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    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1 Wh is the right persn fr the jb?
    A. Daniel. B. Sam. C. Alice.
    2. Where is the restaurant?
    A. Behind the Waldrf Htel.
    B. Next t the Marritt.
    C. Inside the Hiltn Htel.
    3. What might have happened t the wman?
    A. She hurt her big te. B. She missed an X-ray. C. She brke her bike.
    4. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Interviewer and interviewee.
    C. Tur guide and turist.
    5. Hw is the man prbably feeling?
    A. Cnfident. B. Delighted. C. Annyed.
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At hme. B. At a restaurant. C. At a grcery stre.
    7. What kind f meat will the wman use?
    A. Fish. B. Prk. C. Beef.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A An electric vehicle. B. A travel plan. C. An unfrgettable experience.
    9. What advantage des the ship have?
    A. It csts less. B. It travels faster. C. It is envirnmentally friendly.
    10. Why did the by cry during the night?
    A. He was ill. B. He had a scary dream. C. He was mved by a film.
    11. What is the bk abut?
    A. Science. B. Adventure. C. Educatin.
    12. Hw ld is the by nw?
    A. 10. B. 11. C. 18.
    13. What des the wman ask the man t take?
    A. Fd. B. Umbrellas. C. Clthes.
    14. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
    15. What will the wman d tday?
    A. Cllect an rder. B. Pick up the man’s parents. C. Clean the spare rm.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. Take the kids ut t play.
    B. Send the children t schl.
    C. Help the wman with husewrk.
    17. What did the speaker fcus n when he first started writing pems?
    A. Expressing meanings. B. Writing dwn wrds. C. Listening t thers’ pinins.
    18. Where did the members f the petry grup meet?
    A. In a bar. B. In a bkshp. C. In a teacher’s huse.
    19. What was ne f the mst imprtant lessns the speaker learned?
    A. T read ut alud. B. T be in n rush. C. T make his wrds rhyme.
    20. When will the speaker have a party?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    1. First Track can ffer visitrs ________.
    A. an early visitB. an ice skating shw
    C. a tasty lunchD. a free skiing lessn
    2. What is the White Carpet Club special fr?
    A. Skillful trainers.B. Quiet living experience.
    C. Thughtful service.D. Gd views ver the muntain.
    3. The passage is written t ________.
    A. attract visitrsB. cmpare different prgrams
    C. appeal fr sprtsD. intrduce training curses
    Grace Hemingway gifted her sn, Earnest, a cpy f Henry Wadswrth Lngfellw’s epic pem Hiawatha n his sixth birthday. While it’s hard t say hw much her chice f gift influenced Earnest Hemingway at the time, he grew up t becme ne f the mst famus writers in histry.
    Bks can make fr charming gifts. Giving a bk as a gift t smene is much mre than a simple exchange f gds.
    When giving bks, think abut yur recipients’ (接受者) favrite. It is wrth the time t try and find a rare cpy, like first editins r signed cpies. They’ll be delighted by the effrt. Are yur friends stuck in a dullness and in need f sme mtivatin? Yu can gift them a bk that ffers inspiratin. Als, nt mainstream yet useful guides related t their career are helpful.
    A bk when received as a gift has meaning t the recipient by itself if yu’ve put sme thught int it. An inscriptin (题词) adds t the appeal f yur gift by making it mre individualized. Withut an inscriptin, althugh still meaningful, the bk is just a bk indistinguishable frm hundreds f thusands f cpies ut there. A case fr nt penning dwn an inscriptin is that it makes it easier fr them t pass it n t smene else if they dn’t like the bk.
    Wndering if yu shuld give yur recipient a hardcver r a paperback? There is n universal preference amng readers. Sme like the paperbacks because f the cnvenience, easy t carry arund and travel with. But many peple, including me, prefer hardcvers because they’re mre traditinal and last much lnger. A study designed t find a relatin between the weight f wine bttles and their prices fund that in mst cases the weight f a wine bttle related psitively with the price. The weight helped cnsumers perceive the wine as better.
    In a wrd, bks can make fr memrable gifts. A gd bk gifted thughtfully will create a pleasant memry.
    4. Why is Earnest Hemingway mentined in the first paragraph?
    A. T share a bk.B. T present a fact.
    C. T intrduce the tpic.D. T make a cmparisn.
    5. What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Wh the gift shuld be given.B. Hw a bk shuld be presented.
    C. Where a prper bk can be fund.D. What kinds f bks can be chsen as gifts.
    6. Why is an inscriptin advised t be included in a gifted bk?
    A. T make the bk mre persnal.
    B. T recrd the giver’s reading experience.
    C. T make the cntent f the bk mre appealing.
    D. T allw the bk t be mre pleasing t the eye.
    7. What des the authr want t cnvey when it cmes t the study abut wine bttles?
    A. Gd wine is all in heavier bttles.
    B. The weight f a bk determines its price.
    C. A hardcver bk is ften valued mre as a gift.
    D. The price f wine depends n the quality f its bttle.
    On Tuesday, Virgin Atlantic flew a large passenger jet frm Lndn t New Yrk using 100% “Sustainable Aviatin(航空) Fuel(SAF)”. The flight was meant t shw that it’s pssible t fly using cleaner fuels.
    The fuel used n the flight was mainly made frm used cking ils and animal fats. A small part f the fuel was made frm crn waste. Virgin Atlantic says that using SAF cuts the flight’s pllutin by 70%. SAF still pllutes when it’s burned, just like regular jet fuel. Hwever, the difference is in hw the fuels are made.
    SAF is made frm plants (and related animal prducts) that nce absrbed carbn dixide (CO2) frm the air. When SAF burns, it just releases this same CO2 again. That’s different frm jet fuel, which is made frm il explited frm undergrund, releasing CO2 that was deeply buried.
    SAF may sund great, but it still has many prblems. Fr ne thing, SAF csts five times as much as regular jet fuel. That helps explain why nly ne-tenth f 1% f the fuel airlines currently use is SAF. Virgin Atlantic is hping that its flight will encurage mre cmpanies t prduce SAF and that this will bring the price dwn.
    But even if the price f SAF drps, critics say there are still big prblems with it. They say it’s easy t make small amunts f SAF ut f plant waste. But t make as much SAF as the airlines really need wuld require farmers t grw plants fr fuel instead f fr eating. This culd als lead t mre frests being cut dwn fr farmland.
    Airlines like SAF because it can be used nw in existing planes with n changes. They hpe it will help quickly reduce airplane pllutin until nn-plluting fuels are develped.
    Gvernments seem t agree that SAF is a step in the right directin. Bth the United States and the Eurpean Unin have set targets that will sharply increase the use f SAF in cming years.
    8. What makes SAF superir t regular jet fuels?
    A. Its prductin methd.B. Being pllutin-free.
    C. Its strage technlgy.D. Being easy t burn.
    9 What des the underlined wrd “explited” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Destryed.B. Replaced.C. Drawn.D. Checked.
    10. Why are nly a few fuel airlines using SAF?
    A. SAF is heavy.B. SAF is expensive.
    C. SAF needs new equipment.D. SAF may cause safety issues.
    11. What is gvernments’ prbable attitude twards using SAF?
    A. Unclear.B. Negative.C. Dubtful.D. Apprving.
    Have yu ever wndered why yu might be a little taller than yur friends r family? Well, scientists believe the mystery f why humans are grwing taller and reaching puberty (青春期) earlier is due t smething in the brain.
    We already knw that better nutritin leads t greater height as humans have been grwing taller n the whle in recent centuries. Better nutritin als causes peple t reach maturity faster. Genes (基因) als play a rle in hw tall we becme and we all grw and lk accrding t the cdes in ur DNA. A lack f nutritin makes it harder fr us t reach the full ptential f ur wn genes.
    Accrding t the University f Maryland, ur bdy requires a certain amunt f energy t make us grw. But a new study suggests that a brain receptr (感受器) culd be respnsible fr ur grwth. The study shwed that the brain receptr MC3R is respnsible fr signals frm fd reaching a part f the brain called the hypthalamus (下丘脑). The hypthalamus is respnsible fr keeping things in check like bdy temperature and adjusting appetite and weight.
    MC3R’s nt wrking prperly tends t mean that peple are shrter and start puberty much later. Prfessr Sir Stephen O’ Rahilly, ne f the authrs f the study, said, “It tells the bdy we’re great here and that we’ve gt lts f fd, s grw quickly and have puberty sn.”
    There is a lt abut the brain we still dn’t knw. But this research culd lead t further develpment f drugs fr children with delayed grwth and puberty starting much later. Mre understanding f the receptr wn’t mean that we can make urselves taller. That all still depends n genes, but it culd help peple with lng-lasting illnesses, wh need t build up muscle.
    12. What can we learn frm the secnd paragraph?
    A. Genes lead t faster maturity.B. Nutritin determines a persn’s height.
    C. Imprper nutritin changes ne’s genes.D. Better nutritin is imprtant t grwing taller.
    13. Hw des MC3R wrk t get yu taller accrding t the new study?
    A. By taking in a large amunt f nutritin itself.
    B. By having us check bdy temperatures regularly.
    C. By helping us cntrl ur appetite t lse weight.
    D. By sending signals t inspire us t have mre nutritin.
    14. What will the new finding mst prbably cntribute t?
    A. Finding ways t put ff kid’s puberty.
    B. Treating patients with lng-lasting illness.
    C. Develping medicine fr kids with delayed grwth.
    D. Finding scientific exercise t get ur muscle strnger.
    15. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why Are Sme Peple Shrter? Genes Are t Blame
    B. Why Are Sme Peple Shrter? Nutritin Is t Blame
    C. Why Are Sme Peple Taller? The Key Is in Our Brains
    D. Why Are Sme Peple Taller? The Key Is in Our Appetite
    Sprts ffer s many great benefits nt nly t ur physical health but t ur mental health. ___16___. S allw me t help yu cunt the ways:
    ·Playing sprts imprves ur md.
    Any frm f physical activity excites the release f chemicals called endrphins (脑内啡), which make yu feel happier and mre relaxed as well. This explains why yu feel s great after playing a pick-up game f basketball r thrwing a ftball. It desn’t have t be an intense sessin. ___17___.
    ·Playing sprts gives us a prmtin f cnfidence.
    ___18___, which can be extremely rewarding. These gals might be t win the game, t scre agal, t perfrm yur best, r t simply have fun. Whatever the case, setting these team r individual gals can prvide heightened feelings f self-wrth and cnfidence.
    Exercising regularly can imprve skills like critical thinking, learning, and cncentratin abilities. And n tp f that, engaging in physical activity such as playing sprts r cycling may help prevent develpment f certain cgnitive disrders (认知障碍). S pick up a bat, a ball, r a glve and get ut there!
    ·Playing sprts prvides means fr scializatin.
    Playing team sprts prvides the perfect pprtunity fr scial interactin. It allws yu t spend time and bnd with ld friends, as well as meet new nes! ___20___, whether that shuld be vlleyball, ftball, hckey, gymnastics, r any thers. Yu’ll harvest many health benefits and have fun ding it.
    A. Playing sprts keeps yu energized
    B. Playing sprts imprves ur mental skills
    C. These mental health benefits may be less bvius
    D. Physical activity is certainly a gd way t manage stress
    E. Sprts are abut setting, wrking twards, and accmplishing gals
    F. S dn’t wait a secnd lnger t tackle yur favrite sprt r try a new ne
    G. It’s just abut getting n yur feet, increasing yur heart rate, and having fun at the same time
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was shcked t see my baby Dani with a cleft(唇裂) at his birth. After the delivery, I wasn’t ___21___ t see my baby. All I culd d was t ask fr infrmatin abut Dani. Dani had his surgery n the seventh day! It was a terrible experience. I buried myself in great ___22___.
    Things ___23___ when I met Dr. Anastassv, wh brught Smile Train—spnsred cleft care t Bulgaria. Dr. Anastassv was my ___24___ frm the mment we met. He helped me build the cnfidence in Dani’s ___25___. At six, Dani finished his speech therapy(矫治) and culd speak as ___26___ as everyne else.
    Dani wanted t be a ___27___. When he began his frmal training, the medical exam was very ___28___ fr him. They knew he was different, even if they culdn’t immediately tell hw. S they wrked him harder than the thers. But Dani shwed great ___29___ and passed. He is nw ____30____ his dream as a pilt!
    Being Dani’s mther is a(n) ____31____. He has been s successful because we ____32____ him t understand that peple with clefts shuld nt be ____33____, because they can d anything.
    Nw I ____34____ Smile Train t help thse like my sn. I ____35____ my experience with them. I’m happy t wrk here and make change fr the better every day.
    21. A. persuadedB. invitedC. allwedD. frced
    22. A. reliefB. painC. securityD. lneliness
    23. A. changedB. cntinuedC. wrsenedD. mattered
    24. A. challengeB. chiceC. evidenceD. inspiratin
    25. A. attitudeB. giftC. recveryD. virtue
    26. A. ludlyB. firmlyC. clearlyD. gently
    27. A. piltB. trainerC. dctrD. spaceman
    28. A. valuableB. difficultC. interestingD. practical
    29. A. excitementB. differenceC. cntributinD. strength
    30. A. livingB. spreadingC. breakingD. discvering
    31. A. chanceB. factC. missinD. hnr
    32. A. prmisedB. raisedC. rderedD. begged
    33. A. pitiedB. supprtedC. cmparedD. cntrlled
    34. A. set upB. wrk withC. turn tD. care abut
    35. A. replaceB. draftC. cnfirmD. share
    Fr the past twenty years, Chen Huili, ___36___ cultural heritage mnitr and guide, has devted herself t prtecting the carvings f the Yuanjue Cave, part f the Dazu Rck Carvings in Chngqing.
    While shwing visitrs arund, Chen became ___37___ (pain) aware f the serius damage t the cave caused by the passage f time. The flat-rfed cave lacked smething t supprt its ___38___ (weigh). As a result, the ceiling (顶部) was cming ff in pieces, psing a great threat t the priceless carvings. With related knwledge and great eagerness ___39___ (save) the sculptures, Chen jined the prtectin center.
    As time ___40___ (g) by, Chen’s experience grew and eventually her unique apprach t ___41___ (prtect) cultural heritage was develped. She ___42___ (invlve) in a number f majr prjects s far, including the eight-year restratin f the Thusand-Armed Avalkitesvara (千手观音). And with her team’s hard effrts, ___43___(measure) such as hydraulic irn frames (液压铁架) have nw successfully been intrduced t supprt the rf f the Yuanjue Cave.
    ___44___ her remarkable achievements, Chen remains unsatisfied. In her pinin, it’s highly necessary t imprve the rle f technlgy in cultural heritage prtectin ___45___ t train yung talent fr this field. Fr Chen, Yuanjue Cave will remain a fcus and she believes there will be many fruitful discveries further dwn the line.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Chris听说中国的太极拳申遗成功了,他对这项独特的中国功夫很感兴趣,请给他回一封电子邮件,为他介绍一下太极拳的相关信息。内容包括:
    太极拳Tai Chi Chuan
    联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录the UNESCO List f Intangible Cultural Heritage
    Dear Chris,
    Glad t hear frm yu!
    Lking frward t yur reply!
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Kim’s family mved frequently frm ne place t anther due t his father’s prfessin. Kim had t start a new schl every few years. Therefre, Kim’s schl life was terrible. He didn’t have any best friends.
    One day, Kim went t his classmate Rcky’s hme. As sn as they entered the huse, Rcky’s pet jumped n Rcky and started licking his face. Rcky said, “My dggy lves me very much. Animals can’t speak, but they have feelings, t.” His wrds were s tuchy that Kim thught abut keeping a pet.
    Kim talked with his mther. She was afraid f dgs. She said that if Kim kept a dg at hme, then it wuld be entirely his respnsibility. The real task fr Kim was his father. They were pure vegetarian. His father knew that animal needs meat fr grwth, which he never bught in the market. Therefre, he said a clear n t Kim’s demand.
    One day, Kim saw a puppy in the park, wh was in pain because f an injured ear. The puppy was weeping. Kim culdn’t stp himself and tk it hme. He tk gd care f it and decided t keep it permanently at hme. When his father saw the dg, he sclded Kim, the little pup sitting in the crner and listening t them. Since Kim requested him a lt, finally, he agreed unwillingly.
    Kim named that cute puppy Dner. He trained Dner and tk care f his fd, water, and cleanliness. Dner and Kim became gd friends. Everyne lved Dner except Kim’s father. Every time his father gt hme, Dner wuld hide smewhere in the huse.
    Then the day came when the results f the examinatin were declared. Kim failed in ne subject, which made Kim’s father disappinted. He sclded Kim and even blamed Dner fr Kim’s failure.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dner hid himself in the crner, listening t everything.
    Althugh Dner had left the huse fr several days, he decided t pick up Kim’s father’s wallet n the grund f the market and returned it.
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Wh is the right persn fr the jb?
    A. Daniel. B. Sam. C. Alice.
    2. Where is the restaurant?
    A. Behind the Waldrf Htel.
    B. Next t the Marritt.
    C. Inside the Hiltn Htel.
    3. What might have happened t the wman?
    A. She hurt her big te. B. She missed an X-ray. C. She brke her bike.
    4. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A Teacher and student.
    B. Interviewer and interviewee.
    C. Tur guide and turist.
    5. Hw is the man prbably feeling?
    A. Cnfident. B. Delighted. C. Annyed.
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At hme. B. At a restaurant. C. At a grcery stre.
    7. What kind f meat will the wman use?
    A. Fish. B. Prk. C. Beef.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An electric vehicle. B. A travel plan. C. An unfrgettable experience.
    9. What advantage des the ship have?
    A. It csts less. B. It travels faster. C. It is envirnmentally friendly.
    10. Why did the by cry during the night?
    A. He was ill. B. He had a scary dream. C. He was mved by a film.
    11. What is the bk abut?
    A. Science. B. Adventure. C. Educatin.
    12. Hw ld is the by nw?
    A. 10. B. 11. C. 18.
    13. What des the wman ask the man t take?
    A. Fd. B. Umbrellas. C. Clthes.
    14. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
    15. What will the wman d tday?
    A. Cllect an rder. B. Pick up the man’s parents. C. Clean the spare rm.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. Take the kids ut t play.
    B. Send the children t schl.
    C. Help the wman with husewrk.
    17. What did the speaker fcus n when he first started writing pems?
    A. Expressing meanings. B. Writing dwn wrds. C. Listening t thers’ pinins.
    18. Where did the members f the petry grup meet?
    A. In a bar. B. In a bkshp. C. In a teacher’s huse.
    19. What was ne f the mst imprtant lessns the speaker learned?
    A. T read ut alud. B. T be in n rush. C. T make his wrds rhyme.
    20. When will the speaker have a party?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D
    【答案】12. D 13. D 14. C 15. C
    【答案】16. C 17. G 18. E 19. B 20. F
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D
    【答案】36. a 37. painfully
    38. weight 39. t save
    40. went 41. prtecting
    42. has been invlved
    43. measures
    44. Despite
    45. and
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dear Chris,
    Glad t hear frm yu! I’m als thrilled t knw Tai Chi Chuan has been included in the UNESCO List f Intangible Cultural Heritage which means this unique martial art gets glbal recgnitin.
    Having been practiced fr centuries, Tai Chi cmbines slw mvements, deep breathing and meditatin, representing the traditinal Chinese philsphy — harmny. Due t these features, ne can strengthen the bdy, relieve the pressure and cultivate the mind thrugh practicing Tai Chi. It’s n wnder that the sprt has attracted cuntless fans bth at hme and abrad. Since yu are fascinated by it, I strngly recmmend yu have a g!
    Lking frward t yur reply!
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Dner hid himself in the crner, listening t everything. He felt the tensin in the air and understd that his presence was smehw cnnected t Kim’s sclding. With a heavy heart, Dner decided t leave t prevent further truble fr Kim. That night, he quietly slipped ut f the huse and int the darkness. Kim wke up the next mrning t find Dner missing. He searched everywhere but fund n trace f his belved pet. Days later, as Dner ramed the streets, he stumbled upn Kim’s father’s wallet lying n the grund at the market.
    Althugh Dner had left the huse fr several days, he decided t pick up Kim’s father’s wallet n the grund f the market and returned it. As he apprached the huse, he saw Kim’s father frantically searching fr smething. Understanding the situatin, Dner carefully placed the wallet at Kim’s father’s feet and barked t get his attentin. Surprised and grateful, Kim’s father picked up the wallet and lked at Dner with newfund respect. He realized that the dg was mre than just a pet; he was a lyal and intelligent cmpanin. Frm that day n, Kim’s father’s attitude twards Dner changed, and he welcmed him back int their hme with pen arms.
    At Beaver Creek, The Extrardinary Awaits Yu
    Are n tw snwflakes alike? The snwflakes we see in the winter are mst likely cmpletely unique frm ne ther.
    Beaver Creek is a great place t experience the beauty f the snw, with prgrams fr everyne—frm children, teens, and wmen-nly lessns t small grups and private-guided experiences.
    First Track, frm Beaver Creek Reserve, lets yu be the first n the muntain, with an adventure that begins at 7:30 a.m. when yu are met by ski prfessinals and taken n a private, guided tur—befre the muntain is pen t the public. Once yu have skied, yu are treated t a delicius breakfast at Allie’s Cabin.
    If yu are lking fr a higher level f cmfrt there is the White Carpet Club, frm Beaver Creek Reserve. Lcated in the heart f Beaver Creek Village, it maximizes yur time n the muntain by streamlining yur access t it. At the club, there are private lckers and bt dryers, alng with preferred self-parking and a slpe-side ski waiter. A receptinist can assist with lift tickets, pass purchases, dinner reservatins, and activity recmmendatins.
    Of curse, there is mre t explre during the winter in Beaver Creek as well. There is ice skating, snwsheing, shpping, and spas—yu name it, Beaver Creek has it. It is the perfect place t take advantage f the snw and be in the mment, in the muntains, tgether.
    The extrardinary is a rare cmbinatin f ne-f-a-kind experiences designed t be shared with service that exceeds expectatin. The extrardinary brings yu clser t ne anther and ffers a special place t belng tgether. Belng in The Extrardinary.

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