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    这是一份2024届北京市朝阳区高三下学期二模英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 5,5分,共15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024. 5
    (考试时间90分钟 满分100分)
    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    A nurse named Aly Hgarth has reunited with a mther and daughter at the same hspital ship 30 years after saving their lives.
    In 1993, Ms Hgarth was turing a hspital ship in Sierra Lene when she knew that a patient Catherine Cnteh needed a Caesarean sectin(剖腹产手术), but she culdn't 1 it. Ms Hgarth cntacted her clleagues and they paid fr the 170 surgery, s that Catherine's daughter, Regina, culd be 2 . Later, Ms Hgarth vlunteered t take care f her in the hspital. 3 her wund and teaching her hw t feed the baby. In this way Ms Hgarth frmed a 4 with the mther and the baby, but they lst 5 when she returned hme t New Zealand.
    Ms Hgarth, nw 52, vlunteered fr charity Mercy Ships. Surprisingly, she 6 Catherine and Regina at the same hspital ship. They bth became nurses, inspired by Ms Hgarth, and Regina nw has a child f her wn.
    Ms Hgarth said, "T see Catherine in persn again, it's very unreal really. It's nt smething I 7 expected until we made cntact again. Fr me, I felt 8 at the mment when we met and didn't knw hw t react." "We just cried and cried," Catherine said. "Regina and I wuld have died withut Ms Hgarth's pure lve."
    "It's really 9 t see Catherine again," Ms Hgarth shared. "T thught abut her every time I tld that stry fr the last 30 years. I knw it was a significant time—realizing that yu can make a real 10 by ding smething."
    1. A. cancel B. bear C. affrdD. accept
    2. A. examined B. delivered C. adpted D. attended
    3 A. receiving B. remving C. dressing D. discvering
    4. A. habit B. traditin C. planD. bnd
    5. A. tuch B. cntrl C. hpe D. directin
    6. A. called n B. came acrss C. lked after D. kept ff
    7. A. ever B. still C. evenD. just
    8. A. inspired B. disappinted C. cncerned D. excited
    9. A. impssible B. amazing C. challenging D. simple
    10. A. effrt B. cmmitment C. decisin D. difference
    An elderly cuple has becme stars in the marathn cmmunity. 11 (win)at least 200 medals frm sprts meetings in the past ten years, they are regarded as rle mdels by many peple. Initially, the cuple started running just 12 (imprve)their health. Later, they decided t challenge themselves and signed up fr a marathn. Thugh neither f them had run a full marathn befre, they managed t cmplete it. They believe n matter 13 age it is, the marathn spirit f fighting t the end is essential.
    The hrse-face skirt, r mamianqun in Chinese, is a traditinal Chinese skirt that dates back t the Sng Dynasty. Traditinally it has tw panels 14 (attach) t a single waistband, which verlap in frnt f the bdy t frm a "skirt dr", like the hrse-face defenses n ancient city walls. It primarily 15 (represent) a Chinese philsphical cncept that harmnizes strength and gentleness. The skirt has gne beynd time and space t becme a fashin item tday. It 16 (prefer) by fans f traditinal clthing, wh have cntinued t develp it.
    It can be hard nt t let negativity g int yur day, especially during 17 (stress) perids f life. A bit f ptimism makes yu becme better and emtinally 18 (healthy) in the lng term. An ptimistic persn is always lking fr the best in any situatin and expecting that gd things 19 (happen). But being ptimistic desn't mean yu g int denial and pretend everything is fine when it's nt. It is a particular state f mind 20 yu hpe fr the best but prepare fr the wrst.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    D yu want t bst yur ATAR, a rank which indicates the verall achievements f all Year 12 students in Australia, and get a preview f university life? When yu jin the Deakin Accelerate Prgram, yu'll get a head start by cmpleting tw first-year university units while yu're still a high schl student.
    Hw Deakin Accelerate Prgram wrks
    Yu'll study tw first-year university units thrugh the prgram. If yu chse t study and experience university life n campus, yu'll attend classes and cnferences during the day. Or if studying nline is mre accessible fr yu, cmplete the prgram nline in yur free time at schl r after hurs when it suits yu.
    N matter hw yu chse t study, yu'll benefit frm ur nline learning platfrm, which allws yu t access classes, wrkshps, resurces and mre. Whether yu' re using yur desktp, tablet r mbile, yu'll have access t curse cntent all year rund and get answers in real time.
    After successfully cmpleting yur Accelerate units, yu'll gain credits which yu' can put twards a related Deakin university curse. Plus, there is n charge fr that.
    Apply t the Deakin Accelerate Prgram if yu're:
    ·a high achiever with abve-average Year 11 results;
    ·lking fr an extra challenge in high schl;
    ·a self-starter wh can wrk independently;
    ·keen t make a head start n yur university degree.
    T be qualified fr the prgram, yu must:
    ·be cmpleting Year 12 in 2024;
    ·meet the high schl subject requirement;
    ·attain a minimum average grade f 65% acrss yur subjects.
    Fr mre infrmatin abut the Deakin Accelerate Prgram, yu can read ur FAQs r get in tuch using ur nline inquiry frm.
    Submit an inquiry
    21. What benefit d participants gain frm the Deakin Accelerate Prgram?
    A. Receiving a preview f their ATAR.
    B. Experiencing different learning styles.
    C. Cmpleting tw years' university units.
    D. Earning credits twards university curses.
    22. What is available fr participants n the nline learning platfrm?
    A. Real-time respnse. B. Guidance n using devices.
    C. High schl curse cntent. D. An nline learning schedule.
    23. Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A. Submitting an inquiry frm.
    B. Graduating frm university in 2024.
    C. Having started t study fr a university degree.
    D. Achieving an average scre f at least 65% in all subjects.
    When I was nine, my best friend nearly chked t death n a gbstpper, a type f hard candy. After several attempts, she cughed up the candy. I haven't had a gbstpper since and I have carried with me a fear f seeing that scene again. Sadly, as I discvered this week, lightning can strike twice.
    I was getting ff a tube train in Lndn when I nticed a wman cughing. I slwed dwn, watching her carefully. I had learned that cughing is rarely a sign that smething is terribly wrng. Suddenly, the wman stpped cughing, her eyes widened and she bent ver.
    When I went ver t ask if she was OK, she lked up at me, panicked, and pinted t her back. I started hitting her back and screaming fr help. Despite having watched a few vides, I was terrified that I wuldn't be able t crrectly perfrm the Heimlich, a first-aid methd, and that I wuld have t walk away with guilt fr her death. But it was just the tw f us, alne at an undergrund statin; if I didn't try t help, n ne wuld. Thankfully, much like with my friend, after a few sharp hits, whatever had been stuck in her thrat came lse. She thanked me, almst embarrassed, and walked up t the lift. I fllwed behind her, shaking, with tears in my eyes.
    By the time we reached the lift, we had bth calmed dwn. She tk my hands and thanked me again, befre disappearing. She might have been fine withut my hurried hits n her back—I may nt have actually saved her life—but at least she knew that smene, a stranger whm she wuld never see again, cared.
    This experience als taught me abut the bystander effect, where peple assume thers assumed t be available during an emergency, direct help frm thers is far less likely t will help, leading t inactin. I get it: the fear f making things wrse, especially if yu have n medical training, is real. Research suggests that when a "medically cmpetent"persn is ccur. Smetimes, thugh, regardless f wh else culd be nearby, it may be useful t get invlved. S it was with the cughing wman n the tube.
    24. Hw did the friend's chking incident affect the authr?
    A. She lived with a sense f guilt.
    B. She realized the imprtance f first aid.
    C. She develped a fear f witnessing similar events.
    D. She deepened her understanding f the bystander effect.
    25. What did the authr d t help the wman n the tube?
    A. She relieved the wman's cughing.
    B. She walked the wman up t the lift.
    C. She fund a "medically cmpetent"persn fr her.
    D. She perfrmed first aid by hitting the wman's back.
    26. Which situatin can be described as the bystander effect?
    A. Yu vlunteered t help an ld man carrying a heavy bag.
    B. Yu asked yur brther wh is a dctr t save a dying wman.
    C. Yu avided invlvement when seeing an injured lady n the rad.
    D. Yu walked away after the rescue men asked yu t leave the scene.
    27. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. A gd tun deserves anther.
    B. Every clud has a silver lining.
    C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    D. Actin speaks luder than inactin.
    Science begins with mystery. Arguably, the tw greatest mysteries are the universe and awareness-the vast wrld ut there and the pwerful wrld within. Scientists attracted by ne can be called t study the ther, led by the thught that these mysteries are cnnected. Science writer Gerge Musser's bk Putting Ourselves Back in the Equatin(方程)reviews their prgress: Can physics unlck the mystery f awareness? Des awareness frm the basis f fundamental physics?
    The result is an ambitius but ultimately disappinting tur, filled with breathless encunters with well-knwn scientists. Representative f the cast is MIT's Max Tegmark, wh tells Musser, "If yu lk at the prblems that were still difficult t answer in fundamental physics, pretty much all f them trace back t awareness."
    The bk shws hw physicists are cntributing t understanding the mind, cntinuing a lng histry f physicists explring ther fields. Musser integrates physics with neurscience, ecnmies, mathematics and mre. Yet a key surce f lcal knwledge is bviusly absent—psychlgy. An early example: Musser rightly applauds physicists' cntributins t artificial neural netwrks but is verly trustful f their implicatins, declaring that "ChatGPT" is already starting t demnstrate a generalized intelligence like that f humans. Interviewing mre psychlgists culd have expsed the cnsiderable gap remaining.
    What abut awareness itself? Why are sme states assciated with felt experience, such as the pain f a headache and the sight f a sunset, but thers nt? Musser's fcus is integrated infrmatin thery(IIT). IIT begins with five self-evident principles f awareness:awareness exists, and it is structured, specific, unified, and definite. It then cncludes assumptins cncerning the causal structure f awareness systems, identifying awareness with integrated infrmatin. Finally, IIT ffers a mathematical measure f this quantity: an equatin fr awareness.
    Hwever, despite its enthusiasts, IIT has significant prblems. Its wrking basis is unfunded, and serius dubts surrund its testability and definability. Of curse, a thery f awareness must detail when, why, and t what degree we are aware f urselves. Here, psychlgy's absence is mst bvius. Over the last century, psychlgical research has revealed cuntless phenmena f awareness, frm mdels that alter awareness t methds that stimulate unawareness; frm extrardinary disrders f awareness t careful studies f metacgnitin(元认知).
    Althugh questinable, such phenmena are the data that any scientific thery f awareness must accunt fr. Yet these phenmena and ideas are almst nwhere in the bk. Of curse, psychlgy has nt slved awareness, but ne cannt hpe t explain awareness withut cnfrnting these data.
    Awareness is genuinely mysterius. S is fundamental physics. But hping that physics can slve awareness while excluding ther appraches is nly a recipe fr mre mystery, nt less.
    28. What can we learn frm Musser's bk?
    A. IIT is acknwledged fr its testability and definability.
    B. Musser underestimates the impact f artificial intelligence.
    C. Using psychlgy is a trend fr physicists explring ther fields.
    D. Musser highlights physicists' effrts t uncver the secret f awareness.
    29. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. The link between physics and awareness has been established.
    B. There is n dubt abut the principles f an equatin fr awareness.
    C. A multidisciplinary apprach is essential t understanding awareness.
    D. Study f awareness needs t ignre related psychlgical phenmena.
    30. Regarding Musser's view in his bk, the authr is .
    A. neutral B. disapprving C. supprtive D. uncertain
    It is perhaps easy t accept the statement that the universe is expanding. It is just sme strange physics indicating that, as time ges n, galaxies. (星系)get further away frm each ther just like tw cars racing away frm each ther.
    I persnally dn't like it and prefer the balln analgy. In this situatin, there are dts all ver a balln. When we blw it up in real life, the dts wuld increase in size. In this analgy, let's assume they dn't. What we are interested in is hw the distance between the dts n the surface f the balln grws as we put mre air int it.
    The balln analgy relies smewhat n ur gemetric sensibilities which refer t ur sense f shapes and hw they change ver time. At its cre, what we are trying t develp a sense fr is hw we measure distances. This cncept is als the fundamental gal f general relativity, Einstein's thery f gravity. In general relativity, the mst imprtant piece f infrmatin is what we call the metric, an equatin that describes hw distances are measured, and therefre als tells us abut the shape space-time is taking.
    The whle idea that space-time is expanding was first nticed as a mathematical cnsequence f general relativity by Gerges Lemaitre in 1927, when he slved Einstein's equatin and fund a slutin fr the metric shwing that distances grw with time. His wrk prvided a theretical explanatin:the standard fr measuring csmic(宇宙的)distance was itself changing with time.
    What is delightful is that it means we can quite reasnably say that universe's expansin is a gravitatinal effect. I enjy this because it is s deeply cunterintuitive t ur usual understanding f gravity, which teaches us that it is a frce that always draws things tgether. But in this case where gravity is a gemetric effect, we are ffered a brader range f gravitatinal pssibilities.
    It is wrth nting that the gemetric explanatin f general relativity hasn't been universally ppular. The late physicist Steven Weinberg wrte that the gemetric explanatin f the thery f gravitatin has been reduced t a mere analgy, but is therwise nt very useful. Anther challenge with the balln analgy and ur reliance n gemetric explanatin is t explain why gravity seems t pull things tgether in many situatins, while universe is expanding. This difference is reslved by acknwledging that lcal gravitatinal effects due t massive bjects dminate ver large-scale expansin effects, leading t the frmatin f structures like stars, galaxies and, eventually us.
    In fact, the analgy where universe is nly expanding and this is the nly gravitatinal effect at play is a very idealized situatin where matter was initially spread ut perfectly evenly acrss the universe.
    31. The authr presents the balln analgy in Paragraph 2 mainly t .
    A. intrduce a tpicB. draw a cmparisn
    C. cnfirm a thery D. evaluate a statement
    32. What des the underlined wrd "cunterintuitive" in Paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Unchallenging.B. Cntradictry. C. Satisfying. D. Relevant.
    33. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Universe's expansin results in the creatin f structures like galaxies.
    B. Lemaitre's wrk suggests the standard fr csmic distance is cnsistent.
    C. A unifrm distributin f matter can vercme the universe's expansin.
    D. The metric is key t sensing the shape f space-time in general relativity.
    34. Which wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Studying Galaxies— Has the Balln Analgy Been Outdated?
    B. Rethinking Gravity-Is it a Way t Make Sense f the Balln Analgy?
    C. Arguing against the Car Analgy— Des the Balln Analgy Win Over?
    D. Understanding Universe Expansin— Is the Balln Analgy Acceptable?
    Studies abut sleep and emplyee behavir typically fcus n varius activities that ccur within the bdy during sleep, and their impact n daytime cgnitin. New research adpts a different methd. 35
    The researchers cnducted three studies invlving thusands f dreams recalled by emplyees. The first study asked participants upn awakening t rate the degree f awe(敬畏)and wnder brught by their dreams and t write dwn their biggest wrk prblem. 36 Anther ne they answered was whether they envisined anything gd arising frm the difficult wrk situatin—a measure f resilience, which meant the ability t becme strng and happy again after tughness. Thse wh fund psitive meaning in dreams reprted higher levels f awe. 37
    In the secnd study, participants wh recalled a dream likewise reprted its psitive r negative meaning, and then wrte descriptins f the dream and what they tk t be its causes and meaning. After wrk they answered questins abut their resilience and prgress n the day's tasks. 38 The third study tracked similar measures amng emplyees wh participated daily fr tw weeks, and it lked at hw naturally curius each persn was. It fund similar results abut awe and shwed that it raised resilience and prductivity far mre in the naturally curius.
    39 Awe can help peple deal mre effectively with challenges and prgress tward gals. "Our research reveals hw awe can be brught abut at a time that has a critical impact n daily wrk utcmes," the researchers write. "Emplyees culd use dream jurnals and simple practices t ‘guide’ their nighttime visins, thus increasing their dds f having meaningful, awe-inspiring dreams."
    A. A psitive dream brings a sense f sudden insight, giving rise t awe.
    B The increased awe was als prved t be assciated with greater resilience.
    C In fact, dreaming may help imprve prblem-slving skills in daily rutine.
    D. Here, t, gd dreams bsted awe and resilience, fueling prgress n wrk gals.
    E. Researchers acknwledge that dreams may invlve cntent related t waking experiences.
    F. It finds that remembering a gd dream can help peple make prgress in the day's tasks.
    G. They then answered the questin abut whether they thught the dream was psitive r negative.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    When Eugenie Gerge first heard that her friend passed the accuntant exam, her heart sank. She'd failed that test weeks earlier, and needed the certificate t advance her wn career. "My inner child gt upset," recalls Gerge. But then, she called her friend. "I tld her I failed and admitted I was envius," she says. Being frank shifted her attitude, and she was surprised t realize she culd share her friend's happiness and experience her wn, in tum. "I cngratulated my friend and tld her she inspired me," Gerge says.
    This is what scientists called freudenfreude, meaning finding pleasure in anther persn's success, even if it desn't directly invlve us. Freudenfreude is like scial glue, says Catherine Chambliss, a prfessr f psychlgy at Ursinus Cllege. It makes relatinships "clse and mre enjyable." A study in 2021 examined freudenfreude's rle in daily life and fund that it culd imprve life satisfactin and even help peple c-perate during a cnflict.
    While the benefits f freudenfreude are plentiful, it desn't always cme easily. If yu were raised in a family that paired winning with self-wrth, Chambliss says, yu might misread smene else's victry as yur wn persnal shrtcming. Besides, mental health can als affect yur ability t participate in smene else's jy. Negative emtins like anger r dislike may lead t the ppsite f freudenfreude.
    Luckily, the ability f freudenfreude can be exercised. T help peple strengthen jy-sharing muscles, Chambliss and his clleagues develped a prgramme called Freudenfreude Enhancement Training practices. They fund that depressed students wh used the practices fr tw weeks had an easier time expressing freudenfreude, which enhanced their relatinships and imprved their mds. Given that, having freudenfreude is beneficial and it is wrthwhile t explre ways t encurage the feeling.
    40. Accrding t scientists, what is freudenfreude?
    41. What impact des freudenfreude have n daily life?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Freudenfreude desn't always cme easily, and it is affected by yur family envirnment and physical health.
    43. Besides Gerge's experience mentined in the passage, please describe ne f yur experiences f freudenfreude. (In abut 40 wrds)
    1. 介绍你打算参加的活动;
    2. 询问对方意向。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,

    Li Hua
    2024. 5
    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    第一节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    1. C 2. В 3. C 4. D 5. A
    6. В 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
    11. Having wn 12. t imprve 13. what 14. attached 15. represents
    16. is preferred 17. stressful 18. healthier 19. will happen 20. where
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    21. D 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. D
    26. C 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. B
    31. A 32. B 33. D 34. D
    35. F 36. G 37. B 38. D 39. A
    第三部分(共两节,32 分)
    40. Freudenfreude is finding pleasure in anther persn's success, even if it desn't directly invlve us.
    41. It imprves life satisfactin and even helps peple c-perate during a cnflict.
    42. Freudenfreude desn't always cme easily, and it is affected by yur family envirnment and physical health.
    Mental well-being can affect yur ability t participate in the jy f thers.
    43. 1) Last year, in the relay race, my team was defeated by my friend's team I felt a little envius at first. Hwever, seeing excitement n his face, I related t him and jined in the celebratin. As we celebrated tgether, we were reminded f the pwer f sharing jy.
    2) 1 experienced freudenfreude when my friend gt accepted int her dream schl. Althugh I was still struggling fr my final exam and nt sure what my future wuld hld, I sent her sincere cngratulatins n the success. That enhanced the bnd between us, fstering mutual supprt and encuragement.
    Pssible versin:
    Dear Jim,
    Hw are yu ding? Our schl will hld a series f activities with the theme f grwth, s I am writing t invite yu t jin me.
    Of all the activities, I prefer t participate in the tree planting t experience the surness and sweetness f grwth. Thse wh sign up fr it will wrk tgether t plant a tree, digging a hle, building sil berms and watering the sapling. The grwth f a tree requires patience and persistence, s d we. When the tree flurishes, we'll becme respnsible adults, making cntributins t the sciety.
    Are yu interested in it? I believe it'll be an unfrgettable experience. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua

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