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    这是一份2024日照高三下学期4月校际联合考试(二模)英语含答案,文件包含2024届山东省日照市高三下学期二模英语试题docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语试题 2024.04
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    If yu’re traveling with yur family and lking fr great fun in Iceland, check this list f family-friendly turs. These turs help yu make the best f yur family vacatin.
    Ice caving tur n Langjkull Glacier (冰川)
    On this Langjkull Glacier tur, explre the wrld’s largest man-made ice cave. A 20-tn mnster truck will take yu t the entrance f the cave, lcated clse t the tp f the glacier. Then hike thrugh the 500m lng ice tunnel with separate frzen halls and admire brilliant blue ice frmatins. Yu’ll dream abut this ice cave experience fr years t cme!
    Whale watching tur frm Reykjavik
    Hit the high seas n a Dalvik whale watching tur. Witness humpback whales, blue whales, minke whales and even dlphins! In true Icelandic fashin, yu will get the chance t try yur hand at sea fishing. Yur fresh catch will be barbequed Icelandic-style when the tur ends, the perfect way t wrap up the day.
    River rafting (漂流) dwn Gullfss Canyn.
    Whether yu’re an expert r beginner, Iceland’s white waters attract peple f all skill levels. Yur tur begins at Drumbddsstadir, cntinues dwn the Hvita River and ends in Bruarhld Canyn, lcated at the fthills f Gullfss Waterfall. The waters will lead yu past a water-carved grge and ver a few steep rapids n an unfrgettable adventure f a lifetime.
    Old farm hike
    On this tur we’ll be aiming fr the ld abandned farm at Kleif—watching ut fr the Arctic wildlife that lives in the area, including reindeer and plenty f birds. Upn arrival, we’ll g n a fully guided tur f the farm and hear stries f hw Icelanders managed t survive in this unfriendly place. Finally, we’ll enjy sme warming refreshments at the farm after an educatinal day in the wilderness.
    ( )1.What d we knw abut the ice cave?
    A.It is artificial. B.It has a secret entrance.
    C.It lies under a glacier. D.It is the deepest in the wrld.
    ( )2.Which tur might appeal t adventurers mst?
    A.Ice caving tur. B.Whale watching tur.C.River rafting. D.Old farm hike.
    ( )3.What can yu d n the ld farm hike tur?
    A.Have a barbecue in the wilderness. B.Learn farming frm lcal peple.
    C.Practice hunting Arctic animals. D.Explre the histry f the farm.
    When Bella Lin was 12 years ld, she nticed that her guinea pigs (豚鼠) seemed unhappy in their small cage with “prisn-like bars”, Lin tld the CNBC Make It website. Fcusing n finding an alternative t traditinal cages fr her pets, the nw 17-year-ld frm Muntain View, US, began her designs.
    Lin experimented with multiple designs and used arund $2,000 frm her savings t start her side business, Guinea Lft, n Amazn in Nvember 2022. It made a big difference and sld nearly 11,000 cages and brught in mre than $410,000 in 2023, accrding t CNBC Make It.
    Initially, Lin infrmed her father f her desire t develp an imprved cage. Her father had relatins with a family-wned factry in China thrugh a previus client, and he reached ut t them.
    Traditinal guinea pig cages typically cnsist f bars, rfs, and either tarp (防水布) r plastic bttms, making them hard t clean and ften smell bad. Lin’s initial glass, pen-flr cages ffered mre visibility and mbility, with a tw-layered bttm. This design allws fr the easy remval f siled bedding by pushing it int a remvable plastic tray (托盘). Hwever, due t high shipping csts, the glass material was impractical, and the pen flr caused prblems fr her smaller guinea pigs, as their feet wuld get stuck.
    Lin and her six-persn team in China devted late nights t researching and testing prducts. Her team handled the surcing, manufacturing, packaging and phtgraphy f the prducts. In the end, they chse acrylic, instead f glass, and crafted replaceable bttms, as Lin described it. The bttms are easy t thrw ut, which is gd fr business: Once custmers run ut f the bttms, they have t visit Lin’s Amazn stre again t restck.
    “Witnessing the practical effects f Guinea Lft cages thrugh custmer reviews and emails is empwering,” Lin said. “As smene wh nce placed great emphasis n academic recgnitin, the success f my side business has bsted my cnfidence in explring life beynd high schl.”
    ( )4.What inspired Lin t design a new cage fr guinea pigs?
    A.The huge prfits in her business. B.Their bad living cnditins.
    C.Her unpleasant experience at schl. D.Her desire t replace ld cages.
    ( )5.What is a majr advantage f Lin’s new cage?
    A.It is waterprf. B.It lasts lng.C.It is easy t clean. D.It smells nice.
    ( )6.Hw des Lin sund in the last paragraph?
    A.Humrus. B.Cncerned. C.Encuraged. D.Curius.
    ( )7.What may be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Inventing fr Our Pets B.Running a Side Business
    C.Bella Lin’s Academic Achievements D.The Applicatin f Guinea Pig Cages
    Disabled astrnauts-in-training have cmpleted a zer-gravity flight 25,000ft abve Earth t help understand hw spacesuits and spaceships can be made mre accessible.
    The grup f 14, wh were frm five different cuntries, including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Spain and the US, was made up f scientists, engineers and dctrs. They have mbility, visin and hearing difficulties.
    The grundbreaking trip, rganized by AstrAccess, happened n a Zer-G aircraft in Hustn, Texas. It came just weeks after the Eurpean Space Agency (ESA) annunced that frmer Paralympian runner, Jhn McFall, wuld be part f the 2022 ESA Astrnaut Class. The missin tk ff and landed at Ellingtn Airprt, next t the Hustn Spaceprt and the NASA Jhnsn Space center —hme t the US human spaceflight training.
    On climbing t a height f 25,000ft, the vehicle began 18 parablic maneuvres (抛物线演习), allwing the crews t test ut what was needed t make trips t space mre accessible fr thse with disabilities.
    One grup tested a set f tactile graphics (触觉图形) t be added t cabin walls that wuld allw bth blind crew members and shrt-sighted crew members t maintain a sense f directin during emergencies and help them find emergency device in zer gravity if the lights went ff. Thse wrking with the Blind and Mbility Crew were able t demnstrate that a disabled persn can independently get int a launch seat and safely fasten the five-pint seat belt, prving that disabled peple can safely jin space missins. The hard-f-hearing and blind crews wrked with Sny and Snic Clud t help imprve speech understanding systems nbard, using Snic Clud’s innvative sund persnalizatin sftware.
    Matt Ghd, CEO f Zer-G Crpratin said: “Frm ur time with Steven Hawking t ur relatinship with AstrAccess, Zer-G believes that the nly limits yu have are the nes yu place n yurself. We are hnred t share this amazing experience and the first steps t space with this extrardinary grup f individuals. Space shuld be pen t everyne.”
    ( )8.What is the idea behind the flight?
    A.Space travel can be accessible t everyne.
    B.Space travel will becme a ppular industry.
    C.Space travel can develp a spirit f adventure.
    D.Space travel will be gd fr universe explratin.
    ( )9.What was special abut the flight?
    A.It had a frmer athlete n bard.B.It was designed fr disabled peple.
    C.It was the first zer-gravity flight ever.D.It gt financial aid frm different cuntries.
    ( )10.Why were the tests cnducted?
    A.T make preparatins fr the flight.
    B.T enhance speech understanding systems.
    C.T better the skills f the disabled in using launch seats.
    D.T evaluate the pssibility f space travel fr the disabled.
    ( )11.What message is cnveyed in Matt Ghd’s wrds?
    A.Great minds think alike. B.Unity is strength.
    C.Actins speak luder than wrds. D.Anything is pssible.
    While it’s impssible t predict just where the next wildfire will start, new Department f Defense-spnsred research frm Brigham Yung University’s Fire Research Lab is getting int the micrscpic details f hw fires initiate t prvide mre insight int hw wildfires burn thrugh wildland fuels.
    Fr their experiments, fire expert Thmas H. Fletcher and c-authrs laded leaves f 14 plant species int the crucible (坩埚) f a therm gravimetric analyzer (热重分析仪) and slwly turned the heat up t 800 degrees Celsius. As they watched the leaves burn, they categrized the speed at which the plant brke dwn and the chemicals prduced by the heat. They als cmpared the impact f tw heat surces: cnvective (think f wind-driven fires) and radiative (frm burning plant particles r flames).
    The research fund that the chemistry f plants makes a big difference in hw fast they break dwn befre they start t burn. That’s imprtant t knw because the type f plant fund n a muntain hillside may help predict hw a fire will burn and hw quickly it might jump t anther plant species.
    “Very detailed mdels that already exist take up t tw weeks t run n very big cmputers and by that time, the fire has mved and it’s nt in the same place anymre,” Fletcher said. “We’re aiming twards giving answers n hw a fire might prpagate in the next 20 minutes r half hur instead f the next tw weeks.”
    The studies are aimed at imprving predictive mdels fr bth prescribed (有计划的) burns and fr unplanned wildfires. With wildfires csting the Frest Service and state agencies billins f dllars t cntrl annually, any research that can help make fire management mre efficient is a high pririty.
    “With all we’ve dne t research them, fires are still ut f cntrl,” Fletcher said. “Our mdel can’t prevent a fire, but it can help with decisins n hw t manage fires s that when a fire starts, it desn’t blw up int a huge, uncntrllable fire.”
    ( )12.What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A.The research subjects. B.The research findings.
    C.The research prcedures. D.The research bjectives.
    ( )13.What des the research find abut the chemistry f plants?
    A.It affects the speed f a fire. B.It is ne f the causes f a fire.
    C.It breaks dwn quickly in a fire. D.It helps plants survive in a fire.
    ( )14.What des the underlined wrd “prpagate” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A.Explde. B.Spread. C.Die dwn. D.Break ut.
    ( )15.Why d the researchers develp the new mdel?
    A.T make the mst ut f wildfires. B.T cntrl wildfires mre efficiently.
    C.T predict the utbreak f wildfires. D.T prevent wildfires frm happening.
    Everyne reacts t the pressures f an upcming test differently. 16 When yu knw yu have a test ahead, prepare yurself mentally and physically well in advance t minimize test anxiety. Here are sme tips t help get yu thrugh the days leading up t yur test.
    17 It helps yu engage with yur material, and it gives yu smething else fr reference when yu study later. If yur ntes are detailed enugh, yu can read ver them t study. Yu can als use them t make flashcards and ther study aids.
    Where yu study can be just as imprtant as hw yu study. Chse a place that’s cmfrtable, whether that’s yur bedrm, a quiet table at the library, r a bench at the lcal park. Make sure the area has gd lighting s yu aren’t straining yur eyes, and ensure it’s quiet and free frm distractins. 18
    Dn’t try t cram (填塞) all f yur material int yur brain the night befre the big test. Cramming can cause stress and anxiety. 19 Fr example, if yu knw the test is in tw weeks, divide the material int 10 t 14 parts and spend a set amunt f time each day t review ne part.
    If yu wrk well with grups, cnsider frming r jining a study grup with thers wh are serius abut passing the test. Try t keep the grup small s that everyne has a chance t engage. 20 And cnsider making smene the leader f the grup t help keep everyne n track.
    A.Instead, it’s best t study a little bit each day.
    B.But it’s nrmal t feel a bit nervus r anxius.
    C.Ag ree n a schedule and lcatin t meet each week.
    D.There’s n need t stay up cramming the night befre the big test.
    E.Cnsider turning ff yur phne and any ther electrnic devices.
    F.Preparing fr a test can begin days, weeks, and even mnths in advance.
    G.Nte taking helps fcus yur attentin n what yu’re reading r hearing.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The Ladakh regin, the nrthernmst plateau f India, sits mre than 3,000m abve sea level. The tall Himalayan muntains stp the 21 rains frm cming there. S Ladakh has usually been 22 in the sun fr 300 days per year. Flds were 23 unheard f befre. Hwever, flds have 24 fur times since 2010 wing t climate change.
    A decade and a half ag, the Ladakhi land prvided villagers with a 25 water supply. Winter snw melted (融化) t 26 rivers and prvided water fr agriculture in the spring. But climate change has seen average winter 27 in Ladakhi rise. The snw melts faster, 28 villagers with little r n water in the spring. Mre and mre 29 are leaving.
    Despite that, there is 30 fr this regin. In 2019, engineer Snam Wangchuk 31 unmelted ice under a bridge, sheltered frm the sun. 32 , he had an idea. Wangchuk wanted t help villagers 33 water in winter which culd be saved fr use in the spring. Freezing it in the shape f a cne (圆锥体) culd maximize the vlume f ice per surface area expsed t the sun and 34 the amunt f time it wuld take t melt.
    The engineer and a team f lcal peple began lking fr the best way f creating cnes f ice. Eventually, they did it. Nw named ice twers, they have gained 35 all acrss Ladakh.
    ( )21.A.heavy B.cld C.daily D.annual
    ( )22.A.lst B.bathed C.trapped D.hidden
    ( )23.A.virtually B.eventually C.frequently D.accidentally
    ( )24.A.decreased B.risen C.ccurred D.escaped
    ( )25.A.limited B.stable C.unique D.changeable
    ( )26.A.slw dwn B.clean up C.divide D.feed
    ( )27.A.temperatures B.snwfalls C.fgs D.rivers
    ( )28.A.surrunding B.helping C.leaving D.equipping
    ( )29.A.hikers B.farmers C.engineers D.businessmen
    ( )30.A.dubt B.fear C.peace D.hpe
    ( )31.A.remembered B.searched C.nticed D.measured
    ( )32.A.Then B.Besides C.Hwever D.Instead
    ( )33.A.carry B.prduce C.freeze D.purify
    ( )34.A.lengthen B.save C.display D.reduce
    ( )35.A.fame B.strength C.victry D.ppularity
    Vlha Halpyarvich, frm Belarus, 36 (experience) the healing pwer f traditinal Chinese medicine (TCM) as a child. “When I caught a cld r had a cugh, my mm used t make a cupping, a technique that invlves placing cups n the skin 37 (create) suctin (吸力),” said Halpyarvich.
    After she mved t China ver 12 years ag, she became even mre crazy abut Chinese medicine. Living in a cmmunity with a drugstre 38 Chinese traditinal herbs and medicine were sld, Halpyarvich met an experienced dctr. The wise ld gentleman began with a thrugh diagnsis, checking her pulse, examining her tngue, and bserving her eyes. T her surprise, he accurately pinted ut her health issues 39 talking t much.
    TCM views the bdy as 40 universe cnnected with nature. It fcuses n imprving bld circulatin and remving blcks, 41 (lead) t enhanced well-being. After fllwing the treatment, Halpyarvich felt 42 (gd). She believes that traditinal Chinese medicine is nt nly a kind f treatment, but it’s a lifestyle.
    As mre peple seek harmny. with nature and within 43 (they), Halpyarvich recmmends traditinal Chinese medicine. “I find it t be a cmplex and 44 (benefit) methd that is in agreement with the gal f living in harmny,” she said. Frm cupping t persnalized herbal treatment, she encurages thers t explre the diverse and useful _45 (apprach) that Chinese traditinal medicine has t ffer.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Luis scanned the field. The sccer ball was tucked (盘带) between his feet. He searched and searched until… there! His friend Nichlas was wide pen. He passed the ball t Nichlas. Nichlas trapped the ball and swung his leg back, kicked, and…
    GOAL!!! Luis leaped up and dwn, celebrating. Just then, Devn walked up, his face twisted in anger. Devn had started playing sccer during breaks with them a few weeks ag. He was a nice enugh guy when he felt like things in the game had gne his way. But when he felt like they hadn’t, watch ut.
    “Why didn’t yu pass the ball t me, Luis?” Devn shuted.
    “Guy, yu weren’t pen. It’s just that simple.” Luis respnded.
    “I’m fast thugh!” Devn prtested, his vice still lud and angry.
    Luis ignred him. He didn’t like being dragged int arguments. S that’s what he did with Devn mst f the time —just ignred him. It almst always wrked.
    “I dn’t like the way that Devn talks after sccer,” Nichlas said. Luis lked up frm his bk. They tk the same bus after schl.
    “What d yu mean?” he asked as Nichlas sat dwn.
    “He’s always yelling at peple and bragging (吹嘘) abut himself.” Luis ndded. That was true. “It isn’t right,” Nichlas cntinued. “It makes sccer less fun. I want t tell him that he can’t play with us anymre. I already talked t all the ther guys and they all agreed with me.” Nichlas said. His eyes were set in determinatin.
    The bus started t slw dwn fr Nichlas’ stp. Nichlas std up, swinging his backpack back nt his shulder. Luis watched as Nichlas ran ff the bus. Althugh everyne had been getting a bit sick f Devn ruining sccer fr a while, shutting him ut seemed t extreme. He spent the rest f the ride trying t figure ut what he shuld d.
    Campus Cking Shw
    The next day Luis asked Devn if he culd talk with him.
    Devn kept playing sccer with them fr the rest f the schl year.

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