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    Great paintings evke feelings f awe and wnder centuries after they were created. Often the inspiratin fr a masterpiece came frm smething very specific: a persn the artist knew, a persnal experience r a well-knwn stry.
    Mna Lisa
    It is an il painting by Lenard Da Vinci. There has been much speculatin abut wh the wman in the Mna Lisa is, due in part t her mysterius smile. Mst schlars nwadays identify the wman as Lisa delGicnd, the wife f a wealthy silk merchant. Her husband mst likely cmmissined the painting t celebrate the birth f their secnd sn.
    Whistler’s Mther
    James Abbtt McNeill Whistler riginally planned t use a mdel fr this painting and t have her standing. The mdel did nt shw up fr the appintment, s he asked his mther t stand in. Since she fund standing fr s lng uncmfrtable, he changed plans and painted her sitting.
    The Starry Night
    Vincent van Ggh was a talented artist wh struggled with mental health prblems thrughut his shrt life. Arguably his mst famus painting, The Starry Night depicts a view frm his windw in an asylum where he stayed because f these mental health issues. Van Ggh painted 21 versins f this view but he may have been surprised t learn that it was the ne destined fr fame.
    Prtrait f Dr. Gachet
    Van Ggh was eventually released frm the asylum, s he needed a new place t stay. His brther cnnected him with Dr. Gachet, wh tk Van Ggh in. At first, the artist was skeptical f the dctr’s ability t help him because Dr. Gachet als struggled with mental illness. But just tw days after expressing these dubts t his brther, Van Ggh wrte t his sister that he cnsidered the dctr a true friend. Van Ggh ultimately painted Prtrait f Dr. Gachet in hnr f his friend.
    1.Wh is Lisa delGicnd?
    A. An unknwn mdel.B. A pregnant wman.
    C. Lenard Da Vinci’s wife.D. The wife f a rich businessman.
    2.What d The Starry Night and Prtrait f Dr. Gachet have in cmmn?
    A. They are wrks by the same artist.B. They are bth abut scenery.
    C. They are in hnr f friends.D. They are pained at the asylum.
    3.What is the text abut?
    A. Wrld-famus artists.B. Western painting styles.
    C. Stries behind great paintings.D. Painting prcess f masterpieces.
    Rising fd prices have taken a big bite ut f what Canadians are able t serve up fr dinner but fd ecnmists say ur ability t cpe has been deterirated by ur cmmn decline in cking skills. “We are less able t ck than we were 30 r 40 years ag, and s it’s much mre difficult fr us t adapt ur diet,” said Mike vn Massw, an assciate prfessr at the University f Guelph.
    A 2010 federal gvernment reprt called Imprving Cking and Fd Preparatin Skills, the mst recent f its kind, said that all acrss the ppulatin, prcessed and pre-prepared fds have been permitted. “Related t this permissin is the ptential lack f transference f basic, traditinal cking and fd preparatin skills frm parents t children and adlescents,” the reprt reads.
    Mrever, the quality f pre-prepared fds in the market remains uneven, with prblems related t the lack f detailed labelling n such prducts, as well as difficulties in lgistics and distributin.
    Annie Belv, a 21-year-ld student, has taught herself a lt abut cking since fd prices started shting up. “When the inflatin (通货膨胀) wasn’t as bad, I was cnstantly eating ut,” said Belv. That might mean fd n campus r picking up a prepared item at Safeway when the price was still arund $5, she said.
    Belv nw ften makes dishes such as Caesar salad, as well as hearty pasta salads that cmbine carbs with vegetables and a bit f chicken. Belv said she’s a lt mre efficient in the kitchen thanks t building her skills thrugh trial and errr. “Nw, definitely mre than befre, I can kind f lk in the pantry r in the freezer and be like, ‘OK, yeah, I can make a meal quickly and easily.’”
    It’s imprtant t nte, hwever, that cking skills alne cannt slve the affrdability prblem, said Elaine Pwer. And in 2023, Fd Banks Canada says fd insecurity is rising with inflatin and the high cst f living. S while cking skills can better psitin peple t feed themselves and their families as best they can in frced circumstances, “that desn’t, and can’t, make up fr incme that is inadequate in the first place.”
    4.Which is the clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd in paragraph 1?
    A. wrsened.B. interrupted.C. puzzled.D. upset.
    5.What is a disadvantage f pre-prepared fds?
    A. Failing t attract diners.B. The lss f cking skills.
    C. Difficulties in keeping its flavrs.D. Shrtage f fresh ingredients.
    6.What can we say abut Annie Belv?
    A. She suffers a tugh financial patch.
    B. She ends up shwing a lve f cking.
    C. She used t dine ut at a restaurant.
    D. She receives cking educatin in schls.
    7.What is the key t slve the affrdability prblem accrding t Elaine Pwer?
    A. Lwer cst f living.B. Mre cking at hme.
    C. Fd security status.D. Increased incme.
    Smart phnes prvide a palm (手掌)-size windw t the wrld, enabling us t d almst anything at the tuch f a buttn. Smart hmes lk after themselves, and virtual meeting s mean that fr many, time spent cmmuting is a thing f the past.
    S we shuld have mre free time. Time which is nw spent sleeping, relaxing r simply ding nthing-right? We recently interviewed 300 peple acrss Eurpe t understand hw they used digital devices in day-t-day life. This research shwed that peple want t avid empty perids f time in their lives, s they fill thse perids perfrming tasks, sme f which wuldn’t be pssible withut technlgy.
    Whether it was waiting fr a bus, waking in the mrning, r lying in bed at night, ur research reprted that time which wuld previusly be “empty” was nw filled with brain training apps, creating lists f things they shuld d r try based n their scial media feed, and ther life admin.
    On the face f it sme f these tasks may seem like examples f tech saving us time. In thery, nline banking shuld mean I have mre time because I n lnger need t g t the bank in my lunch break. Hwever, ur research suggests that this is nt the case.
    If the idea that yu have mre time than ever befre is making yu chke n yur cffee, yu are nt alne. There is grwing evidence that while digital technlgy may help us t save sme time, we end up using that time t d mre and mre things. Fr many peple, it is n lnger enugh t simply eat dinner, watch TV r maybe d an exercise class. Instead, in an attempt t avid wasting time, these activities are perfrmed while als brwsing the web in search f the ingredients fr a mre perfect life and trying t develp a sense f achievement.
    It seems that peple still see ging fr a walk r actually being with friends as mre valuable than being nline. Maybe if we put dwn the phne a little mre, we wuld have the time t actually ck thse recipes we watch nline.
    8.What cnclusin can be drawn in the first paragraph?
    A. Technlgy makes ur lives easier.
    B. We can’t live well withut mdern technlgy.
    C. Virtual meeting is a thing f the past.
    D. A smart hme ffers yu luxury and cnvenience.
    9.What des the research find abut free time?
    A. It is an essential means f relaxatin.B. It des gd t perfrm daily tasks.
    C. It is secretly stlen by technlgy.D. It frces peple t d mre wrk.
    10.What des the example f nline banking tell us?
    A. It’s nt t late t get free time back.
    B. Lunch break can be saved by nline banking.
    C. Ding little r nthing is smetimes OK.
    D. Technlgy leads t a denser frm f life.
    11.Wh are the target readers f the text?
    A. Students in n-line learning.B. Emplyees wrking in the bank.
    C. Peple relying n digital devices.D. Researchers in the technlgical lab.
    Mars explratin is a significant scientific expeditin and it’s like the Apll missins n the Mn 50 years ag. While human-led missins t Mars seem likely in the cming decades, what are ur prspects f lng-term habitatin n Mars? Scientists have fund a way t grw cyanbacteria, als knwn as blue-green algae (水藻), n Mars. It’s a discvery that culd lead t human habitatin f the Red Planet.
    Cyanbacteria are tiny living things fund in water. They release xygen during phtsynthesis (the prcess by which rganisms use sunlight t make their wn fd). The algae can als transfrm ther gases, such as carbn dixide and nitrgen, int nutrients, substances that help living things grw. Scientists think that a huge rise in the numbers f cyanbacteria 2.4 billin years ag is what made Earth’s atmsphere breathable.
    Mars’ atmsphere is mstly made up f carbn dixide and nitrgen and there is little xygen in Mars’s atmsphere. S researchers are hping the blue-green algae culd be used t allw plants t grw there t, fr fd and medicines. Hwever, it is impssible t grw blue-green algae n Mars naturally. T slve this prblem, a team f scientists frm the University f Bremen, in Germany, have develped a special bireactr (生物反应器) called Atms. A bireactr is a machine fr grwing micrbes. Using this, the team, led by Dr Cyprien Verseux, shwed hw cyanbacteria culd be grwn using resurces fund n Mars.
    Nt nly did the algae grw as hped, but they als helped ther rganisms, such as bacteria, t grw. The bireactr is still just a test versin. It just starts and there is still a lng way t g. Hwever, Verseux hpes that the results can inspire a system that culd ne day supprt life n Mars.
    12.Cyanbacteria culd play a significant rle in human habitatin n Mars because ________.
    A. they make their wn fd
    B. they imprve phtsynthesis
    C. they release xygen and nutrients
    D. they absrb carbn dixide and nitrgen
    13.What makes it pssible t grw blue-green algae n Mars?
    A. Imprving the bireactr.B. Inventing a special machine.
    C. Using resurces fund n Mars.D. Experimenting grwing micrbes.
    14.Which wrd best describes Verseux’s attitude t the current studies?
    A. Psitive.B. Objective.C. Skeptical.D. Cnservative.
    15.What is the best title f the text?
    A. Mars Explratin Is Becming a Ht Issue
    B. Scientists Are Testing Bireactr t Grw Algae
    C. Human Habitatin n Mars May Nt Be a Dream
    D. Cyanbacteria Culd Be Key t Living n Mars
    16.Laugh Yur Wrries Away
    Have yu ever laughed s much yu simply culdn’t stp? Perhaps yur bdy has keeled ver with laughter r yu have “gt the giggles” at an inapprpriate mment. As Wrld Laughter Day appraches, read n t find ut why chuckling puts a smile n yur face and is gd fr yu.
    ① _________ ?
    Laughter is a sund yu make invluntarily. When yu laugh, yu are using the muscles in between yur ribcage. This squeezes air ut f yu, causing yu t make a nise. There are ther effects t: laughter causes 15 muscles in yur face t cntract (mve), leaving yu with a big grin.
    Why d we laugh?
    ② _________ . In fact, it’s a way f cnnecting with ther peple. Sphie Sctt is a laughter expert and neurscientist, which means she studies the brain. She tld The Week Junir, “The main reasn why we laugh is scial. It’s smething we d t make and maintain bnds with ther peple and it’s a really imprtant way f us cmmunicating with each ther.”
    Is laughter really gd fr me?
    Nt nly des laughter cnnect yu t thers but it can als help when yu’re feeling dwn r wrried. Sctt says, “Laughter is a very imprtant way t deal with stress.” ③ _________ , which can help yu feel less anxius and mre relaxed. In fact, a recent study by a children’s mental health charity, the Anna Freud Natinal Centre fr Children and Families, shws that 83% f yung peple rely n laughter t imprve their md. Laughter can strengthen the immune system and it has been linked t a healthy heart. ④ _________ .
    What if I’m nt in the md t laugh?
    It’s pssible and nrmal t laugh when feeling sad. ⑤ _________ . Laughter is als cntagius, which means whatever yur md is, yu can catch the giggles frm thers wh are laughing.
    A. What is laughter
    B. When d we laugh
    C. Surprisingly, it has very little t d with yur sense f humr
    D. Smetimes, peple use laughter t lighten an awkward r upsetting situatin
    E. What’s mre, laughing with friends r family can make yu feel safe and secure
    F. Endrphins, r feel-gd chemicals in yur bdy, are released when yu laugh
    G. Evidently, laughter, recgnized as the best medicine, can help us lift ur spirits
    Austrian bilgist Jhannes Fritz has dedicated his career t helping nrthern bald ibises (鹮). This rare species f bird was 1 in the wild 50 years ag; hwever, thrugh careful 2 , he’s been able t “rewild” 277 ibises in his hme cuntry. T ensure that they survive the 3 f the winter, Fritz even 4 yung birds a new migratin path frm Austria t 5 with the help f a flying machine.
    Fritz guided the first grup f ibises in 2004. 6 , that path has already been affected by climate change. After nticing that three 7 failed t make the trip, he and his team 8 the birds and drve them where they needed t g. This was nly a/an 9 slutin, f curse. Sn afterward, Fritz was designing a new 10 fr the ibises which wuld help them 11 the dangers f the Alps.
    Using a three-wheeled vehicle, Fritz 12 with the birds. He taught them a new migratin path that 13 abut 2, 5000 miles, which is abut three times 14 than the ld rute. Rather than g t Italy, the ibises nw 15 t Spain’s suthern Atlantic cast. It takes Fritz and the birds six weeks t make a 16 trip.
    Sme may wnder hw Fritz is able t teach the birds in his flying machine, and why the ibises 17 t fllw him. The answer is quite 18 . Fritz and the Waldrapp team have taken care f the birds their whle lives — 19 them and supprting them. S they 20 fllw him, despite nt knwing their new destinatin.
    17.A. freeB. nrmalC. numerusD. extinct
    18.A. reintrductinB. reservatinC. resistanceD. reslutin
    19.A. sunshineB. temperaturesC. plantsD. dangers
    20.A. fferedB. passedC. taughtD. spared
    21.A. AmericaB. ChinaC. SpainD. Italy
    22.A. TherefreB. OtherwiseC. InsteadD. Hwever
    23.A. clniesB. speciesC. pathsD. bilgists
    24.A. releasedB. huntedC. capturedD. sptted
    25.A. pssibleB. easyC. tempraryD. partial
    26.A. methdB. ruteC. hmeD. machine
    27.A. refuseB. vercmeC. avidD. challenge
    28.A. put ffB. tk ffC. shk ffD. kept ff
    29.A. measuresB. expandsC. lastsD. explres
    30.A. fasterB. lngerC. widerD. higher
    31.A. travelB. bjectC. driveD. stick
    32.A. lng-distanceB. first-rateC. high-speedD. ne-way
    33.A. chseB. prmiseC. fferD. struggle
    34.A. cmplexB. magicalC. simpleD. mysterius
    35.A. changingB. fightingC. studyingD. feeding
    36.A. luckilyB. willinglyC. surprisinglyD. easily
    37.The number f Amur tigers, als knwn as Siberian tigers, mving frm Russia int nrtheastern China, ① _________ (increase) because f lwer levels human activity, imprvements in their habitat② _________ a smther transit crridr between cuntries. The area③ _________ tigers lived acrss the Sin-Russian brder expanded by abut 12 kilmeters every three years frm 2003-2016. In 2021 the Nrtheast China Tiger and Lepard Natinal Park was established. ④ _________ (cver) apprximately 14,100 square kilmeters, the park straddles the prvinces f Heilngjiang and Jilin. By the end f 2021 the number f wild Amur tigers living there⑤ _________ (rise) t 50 frm 27 in 2017. The cnservatin f tigers is recgnized as a glbal challenge, due t⑥ _________ (they) expansive habitat requirements. A female needs 400 t 500 square kilmeters while a male requires ver 1, 000 square kilmeters. The cllabratin between these neighbring parks creates a⑦ _________ (share) hme fr the animals. The cnstructin f the Sin-Russian crss-brder envirnmental crridr is vital⑧ _________ several barriers hinder the mvement f tigers between the tw sides. Brder fences and rads built in the area are amng thse bstacles. Effrts are required by bth sides⑨ _________ (prmte) the crridr. As the ppulatin f prey species including wild bar and deer rises, Amur tigers are travelling⑩ _________ (far) int China fr fd. The expansin f the tigers’ range is expected t cntinue.
    Last week, ur schl hlds a Chinese classical music festival in the cncert hall t prmte Chinese traditinal culture. All the students tk part in f it.
    During the festival, classics played by Chinese classical instrument, such as erhu and Chinese zither, were amazed. Amng them, High Muntain r Flwing Water drew the mst attentin. Besides, that interested the students mst was that an pprtunity was prviding t learn these instruments frm sme experts.
    The festival turned ut t be success. Having participated in it, all f we realized that we shuld be great respnsible fr inheriting and ppularizing ur traditinal culture.
    Hell, everyne! I’m Li Hua, president f the English Club f ur schl.
    解析:细节理解题。由Mna Lisa中“Mst schlars nwadays identify the wman as Lisa delGicnd, the wife f a wealthy silk merchant. (如今,大多数学者认为这名女子名叫Lisa delGicnd,是一位富有的丝绸商人的妻子)”可知,Lisa delGicnd是一位富商的妻子。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。由The Starry Night中“Arguably his mst famus painting, The Starry Night depicts a view frm his windw in an asylum where he stayed because f these mental health issues. (可以说,梵高最著名的画作《星夜》描绘了他因这些心理健康问题而住在一家收容所从窗户上看到的景象)”和Prtrait f Dr. Gachet中“Van Ggh ultimately painted Prtrait f Dr. Gachet in hnr f his friend. (梵高最终画了《加切特博士肖像》以纪念他的朋友)”可知,The Starry Night和Prtrait f Dr. Gachet的共同之处在于它们是同一位艺术家(梵高)的作品。故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第一段“Great paintings evke feelings f awe and wnder centuries after they were created. Often the inspiratin fr a masterpiece came frm smething very specific: a persn the artist knew, a persnal experience r a well-knwn stry. (伟大的绘画在创作几个世纪后就唤起了敬畏和惊奇的感觉。通常,杰作的灵感来自于一些非常具体的东西:艺术家认识的人、个人经历或众所周知的故事)”和下文介绍了四幅艺术品杰作背后的故事可知,短文有关伟大画作背后的故事。故选C项。
    解析:词句猜测题。由第一段中“Rising fd prices have taken a big bite ut f what Canadians are able t serve up fr dinner but fd ecnmists say ur ability t cpe has been deterirated by ur cmmn decline in cking skills. (不断上涨的食品价格严重影响了加拿大人的晚餐供应,但食品经济学家表示,由于烹饪技能的普遍下降,我们的应对能力deterirated。)”以及“We are less able t ck than we were 30 r 40 years ag, and s it’s much mre difficult fr us t adapt ur diet(与三四十年前相比,我们的烹饪能力有所下降,因此我们更难调整饮食)”可知,加拿大人的烹饪技能普遍下降,他们更难调整饮食,可得出在食品价格不断上涨的背景下,他们对晚餐供应的应对能力变得更糟糕,划线词deterirated意为“恶化(wrsened)”。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段“A 2010 federal gvernment reprt called Imprving Cking and Fd Preparatin Skills, the mst recent f its kind, said that all acrss the ppulatin, prcessed and pre-prepared fds have been permitted. “Related t this permissin is the ptential lack f transference f basic, traditinal cking and fd preparatin skills frm parents t children and adlescents,” the reprt reads. (2010年,一份名为《提高烹饪和食物准备技能》的联邦政府报告称,加工食品和预制食品已被允许在所有人群中食用。这是同类报告中最新的一份。报告写道:‘与这种许可相关的是,父母可能缺乏向儿童和青少年传授基本的、传统的烹饪和食物准备技能。’)”可知,在所有人群中,加工和预制食品是被允许的,与这种许可相关的是年轻一代不会烹饪技能,预制食品的缺点是进一步导致人们烹饪技能的丧失。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第五段中“Belv nw ften makes dishes such as Caesar salad, as well as hearty pasta salads that cmbine carbs with vegetables and a bit f chicken. Belv said she’s a lt mre efficient in the kitchen thanks t building her skills thrugh trial and errr. (Belv现在经常做凯撒沙拉等菜肴,以及将碳水化合物与蔬菜和一点鸡肉结合在一起的丰盛意大利面沙拉。Belv说,由于通过试错培养自己的技能,她在厨房里的效率要高得多)”可知,Belv现在经常做凯撒沙拉等菜肴,烹饪技能也得到提高,可得出她最终表现出对烹饪的热爱。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中“It’s imprtant t nte, hwever, that cking skills alne cannt slve the affrdability prblem, said Elaine Pwer. (Elaine Pwer说,然而,需要注意的是,仅靠烹饪技能并不能解决负担能力问题)”和“S while cking skills can better psitin peple t feed themselves and their families as best they can in frced circumstances, “that desn’t, and can’t, make up fr incme that is inadequate in the first place.”(因此,虽然烹饪技能可以更好地让人们在被迫的情况下尽可能地养活自己和家人,但‘这并不能,也不能弥补最初不足的收入。’)”可知,Elaine Pwer认为仅靠烹饪技能并不能解决负担能力问题,关键还是要靠增加收入。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第一段中“Smart phnes prvide a palm (手掌)-size windw t the wrld, enabling us t d almst anything at the tuch f a buttn. Smart hmes lk after themselves, and virtual meeting s mean that fr many, time spent cmmuting is a thing f the past. (智能手机为我们提供了一个手掌大小的世界之窗,让我们几乎只需按一下按钮就可以做任何事情。智能家居可以照看房屋,虚拟会议意味着对许多人来说,通勤时间已经成为过去。)”可知,科技在许多方面让我们的生活更轻松。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第五段中“There is grwing evidence that while digital technlgy may help us t save sme time, we end up using that time t d mre and mre things. (越来越多的证据表明,虽然数字技术可以帮助我们节省一些时间,但我们最终会利用这些时间做越来越多的事情。)”可知,空闲时间是被技术秘密窃取的。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第四段中“In thery, nline banking shuld mean I have mre time because I n lnger need t g t the bank in my lunch break. Hwever, ur research suggests that this is nt the case. (理论上,网上银行应该意味着我有更多的时间,因为我不再需要在午休时间去银行。然而,我们的研究表明事实并非如此。)”和第五段中“There is grwing evidence that while digital technlgy may help us t save sme time, we end up using that time t d mre and mre things. (越来越多的证据表明,虽然数字技术可以帮助我们节省一些时间,但我们最终会利用这些时间做越来越多的事情。)”可知,网上银行本意味着人们有更多的空闲时间,但事实并非如此,因为人们会利用这些空闲时间做越来越多的事情,可得出网上银行的例子告诉我们科技带来更密集的生活形式。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第二段中“This research shwed that peple want t avid empty perids f time in their lives, s they fill thse perids perfrming tasks, sme f which wuldn’t be pssible withut technlgy. (这项研究表明,人们希望避免生活中的空闲时间,所以他们会在这些空闲时间段执行任务,其中一些任务如果没有技术是不可能的。)”,第五段中“There is grwing evidence that while digital technlgy may help us t save sme time, we end up using that time t d mre and mre things. (越来越多的证据表明,虽然数字技术可以帮助我们节省一些时间,但我们最终会利用这些时间做越来越多的事情。)”和全文可知,技术虽替人们秘密窃取了一些空闲时间,但人们会利用这些空闲时间执行与技术相关的任务,再结合最后一段中“Maybe if we put dwn the phne a little mre, we wuld have the time t actually ck thse recipes we watch nline. (也许如果我们能多放下手机,我们就会有时间真正烹饪我们在网上看到的食谱。)”文章呼吁大家放下电话,可得出文章的目标读者是依赖数字设备的人。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“Cyanbacteria are tiny living things fund in water. They release xygen during phtsynthesis (the prcess by which rganisms use sunlight t make their wn fd). The algae can als transfrm ther gases, such as carbn dixide and nitrgen, int nutrients, substances that help living things grw. (蓝藻细菌是在水中发现的微小生物。它们在光合作用(生物体利用阳光制造自己的食物的过程)中释放氧气。藻类还可以将二氧化碳和氮等其他气体转化为营养物质,帮助生物生长)”可知,蓝藻细菌可能在火星上的人类居住中发挥重要作用,是因为它们释放氧气和营养物质。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第三段中“T slve this prblem, a team f scientists frm the University f Bremen, in Germany, have develped a special bireactr (生物反应器) called Atms. A bireactr is a machine fr grwing micrbes. Using this, the team, led by Dr Cyprien Verseux, shwed hw cyanbacteria culd be grwn using resurces fund n Mars. (为了解决这个问题,德国不来梅大学的一组科学家开发了一种名为Atms的特殊生物反应器。生物反应器是一种培养微生物的机器。利用这一点,由Cyprien Verseux博士领导的团队展示了如何利用火星上发现的资源培育蓝藻细菌)”可知,发明一种特殊的机器使在火星上种植蓝绿藻成为可能。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中“Hwever, Verseux hpes that the results can inspire a system that culd ne day supprt life n Mars. (然而,Verseux希望这一结果能够激励一个有朝一日能够支持火星生命的系统)”可知,Verseux认为当前研究结果有激励作用,可得出Verseux对当前研究持肯定态度。故选A项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第一段中“Scientists have fund a way t grw cyanbacteria, als knwn as blue-green algae (水藻), n Mars. It’s a discvery that culd lead t human habitatin f the Red Planet. (科学家们发现了一种在火星上培育蓝藻细菌(也称为蓝绿藻)的方法。这一发现可能导致人类居住在这颗红色星球上)”和下文围绕如何培育蓝藻细菌的研究可知,文章主讲蓝藻细菌可能是在火星上生存的关键,D项适合做标题。故选D项。
    解析:①该空选取小标题,需总结下文,句式是问句形式。由下文“Laughter is a sund yu make invluntarily. When yu laugh, yu are using the muscles in between yur ribcage. This squeezes air ut f yu, causing yu t make a nise. There are ther effects t: laughter causes 15 muscles in yur face t cntract (mve), leaving yu with a big grin. (笑声是你不由自主地发出的声音。当你笑的时候,你在使用胸腔之间的肌肉。这会挤压你的空气,导致你发出响声。还有其他影响:笑会导致你脸上的15块肌肉收缩(移动),让你咧嘴大笑)”可知,下文在介绍什么是笑,A选项“什么是笑”切合语境。故选A项。
    ②下文“In fact, it’s a way f cnnecting with ther peple. Sphie Sctt is a laughter expert and neurscientist, which means she studies the brain. She tld The Week Junir, “The main reasn why we laugh is scial. It’s smething we d t make and maintain bnds with ther peple and it’s a really imprtant way f us cmmunicating with each ther.”(事实上,这是一种与他人建立联系的方式。索菲·斯科特是一位大脑专家和神经科学家,这意味着她研究大脑。她告诉The Week Junir,“我们笑的主要原因是社交。这是我们与他人建立和保持联系的事情,也是我们相互沟通的一种非常重要的方式。”)”着重强调人们笑的主要原因是社交,表明笑是一种与他人建立联系的方式,C选项“令人惊讶的是,这与你的幽默感几乎没有关系”切合语境,与下文形成转折对比,更正人们关于笑的错误认知,表明笑与幽默无关,而与社交有关。故选C项。
    ③由上文“Laughter is a very imprtant way t deal with stress. (笑是应对压力的一种非常重要的方式)”和下文“which can help yu feel less anxius and mre relaxed (它可以帮助你减少焦虑,更放松)”可知,该空应该承接上下文讲为什么笑是应对压力、让人减少焦虑、感到更放松的原因,F选项“当你大笑时,体内会释放内啡肽,或感觉良好的化学物质”切合语境,是其原因。故选F项。
    ④由小标题“Is laughter really gd fr me? (笑真的对我有好处吗?)”和上文“Nt nly des laughter cnnect yu t thers but it can als help when yu’re feeling dwn r wrried. Sctt says, “Laughter is a very imprtant way t deal with stress.” Endrphins, r feel-gd chemicals in yur bdy, are released when yu laugh, which can help yu feel less anxius and mre relaxed. In fact, a recent study by a children’s mental health charity, the Anna Freud Natinal Centre fr Children and Families, shws that 83% f yung peple rely n laughter t imprve their md. Laughter can strengthen the immune system and it has been linked t a healthy heart. (笑不仅能把你与他人联系起来,而且在你情绪低落或担忧时也会有所帮助。斯科特说:“笑是应对压力的一种非常重要的方式。”当你笑的时候,体内会释放内啡肽,或感觉良好的化学物质,这可以帮助你减少焦虑,更放松。事实上,儿童心理健康慈善机构安娜·弗洛伊德国家儿童和家庭中心最近的一项研究表明,83%的年轻人依靠笑声来改善情绪。笑可以增强免疫系统,它与健康的心脏有关)”可知,本段主要讲笑给人带来的好处,该空应承接上文继续讲笑的好处,E选项“而且,与朋友或家人一起大笑可以让你感到安全和有保障”切合语境,选项中“What’s mre”提示笑的其他好处。故选E项。
    ⑤由小标题“What if I’m nt in the md t laugh? (如果我没有心情笑呢?)”和上文“It’s pssible and nrmal t laugh when feeling sad. (悲伤时大笑是可能的,也是正常的)”可知,文章举例说明没有想笑的心情下去笑的例子,如悲伤下大笑,D选项“有时,人们会用笑声来缓解尴尬或不安的局面”切合语境,提供了为缓解尴尬或不安局面去笑的例子,它们都不是在想笑的心情下去笑的例子。故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种稀有的鸟类在50年前就已经在野外灭绝了;然而,通过仔细的重新引入,他已经能够在自己的祖国“重新培育”277只隐鹮。A. free自由的;B. nrmal正常的;C. numerus很多的;D. extinct灭绝的。由下文转折词hwever和“he’s been able t “rewild” 277 ibises in his hme cuntry”可知,该空句子与下文形成转折,此处指稀有的隐鹮在50年前就已经在野外灭绝了。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种稀有的鸟类在50年前就已经在野外灭绝了;然而,通过仔细的重新引入,他已经能够在自己的祖国“重新培育”277只隐鹮。A. reintrductin重新引入;B. reservatin (美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地;C. resistance抵制;D. reslutin决议。由下文“he’s been able t “rewild” 277 ibises in his hme cuntry”可知,弗里茨能重新培育隐鹮,说明在野外灭绝的隐鹮这个物种被重新引入了。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了确保它们能在冬天的温度下生存,弗里茨甚至在飞行机器的帮助下教幼鸟一条从奥地利到意大利的新迁徙路线。A. sunshine阳光;B. temperatures温度;C. plants植物;D. dangers危险。鸟类迁徙是为了过冬,躲避冬天的严寒,此处指想让隐鹮在冬天的温度下生存。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了确保它们能在冬天的温度下生存,弗里茨甚至在飞行机器的帮助下教幼鸟一条从奥地利到意大利的新迁徙路线。A. ffered主动提供;B. passed通过;C. taught教授;D. spared抽出。由下文“Fritz guided the first grup f ibises in 2004. (弗里茨在2004年指导了第一批隐鹮)”和“Sme may wnder hw Fritz is able t teach the birds in his flying machine (有些人可能想知道弗里茨是如何在他的飞行机器中教隐鹮的)”可知,弗里茨利用飞行机器教幼鸟一条新迁徙路线。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了确保它们能在冬天的温度下生存,弗里茨甚至在飞行机器的帮助下教幼鸟一条从奥地利到意大利的新迁徙路线。A. America美国;B. China中国;C. Spain西班牙;D. Italy意大利。一开始弗里茨利用飞行机器教幼鸟一条从奥地利到意大利的新迁徙路线。故选D项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,这条道路已经受到气候变化的影响。A. Therefre因此;B. Otherwise否则;C. Instead相反;D. Hwever然而。最初从奥地利到意大利的迁徙路线受到气候变化的影响使隐鹮无法成行,之后隐鹮的迁徙目的地不再是意大利,该空应用Hwever引起转折,表明迁徙路线的改变。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在注意到三个群落未能成行后,他和他的团队捕获了这些鸟,并将它们赶到需要去的地方。A. clnies群体、集落;B. species物种;C. paths道路;D. bilgists生物学家。因为气候变化的影响,之后隐鹮的迁徙目的地不再是意大利,说明最初从奥地利到意大利的迁徙路线受到气候变化的影响使隐鹮群体无法成行。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在注意到三个群落未能成行后,他和他的团队捕获了这些鸟,并将它们赶到需要去的地方。A. released释放;B. hunted打猎;C. captured捕获;D. sptted发现。由下文“drve them where they needed t g”可知,隐鹮群体无法成行,从奥地利迁徙到意大利,为了将它们赶到需要去的地方,首先要先捕获它们。故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当然,这只是暂时的解决办法。A. pssible可能的;B. easy简单的;C. temprary暂时的;D. partial部分的。之后弗里茨为隐鹮设计了一条新的迁徙路线,说明现在的解决办法只是暂时的。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久之后,弗里茨为隐鹮设计了一条新的路线,这将帮助它们避开阿尔卑斯山的危险。A. methd方法;B. rute路线;C. hme家;D. machine机器。由下文“He taught them a new migratin path (他教它们一条新的迁徙路线)”可知,之后弗里茨为隐鹮设计了一条新的迁徙路线。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:不久之后,弗里茨为隐鹮设计了一条新的路线,这将帮助它们避开阿尔卑斯山的危险。A. refuse拒绝;B. vercme克服;C. avid避免;D. challenge挑战。由下文“the dangers f the Alps”可知,弗里茨为隐鹮设计一条新的迁徙路线是为了帮助它们避开阿尔卑斯山的危险。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:弗里茨驾驶一辆三个轮的交通工具带着隐鹮起飞了。A. put ff推迟;B. tk ff起飞;C. shk ff甩掉;D. kept ff(使)不接近。呼应上文“Fritz even 4 yung birds a new migratin path frm Austria t 5 with the help f a flying machine (弗里茨甚至在飞行机器的帮助下教幼鸟一条从奥地利到意大利的新迁徙路线)”讲弗里茨驾驶飞行器带着隐鹮起飞,飞往迁徙地。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他教它们一条新的迁徙路线,长约2500英里,大约是旧路线的三倍。A. measures (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为;B. expands扩大;C. lasts持续;D. explres探索。由下文“abut 2, 5000 miles”可知,此处指这条新迁徙路线的长度。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:他教它们一条新的迁徙路线,长约2500英里,大约是旧路线的三倍。A. faster更快的;B. lnger更长的;C. wider更宽的;D. higher更高的。由本处语境可知,新的迁徙路线比旧的迁徙路线要长。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,隐鹮不再去意大利,而是去西班牙南大西洋海岸。A. travel旅行、(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进;B. bject反对;C. drive驱车;D. stick粘贴。呼应上文“He taught them a new migratin path (他教它们一条新的迁徙路线)”讲隐鹮不再飞往最初的目的地——意大利,而是飞往现在的目的地——西班牙南大西洋海岸。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:弗里茨和小鸟们单程旅行需要六个星期。A. lng-distance长途的;B. first-rate第一流的;C. high-speed高速的;D. ne-way单向的。由本处语境可知,此处指弗里茨带着隐鹮按新的迁徙路线飞行的单程旅行。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些人可能想知道弗里茨是如何在他的飞行机器中教隐鹮的,以及为什么隐鹮会选择跟随他。A. chse选择;B. prmise承诺;C. ffer主动提供;D. struggle奋斗。由上文语境可知,弗里茨带着隐鹮按新的迁徙路线飞行,大家好奇为什么隐鹮会选择跟随他。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:答案很简单。A. cmplex复杂的;B. magical神奇的;C. simple简单的;D. mysterius神秘的。针对上文提出的问题,弗里茨表示答案很简单——弗里茨和瓦尔德拉普团队一生都在照顾隐鹮。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:弗里茨和瓦尔德拉普团队一生都在照顾这些鸟——喂养它们并为它们提供支持。A. changing改变;B. fighting战斗;C. studying学习;D. feeding喂养。由上文“Fritz and the Waldrapp team have taken care f the birds their whle lives”和下文“supprting them”可知,弗里茨和瓦尔德拉普团队一生都在照顾隐鹮,应该会给隐鹮喂食。故选D项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以它们心甘情愿地跟着他,尽管它们不知道自己的新目的地。A. luckily幸运地;B. willingly乐意地;C. surprisingly令人惊讶地;D. easily容易地。由上文语境可知,由于隐鹮被弗里茨和瓦尔德拉普团队精心照顾着,培养了信任感,所以隐鹮在不知道自己新目的地在哪儿的情况下,心甘情愿地跟着弗里茨迁徙。故选B项。
    37.答案:①has increased/is increasing②and③where④Cvering⑤had risen⑥their⑦shared⑧because⑨t prmte⑩farther
    解析:①考查时态和主谓一致。句意:从俄罗斯进入中国东北部的东北虎(也称为西伯利亚虎)数量(正)有所增加,这是因为人类活动水平较低,栖息地有所改善,国家之间的过境走廊更加畅通。increase是谓语动词,表示过去的动作到现在刚刚停止,可用现在完成时,也可表现在正在进行的动作,可用现在进行时,“the number f+复数名词”(……的数量)作主语,谓语单数形式。故填has increased/is increasing。
    ②考查并列连词。句意:从俄罗斯进入中国东北部的东北虎(也称为西伯利亚虎)数量(正)有所增加,这是因为人类活动水平较低,栖息地有所改善,国家之间的过境走廊更加畅通。lwer levels human activity, imprvements in their habitat和a smther transit crridr between cuntries是并列关系,用并列连词and。故填and。
    ③考查定语从句关系词。句意:从2003年到2016年,东北虎生活在中俄边境的地区每三年扩大约12公里。该空引导限制性定语从句,先行词是The area,关系词替代先行词在从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where。故填where。
    ④考查现在分词。句意:公园占地约14100平方公里,横跨黑龙江省和吉林省。逻辑主语the park和非谓语动词cver是主动关系,cver用现在分词形式作状语,首字母大写。故填Cvering。
    ⑤考查时态。句意:截至2021年底,生活在那里的野生东北虎数量已从2017年的27只增加到50只。by the end f +过去时间点,意为“到……结束时”,谓语动词rise用过去完成时。故填had risen。
    ⑥考查形容词性物主代词。句意:东北虎的保护被认为是一个全球性的挑战,因为它们需要广阔的栖息地。形容词性物主代词their作定语,修饰名词短语expansive habitat requirements。故填their。
    ⑧考查原因状语从句。句意:中俄跨境环境走廊的建设至关重要,因为有几个障碍阻碍了双方老虎的移动。分析可知,用从属连词because (因为)引导原因状语从句,强调直接原因,故填because。
    ⑨考查不定式。句意:双方都需要努力促进这条走廊。分析可知,prmte用不定式形式作目的状语。故填t prmte。
    ⑩考查副词比较级。句意:随着包括野猪和鹿在内的猎物数量的增加,东北虎正旅行中国更远觅食。暗含比较含义,用副词比较级farther (距离更远)作状语,修饰动词travelling。故填farther。
    38.答案:Last week, ur schl a Chinese classical music festival in the cncert hall t prmte Chinese traditinal culture. All the students tk part in it.
    During the festival, classics played by Chinese classical , such as erhu and Chinese zither, were . Amng them, High Muntain Flwing Water drew the mst attentin. Besides, interested the students mst was that an pprtunity was t learn these instruments frm sme experts.
    The festival turned ut t be /. Having participated in it, all f realized that we shuld be respnsible fr inheriting and ppularizing ur traditinal culture.
    解析:①考查时态。句意:上周,我们学校在音乐厅举办了一个中国古典音乐节,以推广中国传统文化。由时间状语Last week可知,事情已发生,谓语动词hld用一般过去时。故将hlds改为held。
    ②考查固定短语。句意:所有的学生都参加了。固定短语take part in (参加),后面加宾语。故去掉f。
    ③考查名词。句意:在音乐节期间,二胡、古筝等中国古典乐器演奏的经典曲目令人叹为观止。由erhu and Chinese zither可知,不止一个乐器,用可数名词instrument的复数形式。故将instrument改为instruments。
    ④考查形容词。句意:在音乐节期间,二胡、古筝等中国古典乐器演奏的经典曲目令人叹为观止。主语classics是物,用说明物性质的-ing形容词amazing (令人大为惊奇的)作表语,-ed形容词amazed说明人的状态或性质。故将amazed改为amazing。
    ⑤考查并列连词。句意:其中,《高山流水》最受关注。High Muntain和Flwing Water是并列关系,用表并列的并列连词and。故将r改为and。
    ⑥考查主语从句。句意:此外,学生们最感兴趣的是,他们有机会向一些专家学习这些乐器。 interested the students mst是主语从句,从句中缺乏主语,意为“……的东西”,用连接代词what。故将that改为what。
    ⑦考查时态语态。句意:此外,学生们最感兴趣的是,他们有机会向一些专家学习这些乐器。表语从句主语an pprtunity和谓语动词prvide是被动关系,结合was,是一般过去时的被动语态(was dne),用过去分词prvided。故将prviding改为prvided。
    ⑧考查不定冠词和形容词。句意:这个节日很成功。可数名词success (成功的事物),此处表泛指,success以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a限定;或用形容词successful (成功的)作表语。故在be后加a或者success改为successful。
    ⑩考查副词。句意:参加了这次活动,大家都意识到,我们要对传承和普及我们的传统文化负起重大责任。副词greatly (非常、很)作状语,修饰形容词respnsible。故将great改为greatly。
    39.答案: Hell, everyne! I’m Li Hua, president f the English Club f ur schl. I’m here t invite yu t jin us. It will be a gd chance fr the students wh lve English in ur schl.
    The English Club in ur schl ffers varius interesting campus activities, including participating in English speech cntests, watching classic English mvies, singing English sngs and attending inspiring lectures and s n. All f these will stimulate ur much interest in learning English and make ur schl life mre enjyable.
    The club activities have benefited me a lt in the past tw years. In the club, nt nly have I imprved my spken English, but als made a lt f friends.
    Nw, it’s yur turn t make a gd decisin. We are lking frward t many new members in ur club!
    喜爱:lve→be fnd f
    各种各样的:varius→a variety f
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:The English Club in ur schl ffers varius interesting campus activities, including participating in English speech cntests, watching classic English mvies, singing English sngs and attending inspiring lectures and s n.
    拓展句:The English Club in ur schl ffers varius interesting campus activities, which include participating in English speech cntests, watching classic English mvies, singing English sngs and attending inspiring lectures and s n.
    【高分句型1】It will be a gd chance fr the students wh lve English in ur schl. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】In the club, nt nly have I imprved my spken English, but als made a lt f friends. (运用了部分倒装句)

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