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    Castal Living
    $20.00 USD
    Castal Living brings yu the best seaside spts t shp, eat, and adventure. Enjy endless inspiratin fr getaways and family travel traditins, and must-try seafd recipes. Whether yu’re lking fr the perfect cruise, cast, r cuisine, ur digital jurnal delivers yu all the best.
    Castal Living, published by Meredith, currently published s 4 times annually.
    Real Simple
    $23.99 USD
    Find everyday easy slutins with this digital magazine. Yu’ll enjy time-saving tips n reducing stress, rganizing, dinnertime favrites, beauty prducts, fashin and tested and trusted health advice. Real Simple is yur g-t surce t infuse (注入) clean spaces and practical slutins int yur busy life.
    Real Simple, published by Meredith, currently publishes tw duble issues, which cunts as tw f 12 issues in an annual subscriptin.
    Midwest Living
    $9.99 USD
    Discver the best f the American Midwest. Whether yu’re lking fr a relaxing weekend getaway r a breathtaking adventure, Midwest Living delivers the inspiratin t get yu packing. Yu’ll als get a lcal eye n the best restaurants and must-visit seasnal celebratins. Plus, sul-warming recipes yu’ll lve, gardening tips and s much mre!
    Midwest Living Magazine, published nline by Meredith, currently published 6 times annually.
    Successful Farming
    $15.95 USD
    Get insight and insider infrmatin n the wrld f agriculture in every digital issue f Successful Farming. Farmers have turned t Successful Farming fr mre than 100 years t get sustainable advice n land, sil, markets, and mre.
    Successful Farming, published by Meredith, currently published 1 2 times annually. Frequency f all magazines subject t change withut ntice.
    1.Which magazine cmes ut quarterly?
    A.Castal Living. B.Real Simple.
    C.Successful Farming. D.Midwest Living.
    2.Wh are mst likely t subscribe t Real Simple?
    A.Fashin designers. B.Reprters.
    C.Famed chefs. D.Husewives.
    3.What d the fur magazines have in cmmn?
    A.They are abut daily life tips.
    B.They are electrnic magazines.
    C.They intrduce different lifestyles.
    D.They have the same selling price.
    We put limitatins n urselves when the fear f failure grws strnger than ur will t succeed. That’s why we all need a push t help us reach further than we ever thught pssible.
    That is the purpse f NubAbility Athletics Fundatin, a nnprfit rganizatin aimed t get “limb (肢体) different” yuth —kids wh are amputees (被截肢者)— “ut f the stands, ff the bench, and int mainstream sprts.” The rganizatin hlds camps arund the cuntry, pairing kids and caches with similar limb differences t help them reach their full physical ptential.
    Tim, wh was brn withut arms, certainly didn’t believe he culd pull ff a 20-inch bx jump befre he jined. This mnth, the 14-year-ld participated in the weight-lifting and training prgram at a camp and achieved smething amazing.
    In a vide n the Internet, we see Tim’s cach teaching him t jump nt a bx. With n arm strength, it seems like a tugh task. While Tim pushes thrugh his self-dubt and jumps, he still hlds back n his first tw tries and desn’t stick the landing.
    Then, the cach pats her hands nt the bx, yelling, “All the peple wh tld yu yu can’t —right here, jump n them. Nw!” This time, Tim puts all his energy int the jump. Still, it isn’t enugh t make it all the way nt the bx. Understandably, Tim grws frustrated and turns away as if t give up. But he’s nt dne yet. Tim turns back t the bx with a lk f pure determinatin, bends his knees… and launches himself nt the bx!
    As his caches cheer him n, the victrius teen jumps dwn and straights int his mtivatr’s arms, verwhelmed with emtin at what he just achieved. That day, Tim learned he is capable f s much mre than he knew.
    Tim is living prf that we can all achieve greatness, n matter ur limitatins. All we have t d is keep trying. Never give up, and never let the wrd “can’t” hld yu back!
    4.What is the missin f NubAbility Athletics Fundatin?
    A. T pick ut excellent yung sprtsmen.
    B. T develp the full ptential f the disabled.
    C. T hld camps fr the amputees in the wrld.
    D. T encurage teenage amputees t get invlved in sprts.
    5.What might Tim initially lk like in the vide?
    A. He lacked cnfidence. B. He was full f energy.
    C. He was very excited. D. He was shy and ashamed.
    6.Which wrd can best describe the cach’s wrds?
    A. Scary. B. Funny. C. Encuraging. D. Threatening.
    7.What message can we get frm Tim’s success?
    A. Life has n limitatins. B. It is never t late t learn.
    C. A gd beginning is half dne. D. It is n use crying ver spilled milk.
    Officials have unveiled the gld, silver and brnze medals that will be awarded at this summer’s Olympic games in Paris, and each ne cntains a unique suvenir: a fragment (碎片) f waste irn frm the Eiffel Twer.
    “It’s the pprtunity fr the athletes t bring back a piece f Paris with them,” Thierry Rebul, creative directr f Paris 2024, tld reprters last week. “The abslute symbl f Paris and France is the Eiffel Twer.”
    The Eiffel Twer pened in 1889 and during the later repair wrk, sme f the riginal irn was cut ff and preserved ver time. Nw, sme f thse preserved metal fragments have fund new hmes.
    Each new Olympic me dal features a piece f Eiffel Twer irn — thugh the signature “Eiffel Twer brwn”paint has been remved. These pieces have been shaped int hexagns (六边形), which is the “shape f France”. Besides, there are wrds“Paris 2024”, the Olympic rings and the Games lg, which lks like a flame r the face f a wman with a bb haircut.
    Hw did they think f such an idea? Jachim Rncin, head f design at the Paris Games rganizing cmmittee tld the press, “We talked abut the design many times and realized that there’s ne symbl knwn acrss the wrld, which is the Eiffel Twer. We said t urselves, ‘Hey, what if we apprached the Eiffel Twer Operating Cmpany t see if it’s pssible t get a bit f the Eiffel Twer t integrate int the medal?’”
    When the Eiffel Twer Operating Cmpany agreed t vlunteer pieces f riginal irn, “the dream became reality,” adds Rncin.
    The medals, designed by the luxury Paris jewelry huse Chaumet, make peple think f the Eiffel Twer in several ther ways. The pieces f irn are secured by what lks like special nails that hld the structure tgether, and the medals’ ribbns are decrated with patterns f the twer’s latticewrk structure.
    The irn fragments are set in recycled silver, gld and brnze disks. Over 5,000 medals are being made.
    8.What des Thierry mean by saying “bring back a piece f Paris”?
    A. The athletes will buy suvenirs abut Paris.
    B. The athletes will take many phts f Paris.
    C. Part f the athletes’ medal is frm the symbl f Paris.
    D. The Eiffel Twer will be left in the athletes’ memry.
    9.What is mainly talked abut in paragraph 4?
    A. The symblic meaning f the hexagns.
    B. The shape and material f the Olympic medal.
    C. The prcessing technique f the Eiffel Twer irn pieces.
    D. The design f the Eiffel Twer irn fragment n the medal.
    10.Hw did the designers get the idea f adding the waste irn?
    A. Frm a strange dream. B. By asking fr the public.
    C. Thrugh their discussin. D. By studying the Eiffel Twer.
    11.What can we infer abut the new Olympic medals?
    A. They are innvative. B. They are light.
    C. They have six sides. D. They are glden-clred.
    OH1, a crw-sized seabird, tuched dwn just ff the Maryland cast n April 18, cmpleting a migratin frm Argentina. Sn, mre terns (燕鸥) jined OH1, and nesting seasn was fficially underway.
    The cmmn terns had becme uncmmn in Maryland until cnservatinists and scientists gave the birds, listed as endangered in the state, an artificial wden raft (筏子). This is ne f the birds’ last tehlds in the state.
    Every spring fr the last three years, staff at the Maryland Castal Bays Prgram (MCBP), have pulled the nesting raft int the water f Chincteague Bay, a narrw slice f cean situated between the state’s mainland and a chain f barrier islands. The bay was nce rich with the kind f nesting habitat seabirds need: small sandy islands where predatrs (捕食者) are rare and bushes prvide shade t flightless chicks n ht summer days. But ver the last century, due t castal develpment and sea level rise, thse islands have disappeared. And s did the terns. By 2020, there were nly 60 nesting pairs left.
    Initially intended as a temprary slutin, the rafts have nt nly stpped the cmmn tern’s ppulatin decline — they’ve cmpletely reversed it. In 2021, 23 pairs f tern s nested n the platfrm; in 2022, 155 sets f parents hatched 140 chicks.
    Figuring ut the frmula fr the birds’ success has been an nging prcess. Dave Brinker, a reginal eclgist, says that bserving the birds each year “helps us get mre terns n the rafts.”
    Fr example, during the first year the raft cntained nly sme tiny wden shelves intended t prvide shade t the baby birds. But the adult tern s used the chick shelters like fence lines, utlining their territry. “A natural habitat will have grass t prvide that natural gegraphic separatin,” Brinker says. “S the next year we added plastic grass t break up the visual landscape.”
    While the nesting platfrm has becme a life raft fr the tern ppulatin, it remains a temprary slutin. The team hpes ultimately t cnvince the state t rebuild the lst islands.
    12.Why did scientists put the nesting raft int the water f Chincteague Bay?
    A. The weather there is warmer.
    B. It is the nly bay left fr seabirds.
    C. There are visitrs waiting t see terns.
    D. The envirnment is suitable fr tern s t prduce.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “reversed” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Recrded. B. Changed. C. Ended. D. Emplyed.
    14.What is the purpse f paragraph 6?
    A. T intrduce terns’ natural habitat.
    B. T explain eclgists’ nging wrk.
    C. T pint ut the living habits f terns.
    D. T shw the cnstructin f rafts.
    15.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Terns in Maryland Are in Danger
    B. Varius Measures Are Taken t Save Seabirds
    C. Threatened Seabirds Get a Life Raft in Maryland
    D. Rafts Are Becming Terns’ Permanent Settlements
    16.Hw t Learn a New Language Frm Subtitles (字幕) f Mvies
    In rder t learn a new language, peple mstly take a special class. ①______ Yes, “SUBTITLES”. In this article, I am ging t tell yu hw t learn English frm subtitles.
    First watch a vide r a mvie withut subtitles. When yu watch any vide in yur target language, initially, turn ff the subtitles if yu can. ②______ If yu dn’t have the chice t turn ff the subtitles, just ignre it and fcus n the vide.
    Turn n the subtitles and watch again. If there are a lt f wrds and phrases yu didn’t get frm the vide, watch the vide with subtitles this time. Fcus n the accent, prnunciatin f the new wrds and phrases and hw they are used.
    ③______ Students mstly frget new vcabulary they just learned in the recent past. One f thebest ways t remember whatever yu learn is by writing it dwn n yur ntebk r nte-taking apps n yur cell phnes and using it meanwhile yu speak.
    Turn the subtitles back ff and watch. Yu have watched the vide many times and nted the wrds and phrases. Nw yu have been familiar with thse wrds and phrases. Then turn the subtitles back ff and watch the vide again. Pay attentin t the wrds and phrases yu have nted dwn. ④______
    Print ut the subtitles, read and recrd yur vice. When listening t any English dcumentaries, print ut the subtitles, then read and recrd yur vice. ⑤______ This helps yu find ut yur weaknesses and crrect yur misprnunced wrds and make yur accent sund like a native speaker’s.
    A. Yu can als recrd the whle vide.
    B. By ding s, yu will be mre familiar with them.
    C. Sme resurces n vide websites give yu this ptin.
    D. Dn’t wrry if yu dn’t cmprehend sme new wrds.
    E. Nte dwn the new wrds, idims, phrases and grammar rules.
    F. Listen back t yur recrding and cmpare yurs with the main surce.
    G. But there is anther methd which can help yu with the language yu learn.
    Shrtly befre Dad died, I gt a call frm Betty. She was a 1 f ur family wh lived right acrss the street. She asked me if I’d nticed that Mm was getting 2 and was starting t tell stries and ask questins time and again. My thughts 3 my phne calls t Mm. I agreed with Betty. I had nticed sme things, but I 4 wasn’t t cncerned. After all, Mm was in her 70s. Dn’t all peple in their 70s 5 things?
    I gt anther call frm Betty. She tld me abut the card game they had 6 ne week ag. And it was Mm and Dad’s turn t have it at their huse. Everyne 7 but Mm just frgt that and ran arund trying t find the cards. That never happened befre.
    Betty phned again, telling me ne day when Mm drve, she 8 in frnt f ncming cars t make a left turn. Mm, in Betty’s pinin, was becming a very unsafe 9 . At this pint, I had n idea what t d abut that.
    Lking back, Dad had been 10 fr Mm. And the rest f us were 11 these things as part f her grwing ld. Fr mnths after Dad passed away, we all blamed her frgetfulness n 12 .
    Alzheimer (阿尔茨海默症) is a very 13 prcess and mst peple experience symptms fr nearly three years befre being cnfirmed by dctrs.
    I am 14 that ur friend Betty was right acrss the street fr all the time I culdn’t be there. It’s still 15 t me t think what culd have happened withut Betty in thse days.
    17.A. relative B. friend C. dctr D. cwrker
    18.A. sensitive B. mean C. frgetful D. weak
    19.A. lked frward t B. gave way t
    C. paid attentin tD. flashed back t
    20.A. similarly B. frtunately C. frequently D. actually
    21.A. repeat B. ignre C. treasure D. manage
    22.A. imagined B. updated C. arranged D. assciated
    23.A. agreed B. gathered C. dubted D. witnessed
    24.A. turned B. stpped C. ran D. relaxed
    25.A. player B. shpper C. driver D. patient
    26.A. aplgizing B. applying C. cking D. cvering
    27.A. pretending B. experiencing C. dismissing D. describing
    28.A. rutine B. grief C. relief D. anxiety
    29.A. bvius B. typical C. gradual D. awful
    30.A. regretful B. satisfied C. cnvinced D. grateful
    31.A. trubling B. disappinting C. surprising D. embarrassing
    32.The film Petry tells an inspiratinal stry f a yung ①______ (cnstruct) wrker called Hailu wh dreams f becming a pet and lands a jb at a petry magazine named Caiwei.
    Hwever, just as he begins t make an impact, the editr-in-chief is diagnsed with a serius illness. The weight f saving the magazine falls nt Hailu’s shulders. The challenge is ②______ (verwhelm), but Hailu faces it psitively and saves the magazine ③______ (eventual).
    The film has received critical acclaim (好评), ④______ (win) Best Picture at China’s Wushan Gddess Art Film Festival in early April. It has been listed ⑤______ ne f the key prmtin films f ne f China’s natinal film verseas prmtin centers.
    Thugh Petry ⑥______ (film) in 2020 under a very limited budget, Ning Jingwu, the directr f Petry and his crew insisted n finishing the film, hping t inspire mre peple ⑦______ (read) and write petry.
    The film’s Chinese name Caiwei takes its name frm ⑧______ pem in Shijing, r The Bk f Sngs, the earliest cllectin f pems in China. The film als qutes a large number f pems, sme f ⑨______ are suggestins prvided by sme petry and drama rganizatins and sme were selected by the crew due t the meaning these wrks ⑩______ (hld) fr them during the sht.
    33.自“国球进校园”活动开展以来,你校举办了第一届乒乓球比赛,你校的交换生 James取得了第三名的好成绩。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear James,
    Li Hua
    34.Spreading Jy
    This past Christmas seasn began fr me as usual n the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. My mm, sister, and I had gtten up early t g shpping. As we were driving ut f a stre parking lt, we caught sight f a dreadfully thin wman sitting n a walker. She was clearly hmeless, with bird feathers stuck int her gray hair, and a dirty yellw raincat.
    That hmeless wman gt us thinking abut what Christmas wuld be like fr sme ne wh has n place t call hme. With n family t turn t and certainly n presents t pen n Christmas mrning, these peple have nthing t lk frward t but the cld and lnely place where they chse t camp. Even thugh we live in sunny Califrnia, the temperature can still fall belw freezing n winter nights. Where wuld this wman sleep when the sun went dwn?
    Sadly, hmeless peple are a cmmn sight in ur twn. On ur way hme, we passed cuntless peple pushing shpping carts verflwing with their belngings and peple standing in the center dividers f rads hlding cardbard signs with “Just Hungry” written n them.
    The next day, my mm had a great idea. While we were ut Christmas shpping, we purchased sme blue tins (罐) f sugar ckies and a few bxes f candy canes. When we gt hme, I helped my mm carefully ti e each tin with a red ribbn and tape a candy cane n tp. Next, we wrte “Call 211 fr Help” n ntes and taped them t the bttms f the tins. “Nt nly will we be spreading Christmas cheer, but nw the hmeless peple will have a number t call and get the help they need,” my mm explained as we wrked.
    We put all the tins in the car and, whenever we went fr a drive, we searched the streets fr individuals dwn n their luck. Usually, the streets are crwded with peple carrying sleeping bags, but smehw when yu are lking fr smething, it always seems t disappear.
    Eventually, we fund a yung man sleeping in the Lwe’s parking lt. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The day befre Christmas, we drve arund the streets again with ur final tin. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一个杂志的介绍“Castal Living, published by Meredith, currently published 4 times annually.”可知, Castal Living 是季刊杂志,每年出版四期。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Real Simple的内容可以知道,这本杂志介绍减压、整理技巧、晚餐、美容产品、时尚技巧和健康建议等,因此判断家庭主妇是最可能的订阅用户。
    解析:细节理解题。根据每本杂志上面出现的digital 以及 nline可知,这四本杂志都是电子数码杂志。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段首句“That is the purpse f NubAbility Athletics Fundatin, a nnprfit rganizatin aimed t get ‘limb (肢体) different’ yuth — kids wh are amputees(被截肢者) —‘ut f the stands, ff the bench, and int mainstream sprts.’”可知,这个组织的宗旨是让肢体有缺陷的年轻人参与运动。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“While Tim pushes thrugh his self-dubt and jumps, he still hlds back n his first tw tries”可知,最初Tim是有过自我怀疑的,只尝试了两次,也就是没有信心做到教练要求去做的事情。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中“All the peple wh tld yu yu can’t —right here, jump n them. Nw!”可知, 教练让Tim把箱子看作是那些认为他跳不上去的人们,鼓励他向上跳,由此推断,教练的话是很激励人的。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中“We talked abut the design many times and realized that there’s ne symbl knwn acrss the wrld, which is the Eiffel…”可知,设计者们是在讨论中得到的这个设计奖牌的想法。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中The bay was nce rich with the kind f nesting habitat seabirds need: small sandy islands where predatrs(捕食者) are rare and bushes prvide shade t flightless chicks n ht summer days.可知,那个海湾更适宜燕鸥的繁殖。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据后句内容可知,2021年,23对燕鸥在平台上筑巢;2022年,155 对父母孵出了140只雏鸟,这体现了燕鸥数量的上升,因此推断 B选项“改变”可以代替划线词。
    解析:推理判断题。结合上文第五段内容Dave Brinker says that bserving the birds each year“helps us get mre tern s n the rafts.”可知,本段举例的目的是说明生态学家们为了吸引鸟到木筏子上所做的工作。
    解析:①.G 前句指出人们通常学习语言的方式就是通过参加专门的课程,而后面文章介绍了通过看字幕来学习语言,由此推断G选项“但是还有另一种方法可以帮助你学习语言。”符合语境。
    ②.C 空前内容建议人们关掉字幕看第一遍,空后指出如果没有这样的选择(关掉视频)该如何去做,因此推断C 选项“一些视频网站资源给了你这个选项。”符合语境,其中chice 和 ptin 是同义词。
    ③.E 本段内容指出最好的能够记牢所学内容的方法之一就是记下来,然后在说的时候使用,因此判断E选项“记下生词、习语、短语和语法规则。”可以概括本段中心,能够作为段落主题句。
    ④.B 空前内容是让人们在对词汇熟悉之后再看没有字幕的视频,注意记下来的词汇以便让自己对它们更加熟悉,因此判断B选项“这样做,你会更熟悉他们。”可以承接上文。
    ⑤.F 前句内容建议人们打印字幕,然后朗读并录音,而后句则提到发现并纠正自己的发音,由此推断F 选项“听一遍你的录音,并将你的和主要来源进行比较。”符合语境。
    完形填空 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了自己的母亲患阿尔茨海默病初期的症状并感谢了朋友对她的善意提醒。
    解析:考查名词。根据末段中出现的“I am that ur friend Betty was right acrss the street”可知, Betty 是作者一家的朋友。
    解析:考查形容词。根据空后内容以及下文中的“we all blamed her frgetfulness n .”可知,作者的母亲开始变得健忘。
    解析:考查动词短语。根据下文可知,我回想起我跟母亲的通话。flash back t 回想起……
    解析:考查动词。根据前面的“Mm was getting and was starting t tell stries and ask questins time and a-gain.”可知,作者认为70岁的人都会唠叨重复说过的话。
    解析:考查动词。根据下文出现的it was Mm and Dad’s turn 可知, Betty 和其他人来到作者的母亲家打牌是事先安排的。
    解析:考查名词。因为母亲违反了交通规则的驾驶,因此 Betty认为母亲;已经不是合格的司机了。
    解析:考查动词。根据上文“After all, Mm was in her 70s. Dn’t all peple in their 70s things?”可知,作者认为健忘是变老的一部分。dismiss意为“不考虑,不理会”。
    解析:考查名词。根据文章首句“Shrtly befre Dad died,”可知,父亲去世了,在最初的几个月里,人们都认为是难过悲哀才让母亲有些健忘,而没有意识到是阿尔茨海默症。
    解析:考查形容词。根据句中的“fr nearly three years”可知,阿尔茨海默症的症状是逐渐发展的过程。
    解析:考查形容词。因为 Betty 的不断提醒才使得作者对母亲的病在早期就有所注意,因此作者对 Betty是非常感激的。
    32.答案:① cnstructin② verwhelming③ eventually④ winning⑤ as⑥ was filmed⑦ t read⑧ a⑨ which⑩ held
    解析:①考查名词。此处是名词修饰名词,表示类别,故填 cnstructin。
    ⑥考查被动语态。根据句意和时间状语 in 2020判断句子用一般过去时的被动形式。
    ⑦考查动词不定式。固定搭配:inspire sb. t d sth. 意为“激励某人做某事”。
    ⑨考查定语从句。分析结构可知,设空处是“代词+f+关系词”引导的定语从句,先行词是 pems,故引导词用表示物的关系代词 which。
    ⑩考查动词时态。根据结构可知, meaning 是先行词,设空处在定语从句中作谓语,根据句意以及句中 were selected 判断应该用一般过去时的主动语态。
    Dear James,
    I’m writing t express my sincere cngratulatins t yu! Yur perfrmance in the table tennis match was s excellent that it impressed all f us.
    As yu knw, the table tennis can nt nly build up ur bdy but it can help relieve ur stress. S we all attach great imprtance t it. But amng s many excellent cmpetitrs, yu really std ut. Of curse, n pains, n gains. Thinking f the scenes where yu practiced hard after schl, we all agreed that yu deserved the hnr. Yu really set a gd ex-ample fr us and greatly inspired us. Recently, many f my classmates have made up their minds t take up playing table tennis.
    Best wishes! Cngratulatins again!
    Li Hua
    Eventually, we fund a yung man sleeping in the Lwe’s parking lt. He was lying n the grund with nly a thin car-pet. My mm quickly gt ut f the car and placed a tin beside him. Hpefully, when he wke, he fund the tin and used a phne t call the helpline. Then we cntinued t hand ut the tins t spread a bit f hliday spirit t thse wh clearly had nne.
    The day befre Christmas, we drve arund the streets again with ur final tin. We saw the same wman we met befre in a street crner. She was still wearing the dirty yellw raincat and the bird feathers still gt stuck int her gray hair. My mm and I walked up t her with the last tin. She gratefully tk the tin and whispered, “Thank yu, ma’am” as my mm handed her the ckies. My mm and I were glad that we were able t pssibly send a ray f hpe t peple. After all, the jy f giving is what the spirit f Christmas is all abut.

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    2023届河南省名校联考高三下学期5月最终模拟 英语答案: 这是一份2023届河南省名校联考高三下学期5月最终模拟 英语答案,共10页。

    2023届河南省名校联考高三下学期5月最终模拟 英语: 这是一份2023届河南省名校联考高三下学期5月最终模拟 英语,共11页。






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