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    1.What des the wman think f the mvie?
    2.What exercise is the man interested in?
    A.Flying kites.B.Snwkiting.C.Snwbarding.
    3.What will the man d next mnth?
    A.Buy a car.B.Fix his car.C.Take a driving test.
    4.Hw des the wman nrmally eat carrts?
    A.She cks them.B.She eats them raw.C.She makes juice ut f them.
    5.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    6.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The future way f wrking.
    B.Hw t find a satisfying jb.
    C.The develpment f cmputers.
    7.What des the man mean?
    A.He wuld get much mre dne at hme.
    B.Wrking at hme may nt be fr him.
    C.He wuld like t watch TV at hme.
    8.What happened t the man?
    A.He missed all f his classes.
    B.He didn’t eat his sandwich at nn.
    C.He frgt t take his lunch t schl.
    9.What is the man prbably?
    A.A firefighter.B.A ck.C.A student.
    10.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.At hme.B.In the hspital.C.In the restaurant.
    11.Why des Sarah feel sad?
    A.She has lst her cat.
    B.She has quarreled with her friend.
    C.The schlwrk is s hard fr her.
    12.What des Mr. Thmpsn advise Sarah t d?
    A.Get a new cat.B.Lk fr Tny.C.Read a bk.
    13.What des Sarah prmise t d?
    A.Get hme early.
    B.Fcus n her lessns.
    C.Talk t Miss Lennn.
    14.Why des the wman say thanks t the man?
    A.He is driving her arund.
    B.He intrduced a friend t her.
    C.He recmmended a jb t her.
    15.What d we knw abut the first flat?
    A.It is far frm the supermarket.
    B.It has an ld-fashined kitchen.
    C.It is unaffrdable fr the wman.
    16.What d the tw girls mst prbably want t d?
    A.Sell their apartment.
    B.Lk fr a rmmate.
    C.Share a rm with the wman.
    17.What can the students read in the N.1 Reading Rm?
    A.Bks in Chinese.
    B.Bks in freign languages.
    C.Newspapers and magazines.
    18.Where is the N.3 Reading Rm?
    A.On the first flr.
    B.On the secnd flr.
    C.On the third flr.
    19.Which is fr teachers nly?
    A.The N.2 Reading Rm.
    B.The N.4 Reading Rm.
    C.The Reference Materials Center.
    20.Hw lng can the students keep the bks?
    A.Fr tw weeks.B.Fr a mnth.C.Fr five weeks.
    In Paris, yu nly need t see the Luvre, right? Wrng! There’s s much mre t see in ne f the wrld’s greatest cities fr arts and culture! In this article, discver the best museums t visit in Paris.
    Luis Vuittn Fundatin
    The architecture f this building alne makes a visit wrth it. The building was designed by famus architect Frenk Gehry. There are wrks f art by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Ellswrth Kelly, Olafur Eliassn, Gilbert & Gerge, Jeff Kns, and many thers. The admissin ticket csts€16.
    Hurs: Mn—Sat, 10:00 am—6:00 pm(clsed Sundays)
    Paris Museum f Mdern Art
    The museum has a few huge wrks f art and a tn f ther eye-catchers. It is technically free t visit, but they ask fr a nn-mandatry(非强制性的) dnatin f€5 t see the permanent artwrks.
    Hurs: Tues—Sun,10:00 am—6:00 pm(clsed Mndays)
    Musée Natinal Picass-Paris
    The museum is hme t thusands f Picass wrks. Unlike the Rdin Museum, which cntains wrks frm many artists, the Picass Museum keeps its cllectin clsely tied t the master. The admissin ticket csts€14.
    Hurs: Tues—Fri,10:00 am—6:30 pm; Sat and Sun, 9:30 am—6:00 pm(clsed Mndays)
    Musée Marmttan Mnet
    Similar t the Picass Museum, the Mnet Museum is mstly abut Mnet. The museum is nly what it is tday thanks t Michel Mnet’s famus dnatin f his father’s remaining wrks f art. Admissins will run yu frm €9 t €14.
    Hurs: Tues—Sun, 10:00 am—6:00 pm, late nights n Thursdays until 9:00 pm(clsed Mndays).
    21.Wh was the designer f Luis Vuittn Fundatin?
    A.Frenk Gehry.B.Ellswrth Kelly.C.Olafur Eliassn.D.Jeff Kns.
    22.Hw much d a cuple have t pay t enter Musée Natinal Picass-Paris?
    23.When can yu enter Musée Marmttan Mnet?
    A.At 6:00 pm n Mnday.B.At 9:30 am n Thursday.
    C.At 10:00 pm n Saturday.D.At 10:00 am n Sunday.
    Estefanía Rebellón was nce a migrant(流动的) child. She was 10 when her family fled Cali, Clmbia, because f death threats t her father, wh had been frced int hiding. They settled in Miami. Despite the challenges she faced as a migrant child, she was lucky t have teachers wh advcated fr her and guided her alng the way.
    Rebellón mved frm Miami t Ls Angeles when she was 21 t pursue an acting career. In 2018, she was s mved after vlunteering in migrant camps in Tijuana that she put her career n hld. “There were n schls set up t help these kids. They were walking arund the camps bareft,” she said.
    Rebellón and her partner Kyle Schmidt used abut $1,000 f their savings t buy tents and supplies and set up a makeshift(临时的) schl at the brder. They enlisted vlunteer teachers t prvide learning pprtunities in the camps. In the mnths that fllwed, when thse families living in the camps were mved t shelters, Rebellón and Schmidt wanted t cntinue ffering educatinal services.
    “I thught, ‘Why dn’t we turn a bus int a mbile classrm, and we culd take it t all the different shelters?’” Rebellón said. Over the next year, Rebellón and Schmidt bught and transfrmed a bus, partnered with shelters, and drve the bus ver the brder.
    In 2019, she c-funded the Yes We Can Wrld Fundatin, a nnprfit rganizatin that believes every child has the right t educatin and safe spaces regardless f their lcatin, current legal status r ecnmic backgrund.
    Rebellón’s rganizatin hires prfessinal teachers and tailrs their curriculum(课程) t the specific needs f each student. “The prgram has been fficially apprved by the educatin secretary in Mexic and serves children aged 3 t 15—a crucial perid fr educatin,” Rebellón said.
    Tday, the Yes We Can Wrld Fundatin educates 250—300 kids a day thrugh its fur schl lcatins alng the brder and three mbile schl buses. “Since 2019, the grup has served mre than 3,100 migrant children frm 10 cuntries,” Rebellón said.
    24.What can be learned abut Rebellón frm the first paragraph?
    A.She received death threats.B.Her teachers helped her a lt.
    C.She was frced int hiding.D.Her acting career began early.
    25.What did Rebellón realize while vlunteering in migrant camps?
    A.She shuld value her hard-wn life.
    B.Children culd be happy in any envirnment.
    C.Migrant kids lacked pprtunities fr schling.
    D.She was lucky t have the ability t help thers.
    26.Why did Rebellón turn a bus int a classrm?
    A.T set the scene fr her shw.
    B.T realize her childhd dream.
    C.T give full play t the value f a bus.
    D.T ffer children cnvenient access t educatin.
    27.What can we say abut the impact f the Yes We Can Wrld Fundatin?
    A.It’s far-reaching.B.It’s predictable.
    C.It’s shrt-lived.D.It’s unidentifiable.
    Packaging can play a greater rle in keeping prduce and ther fds fresh, therefre minimizing fd waste—especially if cnsumers can better understand thse packaging technlgies. That’s amng the takeaways f research led by Michigan State University(MSU)’s Schl f Packaging, detailed in a recently released white paper.
    In the United States, fd waste in landfills dubled frm 1990 t 2020, accrding t data shared by the US Envirnmental Prtectin Agency this year. Researchers cited data shwing 40% f the fd supply is wasted each year, with 43% f that happening at the cnsumer r husehld level.
    Ameripen, the nly rganizatin exclusively fcused n US public plicy fr the entire packaging industry, and the Envirnmental Research & Educatin Fundatin funded research that included a survey f mre than 1,000 peple in the United States. Ameripen said it wanted t knw what rle packaging culd play in reducing husehld fd waste as well as understand cnsumer awareness f fd packaging’s value and functins.
    The survey asked cnsumers abut their understanding f packaging frms and willingness t pay mre fr packaging designed t reduce fd waste, amng ther areas.
    The study fund that whle fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas and lettuce, are the fds mst wasted by husehlds, with dairy prducts, prepared packaged fds and leftvers als cmmn culprits(罪魁祸首). “Half-eaten packaged fd prducts and fd withut packaging that went bad befre it was eaten are the tw primary reasns fr fd waste in American husehlds, indicating there is pprtunity fr imprved packaging design t help cnsumers with extending shelf life, reuse and size,” the white paper states.
    Researchers reprted that while cnsumers’ current understanding f packaging technlgies was “limited”, they indicated “they wuld pay mre fr fd cntained in packaging that extends freshness and shelf life.”
    “There’s a need t design packaging fr prduce that is currently nt packaged; that mst f the prduce in this study was wasted is because there is n packaging at all,” MSU’s Krey Fennel said during the webinar(网络研讨会), als nting the imprtance f “intelligent packaging” that culd indicate the shelf life f fd prducts.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “minimizing” in the first paragraph mean?
    29.What des the authr intend t d in the secnd paragraph?
    A.Summarize the previus paragraph.B.Prvide sme advice fr the readers.
    C.Add sme backgrund infrmatin.D.Intrduce a new tpic fr discussin.
    30.Hw did the researchers cnduct their study?
    A.By making bservatins.B.By asking questins.
    C.By carrying ut experiments.D.By referring t frmer studies.
    31.What is the cnsumers’ attitude t purchasing packaged fd accrding t the study?
    Nt unlike the wings f airplanes, the blades(叶片) f wind turbines(涡轮机) need t be kept ice-free in rder t functin prperly. Scientists have nw develped an inexpensive methd f using drnes(无人机) t apply an ec-friendly anti-icing cating t thse blades.
    If t much ice builds up n wind turbine blades, they will turn mre slwly, prducing less energy. What’s mre, if an equal amunt f ice isn’t present n all three blades, the turbine’s balance may be thrwn ff, leading t increased wear and pssibly even disastrus failure.
    There are anti-icing heating systems that can be built int the blades, but these may be beynd the financial means f many wind farm peratrs. The same can be said fr using helicpters t apply ice-preventin chemicals.
    Seeking a mre ecnmical but still effective alternative, scientists frm tw branches f Germany’s Fraunhfer research grup recently started lking t drnes. The research prject is knwn as “TURBO: Temprary cating by means f drnes—Icing prtectin f wind turbines as a case study”.
    In the current versin f the resulting system, a hexacpter drne is equipped with a small pump that delivers anti-icing liquid. The liquid is sprayed(喷洒) at high pressure—which is just 0.3 mm wide—prducing tiny drplets with a diameter f 100 micrmeters.
    Using this setup, the drne has successfully been used t apply catings f the drplets nt the edges f wind turbine blades, even at wind speeds f up t 35 km/h(22 mph). Once slidified, thse catings prevent ice frmatin fr several weeks befre a fresh cating is applied.
    The scientists are nw seeking industry partners t help cmmercialize the TURBO technlgy. It culd als find use in the maintenance f pwer lines, the upper levels f tall buildings, r ther things that are difficult t reach by cnventinal means.
    32.What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A.Prblems caused by icing.B.The prcess f ice frmatin.
    C.Disasters brught abut by drnes.D.The functin f wind turbines.
    33.Which wrd can best describe anti-icing heating systems?
    34.What can we learn abut the TURBO technlgy frm the last paragraph?
    A.It has a wider range f applicatins.
    B.It is a relatively traditinal apprach.
    C.It can slve the prblem nce and fr all.
    D.It is mre cstly than using ice-preventin chemicals.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.The Advantages f Using Wind Energy
    B.Drnes Prtect Wind Turbines Frm Icing
    C.Wind Turbines Remve Ice n Their Own
    D.A Majr Breakthrugh in Drne Technlgy
    36.Hw t Overcme Yur Fears
    Here are five practical strategies that will help yu vercme yur fears and face a brighter future.
    Identify yur fears
    Take a mment t explre inward and identify the specific surces f yur fears. Recgnize what it is that is hlding yu back. Ask yurself, “What are yu genuinely afraid f?” Spend a few quiet mments bserving yur thughts and emtins. ① _______ .
    Understand the rt cause
    Spend sme time explring the nature f yur fears. Begin reflective thinking by asking yurself, “Why am I experiencing fear?” and “What is causing me t feel anxius?” ② _______, yu will gain an understanding f the factrs behind yur fears. When yu deeply understand the surces f yur fears, yu are in a better psitin t vercme them.
    Practice acceptance
    The jurney f vercming fear requires acceptance. ③ _______. Instead, it is a catalyst(催化剂) that guides yu n the path f persnal develpment. By recgnizing that fear is a universal human emtin that everyne faces at certain times, yu can emply its energy fr psitive purpses.
    ④ _______
    T vercme yur fears effectively, yu need t set clear and achievable gals. That’s because yu can use a sense f purpse t drive yu frward n yur jurney. In additin, breaking dwn yur brader gals int smaller nes is imprtant.
    Take actin
    ⑤ _______ . Start small by dealing with the least frightening aspect f yur fear and gradually wrk yur way up t mre challenging steps. As yu g thrugh this jurney f actin, unexpected pprtunities fr persnal grwth will arise. Ultimately, yu’ll strengthen yur self-cnfidence as yu recnsider yur beliefs abut life and yurself.
    A.Establish clear gals
    B.Remember all yur gals
    C.If yu take actin at nce
    D.When yu answer these questins
    E.Then write dwn in detail what cmes up fr yu
    F.Accepting fear is nt a barrier t self-imprvement
    G.At this pint n yur jurney t vercme fear, it’s time t take actin
    Frest & Bird, a cnservatin rganizatin in New Zealand, held a cntest fr Bird f the Century and invited peple in the cuntry and abrad t 1 their favrite threatened species, Cmedian and talk shw hst Jhn Oliver 2 Frest & Bird if he culd campaign fr the püteketeke, a native water bird with eye-catching black-brwn 3 arund its neck. The rganizatin 4 .
    T get 5 fr the species, Oliver started a wrldwide campaign, which fcused n its 6 feather surrunding its neck, rmantic mating ceremny and heart-warming parenting style.
    "The püteketeke are fantastic cuples and 7 parents wh always carry their babies n their backs!" read ne f the ads.
    His effrt 8 The püteketeke began at the bttm f the 9 . But it 10 the cntest with 290,374 vtes after Oliver started the campaign n its behalf. By cmparisn, the much mre 11 bird kiwi just gt 12,904 vtes.
    Accrding t Frest & Bird, there are fewer than 3,000 f the bird acrss New Zealand a few decades ag. But the 12 has been increasing thanks in part t cnservatin effrts.
    Usually called Bird f the Year, the annual 13 is held t raise awareness abut the plight(困境)f the natin's native 14 , 80% f which are n the threatened species list. This year, the cntest was named Bird f the Century t celebrate the grup's 15 birthday.
    37.A. meet B. selectC. prtectD. feed
    38.A. askedB. infrmed C. challengedD. reminded
    39.A. bneB. meatC. develped D. skin
    40.A. prtested B. disappearedC. featherD. agreed
    41.A. supprtB. spaceC. resurceD. pressure
    42.A. uglyB. uniqueC. redD. thin
    43.A. annyingB. richC. caringD. clever
    44.A. fell apartB. went nC. gave awayD. paid ff
    45.A. lakeB. listC. bttleD. tree
    46.A. hstedB. missedC. wnD. jined
    47.A. famusB. intelligentC. disappintedD. rdinary
    48.A. varietyB. valueC. chanceD. number
    49.A. partyB. ceremnyC. event D. festival
    50.A. birdsB. flwersC. crpsD. peple
    51.A. delayedB.100thC. frgttenD. first
    52.Xu Xiake was brn in 1587. ①_____ (he) parents were rich landwners. Yet he gave up a ②______ (cmfrt) life, and decided t explre the muntains and rivers n ft.
    China has mre famus explrers. There was: Zhang Qian, wh traveled int Central Asia during the secnd century BC, pening a trade rad that became ③______ is knwn as the Silk Rad. Or Zheng He, the sailr wh in the 15th century sailed as far away as Africa. Yet these explratins ④______ (supprt) by gvernments. Xu was ttally different.
    “On the surface, Xu’s travels can neither be classified as great affairs f state ⑤______ great adventures that changed the curse f histry,” writes cultural histrian Cheng Pei-kai. “Xu travelled t satisfy his wn ⑥______ (curius).”
    Schlar Julian Ward agrees, describing the lnely Chinese wanderer like the Middle Kingdm’s versin f Jhn Muir: “Deep in lve with nature and eager t find freedm ⑦______ wrldly cncerns, Xu was a man addicted t ⑧______ (see) and describing the landscape.”
    “The few cins ⑨______ (slip) frm a hle in my pcket while I was climbing a muntain in Yunnan. When I finally managed t the twn, I sld all my clthes, bught myself a bttle f wine and a gd dinner ⑩________ (celebrate) my survival,” the dreamy explrer wrte in his diaries, which mix details f gelgy, gegraphy and btany with such persnal travel experiences.
    53. 假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将于下周六举办主题为“英语戏剧”的比赛。请给你班的外教Frank写一封邮件,邀请他担任评委。内容包括:
    54. My friend invited me t a trapeze(高空秋千) class. I was dubtful because f a lack f curage and a shrt f self-cnfidence, but her enthusiasm and assurances f strict safety rules wn me ver.
    I had been fearful f heights since elementary schl and aviding my fear f heights became secnd nature. But here I was, at age twenty-six, facing my fear f heights in a rather extreme way. I had cme arund t the idea f trying trapeze. I figured it wasn’t much different frm swinging n the mnkey bars as a kid. One difficulty I didn’t expect was the ladder(梯子). In rder t reach the trapeze, I had t climb up a twenty-tw-ft ladder.
    I culd hear ne f my classmates expressing her impatience with my slw climb up the ladder. “If she’s afraid f heights, why did she sign up fr a trapeze class?” Hwever, my friend was at the tp f the ladder, trying t encurage me. Besides, his distractin techniques helped t take my mind ff my dangerus task. I fund a rhythm(节奏) and kept ging. With a slw and steady pace, I made it t the tp. The cheers frm my classmates rang ut belw.
    An instructr tld me t step t the edge f the platfrm. He reminded me f the safety rules, including the net belw that wuld catch me at the bttm. He als asked me t listen t the directins while in the air, s I culd perfrm a trick.
    As the instructr cunted dwn, I tk a deep breath and pushed ff the platfrm, swinging back and frth. At that mment, I lst awareness f time and space. Frtunately, the instructr’s vice came ver the ludspeaker, giving me step-by-step instructins fr perfrming a trick. Instead f dubting my inability t perfrm the trick, I tk his directins ne step at a time.
    During my flight n the trapeze, my fear didn’t cmpletely leave me.
    This experience pened up a new way f seeing myself and appraching ther challenges.
    解析:M: I heard that yu went t the mvies with Jhnsn last night. Was the mvie as gd as yu expected?
    W: I’d rather I had dne my husewrk at hme.
    解析:W: What type f exercising are yu interested in?
    M: I like snwkiting very much.
    W: Really? What’s that?
    M: It’s like snwbarding, yu knw, ging dwn a muntain n a bard, but yu have a kite attached t, s yu g even faster.
    解析:W: Nichlas, I finally gt my driver’s license. I can’t wait t buy my wn car.
    M: Ww! Cngratulatins! I’m a little wrried that I will fail my driving test next mnth.
    W: Take it easy! I believe yu can d it well.
    解析:W: D yu like eating carrts?
    M: Yes! They’re ne f my favrite vegetables. I lve eating them raw, and I ften make carrt juice in the mrning. What abut yu?
    W: I enjy eating carrts, t. But I nrmally ck them.
    解析:M: Hi, Kendra. I’m Tny, Student President f Class 4. Mr. Jnes tld me t help yu n yur first day here. Ready fr science class?
    W: Yeah. It’s nice f yu t help me. I’m a little lst. Wh’s ur teacher?
    M: It’s Ms. Green. And ur class is right here.
    解析:W: Wrk? In the future? Well, I think as cmpanies get mre cmputerized, they’re finding ways f using fewer wrkers.
    M: Yeah. And mre and mre peple will be wrking at hme because f cmputers.
    W: Ww, I’d really lve that. Can yu imagine spending mst f yur wrk week in the cmfrt f yur wn hme?
    M: Persnally, I wuld have freer timetable and get much mre dne. And with emails and phne calls yu can still keep in tuch with everyne yu need t.
    W: Well, I’m afraid I might just sit back and turn n the TV!
    解析:W: Yu’re hungry, aren’t yu?
    M: Hw can yu tell?
    W: Yu have that lk n yur face like yu’re abut t get mad fr n reasn.
    M: Yeah, it’s easy t lse yur temper when yu’re tired r hungry.
    W: What happened t yur sandwich?
    M: It’s still in the refrigeratr at schl. I never gt t eat it.
    W: What happened?
    M: The fire alarm went ff. We all had t g ut f the building and wait fr an hur. We didn’t miss any classes because it was at nn, but we missed all f lunch.
    W: Oh, n. Well, I made sme ckies. Want ne?
    M: Of curse.
    解析:W: Hell, Mr. Thmpsn. Miss Lennn said yu wanted t speak t me.
    M: Yes, Sarah. And yur wrk is suffering. Is smething n yur mind?
    W: Yes, I d feel a little bit sad.
    M: Why is that? Is the schlwrk t hard fr yu r is there a prblem at hme?
    W: N, n... it’s Tny. Tny was my cat. He was lst last week. He was my best friend.
    M: Oh, I’m srry t hear that. I knw hw that feels—and getting a new cat desn’t always help.
    W: I culdn’t d that.
    M: Sarah, I’m ging t give yu a little bk t read. It’s called Cping with Lss, and it might help yu deal with yur feelings.
    W: OK, and I will try t fcus n my lessns.
    解析:W: Thanks fr driving me arund.
    M: Dn’t mentin it. I have time tday, and I think it’s imprtant that yu find a gd place.
    W: It wuld be nt easy fr me t d it. I am nt familiar with the city.
    M: S what d yu see in there?
    W: A flat with a view f the lake, next t a big supermarket, including electrical equipment and parking. A mdern furnished kitchen, $470.
    M: Can yu affrd that?
    W: N, I guess nt. But that’s what I want.
    M: Yes, a flat usually has ne large rm, a small bathrm and a small kitchen. S it’s gd fr ne persn.
    W: This ne. Tw girls are seeking a rmmate. Cmfrtable dwntwn apartment. Des this me an I have t share a rm with them?
    M: N. It prbably means they have a large apartment. Prbably a living rm, kitchen and three bedrms. They need sme ne fr the empty bedrm.
    W: Sunds gd t me. I really appreciate yur help n this.
    M: My pleasure. What are friends fr anyway?
    解析:W: Gd evening, everyne. If this is the first time fr yu t cme t ur library as a new student, let me tell yu a bit abut the services we ffer here. The library has fur reading rms. On the first flr is the N. I Reading Rm, which is fr newspapers and magazines. On the secnd flr, n the left as yu g up the stairs, is the N.2 Reading Rm, which has bks written in freign languages.
    Immediately abve it n the third flr is the N. 4 Reading Rm, fr wrks in Chinese. The N.3 Reading Rm n the secnd flr is fr the use f teachers and graduate students. There is als a Reference Materials Center n the third flr which is fr teachers nly. Each student is given five library cards fr brrwing bks and ne fr magazines. Of the five cards fr bks, nly ne can be used t brrw wrks f histry. Bks can be kept fr up t a mnth and magazines fr tw weeks.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Luis Vuittn Fundatin部分“The architecture f this building alne makes a visit wrth it. The building was designed by famus architect Frenk Gehry.”可知,Luis Vuittn Fundatin的设计者是Frenk Gehry。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Musée Natinal Picass-Paris部分“The admissin ticket csts€14.”可知,一对夫妻想要参观Musée Natinal Picass-Paris需支付28欧元。
    解析:细节理解题。根据 Musée Marmttan Mnet 部分“Hurs: Tues-Sun, 10: 00 am-6: 00 pm, late nights n Thursdays until 9: 00 pm(clsed Mndays).”可知,在周日上午10点你可以参观 Musée Marmttan Mnet。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Despite the challenges she faced as a migrant child, she was lucky t have teachers wh advcated fr her and guided her alng the way.”可知,Rebellón的老师们给了她很大帮助。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“…after vlunteering in migrant camps in Tijuana that she put her career n hld. ‘There were n schls set up t help these kids. They were walking arund the camps bareft,’ she said.”可知,Rebellón在难民营做义工时意识到流动儿童缺乏上学的机会。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“ thse families living in the camps were mved t shelters, Rebelln and Schmidt wanted t cntinue ffering educatinal services.”及第四段“I thught, “Why dn’t we turn a bus int a mbile classrm, and we culd take it t all the different shelters?””Rebellón said.”可知,Rebellón把公共汽车改成教室是为了给孩子们提供受教育的便利。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Tday, the Yes We Can Wrld Fundatin educates 250—300 kids a day thrugh its fur schl lcatins alng the brder and three mbile schl buses...”可推断,the Yes We Can Wrld Fundatin 的影响深远。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词前“Packaging can play a greater rle in keeping prduce and ther fds fresh, therefre”可推断,画线词的意思和Reducing最接近。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“The survey asked cnsumers abut their understanding f packaging frms and willingness t pay mre fr packaging designed t reduce fd waste, amng ther areas.”可知,研究者是通过问消费者问题进行研究的。
    解析:观点态度题。根据倒数第二段“ indicated ‘they wuld pay mre fr fd cntained in packaging that extends freshness and shelf life.’”可推断,研究中消费者对购买带包装的食品持“肯定的”态度。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“There are anti-icing heating systems that can be built int the blades, but these may be beynd the financial means f many wind farm peratrs.”可知,防冰加热系统是昂贵的。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“ the TURBO technlgy. It culd als find use in the maintenance f pwer lines, the upper levels f tall buildings, r ther things that are difficult t reach by cnventinal means.”可知,TURBO技术具有更广泛的应用。
    解析:①根据本段的小标题Identify yur fears 及空前“Spend a few quiet mments bserving yur thughts and emtins.”可知,E项“然后详细地写下你能想到的事情”符合。
    ②根据空前“Begin reflective thinking by asking yurself, ‘Why am I experiencing fear?’ and ‘What is causing me t feel anxius?’”及空后“yu will gain an understanding f the factrs behind yur fears.”可知,D项“当你回答这些问题时”符合。
    ③根据本段的小标题Practice acceptance、空前“The jurney f vercming fear requires acceptance.”及空后“Instead, it is a catalyst(催化剂) that guides yu n the path f persnal develpment.”可知,F项“接受恐惧并不是自我提升的障碍”符合。
    ④根据下文“T vercme yur fears effectively, yu need t set clear and achievable gals.”可知,A项“设定明确的目标”适合作本段的小标题。
    ⑤根据本段的小标题Take actin及空后“Start small by dealing with the least frightening aspect f yur fear and gradually wrk yur way up t mre challenging steps.”可知,G项“在你克服恐惧的旅程中,是时候采取行动了”符合。
    解析:根据下文可知, Frest & Bird举办这次活动的目的是要投票选出(select)最受欢迎的濒临灭绝的鸟类。
    38.答案: A
    解析:脱口秀主持人 Jhn Oliver 问(asked)组织者, 他是否可以为 pūteketeke 拉票。
    39.答案: C
    解析:根据下文“…which fcused n its_________ feather surrunding its neck…”可知, 该空指的是鸟脖子上的那一圈羽毛(feather)。
    40.答案: D
    解析:从后面的结果来看, 组织者同意了(agreed)Jhn Oliver的请求。
    41.答案: A
    解析:为了获得足够的支持(supprt), Jhn Oliver在全球范围内投放了广告。
    42.答案: B
    解析:根据上文“…a native water bird with eye-catching black-brwn___________ arund its neck.”可知, 这鸟脖子上的一圈羽毛非常特别(unique)。
    43.答案: C
    解析:根据“…wh always carry their babies n their backs!”可知, pūteketeke这种鸟非常疼爱(caring)自己的孩子。
    44.答案: D
    解析:从投票结果看, Jhn Oliver的努力得到了回报(paid ff)。
    45.答案: B
    解析:他所支持的 pūteketeke 的排位一下子从排名表(list)底部冲到了第一位。
    46.答案: C
    解析:并最终以 290374 票赢得了(wn)这次比赛。
    47.答案: A
    解析:根据空前“By cmparisn”可推断, kiwi 应该比 pūteketeke 更有名(famus)。
    48.答案: D
    解析:根据空前及空后可知, pūteketeke的数量(number)一直在增加。
    49.答案: C
    解析:根据空前“Usually called Bird f the Year…”可知, 这种活动(event)每年举行一次。
    50.答案: A
    51.答案: B
    52.答案:His ;cmfrtable ;what;were supprted ;nr;curisity ;frm;seeing ;slipped ;t celebrate
    ④考查动词时态语态。句意:然而,这些探索都得到了政府的支持。此处陈述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时,主语these explratins和supprt为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为复数名词,be动词用were。故填were supprted。
    ⑦考查介词。句意:学者朱利安·沃德(Julian Ward)对此表示赞同,他将这位孤独的中国流浪者描述为中国版的约翰·缪尔(Jhn Muir):“徐深爱自然,渴望从世俗的忧虑中找到自由,他是一个沉迷于观察和描述风景的人。”表示“从……”应用介词frm。故填frm。
    ⑨考查动词时态。句意:当我在云南爬山时,几枚硬币从我口袋里的一个洞里滑了出来。空处为主句的谓语动词,根据空后的时间状语从句“…while I was climbing a muntain in Yunnan.”可知,该句叙述的是过去发生的事,故用所给动词的过去式。故填slipped。
    ⑩考查非谓语动词。句意:当我终于到达小镇时,我卖掉了所有的衣服,给自己买了一瓶酒和一顿丰盛的晚餐来庆祝我的生存。空处作目的状语,需填动词不定式。故填t celebrate。
    53.答案:Dear Frank,
    I am Li Hua. I am writing t invite yu t serve as a judge fr the English drama cntest.
    As planned, the cn test will be held in the schl lecture hall at eight ’clck next Saturday mrning. It aims t stimulate students’ interest in English culture and ppularize English drama. At the scene, several dramas, including “The Little Mermaid”, “Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “Rme and Juliet”, will be perfrmed by the students. Finally, the event will end with the presentatin f awards.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    54.答案: During my flight n the trapeze, my fear didn’t cmpletely leave me. My palms were clammy, my heart was racing, and my muth was dry. But I turned dwn the dial f my fear s I culd be present in the experience. I fcused my thughts n the instructr’s vice instead f my internal dialgue abut what culd g wrng. In the end, I successfully cmpleted the task. I culdn’t believe I had actually dne it!
    This experience pened up a new way f seeing myself and appraching ther challenges. I became mre capable f vercming my fear and learned t believe in myself. I became mre pen t try new things. After my trapeze flight, I tk an archery class, went n my first kayaking trip, and hiked alng a 200-ft cliff in Nva Sctia. While these experiences made my heart pund, I cmpleted them, ne step at a time. Whether my steps were small r big, n the grund r in midair, I wanted t keep stepping ut f my cmfrt zne.

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