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    We live in a twn, abut half a mile frm the banks f the Ahr River. It had been raining buckets that week and there were 1 warnings fr sme f the nearby areas, but nt where I was.
    As a precautin, I’d 2 sandbags utside my garden dr and piled electrnics and clthing n tables and the cuch just in case water managed t see p thrugh.
    As I fell asleep, I was 3 by the sund f rushing water. When I swung my legs ff the bed, I was 4 t feel cld water already up t my knees and rising fast. Shivering and in darkness, I grabbed my phne and 5 its flashlight. Water was cming frm the garden dr, and chairs, bkshelves and pieces f my drum set were flating all ver my living rm. The Ahr must have 6 burst its banks and breached the sandbags. And nw I had t get ut — fast!
    With the water nw up t my waist, in bare feet I started t paddle t my nly 7 : the dr leading t upstairs. Finally I made it t that dr and tried t pull it pen, but the water’s pressure was high. I managed t make a 8 f abut 30 centimeters with all my strength and effrt, enugh fr me t squeeze thrugh. Rushing dwn utside, I 9 that if I had wken up just a few minutes later, I wuld have drwned.
    The experience made me grateful and determined t live each day t its fullest. I will remember what my mther tld me: “Dn’t remember the day when yu 10 everything. Remember the day yu survived.”
    5.A.shwed upB.lked up
    C.turned nD.went n
    11. Shenzhu XVII crew members cmpleted their first spacewalk n 22nd December, 2023, cmpleting a hst f tasks utside the Tiangng space statin. It was the 14th spacewalk ①_____(cnduct) by Chinese astrnauts. There are a lt f science and technlgy assignments fr them②_____(perfrm) during the remaining days f their stay in rbit. Since their arrival, the astrnauts③_____(examine) and maintained equipment and made preparatins fr their spacewalk.
    12. As a mther t three bys, I’m used t receiving my favrite sap as a gift fr every ccasin.It desn’t require much effrt, and my sns knw that I lve it.One day my sn saw a magazine n my desk with Jane Gdall①_____the cver.I said, “She’s my favrite persn.”The next Christmas, I was expecting my sap②_____my sns handed me an envelpe.Inside was/a cpy f Natinal Gegraphic signed by Jane Gdall.I③_____(mve) t tears.I will always cherish the magazine and thughtfulness f my bys finding me the perfect gift.
    13. When the 48-year-ld Uzbek gymnast, Oksana Chusvitina,①_____(participate) in the Asiad wmen’s gymnastics qualificatin n Mnday, thusands f spectatrs chanted fr “Qiu Ma,” ②_____translates t “Mther Chusvitina”. When her sn was diagnsed with leukemia in 2002, she adpted German citizenship t cmpete at glbal events fr a higher incme and ③_____ (gd) medical treatment. Aften her sn’s ④_____(recver), Chusvitina cntinued her gymnastics jurney ut f sheer lve fr the sprt.
    Grwing up in the ht Las Vegas desert, all I wanted was t be free. I wuld daydream abut traveling the wrld, living in a place where it snwed.
    At the age f 19, the day after I graduated frm high schl, I mved t a place where it snwed and I fund my dream jb. Fr the first time in my life, I felt free, independent and cmpletely in cntrl f my life. That is, until my life tk a detur (转折点) . I went hme frm wrk early ne day with what I thught was the flu, and less than 24 hurs later I was in the hspital n life supprt with less than a 2% chance f living.
    Over the curse f tw and a half mnths I lst the hearing in my left ear and bth f my legs belw the knee. I thught the wrst was ver until weeks later when I saw my new artificial legs fr the first time. They were s painful that all I culd think was, hw am I ever ging t travel the wrld in these things? And hw was I ging t snwbard again?
    But I knew that in rder t mve frward, I had t let g f the ld Self and learn t embrace the new Self. And that is when it dawned n me that if I snwbarded again, my feet aren’t ging t get cld.
    Fur mnths later I was back up n a snwbard, althugh things didn’t g quite as expected: My knees and my ankles wuldn’t bend. But I knew that I wuld be able t d this again if I culd find the right pair f feet.
    I did a year f research, still culdn’t figure ut what kind f legs t use. S I decided t make a pair myself. My leg maker and I put randm parts tgether and we made a pair f feet that I culd snwbard in. Then in 2005 I cfunded a nnprfit rganizatin fr yuth with physical disabilities s they culd get invlved with actin sprts.
    Eleven years ag, when I lst my legs, I had n idea what t expect. But if yu ask me tday, if I wuld ever want t change my situatin, I wuld have t say n. Because my legs haven’t disabled me. They’ve frced me t rely n my imaginatin and t believe in the pssibilities.
    14.Hw did the authr feel when she saw her new legs fr the first time?
    A. Surprised. B. Hpeful. C. Desperate. D. Delighted.
    15.What mainly helped the authr change her thught tward her situatin?
    A. Her psitive attitude. B. Inspiratin frm research.
    C. Her lve fr snwbard. D. Help frm a nnprfit rganizatin.
    16.The authr’s attempt culd help her and ther yuths with physical disabilities t ______.
    A. travel arund the wrld B. take part in actin sprts
    C. bend their knees and ankles D. recver frm their disabilities
    17.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Practice makes perfect. B. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    C. Yu can’t judge a bk by its cver.D. Nthing is impssible t a willing heart
    Intern (实习生): United Natins Educatinal, Scientific, and Cultural Organizatin(UNESCO)
    Jb Title: Digital Business Slutins Intern
    Wrk lcatin: Remte/Beijing
    Duratin: Six mnths
    The Digital Bureau Slutin is respnsible fr ICT peratins within UNESCO, and reprts t the Assistant Directr General t Administratin(ADG/ADM). The team versees the implementatin f UNESO’s digital strategy, with the delivery f mre integrated and prperly designed, prject and knwledge management in supprt f prgramme delivery; the supply f a flexible IT infrastructure (基础建设), and best-in-class service management t enable effective prgramme delivery; and the supply f strengthened cyber security and digital risk management.
    Jb respnsibilities
    Netwrk Mnitring and Arrangement: Assist in mnitring netwrk perfrmance and diagnsing cnnectivity issues using netwrk mnitring tls; while gaining hands-n experience with netwrk device arrangement, including ruters, switches, and firewalls;
    Clud Platfrm Familiarity: Gain experience with clud platfrms by setting up and arranging clud resurces; assist in planning the migratin f pre-stred applicatins and wrklads t the clud:
    Server and Netwrk Trubleshting: Learn t trublesht netwrk prblems, such as slw cnnectins r cnnectin lst;
    Dcumentatin: Help update and maintain netwrk dcumentatin, including netwrk diagrams and device inventries;·User Supprt and Trubleshting: Prvide basic user supprt, including passwrd resets and accunt creatin, and learn abut helpdesk ticketing systems;
    Yu must be at least 20 years ld t apply.
    Yu have recently graduated with a Master’s degree r PhD, 12 mnths prir t the start f the internship; Yu shuld have an excellent cmmand, bth written and spken, f English r French. A wrking knwledge f the ther language (English r French) is an advantage; Yu must have an excellent knwledge f cmputer systems and ffice-related sftware.
    Applicants need t register an accunt fr UNESCD and enter the applicatin prcess after cmpleting their persnal infrmatin resume. In the Applicatin infrmatin, if yu want t d this jb ffline, select duty statin: China, Beijing.
    18.The Digital Bureau Slutin is t ______.
    A.cntrl the Assistant Directr General t Administratin
    B.imprve mre integrated prject and knwledge management
    C.create a flexible IT infrastructure, and gd service management
    D.ffer strengthened cyber security and digital risk management.
    19.Being an intern in UNESCO, ne will help t ______.
    A.mnitr netwrk perfrmance and diagnse cnnectivity issues
    B.gain experience with clud platfrms by planning the applicatins
    C.update and maintain netwrk dcumentatin fr netwrk diagrams
    D.prvide basic user supprt by learning abut helpdesk ticketing systems
    20.Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A.Being yunger than 20 years ld when applying.
    B.Having a Master’s degree r PhD while applying.
    C.Cmmanding English and French excellently, bth written and spken.
    D.Having a rich knwledge f cmputer systems and ffice-related sftware.
    EVs are in the middle f an besity epidemic
    Fisker, an electric vehicle, unveiled the future line-up n August 3rd. It included: a suped-up, ff-rad versin f the Ocean. Thugh Fisker says sustainability is ne f its funding principles, it is indulging in a trait almst universal amng car firms: building bigger, strnger cars, even when they are electric.
    There are tw reasns fr this. The first is prfit. As with cnventinal cars, bigger EVs generate higher margins. The secnd is cnsumer preference. Fr decades, drivers have been pting fr SUVs and pickup trucks rather than smaller cars, and this nw applies t battery-charged nes. EV drivers, wh wrry abut the availability f charging infrastructure, want mre range, hence bigger batteries. That may help make fr a mre reassuring ride. But eventually the supersizing trend will prve t be unsustainable and unsafe.
    Fr nw, carmakers can argue that hwever big the electric rigs, they have a psitive impact n the planet. Thugh manufacturing EVs—including surcing the metals and minerals that g int them—generates mre greenhuse gases than a cnventinal car, they quickly cmpensate fr that thrugh the absence f tallpipe emissins.
    But in the lng run the trend fr bigger butteries may backfire, fr ecnmic and envirnmental reasns. First, the bigger the battery, the mre pressure there will be n the supply chain. If battery sizes increase there are likely t be lming seareitles f lithium and nickel. That will push up the cst f lithium-in batteries, undermining carmakers’ prfitability. Secnd, t charge bigger batteries in a carbn-neutral way requires mre lw-carbn electricity. That may create bttlenecks n the grid. Third, the mre pressure n scarce resurces vital fr EV prductin, the harder it will be t make affrdable electric cars critical fr electrifying the mass market. That will slw the verall decarbnisatin f transprt. Finally, there is safety. Nt nly is a battle tank that des zer t 100 kilmetres per hur in the blink f an eye a liability fr anyne that happens t be in its way.
    Gvernments have ways t encurage EVs t shrink. The mst imprtant is t supprt the expansin f charging infrastructure, which wuld reduce range anxiety and prmte smaller cars. Taxes culd punish heavier vehicles and subsidies culd prmte lighter nes.
    Ultimately, the industry is almst sure t realise the flly f pursuing size fr its wn sake. The penny is starting t drp. Frd’s CEO, Jim Farley, recently said carmakers culd nt make mney with the lngest-range batteries. His ppsite number at General Mtrs, Mary Barra, has taken the unexpected step f reversing a plan t retire the affrdable Chevy Blt EV. In Eurpe, carmakers like Vlkswagen are building smaller, cheaper EVs. Tesla is said t be planning a cmpact mdel made in Mexic.
    21.Cnsumers want EVs with mre range and bigger batteries because ______.
    A.they can bring mre prfits
    B.they can reduce tailpipe emissins
    C.they are mre secure
    D.there are insufficient charging facilities fr them
    22.Frm the passage, we knw that ______.
    A.Rising cst f batteries will increase prfitability
    B.Cnventinal cars prduce mre greenhuse gases than EVs in prductin
    C.Bigger batteries may create mre pressure n the supply chain
    D.The demand n scarce resurces in EVs makes electric cars mre affrdable
    23.What is the passage trying t tell us?
    A.Lighter electric vehicles shuld be encuraged.
    B.Bigger, strnger cars are safer and mre sustainable.
    C.Supersizing electric vehicles have a psitive impact n the planet.
    D.EVs with bigger batteries may help make fr a mre cmfrtable ride.
    It is rapidly emerging as ne f the mst imprtant technlgical, and increasingly idelgical, divides f ur times: shuld pwerful generative artificial intelligence systems be pen r clsed?
    Supprters say they braden access t the technlgy, stimulate innvatin and imprve reliability by encuraging utside scrutiny. Far cheaper t develp and deply, smaller pen mdels als inject cmpetitin int a field dminated by big US cmpanies such as Ggle. Micrsft and OpenAI that have invested billins develping massive, clsed and clsely cntrlled generative Al systems.
    But detractrs argue pen mdels risk lifting the lid n a Pandra’s bx f trubles. Bad actrs can explit them t spread persnalised disinfrmatin, while terrrists might use them t manufacture cyber r bi weapns. “The danger f pen surce is that it enables mre crazies t d crazy things, “Geffrey Hintn, ne f the pineers f mdern AI, has warned.
    The histry f OpenAI, which develped the ppular ChatGPT chatbt, is itself instructive. As its name suggests, the research cmpany was funded in 2015 with a cmmitment t develp the technlgy as penly as pssible. But it later abandned that apprach fr bth cmpetitive and safety reasns. Once OpenAI realised that its generative AI mdels were ging t be “unbelievably ptent”, it made little sense t pen surce them, Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist said.
    Supprters f pen mdels hit back, ridiculing the idea that pen generative AI mdels enable peple t access infrmatin they culd nt therwise find frm the internet r a rgue scientist. They als highlight the cmpetitive self-interest f the big tech cmpanies in shuting abut the dangers f pen mdels, whse intentin is t establish their wn market dminance strngly.
    But there is an idelgical dimensin t this debate, t. Yann LeCun, chief scientist f Meta, has likened the arguments fr cntrlling the technlgy t medieval bscurantism (蒙昧主义): the belief that nly a self-selecting priesthd f experts is wise enugh t handle knwledge.
    In the future, all ur interactins with the vast digital repsitry f human knwledge will be mediated thrugh Al systems. We shuld nt want a handful f Silicn Valley cmpanies t cntrl that access. Just as the internet flurished by resisting attempts t enclse it, s AI will thrive by remaining pen, LeCun argues.
    Wendy Hall, ryal prfessr f cmputer science at Suthamptn university, says we d nt want t live in a wrld where nly the big cmpanies run generative Al. Nr d we want t allw users t d anything they like with pen mdels. “We have t find sme cmprmise,” she suggests.
    We shuld certainly resist the tyranny (暴政) f the binary (二进制) when it cmes t thinking abut AI mdels. Bth pen and clsed mdels have their benefits and flaws. As the capabilities f these mdels evlve, we will cnstantly have t tweak the weightings between cmpetitin and cntrl.
    24.What des the underlined wrd “ptent” in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A.Accessible. B.Pwerful. C.Significant. D.Unnticeable.
    25.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.It needs billins f dllars t develp and deply pen-surce mdels.
    B.The field f generative AI systems is dminated by big cmpanies.
    C.Only self-selecting experts can handle pen mdels wisely.
    D.Users can d anything they like with pen mdels at this mment.
    26.Regarding Wendy Hall’s suggestins, the authr is ______.
    27.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Hw t Keep the Lid n the Pandra’s Bx f Open AI
    B.Divides n Open AI: technlgy and idelgy
    C.Where des the Debate n Open AI End
    D.Prs and Cns f Open AI
    Anxiety is nt deadly, because being able t feel anxius shws that ur fight-r-flight system is peratinal, which is an indicatr f brain and sensry health. Once we accept that being anxius is a nrmal part f life, we can use it t ur benefit.
    Anxiety can help build ur emtinal strength. If we want t build emtinal strength, we need t face sme degree f mental stress. Of curse, unpleasant and abuse tend t cause mre harm than gd, but the experience f ccasinal anxiety, stress, and tensin substantially increases ur emtinal curage.
    Anxiety can increase yur emtinal cnnectin. Clinical science has identified that sharing ur anxieties with ur lved nes is ne f the mst effective strategies t build cnnectin. When my patients learn t pen up and share their anxieties with their partners, they almst always reprt a greater sense f emtinal cnnectin.
    Anxiety can help us rebalance. When we feel genuinely anxius because f stress, it’s ur bdy’s way f telling us t rebalance. Nbdy is truly limitless. When we pay attentin t ur internal cues and acknwledge ur weaknesses, we emerge mre fcused and healthier verall and als less stressed and anxius.
    Anxiety can be a healthy, helpful emtin that is a cnstructive aspect f human life. When it cmes t ccasinal experience f anxiety, it can emtinally help bst ur curage. It can als build up emtinal cnnect in when we express ur sensitive feelings t thers. And in the frm f stress, it can serve as an internal indicatr t remain balanced and healthy. Nw it’s high time we started putting it t gd use.
    28.Why is anxiety nt deadly?
    29.When can anxiety increase ur emtinal cnnectin?
    30.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why?
    When we pay attentin t ur internal cues and acknwledge ur weaknesses, we emerge mre fcused and healthier verall and als mre stressed and anxius.
    31.As a student, hw d yu make use f test anxiety t help yu be better prepared fr exams? (In abut 40 wrds)
    32. D yu want t be a cgnitive superager when yu are ld? Just as yu take steps twards a future-prfing bdy, yu can enhance yur brain’s resilience t age-related disease by bsting cgnitive reserve.
    Andrew Smmerlad, an assciate prfessr f psychiatry, discvers the pwer f cgnitive reserve in studies f lder peple wh shw signs f Alzheimer’s (阿尔兹海默症) in their brains.①______Actually, three years ag, clleagues f Smmerlad had als published findings frm Study f Ageing. They shwed that higher levels f cgnitive reserve are assciated with lwer levels f dementia.
    ②______The strng cgnitive reserve is helpful t stave ff symptms f brain changes assciated nt just with dementia but with ther brain diseases. It als helps yu t functin better fr lnger when facing unexpected life events as yu get lder.
    Hw d yu imprve it? The yunger yu implement things that will blster it, the better. Fr example, yu can d tasks that challenges yur brain ability, like crsswrds, reading, giving imprmptu speech and critical thinking.③______S, d mind-bdy practices like yga, Tai Chi r meditatin t reduce stress is als imprtant. This can help yu balance the perids f mental demand and relaxatin.
    ④______ideally, seven t nine hurs is ptimal fr enhancing cgnitive reserve. Start by imprving yur sleep hygiene with steps such as aviding electrnic screens.
    Cgnitive reserve is develped thrugh a lifetime f educatin, curisity and persistence.⑤______
    A.Its effects are wide reaching.
    B.Additinally, maintain regular sleep patterns.
    C.S plan ahead t make sure yu keep cgnitively busy and engaged!
    D.There are ways yu can imprve sleep, fr bth yung and ld peple.
    E.It suggests that develping a gd cgnitive reserve can be pwerfully prtective.
    F.Hwever, thinking t hard fr t lng may wear yu ut, hurting cgnitive reserve.
    G.They cpe better with pathlgical (病理上的) changes, the higher their pwers f cgnitive reserve.
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 活动安排。
    科技嘉年华 Science and Technlgy Carnival
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个星期一直下着大雨,附近的一些地区发布了洪水警报,但我所在的地方没有。A. fd洪水;B. earthquake地震;C. drught干旱;D. sandstrm沙尘暴。根据“I had been raining buckets that week”可知,下大雨应导发布洪水警报,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为预防措施,我在花园门外放了沙袋,把电子产品和衣服堆在桌子和沙发上,以防水浸透。A. cleaned打扫;B lited举起,(被)提起;C. recvered恢复;D. placed放置。结合语境及“piled electrnics and clthing n tables and the cuch”可知,此处指在花园门外放了沙袋,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我刚睡着,就被哗哗的水声吵醒了。A. threatened威胁;B. awakened(使)醒来;C. weakened削弱,减弱;D. tightened(使)变紧。根据“As I fall asleep”可知,作者正在睡觉,故此处指被水声吵醒,故选B
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我把腿从床上甩下来时,我震惊地感到冷水已经没过膝盖,而且还在迅速上升。A.excited兴奋的;B.shcked惊的;C.depressed沮丧的;D.exhausted筋疲力尽的。根据"s feel cld water already up t my knees an rising fast"可知,作者一觉醒来感到冷水已经没过膝盖,而且还在迅速上升,应是感到震惊,故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:在黑暗中瑟瑟发抖,我抓起手机,打开了手电筒。A. shwed up出现;B. lked up查阅,向上看;C. tumed n打开;D. went n继续。根据"Shivering and in darknes"可知,作者身处黑暗中,故是抓起手机打开手电简,故选C。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:阿尔河一定猛烈地冲垮了河岸,冲破了沙袋。A. carefully仔细地;B. gradually逐渐地;C. vilently猛烈地,激烈地;D. cnstantly不断地。根据上文“Water was cming frm the garden dr, and chairs, bkshelves and pieces f my drum set were flating all ver my living rm.(水从花园的门里涌了出来,椅子、书架和我的架子鼓碎片漂浮在客厅里)”可知,家里遭遇洪水,故此处指阿尔河猛烈地冲垮了河岸,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在水没到我的腰了,我光着脚开始划向我唯一的逃生之处:通往楼上的门。A. escape逃脱;B. mind头脑;C. prblem问题;D. stage舞台。根据空后“the dr leading t upstairs”可知,水位已经到了腰部,作者应是上楼逃生,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我使出了全身的力气和力气,总算挤出了30厘米左右的空隙,才勉强挤了过去。A. gap间隙,开口;B. depth深度;C. height高度;D. cut划开。根据“enugh fr me tsqueeze thrugh”可知,此处指使出浑身力气打开个间隙挤过去,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我冲到外面意识到如果我几分钟后醒来,我就会淹死。A. pretended假装;B. prmised承诺;C. imagined想象;D. realised意识到。结合空后“if Thad wken up just a few minutes later, I wuld have drwned”此处指作者意识到形势的严峻,如果晚几分钟醒来可能就被淹死了。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我会记住妈妈告诉我的话:“不要记得你失去一切的那一天。记住你活下来的那一天。”A. lacked缺少;B. fund发现;C. lst失去;D. gained获得。结合作者的经历以及下文“Remember the day yu survived.”可知,作者从洪水中幸存,故此处指不要想自己失去了一切,而是要记得活下来的那一天,故选C。
    11.答案:cnducted;t perfrm;have examined
    解析:①考查过去分词。句意:这是中国宇航员进行的第14次太空行走。空处应填非谓语动词,the14th spacewalk与cnduct之间为被动关系,应用过去分词表示被动,作后置定语。故填cnducted。
    ②考查不定式。句意:在他们停留在轨道上的剩余日子里,他们要完成许多科学和技术任务。由句意及空后的during the remaining days f their stay in r bit可知此处表示将来的动作且them与perfrm之间为主动关系,应用不定式的主动形式t perfrm。故填t perfrm。
    ③考查动词时态。句意:自抵达以来,宇航员已经检查和维护了设备,并为太空行走做准备。空处应填谓语动词,由句意及时间状语Since their arrival可知应用现在完成时,并且根据maintained equipment and made preparatins可知并列谓语,所以不能用现在完成进行时,表示自从抵达以来,她们已经完成了这些事情。故填have examined。
    12.答案:n;when;was mved
    解析:①考查介词。句意:一天,我儿子看到一本我桌上的杂志,封面上是简·古道尔。n the cver 为固定搭配,意为“在封面上”。故填n。
    ②考查连词。句意:第二个圣诞节,我正期待着我的肥皂,这时我的儿子递给我一个信封。此处为“'be ”结构,表示“正在做某事时……”,这故填when。
    ③考查时态和语态。句意:我感动得流下了眼泪。根据上下文可知,陈述过去事情,应用一般过去时;I和mve之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was mved。
    解析:①考查过去分词。句意:这是中国宇航员进行的第14次太空行走。空处应填非谓语动词,the14th spacewalk与cnduct之间为被动关系,应用过去分词表示被动,作后置定语。故填cnducted。
    ②考查不定式。句意:在他们停留在轨道上的剩余日子里,他们要完成许多科学和技术任务。由句意及空后的during the remaining days f their stay in rbit可知此处表示将来的动作且them与perfrm之间为主动关系,应用不定式的主动形式t perfrm。故填t perfrm。
    ③考查动词时态。句意:自抵达以来,宇航员已经检查和维护了设备,并为太空行走做准备。空处应填谓语动词,由句意及时间状语Since their arrival可知应用现在完成时,并且根据main tained equipment and made preparatins可知并列谓语,所以不能用现在完成进行时,表示自从抵达以来,她们已经完成了这些事情。故填have examined。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段| thught the wrst was ver until weeks later when I saw my new artificial legs fr the first time. They were s painful that all I culd think was, hw am I ever ging t travel the wrld in these things? And hw was I ging t snwbard again?(我以为最糟糕的时候已经过去了,直到 几周后我第一次看到我的新假肢。这种感觉很痛 苦,我满脑子想的都是,我怎么能穿着这些东西环游世界呢?我怎么能再去滑雪呢?)可知,当作者 第一次看到自己的新假肢时,作者觉得很绝望,不 知道自己该如何继续自己的生活。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段But I knew that in rder t mve frward, I had t let g f the ld Self and learn t embrace the new Self. And that is when it dawned n me that if I snwbarded again, my feet aren't ging t get cld.(但我知道,为了向前走,我必须放弃旧 的自我,学会拥抱新的自我。就在那时,我突然意 识到,如果我再去滑雪,我的脚就不会冷了。)可 知,作者一开始觉得很绝望不知道如何走下去,但 是作者积极的态度帮助了作者学会拥抱新的自我。 故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段Then in 20051 cfunded a nnprfit rganizatin fr yuth with physical disabilities s they culd get invlved with actin sprts、(然后在2005年, 我与人共同创立了一个非营利组织,为身体残疾的 年轻人提供帮助,让他们能够参与到极限运动中 来。)可知,作者的尝试帮助自己和其他身体残疾 的年轻人能够一起参加到极限运动中。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,文章讲述了作者尽管在成长过程中经历了巨大的挫折,包括 失去听力和双腿,但她并没有放弃,而是通过努力 和决心重新站起来,甚至成立了一个非营利组织来 帮助其他身体有残疾的青年。她的故事展示了一个强烈的意愿和决心可以克服一切困难,即"有志者事竟成"的道理。因此,选项D "Nthing is impssible t a willing heart(有志者事竟成) "最符合文章的主旨。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“The team versees the implementatin f UNESO's digitalstrategy, with the delivery f mre integrated and prperly designed, prject and knwledge managementin supprt f prgramme delivery, the supply f a flexible IT infrastructure (基础建设), and best-in-classservice management t enable effective prgramme delivery; and the supply f strengthened cyber securityand digitalrisk management.(该团队监督教科文组织数字战略的实施,提供更综合、设计更合理的项目和知识管理,以支持项目的实施;提供灵活的IT基础建设,以及一流的服务管理,以有效推行计划;加强网络安全和数字风险管理)”可知,“数字局解决方案”旨在加强网络安全和数字风险管理。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Jb respnsibilities部分中“Netwrk Mnitring and Arrangement: Assist inmnitring netwrk perfrmance and diagnsing cnnectivity issues using netwrk mnitring tls(xx络监控和安排:使用网络监控工具协助监控网络性能和诊断连接问题)”可知,在联合国教科文组织实习,将有助于监控网络性能并诊断连接问题。故选A
    解析:细节理解题。根据Requirements部分中“Yu have recently graduated with a Master's degreer PhD, 12 mnths prir t the start f the internship(在实习开始前12个月,你刚获得硕士或博士学位)”可知,对申请人的要求是申请时具有硕士或博士学位。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The secnd I cnsumer preference. Fr decades, drivers have beer pting fr SUVs and pickup trucks rather than smalle cars, and this nw applies t battery-charged nes. EV drivers, wh wrry abut the availability f charging infrastructure, want mre range, hence bigger batteries(第二是消费者偏好。几十年来,司机们一直选择SUV和皮卡,而不是较小的汽车,现在这也适用于电池充电的汽车。电动汽车司机担心充电设施的可用性,他们想要更大的续航里程,因此需要更大的电池。这可能有助于让市场更加放心。)”可知,消费者想要续航里程更长、电池容量更大的电动汽车是因为电动汽车司机担心充电设施的可用性。由此可知,他们是担心没有足够的充电设施。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段“First,the bigger the battery, the mre pressure there will be n the supply)chain. If battery sizes increase there are likely t be lming seareitles f lithium and nickel. That will push up the cst flithium-in batteries, undermining carmakers’ prfitability.(首先,电池越大,供应链的压力就越大。如果电池尺寸增大,可能会出现大量的锂和镍。这将推高锂离子电池的成本,削弱汽车制造商的盈利能力。)”可知,更大的电池可能会给供应链带来更大的压力。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段“But in the lng run thtrend fr bigger butteries may backfire, fr ecnmi and envirnmental reasns.(但从长远来看,出于经济和环境的原因,更大电池的趋势可能会适得其反。)”以及最后一段“Ultimately, the industry is alms sure t realise the flly f pursuing size fr its wrsake.(最终,该行业几乎肯定会意识到,为了自身利益而追求规模是多么愚蠢。)”再结合全文内容可知,在文章中,作者分析了制造更大、更强电动汽车的两个主要原因--利润和消费者偏好,并指出了这种趋势的潜在问题,包括对供应链的压力、电网的瓶颈、资源的压力以及安全问题。文章还提到了一些汽车制造商正在转向生产更小、更便宜的电动汽车的趋势。这些都表明,文章的主要观点是鼓励制造更轻型的电动汽车,而不是继续追求更大、更重的车型。故选A。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词上一段"The danger f pen surce is that it enables mre crazies t d crazy things, "Geffrey Hint n,ne f the pineers f mdern Al, has warned.(现代人工智能的先驱之一Geffrey Hintn警告称:"开源的危险在于,它让更多的疯子能够做疯狂的事情。")可推测,Open Al意识到其生成式人工智能模型功能很强大。选项A"Accessible(可进入的)",选项B"Pwerful(强大的)",选项C"Significant(重要的)";选项D"Unnticeable(未被注意的)"。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段Far cheaper t develp and deply, smaller pen mdes als inject cmpetitin int a field dminated by big US cmpanies such as Ggle.Micrsft and Open Al that have invested billins develping massive, clsed and clsely cntrlled generative Al systems.(更小的开放式模型的开发和部署成本要低得多,也为谷歌(G0gle)等美国大公司主导的领域注入了竞争。微软和Open Al已经投入数十亿美元开发大规模封闭和严格控制的生成人工智能系统。)可推测出,生成式AI系统领域主要由大公司主导。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段Wendy Hall, ryal prfessr f cmputer science at Suthamptn university, says we d nt want t live in a wrld where nly the big cmpanies run generative Al.Nr d we want t allw users t d anything they like with pen mdels."We have t find sme cmprmise, " she suggests.(南安普顿大学计算机科学皇家教授Wendy Hall表示,我们不希望生活在一个只有大公司运行生成式人工智能的世界里,也不希望允许用户用开放模型做任何他们喜欢的事情。"我们必须找到一些妥协",她建议道。)以及最后一段We shuld certainly resist the tyranny(暴政)f the binary(二进制)whent cmes t thinking abut Al mdels.Bth pen and clsed mdels have their benefits and flaws.As the capabilities f these mdels evlve, we will cnstantly have t tweak the weightings between cmpetitin and cntrl. (在考虑人工智能模型时,我们当然应该抵制二进制的暴政。开放和封闭模式都有各自的优点和缺点。随着这些模型功能的发展,我们将不断调整竞争和控制之间的权重。)可推测,作者对于Wendy Hall的建议表示了理解和同情。Wendy Hall认为,尽管开放模型可能带来风险,但我们应该努力解决这些问题,而不是简单地封闭这些系统。作者通过引用Wendy Hall的观点,表达了对她这一立场的理解和支持,认为她提出的观点是合理和有见地的。故选A。
    解析:标题归纳题。根据文章第一段lt is rapidly emerging as ne f the mst imprtant technlgical, and increasing lyide lgical, divides f ur times: shuld pwerful generative artificial intelligence systems be pen r clsed? (它正迅速成为我们这个时代最重要的技术和意识形态分歧之一:强大的生成式人工智能系统应该是开放的还是封闭的?)以及全文内容可知,文章主要探讨了关于生成式人工智能系统(Open Al)是否应该开放或封闭的争论。选项A"Hw t Keep the Lid n the Pandra's Bx f Open Al(如何为开放AI的潘多拉魔盒盖上盖子)"恰如其分地抓住了这篇文章的本质,它讨论了在人工智能模型的发展中,需要在开放性和控制力之间取得平衡。它将人工智能的潜力比作潘多拉的盒子,强调了其好处和风险的双重性质。这个标题表明,有必要仔细管理这个“盒子”上的“盒子”,以确保人工智能的潜力得到利用,同时减轻其潜在的危害。故选A。
    28.答案:Because being able t feel anxius shws that ur fight-r-flight system is peratinal, which is an indicatr f brain and sensry health.
    29.答案:When we share ur anxieties with ur lved nes.
    30.答案:When we pay attentin t ur internal cues and acknwledge ur weaknesses, we emerge mre fcused and healthier verall and als mre stressed and anxius.
    Because accrding t the passage, when we pay attentin t ur internal cues and acknwledge ur weaknesses, we emerge less stressed and anxius.
    31.答案:I can use test anxiety t mtivate myself t study harder and be better prepared fr exams by reminding myself f the imprtance f ding well and the cnsequences f nt being prepared.
    解析:①联系下文题。根据空后的They shwed that higher levels f cgnitive reserve are assciated with lwer levels f dementia.(他们发现,认知储备水平越高,痴呆症的发病率就越低。)可知,研究人员发现认知储备水平越高,痴呆症的发病率就越低。G选项They cpe better with pathlgical(病理上的) changes, the higher their pwers f cgnitive (他们的认知能力越强,就能更好地应对病理性变化。)与下文内容保持一致,指的是当有阿尔茨海默氏症迹象的老年人认知能力越强,就能更好地应对病理性变化。故选G。
    ②段落主旨题。空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文内容The strng cgnitive reserve is helpful t stave ff symptms f brain changes assciated nt just with dementia but with ther brain diseases.lt als helps yu tunetin better fr lnger when facing unexpected life events as yu get lder.(强大的认知储备有助于延缓大脑变化的症状,这些变化不仅与痴呆症有关,而且与其他脑部疾病有关。随着年龄的增长,当你面对意想不到的生活事件时,它还能帮助你更好地运作更长时间。)可知,本段主要讲述的是强大的认知储备所带来的影响是各个方面的。A选项lts effects are wide reaching.(它的影响是广泛的。)与本段内容相符。故选A。
    ③语境街接题。根据上文内容Fr example, yu can d tasks that challenges yur brain ability,like crsswrds, reading, giving mprmp tu speech and critical thinking.(例如,你可以做一些挑战你大脑能力的任务,比如填字游戏、阅读、即兴演讲和批判性思维。)可知,上文建议我们可以做一些挑战大脑能力的任务。F选项Hwever,thinking t hard fr t lng may wear yu ut, hurting cgnitive reserve.(然而,太长时间的苦思苦想可能会让你精疲力竭,损害认知储备。)是上文内容的延续,指出太长时间的思考会损害认知储备,从而自然引出空后的S,d mind-bdy practices like yga, Tai Chi r meditatin t reduce stress is als imprtant.(因此,做瑜伽、太极或冥想等身心练习来减轻压力也很重要。)指出,长时间思考会损害认知储备所以应该做瑜伽、太极或冥想来减压。故选F。
    ④联系下文题。根据空后ideally,seven tnine hurs is ptimal fr enhancing cgnitive eserve.Start by imprving yur sleep hygiene with steps such as aviding electrnic screens.(理想情况下,7到9小时是增强认知储备的最佳时间。从改善睡眠卫生开始,比如避免使用电子屏幕。)可知,下文讲述的是要保证睡眠。B选项A dditinally,maintain regular sleep patterns.(另外,保持规律的睡眠模式。)与下文内容一致,指的是我们要保持规律的睡眠模式。故选B。
    ⑤联系上文题。根据上文Cgnitive reserveis develped thrugh a lifetime f educatin,curisity and persistence.(认知储备是通过生的教育、好奇心和毅力发展起来的。)可知,本段是文章的总结,指出认知储备需要生的教育、好奇心和毅力。C选项S plan ahead t make sure yu keep cgnitively busy and engaged!(所以提前计划,确保你在认知上保持忙碌和投入。)是上文内容的延续,指出认知储备需要一生的教育、好奇心和毅力,所以我们应该提前计划。故选C。
    33.答案:Dear Jim,
    I’m writing t invite yu t the Science and Technlgy Carnival t be held next week in ur schl.
    The aim f this activity is t enrich ur schl life and aruse ur interest in science and technlgy. During the carnival, there will be a variety f activities, including exhibitins f the latest scientific and technlgical achievements, lectures by famus scientists, and hands-n experiments. In additin, there will be a science cmpetitin, where yu can shw yur creativity and knwledge.
    I believe this event will be a great pprtunity fr yu t learn mre abut science and technlgy and interact with ther students. I lk frward t seeing yu at the carnival.
    Li Hua

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