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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Staying at hme and watching Netflix is quite czy. T help yu figure ut what t watch, we take a dive int the cllectin and list sme ptins released in the last year r s that are well-wrth a watch.
    Penguin Blm (2021) 95 mins, directed by Glendyn Ivin
    Nami Watts stars in this emtinal rller-caster f a film abut a wman struggling t recver frm a catastrphic injury. After her children bring hme an injured bird, her character’s effrts t nurse the magpie nicknamed “Penguin” back t health unfld in parallel with her wn healing jurney.
    Metal Lrds (2022) 97 mins, directed by Peter Sllett
    Jaeden Martell and Adrian Green smith play a pair f teenage friends wh decide t frm a heavy metal band and enter their high schl’s Battle f the Bands cmpetitin. What they dn’t expect, hwever, is t have their friendship tested and t learn a lt mre than abut music when they recruit a shy cellist t jin them.
    The Sea Beast (2022) 115 mins, directed by Chris Williams
    Chris Williams directs this animated high-sea adventure abut a yung girl wh bards a famus mnster-hunting ship secretly, nly t discver that everything she thught she knew abut mnsters and hunters might be wrng. Karl Urban vices legendary hunter Jacb Hlland in this all-age feature.
    Guillerm del Tr’s Pincchi (2022) 117 mins, directed by Guillerm del Tr, Mark Gustafsn
    One f Hllywd mst visinary filmmakers turns his attentin t ne f the mst belved tales in children’s literature in this animated adaptatin f Carl Clldi’s 1883 nvel The Adventures f Pincchi. The film recrds Pincchi’s chase t becme a living by—a jurney that brings him thrugh ne adventure after anther.
    21. What is the purpse f this passage?
    A. T intrduce famus directrs. B. T give instructins n diving.
    C. T ffer mvie recmmendatins. D. T advertise fr Netflix cmpany.
    22. Which film wuld prbably encurage viewers wh suffer frm pain?
    A. Metal Lrds. B. Penguin Blm. C. The Sea Beast. D. Guillerm del Tr’s Pincchi.
    23. What d the last tw films have in cmmn?
    A. They are adapted frm children’s nvels. B. They last ver tw hurs.
    C. They are based n real adventures. D. They are animatins.
    The ther day I was ging thrugh the airprt at Ibiza and getting my Spanish exit stamp—a Brexit benefit r drawback depending n hw yu feel—and the nice passprt lady flicked thrugh (浏览) my passprt, seeking a rare empty page, and said: “Ww, yu have a lt f stamps. ” Like a five-year-ld, I practically glwed with pride.
    Because I d have a lt f stamps. And smetimes I simply like t lk at them. Right nw, my passprt is s full f stamps it is in danger f filling up. Hwever, there is a fair chance that this wn’t happen—nt because I have any intentin f ceasing my travels, but because mst cuntries are mving n frm the era f physical stamps. In future ur cmings and gings will be mnitred digitally—and speedily.
    This will, f curse, be great fr shrtening airprt queues, but it als means we will kiss gdbye t the rmance f the extic (奇异的) stamp, that reminder f the time we crssed frm, say, Chile t Blivia via the Andes and the salt plains. Or that first time we landed in the USA and gt ne f the simplest stamps f all. The brder fficer smiled as he stamped my passprt and said: “Welcme t America.”
    In my decades f travel, I have acquired sme seriusly—t my mind—extic and wnderful stamps: Armenia, Madagascar, Greenland. Sme f the smallest cuntries demand entire pages f yur passprt—lking at yu, Cambdia.
    Then there are the special stamps t truly remte destinatins. My persnal favurite is prbably the ne I gt ging int the Republic f Munt Aths in nrthern Greece. It was magnificently beautiful: the duble-headed eagle f Byzantium, returned t life and impressed n my passprt pages.
    It was certainly mre cheerful than the stamp I nce gt frm the British embassy in Bangkk, which arranged fr my return t the UK frm Thailand after I really misbehaved. That stamp said “Impund (扣留) Passprt n Arrival in Lndn”. And s they did.
    Yet I miss that stamp t.
    24. What des the authr think f the shift frm physical stamps t digital recrds?
    A. Mdern but artistically inferir. B. Ec-friendly but culture-erasing.
    C.Cst-efficient but emtinally hurtful. D. Cnvenient but rmance-reducing.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “yu” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Cambdia. B. Pages. C. Readers.D. Stamps.
    26. Why des the authr mentin the Bangkk stamp?
    A. T exhibit the extent f his glbal travels.
    B. T present a less psitive travel experience.
    C. T highlight his attachment t all his stamps.
    D. T reflect n his misbehavir and its cnsequences.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. My Favrite Passprt Stamps B. The Beauty f Passprt Stamps
    C. Digital Prgress: Passprt Stamps at Risk
    D. Passprt Stamps: Bridging Brders and Cultures
    There’s a useful cncept frm psychlgy that helps explain why gd peple d things that harm the envirnment: the false cnsensus effect. That’s where we vervalue hw acceptable and prevalent (普遍的) ur wn behavir is in sciety. Put simply, if yu’re ding smething (even if yu secretly knw yu prbably shuldn’t), yu’re mre likely t think plenty f ther peple d it t. What’s mre, yu likely verestimate hw much ther peple think that behavir is bradly OK.
    This bias(偏见) allws peple t justify scially unacceptable r illegal behavirs. Researchers have bserved the false cnsensus effect in drug use and illegal hunting. Mre recently, cnservatinists are beginning t reveal hw this effect cntributes t envirnmental damage.
    In Australia, peple wh admitted t paching thught it was much mre prevalent in sciety than it really was, and had higher estimates than fishers wh beyed the law. They als believed thers viewed paching as scially acceptable; hwever, in reality, mre than 90% f fishers held the ppsite view. The false cnsensus effect has als shwn up in studies examining supprt fr nuclear energy and ffshre wind farms.
    Just as cncepts frm psychlgy can help explain sme frms f envirnmental damage, s t can they help address it. Fr example, research shws peple are mre likely t litter in areas where there’s already a lt f trash scattered arund; s making sure the grund arund a bin is nt cvered in rubbish may help.
    Factual infrmatin n hw ther peple think and behave can be very pwerful. Energy cmpanies have substantially reduced energy cnsumptin simply by shwing peple hw their electricity use cmpares t their neighbrs. Encuragingly, stimulating peple’s natural desire fr status has als been successful in getting peple t “g green t be seen”, r t publicly buy ec-friendly prducts.
    As the research evidence shws, scial nrms can be a pwerful frce in encuraging and ppularizing envirnmentally friendly behavirs. Perhaps yu can d yur bit by sharing this article!
    28. Which example best illustrates the false cnsensus effect?
    A. A student spends lng hurs surfing the Internet.
    B. A blgger assumes many peple dislike his psts.
    C. A driver frequently parks illegally in public places.
    D. A smker believes peple generally apprve f smking.
    29. Hw did mst Australian fishers view the issue f paching?
    A. It is unacceptable. B. It is widespread. C. It is cntrversial. D. It is cmplex.
    30. What d the underlined wrds “g green t be seen” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Embrace green habits fr better health. B. Make green chices that thers can perceive.
    C. Jin green mvements fr persnal fulfillment.
    D. Chse green items that are easy t spt in stres.
    31. What is a recmmended apprach t addressing envirnmental prblems?
    A. Dwnplay scial nrms. B. Publicize sustainable practices.
    C. Highlight persnal respnsibilities.D. Encurage technlgical innvatins.
    A study cnducted by Crnell University examined hw the use f AI in cnversatins impacts the way peple express themselves and view each ther.
    The researchers have fund peple have mre efficient cnversatins, use mre psitive language and perceive each ther mre psitively when using an Al-enabled chat tl.
    Hwever, the grup als fund that when participants think their partner is using mre AI-suggested respnses, they cnsider that partner as less cperative.
    “I was surprised t find peple tend t evaluate yu mre negatively just because they suspect yu’ re using AI t help cmpse text, regardless f whether yu actually are,” said Jess Hhenstein, the lead researcher. “This illustrates the cntinuus verall dubt that peple seem t have arund AI.”
    Fr their first experiment, participants were asked t talk abut a plicy issue and assigned t ne f three cnditins: bth participants can use smart replies; nly ne participant can use smart replies; r neither participant can use smart replies. Researchers fund that using smart replies increased cmmunicatin efficiency, psitive emtinal language and psitive evaluatins by cmmunicatin partners. On average, smart replies accunted fr 14.3% f sent messages.
    But participants wh their partners suspected f respnding with smart replies were evaluated mre negatively than thse wh were thught t have typed their wn respnses, cnsistent with cmmn assumptins abut the negative implicatins f AI.
    “While Al might be able t help yu write,” Hhenstein said, “it’s altering yur language in ways yu might nt expect, especially by making yu sund mre psitive. This suggests that by using text-generating Al, yu’re giving up sme f yur wn persnal vice.”
    Malte Jung, an assciate prfessr, said, “What we bserve in this study is the impact that Al has n scial dynamics and sme f the unintended cnsequences that culd result frm integrat- ing AI in scial cntexts. This suggests that whever cntrls the algrithm(算法) may have influence n peple’s interactins, language and insights int each ther.”
    32. What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Methds f using AI in cnversatins. B. Impacts f using AI in cnversatins.
    C.Cnvenience f using AI in cnversatins. D. Efficiency f using AI in cnversatins.
    33. Hw d the researchers draw their cnclusin?
    A. By ding experiments.B. By analyzing figures.
    C. By making use f AI.D.By cmpleting questinnaires.
    34. Which statement des Hhenstein agree with?
    A. Al always expresses in ways yu expect.
    B. Algrithm will never influence peple’s insights.
    C. Trust can be affected by using AI in cnversatin.
    D. Yu will regain yur vice by using AI in cnversatin.
    35. Hw will a persn feel abut suspecting his partner’s using smart replies?
    A. Nervus. B. Puzzled. C. Excited.D. Uncmfrtable.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Up t 80% f premature heart disease can be prevented by making specific lifestyle chices. Sme strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well knwn. 36 “A small change in yur everyday rutine can ptentially have a big impact in the lng run,” says preventive cardilgist Dr. Beth Abramsn.
    Get eight hurs f sleep
    “ 37 ,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, funder f the Canadian Obesity Netwrk. If we’re sleep deprived, ur bdies als have mre difficulty cntrlling bld pressure, inflammatin(发炎) and glucse levels. These factrs can all have an impact n heart health.
    “We knw that lneliness is a risk factr fr heart health,” says Abramsn. “Vlunteering gets yu ut and creates a scial netwrk. ” Research published in Psychsmatic Medicine in 2020 shwed that a feeling f purpse in life is linked t a lwer likelihd f heart attack.
    Avid plluted air
    Expsure t this kind f pllutin ver time raises yur risk f heart disease. Breathing in pllutants may irritate arteries (动脉) and increase inflammatin. Even shrt perids f expsure are unhealthy fr peple wh already have ther cardivascular risks, such as high bld pressure. 39 .
    Eat breakfast
    A recent study fund that healthy peple wh skipped breakfast were almst twice mre likely t have heart disease six years later than thse cnsuming a substantial mrning meal. One pssible reasn, “If yu eat a prper breakfast, yu’re less likely t be hungry later and make pr fd chices,” says Abramsn. “ 40 .”
    A.Engage in vluntary wrk
    B.Scialize t enhance health
    C.Others, as a result, slip yur mind easily
    D.But thers may nt have crssed yur mind
    E.We need t keep a balanced diet as part f a healthy lifestyle
    F.Everything that happens in yur life gets stressful when yu stay up
    G.Try t get yur exercise far away frm highways and industrial areas
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    He really did lk like a turist, with a camera arund his neck and a bttle f sunscreen sticking ut f his bag. The fat man sat n the terrace (草坪), drinking lemnade, a little bit each time, and 41 t lk at a smth and shiny cruise brchure. His sunglasses 42 his eyes, but I knew he wasn’t lking at the brchure: he hadn’t turned a 43 fr the last ten minutes.
    As I brught him what he had rdered, he cughed up a “thank yu” and lked at me 44 . I tried nt t stare at the tiny scar acrss his left eyebrw.
    I walked back inside with my empty tray (托盘), shaking my head. He lked 45 but I culdn’t quite place him.
    Then it 46 me. The car accident. The 47 stranger wh helped me ut f my smashed car, just befre it explded. I 48 back t his table.
    He was gne.
    I mved his saucer and fund his tip, alng with a 49 :
    I am deeply 50 t yu. The night f yur car accident, I was n my way t 51 a jewelry stre. Saving yur life brught things back in perspective. I nw live an hnest life, thanks t yu. Gd bless yu! Mr. D.
    I trembled. The night f my car accident, I was heading fr an interview in a shady dance club. Seeing human kindness thrugh his 52 gesture turned my life arund and brught 53 back int my life.
    I 54 the tip he left. Amng the ne-dllar ntes was a 100-dllar nte with a pen mark underlining “In Gd We Trust”, which first appeared n paper mney in 1957.
    I said a silent 55 fr him and gt back t wrk, smiling.
    41. A. pretendingB. askingC. refusingD. burning
    42. A. beautifiedB. maskedC. prtectedD. cmfrted
    43. A. pictureB. bttleC. dishD. page
    44. A. shylyB. wrriedlyC. brieflyD. fixedly
    45. A. kindB. familiarC. sadD. puzzled
    46. A. attractedB. failedC. mvedD. hit
    47. A. funnyB. wealthyC. mysteriusD. hungry
    48. A. rushedB. inchedC. struggledD. danced
    49. A. bkB. cardC. nticeD. pster
    50. A. cmmittedB. attachedC. guiltyD. grateful
    51. A. rbB. visitC. helpD. manage
    52. A. friendlyB. hericC. traditinalD. exciting
    53. A. happinessB. glryC. hnestyD. faith
    54. A. drppedB. dubtedC. unfldedD. weighed
    55. A. prayerB. hellC. cngratulatinD. aplgy
    第二节(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    As a distinctive visual art symbl f China, Chinese paper cutting, has been arund fr centuries. With 56 (simple) a piece f paper and a pair f scissrs, diverse patterns ranging frm prtraits t animal zdiacs 57 (create) with delicate designs.
    Due t their 58 (culture) value and lw cst, Chinese paper cut-uts are ppular rnaments used t decrate windws and mirrrs. When light shines thrugh the negative spaces f the cut-uts, 59 elegant pattern is frmed indrs. 60 (refer) t as ‘windw flwers’, the pretty cuts uts decrating windws are significant in Chinese traditinal culture.
    The ldest 61 (survive) paper cut-ut is a symmetrical (对称的) circle frm the 6th century fund in Xinjiang, China. The art f Chinese paper cutting is believed 62 (riginate) in China even befre the inventin f paper by Cai Lun in 105 CE. There have been dcumentaries 63 recrd the Chinese using ther thin materials such as leaves, silk, and leather t carve hllwed patterns. It was fund that during the Western Zhu Dynasty (1046–771 BC), peple had already cut tree leaves int varius art frms 64 given them ut as presents. They created paper-cuts t depict beautiful things, wrship, and express gd 65 (wish) .
    第四部分 写作(共两节满分40分)
    假定你是华兴中学的李华,你校拟申请承办英国文化协会(British Cuncil)主办的“中英校园文化交流论坛”(China-UK Campus Culture Frum 简称 CUCF)。请你用英语为学校写一封承办申请信,内容如下:
    1. 写信目的; 2. 学校优势; 3. 希望获准。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Yurs faithfully,
    Li Hua
    It was time fr the annual Ptat-Salad Cntest in Russet Park. After trying fr the third time, Alexis shk her head sadly. There was n way she wuld win the Glden Ptat again because Grandpa wasn’t here this year. Memries f hw Grandpa taught her t make ptat rse in her mind. She sighed and missed Grandpa s much. Alexis cut the ptates and mixed the biled ptates, sme sauces and a little salt and peppers in a bwl. But it didn’t taste right. Alexis tried a bite f the salad mixture, wndering what was missing. Seeing her frwn, Mm suggested, “What abut smething spicy? Yur Grandpa lved spicy things. ”
    “Yu’re right! Maybe he put a jalapen pepper in it,” Alexis said, cutting up a bright green jalapen and adding it t the bwl.
    It was clser, but it still didn’t taste right. Alexis was drping her head, disappinted. “Shuld we lk in a ckbk?”
    “Grandpa was never ne t fllw a recipe,” Dad entered the kitchen and said.
    It was true. Peple lved Grandpa’s ptat salad because it was ne f a kind. Alexis remembered psing with Grandpa fr a pht while they were making the salad.
    Pht! That gave her an idea. Alexis hurried t the bkcase and fund an ld pht album. She immediately flipped it pen, expecting t find clues in the phts there. Lts f phts shwed Grandpa and Grandma cking tgether. Dad laughed, “He and Grandma lved t tease each ther but he always called her Hney. ”
    “D yu think he put hney in the ptat salad?” Mum asked.
    “It is wrth a try,” said Alexis. She stirred sme hney int the bwl.
    But it still wasn’t quite right. Alexis’ heart sank, n the verge f giving up. Dad kept flipping the album. At the end f the album was the picture f Grandpa and Alexis making the salad tgether.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    It lked like Grandpa was crying in the pht. __________________________________
    With hesitatin, the family tasted the ptat salad with nins in it.
    完形:41-55 ABDCB DCABD ABDCA
    语法填空:56. simply 7. are created 58. cultural 59. an 60. Referred
    61. surviving 62. t have riginated 63. which/that 64. and 65. wishes
    1.Dear Sir r Madam,
    On behalf f my schl, I am writing t express ur strng interest in hsting CUCF rganized by the British Cuncil.
    Firstly, Hua xing Middle Schl has a lng-standing reputatin fr prmting cultural exchange and fstering internatinal understanding. Meanwhile, ur dedicated/cmmitted faculty members and talented students psses cnsiderable/extensive experience in rganizing/crdinating varius cultural events, making us highly qualified fr this campaign. Additinally, we have state-f-the-art facilities, including multimedia lecture halls and a well-equipped auditrium, which prvide an ideal envirnment fr hsting such a prestigius frum.
    We are cnfident in ur ability t rganize a successful event. We sincerely hpe that ur applicatin is cnsidered favrably. Thank yu fr yur time and cnsideratin.
    Yurs faithfully,
    Li Hua
    It lked like Grandpa was crying in the pht. Crying! Yes, the secret was abut crying! Grandpa nce said with wet eyes that the ptat salad definitely brught tears t his eyes. It seemed that Alexis fund ut the final secret ingredient. Full f hpe in her eyes, she quickly rushed t the cabinet and grabbed an nin. Then, delighted and expected, she cut the nin with tears in her eyes. Finally, adding the nins int the salad and mixed it, Alexis’s palms getting sweaty. Heart raising, she held the salad t her family and waited fr their try.
    With hesitatin, the family tasted the ptat salad with nins in it. Ndding their heads at the same time, smile flickered acrss everyne’s face. They eventually figured ut Grandpa’s recipe. Finally, Alexis cmpleted the salad and tk part in the cntest. As the result that Alexis’s ptat salad wn was annunced, Alexis was thinking abut Grandpa, her tears welling up uncntrllably. She hugged the Glden Ptat t her chest and wre a shining smile, saying “Just because f the nins.” It’s nt nly a recipe fr delicius fd but als a recipe fr a happy family.
    A 【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了网飞去年左右发布的四部非常值得一看的电影。
    21.推理判断题。根据第一段内容“Staying at hme and watching Netflix is quite czy. T help yu figure ut what t watch, we take a dive int the cllectin and list sme ptins released in the last year r s that are well-wrth a watch.”(待在家里看网飞电影很舒服。为了帮助您了解该看什么,我们深入了解了作品集,并列出了去年左右发布的一些非常值得一看的选项。)可知,本文主要向读者介绍了网飞去年左右发布的一些非常值得一看的电影,由此可知,文章的目的是提供电影推荐。故选C。
    22.推理判断题。根据“Penguin Blm”部分关键句“Nami Watts stars in this emtinal rller-caster f a film abut a wman struggling t recver frm a catastrphic injury.”(Nami Watts主演了这部情绪过山车般的电影,讲述了一个女人从灾难性的伤害中挣扎着恢复的故事。)可知,Penguin Blm讲述了一个女人从灾难性的伤害中挣扎着恢复的故事,由此可知,Penguin Blm可能会鼓励那些遭受痛苦的观众。故选B。
    23.细节理解题。根据“The Sea Beast”部分关键句“Chris Williams directs this animated high-sea adventure abut a yung girl wh bards a famus mnster-hunting ship secretly, nly t discver that everything she thught she knew abut mnsters and hunters might be wrng.”(Chris Williams执导了这部动画公海冒险片,讲述了一个年轻女孩秘密登上一艘著名的怪物狩猎船,却发现她所知道的关于怪物和猎人的一切都可能是错误的。)可知The Sea Beast是一部动画电影;根据“Guillerm del Tr’s Pincchi”部分关键句“One f Hllywd mst visinary filmmakers turns his attentin t ne f the mst belved tales in children’s literature in this animated adaptatin f Carl Clldi’s 1883 nvel The Adventures f Pincchi.”(在这部改编自Carl Clldi 1883年小说《匹诺曹历险记》的动画电影中,好莱坞最有远见的电影制作人之一将注意力转向了儿童文学中最受欢迎的故事之一)可知,Guillerm del Tr’s Pincchi也是一部动画电影,综上所述,最后两部电影的共同点是它们都是动画电影。故选D。
    B 【导语】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要表达作者对护照盖章的怀旧之情。
    24.推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“In future ur cmings and gings will be mnitred digitally — and speedily.”(在未来,我们的一举一动都将受到数字化的快速监控。)以及第三段中“This will, f curse, be great fr shrtening airprt queues, but it als means we will kiss gdbye t the rmance f the extic (奇异的) stamp, that reminder f the time we crssed frm, say, Chile t Blivia via the Andes and the salt plains.”(当然,这将大大缩短机场排队的时间,但这也意味着我们将与异国情调的浪漫印记吻别,这些印记会让我们想起我们从智利穿越安第斯山脉和盐平原来到玻利维亚的时光。)可推知,作者认为转向数字化会带来便利却减少了浪漫感觉。故选D项。
    25.词义猜测题。划线单词“Sme f the smallest cuntries demand entire pages f yur passprt —lking at yu, Cambdia.”(一些最小的国家需要你的整页护照——看看你(说的就是你),柬埔寨。)以诙谐的口气引出Cambdia这个国家,虽小但是盖章会占据一整页。由此可知,这里的yu指的是Cambdia。故选A项。
    26.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“It was certainly mre cheerful than the stamp I nce gt frm the British embassy in Bangkk, which arranged fr my return t the UK frm Thailand after I really misbehaved. That stamp said “Impund (扣留) Passprt n Arrival in Lndn”. And s they did.”(这张护照盖章肯定比我曾经从英国驻曼谷大使馆得到的那张护照盖章更令人愉快,因为在我表现不佳后,英国大使馆安排我从泰国返回英国。那枚护照盖章上写着“护照抵达伦敦后被扣押”。他们就这样做了。)以及最后一段“Yet I miss that stamp t.”(然而我也想念那张护照盖章。)可推知,作者提到曼谷护照盖章是为了突出他对所有护照盖章的喜爱。故选C。
    C 【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了错误共识效应这种心理现象,同时探讨了如何利用该效应解决环境问题。
    28.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“There’s a useful cncept frm psychlgy that helps explain why gd peple d things that harm the envirnment: the false cnsensus effect.(心理学中有一个有用的概念,可以帮助解释为什么好人会做危害环境的事情:错误共识效应。)”和“Put simply, if yu’re ding smething (even if yu secretly knw yu prbably shuldn’t), yu’re mre likely t think plenty f ther peple d it t.(简单地说,如果你正在做某件事(即使你私下里知道你可能不应该做),你更有可能认为很多其他人也在做这件事。)”可知,错误共识效应使人们可以为社会不可接受或非法的行为找到合理化的理由。只有D选项“A smker believes peple generally apprve f smking.(吸烟者认为人们普遍赞成吸烟。)”最能说明错误共识效应。故选D。
    29.细节理解题。从第三段“They als believed thers viewed paching as scially acceptable; hwever, in reality, mre than 90% f fishers held the ppsite view.(他们还认为,其他人认为偷猎是社会可以接受的;然而,在现实中,超过90%的渔民持相反的观点。)”可知,大多数澳大利亚渔民觉得偷猎是不可接受的。故选A。
    30.词句猜测题。从倒数第二段中“r t publicly buy ec-friendly prducts(或者公开购买环保产品)”可知,r表示“或者”,说明划线短语和buy ec-friendly prducts意思相近,也就是买东西时做出环保的选择,并且让他人看见或知道,和B选项“Make green chices that thers can perceive.(做出别人能理解的绿色选择。)”意思相近。故选B。
    31.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的“Just as cncepts frm psychlgy can help explain sme frms f envirnmental damage, s t can they help address it.(正如心理学概念可以帮助解释某些形式的环境破坏一样,它们也可以帮助解决环境破坏问题。)”,倒数第二段的“Factual infrmatin n hw ther peple think and behave can be very pwerful. Energy cmpanies have substantially reduced energy cnsumptin simply by shwing peple hw their electricity use cmpares t their neighbrs.(关于别人如何思考和行为的事实信息是非常强大的。能源公司仅仅通过向人们展示他们的用电量与邻居的比较就大大减少了能源消耗。)”和最后一段的“As the research evidence shws, scial nrms can be a pwerful frce in encuraging and ppularizing envirnmentally friendly behavirs.(正如研究证据所表明的那样,社会规范可以成为鼓励和普及环境友好行为的强大力量。)”可知,改变人们的观念可以解决环境问题,也就是要宣传可持续发展的做法。故选B。
    D 【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述的是一项研究解释了人工智能是如何影响人们表达自己和看待彼此的。
    32.主旨大意题。根据首段中的“A study cnducted by Crnell University examined hw the use f AI in cnversatins impacts the way peple express themselves and view each ther.(康奈尔大学进行的一项研究调查了人工智能在对话中的使用如何影响人们表达自己和看待彼此的方式。)”可知,本文主要讲述的是在对话中使用人工智能的影响。故选B。
    33.推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Fr their first experiment, participants were asked t talk abut a plicy issue and assigned t ne f three cnditins: bth participants can use smart replies; nly ne participant can use smart replies; r neither participant can use smart replies. Researchers fund that using smart replies increased cmmunicatin efficiency, psitive emtinal language and psitive evaluatins by cmmunicatin partners.(在他们的第一个实验中,参与者被要求谈论一个政策问题,并被分配到三个条件中的一个:两个参与者都可以使用智能回答;只有一个参与者可以使用智能回复;或者两个参与者都不能使用智能回复。研究人员发现,使用智能回复可以提高沟通效率、积极的情感语言和沟通伙伴的积极评价。)”可知,研究者将参与者分成三个条件之一,研究发现,使用智能回复可以提高沟通效率,由此可知,本研究结论是通过实验得来。故选A。
    34.细节理解题。根据第四段中的““I was surprised t find peple tend t evaluate yu mre negatively simply because they suspect yu’ re using AI t help cmpse text, regardless f whether yu actually are,” said Jess Hhenstein, the lead researcher. “This illustrates the cntinuus verall dubt that peple seem t have arund AI.”(首席研究员杰斯•霍恩斯坦(Jess Hhenstein)说:“我很惊讶地发现,人们往往会因为怀疑你在使用人工智能来帮助撰写文本而对你的评价更负面,而不管你是否真的在使用人工智能。”“这说明人们似乎对人工智能存在持续的整体怀疑。”)”可知,杰斯•霍恩斯坦惊讶人们对人工智能的持续整体怀疑,由此可知,Hhenstein可能会赞成“在对话中使用人工智能会影响信任”。故选C项。
    35.推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Hwever, the grup als fund that when participants think their partner is using mre AI-suggested respnses, they cnsider that partner as less cperative”.(然而,该小组还发现,当参与者认为他们的伴侣使用了更多人工智能建议的回答时,他们会认为对方不太合作。)可知,当参与者认为同伴使用人工智能作出回应时,会认为该同伴不太合作,以及倒数第三段中的“But participants wh their partners suspected f respnding with smart replies were evaluated mre negatively than thse wh were thught t have typed their wn respnses, cnsistent with cmmn assumptins abut the negative implicatins f AI.(但是,与那些被认为是自己打字回复的参与者相比,那些被伴侣怀疑使用人工智能回复的参与者受到的评价更为负面,这与关于人工智能负面影响的普遍假设是一致的。)”可知,怀疑同伴使用人工智能作出回应的人,给出更多负面评价,因此推断他们会感到不舒服。故选D项。
    E 【导语】本文为一篇说明文,介绍了四种预防心脏疾病,促进心脏健康的方法。
    36.前文“Up t 80% f premature heart disease can be prevented by making specific lifestyle chices. Sme strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well knwn.(多达80%的早发性心脏病可以通过选择特定的生活方式来预防。一些策略,如锻炼和控制体重,是众所周知的)”表明人们已经知道一些预防心脏病的策略,D选项“但是你可能没有想到过其他的”进行转折,其中thers与前文的sme对应。故选D。
    37.本段表示应得到充足的睡眠,根据后文“If we’re sleep deprived, ur bdies als have mre difficulty cntrlling bld pressure, inflammatin and glucse levels.(如果我们睡眠不足,我们的身体也会更难控制血压、炎症和血糖水平)”描述睡眠不足带来的危害,F选项“当你熬夜的时候,生活中发生的一切都会变得有压力”同样与本段主旨意思一致,讲述了熬夜的危害。故选F。
    38.空处为小标题,根据后文“Vlunteering gets yu ut and creates a scial netwrk.(志愿活动让你走出去,建立一个社交网络)”可知,本段说明应参加志愿活动,A选项“从事志愿工作”符合主旨。故选A。
    39.根据前文及空前句“Even shrt perids f expsure are unhealthy fr peple wh already have ther cardivascular risks, such as high bld pressure.(对于那些已经有其他心血管疾病风 险的人来说,即使是短时间的接触也不健康,比如高血压)”可知,该段表示要远离空气污染,G选项“尽量在远离高速公路和工业区的地方锻炼”表明锻炼时应远离空气污染,符合语境。故选G。
    40.最后一段说明了吃早餐的重要性,空前Abramsn所说“If yu eat a prper breakfast, yu’re less likely t be hungry later and make pr fd chices(如果你吃了一顿合适的早餐,你就不太可能在之后感到饥饿,也不太可能做出糟糕的食物选择)”表示应吃早餐,E选项“作为健康生活方式的一部分,我们需要保持均衡的饮食”作为前文对于吃早餐的补充,符合语境。故选E。
    41.句意:那个胖男人坐在草坪上喝柠檬水,每次都喝一点,假装在看一本光滑闪亮的游轮手册。根据下文 but I knew he wasn’t lking at the brchure : he hadn’t turned a _(3)_ fr the last ten minutes .(但我知道他没有在看宣传册:他已经有十分钟没有翻过一页了。)可知,他假装在看游轮手册。故选A。
    42.句意:虽然他的墨镜遮住了他的眼睛,但我知道他不是在看手册:他已经有十分钟没有翻过一页了。beautified 美化; masked 掩饰,遮住; prtected 保护; cmfrted 安慰。根据后面的转折句 but I knew he wasn ' t lking at the brchure 可知,此处指他的墨镜遮住了他的眼睛。故选 B。
    43.句意同上。根据 but I knew he wasn’t lking at the brchure 可知,他没有翻过一页。故选D 。
    44.句意:当我把他点的东西给他时,他勉强说了声"谢谢",并短暂地看了我一眼。 shyly 羞怯地; wrriedly 忧心忡忡地;briefly简短地,短暂地; fixedly 目不转睛地。根据下文 I tried nt t stare at the tiny scar acrss his left eyebrw .(我尽量不去看他左眉上的小伤疤。)可知,那个人短暂地看了我一眼。故选 C 。
    45.句意:他看起来面熟,但我认不出他是谁。根据 but I culdn ' t quite place him 可知,他看起来很熟悉,但我认不出他是谁。故选 B 。
    46.句意:然后,我突然想起来了。It hit/struck/ccurred t sb 突然想到/起。根据下文的描述 he ( ) stranger wh helped me ut f my smashed car , just befre it explded .( BB 炸前帮我下车脱险。)可知,作者想起来了。故选 D 。
    47.句意:那个神秘的陌生人就在我撞坏的汽车爆炸前帮我下车脱险。根据前文 He lked _(5)_, but I culdn’t quite place him .和下文卡片上的内容,可知作者不认识这个救自己生命的人,因此该处指的是"那个神秘的陌生人"。故选 C 。
    48.句意:我冲回到他的桌子。 rushed 冲,匆忙; inched 慢慢移动; C . struggled 斗争/挣扎;前文提到作者想起了这个人是谁,根据下文 He was gne . I mved his saucer and fund his tip (他已经走了。我移动了他的碟子,找到了他的小费)可知,作者赶紧冲回他的桌子去找那个人。故选 A 。
    49.句意:我移动他的茶碟,发现了他的小费,还有一张卡片。ntice 通知; pster 海报。根据引号后的内容 I am deeply _(10)_ t yu . The night f yur car accident , I was n my way t _(11)_ a jewelry stre …(我深深地感谢你。你出车祸的那天晚上,我正在去珠宝店的路上…)可知,这些内容应该写在一张卡片上。故选 B 。
    50.句意:我深深地感谢你。cmmitted 尽心尽力的,忠诚的;attached 非常喜欢……的,所附的; guilty 内疚的; grateful 感激的。根据下文的描述 Saving yur life brught things back in perspective . I nw live an hnest life , thanks t yu .(救了你的命让我重新审视了一切。多亏了你,我现在过着诚实的生活。)可知,这个人对作者表示感谢。故选 D 。
    51.句意:你出车祸那晚,我正要去抢劫一家珠宝店。rb 抢劫; visit 参观; help 帮助; manage 管理。根据空后 a jewelry stre .和 I nw live an hnest life , thanks t yu .可知,那个人正要去抢劫一家珠宝店。故选 A 。
    52.句意:通过他的英勇举动,我看到了人性的善良,这改变了我的生活,让我的生活重新充满了信心。heric 勇敢的,英雄的; 传统的; exciting 令人兴奋的。根据上文可知,这个陌生人在车祸中救了我,这是英雄的行为。故选 B 。
    53.句意:通过他的英勇举动,我看到了人性的善良,这改变了我的生活,让我的生活重新充满了信心。happiness 幸福 glry 荣誉; hnesty 诚实; faith 信念。根据句意可知,他的英勇举动,让作者看到了人性的善良,改变了作者的生活,让作者对生活重新充满了信心。故选D。
    54.句意:我打开他留下的小费。drpped 掉落; dubted 怀疑;. unflded 展开; weighed称重。根据下文 Amng the ne - dllar ntes was a 100- dllar nte with a pen mark underlining " In Gd We Trust 一个钢笔标记,在"我们信仰上帝"下面划线)可知,作者打开了他留下的小费。故选 C 。
    55 句意:我默默地为他祈祷,然后微笑着回去工作。prayer 祈祷;道歉。根据上文内容,作者应是默默地祈祷后微笑着回去工作了。此处也是对前面那句 Gd bless yu 的一个呼应。故选 A。
    57.考查时态语态。句意:只需一张纸和一把剪刀,就可以制作出从肖像到生肖等各种精美图案。主语patterns与谓语构成被动关系,且陈述事实用一般现在时的被动语态,谓语用复数。故填are created。
    60.考查非谓语动词。句意:这种美丽的窗花在中国传统文化中具有重要意义,被称为“窗花”。短语be referred t as,表示“被称为”,此处过去分词作状语,首字母大写。故填Referred。
    61.考查形容词。句意:现存最古老的剪纸是6世纪在中国新疆发现的一个对称圆形。修饰名词paper cut-ut应用形容词surviving,表示“现存的”。故填surviving。
    62.考查非谓语动词。句意:中国剪纸艺术被认为起源于中国,甚至在公元105年蔡伦发明纸之前。短语be believed t d sth.,且此处表示动作先于believe发生,应用t have dne形式。故填t have riginated。

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