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    这是一份山东省2024届高三下学期5月联合模拟考试英语含答案,共8页。试卷主要包含了 答卷前等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Sme bks t lk frward t in 2024
    The first few mnths f 2024 are piled with exciting and interesting reads . If yu're lking t get a jump ahead n the hlds frm yur lcal library, here are just a few bks we 're lking frward t.
    James by Percival Everett
    Celebrated authr Percival Everett gives us Huckleberry Finn frm Jim's pint f view. It's far frm a straight re -telling, thugh. Instead, Everett (but ff his 2001 bk Erasure being adapted int the film American Fictin) uses the beats f the riginal stry t give us a send up f language and race.(Pub. March.19)
    The Familiar by Leigh Bardug
    This standalne fantasy was inspired by the best-selling authr's wn family histry. It takes place during the Spanish Glden Age and fllws a servant, hiding the fact that she can perfrm miracles. (Pub. Apr.9)
    Private Equity by Carrie Sun
    A memir (回忆录) abut the daughter f Chinese immigrants wh ended up becming an assistant t a billinaire hedge fund funder. It's an examinatin f the hustle and tiring lifestyle that spreads American wrk culture, and the csts f extreme wealth. (Pub. Feh.13)
    Legacy by Uché Blackstck
    Uché Blackstck has had a lng career in medicine as a dctr and as a prfessr f emergency medicine. Her accunt fllws her grwing up wanting nthing mre than t be dctr, and discvering all parts f the systemic issues that lend t prer health utcmes fr Black Americans. (Pub, Jan.23)
    1. What d we knw abut Percival Everett?
    A. He is famus fr film making.B. He wrte James under the name f Jim.
    C. His wrks are fcused n histrical fictin.D. His literary wrks have significant influence.
    2. What is the cmmn characteristic f the last tw bks?
    A. They cncern Black Americans.B. They are abut real accunt f life.
    C. They reflect American wrk culture.D. They fcus n unfair phenmenn in sciety.
    3. Which bk draws frm the writer's family backgrund?
    A. James. B. The Familiar. C. Private Equity. D. Legacy.
    Sau Hyin, a 16-year-ld student at Hng Kng Internatinal Schl, has devted the past seven years t writing fictin. He has already published tw nvels, and a third is n the way. Sau's jurney as a writer began in the 4th grade when he started a schl “passin prject”, leading him t create his first nvel Pym. This stry fllws Luke Cnnrs, an rdinary by wh grew int a brave fighter against evil.
    Sau's fictin evlved with his wn persnal grwth. At the age f 13, he created Pyr 2. a stry when Cnnrs faces challenges that mirrr Sau's struggles with math. “I tried t vercme these challenges n my wn at first hut finally fund that I need t seek the aid f thers,” he said. In the nvel, Cnnrs learns that in mments f great challenges. seeking help frm thse arund him is a test ament (证明) t grwth. Currently, Sun is wrking n Pyr 3, a prject enriched by his glbal travels and diverse cultural experiences. “I treat writing as a way t recrd my life and express myself. It als helps me t think deeply abut varius issues,” he said.
    Sau spends tw t three hurs n weekends n his writing and arund tw hur d daily during breaks. T practice his skills, Sau als jined a literary club at schl, exchanging insights int his fictin with his peers.
    “In arts and literature class, ur teacher als nurtures (培养) ur creativity by teaching creative petry.” Sau added. Fr instance, inspired by the English language pem Shw With Buddha he learned in class, he wrte Playing Saxphne With the Statue f Liberty in d imagined the statue drpped her trch r a mment, playing jur while thinking abut whether the truths f American liberty are really held r nt.
    Sau als shares his essays and petry n his persnal website and takes part in writing cmpetitins. This summer, he wn the Harbinger Prize awarded by Harbingers'Magazine, a weekly jurnal in the US.
    Next year, Sau will start university and is reslute in his decisin t majr in literature. “Fr me, literature is a utpia (乌托邦) where I can nt nly express myself but als enjy the beauty f language, its purity and its lasting pwer.” he said.
    4. What drve Su Hyin ' m take up writing?
    A. A special schl prgram. B. An unfrgettable jurney.
    C. His teacher's encuragement. D. His childhd's experience.
    5. What can we learn frm paragraph 2?
    A. Sau is unwilling t learn Math at schl.B. Sau's wrks are related t his wn experience.
    C. Sau is a very prductive writer frm an early age.D. Sau is faced with many difficulties in writing nvels.
    6. Which f the fllwing can best describe Seat?
    A. Clever and humrus. B. Talented and cautius.
    C. Hardwrking and creative. D. Curius and emtinal.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Sau Hyin: Wrds f Grwth & Adventure
    B. Luke Cnnrs: A Brave Fighter against Evil
    C. A Teen Writer's Dream: Sau Hyin's Quest fr Fame
    D. A Ppular Blgger's Rise: Luke Cnnr's Jurney t Success
    We breathe, eat and drink tiny particles f plastic. But are these in the bdy harmless. dangerus r smewhere in between? A small study published n Wednesday in the New England Jurnal f Medicine raises mre questins than it answers abut hw these hits might affect the heart.
    The study invlved 257 peple wh had surgery t clear blcked bld vessels in their necks. Using tw methds, researchers fund evidence f plastics-mstly invisible nanplastics—in 150 patients and n evidence f plastics in 107 patients. They fllwed these peple fr three years. During that time,30 r 20% f thse with plastics had a heart attack, strke r died frm any cause, cmpared t 8 r abut 8% f thse with n evidence f plastics.
    The researchers als fund mre evidence f inflammatin (炎症) in the peple with the plastic bits in their bld vessels. Inflammatin is the bdy's respnse t injury and is thught t raise the risk f heart attacks and strke.
    “I hpe that the alarming message will raise the cnsciusness f citizens, especially gvernments, t finally becme aware f the imprtance f the health f ur planet.” said Dr. Raffaele Marfella f the University f Campania in Italy.
    Nevertheless, the study was very small and lked nly at peple with narrwed arteries(动脉), wh were already at risk fr heart attack and strke. The patients with the plastics had mre heart disease, diabetes and high chlesterl(胆固醇) than the patients withut plastics. They were mre likely t be men and mre likely t be smkers. The researchers tried t adjust fr these risk factrs during their statistical analysis, but they may have missed imprtant differences between the grups that culd accunt fr the results. This kind f study cannt prve that the plastics caused their prblems.
    “Mre research is needed and it is the first reprt suggesting a cnnectin between micrplastics and nanplastics with disease in humans,” said Dr. Philip Landrigan f Bstn Cllege. Other scientists have fund plastic bits in the lungs, liver, bld, and breast milk, “It des nt prve cause and effect, but it suggests cause and effect,” he said, “And it needs urgently t be either cnfirmed r disprven(反驳) by ther studies dne by ther investigatrs in ther ppulatins.”
    8. What did the study find abut the plastics in bld?
    A. They are visible and detectable.B. They may raise the risk f serius injuries.
    C. They need t be remved by surgery.D. They may accunt fr a higher rate f heart attacks.
    9. What did Raffaele Marfella suggest?
    A. Immediate actin shuld be taken by gvernment.
    B. Alarming message shuld be spread widely and quickly.
    C. The awareness f the harm f plastic bits shuld be enhanced.
    D. Jint effrts must be made t keep healthy physically and mentally.
    10. What des paragraph 5 mainly talk abut regarding the study?
    A. Limitatins. B. Advantages. C. Causes. D. Effects.
    11. What did Dr. Philip Landrigan think f the study?
    A. Helpful but unrealistic. B. Pineering but impractical.
    C. Distinctive but unnecessary. D. Suggestive but incnclusive.
    Imagine a bus y restaurant: dishes clattering, music playing and peple talking ludly. It's a wnder that anyne in that envirnment can fcus enugh. In an earlier study. researchers established that peple can separately cntrl hw much they fcus (by enhancing relevant infrmatin) and hw much they filter (by tuning ut distractin).
    Recently, Neurscientist Ritz cmpared the prcess t muscle crdinatin (协调) in his study: “In the same way that we bring tgether mre than 50 muscles t perfrm a physical task like using chpsticks, ur study fund we can crdinate different frms f attentin in rder t perfrm brain activities.”
    T explre this, Ritz administered a cgnitive task t participants while measuring their brain activity. Participants saw a mass f green and purple dts mving left and right. The tasks invlved distinguishing between the mvement and clrs f the dts. Fr example, participants in ne exercise had t select which clr was in the majrity fr the rapidly mving dts with purple and green percentages clse t 50/50.
    “Yu can regard the intraparietal sulcus(脑顶内沟) as a radi dial with tw knbs. ne fr fcusing and ne fr filtering,” Ritz said, “When the anterir cingulate crtex(前扣带皮层) recgnizes that, fr instance, mtin is making the task mre difficult, it directs the intraparietal sulcus t adjust the filtering knb t reduce the sensitivity t mtin and might als direct the intraparetal sulcus t adjust the fcusing knb t increase the sensitivity t clr. Nw the relevant brain regins are less sensitive t mtin and mre sensitive t the clr, s the participant can make better selectin.
    Nwadays, much is still being explred abut attentin crdinatin. A partnership with scientists at Brwn University is investigating fcus and-filter strategies in patients with treatment-resistant depressin; ne study c-led by Rita and Brwn Ph, D. students examines the impact f financial rewards and penalties (处罚) n fcus -and-filter strategies. “We all knw there is still a cnsiderable jurney ahead.” Ritz said.
    12. What is the main fcus f the new study?
    A. The prcess behind brain activities in humans.
    B. The relatinship between mental state and attentin.
    C. The mechanism f fcusing and filtering crdinatin.
    D. The impart f nisy envirnment n humans attentin.
    13. What rle des the dts' mvement play in the task?
    A. A distractr fr participants.B. A tracking target fr the test.
    C. A main factr t evaluate the task.D. A warning fr participants t fcus.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The fcusing knb. B. The intraparietal sulcus.
    C. The filtering knb. D. The anterir cingulate crtes.
    15. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. There are sme challenges f the attentin research.
    B. Onging research prjects are based n these findings.
    C. Fcus-and-filter strategies can slve depressin prblems.
    D. Mtivatin ways t drive attentin are well applied in treatment.
    What is self-appreciatin and hw is it different frm gratitude?
    There's n dubt that we btain plentiful benefits frm practicing gratitude. The wrd gratitude is frm the Latin wrld gratin, which means grace, kindness, r gratefulness. 16 Studies have fund that gratitude greatly minimize s negative feelings such as depressin, negative scial cmparisns, regret, anger, and envy.
    17 It is the recgnitin and valuing f ne's unique qualities, abilities, talents. and achievements, bth big and small. It invlves acknwledging yur wrth and taking pride in yur psitive qualities. In a wrd, self-appreciatin is being grateful fr ur wn selves and delighting in ur gdness withut inspiring feelings f pride r vercnfidence.
    One f imprtant elements f self-appreciatin is sell-reflectin, which includes examining ur feelings, behavirs, and the mtivatins that may li e behind them. Yu can learn lw t develp self-reflectin by wrking with a dctr r by jurnaling. Jurnaling prvides a devted space t explre yur thughts, emtins, and experiences. 18
    All t after, we're mre likely t cmfrt, supprt, and prvide sympathy t ur friends and ur family than fr urselves when we're struggling. 19 It is the act f treating neself with kindness and understanding. particularly during difficult times and als includes recgnizing, withut judgment, ur flaws and failures. 20 Dr. Kristin Neff, n pineer in self-cmpassin research, identifies three key cmpnents, self-kindness. cmmn humanity, and mindfulness.
    When yu catch yurself giving yurself a hard time ver this hliday seasn, stp, pause, and practice the skill f self-appreciatin.
    A. Hw d yu knw if yu are experiencing a sense f gratitude?
    B. Hwever, self-cmpassin is the secnd cmpnent f self-appreciatin.
    C. Self-evalutin is an imprtant aspect f recgnizing yur persnal grwth.
    D. Writing helps with clarifying ur experience, whether it is negative r psitive.
    E. The practice f self-appreciatin takes the psitive effects f gratitude ne step further.
    F. Its ultimate aim is t develp a lving, supprtive, and empathetic relatinship with neself.
    G. In practice, gratitude invlves appreciating received blessings and acknwledging life gdness.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Viletta,86,ran away frm her hmetwn when the war brke ut. She 21 t take her dg Tasha with her, but her effrts came t a 22 end, and they were frced t separate. Yesterday, the pair met again, thanks t the help f kind 23 wh have wrked tgether t 24 the dg 1,800 miles.
    Viletta's family traveled t Ireland. Despite arriving 25 .the 86-year-ld culdn't help 26 her “best friend” Tasha. A lcal charity wrker, Debbie Deegan, wh helped the family t get t Ireland, made it her 27 t reunite the heartbrken pair.
    She said, “Viletta was quite 28 abut the whle thing and by the time they gt t Rmania they weren't able t 29 the dg s they gave it t a Rmanian family. She was 30 .She tld me Tasha was her best friend.”
    Debbie said. “We 31 a travel cmpany. 32 ,they culd nly get her as far as the UK, s it tk ne last huge effrt t deliver her t Dublin.”
    Then Debbie's friend, Jhn D'Arcy, frm Waterfrd, ffered t g t England t 33 Tasha. On Saturday, Jhn traveled with a friend by ship t England t get Tasha.
    And yesterday, Debbie 34 the news n the Internet that Viletta and Tasha had 35 eventually-and the pair culdn't lk happier abut it.
    21. A. failed B. hesitated C. refused D. decided
    22. A. surprising B. tearful C. delightful D. challenging
    23. A. turists B. families C. strangers D. wrkers
    24. A. transprt B. drive C. walk D. accmpany
    25. A. secretly B. safely C. hurriedly D. effrtlessly
    26. A. praising B. cmfrting C. prtecting D. recalling
    27. A. missin B. rder C. career D. hbby
    28. A. curius B. angry C. wrried D. frightened
    29. A. dminate B. identify C. manage D. rescue
    30. A. shcked B. sd C. crazy D. tuched
    31. A. tk ver B. set up C. cast ff D. turned t
    32. A. Hwever B. Anyhw C. Therefre. D. Instead
    33. A. adpt B. train C. cllect D. serve
    34. A. psted B. heard C. received D. cpied
    35. A. disappeared B. suffered C. arrived D. reunited
    第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Hpe Justman, in 81-year-ld American, has just cmpleted her 24th trip alng the shuda, 36 ancient rad system in Sichuan prvince that dates back t tw thusand years ag.
    Running fr arund 1,000 kilmeters, the shuda 37 (wind)thrugh muntains and crsses streams, cnnecting Sichuan prvince with the nrthern Guanzhng Plain, which was nce the heartland f ancient China.
    Justman's 38 (cnnect)t the ancient rad system dates back t her cllege days. As part f a curse n Chinese literature and art, she 39 (visit)an exhibitin in Bstn, 40 a painting captured her attentin.
    In 1997,after reading almst every English travel bk, finally she fund the shuda 41 the help f lcal guides. Since then, she has hiked mre than 400 km f it.
    Justman created a website t share her 42 (pht)f the ancient rad netwrk.In2015,a friend sht a dcumentary abut the shuda and upladed it t YuTube, 43 (earn)the attentin f like-minded peple, sme f whm asked t jin the American n her walks.
    Last mnth, she tk sme f thse friends t the Cuiyunlang sectin f the shuda, 44 (line)by ancient cypress trees with an average age f 1,050 years, the ldest tree being 45 (apprximate)2,300 years ld. She and her friends planted tw cypress trees, and prmised t meet again there next year.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,近期你校组织了经典唐诗诵读活动,请你以“Appreciating the elegance f Tang Petry”为题给校英文报写一篇稿件, 内容包括:
    1. 活动介绍:
    2. 你的收获。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第二节 (满分25分)
    My parents were taking my sisters and me t the beach after several mnths f planning. We were all very excited. Hwever, we didn't knw what awaited us that day.
    We set ut early as the beach was 200 miles away frm ur huse. After travelling fr tw hurs, we had nly cvered 100 miles because f the pr cnditin f the rad. Mrever, that was a remte rad and we didn't see anyne r any huse alng the way. Suddenly, a lud nise frightened us. The car sharply swung t ne side as my lather hit the brakes. Shcked, we gt ut and saw a flat tire(轮胎). Dad made a phne call t the radside rescue, and the respnse he received was that it wuld take tw hurs t arrive. Dad decided t change the tire n his wn, even thugh he had never dne it befre, as he always gt help frm a technician. He spent ver an hur lking up hw t change a flat tire in the car's handbk and finally gt it dne. After he finished changing if, it was midday, s we decided t take a lunch break befre hitting the rad again.
    After driving fr anther hur, the car made sme strange sunds, slwed dwn and stpped. Dad tried t start the engine again, but it didn't wrk. It was clear that smething was wrng. With n huses r ther vehicles in sight, we realized we were stranded(使滞留) in the middle f nwhere.
    A feeling f frustratin and disappintment washed ver us. Hwever, we knew we had t stay psitive and find a slutin. Dad lifted the hd (引擎盖) and examined the engine, hping t find a simple fix. After sme time, he discvered a lse wire that might cause the prblem. With his limited knwledge f car mechanics, he managed t recnnect the wire. T ur relief, the engine rared back t life. We cheered, grateful that the prblem was reslved withut needing utside help. Determined t reach ur destinatin, we gt back n the rad, hping the wrst was behind us.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每题2.5分,满分50分)
    1—3 DBB 4—7 ABCA 8—11 DCAD 12—15 CADB 16—20 GEDBF
    第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    21—25 DBCAB 26—30 DACCB 31—35 DACAD
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)
    36. an 37. winds 38. cnnectin 39. visited 40. where
    41. with 42. phts 43. earning 44. lined 45. apprximately
    第三部分 写作 (满分 40分)
    答案 (略)
    Appreciating the elegance f Tang Petry
    But when the rain pured dwn, we knew the bad luck wasn't ver.
    Finally, after a lng and hard jurney, we arrived at the beach.

    2024山东省高三下学期5月联合模拟考试英语含答案: 这是一份2024山东省高三下学期5月联合模拟考试英语含答案,共8页。试卷主要包含了 答卷前等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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