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    英 语
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18C. £9.15.
    1. Hw will the man prbably get t Cambridge University?
    A. By bus.B. By subway.C. By car.
    2. When will the wman have breakfast in her rm?
    A. Befre 6:30.B. At 6:30.C. After 6:30.
    3. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Nt decided yet.B. Stay at hme studying.C. Have a trip t Shanghai.
    4. What abut the wman’s research?
    A. Haven’t begun.B. Haven’t finished.C. Already finished.
    5. Why was the man almst late?
    A. He missed the lift.B. He didn’t catch the bus.C. He walked t slwly.
    6. What kind f ticket is the cheapest?
    A. A special ticket.B. A discunt ticket.C. A full-price ticket.
    7. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At the theater.B. At the bking ffice.C. At the pst ffice.
    8. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Relatives.B. Classmates.C. Clleagues.
    9. Why is the cmputer slw accrding t the man?
    A. It is ut f date.B. It has n memry.C. It has a virus.
    10. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is a gd ck.B. He is angry with his wife.C. He gets fat after marriage.
    11. What des the wman suggest the man d t lse weight?
    A. Jin a health club.B. Live far away frm wrk.C. Ask his wife t stp cking.
    12. Hw ften des the wman wrk ut a week?
    A. Three times.B. Five times.C. Seven times.
    13. What des the man think f the wman?
    A. Thin.B. Fat.C. Weak.
    14. What is the matter with the girl?
    A. She breaks a tth.B. She has a tthache.C. She feels pain in her bdy.
    15. What is the date tday?
    A. August 30th.B. September 1st.C. September 12th.
    16. Wh is Dina?
    A. The man’s student.B. The man’s wife.C. The man’s assistant.
    17. What des the dentist prmise abut pain during the prcedure?
    A. Lisa will feel n pain.
    B. Lisa will nly feel discmfrt.
    C. Lisa will experience severe pain.
    18. Hw lng des it take t d the tests accrding t the speaker?
    A. Half an hur.B. An hur.C. An hur and a half.
    19. What can students d at 10:00?
    A. Pick up bks at receptin.
    B. Cme back t the Learning Center.
    C. Listen t an interesting scial prgram.
    20. Wh will give away students’ timetables?
    A. Rebecca.B. Steve.C. The speaker.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)
    New Yrk City has many remarkable parks and pen spaces that are perfect fr hanging ut in warm weather. Here are fur f ur favrite places t take a scenic walk, plus where t eat nearby.
    Luis Valentin, Jr. Park
    Dn’t let all f the factries fl yu — Luis Valentin, Jr. Park has the best view f the Statue f Liberty. When yu get hungry, stp by Red Hk Lbster Pund fr may-cated lbster (龙虾). Sit at ne f the cafe’s first cme, first served utdr tables, r eat n the waterfrnt.
    Riverside Park
    Stretching 4 miles frm 72nd t 158th St, Riverside Park is perfect fr hanging ut alng the Hudsn River, enjying beautiful views f New Jersey. If walking the whle way isn’t yur thing, there’s a bike path t. Daily Prvisins ffers fantastic sandwich chices, like juicy chicken and smked bacn.
    Central Park
    There are many reasns t walk thrugh Central Park this spring: histric landmarks, great bird watching spts, and hanging ut with friends. And while these are enjyable activities, they’re even better with a pastrami sandwich frm Pastrami Queen.
    Ridgewd Reservir
    At Ridgewd Reservir, yu’ll find an easy hiking spt with a peaceful nature preserve and skyline views f Manhattan. After hiking, head t Rl’s fr varius sandwich ptins. It has utdr tables but n heaters, s yu can take everything t g if it’s t cld ut.
    21. What is the best spt fr enjying views f the Statue f Liberty?
    A. Luis Valentin, Jr. Park.B. Ridgewd Reservir.
    C. Riverside Park.D. Central Park.
    22. What makes Riverside Park an attractive destinatin?
    A. It features a bike path fr leisurely rides.
    B. It prvides varius sandwich ptins at Rl’s.
    C. It is knwn fr its icnic status and histric landmarks.
    D. It prvides a scenic walk with ptins fr bird watching.
    23. Where is this article mst likely surced frm?
    A. An nline cking advertisement.
    B. A lcal New Yrk City travel guide.
    C. The lifestyle sectin f a lcal newspaper.
    D. An fficial turism design fr New Yrk City.
    Charlie Jeffers, 17, a senir at Redwd High Schl in Marin Cunty, Calif., has lved Leg since age 4. His rm is full f Leg bricks. Nticing his friends start thrwing away their ld Leg cllectins, he hatched a plan. “Legs are pricey,” he nted. “Many can’t affrd them.” He started cllecting unwanted Leg parts frm friends and neighbrs, spreading the wrd thrugh cmmunity ntices and dr-t-dr visits.
    The respnse was surprising. Dnatins f ld Leg sets pured in, prpelling Jeffers t frmalize his effrts under the banner f Pass the Bricks. Tgether with a dedicated team f vlunteers, Jeffers and his teammates carefully clean, srt, and repurpse cllected Leg pieces int imaginative sets. These sets, each with rughly 20 t 60 pieces, are carefully made t create scenes such as blind dates r family phtshts. Since its start in 2020, Pass the Bricks has made a significant success. With ver 3,000 sets dnated t date, Jeffers and his team are driven by tw purpses: t reduce landfill waste and t prvide Legs t children wh might therwise g withut. Jeffers stresses the educatinal value f Leg, emphasizing its capacity t inspire creativity and learning.
    Pass the Bricks has since expanded its reach natinwide, with vlunteers in several states distributing sets t lcal charities. T ensure each set is presented with care, Jeffers uses dnatins and persnal funds frm his jb at a gym t purchase affrdable cardbard gift bxes nline. These sets, accmpanied by instructins and a pht f the finished prduct, are distributed t varius rganizatins and directly t children at lcal schls.
    Despite his appraching t cllege, Jeffers remains devted t his cmmitment t Pass the Bricks. He plans t cntinue and expand the initiative, driven by a desire t share the jy and educatinal benefits f Leg with as many children as pssible. “We’re grateful t share them with the kids and families we serve,” Jeffers expresses. Reflecting n his wn Leg-filled childhd, he acknwledges its prfund influence. “I aim t prvide thers with the same chance,” he emphasizes, eching his nging cmmitment t sharing the jy f Leg with all.
    24. What is the primary purpse f Pass the Bricks?
    A. T generate prfit frm selling Leg sets.
    B. T recycle ld Leg pieces and reduce waste.
    C. T cmpete with ther Leg manufacturers.
    D. T prmte the use f Legs in prfessinal settings.
    25. Which best replaces the wrd “prpelling” in paragraph 2?
    A. Frcing.B. Preventing.C. Urging.D. Expecting.
    26. Hw des Jeffers ensure that each set is presented with care?
    A. By relying n cmmunity cntributins.
    B. By investing in apprpriate packaging materials.
    C. By securing financial supprt thrugh varius means.
    D. By distributing with charitable rganizatins natinwide.
    27. What des Jeffers hpe t achieve by cntinuing Pass the Bricks?
    A. Establishing a sustainable cmpany.
    B. Earning recgnitin fr his dedicatin.
    C. Enhancing persnal satisfactin and grwth.
    D. Sharing Leg jy with many children and families.
    If yu’re lucky enugh t live near frests, yu’ll knw that it’s cler under the trees during ht mid-days. Even if yu live in a city with mre buildings than trees, visiting a lcal park r garden can help yu stay cl.
    A study frm the University f Surrey in the UK fund that btanical gardens can make city air cler by up t 5 degrees Celsius. Wetlands and rain gardens aren’t far behind, cling the air by abut 4.7 and 4.5 degrees Celsius. Trees alng streets als help, lwering air temperatures by 3.8 degrees Celsius, while city parks can make it 3.2 degrees Celsius cler.
    The paper ntes that an air temperature f 40.3℃ (104.5℉) brke recrds in the UK n July 19, 2022. Sme 62, 862 deaths were linked t summer heat acrss Eurpe in the same year, while the 2003 heatwave in Eurpe led t an ecnmic lss f €16 billin due t drught and crp failures. Accrding t the IPCC, “green and blue urban infrastructure (基础设施) elements, including parks, engineered greening prjects, wetlands, green walls, and btanical gardens, are particularly effective in reducing air temperatures in cities”.
    We’ve already seen a number f architecture prjects arund the wrld emply large amunts f greenery t prmte lcal cling, alng with beneficial landscaping. Hwever, it’s imprtant t recgnize that there isn’t ne simple slutin t suit every site, and much will depend n effective planning.
    “Our paper cnfirms just hw many ways there are t keep cl,” added Prfessr Maria de Fatima Andrade at the University f Sa Paul, Brazil. "But it als reveals hw much wrk is left t d. Institutins arund the wrld need t invest in the right research-because what’s very clear frm ur study is that there is n universal slutin. It depends n what wrks fr yur cmmunity.”
    28. What can we cnclude frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Green spaces help keep peple cl.
    B. Wetlands and rain gardens are less effective.
    C. Btanical gardens are the best way t stay cl.
    D. Mre trees in urban areas mean cler temperatures.
    29. Why des the authr mentin “Eurpe” in paragraph 3?
    A. T discuss specific cnsequences f heatwaves.
    B. T emphasize the widespread impact f urban heat.
    C. T illustrate the seriusness f heatwaves with examples.
    D. T prvide cntext fr temperature recrds and their impacts.
    30. What des Prfessr Andrade emphasize abut cling slutins?
    A. The significance f glbal research supprt.
    B. The variety f cling methds available.
    C. The requirement fr universal cling slutins.
    D. The imprtance f tailring slutins t fit lcal needs.
    31. What might be a suitable title fr the passage?
    A. The Cling Pwer f Urban Green Spaces
    B. The Ecnmic and Health Impacts f Heatwaves
    C. Innvative Architectural Slutins fr Urban Cling
    D. The Rle f Btanical Gardens in Urban Temperature Regulatin
    A team f scientists frm the Center fr Cgnitin and Sciality and the Data Science Grup at the Institute fr Basic Science (IBS) made an exciting discvery abut hw cmputers and human brains wrk similarly when remembering things. They fund ut that the way artificial intelligence (AI) mdels, like thse in smart rbts, stre memries is a lt like hw ur brain’s memry center, called the hippcampus (海马体), des it. This part f the brain is really imprtant fr feelings and memries.
    Understanding hw AI learns and keeps infrmatin is key t making it smarter. The scientists lked int hw ur brains learn and remember by fcusing n a special prcess invlving the NMDA receptr, a critical part f the hippcampus. This receptr wrks like a smart dr in ur brain that helps with learning and remembering. It pens when certain brain chemicals are present, allwing the cell t receive signals and create memries. A specific element, magnesium, acts like a guard, nly letting substances in under the right cnditins.
    Interestingly, the team fund that Transfrmer, a type f AI mdel, uses a similar “guarding” methd t manage its memry. They wndered if they culd make the Transfrmer’s memry better by cpying the brain’s prcess. By adjusting sme settings in the Transfrmer t mimic (模拟、模仿) the brain’s memry dr, they imprved its ability t remember things lng-term, just like adjusting magnesium levels can affect hw well we remember stuff.
    This discvery is a big deal because it shws we can use what we knw abut the brain t make AI smarter. C. Justin LEE, a neurscience (神经学) directr at the institute, mentined that this research was a big step frward fr bth AI and brain science. It pens up new ways t understand hw the brain wrks and t create mre advanced AI based n these insights.
    S, in simple terms, scientists have figured ut that cmputers can learn and remember in ways that are surprisingly similar t us, which culd help make them even smarter in the future.
    32. What des the term “NMDA receptr” in paragraph 2 mst likely refer t?
    A. A type f cmputer virus that attacks AI systems.
    B. A new technlgy fr making cmputers run faster.
    C. A cmpnent in AI mdels that predicts future events.
    D. A part f the human brain invlved in learning and memry.
    33. What did the team discver abut Transfrmer?
    A. It directly mimics the brain’s memry prcess.
    B. It is unaffected by changes in memry settings.
    C. It uses a special methd t manage memry.
    D. It requires adjustments t enhance lng-term memry.
    34. What is the significance f the research findings accrding t C. Justin LEE?
    A. It is a new apprach t memry rganizatin.
    B. It is a crucial step in advancing AI and neurscience.
    C. It is a methd fr imprving shrt-term memry in AI.
    D. It is a breakthrugh in understanding AI emtinal prcessing.
    35. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Explring the NMDA receptr in the brain.
    B. Discussing implicatins f neurscience fr AI.
    C. Cmparing cmputer and human memry prcesses.
    D. Discvering similarities between AI and human memry.
    Hw t Develp Critical Thinking Skills
    There’s n magic methd t change yur thinking prcesses. Imprvement happens with small, intentinal changes in yur everyday habits until a mre critical apprach t thinking is autmatic. Here are sme tips fr building strnger self-awareness and learning hw t imprve critical thinking:
    Be careful
    36 . One f the key principles f critical thinking is asking questins and analyzing the available infrmatin. Yu might surprise yurself at what yu find when yu stp t think befre taking actin. Befre making a decisin, use evidence, lgic, and reasning t supprt yur wn pinins r challenge ideas. 37 .
    Ask pen-ended questins
    “Yes” r “n” questins invite agreement rather than reflectin. 38 . Digging deeper can help yu identify ptential biases, uncver assumptins, and arrive at new pssible slutins.
    Learn t be quiet
    Active listening is the intentinal practice f cncentrating n a cnversatin partner instead f yur wn thughts. 39 . If yu’re brainstrming with yur team r having a 1:1 with a cwrker, listen, ask clarifying questins, and wrk t understand ther peple’s viewpints. This will help yu find weaknesses in arguments fr better slutins.
    Put it dwn
    Recrding yur thughts with pen and paper can lead t strnger brain activity than typing them ut n a keybard. If yu’re stuck and want t think mre critically abut a prblem, writing yur ideas can help yu prcess infrmatin mre deeply. 40 . Ideas are mre likely t remain in the backgrund f yur mind, leading t deeper thinking that infrms yur decisin-making prcess.
    A. Cmparing different views helps yu learn
    B. There’s nthing wrng with a little bit f dubt
    C. It helps yu avid being misled by inaccurate infrmatin
    D. It invlves fcusing n details and valuing thers’ pinins
    E. Try t engage with peple wh help yu develp yur ideas
    F. The act f recrding ideas n paper can als imprve yur memry
    G. Instead, ask pen-ended questins that frce yu t engage in analysis
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
    One sunny afternn, Lily fund a lst kitten hiding behind a bush. It was mewing with tears. Lily’s heart melted (融化) at the 41 . Withut hesitatin, she picked it up and held it in her 42 . Frm that mment n, Lily and the kitten, whm she named Whiskers, became 43 . They spent their days explring the wds, running after butterflies, and even 44 secrets. Lily wuld ften read her favrite bks alud t Whiskers, wh seemed t 45 happily by her side.
    As the seasns 46 and years passed, their bnd nly grew 47 . Whiskers grew int a big cat, but his lve fr Lily remained firm. He was her cnstant friend, ffering 48 during her challenging times.
    One winter’s day, a heavy snwstrm swept thrugh the twn, leaving everything 49 in white. Lily, wrried abut Whiskers being ut in the cld, searched 50 fr him. After hurs f searching, she fund him huddled (蜷缩) beneath a tree, his fur was 51 in frst. With tears in her eyes, Lily gently picked up Whiskers and rushed him hme. She 52 him in a warm blanket, nestled him by the fireplace, and held him clse. As they sat tgether, lying in the 53 , Lily realized just hw much Whiskers meant t her.
    Frm that day frward, Lily prmised t always value the special 54 they shared. Thrugh thick and thin, they wuld stand by each ther’s 55 , their hearts frever intertwined in a bnd f uncnditinal lve and friendship.
    41. A. cstB. sightC. thughtD. event
    42. A. pcketB. armsC. fingersD. bag
    43. A. strangeB. dangerusC. inseparableD. funny
    44. A. revealingB. hidingC. inquiringD. sharing
    45. A. listenB. laughC. smellD. sleep
    46. A. maintainedB. ignredC. escapedD. changed
    47. A. unsaferB. fartherC. lserD. strnger
    48. A. cmfrtB. funC. chanceD. aid
    49. A. clredB. heatedC. blanketedD. prtected
    50. A. pessimisticallyB. anxiuslyC. aimlesslyD. sincerely
    51. A. catedB. driedC. washedD. painted
    52. A. wrappedB. graspedC. threwD. pressed
    53. A. dreamB. rainC. shelterD. warmth
    54. A. infrmatinB. fdC. bndD. duty
    55. A. tendencyB. sideC. headD. life
    Jane Eyre (《简爱》) is a timeless classic that attracts readers with its pwerful strytelling and unfrgettable characters. 56 (write) by Charltte Brnte, this nvel fllws the jurney f Jane Eyre, a pr yung wman wh vercmes adversity 57 (find) lve and independence.
    The nvel is a masterpiece f Victrian literature, explring themes f lve, mrality, and scial class. Jane Eyre’s strng sense f self-wrth and independence makes her attractive, while her lve fr Mr. Rchester adds depth 58 the stry.
    Brnte’s writing style is 59 (elegance) and interesting, drawing readers int Jane’s wrld and engaging them in the richly detailed settings f Thrnfield Hall and Yrkshire. The nvel’s atmspheric descriptins and vivid imagery bring the stry t life, 60 (create) an absrbing reading experience.
    One f the mst memrable aspects f Jane Eyre is its 61 (explre) f cmplex inner struggles f 62 (it)characters. Frm Jane’s internal cnflicts t Mr. Rchester’s trubled past, the nvel explres the depths f human emtin with sensitivity.
    Overall, Jane Eyre is an everlasting masterpiece 63 cntinues t attract readers f all ages. Its pwerful themes, memrable characters, and engaging strytelling make it 64 must-read fr anyne seeking an unfrgettable nvel. S far, Jane Eyre 65 (leave) a lasting legacy (遗产), inspiring numerus adaptatins in film, televisin, and theater. Its timeless themes cntinue t attract audiences f all ages, making it a belved classic fr generatins t cme.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    As an educatr, I have discvered that the life lessns that students bring with them t schl are the nes that I truly need t learn.
    One stry that describes this awesme respnsibility starts with a secnd year cllege student. Every day, he wuld cme int my math class, sit in the very back and avid eye cntact. When I wuld ask the class questins, I culd hear a deep vice cming frm his directin saying the crrect answer every single time. I immediately began t investigate and fund that he had high standardized test scres but his reprt card in schl did nt match his perfrmances. I knew smething had t change.
    Thrugh ur schl mentring (辅导制) prgram, I asked him if he wuld like t be a part f a supprt team that was specifically designed t help him graduate n time with his classmates. This prgram required me t visit all f his classrm teachers, help him cmplete every assignment, prvide him with materials t finish prjects, and cnstantly remind him that success culd be achieved if he stayed n this path. In his senir, he was able t make the Hnr Rll (光荣榜).
    This student had been living with his great-grandfather instead f living with his mther and six siblings (姊妹). The cncept f family had nt been demnstrated in his life. Hwever, at schl, this prgram prvided him with a team that fcused n his academic needs as well as celebrated his successes. The idea f family, where he was cared fr and was seen as imprtant, was able t becme a reality.
    Unfrtunately, during his senir year, his great-grandfather passed away, which terribly influenced his newly psitive view f life. But because f the bnd that was established ver the past tw years thrugh the prgram, I was able t keep him fcused n what he culd cntrl t achieve his gal. He shwed determinatin and perseverance, and he became a senir with his riginal class and had the pprtunity t graduate with his friends.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    Text 1
    M: I’d like t g t Cambridge University tmrrw. Hw can I get there?
    W: Take the subway. It’s near the bus stp.
    Text 2
    W: What time d yu start serving breakfast, please?
    M: At 6:30 in the dining-rm. But yu can get it earlier in yur rm if yu wish.
    Text 3
    W: Where are yu ging t travel fr the summer vacatin?
    M: I want t have a trip t Shanghai. But my mther wants me t prepare fr the entrance examinatin at hme. S, I might take my mther’s advice.
    Text 4
    M: Hi, Jenny. Hw are yu getting alng with yur research paper?
    W: I’ve finished all my research, but I haven’t been able t rganize it, s I haven’t begun the paper yet.
    Text 5
    W: Eric, Yu were almst late fr the meeting!
    M: I’m s srry, Ms. White — I miss the bus. I was trying t decide whether t walk r g back and get my car when I saw ur clleague. Luckily he ffered me a lift.
    Text 6
    W: Thank yu fr waiting. There are three kinds f tickets: full-price tickets, discunt tickets, and special tickets fr single spt.
    M: Please tell me abut the differences in detail.
    W: If yu buy a full-price ticket, yu can visit all the spts in this area. Cmpared with the ther kinds f tickets, it is higher: 150 yuan per persn. The discunt ticket is 120 yuan per persn fr the elderly and students.
    M: What abut the last kind?
    W: 50 yuan per persn.
    M: OK. I’ll have tw special tickets.
    (停顿00′02″重复 停顿00′10″)
    Text 7
    W: Ah. This cmputer is driving me crazy. It seems t wrk OK but it just takes a lng time t d anything.
    M: Maybe it has a virus. Let me check it. I was an IT assistant befre I came t ur cmpany.
    W: That’s great. Perhaps yu can slve my prblem.
    M: Indeed, I can. Just lk at all these unused files. They are all using memry. N wnder yur machine is slw. I will delete all the stuff and it shuld wrk fine.
    W: Thank yu s much fr all yur help.
    (停顿00′02″重复 停顿00′10″)
    Text 8
    W: Hi! Yu’ve gtten bigger since the last time I saw yu.
    M: Yeah, ever since I gt married I’ve been putting n weight. My wife is a gd ck.
    W: Dn’t blame yur wife’s gd cking. Yu need t start exercising.
    M: I knw I shuld. But I dn’t have any place t wrk ut anyway.
    W: Have yu thught abut jining a health club?
    M: I have. But they are expensive. Als, I dn’t have the time.
    W: I’m a member f a health club. Yu’d be surprised at hw inexpensive a year’s membership is. Mst members wrk ut fr abut an hur just three times a week. And I exercise every day.
    M: Sunds reasnable. I mean, yu lk skinny enugh.
    W: Well, t tell the truth, I haven’t always been this slim. After I gt married, I als started putting n weight. Frm then n, I decided t take regular exercise and have been in shape ever since.
    M: Great! Yu really set a gd example fr me.
    Text 9
    M: Hi, Lisa. What seems t be the prblem tday?
    W: I hpe yu can tell me! A chunk f my tth brke ff yesterday.
    M: That’s nt gd. Did yu bite smething hard?
    W: N, I didn’t. It just kind f fell ut.
    M: I think we’d better take a full set f X-rays. OK, pen wide. Let me take a lk. It lks like yu’ve expsed the rt n yur left tth.
    W: Ouch! That hurt!
    M: Srry. I’ll be dne in a minute. I’m afraid yu’ll have t have a rt canal. I can put in a temprary filling, but yu’ll have t cme back fr the prcedure.
    W: D I have t have a rt canal? My tth desn’t really hurt t much.
    M: If we dn’t take care f this quickly, it may becme infected, and it will hurt a lt. I’ll tell Dina t set up an appintment, and I’ll see yu back here in tw weeks, n Tuesday, September 12th, at 3 p.m..
    W: Will the prcedure hurt?
    M: I’ll give yu medicine s that yu wn’t feel any pain. Relax! It’s nt s bad!
    (停顿00′02″重复 停顿00′20″)
    Text 10
    W: Welcme t Chinese Studies Club! All right, let me tell yu what is happening tday. Frm 8 am until 9:30 a.m., yu’ll d sme tests. These help us decide yur level. After yu’ve dne the tests, at abut 9:30, yu can have a break. After the break at abut 9:45, Carl will be waiting fr yu in receptin t give yu yur bks. At 10:00, please cme back t the Learning Center t listen t an intrductin. At 10: 30 yu will meet Rebecca. Rebecca will talk t yu abut the scial prgram at Chinese Studies. Then at midday, I’ll give yu yur timetables — yur persnal timetables that will tell yu yur classes and yur teachers and rms. After that, yu can have lunch. During lunch, Steve will be in her ffice if any f yu have prblems. Then, this afternn, yu culd either listen t a lecture abut Lndn r jin a cnversatin class if yu are already familiar
    (停顿00′02″重复 停顿00′15″)
    第一部分 听力
    1—5 BABCB6—10 ABCBC11—15 ACAAA16—20 CACBC
    第二部分 阅读
    21—23 AAB24—27 BCBD28—31 ACDA32—35 DCBD36—40 BCGDF
    第三部分 语言运用
    41—45 BBCDA46—50 DDACB51—55 AADCB
    第一部分 听力
    1—5 BBBCA6—10 CCBAB11—15 BCAAA16—20 BACCC
    第二部分 阅读
    21—23AAB24—27 BCBD28—31 ACDA32—35 DCBD36—40 BCGDF
    第三部分 语言运用
    41—45 ADCBB46—50 BACDD51—55 DACBA
    第三部分 第二节
    56. Written57. t find58. t59. elegant60. creating
    61. explratin62. its63. that/which64. a65. has left
    第四部分 写作
    第二节 One pssible versin (仅供参考)
    Sadly, when graduatin day apprached, he refused t attend the ceremny. He tld me that he wuld nt attend the graduatin ceremny because n family member wuld be there t see him walk acrss the stage t receive his diplma. I tld him that he was wrng; because n that day, I wuld be there as well as his six ther teachers wh had the unbelievable pprtunity t see him transfrm int a student f self-wrth, diligence, and ptential.
    I can still remember his smile face as he walked acrss that stage t receive his diplma. I still think t myself, what if that mment had never happened? What if his answers were nt heard? What if the lessns he was trying t teach me were nt learned? I have learned that lessns are nt always meant t be fr students. As a teacher, I lk frward every year t the lessns my students bring t the classrm, because I knw these lives are ready t be changed.
    Hell, everyne! I’m glad t have this chance t share my view n…
    Thanks fr listening!
    Sadly, when graduatin day apprached, he refused t attend the ceremny.
    I can still remember his smile face as he walked acrss that stage t receive his diplma.

    2023届山西省省际名校高三下学期联考三(押题卷)英语: 这是一份2023届山西省省际名校高三下学期联考三(押题卷)英语,共18页。

    山西省省际名校2023届高三英语下学期联考三(押题卷)试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份山西省省际名校2023届高三英语下学期联考三(押题卷)试题(Word版附解析),共21页。

    山西省省际名校2023届高三下学期联考三(押题卷)英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山西省省际名校2023届高三下学期联考三(押题卷)英语试卷(含答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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