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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a ticket ffice.B. In a restaurant.C. On a train.
    2. Hw much did the wman pay fr the dress?
    A. 20 punds.B. 29 punds.C. 49 punds.
    3. What did the wman d?
    A. She cleaned the table.B. She tk ut insurance.C. She received letters.
    4. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Excited.B. Interested.C. Surprised.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. What t eat.B. Hw t ck.C. Wh t invite fr dinner.
    6. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Repeat the guide’s wrds.B. Listen t him.C. Walk faster.
    7. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Talk t the guide.B. Visit the museum.C. Travel t Egypt.
    8. Hw lng des Lucy prbably spend playing the pian each day?
    A. One hur.B. Tw hurs.C. Three hurs.
    9. What des the by mean in the end?
    A. He is very interested in sprts.
    B. He wants t spend mre time reading.
    C. He desn’t have time t play the guitar.
    10. Why des the wman talk t the man?试卷源自 每日更新,汇集全国各地小初来这里 全站资源一元不到!高最新试卷。A. T seek a slutin.B. T ask fr permissin.C. T take a leave f absence.
    11. What prblem is bthering the staff in the ffice?
    A. Cmputers dn’t wrk.B. The heat is unbearable.C. The wrklad is heavy.
    12. What will the man d in the afternn?
    A. Meet the wman again.B. G t the dctr.C. Have sme rest.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Hst and husekeeper.C. Parent and babysitter.
    14. What des the man expect the wman t d?
    A. Put n a perfrmance.B. Make herself feel at ease.C. Help Rick with his hmewrk.
    15. What shuld the wman avid ding?
    A. Using the dishwasher.B. Leaving the children alne.C. Giving ckies t the children.
    16. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He likes singing.B. He is familiar with Linette.C. He knws his children well.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Intrducing a business idea.
    B. Explaining a business trend.
    C. Sharing his business experience.
    18. What is peple’s least favrite husewrk accrding t the speaker?
    A. Making meals.B. Washing the clthes.C. Ding the cleaning.
    19. What is the mst imprtant thing t d in starting the laundry business?
    A. D market research.B. Buy necessary equipment.C. Estimate the csts.
    20. What des the speaker mainly discuss at the end f the talk?
    A. When t start the business.
    B. Hw t measure the csts.
    C. Where t get the desirable machines.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    This dcument sets ut the display standards fr Glasgw Museums. This guide will help exhibitin planners prvide access t exhibitins in ur museums. Glasgw Museums’ aim is t imprve access t cllectins by having as many items as pssible n display and withut physical barriers. We als try ut best t prtect these bjects withut limiting access t them.
    Object Placement
    •Dn’t place bjects in such a way that they culd present a danger t visitrs.•All bject displays, cased r therwise, must be viewable by all, including peple wh are small in figure r in wheelchairs.
    ▷ Open Display
    •All bjects n pen display must be secure frm theft and damage. 2
    •All bjects identified fr ptential pen display must be viewed and agreed n an bject-t-bject basis by the Security Manager f the museum.
    *In sme cases,600mm may be acceptable, prvided the plinth height is abve 350mm.
    ▷ Cased Objects
    •All cased displays shuld fall within the general ptimum(最优的) viewing band f 750-200mm.Ensure everything is visually accessible frm a wheelchair.
    •Psitin small bjects r thse with fine de tail in the frnt part f a case, with larger items behind.
    •Psitin small items r thse with fine de tail n higher than 1015mm frm flr level. Objects placed abve this height are nly seen frm belw by peple in wheelchairs r peple wh are small in figure.
    21. Frm this passage, we can learn that Glasgw Museums __________.
    A. limit access t exhibitins n a daily basis
    B. are mst well-knwn fr its large cllectin
    C. make generus dnatins t the disabled
    D. give weight t the experiences f visitrs
    22. Accrding t the guide, bjects t be placed n pen display must __________.
    A. be equipped with anti-theft system
    B. be viewed frm a distance f 700mm
    C. receive apprval frm the museum first
    D. fall within arms’reach f a standing man
    23. A mther and her 10-year-ld sn are likely t bth feel cmfrtable in frnt f a diamnd placed in a glass case at the height f __________.
    A. 1250mmB. 950mmC. 650mmD. 450mm
    Every April I am trubled by the same cncern that spring might nt ccur this year. The landscape lks dull, with hills, sky and frest appearing grey. My spirits ebb, as they did during an April snwfall when I first came t Maine. “Just wait,” a neighbur advised. “Yu’ll wake up ne mrning and spring will just be here.”
    And lk, n 3 May that year I awke t a green s amazing as t be almst electric, as if spring were simply a Recmmendatins
    Recmmended distance t place bjects ut f “casual arm’s 700mm length” (taken frm the edge f the bject t the edge f any prpsed frm f barrier)
    matter f flipping a switch. Hills, sky and frest revealed their purples, blues and greens. Leaves had unflded and daffdils were fighting their way heavenward.
    Then there was the ld apple tree. It sits n an undevelped lt in my neighburhd. It belngs t n ne and therefre t everyne. The tree’s dark twisted branches stretch ut in unpruned(未经修剪的) abandn. Each spring it blssms s freely that the air becmes filled with the scent f apple.
    Until last year, I thught I was the nly ne aware f this tree. And then ne day, in a bit f spring madness, I set ut t remve a few disrderly branches. N sner had I arrived under the tree than neighburs pened their windws and stepped nt their prches(门廊;走廊). These were peple I barely knew and seldm spke t, but it was as if I had cme uninvited int their persnal gardens.
    My mbile-hme neighbur was the first t speak. “Yu’re nt cutting it dwn, are yu?” she asked anxiusly. Anther neighbur frwned as I cut ff a branch. “Dn’t kill it, nw,” he warned. Sn half the neighburhd had jined me under the apple tree. It struck me that I had lived there fr five years and nly nw was learning these peple’s names, what they did fr a living and hw they passed the winter. It was as if the ld apple tree was gathering us under its branches fr the purpse f bth acquaintanceship and shared wnder. I culdn’t help recalling Rbert Frst’s wrds:
    The trees that have it in their pent-up buds
    T dark en nature and be summer wds
    One t ha w led t anther. Just the ther day I saw ne f my neighburs at the lcal stre. He remarked hw this recent winter had been especially lng and cmplained f nt having seen r spken at length t anyne in ur neighburhd. And then, he lked at me and said, “We need t prune that apple tree again.”
    24. By saying that “my spirits ebb” in paragraph 1, the authr means that __________.
    A. he feels relievedB. he is tired
    C. he is surprisedD. he feels blue
    25. The apple tree mentined in the passage is mst likely t __________.
    A. be appealing nly t the authr
    B. have been abandned by its riginal wner
    C. be regarded as a delight in the neighburhd
    D. have been neglected by everyne in the cmmunity
    26. Accrding t paragraph 4, why did the neighburs pen their windws and step nt their prches?
    A. They wanted t get t knw the authr.
    B. They were cncerned abut the safety f the tree.
    C. They wanted t prevent the authr frm pruning the tree.
    D. They were surprised that smene unknwn was pruning the tree.
    27. It can be inferred that the authr’s neighbur mentined in the last paragraph mst cared abut __________.
    A. when spring wuld arriveB. hw t pass the lng winter
    C. the pruning f the apple treeD. the neighburhd gathering
    In rder t meet grwing fd prductin and energy needs in lw-and middle-incme cuntries, slar-pwered grundwater irrigatin(灌溉) is rapidly gaining grund. Mre than 500,000 slar pumps(泵) have been set up in suth Asia ver the last few years and a majr expansin is planned acrss sub-Saharan Africa.
    Dustin Garrick, prfessr in the Schl f Envirnment, Resurces and Sustainability, alng with an internatinal team, examined the trend tward slar pumps as a clear pprtunity fr bsting agricultural yields and reducing pverty, but the pprtunity cmes with risks.
    While replacing electric r gas pumps with slar-pwered irrigatin hlds the prmise f reducing carbn emissins(排放), it is nt guaranteed. Farmers wh have access t these pumps may expand prductin f crps r diversify int ther activities, which are nt emissins neutral. Slar pumps will increase grundwater pumping efficiency, which may be desirable in regins that supprt such increases, but this culd wrsen grundwater lessening in regins that are already stressed. The cheap clean energy f slar pumps may lead t increased grundwater develpment, withut necessarily decreasing verall emissins.
    Despite these challenges, the clean-energy bst can serve as a stimulus fr psitive change in water and energy management but will require enhanced regulatin and planning in bth lw-and high-incme settings. Garrick and his team advcate fr imprved data cllectin initiatives, with a shift frm separated t integrated appraches. They suggest using technlgy t measure water pumping and cllecting remtely sensed data t mnitr land use changes. As well, regulatry imprvements are crucial, with munting limits fr carbn emissins and grundwater lessening established at varius levels.
    With grundwater management already a difficult challenge, we must act fast t understand the implicatins f the clean energy bst and pverty reductin act s t avid these gains being wn away by wells running dry. The rapid adptin-f slar irrigatin intensifies the urgency, demanding adaptatin frm gvernments and institutins t sail thrugh these cmplexities.
    28. Accrding t paragraph 3, there is a cnflict between __________.
    A. pr farmers and slar-pwered irrigatin
    B. human cnsumptin and clean energy limits
    C. crp diversity and crp prductin expansin
    D. pumping efficiency and grundwater exhaustin
    29. What did Garrick and his team suggest fr a psitive change?
    A. Integrating data cllectin and regulatin.
    B. Imprving carbn emissin mnitring.
    C. Separating data fr land use changes.
    D. Establishing grundwater levels.
    30. What des the authr prpse the readers d?
    A. Perfrm as the authrities suggest.
    B. Act based n further understanding.
    C. Quicken the adptin f slar irrigatin.
    D. Challenge the grundwater management.
    31. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. The Cmplexities f Adpting Slar PumpsB. Slar-Pwered Irrigatin: Farmers’ New Future
    C. The Prmise and Risks f Slar-Pwered Irrigatin
    D. Balancing Clean Energy Bst and Pverty Reductin
    Until recently, gravitatinal(引力的) waves culd have been the stuff f Einstein’s imaginatin. Befre they were detected, these waves in space time existed nly in the physicist’s general thery f relativity, as far as scientists knew. Nw, researchers are n the hunt fr mre ways t detect the waves. “The study f gravitatinal waves is bming,” says astrphysicist Karan Jani f Vanderbilt University in Nashville. “This is just remarkable. N field I can think f in fundamental physics has seen prgress this fast.”
    Just as light cmes in a variety f wavelengths, s d gravitatinal waves. Different wave lengths pint t different types f rigins f the universe and require different kinds f detectrs. Gravitatinal waves with wavelengths f a few thusand kilmeters—like thse detected by the United States, Italy and Japan—cme mstly frm pairs f black hles 10 r s times the mass f the sun, r frm cllisins f dense csmic blcks called neutrn stars(中子星). These detectrs culd als spt waves frm certain types f explding stars and rapidly mving neutrn stars.
    In cntrast, huge waves that span light-years are thught t be created by rbiting pairs f bigger black hles with masses billins f times that f the sun. In June, scientists reprted the first strng evidence f these types f waves by turning the entire galaxy(星系) int a detectr, watching hw the waves make slight changes t the timing f regular blinks frm neutrn stars thrughut the Milky Way.
    Physicists nw hpe t div e int a vast, csmic cean f gravitatin al waves f all srts f sizes. These waves culd reveal new details abut the secret lives f extic bjects such as black hles and unknwn parts f the universe.
    Physicist Jasn Hgan f Stanfrd University thinks there are still a lt f gaps in the cverage f wavelengths. “But it makes sense t cver all the bases. Wh knws what else we may find?” he says. The search fr capturing the full cmplement f the universe’s gravitatinal waves exactly culd take bservatries ut int the mn, t the atmic area and elsewhere.
    32. What des Karan Jani think f the current study n gravitatinal waves?
    A. It is rapid and pineering.
    B. It is slw but steadily increasing.
    C. It is interrupted due t limited detectrs.
    D. It is prgressing as fast as any ther field.
    33. What d the detected gravitatin al waves mstly indicate?
    A. The creatin f different kinds f detectrs.
    B. Cllisins f planets utside the slar system.
    C. The presence f light in different wavelengths.
    D. Activities invlving black hles and neutrn stars.
    34. Hw did scientists manage t find huge waves’ evidence?
    A. By analyzing sunlight.B. By lcating the new galaxy.C. By using the whle galaxy as a tl.D. By bserving the sun’s regular mvement.
    35. What can be inferred abut the future study accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. It’ll exclude the atmic field.
    B. It’ll fcus exactly n the mapping f the galaxy.
    C. It’ll require priritizing certain wavelengths n the mn.
    D. It’ll explre ptential places t detect gravitatinal waves.
    As the prverb ges, beauty is in the eye f the behlder. 36 A paper published tw years ag in Nature fund a cnnectin between peple’s sense f well-being and the scenicness(美景) f where they lived. The paper’s authrs measured scenicness by cnducting a survey amng vlunteers.
    The cnnectin, the paper’s authrs fund, held true whether a neighbrhd was urban r rural. 37 Nr did levels f air pllutin have any influence n it. The authrs als discvered that differences in vlunteers’ health were better explained by the scenicness f where they lived than by the amunt f green space arund them.
    38 The team behind that Nature paper have nevertheless decided t have a g. They have adapted a cmputer prgram t recgnize beautiful landscapes, whether natural r artificial, using the criteria that a human behlder wuld emply. The prgram’s task was t wrk ut, by analyzing each phtgraph’s features in the cntext f its Scenic-r-Nt ratings, what it is that makes a landscape scenic.
    Mst f the results are nt surprising. Lakes and hrizns scred well. S did valleys and snwy muntains. In artificial landscapes, castles, churches and cttages were seen as scenic. 39 The analysis did, hwever, cnfirm ne imprtant finding frm the team’s previus study, which is als a message fr twn planners. Green spaces alne are nt scenic. T be s they need t invlve cnturs(高低起伏的轮廓) and trees. 40
    A. But surrundings matter.
    B. Hspitals, garages and mtel s were nt s much.
    C. S peple have a deep affectin fr where they live.
    D. It bre n relatin t vlunteers’scial and ecnmic status.
    E. Therefre, less grass and mre trees and bushes wuld be welcme.
    F. Natural landscapes are rated as scenicness as ppsed t artificial landscapes.
    G. Determining what scenicness is, thugh, has always been frustrating fr scientists.
    Hw I Failed My Oxfrd Interview
    As sn as the wrds left my muth I knew I’d 41 “Yu think Jane Austen is sft?” The man ppsite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his clleague tk turns t 42 my claim, finishing each ther’s sentences as they stressed Austen’s nvels were, in fact, fierce.
    “I just mean…” I said in a(n) 43 vice, trying t keep the tne light, “that she’s nt as fierce as Virginia Wlf.”
    The tw prfessrs patted this idea arund, t, like a cuple f cats tying with a frightened bird—giving 44 examples f hw Austen’s wrk was, n the cntrary, mre fierce than Wlf’s. With n mre defensive actin t take, I 45 smiled and said, “Let’s just agree t disagree, shall we?” And all that mment, my dreams f ging t Oxfrd university 46 in a puff f smke.
    Part f my prblem, in hindsight was a lack f cnfidence. 47 I was a straight A student and had prepared fr the interview t the best f my ability, I wasn’t a skilled debater. When faced with tw experts wh tld me that I was wrng, instead f defending myself, I rlled ver and accepted 48 .
    T pass the interview, yu need cnfidence, f curse. Yu als need a 49 passin fr yur subject, nt just a keen interest. In ther wrds, dn’t put cmments n yur persnal statement that yu dn’t have 50 fr yur in-persn backup.
    S, mnths later, I already knew the cntents f my thin envelpe when it appeared n my drmat. 51 , I felt a pan g f disappintment. I had wanted t g t Oxfrd since I was 13. I used t lk up images f my favrite cllege with the same 52 f a bride-t-be brwsing wedding dresses.
    Ultimately, I didn’t have what it tk—but, lking back, that was 53 a bad thing. Instead f ging t Oxfrd, I fund a university that was a better fit fr my interests. I lved my eclectic curse, where I culd write an essay cmparing Jane Eyre t 50 Shades f Grey.
    Failing my Oxfrd interview als prvided a valuable life lessn. I’m nw mre cnfident in my pinins, mre passinate when it cmes t debate, and I try t back up my pints with 54 evidence. What’s mre, I had never since ended a discussin by giving a 55 laugh and saying, “let’s just agree t disagree, shall we?”
    41. A. made a jkeB. made a mistakeC. caused sympathyD. caused cnfusin
    12. A. repeatB. praiseC. ignreD. challenge
    43. A. carseB. brightC. subtleD. serius
    44. A. specificB. briefC. ambiguusD. abstract
    45. A. simplyB. hardlyC. preciselyD. rudely
    46. A. faded awayB. came trueC. came aliveD. put away
    47. A. As lng asB. Even thughC. In spite fD. In case
    48. A. interventinB. endeavrC. defeatD. embarrassment
    49. A. burningB. dyingC. weakD. mild
    50. A. substituteB. readinessC. ptimismD. prejudice
    51. A. PreviuslyB. PracticallyC. NaturallyD. Frtunately
    52. A. bitternessB. resistanceC. duratinD. keenness
    53. A. nt necessarilyB. after allC. nt leastD. at length
    54. A. cnciseB. hardC. stubbrnD. generus
    55. A. strikingB. winningC. heartyD. silly
    French disaster epic(史诗般的电影) Ntre-Dame n Fire hits Chinese big screen
    This April marks the 56 (fur) anniversary f Ntre-Dame in Paris being engulfed by the biggest blaze in its histry.
    NtreDame n Fire, nw in Chinese cinemas, is a disaster epic 57 veteran French filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud, wh als helmed Wlf Ttem (2015), a drama film 58 (adapt) frm Chinese writer Jiang Rng’s epnymus nvel. The film made its China premiere n April 6 in Beijing in the presence f France’s Minister f Culture Rima Abdul Malak and the directr.
    Presenting a blw-by-blw recreatin f the gripping events that 59 (happen) n April 15, 2019 when the fire at the French medieval cathlic cathedral rcked France and shcked the whle wrld, Annaud’s new film hails the heric peple wh put their lives n 60 line t accmplish the awe-inspiring rescue. Annaud unveiled the filming details f the film t the audience 61 (attend) the China premiere.
    “It was a 62 (danger) mvie. The actrs were actually very clse t the extremely vilent fire, 1,200-degree Fahrenheit fire. There are very few digital special effects. Almst all f what yu have seen are 63 (identical) recnstructed sets that I set n fire,” he said.
    “When I saw this mvie in Paris last year, it tk me a few hurs 64 I culd breathe and walk nrmally n the street,” said Malak at the film’s China premiere.
    The French minister annunced that 2024 will be the France-China Year f Culture and Turism and she invited Chinese turists t travel t France fr the ccasin, especially t see the Ntre-Dame cathedral in Paris, 65 , after almst six years f extensive renvatins, is scheduled t repen t the public in December f the same year.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    为了传承和弘扬中国传统文化和让师生领略非物质文化遗产(Intangible cultural heritage)的魅力,你校在艺术节期间开展了“非遗进校园”活动。请你用英文写一篇报道,内容包括:
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    We Survived Getting Swallwed by a Whale
    Respect and revere(敬畏) nature. I’m Julie, 56 years ld, living in San Luis Obisp, Califrnia, abut fur miles frm the beach. Every few years, the humpback whales cme int the bay fr several days while migrating.
    In Nvember 2020, the whales were arund, s I tk ut my yellw duble kayak(皮划艇) t watch the wildlife. I paddled ut the pier(长堤) and saw seals, dlphins, and abut 20 whales feeding n silverfish. They sprayed thrugh their blwhles. Each ne is huge, abut 15 metres lng. Smetimes they turned side fins as if waving at me. It was incredible.At the time, my friend Liz was with me. We had me t 28 years earlier. I asked Liz if she wanted t see the whales. I really wanted t share the magnificent experience with her.
    “N way,” she said. She’s terrified f whales and sharks. I prmised that the craft was stable and safe enugh. Mrever, humpback whales culdn’t swallw dwn kayaks fr their thrats were tight even thugh they had enrmus muths and white-wall-like internal muth structures, nt t mentin that we gt paddles and life jackets. After sme persuasin, Liz finally agreed.
    We set ff at abut 8:30 the next mrning. There were already abut 15 ther kayakers in the bay. One hur later, I sptted tw whales right past the pier, swimming t ward us. We were in awe, feeling amazed t be s clse t a creature that size.
    When whales swam dwn after breaching(跃身激浪), they disappeared in ripples. I figured if we paddled there, we’d be safe since they’d just left. We fllwed them at a distance—r what I thught was a distance. I later learned that it’s recmmended t keep 90 metres away, r abut the length f a ftball field. We were prbably 18 metres away.
    All f a sudden, a swarm(群) f fish started jumping ut f the water int ur kayak. Their mvement sunded like crackling glass. Nw I knew we were t clse. I was terrified. Then ur kayak was lifted ut f the water—abut tw metres—and tipped back int the cean. I figured the whale was ging t drag us dwn smehw, and I had n idea hw deep.
    I didn’t realize that Liz and I sitting in the kayak were in the whale’s muth.
    Thankfully, the whale spitted us ut, peple paddling t help, shting vides.
    高2022级英语半期考试 参考答案
    1-5. CACCA 6-10. ABCBA 11-15. BACBB 16-20. CABAB
    21-23 DCB 24-27. DCBD 28-31. DABC 32-35. ADCD 36-40. ADGBE
    41-45. BDBAA 46-50. ABCAB 51-55. CDABD
    56. Furth 57. by 58. adapted 59. happened 60. the
    61. attending 62. dangerus 63. identically 64. befre 65. which
    写作 第一节:
    T prmte and inherit Chinese traditinal culture, ur schl rganized an event titled “Intangible Cultural Heritage n campus” during the arts festival. The aim was t intrduce students and teachers t the captivating beauty f China’s rich intangible cultural heritage.
    The event featured a series f wrkshps, where master artisans shwcased traditinal crafts like paper-cutting, pttery making, and Chinese knt tying. Participants had hands-n experiences, learning firsthand abut the intricate skills invlved. There were als cultural perfrmances, shwcasing traditinal dances and music.
    The event left a prfund impressin n all invlved. Nt nly did it enhance ur understanding f China’s cultural heritage, but it als fstered a sense f pride and appreciatin fr ur natinal’s rich cultural diversity. Persnally, I was inspired by the dedicatin and craftsmanship f the artisans, and am eager t explre mre f China’s intangible cultural treasures.
    What I didn’t realise at the mment was that Liz and I were in the whale’s muth. It had engulfed my entire bdy except fr my right arm and paddle. Liz, meanwhile, was lking up directly int the whale’s jaw—it was like a big white wall. She tld me later she thught she was ging t die. I was still wrried abut being sucked dwn by the vacuum, s I just kept thinking that I had t get up and fight this. Whales have enrmus muths but tiny thrats. Anything they can’t swallw, they spit ut. We were wearing life jackets, and sn we bth ppped up ut f the water abut a meter apart. The entire rdeal lasted nly ten secnds, but t me it felt like an eternity.
    Thankfully, the whale spitted us ut, peple paddling t help, shting vides. A few peple were nearby, and smene sht a vide f the entire incident. A few days later, I studied the vide and saw hw clse I’d cme t being injured r killed. I became s much mre appreciative f life after that day. There’s n way I’m getting that clse t whales again. I want t respect their space and nw I’m very aware f the pwer f nature.

    黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学(大庆铁人)联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学(大庆铁人)联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题,共10页。

    四川省师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份四川省师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(Word版附答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    福建师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份福建师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题,共17页。试卷主要包含了Wh is the wman?等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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