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    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    Kangar Kids
    Fall Jump Rpe Wrkshp
    Invited: All skill levels, kids ages 6 and up
    Skills Taught: Single / Lng Rpe, Speed, and Duble Dutch (交互花式跳绳)
    Learn new skills with natinally recgnized jumpers!
    Jumpers must be willing t learn and have fun!
    Saturday, Nvember 9, 9:00-16:00
    Nrth Laurel Cmmunity Center
    9411 Whiskey Bttm Rd • Laurel, MD 20723
    Participant Fee: $55 by 10/21 ($65 after 10/21)
    Judge's Clinic Fee: $25 by 10/21 ($35 after 10/21)
    Hw t Register (register by 10/30)
    Use ur nline registratin system fr all event registratins, T-shirt rders; and lunch rders. Please register and pay at //registratin. kanagrkids.rg/FallWrkshp. First-time users will create a user accunt t register fr the Fall Wrkshp as a participant. Please create nly ne user accunt per husehld. All members f a family will be part f ne accunt.
    T-shirt Order
    Wrkshp T-shirts: $18, rder by 10/18. Shirt Size (please circle during rder): YS/ YM /YL/AS/ AM /AL
    Jump rpes, T-shirts, shrts, tennis shes, and water bttles will be available fr sale at the event n Nvember 9. There will be instructrs helping adjust the length f yur jump rpes.
    Lunch Order
    Subway lunch (sandwich r salad, fruit drinks and ckies): $8, rder by 10/30.
    Wrkshp Hurs: 9:00-12:00 and 1:30-4:00
    Lunch: 12:00-1:30
    1. What is the early bird participant fee?
    A . $25. B . $35. C . $55. D . $65.
    2. What are family participants asked t d?
    A . Bring their wn lunch. B . Create ne registratin accunt. C . Register fr the same instructr. D . Adjust the length f their jump rpes in advance.
    3. When is the deadline fr rdering a T-shirt?
    A . 10/18. B . 10/21. C . 10/30. D . 11/9.
    Nick Rse-Stamey is a lt like Jack Black' s character in Schl f Rck- a guitarist wh discvers a passin fr making music accessible t children. Wrking in the nnprfit arts educatin sectr ver the last 10 years raised his awareness f the lack f music prgrams in public schls, and later inspired his nnprfit, Band in a Bus. " The riginal idea was t take an ld schl bus and turn it int the best band class n wheels," he says.
    In fact, activities f Band in a Bus dn' t actually happen n a bus. It prvides instruments, curses, and staffing t students. Kids 18 and under can als participate in enriching summer prgrams thrugh Band in a Bus, such as Bucket Brigade, five weekly classes where grades K-4 learn rhythm (节奏) and STEAM (science, technlgy, engineering, arts, mathematics) principles thrugh cntemprary music. There are als teen bands fr grades 7-12 where kids learn t play pp music and develp scial and team wrk skills.
    When schls went virtual during the COVID-19 perid, Rse-Stamey thught it was a shame that instruments were left sitting n shelves instead f in the hands f kids. S he created and distributed mre than 1,000 " Band in a Bx" DIY kits. Each kit cntains small nise makers like kazs, drumsticks, and shakers, with the intentin f intrducing a mdernized music class experience that meets kids where they are.
    " It is reprted that if a kid has 30 minutes f a perfrming arts r creative elective every singleday, then that' ll help them develp their scial, emtinal and leadership skills, because there' s a lt f team wrk when it cmes t making music. Yu have t learn hw t wrk well with thers," Rse-Stamey says.
    In the last year, Band in a Bus has wrked directly with mre than 500 students. " Music is a win-win fr everybdy," Rse-Stamey says. " I just hpe that smeday we can stp making it the first kid ut in the ddge ball (躲避球) game."
    4. What mtivated Rse-Stamey t establish Band in a Bus?
    A . The mvie Schl f Rck. B . The band classes in public schls. C . His music learning experiences. D . Insufficient music educatin.
    5. What can we say abut Bucket Brigade classes?
    A . They mainly fcus n pp music. B . They are usually rganized n a bus. C . They encurage team-building activities. D . They cmbine music with ther subjects.
    6. What is the purpse f " Band in a Bx" ?
    A . T prmte nise making instrumental kits. B . T help students gain access t music at hme. C . T lift students' md during the COVID-19 perid. D . T enable students t take creative electives every day.
    7. What can we infer frm Rse-Stamey' s wrds in the last paragraph?
    A . We shuld treat every student equally. B . We shuld give music enugh imprtance. C . We shuld recnsider the rules f the ddge ball game. D . We shuld encurage fair cmpetitin in varius activities.
    Jackdaws (寒鸦) are the smallest member f the crw family. They ften live in a crwd. Indeed, when cld weather cmes, they gather in the hundreds (and smetimes thusands) every evening s that they can sleep in the same place. If yu' ve ever heard jackdaws during their evening gatherings and mrning departures, yu' ll knw they are nt quiet birds. Despite being fairly lw-vlume during the day, they are really lud n either side f their night-time get-tgethers. Why might this be?
    A team f the Crnish Jackdaw Prject set ut t determine why jackdaws are s nisy befre they depart frm their sleeping spt. The team' s thery was that the mrning calls might be a jackdaw versin f " vting" . The researchers suspected that each individual' s call might cunt as an " I' m in!" . When a certain amunt f " I' m in!" s are called —and s a certain vlume f nise is reached -the grup might then depart as a unit.
    T test this idea, the researchers artificially increased the level f calls during the jackdaws' natural mrning calls. Their expectatin was that, if jackdaws really are " vting with their vice" t decide when t depart the sleeping site, artificially adding calls wuld make them leave earlier than they naturally wuld have dne. Subsequent experiments cnfirmed their expectatin. The team therefre shwed that jackdaws use their calls as a srt f vting system.
    Yu might wnder why this happens. The researchers suggest that individual jackdaws benefit frm the vting system because they are less at risk f being killed and they can get mre access t scial infrmatin — such as where t find fd.
    S the lud calls f jackdaws in the mrning are therefre nt the pure chas it sunds like. If yu are ever being driven mad by the sund in the mrning, yu can find cmfrt in the fact that the luder they get, the sner they will leave yu in peace.
    8. What aspect f jackdaws cnfused scientists?
    A . Their strng team spirit. B . Their preference fr nisy habitats. C . Their cllective sleeping habit. D . Their unusual calling behavir.
    9. What happened t the jackdaws when artificial calls were added?
    A . They stpped calling tgether. B . They left their sleeping spt earlier. C . They became nisier and mre active. D . They changed their sleeping lcatin.
    10. What des the vting system mean t individual jackdaws?
    A . A signal f seeking fd. B . A strategy fr better survival. C . A way t attract ptential partners. D . A methd f displaying scial skills.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A . Jackdaws are Nise Makers. B . Jackdaws Have a Cmplex Vting System. C . Jackdaws ‘Vte' t Make a Grup Decisin. D . Jackdaws ‘Vte' t Chse Their Grup Leaders.
    In July 1915, sick James Murray, ne f the early editrs f the Oxfrd English Dictinary (OED), defined ne final wrd. He had devted 36 years t the dictinary. Knwing he wuld nt see the prject cmplete, he wrte his last entry: fr " twilight" .
    The stry f Murray' s final days is ne f many memrable tales in " The Dictinary Peple" . Cnceived (构思) in 1857, the OED was a huge crwdsurcing prject cmprising 3,000 peple. The idea was t create a " descriptive" dictinary that tracked wrds' use and meaning ver time. Vlunteers read widely, mailing in examples f hw " rare, ld-fashined, new" wrds were used. What is surprising abut this randm methd is that it wrked, achieving rder thrugh the large number f cntributrs.
    The rigin stry f Sarah Ogilvie' s bk is almst as imprbable as that f the dictinary itself. Ms Ogilvie, an editr fr the OED, went int the archives (档案馆) f Oxfrd University Press and came acrss an ld ntebk. It had belnged t Murray and cntained the names and details f the dictinary vlunteers, mst f whm had previusly been unknwn. " The Dictinary Peple" is her wrk f detective schlarship, presenting the lives behind the names.
    The dictinary' s cntributrs are an engaging cast, including ne f Karl Marx' s daughters and J. R. R. Tlkien. Fr sme, the dictinary was smething addictive: ne cntributr supplied 165,061 qutatins. Murray, t, was assiduus. He nce wrte t Gerge Elit t ask abut a wrd chice in " Rmla" , published 17 years earlier.
    Ms Ogilvie' s bk is full f strange but interesting tales. Many dictinary lvers engaged in anther crwdsurcing fashin: cllecting and measuring rainwater. The presentatin f the bk is irregular, t, taking its structure frm the wrk it describes. Fr example, in her first chapter, " A fr Archaelgist (考古学家)," she relates the early life f Margaret A. Murray, a pineering Egyptlgist. There are 26 alphabetical (按字母顺序排列的) chapters, each celebrating a grup f cntributrs. This is a clever cncept.
    12. What did the OED' s vlunteers d?
    A . They deleted the wrds ging ut f use. B . They listed instances f changes in wrd use. C . They crrected the misuse f cmmn wrds. D . They added new wrds t keep up with the times.
    13. What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut " The Dictinary Peple" ?
    A . What Ogilvie achieved with it. B . Hw Ogilvie tld the stries in it. C . What inspired Ogilvie t write it. D . Wh helped Ogilvie t cmplete it.
    14. What des the underlined wrd " assiduus" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Hard-wrking. B . Easy-ging. C . Energetic. D . Flexible.
    15. What des the authr think f Ms Ogilvie' s bk?
    A . Interesting and creative. B . Encuraging and influential. C . Traditinal and funny. D . Descriptive and surprising.
    Lneliness can cause health prblems. Arund the glbe, abut 1 in 4 adults says they' re lnely. Hw t deal with this kind f prblem? Here are sme tips t get ging.
    1. Be curius
    It' s easier t cnnect with peple if yu have shared interests r experiences, s start paying attentin t what' s n yur mind. What are yu thinking abut? What mtivates yu? What excites yu? Knwing yurself can be a first step t bnding with thers. If yu knw what' s meaningful r fun fr yu, it may lead yu t an activity r creative utlet.16
    2. Make smething
    17 The pprtunities fr creative expressin are endless. Yu can als d a dance mve, resurrect yur grandma' s pie recipe, plant an herb garden, r try a textile art. Make smething that puts yur thughts and feelings and visin abut wh yu are and what matters int a tangible artifact that then can express thse thughts and feelings t thers.
    3. Take a risk by having cnversatins
    Share smething abut yurself. 18 It can just be smething yu think ther peple might find interesting and cmpelling, and see where it ges. Even if yu' re nervus abut being judged r dismissed, putting yurself ut there requires a bit f a risk, and it' s the first step t authentic cnnectin.
    Whether it' s vlunteering fr a cause yu believe in r playing frisbee r Scrabble, try t find thers wh share yur interests. And if yu fllw yur natural curisities, yu may find smething new. Share yur thughts and feelings in creative ways with ther peple wh have that interest. And, hpefully, in thse interactins yu can begin t reveal yurself and share the unique things that matter t yu. Then, ther peple recgnize that, share their stry in return, and it' s like an electric circuit is cnnected.
    5. Other peple' s lneliness matters t
    Lneliness can spiral. If the pangs f lneliness g unaddressed, peple can end up in a wrld f hurt. If yu see smene wh' s experiencing lneliness, tlerate the risk f asking them hw they' re ding. Be kind. 20 Other peple' s lneliness makes us lnely t.
    A. Everyne can be " Picass" .
    B. Encurage peple t get started n their wn.
    C. Find a grup that matches yur interests
    D. It desn' t have t be the biggest secret f yur life.
    E. That certainly cnnects yu t peple wh share yur interests.
    F. Take the risk t share smething abut yur wn experiences f lneliness.
    G. Explaining what yu' ve made may make it easier t pen up abut wh yu are.
    Dawn Lggins didn' t have a typical senir year. Back in 2012, Lggins was waking up early t get t schl t put in a befre-schl 21 as a janitr (清洁工).
    Befre the rest f her peers 22 schl, Lggins was cleaning bathrms, scrubbing flrs, and 23 dwn the very desks she wuld 24 later in the day as a student. After 7 hurs at schl, Lggins didn' t get t 25 hme t enjy an after-schl snack r dwntime either.26 , she clcked back in fr anther tw-hur time n janitrial duty.
    " I dn' t mind cleaning," Lggins said. " If yu have t walk thrugh trash t get t yur desk, yu' re nt ging t have an envirnment that 27 learning."
    While the teen was clearly hardwrking, it wasn' t immediately bvius t schl fficials hw badly Lggins 28 the financial supprt her jb prvided, until she asked her bss fr 29 ne day. The reasn? Withut electricity at hme.
    Even mre shcking, while Lggins was at summer schl, she 30 calling hme, nly t find ut the phnes had been 31 and her parents had mved away-withut her. And she became 32 . When the schl realized the extent f the neglect Lggins had been living with, they surrunded her with 33 . The cmmunity tk her in, prviding her with husing and fd and clthing and helping her t apply fr cllege.
    And the effrts 34 : Lggins was accepted int Harvard University. Tday she wrks as a mtivatinal speaker, speaking t 35 that include educatin, hmelessness, and wmen and yuth empwerment.
    A . gift B . shift C . practice D . study
    A . frced int B . fit int C . fell int D . rlled int
    A . wiping B . falling C . drpping D . welling
    A . equip B . ccupy C . make D . bther
    A . cme B . lead C . head D . leave
    A . Therefre B . Instead C . Hwever D . Besides
    A . happens B . encurages C . appints D . trubles
    A . used B . spent C . cst D . needed
    A . candles B . tys C . lights D . sweets
    A . finished B . delayed C . cnsidered D . tried
    A . discnnected B . stlen C . spiled D . misguided
    A . sick B . blind C . lnely D . hmeless
    A . hpe B . advice C . supprt D . curage
    A . came true B . cunted n C . paid ff D . let ut
    A . matters B . issues C . challenges D . prblems
    Harbin is the capital f Heilngjiang prvince. Harbin is nw a large and pen city,36(influence) deeply by Russia, Eurpe, and Japan in37 (it) culture, architecture, and lifestyle. Harbin is ne f the mst ppular destinatins fr winter turs,38(hst) the wrld's biggest ice and snw festival.
    Harbin39(becme) wrld-famus fr having the largest ice and snw festival. The pening ceremny is held40 January 5 every year. Lasting fr mre than tw mnths, Harbin Ice and Snw internatinal festival is als41 lngest snw festival in the wrld.42(near) all the ice fr the festival is cut frm the Snghua River in Harbin.
    The mst ppular place is the Harbin Ice and Snw Wrld,43 is like a frzen Disneyland, and yu can see the big ice and snw castles, cart n sculptures, and enjy the biggest44 (vary) f snw sprts and activities in the wrld.
    There are als ice and snw sculptures exhibitins n Sun Island and an ice lantern shw in Zhalin Park.
    Harbin has lng been a ppular winter destinatin fr snw turism and skiing experiences. If yu are skiing lvers, Yabuli Ski Resrt and Jihua Ski Resrt45 (recmmend).
    46. 假定你是李华,你想通过阅读小说来提高自己的英语水平。请给外教David写封邮件,内容包括:1.简述你的英语水平;2.请他推荐一些读物。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The snwstrm was suppsed t hit the evening f Mnday, Jan. 31. I was wrking frm hme but I had t leave that afternn and g t my ffice t sign an emergency financial aid check fr a student. The rute t the ffice tk abut 30 minutes alng the highway. When I gt there, my clleague came t my ffice t c-sign the check, and left. As I was packing up, I nticed he had left his laptp bag in my ffice.
    " I can bring it t yu," I assured him. It was just past 4:30 p. m. The snw wasn' t suppsed t start until later. On the way t his place, I picked up a new cellphne charger, and filled up my SUV with gas.
    It tk me abut 15 minutes t get t my clleague' s huse, where I drpped ff the laptp case and gt back n the rad. Then the snw started, and it was cming dwn fast. Within minutes, the windws were fgging up and getting cvered with snw, s I rlled dwn my driver' s side windw, thinking I culd better fllw the edge f the rad and keep t a straight line. But really, I didn' t have a clue where I was r even which side f the rad I was n.
    I called 911, but the dispatcher (调度员) tld me that nbdy was cming t get me until mrning at the earliest. The strm wuld cntinue fr lnger than predicted and I wrried I' d freeze t death.
    Breathe, I tld myself. Panicking wn' t help.
    I stpped the car, pinning my lcatin n Ggle Maps, figuring ut that I was n a rad called Buvier Lane, in between tw farms. I psted this new infrmatin t my Facebk cmmunity grup, pleading fr anyne wh knew wh lived n the farms t help me get rescued.
    At 8 p. m., my cellphne rang. It was the sn f the farmer, André Buvier, wh wned the land beside the rad I was stuck in. He tld me that his dad had just helped tw ther cars get t his huse, a father and his tw kids, and a cuple with their daughter. He cmfrted me that his dad was cming t get me.
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    Then, abut 45 minutes later, I saw a tall figure, pacing tward me in the dark, carrying a flashlight.
    We reached the huse at last, I driving slwly behind Andre Buvier. Dear David,
    Li Hua

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