in ur bk guide.
    Safiyyah’s War
    By Hiba Nr Khan Paperback ₤7. 99
    War cmes t the streets f Paris, and Safiyyah must pick up all her curage t run dangerus errands(差使) arund the city and help save the lives f hundreds f Jewish peple. The bk is based n the incredible and inspiring true stry f the resistance run frm the Grand Msque f Paris.
    Einstein the Penguin: The Case f the Fishy Detective
    By Ina Rangeley Hardback £ 12. 99
    An unfrgettable friend returns! After his first adventure in Lndn, the fairy penguin frm Sydney really has n place in this city, s he sets ut fr Australia. It's time fr Einstein the Penguin t turn detective again in this warm and fantastically funny fllw-up t Ina Rangeley’s first best-seller.
    Until the Rad Ends
    By Phil Earle Paperback £ 7. 99
    An exciting WWII animal adventure frm the authr f When the Sky Falls. Stray dg Beau becmes an unexpected war her. At night, as bmbs rain dwn n Lndn, Beau searches the ruins, rescuing survivrs. Then disaster strikes and Beau sets ff n an incredible jurney t find his friend Peggy. . .
    Pizza Pete and the Perilus Ptins
    By Carrie Selln Illustrated by Sarah Hrne Paperback £ 7. 99
    When Pete finds a briefcase f magical ptins(药剂) in the small rm abve his dad's pizza shp, he thinks he's fund the answer t all their mney wrries. Then Pete's life turns frm bring pizza margherita int chatic spicy pepperni… A funny and heartwarming stry, filled with delightful illustratins by Sarah Hrne.
    21. What is special abut Einstein the Penguin: The Case f the Fishy Detective?
    A. It features fascinating pictures. B. It is a paperback priced at £ 12. 99.
    C. It intrduces an unexpected war her. D. It cntinues the stry f an earlier bk.
    22. Which bk ffers a stry full f magical fun?
    A. Safiyyah’s War. B. Until the Rad Ends.
    C. Pizza Pete and the Perilus Ptins. D. Einstein the Penguin: The Case f the Fishy Detective.
    23. What d Safiyyah’s War and Until the Rad Ends have in cmmn?
    A. They tell stries in wartime. B. They are based n true stries.
    C. They are abut animal adventures. D. They describe the life f Jewish peple.
    It happened twards the end f secndary schl befre the state exams every Irish teenager has t sit if they want t g t university. Our nly bjective fr an entire year was t memrize as much infrmatin as pssible in rder t deal with ne exam after anther. Our teacher’s nly bjective was t repeat all that infrmatin.
    And it was just anther day f that when it happened. I didn’t knw why, but the teacher suddenly went ff script, brke ff what he was saying and cnsidered us fr a mment.
    Then he spke abut hw we were ging t leave schl sn, and head int the wrld, separately, frever. He said we wuldn't be able t grasp it yet, but ur hrizns were abut t expand in ways we wuldn’t believe. As a teenage by, I thught it was inspiring t hear an adult address us like this, nt as kids t whm he needed t pass infrmatin, but as humans with whm he wanted t share smething like wisdm.
    What stayed with me was the image he used. He said ur awareness wuld be like a flame in a dark cave. The brighter and larger the flame grew, the mre f the cave we wuld see. But with every bit f light, there wuld cme a grwing awareness f the vastness f the cave, f just hw little f it we were actually seeing, and f hw much mre space and pprtunity was left fr ur flame t grw.
    Accrding t him, life isn't abut reaching firm cnclusins anyway, but abut pening yurself t the pssibility that yu might be wrng, and that there's always mre t learn. Every awkward mistake can be a feeding f that flame.
    What my teacher said passed by quietly in a sunlit classrm, but it kicked pen a dr in my mind, a dr thrugh which much f my subsequent life has flwed.
    24. What can we learn abut the authr in the first paragraph?
    A. He had difficulty with exams. B. He was nt cnfident f himself.
    C. He didn't get n well with teachers. D. He had a bring secndary schl year.
    25. What is the image f “flame” in paragraph 4?
    A. What we have already knwn. B. Hw far we want t see.
    C. Hw we wuld grw up. D. Where we shuld g. .
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes the teacher?
    A. Humble. B. Inspiring. C. Dynamic. D. Generus.
    27. Which statement will the authr prbably agree with?
    A. T stay respectful t teachers. B. T be cntent with what we have.
    C. T be pen t all the pssibilities. D. T make up fr the past mistakes.
    “The ant and the zebra” sunds like the title f ne f Aesp's fables(寓言). Like all gd. fables, this ne has a mral, which is that human interventin in nature has unpredictable cnsequences. Unlike the Greek riginals, thugh, this fable is real.
    The stry plays ut in Laikipia cunty, Kenya, where the big-headed ants, an invasive(入侵的) species have gradually been replacing the native acacia ants. As Mr Kamaru, a Kenyan bilgist frm the University f Wyming, and his clleagues reprt in Science, the an t invasin has triggered a cmplicated chain f cnsequences which has helped zebras at the expense f buffales, thus neatly illustrating a phenmenn called trphic cascade(营养级链).
    It wrks like this. A kind f tree—whistling-thrn trees—prvides the ants with shelter and fd. The ants, meanwhile, prtect the trees by seeing ff the chief threat t them, the lcal elephants, which are nt keen t eat trees, crawling with biting insects. Hwever, big-headed ants are nt s gd at keeping the elephants at bay(陷入困境). The elephants mve in and chew the trees, remving much f the area's cver. That thrws the lcal lins int cnfusin, which ften use this cver t hide when hunting zebras. T cmpensate(补偿), the lins switch t hunting
    buffales, which are mre dangerus, but run slwer.
    Mr Kamaru has put numbers t the prcess t. In invaded areas, elephants break trees five t seven times as ften as in uninvaded nes. And in thse uninvaded places, zebra kills are almst three times as frequent as thse in the invaded nes. Indeed, between 2003 and 2020, as the big-headed ants spread, the prprtin(比例) f lcal lin kills where the victim was a zebra fell frm67% t 42%. On the cntrary, ver the same perid, the prprtin f buffal kills rse frm zer t 42%. Whether the buffales blame the ants fr their misfrtune, n ne knws.
    28. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Hw human activities impact nature. B. What the phenmenn f trphic cascade is.
    C. Hw the big-headed ants invade a cunty in Kenya. D. Why the stry abut different species is significant.
    29、Wh are the real victims in the chain?
    A. Lins. B. Buffales.C. Elephants. D. Zebras.
    30. Why des Mr Kamaru put numbers in his reprt?
    A. T shw the results. B. T explain the reasns.
    C. T analyze the prcess. D. T give sme examples.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Misfrtune f Animals B. The Secrets f Nature
    C. Hw Zebras and Ants Becme Friends D. Hw Ants Persuaded Lins t Eat Buffales
    Fr thusands f years, humans have been making fire by transfrming mechanical energy int heat energy thrugh frictin(摩擦). There are many ways t create fire by frictin, but the mst cmmn and easiest t learn is t use a bw drill set.
    A bw drill set cnsists f a wden drill (carved t minimize frictin at ne end and maximize frictin at the ther), a dry fire bard, a slightly bending bw, t which a bwstring is attached, and a hard bearing blck, which is used t press dwn n the tp f the drill. The bwstring is designed t be wrapped tightly arund the wden drill.
    First , the fire maker uses the string t rapidly spin(旋转) ne end f the drill, which is attached t the string, against the fire bard, while at the same time pressing the ther end dwn with the bearing blck. Frictin causes a rapid increase in temperature where the drill meets the fire bard. As the drill cntinues t spin, it prduces a small amunt f ht carbn dust, which will eventually frm a ht, red pile. Then it is transferred t highly flammable materials, such as dry leaves r dead tree barks. The fire maker blws in t further raise the temperature by increasing xygen flw. Eventually, the materials burst int flame, after which the fire maker can make it int a larger fire.
    Understanding the physics f fire by frictin and the different variables invlved can help the fire start mre quickly with less effrt. First, an ideal wden drill shuld be dry and just 1-1. 25cm acrss. This is because thin drills can cncentrate heat created in frictin n a small area n the fire bard. Secnd, the fire bard shuld be dead, driest pssible wd. Third, hw fast the frictin frce generates heat is directly related t hw fast the fire maker mves the bw. The faster the drill spins, the mre heat it will create.
    Bw-drill perfrms reliably in challenging survival cnditins cmpared t ther techniques. It can be incredibly inspiring t witness, and rewarding t d it yurself! It takes a while t get everything right but it will cme. Have a try and enjy this primitive methd f fire starting!
    32. What is the functin f the bwstring in the bw drill set?
    A. Prducing frictin. B. Making a beautiful bw.
    C. Securing the wden drill. D. Applying pressure t the fire bard.
    33. What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
    A. The prcess f creating fire. B. The materials fr making fire.
    C. The right temperature fr a fire. D. The advantages f the wden drill.
    34. Which f the fllwing can help t start fire by frictin?
    A. Using living plants as the fire bard. B. Lifting the fire bard frequently.
    C. Keeping cncentrated during frictin. D. Setting the bw drill in fast mtin.
    35. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T encurage a try. B. T explain a principle.
    C. T stress ptential risks. D. T present human achievements.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    When faced with a big challenge, maybe yu've heard this advice befre: “Be mre cnfident.” 36 Take the belief that yu are valuable, wrthwhile and capable, add in the ptimism that cmes when yu are certain f yur abilities, and then act curageusly t face a challenge head-n. This is cnfidence.
    Then where des cnfidence cme frm? There are several factrs that affect cnfidence. Firstly, what yu're brn with, such as yur genes. Secndly, hw yu're treated. 37 And lastly, the part yu have cntrl ver, the chices yu make, the risks yu take, and hw yu think abut and respnd t challenges and setbacks. And, by keeping in mind a few practical tips, we d actually have the pwer t cultivate ur wn cnfidence.
    ● Find a quick fix. 38 Picture yur success when yu're beginning a difficult task. D smething as simple as listening t music with deep bass. Yu can even strike a pwerful pse r give yurself a pep talk (鼓舞士气的话).
    ● 39 If yu're lking fr a lng-term change, cnsider the way yu think abut yur abilities and talents. If yu think they are fixed at birth, yu might give up, assuming yu've discvered smething yu're nt very gd at. But if yu have a grwth mindset and think yur abilities can imprve, a challenge is an pprtunity t learn and grw.
    ● Practice failure. Face it. Yu're ging t fail smetimes. Studies shw that thse wh fail regularly and keep trying anyway are better equipped t respnd t challenges and setbacks in a cnstructive way. 40 .
    A. Prmte feelings f pwer.
    B. But what is cnfidence?
    C. But hw can we becme cnfident?
    D. Believe in yur ability t imprve.
    E. This includes the scial pressures f yur envirnment.
    F. They learn hw t try different strategies, ask thers fr advice, and carry n.
    G. There are a few tricks that can give yu an immediate cnfidence bst in the shrt term.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)
    Three mnths ag, I began a jurney—ne that required neither a backpack nr a plane ticket. Instead, all I needed was a 41 and a pen. I decided t keep jurnaling every single day fr 90 days, cme rain r shine. Nw, as I've crssed the finish line f this 42 , I'm here t share the invaluable 43 I've gained.
    Mst f us spend ur days 44 thers. But in that prcess, we ften 45 the mst imprtant vice—ur wn. In the first few days f jurnaling, I was surprised by the thughts and feelings that 46 , which I’d previusly been t busy r t distracted t 47 . My jurnal served as a platfrm fr my inner self t be heard.
    By writing abut my experiences, I fund that I was able t. see my 48 in a new light. 49 were nt failures, but stepping stnes. Regrets were nt bstacles(障碍), but 50 , which shw me a better way frward. Jurnaling became a frm f 51 and a prcess f letting g f past events.
    Jurnaling didn't just make me a histrian f my past; it als made me a(n) 52 f my future. The future culd be seen as a canvas(画布). I was able t plan, dream, and visualize it like never befre. My 53 were rich in ideas, gals, and hpes, all f which I culd 54 , refine(改进), and reimagine as many times as I wanted. My jurnal turned ut t be a priceless tl fr 55 grwth.
    41. A. camera B. cmputer C. ntebk D. brchure
    42. A. challenge B. cmpetitin C. encunter D. campaign
    43. A. resurces B. pprtunities C. suggestins D. insights
    44. A. fighting with B. listening t C. relying n D. turning dwn
    45. A. seek B. appreciate C. admit D. ignre
    46. A. surfaced B. disappeared C. cnflicted D. remained
    47. A. share B. miss C. read D. acknwledge
    48. A. ambitin B. career C. past. D. achievement
    49. A. Wrries B. Difficulties C. Mistakes D. Cmplaints
    50. A. pririties B. guides C. replacements D. cnnectins
    51. A. self-discipline B. self-frgiveness C. self-cntrl D. self-defence
    52. A. assistant B. interviewer C. reminder D. architect
    53. A. reprts B. schedules C. entries D. intrductins
    54. A. revisit B. request C. return D. recver
    55. A. external B. persnal C. physical D. ecnmic
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    The 24 slar terms 56 (recgnize) as “the fifth great inventin f China”. Every year arund May 21st, the secnd slar term f summer, Grain Buds, r Xiaman in Chinese, arrives. While it's getting htter and 57 (wet), the seeds f summer crps are already full 58 nt ripe. The difference in temperature between the Nrth and the Suth narrws and 59 greater amunt f rainfall is n the way.
    “Lw rainfall during Xiaman will bring prblems fr planting during Grain in Ear(芒种).” Such sayings 60 (guide) agricultural prductin and the daily life f the Chinese peple fr thusands f years. In the area suth f the Yangtze River, three types f 61 (equip) start t wrk as Xiaman gets clser. At this time, the waterwheel is pedaled(蹬) 62 (water) crps. Farmers use the il mill t extract(提取) il frm the seeds freshly 63 (cllect). They als use the weaving lm t reel silk threads.
    Xiaman is actually an interval(间歇) between harvests, s peple in the past had t eat wild vegetables in rder t survive these tugh days, 64 led t a unique eating custm. Meanwhile, as Xiaman is the birthday f the Silkwrm Gd, peple in sme areas pray 65 a gd silk harvest n that day.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你校交换生 Chris计划暑假去儿童福利院做志愿者,向你征求关于交通方式的建议。请你参考以下信息,给他回封邮件。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    Tenth grade in schl was a time we all enjyed with ur friends and teachers.
    One day, ur class teacher came in with a girl. She was tall and had dark skin. The teacher intrduced her as Navya and she was ging t, be in ur class that year. My friends lked at me and saw a smile cme acrss my face. They knew I lved making friends, and I was willing t help anyne in any way.
    I fund Navya t be a very quiet girl—she always liked t stay alne. We wuld want her t jin us but she wuld never leave her seat. I ften wndered why this girl lved being alne in her place. During the break, we wuld sit with Navya and intrduce urselves t her. I wuld try my best t make her say anything she wished, but she never spke anything t anyne. I hardly saw her smile, and I ften wndered if there was a smile behind the mask.
    The annual day was appraching, and ur teachers were gruping us int dance, singing and plays. We all were excited as we all culd skip ur classes and g fr ur annual practice. Our teacher asked Navya if she wuld like t participate in any f the events n the annual day, but she wuld lk dwn and shake her head, as if she were dumb(哑的). She never came frward t participate in any cmpetitins.
    The day finally arrived, and we were all excited. Then ur play was abut t begin and we fund ut that ur main actr Shruti had an accident and wuld nt be able t perfrm in the play. We were all sad and tense as the parents were waiting fr the play t start.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Suddenly, we saw a pretty dark girl walking ut f the dressing rm. __________________________________
    The shw was remarkable, and there was enthusiastic respnse frm all the parents, _______________________
    合肥六中2024 届高三最后一卷
    Text 1
    W: Are yu ready t g t the lake?
    M: Yes, I am. I've already packed my fishing equipment. Did yu make my lunch?
    W: I did. It's in the backseat f the car.
    M: Thanks, hney. I'll see yu later.
    Text 2
    W: Brrr! I'm cld. I thught it was suppsed t be sunny tday.
    M: Yeah, I thught s, t. That's what the weatherman said.
    W: It must be the wind that makes it s cld. I'm freezing! Let's g indrs.
    M: OK.
    Text 3
    M: The annuncement said passengers waiting t bard shuld g t the ticket cunter. I've gt t g.
    W: I'll be seeing yu. Have a smth flight.
    Text 4
    W: Put an ad n the Internet. We've gt t find a persn fr this jb.
    M: Can yu give me an idea abut what srt f cnditins we are ffering?
    W: Just say salary negtiable based n qualificatins and experience.
    Text 5
    M: Lucy, where is Tdd?
    W: He's in the cnference rm. He's been waiting fr yu.
    M: Culd yu tell him my flight has been delayed? I need t change the meeting time fr tmrrw.
    W: OK. I'll let him knw.
    Text 6
    M: After hurs f cnference, they've finally agreed n a cleaning schedule. They're starting n the hallways this afternn.
    W: It's abut time. They're dirty! What abut the frnt ffice? And the cafeteria?
    M: The frnt ffice is scheduled fr cleaning n Wednesday. I dn't knw abut the cafeteria, but I suppse they'll get t it smeday sn.
    W: Well, I hpe they get t it befre the end f next week. I'm giving a wrkshp that Friday, and I need t use the cafeteria space.
    Text 7
    M: What a fantastic perfrmance! Thank yu fr inviting me t the musical.
    W: Yu are welcme. I'm happy yu enjyed the shw. The perfrmances f the dancers were incredible. It reminds me
    f when I used t dance.
    M: I knw! Yu were such a talented ballerina. D yu miss dancing?
    W: Oh, that's very kind f yu, Shannn. I d miss it smetimes. I felt wnderful when I was n the stage. But I will always be a fan f the arts. That's why I lve ging t musicals because it's the perfect cmbinatin f sng, dance and theater.
    Text 8
    W: Can I help yu?
    M: Yes. I’d like t return this jacket.
    W: May I ask why yu're returning it?
    M: I bught it fr my sn, but it's t small.
    W: D yu have yur receipt?
    M: Yes, here it is.
    W: I'm srry. This jacket was n sale. We dn't return n-sale items. Yu can exchange it fr smething else r we can give yu a credit nte.
    M: D yu have the jacket in a larger size?
    W: Let me check. . . I'm afraid we're all sld ut.
    M: Okay, I'll take a credit nte. Hw lng is it gd fr?
    W: It's gd fr a year.
    M: Okay. I'll cme back next week and see if I can find smething else he might like.
    Text 9
    W: What des it take t be a head chef? Paul Heatn is here t tell us all abut it.
    M: Thanks! After I left schl, I tried a few ther things, including the lcal supermarket, but nthing really interested me until I gt a jb as a kitchen assistant. It was hard, dirty wrk and the pay wasn't great either. On the psitive side, I was in a really busy kitchen where the tp chefs were highly skilled and during my breaks I culd watch and learn.
    W: Thse days are behind yu nw, aren't they?
    M: Yes, these days I'm a head chef, s I'm respnsible fr rganizing the kitchen. This includes preparing the menus, selecting and training staff and keeping the kitchen in gd wrking rder. And nw I dn't have t ck every day, but can chse t d it when I really want t.
    W: What advice wuld yu give t anyne thinking f becming a chef?
    M: Yu must be prepared t deal with stressful situatins. And yu have t be able t think quickly—if the fish yu wanted t use fr yur main dish desn't arrive, yu've gt t invent smething different. Peple think that preparing fd in a first-class restaurant is a cmplicated and difficult thing t d. This is partly true. But the key t success is t buy the best and the freshest fd available and keep things simple.
    Text 10
    W: Hey, welcme t tday's talk! I'm Emma Davis, an AI enthusiast wh's been explring this since finishing at MIT. I'm excited t share my passin fr the incredible wrld f artificial intelligence, r AI.
    I'll kick things ff with an awesme stry frm 2015, in Silicn Valley. Our prject was called “Prject Skylark” and with Dr. Jack Thmpsn, a Crnell University bird expert. We wanted t teach a machine t recgnize different birds.
    It was amazing. “Avis”, the AI system, learnt t imprve its accuracy ver time. In six mnths, it culd identify bird species better than human experts! This shwed the incredible ptential f AI!
    It's cme a lng way since the 1950s with Alan Turing's ideas. Mdern systems can analyze data, spt patterns, and make decisins n their wn. This pwer has pened up endless pssibilities in areas like health care, finance, and transprtatin.
    One inspiring example cmes frm Dr. Alice Chen, wh in 2018 led a team at Stanfrd University t develp the cmputer prgram “MediScan” that analyzes images and detects early signs f diseases like cancer. MediScan’s accuracy and speed massively surpassed human capabilities, saving thusands f lives.
    Hwever, it has its challenges and risks. A 2020 reprt shwed cncern f AI taking jbs and affecting ecnmy. I lve AI but there're tugh cnversatins abut balancing prgress, jb security, privacy and security as systems get better. Tgether, we can create a future where AI helps us achieve ur wildest dreams.
    (共 20 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分30 分)
    1—5 BACBC 6—10 AACAC 11—15 BCBAA 16—20 BCCBB
    (共 20 小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50 分)
    21—25 DCADA 26—30 BCBBA 31—35 DCADA 36—40 BEGDF
    (共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)
    41—45 CADBD 46—50 ADCCB 51—55 BDCAB
    (共 10 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分15 分)
    56. are recgnized 57. wetter 58. but 59. a 60. have guided
    61. equipment 62. t water 63. cllected 64. which 65. fr
    写作 第一节(满分15 分)
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Chris,
    I'm mre than delighted t learn that yu ffer t be a vlunteer in the children's hme during the summer vacatin. Knwing that yu are in tw minds abut whether t cmmute by subway r by bike, I suggest that yu ride a bike fr the fllwing reasns.
    First f all, cycling is free f charge, while taking the subway will cst yu 2 t 3 yuan every time. Additinally, althugh it may take yu mre time t ride a bike, yu can use the time n the way t relax yurself and enjy nature. Last but nt least, riding a bike will be helpful t yu bth in building up yur bdy and imprving yur mental health.
    Hpe that my suggestins will be f use t yu.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Suddenly, we saw a pretty dark girl walking ut f the dressing rm. She was Navya. T ur surprise r shuld I say shck, she walked up t ur class teacher and said that she knew the lines f Shruti and was willing t participate in the play as the main character. Can yu imagine Navya, the mst quiet girl f the whle class, wh seldm spke anything r even smiled t anyne, vlunteered t act as a replacement? The teacher was s happy that she pulled Navya clse and hugged her tightly. Sn it was ur turn t g n the stage and perfrm ur play.
    The shw was remarkable, and there was enthusiastic respnse frm all the parents. I lked at Navya and finally saw her pretty smile. It seemed as if she had remved the mask she wre fr the first time. I felt that she was very happy t have prved herself wrthy f smething. Frm then n, Navya was part f us and she enjyed being with us. The wrld is much better with smiling faces, s remve the mask which is keeping yu away frm peple and g ut int the wrld with true smiles. 地铁
    2 元/8 公里以内;3 元/8—14公里;4元/14—21公里
    8 分钟

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