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    这是一份上海市虹口区2023-2024学年高三下学期二模考试英语Word版含解析,共46页。试卷主要包含了04, 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。
    2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
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    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. On a farm.B. At a library.
    C. In a snack bar.D. In a department stre.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. 7:00.B. 7:30.
    C. 8:00.D. 8:30.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. She is inferir t him in maths.B. She is really gd at maths.
    C. She desn’t wrk hard at maths.D. She didn’t d well in this test.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. He gt injured yesterday.B. He didn’t finish his paper n time.
    C. He failed t submit his paper n time.D. He culdn’t fcus his mind n the paper.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. He admires Emma fr her curage.
    B. He desn’t understand what Emma said.
    C. He gets angry with Emma at the meeting.
    D. He thinks Emma shuld take a business curse.
    6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. The wman is lking fr a research tpic.
    B. The wman is struggling with data analysis.
    C. The man is t busy t ffer help.
    D. The man can’t make sense f the data.
    7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. They are stressed ut due t their wrk.
    B. They care little abut the lack f ffice supplies.
    C. They are cncerned abut the ffice’s cleanliness.
    D. They are trn between wrk and family respnsibilities.
    8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Prfessr Wang is very gd at teaching bilgy.
    B. It is unfrtunate fr the man t have bilgy class.
    C. The bilgical prblem is hard fr all the students.
    D. The man still desn’t understand the prblem.
    9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Styles change mre quickly than necessary.
    B. Yungsters dn’t really knw what fashin is.
    C. Peple shuld care mre abut their appearance.
    D. It’s nt sensible t g after designer clthing.
    10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. The man must take histry classes this term.
    B. Science curse is nt available this term.
    C. There will be a new histry teacher this term.
    D. She desn’t knw what the required curses are this term.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. A mysterius cde.B. A thery f persnality types.
    C. A persnality type.D. A test t identify ne’s persnality.
    A. T judge an individual’s abilities.B. T identify abnrmality.
    C. T help peple understand themselves.D. T help settle wrkplace cnflicts.
    A. Whether it can prmte wrk efficiency.
    B. Whether it can serve its intended purpse.
    C. Whether it can prmte the publicatin f studies.
    D. Whether it can shw peple’s psychlgical status.
    A. They have been sent t wildlife parks fr prtectin.
    B. Their habitats have been well-prtected.
    C. They have been taken care f by lcals.
    D. Their ppulatin has almst dubled.
    A. She fught against illegal hunting.B. She helped t cure their disease.
    C. She imprved their living cnditins.D. She was engaged in preserving frests.
    A. T teach peple hw t treat grillas.B. T bst the ecnmy f Uganda.
    C. T better the Batwa peple’s lives.D. T raise funds fr wildlife prtectin.
    A. Raising funds t film the X-Files TV series.
    B. Switching frm an academic path t acting.
    C. Giving up the hard-wn psitin f a dctr.
    D. Rejecting the ffers frm the Ivy League.
    A. Being thughtful and smewhat f a lner.B. Having a scientific apprach t life.
    C. Enjying risky adventures.D. Being verly ptimistic.
    A. He didn’t g t cllege.B. He is serius and fcused.
    C. He desn’t believe in UFOs.D. He suffered a lt frm his divrce.
    A. Yu will grw strnger by vercming challenges.
    B. Yu are nt suppsed t blame thers even if yu are hurt.
    C. Yu can’t prevent thers hurting yu frm time t time.
    D. Yu will becme pwerful if driven by yur desires.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    N Filming at Cncerts and Mvie Theaters n Phnes
    “Please, n flash phtgraphy.”
    Plite requests like this can be fund in museums all ver the wrld, but they generally dn’t discurage peple frm taking phts f ____21____ they feel like. The same ges fr cncerts, mvie theaters and ther places ____22____ peple rutinely ignre filming restrictins. A new patent frm Apple may blck that rule-breaking feature—n phnes at least.
    The patent, ____23____ (award) t Apple tday, utlines a system which wuld allw venues, like cncert halls r theaters, t use an infrared emitter (红外发射器) t remtely disable the camera functin n smartphnes. Accrding t the patent, infrared beams culd be picked up by the camera, and interpreted by the smartphne as a cmmand ____24____ (blck) the user frm taking any phts r vides.
    Many musicians and perfrmers have banned cellphnes frm their shws ____25____ they bject t the free ftage circulating arund the web. ____26____ this, images still manage t leak ut. Prince’s last cncert befre he passed away in April was suppsed t be cellphne-free—it apparently wasn’t. If Apple’s patent ____27____ (intrduce) int iPhne sftware, with venues putting infrared emitters arund their stage, leaks like this culd ptentially stp happening.
    But the patent als raises questins abut the srt f pwer that this technlgy wuld be handing ver t ____28____ with mre immral intentins.
    Given the cmpany’s rigid supprt f persnal privacy when it cmes t plice requests t break int users’ devices, it’s pssible that Apple just ____29____ (patent) the technlgy s that n ne else will use it. But wh knws, if it des intend t intrduce this feature t future perating systems, sales f camcrders, r even GPrs, culd get a much-needed bst, as peple try t avid _____30_____ (use) the prhibitive sftware.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Science in Images
    Oyster mushrms feature in cuisines arund the wrld, but they shuld be ff the menu fr hungry wrms -- which these delicius mushrms will kill and eat. Nw researchers finally knw hw they d it.
    A study published in Science Advances details hw yster mushrms use a particular pisnus substance t freeze and get rid f mushrm-eating rundwrms called nematdes (线虫). The mushrms, which grw n nutrient-pr dead wd, then ___31___ the wrms fr nutritin.
    “Nematdes happen t be the mst ___32___ animals these mushrms encunter. S I think, ___33___, this crss-kingdm interactin is very interesting,” says study senir authr.
    The study team f geneticists, bichemists and bilgists had previusly fund that yster mushrms release an unidentified pisnus substance that will smehw ___34___ the wrms within minutes and cause a chemical element t flw int their cells, killing them. This ___35___ differs frm thse used by ther meat-eating mushrms and culd be unique t yster mushrms.
    Fr their new wrk, the researchers grew and analyzed samples f the mushrm’s tissue, finding n nticeable pisn even when they brke it up. They reasned that whatever was killing the wrms must be a kind f ___36___ cmpund that disappears int air when disturbed. When they damaged the yster mushrm tissue again and ___37___ analyzed the nearby air, they finally fund a nerve gas that turned ut t be cntained with tiny, special-shaped structures n the mushrm surface. When nematdes tuch the mushrms, these structures ___38___ their gas, disturbing the wrms’ cell walls t cause immbility and death. The wrm is then digested by the mushrms.
    Befre this study, “we underestimated the ___39___ t which wild mushrms defend against r cnsume nematdes,” ntes Nick Talbt, a geneticist at Sainsbury Labratry in Nrwich, England. The study demnstrates “a very ____40____ apprach,” he adds. “These rganisms are really difficult t wrk n, and Dr. Hsueh is shwing that yu can d sme really amazing wrk with them.”
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    In the middle f 2023, a study cnducted by the HuthLab at the University f Texas sent shckwaves thrugh the fields f neurscience (神经科学) and technlgy. Fr the first time, the thughts and impressins f peple ___41___ t cmmunicate with the utside wrld were translated int cntinuus natural language, using a cmbinatin f artificial intelligence (AI) and brain imaging technlgy. This is the clsest science has yet cme t ___42___ smene’s mind.
    Lsing the ability t cmmunicate is a deep cut t ne’s sense f self. ___43___ this ability gives the patient greater cntrl ver their lives. But it culd als give ther entities, such as crpratins, researchers and ther third parties, a(n) ___44___ degree f insight int, r even cntrl ver, the lives f patients. The NeurRights Fundatin, based at Clumbia University in New Yrk, argues that new rights surrunding neurtechnlgies will be ___45___ fr all humans t preserve their privacy, identity, and free will. The ptential ___46___ f disabled patients makes this a particularly imprtant prblem.
    ___47___ this apprach, Chile was the first cuntry that adpted legislatin, drafting new laws, t address the risks f neurtechnlgy. It nt nly intrduced a new cnstitutinal right t mental ___48___, but is als in the prcess f adpting a bill that bans selling neurdata, and frces all neurtech devices t be regulated as medical devices, even thse intended fr the general cnsumer.
    The prpsed legislatin recgnizes the intensely ___49___ nature f neural data and cnsiders it as rgan tissues, which cannt be bught r sld, nly dnated. But this legislatin has als faced ____50____, with legal schlars questining the need fr new rights and pinting ut that it culd discurage beneficial brain research fr disabled patients.
    While the legal actin taken by Chile is the mst impactful and ____51____ t date, ther cuntries are cnsidering updating existing laws t face the new develpments in neurtechnlgies.
    And while it is likely that the first applicatins f neurtech will be medical, future ____52____ are likely t invlve cnsumer applicatins such as entertainment, as well as fr military and security purpses. The grwing ____53____ f neurtechnlgy in a cmmercial cntext nly causes mre legal cncerns.
    Different peple, scieties, and cultures will disagree n where t draw the line. We are at a(n) ____54____ stage f technlgical develpment. And as we begin t uncver the great ptential f brain science, the need t cnsider their implicatins fr legal actin becmes mre ____55____.
    41. A. eagerB. readyC. unwillingD. unable
    42. A. clearingB. ccupyingC. changingD. reading
    43. A. ReducingB. RestrictingC. RestringD. Requiring
    44. A. irrelevantB. uncmfrtableC. negligibleD. supprtive
    45. A. neededB. limitedC. cntrlledD. denied
    46. A. applicatinB. weaknessC. impactD. significance
    47. A. In cmparisn withB. In line withC. At the cnclusin fD. At the cst f
    48. A. integrityB. cnditinC. disrderD. functin
    49. A. grupB. generalC. physicalD. persnal
    50. A. interactinB. chanceC. criticismD. defence
    51. A. far-reachingB. labr-savingC. shrt-sightedD. ill-timed
    52. A. advancesB. arrangementsC. requirementsD. plicies
    53. A. cnfidenceB. availabilityC. membershipD. mvement
    54. A. matureB. initialC. differentD. final
    55. A. diversifiedB. genuineC. pressingD. special
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    I used t think I was a gd persn. I was caring t my friends, my partner, my family; I gave t charity and I vlunteered. But when I started training t becme a therapist (治疗师), I began t understand that hwever much we might like t think f urselves as gd peple, we dn’t actually knw urselves very well. I learned abut hw we might, withut cnsciusly realizing it, deny the feelings and mtivatins we cnsider t be bad, pushing them dwn int ur uncnscius and prjecting them ut n t thers, s they becme the bad peple. I learned that deep in the human mind, alngside lve and kindness, run currents f anger, need, greed, envy, destructiveness, superirity—whether we want t acknwledge them r nt.
    It was 22-year-ld Bru wh taught me what it really means t be a gd grwn up. We first spke tw years ag. He was unemplyed, living with his parents, watching his friends’ lives prgress. A gd grwn-up, he tld me, is “smene wh has his ducks in a rw”—and that wasn’t him.
    I als didn’t feel like the cmpetent, cnfident grwn-up I thught I shuld be—and neither did mst f the adults I knew. I researched statistics abut peple hitting the traditinal landmarks f adulthd later and later, if at all—frm buying a hme t getting married r starting a family. I recgnized what made me feel like a bad grwn-up: that I’ll sit with a brken fridge rather than call an engineer t repair it.
    Then I saw Bru again. He tld me hw, ver tw years, he’d fund a jb he lves, rented a flat with a friend. He’s nw cycling rund the wrld, having adventures that will keep him strng fr the rest f his life. S what changed? “Yu start t have thse cnversatins with yurself, and yu becme mre f an hnest persn. I dn’t feel like I’m hiding frm anything anymre, because I’m nt hiding frm myself.”
    I think grwing up must invlve finding yur wn way t have thse cnversatins. Bru des it n his bike, I d it in psychanalysis, thers I spke t d it while cking r playing music. That, fr Bru, and fr me, is what it means t “have his ducks in a rw”.
    56. What des the first paragraph imply abut understanding urselves?
    A. Recgnizing ur psitive traits is enugh fr grwth.
    B. Our understanding f ur mtives and feelings is accurate.
    C. True self-awareness means accepting bth gd and bad sides.
    D. Ignring ur negative traits des nt affect ur self-perceptin.
    57. What critical lessn did the authr learn frm Bru abut being a gd grwn-up?
    A. It invlves having a clear career path and financial stability.
    B. It requires cnstant self-imprvement and educatin.
    C. It means being emplyed and living independently.
    D. It is like a jurney f self-discvery and hnesty.
    58. What des the authr identify as a reasn fr feeling like an inadequate adult?
    A. Escaping basic respnsibilities.
    B. Delaying reaching traditinal life milestnes.
    C. Cmparing persnal achievements t thers.
    D. Investigating changing patterns f adult life.
    59. Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Why Hide Harms
    B. Hw t Be Better Adults
    C. Why Grwing up Matters
    D. Hw t Have Effective Cnversatins
    Guided Desert Adventure
    Typical desert activities like sandbarding, dune bashing and quad biking
    With this tur, yu’ll have half a day f adventure activities in the desert.
    Yu’ll start yur tur by driving t a scenic spt n the tp f a tall sand dune (沙丘) fr a chance t take phts f the area. On tp f a sand dune, yu’ll have the chance t slide dwn the side by sandbarding. Frm here, yu’ll get ready fr hitting sme dunes in a fur-wheel drive vehicle. Next, yu’ll hp n a quad bike and have time t drive arund the desert in the pen air. Finally, yu’ll have a camel ride arund a small part f the desert.
    What’s included
    Pickup and drp-ff
    20 minutes f sandbarding
    35 minutes f dune bashing
    25 minutes f quad biking
    10-minute camel ride
    Water and sft drinks
    A drive thrugh a camel farm
    Additinal infrmatin
    Requires a high level f physical fitness.
    Nt suitable fr children between 0 and 5.
    Children under 18 must be accmpanied by an adult.
    Turs starting after nn include a BBQ dinner with sweets and fruits, which csts an additinal US$ 45/persn nly.
    60. What kind f experiences can participants expect frm this trip?
    A. Taking a sand bathing n the tp f a sand dune.
    B. Explring the expansive desert freely n a camel ride.
    C. An exciting day adventure filled with diverse activities.
    D. Capturing the breathtaking desert landscape with a camera.
    61. Hw much des a grup f fur university students need t pay fr taking the 14:00 tur?
    A. US$ 180.B. US$ 220.C. US$ 265.D. US$ 400.
    62. Which f the fllwing is mst likely t be a review frm a frmer participant f the tur?
    A. The shw was great! I highly recmmend!
    B. It was a lt f fun and I enjyed every minute f it.
    C. The place is cl, easy t find and get t with metr.
    D. Arrive early fr tickets t avid a lng queue.
    Pricing is managers’ biggest marketing headache. It’s where they feel the mst pressure t perfrm and the least certain that they are ding a gd jb. All successful pricing effrts share tw qualities: The plicy cmbines well with the cmpany’s verall marketing strategy, and the prcess is well-rganized as a whle.
    A cmpany’s pricing plicy sends a message t the market—it gives custmers an imprtant sense f a cmpany’s philsphy. Cnsider Saturn Crpratin (a whlly wned cmpany f General Mtrs). Saturn wants t let cnsumers knw that it is friendly and easy t d business with. Part f this cncept is cnveyed thrugh initiatives such as inviting custmers t the factry t see where the cars are made and spnsring evenings at the dealership that cmbine a scial event with training n car maintenance. But Saturn’s pricing plicy sends a strng message as well. Can a friendly, trusting relatinship be established with custmers if a salespersn uses all the negtiating tricks in the bk t try t separate them frm that last $100? Of curse nt. Saturn has a “n hassle, n haggle” plicy which remves the pssibility f cnflicts between dealer and ptential custmer. Custmers have an easier time buying a car knwing that the next persn in the dr wn’t negtiate a better deal.
    Of curse, there are typically many participants in the pricing prcess: Accunting prvides cst estimates; marketing cmmunicates the pricing strategy; sales prvides specific custmer input; prductin sets supply bundaries; and finance establishes the requirements fr the entire cmpany’s financial health. Input frm diverse surces is necessary. Hwever, prblems arise when the philsphy f wide participatin is carried ver t the price-setting prcess withut strng crdinating mechanisms (协调机制). Fr example, if the marketing department sets list prices, the salespeple negtiate discunts in the field, the legal department adjusts prices if necessary t prevent breaking the laws r cntractual agreements, and the peple filling rders negtiate price adjustments fr delays in shipment, everybdy’s best intentins usually end up bringing abut less than the best results. In fact, the cmpany may actually lse mney n sme rders.
    63. Why is it essential fr a cmpany’s pricing plicy t cmbine with its verall marketing strategy?
    A. T maximize pssible returns and prfits.
    B. T maintain cnsistency in business peratins.
    C. T eliminate the need fr diverse sales inputs.
    D. T attract custmers t scial events and trainings.
    64. What des Saturn’s “n hassle, n haggle” plicy (paragraph 2) mst prbably mean?
    A. Saturn trains its dealers t treat custmers sincerely.
    B. Saturn ffers discunts t sme lyal custmers.
    C. Saturn cars are at least $100 cheaper than ther cars.
    D. Saturn cars are sld at fixed, nn-negtiable prices.
    65 What can be inferred frm the wide participatin in the pricing prcess?
    A. Decisin making requires gathering cmprehensive infrmatin.
    B. The crdinating mechanism wn’t wrk withut a lt f input.
    C. Ptential custmers are easily upset at any stage f the prcess.
    D. The cmpany lses mney unless everyne intends fr the best.
    66. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr this passage?
    A. The art f crdinating pricing prcesses
    B. The best sales negtiatin techniques
    C Getting ne step clser tward better pricing
    D. Maximizing prfits thrugh pricing plicies
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Yur Life Is Better Than Yu Think
    The undeniable ppularity f self-help bks, wellness pdcasts, and happiness wrkshps reflects the cnstant human desire t make life better. ______67______
    While we may have a lving family a gd place t live, and a decent jb, we ften fail t ntice thse things. It’s nt because we are ungrateful r stupid, but it’s because f a basic feature f ur brain, knwn as habituatin.
    Habituatin is the tendency f neurns t fire less and less in respnse t things that are cnstant. Yu enter a rm filled with rses and after a shrt while, yu cannt detect their scent any lnger; and just as yu get used t the smell f fresh flwers, yu als get used t a lving relatinship, t a prmtin, t a nice hme, t a wnderful wrk f art. Like the frnt page f a daily newspaper, yur brain cares abut what recently changed, nt abut what remained the same. ______68______ Yu habituate t it—yu fail t ntice and respnd t elements f yur life which yu previusly fund amazing.
    ______69______ That is, yu can suddenly start perceiving and respnding t things t which yu have becme desensitized.
    The key is taking small breaks frm yur daily life. Fr example, when peple return hme frm a lng business trip, they ften find their ld life has “reshined.” Ordinary things suddenly seem amazing. If smething is cnstant, we ften assume (perhaps uncnsciusly) that it is there t stay, and as a result, we fcus ur attentin and effrt n the next thing n ur list. ______70______ If it is gd at its cre, it may just reshine. This is why time away, hwever shrt, will enable yu t perceive yur life with fresh eyes—and t break up reality.
    A. And s, what nce tk yur breath away becmes part f life’s furniture.
    B. But culd it be that many f ur lives are already better than we recgnize?
    C. Habituatin t the gd drives yu t mve frward and prgress.
    D. But if we can make the cnstant less s, ur attentin will naturally turn back t it.
    E. Rather than fcus n hw t see ur life better, we need t learn t better ur life.
    F. The gd news is that yu can dishabituate.
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Why Ear-wrms Get Stuck in Yur Head
    We all get a sensatin when a sng, fr n apparent reasn, refuses t leave yur head — in fact we’re n strangers t the dreaded “ear-wrm.” But a new study published in Psychlgy f Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts reveals a fascinating insight int ear-wrms, and why sme sngs are better than thers in sticking in ur heads by investigating the actual elements f the sng that make it catchy in the first place.
    T d this, mst frequent ear-wrms f the participants were entered int a database and cmpared t sngs that had never been reprted as an ear-wrm at all. The meldic features f the tunes were then analyzed, revealing that ear-wrm tunes were typically thse sngs that have verall meldic shapes cmmn in Western pp music. A classic example f a cmmn cntur (音调的升降曲线) pattern is heard in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, where the first phrase rises in pitch and the secnd falls. This makes the tune easy t remember and has been explited in many ther nursery rhymes, but als in pp music.
    In additin t the meldic shape, the ther ingredient t the ear-wrm frmula is the unusual interval structure. The aim f this is t surpass the listener’s expectatins f an average pp sng, shwing unexpected leaps r mre repeated ntes than usual. “Our findings shw that yu can, t sme extent, predict which sngs are ging t get stuck in peple’s heads based n the sng’s meldic cntent,” says ne f the researchers, “This culd help sng-writers r advertisers write a jingle (短歌) everyne will remember fr days r mnths afterwards.”
    The authrs cnclude that studies f ear-wrms can help explain hw the brain wrks, and imprve ur understanding in hw perceptin, emtins, memry and spntaneus thughts behave in different peple.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 火山喷发是多么令人惊叹自然现象呀!(What) (汉译英)
    73. 除非提供更新鲜的内容给观众,否则视频流量就会下降。(unless) (汉译英)
    74. 随着人们的生活回归正轨,工作节奏加快,一些宠物被遗弃街头无家可归。(As) (汉译英)
    75. 这所百年老校近年来开展了一系列“戏曲进课堂”活动,让更多学生感受到中国传统戏曲文化的独特魅力。(launch) (汉译英)
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A. chas B. cnsume C. plentiful D. discharge E. evlutinarily F. extent
    G. freeze H. mechanism I. nvel J. subsequently K. unstable
    Treasures f the Frbidden City
    Explring Chinese Cuisine
    无字幕 (subtitles)
    高三英语 试卷
    1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。
    2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
    3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上。
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. On a farm.B. At a library.
    C. In a snack bar.D. In a department stre.
    【原文】W: The clr is terrific, but its style seems a bit ut f date.
    M: Oh, madam, that’s precisely why it’s available at a discunt.
    Q: Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. 7:00.B. 7:30.
    C. 8:00.D. 8:30.
    【原文】M: Dn’t be t hard n yurself. Starting a mrning class at 7:00 a.m. is quite early after all.
    W: N, actually, they’ve mved the class t start at 8:00 a.m. nw, but I still ended up being 30 minutes late yesterday.
    Q: When did the wman arrive at the class yesterday?
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. She is inferir t him in maths.B. She is really gd at maths.
    C. She desn’t wrk hard at maths.D. She didn’t d well in this test.
    【原文】W: Yu did well in the maths test, Ali.
    M: Nt as well as Gill. She’s the brains in ur class!
    Q: What des the man imply abut Gill?
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. He gt injured yesterday.B. He didn’t finish his paper n time.
    C. He failed t submit his paper n time.D. He culdn’t fcus his mind n the paper.
    【原文】W: What’s up? Yu lk s upset.
    M: I shuld have turned in my paper yesterday, but it ttally slipped my mind.
    Q: What’s the man’s prblem?
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. He admires Emma fr her curage.
    B. He desn’t understand what Emma said.
    C. He gets angry with Emma at the meeting.
    D. He thinks Emma shuld take a business curse.
    【原文】W: Emma really lst her temper during the meeting. She needs t be mre diplmatic.
    M: I agree with yu n that, but we als have t acknwledge her bravery in standing up fr what she believes in.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. The wman is lking fr a research tpic.
    B. The wman is struggling with data analysis.
    C. The man is t busy t ffer help.
    D. The man can’t make sense f the data.
    【原文】W: I’ve been wrking n this really tugh paper fr weeks, and I just can’t figure ut the part abut analyzing data.
    M: I get hw tugh that can be. Hw abut yu explaining the data t me? And tgether we can brainstrm sme ideas.
    Q: What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. They are stressed ut due t their wrk.
    B. They care little abut the lack f ffice supplies.
    C. They are cncerned abut the ffice’s cleanliness.
    D. They are trn between wrk and family respnsibilities.
    【原文】M: I can’t believe hw busy the ffice has been lately. There’s s much paperwrk t handle and the deadlines are piling up.
    W: It feels like we’re cnstantly racing against the clck.
    Q: What is the main cncern f the speakers?
    8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Prfessr Wang is very gd at teaching bilgy.
    B. It is unfrtunate fr the man t have bilgy class.
    C. The bilgical prblem is hard fr all the students.
    D. The man still desn’t understand the prblem.
    【原文】W: I think Prfessr Wang explained the bilgical prblem very clearly.
    M: D yu really think s? Unfrtunately, it’s still a clsed bk t me.
    Q: What can be inferred frm the cnversatin?
    9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Styles change mre quickly than necessary.
    B. Yungsters dn’t really knw what fashin is.
    C. Peple shuld care mre abut their appearance.
    D. It’s nt sensible t g after designer clthing.
    【原文】M: I dn’t knw why designer clthing is s ppular amng yungsters.
    W: I see eye t eye with yu. There’s n pint in ding s. If nly they knew hw quickly styles change!
    Q: What pinin d the speakers agree with?
    10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. The man must take histry classes this term.
    B. Science curse is nt available this term.
    C. There will be a new histry teacher this term.
    D. She desn’t knw what the required curses are this term.
    【原文】M: I’m trn abut chsing an elective. Last term’s histry teacher was rugh, and I want a nicer ne nw.
    W: Yu d realize that art, histry, and science are all required curses this term, right?
    Q: What des the wman imply?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. A mysterius cde.B. A thery f persnality types.
    C. A persnality type.D. A test t identify ne’s persnality.
    A. T judge an individual’s abilities.B. T identify abnrmality.
    C. T help peple understand themselves.D. T help settle wrkplace cnflicts.
    A. Whether it can prmte wrk efficiency.
    B. Whether it can serve its intended purpse.
    C. Whether it can prmte the publicatin f studies.
    D. Whether it can shw peple’s psychlgical status.
    【答案】11. C 12. C 13. B
    【原文】Have yu ever heard smene describe themselves as an INTJ r an ESTP and wndered what thse mysterius letters culd mean? What these peple are referring t is their persnality type based n the Myers-Briggs /ˈmaɪəz brɪgz/ Type Indicatr, r MBTI.
    The MBTI is a self-reprt list f questins designed t identify a persn’s persnality type, strengths, and preferences. It was develped by Isabel Myers and her mther Katherine Briggs based n their wrk with the thery f persnality types. Based n the answers t the questins n the MBTI, peple are identified as having ne f 16 persnality types. The gal f the MBTI is t allw respndents t further explre and understand their wn persnalities including their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and pssible career preferences. N ne persnality type is “best” r “better” than anther. It isn’t a tl designed t lk fr abnrmality. Instead, its gal is simply t help yu learn mre abut yurself.
    Despite the fact that thusands f studies using the MBTI have been published ver the decades, sme researchers questin the reliability f its results. That said, the MBTI remains ne f the mst widely-recgnized persnality tests glbally fr its simplicity, ease f use and lngstanding histry as a wrkplace tl.
    A. They have been sent t wildlife parks fr prtectin.
    B. Their habitats have been well-prtected.
    C. They have been taken care f by lcals.
    D. Their ppulatin has almst dubled.
    A She fught against illegal hunting.B. She helped t cure their disease.
    C. She imprved their living cnditins.D. She was engaged in preserving frests.
    A. T teach peple hw t treat grillas.B. T bst the ecnmy f Uganda.
    C. T better the Batwa peple’s lives.D. T raise funds fr wildlife prtectin.
    【答案】14. D 15. B 16. C
    【原文】Muntain grillas, which are very large mnkeys, are fund in the frests f Cng, Uganda and Rwanda /ruːˈɑːndə/. They have faced multiple threats t their survival ver the last 120 years. Due t illegal hunting, habitat lss and human-transferred illnesses, there were nly arund 600 left by 1989. Tday, that number has increased t mre than 1000—thanks in part t the wrk f wildlife dctr Gladys Kalema. /ˈɡlædɪs/ /kəˈleɪmə/
    When Kalema /kəˈleɪmə/ began her career with the Uganda Wildlife Authrity in 1996, she treated muntain grillas suffering frm a deadly frm f disease that they had picked up frm humans living in dirty cnditins near the frests. “I realised that yu cannt prtect the grillas withut imprving the health f their human neighburs,” she says.
    In 2003, Kalema funded an rganisatin called Cnservatin Thrugh Public Health, CTPH in shrt, which addresses the physical and ecnmic wellbeing f the lcal Batwa peple wh live in the frests. The rganisatin teaches health, cnservatin awareness and prvides ecnmic pprtunities fr families that wuld therwise turn t illegal hunting. Kalema, wh last year received a United Natins Champin f the Earth Award, said: “We’re shwing peple that we dn’t care nly abut wild animals and the frest. We als care abut them.”
    A. Raising funds t film the X-Files TV series.
    B. Switching frm an academic path t acting.
    C. Giving up the hard-wn psitin f a dctr.
    D. Rejecting the ffers frm the Ivy League.
    A. Being thughtful and smewhat f a lner.B. Having a scientific apprach t life.
    C. Enjying risky adventures.D. Being verly ptimistic.
    A. He didn’t g t cllege.B. He is serius and fcused.
    C. He desn’t believe in UFOs.D. He suffered a lt frm his divrce.
    A. Yu will grw strnger by vercming challenges.
    B. Yu are nt suppsed t blame thers even if yu are hurt.
    C. Yu can’t prevent thers hurting yu frm time t time.
    D. Yu will becme pwerful if driven by yur desires.
    【答案】17. B 18. A 19. B 20. A
    【原文】W: Gd evening, David, I’m s glad t have yu here.
    M: It’s my pleasure. Thank yu fr inviting me n the shw.
    W: Let’s dive int yur rle as Mulder in The X-Files. The character is suppsed t be a firm believer in things like aliens and mysterius events. Hw was playing that?
    M: Exactly. It’s a fascinating character t play.
    W: I’ve read abut yur impressive academic backgrund. Frm excelling in tp schls t being accepted by mst f the Ivy League. It’s even mre surprising when yu, n yur way t a dctrate at Yale, tk a few acting classes and gt beaten by the bk.
    M: Yeah, it surprised my mther as much as anyne.
    W: Speaking f Mulder, d yu persnally believe in life beynd Earth and UFO sightings, like in the shw?
    M: I d. There’s gt t be mre ut there than we knw.
    W: Are yu similar t Mulder in being thughtful and a bit f a lner?
    M: I suppse s. The directr needed smene wh culd be serius and fcused but als integrate withut seeming dd.
    W: Yur father and mther divrced when yu were eleven. Des that have effect n yur life?
    M: Yeah, I think that the nly way t think f it is that, yu knw, peple are saying “yur wund is yur gal”, yu knw, “wherever yu’re hurt, that’s where yu’ll becme strnger.” S, that’s what it’s really abut.
    W: Thank yu, David. We’ll pause here fr a mment and return shrtly.
    1. What decisin did David make that surprised his mther?
    2. In what way des David relate t his character Mulder?
    3. What can be learned abut David?
    4. What des “yur wund is yur gal” mean in the cnversatin?
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    N Filming at Cncerts and Mvie Theaters n Phnes
    “Please, n flash phtgraphy.”
    Plite requests like this can be fund in museums all ver the wrld, but they generally dn’t discurage peple frm taking phts f ____21____ they feel like. The same ges fr cncerts, mvie theaters and ther places ____22____ peple rutinely ignre filming restrictins. A new patent frm Apple may blck that rule-breaking feature—n phnes at least.
    The patent, ____23____ (award) t Apple tday, utlines a system which wuld allw venues, like cncert halls r theaters, t use an infrared emitter (红外发射器) t remtely disable the camera functin n smartphnes. Accrding t the patent, infrared beams culd be picked up by the camera, and interpreted by the smartphne as a cmmand ____24____ (blck) the user frm taking any phts r vides.
    Many musicians and perfrmers have banned cellphnes frm their shws ____25____ they bject t the free ftage circulating arund the web. ____26____ this, images still manage t leak ut. Prince’s last cncert befre he passed away in April was suppsed t be cellphne-free—it apparently wasn’t. If Apple’s patent ____27____ (intrduce) int iPhne sftware, with venues putting infrared emitters arund their stage, leaks like this culd ptentially stp happening.
    But the patent als raises questins abut the srt f pwer that this technlgy wuld be handing ver t ____28____ with mre immral intentins.
    Given the cmpany’s rigid supprt f persnal privacy when it cmes t plice requests t break int users’ devices, it’s pssible that Apple just ____29____ (patent) the technlgy s that n ne else will use it. But wh knws, if it des intend t intrduce this feature t future perating systems, sales f camcrders, r even GPrs, culd get a much-needed bst, as peple try t avid _____30_____ (use) the prhibitive sftware.
    【答案】21. what##whatever##smething##anything
    22. where 23. awarded
    24. t blck
    25. because##as##since
    26. Despite
    27. is intrduced
    28. smene##thse
    29. patented
    30. using
    考查连词或者代词。句意:像这样礼貌的要求在世界各地的博物馆都可以找到,但它们通常不会阻止人们拍摄自己喜欢的东西。分析句子可知,空格处为介词f的宾语。根据句意,此处指物,可译为“东西;事物”,可以用what(ever)连接宾语从句,或者smething/anything为先行词,they feel like是省略了关系代词的定语从句。故填what(ever)/smething/anything。
    考查过去分词。句意:在今天授予苹果的这项专利概述了一种系统,该系统将允许音乐厅或剧院等场所使用红外发射器远程禁用智能手机上的摄像头功能。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词作定语。被修饰词 The patent与award是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。故填awarded。
    考查动词不定式。句意:根据该专利,红外光束可以被相机拾取,并被智能手机解读为阻止用户拍摄任何照片或视频的命令。分析句子可知,空格处应填入非谓语动词。根据句意,此处是非谓语动词作定语修饰cmmand ,表目的,应用动词不定式。故填t blck。
    考查动词时态、语态以及虚拟语气。句意:如果苹果的专利被引入iPhne软件,在舞台周围放置红外发射器,这样的泄漏可能会停止发生。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据主句内容可知,此处条件状语从句应用一般现在时态。主语Apple’s patent 与动词intrduce是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。故填is intrduced。
    考查动名词。句意:但谁知道呢,如果它真的打算在未来的操作系统中引入这一功能,摄像机甚至GPrs的销售可能会得到急需的提振,因为人们试图避免使用这种令人望而却步的软件。根据空前的 avid 可知,空格处应填入动名词作宾语。故填using。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Science in Images
    Oyster mushrms feature in cuisines arund the wrld, but they shuld be ff the menu fr hungry wrms -- which these delicius mushrms will kill and eat. Nw researchers finally knw hw they d it.
    A study published in Science Advances details hw yster mushrms use a particular pisnus substance t freeze and get rid f mushrm-eating rundwrms called nematdes (线虫). The mushrms, which grw n nutrient-pr dead wd, then ___31___ the wrms fr nutritin.
    “Nematdes happen t be the mst ___32___ animals these mushrms encunter. S I think, ___33___, this crss-kingdm interactin is very interesting,” says study senir authr.
    The study team f geneticists, bichemists and bilgists had previusly fund that yster mushrms release an unidentified pisnus substance that will smehw ___34___ the wrms within minutes and cause a chemical element t flw int their cells, killing them. This ___35___ differs frm thse used by ther meat-eating mushrms and culd be unique t yster mushrms.
    Fr their new wrk, the researchers grew and analyzed samples f the mushrm’s tissue, finding n nticeable pisn even when they brke it up. They reasned that whatever was killing the wrms must be a kind f ___36___ cmpund that disappears int air when disturbed. When they damaged the yster mushrm tissue again and ___37___ analyzed the nearby air, they finally fund a nerve gas that turned ut t be cntained with tiny, special-shaped structures n the mushrm surface. When nematdes tuch the mushrms, these structures ___38___ their gas, disturbing the wrms’ cell walls t cause immbility and death. The wrm is then digested by the mushrms.
    Befre this study, “we underestimated the ___39___ t which wild mushrms defend against r cnsume nematdes,” ntes Nick Talbt, a geneticist at Sainsbury Labratry in Nrwich, England. The study demnstrates “a very ____40____ apprach,” he adds. “These rganisms are really difficult t wrk n, and Dr. Hsueh is shwing that yu can d sme really amazing wrk with them.”
    【答案】31. B 32. C
    33. E 34. G
    35 H 36. K
    37. J 38. D
    39. F 40. I
    考查动词。句意:蘑菇生长在营养不良的枯木上,然后吃掉蠕虫为了获取营养。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据空后fr nutritin可知,这些蚝菇为了营养吃掉了蠕虫。根据句意,此处指“吃;消耗”,故填cnsume。故选B。
    考查形容词。句意:该研究的资深作者说:“线虫恰好是这些蘑菇遇到的数量最多的动物。”根据空前 the mst 可知,空处应填入形容词。根据句意,此处指“丰富的;充足的”,故填plentiful。故选C。
    考查动词。句意:由遗传学家、生物化学家和生物学家组成的研究小组此前发现,蚝菇会释放一种未知的有毒物质,这种物质会在几分钟内以某种方式冷冻蠕虫,并导致一种化学元素流入它们的细胞,杀死它们。根据空前 will 可知,空处应填入动词原形。根据上文yster mushrms use a particular pisnus substance t freeze 可知,蚝菇冷冻蠕虫,故此处指“冷冻”,故填freeze。故选G。
    考查名词。句意:这种机制不同于其他食肉蘑菇所使用的机制,可能是牡蛎蘑菇所独有的。根据空前 This 可知,空处应填入名词作主语。根据句意,此处指“机制”,故填mechanism。故选H。
    考查形容词。句意:他们推断,杀死蠕虫的东西一定是一种不稳定的化合物,当受到干扰时会消失在空气中。根据空后 cmpund可知,空处应填入形容词作定语。根据句意,此处指“不稳定的”,故填unstable。故选K。
    考查名词。句意:在这项研究之前,“我们低估了野生蘑菇抵御或消耗线虫的程度,”英国诺里奇塞恩斯伯里实验室的遗传学家尼克·塔尔博特指出。根据空前 the以及空后的t可知,空处应填入名词。根据句意,此处指“程度”,故填 extent。故选F。
    考查形容词。句意:他补充道,这项研究展示了“一种非常新颖的方法”。根据空前a very可知,空处应填入形容词作定语。根据句意,此处指“新颖的”,故填nvel。故选I。
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    In the middle f 2023, a study cnducted by the HuthLab at the University f Texas sent shckwaves thrugh the fields f neurscience (神经科学) and technlgy. Fr the first time, the thughts and impressins f peple ___41___ t cmmunicate with the utside wrld were translated int cntinuus natural language, using a cmbinatin f artificial intelligence (AI) and brain imaging technlgy. This is the clsest science has yet cme t ___42___ smene’s mind.
    Lsing the ability t cmmunicate is a deep cut t ne’s sense f self. ___43___ this ability gives the patient greater cntrl ver their lives. But it culd als give ther entities, such as crpratins, researchers and ther third parties, a(n) ___44___ degree f insight int, r even cntrl ver, the lives f patients. The NeurRights Fundatin, based at Clumbia University in New Yrk, argues that new rights surrunding neurtechnlgies will be ___45___ fr all humans t preserve their privacy, identity, and free will. The ptential ___46___ f disabled patients makes this a particularly imprtant prblem.
    ___47___ this apprach, Chile was the first cuntry that adpted legislatin, drafting new laws, t address the risks f neurtechnlgy. It nt nly intrduced a new cnstitutinal right t mental ___48___, but is als in the prcess f adpting a bill that bans selling neurdata, and frces all neurtech devices t be regulated as medical devices, even thse intended fr the general cnsumer.
    The prpsed legislatin recgnizes the intensely ___49___ nature f neural data and cnsiders it as rgan tissues, which cannt be bught r sld, nly dnated. But this legislatin has als faced ____50____, with legal schlars questining the need fr new rights and pinting ut that it culd discurage beneficial brain research fr disabled patients.
    While the legal actin taken by Chile is the mst impactful and ____51____ t date, ther cuntries are cnsidering updating existing laws t face the new develpments in neurtechnlgies.
    And while it is likely that the first applicatins f neurtech will be medical, future ____52____ are likely t invlve cnsumer applicatins such as entertainment, as well as fr military and security purpses. The grwing ____53____ f neurtechnlgy in a cmmercial cntext nly causes mre legal cncerns.
    Different peple, scieties, and cultures will disagree n where t draw the line. We are at a(n) ____54____ stage f technlgical develpment. And as we begin t uncver the great ptential f brain science, the need t cnsider their implicatins fr legal actin becmes mre ____55____.
    41. A. eagerB. readyC. unwillingD. unable
    42. A. clearingB. ccupyingC. changingD. reading
    43. A. ReducingB. RestrictingC. RestringD. Requiring
    44. A. irrelevantB. uncmfrtableC. negligibleD. supprtive
    45. A. neededB. limitedC. cntrlledD. denied
    46. A. applicatinB. weaknessC. impactD. significance
    47. A. In cmparisn withB. In line withC. At the cnclusin fD. At the cst f
    48. A. integrityB. cnditinC. disrderD. functin
    49. A. grupB. generalC. physicalD. persnal
    50. A. interactinB. chanceC. criticismD. defence
    51. A. far-reachingB. labr-savingC. shrt-sightedD. ill-timed
    52. A. advancesB. arrangementsC. requirementsD. plicies
    53. A. cnfidenceB. availabilityC. membershipD. mvement
    54 A. matureB. initialC. differentD. final
    55. A. diversifiedB. genuineC. pressingD. special
    【答案】41. D 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通过人工智能(AI)和脑成像技术的结合,无法与外界交流的人的思想和印象首次被翻译成连续的自然语言。A. eager渴望的;B. ready准备好的;C. unwilling不愿意的;D. unable不能够的。根据“were translated int cntinuus natural language”和下文“Lsing the ability t cmmunicate”可知,空处修饰peple,此处表示一些人无法与外界交流,他们的想法被翻译成语言。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是迄今为止最接近读心术的科学方法。A. clearing清理;B. ccupying占据;C. changing改变;D. reading看透(心思或想法)、读懂。根据上文“Fr the first time, the thughts and impressins f peple ___1___ t cmmunicate with the utside wrld were translated int cntinuus natural language”可知,有交流困难的人的想法被翻译成语言,这是一种解读大脑思维的方法。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:恢复这种能力可以让病人更好地掌控自己的生活。A. Reducing减少;B. Restricting限制;C. Restring恢复;D. Requiring要求。根据“gives the patient greater cntrl ver their lives.”及前文“Lsing the ability t cmmunicate is a deep cut t ne’s sense f self.”可知,有的人无法交流,恢复这种能力能让病人更好的生活。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但它也可以让其他实体,如公司、研究人员和其他第三方,在某种程度上了解甚至控制病人的生活。A. irrelevant不相关的;B. uncmfrtable不舒适的;C. negligible微不足道的;D. supprtive支持的。根据“But it culd als give ther entities, such as crpratins, researchers and ther third parties”及“degree f insight int, r even cntrl ver, the lives f patients”可知,解读大脑虽然可以给病人带来好处,但是也会在让他们不舒适的程度上控制他们的生活。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:位于纽约哥伦比亚大学的神经权利基金会(NeurRights Fundatin)认为,所有人都需要围绕神经技术赋予新的权利,以保护自己的隐私、身份和自由意志。A. needed需要;B. limited限制;C. cntrlled控制;D. denied否认。根据“new rights surrunding neurtechnlgies will be”及“fr all humans t preserve their privacy, identity, and free will.”可知,需要围绕神经技术赋予新的权利,以保护自己的隐私、身份和自由意志。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:残疾患者的潜在弱点使这成为一个特别重要的问题。A. applicatin申请,应用;B. weakness弱点;C. impact影响;D. significance意义。根据“f disabled patients makes this a particularly imprtant prblem”可知,残疾患者是弱者,有着交流上的弱点,所以需要新的权力才能保护自己的隐私、身份和自由意志,这是十分重要的问题。故选B项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:与这种方法一致,智利是第一个通过立法,起草新法律来解决神经技术风险的国家。A. In cmparisn with与……相比;B. In line with与……一致;C. At the cnclusin f在……结束时;D. At the cst f以……为代价。根据上文所说“that new rights surrunding neurtechnlgies will be ___5___ fr all humans t preserve their privacy, identity, and free will.”及“Chile was the first cuntry that adpted legislatin, drafting new laws, t address the risks f neurtechnlgy.”可知,智利的做法与上文提及的方法一致。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它不仅引入了精神健全的新宪法权利,而且还在通过一项禁止销售神经数据的法案,并迫使所有神经技术设备作为医疗设备进行监管,即使是那些面向普通消费者的设备。A. integrity完整;B. cnditin条件;C. disrder混乱;D. functin功能。根据结合上文“___3___ this ability gives the patient greater cntrl ver their lives.”及空后法案内容可知,该法案与上文方法一致,不仅引入了精神健全的新宪法权利,还保障了数据安全性。故选A项。
    考查名词和形容词词义辨析。句意:拟议的立法承认神经数据具有强烈的个人性质,并将其视为器官组织,不能买卖,只能捐赠。A. grup小组;B. general整体上;C. physical身体上的;D. persnal个人的。根据“which cannt be bught r sld, nly dnated”可知,该立法承认神经数据具有强烈的个人性质,不能买卖、捐赠。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但这项立法也面临着批评,法律学者质疑新权利的必要性,并指出它可能会阻碍对残疾患者有益的大脑研究。A. interactin互动;B. chance机会;C. criticism批评;D. defence防御。根据“with legal schlars questining the need fr new rights and pinting ut that it culd discurage beneficial brain research fr disabled patients.”可知,该立法也接受了法律学者的批评。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然智利采取的法律行动是迄今为止最具影响力和影响深远的,但其他国家正在考虑更新现有法律,以应对神经技术的新发展。A. far-reaching影响深远的;B. labr-saving节省劳力的;C. shrt-sighted目光短浅的;D. ill-timed不合时宜的。根据“the mst impactful”可知,空处与形容词impactful并列,表示“影响深远的”,情感色彩一致。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然神经技术的第一个应用很可能是医疗,但未来的发展可能会涉及娱乐等消费应用,以及军事和安全目的。A. advances发展、进步;B. arrangements安排;C. requirements要求;D. plicies政策。根据“are likely t invlve cnsumer applicatins such as entertainment, as well as fr military and security purpses.”可知,此处表示这项技术的未来发展和进步。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:神经技术在商业环境中的日益普及只会引起更多的法律问题。A. cnfidence自信心;B. availability可用性,可能性;C. membership会员身份;D. mvement移动,运动。根据前文“future ___12___ are likely t invlve cnsumer applicatins such as entertainment, as well as fr military and security purpses.”可知,越多的普及该技术可用性,就会引起更多法律问题。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们正处于技术发展的初级阶段。A. mature成熟的;B. initial起初的;C. different不同的;D. final最终的。根据后文“And as we begin t uncver the great ptential f brain science”可知,我们正处于技术发展的初级阶段。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们开始发现脑科学的巨大潜力时,考虑它们对法律行动的影响变得更加迫切。A. diversified多样化的;B. genuine真诚的;C. pressing紧迫的;D. special特别的。根据“And as we begin t uncver the great ptential f brain science, the need t cnsider their implicatins fr legal actin becmes mre”可知,脑科学发展越多,其中涉及的个人信息数据安全就越多,考虑法律影响就越迫切。故选C项。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    I used t think I was a gd persn. I was caring t my friends, my partner, my family; I gave t charity and I vlunteered. But when I started training t becme a therapist (治疗师), I began t understand that hwever much we might like t think f urselves as gd peple, we dn’t actually knw urselves very well. I learned abut hw we might, withut cnsciusly realizing it, deny the feelings and mtivatins we cnsider t be bad, pushing them dwn int ur uncnscius and prjecting them ut n t thers, s they becme the bad peple. I learned that deep in the human mind, alngside lve and kindness, run currents f anger, need, greed, envy, destructiveness, superirity—whether we want t acknwledge them r nt.
    It was 22-year-ld Bru wh taught me what it really means t be a gd grwn up. We first spke tw years ag. He was unemplyed, living with his parents, watching his friends’ lives prgress. A gd grwn-up, he tld me, is “smene wh has his ducks in a rw”—and that wasn’t him.
    I als didn’t feel like the cmpetent, cnfident grwn-up I thught I shuld be—and neither did mst f the adults I knew. I researched statistics abut peple hitting the traditinal landmarks f adulthd later and later, if at all—frm buying a hme t getting married r starting a family. I recgnized what made me feel like a bad grwn-up: that I’ll sit with a brken fridge rather than call an engineer t repair it.
    Then I saw Bru again. He tld me hw, ver tw years, he’d fund a jb he lves, rented a flat with a friend. He’s nw cycling rund the wrld, having adventures that will keep him strng fr the rest f his life. S what changed? “Yu start t have thse cnversatins with yurself, and yu becme mre f an hnest persn. I dn’t feel like I’m hiding frm anything anymre, because I’m nt hiding frm myself.”
    I think grwing up must invlve finding yur wn way t have thse cnversatins. Bru des it n his bike, I d it in psychanalysis, thers I spke t d it while cking r playing music. That, fr Bru, and fr me, is what it means t “have his ducks in a rw”.
    56. What des the first paragraph imply abut understanding urselves?
    A. Recgnizing ur psitive traits is enugh fr grwth.
    B. Our understanding f ur mtives and feelings is accurate.
    C. True self-awareness means accepting bth gd and bad sides.
    D. Ignring ur negative traits des nt affect ur self-perceptin.
    57. What critical lessn did the authr learn frm Bru abut being a gd grwn-up?
    A. It invlves having a clear career path and financial stability.
    B. It requires cnstant self-imprvement and educatin.
    C. It means being emplyed and living independently.
    D. It is like a jurney f self-discvery and hnesty.
    58. What des the authr identify as a reasn fr feeling like an inadequate adult?
    A. Escaping basic respnsibilities.
    B. Delaying reaching traditinal life milestnes.
    C. Cmparing persnal achievements t thers.
    D. Investigating changing patterns f adult life.
    59. Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Why Hide Harms
    B. Hw t Be Better Adults
    C. Why Grwing up Matters
    D. Hw t Have Effective Cnversatins
    【答案】56. C 57. D 58. A 59. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I learned that deep in the human mind, alngside lve and kindness, run currents f anger, need, greed, envy, destructiveness, superirity—whether we want t acknwledge them r nt. (我了解到,在人类的内心深处,除了爱和善良之外,还有愤怒、需要、贪婪、嫉妒、破坏性和优越感——无论我们是否愿意承认它们。)”可知,了解我们自己意味着接受自己好的一面和坏的一面。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的““Yu start t have thse cnversatins with yurself, and yu becme mre f an hnest persn. I dn’t feel like I’m hiding frm anything anymre, because I’m nt hiding frm myself.” (“你开始与自己进行这些对话,你变得更诚实了。我不再觉得我在隐瞒任何事情,因为我没有隐瞒自己。”)可知,博鲁教会了作者,成为一个好成年人就像是一次自我发现和诚实的旅程。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“ I recgnized what made me feel like a bad grwn-up: that I’ll sit with a brken fridge rather than call an engineer t repair it. (我意识到是什么让我觉得自己像个坏成年人:我会坐在一个坏冰箱旁边,而不是叫工程师来修理它。)”可知,作者感觉自己像个不称职的成年人,因为他逃避了基本责任。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“It was 22-year-ld Bru wh taught me what it really means t be a gd grwn up. (是22岁的博鲁教会了我做一个好成年人的真正意义。)”以及最后一段中的“I think grwing up must invlve finding yur wn way t have thse cnversatins. (我认为成长过程中必须找到自己的方式来进行这些对话。)”以及全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了如何成为一个好的成年人。故选B。
    Guided Desert Adventure
    Typical desert activities like sandbarding, dune bashing and quad biking
    With this tur, yu’ll have half a day f adventure activities in the desert.
    Yu’ll start yur tur by driving t a scenic spt n the tp f a tall sand dune (沙丘) fr a chance t take phts f the area. On tp f a sand dune, yu’ll have the chance t slide dwn the side by sandbarding. Frm here, yu’ll get ready fr hitting sme dunes in a fur-wheel drive vehicle. Next, yu’ll hp n a quad bike and have time t drive arund the desert in the pen air. Finally, yu’ll have a camel ride arund a small part f the desert.
    What’s included
    Pickup and drp-ff
    20 minutes f sandbarding
    35 minutes f dune bashing
    25 minutes f quad biking
    10-minute camel ride
    Water and sft drinks
    A drive thrugh a camel farm
    Additinal infrmatin
    Requires a high level f physical fitness.
    Nt suitable fr children between 0 and 5.
    Children under 18 must be accmpanied by an adult.
    Turs starting after nn include a BBQ dinner with sweets and fruits, which csts an additinal US$ 45/persn nly.
    60. What kind f experiences can participants expect frm this trip?
    A. Taking a sand bathing n the tp f a sand dune.
    B. Explring the expansive desert freely n a camel ride.
    C. An exciting day adventure filled with diverse activities.
    D. Capturing the breathtaking desert landscape with a camera.
    61. Hw much des a grup f fur university students need t pay fr taking the 14:00 tur?
    A. US$ 180.B. US$ 220.C. US$ 265.D. US$ 400.
    62. Which f the fllwing is mst likely t be a review frm a frmer participant f the tur?
    A. The shw was great! I highly recmmend!
    B. It was a lt f fun and I enjyed every minute f it.
    C. The place is cl, easy t find and get t with metr.
    D. Arrive early fr tickets t avid a lng queue.
    【答案】60. D 61. D 62. B
    细节理解题。根据文章图片下第一段“With this tur, yu’ll have half a day f adventure activities in the desert.(参加这次旅行,您将有半天的时间在沙漠中进行冒险活动)”及第二段“Yu’ll start yur tur by driving t a scenic spt n the tp f a tall sand dune (沙丘) fr a chance t take phts f the area.(您将开车前往一个高沙丘顶部的景点来开始你的旅程,有机会在该地区拍照)”可知,在此活动中,参与者可以用相机捕捉令人惊叹的沙漠景观。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章Select time中US$ 55并结合最后一段“Turs starting after nn include a BBQ dinner with sweets and fruits, which csts an additinal US$ 45/persn nly.(中午之后开始的旅游包括有糖果和水果的烧烤晚餐,每人只需额外支付45美元)”可知,下午2点的旅程要每个人另外加45美元,即,一共需要花费(55+45)*4=400美元。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章标题“Guided Desert Adventure(沙漠探险指南)”可知,这是一个探险活动,而非表演;根据文章图片下第二段“Yu’ll start yur tur by driving t a scenic spt n the tp f a tall sand dune (沙丘) fr a chance t take phts f the area. On tp f a sand dune, yu’ll have the chance t slide dwn the side by sandbarding. Frm here, yu’ll get ready fr hitting sme dunes in a fur-wheel drive vehicle. Next, yu’ll hp n a quad bike and have time t drive arund the desert in the pen air. Finally, yu’ll have a camel ride arund a small part f the desert.(您将开车前往一个高沙丘顶部的景点,有机会在该地区拍照。在沙丘的顶端,您将有机会通过滑板滑下。从这里开始,你将准备好乘坐四轮驱动汽车去打一些沙丘。接下来,你将跳上一辆四轮摩托车,有时间在露天的沙漠里开车。最后,你将在沙漠的一小部分骑骆驼)”可知,旅行工具里没有提到地铁;观察图片可知,这是网上订购的,并非需要提前到买票,因此,之前参加过的人可能会评论“这很有趣,我享受其中的每一分钟。”故选B。
    Pricing is managers’ biggest marketing headache. It’s where they feel the mst pressure t perfrm and the least certain that they are ding a gd jb. All successful pricing effrts share tw qualities: The plicy cmbines well with the cmpany’s verall marketing strategy, and the prcess is well-rganized as a whle.
    A cmpany’s pricing plicy sends a message t the market—it gives custmers an imprtant sense f a cmpany’s philsphy. Cnsider Saturn Crpratin (a whlly wned cmpany f General Mtrs). Saturn wants t let cnsumers knw that it is friendly and easy t d business with. Part f this cncept is cnveyed thrugh initiatives such as inviting custmers t the factry t see where the cars are made and spnsring evenings at the dealership that cmbine a scial event with training n car maintenance. But Saturn’s pricing plicy sends a strng message as well. Can a friendly, trusting relatinship be established with custmers if a salespersn uses all the negtiating tricks in the bk t try t separate them frm that last $100? Of curse nt. Saturn has a “n hassle, n haggle” plicy which remves the pssibility f cnflicts between dealer and ptential custmer. Custmers have an easier time buying a car knwing that the next persn in the dr wn’t negtiate a better deal.
    Of curse, there are typically many participants in the pricing prcess: Accunting prvides cst estimates; marketing cmmunicates the pricing strategy; sales prvides specific custmer input; prductin sets supply bundaries; and finance establishes the requirements fr the entire cmpany’s financial health. Input frm diverse surces is necessary. Hwever, prblems arise when the philsphy f wide participatin is carried ver t the price-setting prcess withut strng crdinating mechanisms (协调机制). Fr example, if the marketing department sets list prices, the salespeple negtiate discunts in the field, the legal department adjusts prices if necessary t prevent breaking the laws r cntractual agreements, and the peple filling rders negtiate price adjustments fr delays in shipment, everybdy’s best intentins usually end up bringing abut less than the best results. In fact, the cmpany may actually lse mney n sme rders.
    63. Why is it essential fr a cmpany’s pricing plicy t cmbine with its verall marketing strategy?
    A. T maximize pssible returns and prfits.
    B. T maintain cnsistency in business peratins.
    C. T eliminate the need fr diverse sales inputs.
    D. T attract custmers t scial events and trainings.
    64. What des Saturn’s “n hassle, n haggle” plicy (paragraph 2) mst prbably mean?
    A. Saturn trains its dealers t treat custmers sincerely.
    B. Saturn ffers discunts t sme lyal custmers.
    C. Saturn cars are at least $100 cheaper than ther cars.
    D. Saturn cars are sld at fixed, nn-negtiable prices.
    65. What can be inferred frm the wide participatin in the pricing prcess?
    A. Decisin making requires gathering cmprehensive infrmatin.
    B. The crdinating mechanism wn’t wrk withut a lt f input.
    C. Ptential custmers are easily upset at any stage f the prcess.
    D. The cmpany lses mney unless everyne intends fr the best.
    66. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr this passage?
    A. The art f crdinating pricing prcesses
    B. The best sales negtiatin techniques
    C. Getting ne step clser tward better pricing
    D. Maximizing prfits thrugh pricing plicies
    【答案】63. B 64. D 65. A 66. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“All successful pricing effrts share tw qualities: The plicy cmbines well with the cmpany’s verall marketing strategy, and the prcess is well-rganized as a whle. (所有成功的定价工作都具有两个特点:该政策与公司的整体营销策略很好地结合在一起,并且整个过程组织良好。)”可知,公司的定价政策应该与其总体营销策略保持一致,以实现成功,故选B项。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第二段中“Saturn has a “n hassle, n haggle” plicy which remves the pssibility f cnflicts between dealer and ptential custmer. Custmers have an easier time buying a car knwing that the next persn in the dr wn’t negtiate a better deal. (Saturn公司“n hassle, n haggle”的政策,消除了经销商和潜在客户之间发生冲突的可能性。客户更容易购买汽车,因为他们知道下一个进门的人不会协商更好的交易。)”可知,该政策意味着价格是固定的、不可议价的,从而排除客户议价获得更好交易的可能性。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“Of curse, there are typically many participants in the pricing prcess: Accunting prvides cst estimates; marketing cmmunicates the pricing strategy; sales prvides specific custmer input; prductin sets supply bundaries; and finance establishes the requirements fr the entire cmpany’s financial health. Input frm diverse surces is necessary. (当然,定价过程中通常有很多参与者:会计提供成本估算;营销传达定价策略;销售人员提供具体的客户意见;生产设置供应边界;财务部门为整个公司的财务状况制定了要求。来自不同来源的投入是必要的。)”可知,定价过程的广泛参与是因为决策需要收集全面的信息,故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Pricing is managers’ biggest marketing headache. It’s where they feel the mst pressure t perfrm and the least certain that they are ding a gd jb. All successful pricing effrts share tw qualities: The plicy cmbines well with the cmpany’s verall marketing strategy, and the prcess is well-rganized as a whle. (定价是经理们最头疼的营销问题。这是他们感到压力最大的地方,也是他们最不确定自己是否做得很好的地方。所有成功的定价工作都具有两个特点:该政策与公司的整体营销策略很好地结合在一起,并且整个过程组织良好。)”及全文可知,主要讲述了定价策略在公司营销策略中的重要性,以及定价过程中需要的协调机制。因此C项“向更好的定价迈进一步”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选C项。
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Yur Life Is Better Than Yu Think
    The undeniable ppularity f self-help bks, wellness pdcasts, and happiness wrkshps reflects the cnstant human desire t make life better. ______67______
    While we may have a lving family, a gd place t live, and a decent jb, we ften fail t ntice thse things. It’s nt because we are ungrateful r stupid, but it’s because f a basic feature f ur brain, knwn as habituatin.
    Habituatin is the tendency f neurns t fire less and less in respnse t things that are cnstant. Yu enter a rm filled with rses and after a shrt while, yu cannt detect their scent any lnger; and just as yu get used t the smell f fresh flwers, yu als get used t a lving relatinship, t a prmtin, t a nice hme, t a wnderful wrk f art. Like the frnt page f a daily newspaper, yur brain cares abut what recently changed, nt abut what remained the same. ______68______ Yu habituate t it—yu fail t ntice and respnd t elements f yur life which yu previusly fund amazing.
    ______69______ That is, yu can suddenly start perceiving and respnding t things t which yu have becme desensitized.
    The key is taking small breaks frm yur daily life. Fr example, when peple return hme frm a lng business trip, they ften find their ld life has “reshined.” Ordinary things suddenly seem amazing. If smething is cnstant, we ften assume (perhaps uncnsciusly) that it is there t stay, and as a result, we fcus ur attentin and effrt n the next thing n ur list. ______70______ If it is gd at its cre, it may just reshine. This is why time away, hwever shrt, will enable yu t perceive yur life with fresh eyes—and t break up reality.
    A. And s, what nce tk yur breath away becmes part f life’s furniture.
    B. But culd it be that many f ur lives are already better than we recgnize?
    C. Habituatin t the gd drives yu t mve frward and prgress.
    D. But if we can make the cnstant less s, ur attentin will naturally turn back t it.
    E. Rather than fcus n hw t see ur life better, we need t learn t better ur life.
    F. The gd news is that yu can dishabituate.
    【答案】67. B 68. A 69. F 70. D
    根据上文“The undeniable ppularity f self-help bks, wellness pdcasts, and happiness wrkshps reflects the cnstant human desire t make life better.(励志书籍、健康播客和幸福研讨会的流行无可否认地反映了人类对生活更美好的持续渴望)”以及第二段“While we may have a lving family, a gd place t live, and a decent jb, we ften fail t ntice thse things. It’s nt because we are ungrateful r stupid, but it’s because f a basic feature f ur brain, knwn as habituatin.(虽然我们可能有一个充满爱的家庭,一个住得好的地方,一份体面的工作,但我们常常没有注意到这些东西。这并不是因为我们忘恩负义或愚蠢,而是因为我们大脑的一个基本特征,即习惯化)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出许多人的生活比他们意识到的要好。故B选项“但是,有没有可能我们中的许多人的生活已经比我们意识到的要好呢?”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“Habituatin is the tendency f neurns t fire less and less in respnse t things that are cnstant. Yu enter a rm filled with rses and after a shrt while, yu cannt detect their scent any lnger; and just as yu get used t the smell f fresh flwers, yu als get used t a lving relatinship, t a prmtin, t a nice hme, t a wnderful wrk f art. Like the frnt page f a daily newspaper, yur brain cares abut what recently changed, nt abut what remained the same.(习惯化是神经元对固定事物的反应越来越少的趋势。你走进一个摆满玫瑰的房间,过了一会儿,你就再也闻不到玫瑰的香味了;就像你习惯了鲜花的香味一样,你也习惯了一段充满爱的关系,习惯了升职,习惯了一个美好的家,习惯了一件美妙的艺术品。就像日报的头版一样,你的大脑关心的是最近发生了什么变化,而不是什么保持不变)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出曾经让你惊艳的东西变成了习以为常的事物。故A选项“所以,曾经让你屏息凝神的东西变成了生活的一部分”符合语境,故选A。
    根据后文“That is, yu can suddenly start perceiving and respnding t things t which yu have becme desensitized.(也就是说,你可以突然开始感知并对你已经变得麻木的事物做出反应)”可知,本句主要引出后文,指出上文提到的习惯化是可以改变的。故F选项“好消息是你可以改变习惯”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“If smething is cnstant, we ften assume (perhaps uncnsciusly) that it is there t stay, and as a result, we fcus ur attentin and effrt n the next thing n ur list.(如果某件事是固定不变的,我们通常会假设(也许是无意识地)它会一直存在,因此,我们会把注意力和精力集中在清单上的下一件事上)”以及后文“If it is gd at its cre, it may just reshine. This is why time away, hwever shrt, will enable yu t perceive yur life with fresh eyes—and t break up reality.(如果它的核心是好的,它可能会重新发光。这就是为什么离开的时间,无论多么短暂,都会让你用全新的眼光看待你的生活,并打破现实)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出如何对待固定不变的事物来改变我们对其的看法。故D选项“但是如果我们能使这个弱化固定不变的东西,我们的注意力就会自然地回到它身上”符合语境,故选D。
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Why Ear-wrms Get Stuck in Yur Head
    We all get a sensatin when a sng, fr n apparent reasn, refuses t leave yur head — in fact we’re n strangers t the dreaded “ear-wrm.” But a new study published in Psychlgy f Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts reveals a fascinating insight int ear-wrms, and why sme sngs are better than thers in sticking in ur heads by investigating the actual elements f the sng that make it catchy in the first place.
    T d this, mst frequent ear-wrms f the participants were entered int a database and cmpared t sngs that had never been reprted as an ear-wrm at all. The meldic features f the tunes were then analyzed, revealing that ear-wrm tunes were typically thse sngs that have verall meldic shapes cmmn in Western pp music. A classic example f a cmmn cntur (音调的升降曲线) pattern is heard in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, where the first phrase rises in pitch and the secnd falls. This makes the tune easy t remember and has been explited in many ther nursery rhymes, but als in pp music.
    In additin t the meldic shape the ther ingredient t the ear-wrm frmula is the unusual interval structure. The aim f this is t surpass the listener’s expectatins f an average pp sng, shwing unexpected leaps r mre repeated ntes than usual. “Our findings shw that yu can, t sme extent, predict which sngs are ging t get stuck in peple’s heads based n the sng’s meldic cntent,” says ne f the researchers, “This culd help sng-writers r advertisers write a jingle (短歌) everyne will remember fr days r mnths afterwards.”
    The authrs cnclude that studies f ear-wrms can help explain hw the brain wrks, and imprve ur understanding in hw perceptin, emtins, memry and spntaneus thughts behave in different peple.
    【答案】A study dives int the lingering effect f earwrms. It finds that sngs mst likely t becme earwrms share recgnizable meldic patterns prevalent in Western pp music. Besides, distinctive intervals als help frm earwrms, ptentially aiding peple in creating catchy tunes. Studying earwrms may deepen the understanding f brain activities and individual diferences in sme respects.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①But a new study published in Psychlgy f Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts reveals a fascinating insight int ear-wrms, and why sme sngs are better than thers in sticking in ur heads by investigating the actual elements f the sng that make it catchy in the first place.
    ②The meldic features f the tunes were then analyzed, revealing that ear-wrm tunes were typically thse sngs that have verall meldic shapes cmmn in Western pp music.
    ③In additin t the meldic shape, the ther ingredient t the ear-wrm frmula is the unusual interval structure. The aim f this is t surpass the listener’s expectatins f an average pp sng, shwing unexpected leaps r mre repeated ntes than usual.
    ④The authrs cnclude that studies f ear-wrms can help explain hw the brain wrks, and imprve ur understanding in hw perceptin, emtins, memry and spntaneus thughts behave in different peple.
    3.遣词造句The study fund that the sngs mst likely t reach listeners share the same meldic patterns cmmn in Western pp music.
    In additin, unique intervals als help t frm earwrms, ptentially helping peple create catchy tunes.
    Studying earwrms can in sme ways deepen understanding f brain activity and individual differences.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]It finds that sngs mst likely t becme earwrms share recgnizable meldic patterns prevalent in Western pp music.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]Besides, distinctive intervals als help frm earwrms, ptentially aiding peple in creating catchy tunes.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 火山喷发是多么令人惊叹的自然现象呀!(What) (汉译英)
    【答案】What an amazing natural phenmenn a vlcanic eruptin/explsin is!
    【详解】考查形容词、名词以及感叹句。表示“火山喷发”应用名词短语vlcanic eruptin/explsin;表示“令人惊叹的”应用形容词amazing;表示“自然现象”应用名词短语natural phenmenn。分析句子可知,此处应用what引导的感叹句,即“What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! ”。故翻译为:What an amazing natural phenmenn a vlcanic eruptin/explsin is!
    73. 除非提供更新鲜的内容给观众,否则视频流量就会下降。(unless) (汉译英)
    【答案】Unless mre up-l-date cntent is prvided fr the audience, vide traffic will decline.
    【详解】考查状语从句以及动词的时态和语态。表示“新鲜的内容”应用up-l-date cntent;表示“观众”应用名词audience;表示“视频流量”应用名词短语vide traffic;表示“下降”应用动词decline;表示“除非”应用unless引导条件状语从句。根据句意可知,“内容”和“提供”是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态。本句条件状语从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态。故翻译为:Unless mre up-l-date cntent is prvided fr the audience, vide traffic will decline.
    74. 随着人们的生活回归正轨,工作节奏加快,一些宠物被遗弃街头无家可归。(As) (汉译英)
    【答案】As peple’s lives returned t nrmal and the pace f wrk sped up, sme pets were left hmeless n the streets.
    【详解】考查状语从句、动词的时态和语态。表示“回归正轨”应用短语return t nrmal;表示“节奏”应用名词pace;表示“加快”应用动词短语speed up;表示“无家可归”应用形容词hmeless;表示“被遗弃街头无家可归”应用be left hmeless n the streets;表示“随着……”应用as引导时间状语从句。由句意可知,本句应用一般过去时态描述过去的动作。故翻译为:As peple’s lives returned t nrmal and the pace f wrk sped up, sme pets were left hmeless n the streets.
    75. 这所百年老校近年来开展了一系列“戏曲进课堂”活动,让更多学生感受到中国传统戏曲文化的独特魅力。(launch) (汉译英)
    【答案】In recent years, this century-ld schl has launched a series f ‘Traditinal Opera in the Classrm’ activities, allwing mre students t experience the unique charm f Chinese traditinal pera culture.
    【详解】考查时态和现在分词。根据时间状语“近年来”In recent years可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语“这所百年老校”this century-ld schl,单数名词作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式,“开展”launch用现在完成时形式,助动词用has,“一系列”a series f,后接““戏曲进课堂”活动”‘Traditinal Opera in the Classrm’ activities,作介词f的宾语,“允许某人做某事”allw sb. t d sth.,allw用现在分词形式作结果状语,表示一种自然而然,意料之中的结果,“更多的学生”mre students,作allw的宾语,“感受”experience,用动词不定式形式作宾语补足语,“中国传统戏曲文化的独特魅力”the unique charm f Chinese traditinal pera culture。故翻译为:In recent years, this century-ld schl has launched a series f ‘Traditinal Opera in the Classrm’ activities, allwing mre students t experience the unique charm f Chinese traditinal pera culture.
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    【答案】Dear William,
    Having learnt yu are interested in Chinese culture and that yu cannt decide whether t pt fr the Treasures f the Frbidden City r the Explring Chinese Cuisine, I am writing t put frward my wn idea that the secnd ptin might be mre suitable fr yu.
    The reasns behind the chice, as far as I can see, can be analyzed in three aspects. T begin with, as is universally acknwledged, delicius cuisine is always a ppular tpic arund the whle wrld. In this prgramme, yu will be intrduced the prcess f making Chinese traditinal fd, which is als a part f the Chinese culture. In additin, it wn't cst yu much time since it is presented by shrt vide, s that yu can chse yur time freely. Last but nt least, althugh the prgramme is spken in Chinese, there are English subtitles fr yu t have a full understanding f the cntent.
    T sum up, it is advisable that yu chse the secnd ne. Hpe the abve might be f any help t yu. Thank yu fr yur time and wish yu a great success in learning abut the Chinese culture.
    Zha Lei
    总之:t sum up→in shrt
    有帮助的:be f help→be helpful
    原句:The reasns behind the chice, as far as I can see, can be analyzed in three aspects.
    拓展句:The reasns why I made the chice can be analyzed in three aspects.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Having learnt yu are interested in Chinese culture and that yu cannt decide whether t pt fr the Treasures f the Frbidden City r the Explring Chinese Cuisine, I am writing t put frward my wn idea that the secnd ptin might be mre suitable fr yu.(运用了现在分词短语作状语和idea后that引导的同位语从句)
    【高分句型2】T begin with, as is universally acknwledged, delicius cuisine is always a ppular tpic arund the whle wrld.(运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)
    A. chas B. cnsume C. plentiful D. discharge E. evlutinarily F. extent
    G. freeze H. mechanism I. nvel J. subsequently K. unstable
    Treasures f the Frbidden City
    Explring Chinese Cuisine
    无字幕 (subtitles)

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