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    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
    1.Wh enjys armchair travelling?
    A.The man’s mtherB.The man’s father.C.The wman’s mther.
    2.Which part f the film did the wman least enjy?
    A.The beginning.B.The middle.C.The ending.
    3.What is the man’s view?
    A.Infrmatin technlgy will replace teachers.
    B.Infrmatin technlgy wn’t replace teachers.
    C.Infrmatin technlgy will replace face-t-face cmmunicatin.
    4.What is the wman’s plan fr this weekend?
    A.T get her car fixed. B.T help her sn with the schlwrk.
    C.T have a family get away.
    5.What des the man think f the galkeeper?
    6.What des the wman dislike abut the fd?
    A.Its appearance.B.Its price.C.Its taste.
    7.What can we learn abut the wman?
    A.She can’t affrd the meal. B.She hasn’t been t the place befre.
    C.She wuld like t treat the man t a juice.
    8.What did the wman d just nw?
    A.She did sme cleaning.B.She watched a mvie.C.She mved the she shelf.
    9.What des Luther say abut the directr?
    A.He’s fat with brwn hair. B.He’s very humrus.C.He’s yung and tall.
    10.Hw might Luther’s father react t the news accrding t the wman?
    11.Why is the wman in Japan?
    A.T study.B.T travel.C.T wrk.
    12.What makes the speakers like travelling alne?
    A.Having their wn time. B.Ding a lt f sightseeing. C.Saving much mre mney.
    13.Where did the man g last year?
    14.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.Chsing a travel destinatin. B.Making a travelling plan.
    C.Travelling alne.
    15.What did the speaker’s father think f his last jb?
    A.Satisfactry.B.Just s-s.C.Disappinting.
    16.What did the speaker d after her father lst his jb?
    A.She advised him t be ptimistic. B.She spent less f her pcket mney.
    C.She wrked part-time.
    17.What did the speaker’s father decide t d finally?
    A.Refuse the speaker’s help. B.Start his wn business.
    C.Get a jb in anther cmpany.
    18.What des the wman want t d?
    A.Buy a car.B.Find a new jb.C.Mve t anther city.
    19.What des the wman think abut taking the subway at night?
    A.It is nt safe.B.It is cnvenient.C.It is cmfrtable.
    20.What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A.Stp wrking late.B.Find a cheaper car.C.Try t save mre mney.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    High Schl Summer Reading List
    We studied reading lists frm arund the cuntry and fund the fllwing bks. There’s a gd chance yu will pen ne f them this summer.
    The Jy Luck Club, by Amy Tan
    It fcuses n fur Chinese-American immigrant families wh start a club knwn as “the Jy Luck Club”, playing the Chinese game f mahjng (麻将) fr mney while feasting n a variety f fds. The fur Chinese wmen have t slve a lt f prblems caused by different cultures.
    Life f Pi, by Yann Martel
    After a ship full f z animals sinks at sea, an Indian by is trapped n a lifebat with a Bengal tiger (孟加拉虎). During the hard perid, he suffers a lt. But at last, he arrives at land. The bk was the winner f 2002 Bker Prize.
    The Secret Life f Bees, by Sue Kidd
    During the civil rights (公民权) mvement f the mid-1960s, a yung white Suthern girl ges n the lam (逃走) with her family’s African-American husekeeper, hping t slve the mystery f her mther wh gave her up.
    The Bk Thief, by Markus Zusak
    It’s abut a yung girl wh lives in Nazi Germany during Wrld War II. She steals bks and shares them with neighbrs as well as with a Jew wh hides in her family’s basement.
    21.If yu want t knw the difference between cultures, which bk shuld yu chse?
    A.The Jy Luck Club.B.Life f Pi.
    C.The Secret Life f Bees.D.The Bk Thief.
    22.What is The Secret Life f Bees mainly abut?
    A.A mther wh gave up her daughter.
    B.The cause f the civil rights mvement.
    C.A runaway African-American husekeeper.
    D.A yung girl wh tried t learn abut her mther.
    23.What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A.T explain why these bks are ppular.
    B.T shw the imprtance f reading bks.
    C.T encurage high schl students t read.
    D.T intrduce sme bks fr high schl students.
    Brn in Anhui Prvince, Ta Xingzhi (Octber18, 1891-July 25, 1946) was ne f the greatest educatinalists, scial activists and patrits in mdern China. When he was yung, Ta lived in a pverty-stricken area and had witnessed miserable life f Chinese peple, especially that f the peasants wh accunted fr 80% f the natin’s ppulatin, under the suppressin f freign invaders (外国侵略者的压迫) at that time.
    After graduating frm Nanjing University as the tp student with the highest scres in all curses, Ta set ut fr the US t further his educatin. At first, he studied plitics in University f Illinis but sn he fund that plitics ffered n help fr saving the cuntry, and then he changed his majr int educatin.
    Six-year experience abrad let Ta Xingzhi cme t realize the sharp cntrast between China and develped cuntries, and drve him t make up his mind t change the situatin in China. Ta declined a number f invitatins frm many famus universities and gave up high salaries as a cllege prfessr. Instead, he set up Xiazhuang Nrmal Schl in the cuntryside f Nanjing t develp educatinal cause in rural areas. When he returned t China frm Japan in 1939, Ta set up Yu Cai Schl in Sichuan Prvince fr the kids wh lst their family in Anti-Japanese War (抗日战争). He picked ut thse with special talents and trained them t be useful men fr the natin. Zhu Enlai, frmer Chinese premier, nce paid a visit t this schl and gave a high praise.
    As an educatinalist, Ta devted his entire life t the educatinal-cause fr Chinese. Quite different frm ther majr educatinalists at that time, Ta carried ut life educatin and said that “life educatin means an educatin f life, by life and fr life”. Because f vertil (积劳成疾), he died n July 25, 1946 in Shanghai. Chairman Ma praised him as “a great educatinalist fr the peple”. In memry f this great man, Ta Xingzhi Museum was built in Shanghai in 1986.
    24.The underlined phrase “accunted fr” in the first paragraph has the same meaning f the phrase “______”.
    A.depended nB.tk upC.carried utD.put ff
    25.All the fllwing tk place in 1939 except ______.
    A.Mr Ta returned frm Japan t China
    B.Mr Ta set up Yu Cai Schl in Sichuan Prvince
    C.Mr Ta picked ut sme with special talents and trained them
    D.Mr Ta established Xiazhuang Nrmal Schl in Nanjing
    26.The last paragraph mainly discusses _______.
    A.Ta Xingzhi’s great cntributinB.Ta Xingzhi’s diseases
    C.Ta Xingzhi’s daily lifeD.Ta Xingzhi’s educatinal theries
    27.This article is mst prbably taken frm _______.
    A.a turist websiteB.an entertainment website
    C.an educatinal website·D.a scientific research website
    In recent years, little free libraries f all shapes and sizes have ppped up. Often built by cmmunity members, they culd be fund n street crners and the sidewalks acrss the United States, hping t share their bk cllectins with their neighbrs. Minneaplis, Minnesta, even hsted the first Little Free Library Festival, where bk fans came tgether t prmte literacy (读写能力)in their cmmunities.
    Fr the mst part, little free libraries have mre in cmmn with bk sharing shelves in htels, lcal parks, cffee shps and ther public spaces than the traditinal public library. Based n the rule f "take a bk, leave a bk," these little libraries can take many frms frm birdhuse-like wden structures t redesigned newspaper selling machines, Rbert Wirsing writes fr the Brnx Times.
    The little free library rganizatin began when a citizen f Hudsn, Wiscnsin, named Tdd Bl built a little ne-rm schlhuse, filled it with bks and placed it in his frnt yard t hnr his mther wh passed away in 2009. Tgether with a lcal educatr named Rick Brks, the tw began placing little free libraries acrss Wiscnsin and sharing the idea with peple acrss the cuntry.
    "Smething we are eager fr in this infrmatin age is that cnnectin between peple," Bl tells Margret Aldrich fr Bk Rit. "I want t shw hw Little Free Library is abut readers inspiring readers. It ges n and n."
    While Little Free Libraries seem like a harmless means t prmte literacy by sharing bks with neighbrs, a few f the radside landing libraries have caused minr legal prblems. fficials in Ls Angeles and Shreveprt, Luisiana, have tld sme citizens that their hmemade libraries brke city rles and that they wuld have t remve them t avid being fined.
    Still, little free libraries have been well accepted by their cmmnunities. Fr anyne interested in making their wn at hme, the rganizatin has psted helpful tips and guides fr building the little bk lending bxes in their neighbrhds.
    28.What can we knw abut the little free libraries in America?
    A.They are state-wned. B.They are ppular natinally.
    C.They are set up t sell bks. D.They help thse with n bks t read.
    29.What is a cmmn character f little free libraries?
    A.They lie in many public places.
    B.They share a large cllectin f bks.
    C.They cmpete with traditinal public libraries.
    D.They exist mainly in the frm f wden huses.
    30.What is Tdd Bl's primary aim f building a library?
    A.T remember his dead mther.
    B.T help peple frm a habit f reading.
    C.T set an example t ther cmmunities.
    D.T share his knwledge, with ther citizens.
    31.What des Tdd Bl think f the little free libraries?
    A.They cause minr legal prblems.
    B.They shuld cntinue t exist.
    C.They mean a lt t cmmunity members.
    D.They shuld be supprted by the gvernment.
    “The Wrthingtn Christian defeated the Westerville Nrth by 2—1 in an Ohi bys’ sccer game n Saturday.” That’s accrding t a stry that appeared last mnth in The Clumbus Dispatch. That lead was written nt by a sprtswriter, but by an artificial intelligence (AI) tl.
    Many news rganizatins are nw examining hw AI might be used in their wrk. But if they begin their “experimenting” with high schl sprts because they are less mmentus than war, peace, climate change and plitics, they may miss smething crucial. Nthing may be mre imprtant t the students wh play high schl sprts, and t their families, neighbrhds, and smetimes, the whle twn. That next game is what the students train fr, wrk tward, and dream abut. Smeday, almst all student athletes will g n t have jbs in frnt f screens, in ffice parks, at schls, in hspitals r n cnstructin sites. They may suffer blws and setbacks. But the high schl games they played and watched, as well as their hpes and cheers, will stay vivid in their memries.
    I have a small idea. If newspapers will n lnger send staff reprters t cver high schl games, why nt hire high schl student jurnalists? News rganizatins can pay students an hurly wage t cver high schl games. The yung reprters might learn hw t be fair t all sides, write vividly, and attract readers. That’s what sme celebrities in sprts did, and d.
    And think f the great writers wh were inspired by sprts: Hemingway n fishing, Bernard Malamud and Marianne Mre n baseball, Chen Zhngshi n ftball, and CLR James n cricket, wh said, “There can be raw pain and bleeding where s many thusands see the inevitable (不可避免的) ups and dwns f nly a game.” A gd high schl writer, unlike a rbt, culd tell readers nt just the scre, but the stries f the game.
    32.Why is the lead mentined in the first paragraph?
    A.T intrduce an riginal idea.B.T shw AI’s wide applicatin.
    C.T bring in the pinin abut AI.D.T stress AI’s imprtance t news.
    33.What des the authr think f high schl games?
    34.What is gd sprts news like accrding t the authr?
    A.Rich in cntents.B.Fair in cmments.
    C.Centered n results.D.Targeted n readers.
    35.Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.News Organizatins Are Abusing AIB.High Schlers Can D What AI Can’t
    C.Great Writers Are Crazy Abut SprtsD.AI Ruins High Schl Students’ Memry
    第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Everyne hates being stuck in a traffic jam, but sadly, many peple have t deal with it every day. Whether yu’re the driver r a passenger, there are steps yu can take t help yu handle it.
    36 This will help if yu’re stuck in a lng traffic jam and get hungry, and it’s hnestly a pretty gd time waster, t. Try t bring fd that wn’t make a mess in the car! If yu’re drinking anything sugary r sweet,be careful f spilling(洒出).
    Play a rad game. Playing a rad game is a great way t get rid f the bredm. 37 I Spy is a very ppular rad game where yu say “I spy with my little eyes smething that is...” and yu say the clur f the bject yu’ve chsen, and the thers have t guess what it is.
    Take a breath. 38 If yu dn’t feel cmfrtable in a serius traffic jam where the cars aren’t mving at all, just rll dwn the windw r even pen the dr (if it’s safe t d s), and take a breath beside yur car fr a secnd. This can help yu feel better if yu’re carsick.
    39 There are plenty f ther things yu can d while being stuck in a traffic jam! Ask the driver t g t a gd radi statin and start calling in and get invlved(参与). N matter wh’s watching yu, sing alng t the sng n the radi at the tp f yur vice and dance arund in yur seat t the sng! Start a cnversatin with the persn in the car next t yu! 40
    A.Get creative with yur free time.
    B.Pack sme snacks befre yu g.
    C.Talk t yur dctr abut carsickness.
    D.Try thinking abut smething imprtant in the traffic jam.
    E.Many peple experience car sickness in a lng jurney.
    F.There are lts f games that are fun and enjyable fr everyne!
    G.Pretend yu knw them and start by saying, “I haven’t seen yu fr ages!”
    I’m nt a gd traveler. Withut curisity t get ut and 41 , traveling has never been my strng pint. Sightseeing is nt an experience that I find 42 : when it’s t ht, I’m uncmfrtable; when it’s t cld, I’m uncmfrtable. Nt knwing what the fd will be like at new places has always made me 43 .
    It wuld be kind t say that I have a lw sense f 44 . S, I was 45 abut ding a travel shw that centered n pushing my 46 . But it just ges t shw that we’re never t ld t 47 urselves.
    Suth Africa was the biggest surprise. I had never really 48 t g n safari (观兽旅行) and was nt excited abut the prspect.
    Once I was 49 there, all f a sudden, I knew why peple say it’s exciting. I started t develp a great 50 fr the animals. We visited a rhin cnservatin park (犀牛保护公园), where rhins which have been badly injured by hunters are taken gd care f. I even bttle-fed these beautiful babies. The mst memrable part was the peple I 51 .
    I’ve always been a very 52 persn. But the experience f meeting s many new peple has been 53 , allwing me t 54 sme f the cbwebs (蜘蛛网) that have frmed fr many years. Seeing the wrld has helped me 55 my natural cynicism (悲观情绪) and turned me int a mre utging and psitive persn.
    54.A.build upB.brush ffC.catch sight fD.run away frm
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    When she was just three years ld, Alyssa Carsn frm the USA tk an interest 56 the planet Mars. Frm that time n, her lifelng passin fr and 57 (curius) abut space began! Then, Alyssa 58 (start) t d all the things related t space!
    Alyssa’s gal is t help thers understand the ptential fr human life in uter space. She als wants t be ne f the first humans 59 (walk) n the planet Mars. She even imagines 60 (live) n Mars! And while ding s, Alyssa wants t inspire lts f ther kids t learn mre abut space and science.
    She is studying astrbilgy (天体生物学) at the Flrida Institute f Technlgy. It is the nly prgram in the USA 61 (fcus) n the ptential fr life n ther planets. Whether yu want t study the effects f space travel n humans, discver past r present life n Mars, 62 help develp 63 (way) t sustain (维持) life n the mn, yu will be prepared at the Flrida Institute f Technlgy.
    Alyssa is a(n) 64 (impress) example f a yung persn 65 fcuses n her passin and becmes the best versin f herself. Her example als inspires ther kids t d the same.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    On July 8, 2017, eight members f a family in ttal, were enjying an evening tgether at the beach in Panhandle, Flrida. As the sun sank lwer n the hrizn, the tw bys Nah 11 and Stephen 8 swam int the waves withut the grwn-ups nticing. Sn they realized that the cean had pulled them int the sea. After trying and failing t swim back, they started waving and screaming fr help. But the lifeguards had been ff duty fr the evening.
    The bys had been struggling fr several minutes when Jacky and Tabatha, a cuple frm Gergia, heard them. They dived int the water and sn reached the tw brthers. But after a few minutes, they were all trapped in a rip current (离岸流),a pwerful ne that culd sweep even the strngest swimmer ut t sea! By then, sme teenagers had heard the cry. One f the teens rushed int the water, grabbed Jacky. and pulled him back t shre. Meanwhile, Tabatha culd feel herself being pulled farther ut. She was already exhausted and beginning t feel desperate as she was trying t save bth bys alne.
    Onshre, Jacky was terrified. A man stpped. “What’s wrng?” asked Shaun, wh was heading back t his car. “My wife is drwning!" Brittany said. Shaun immediately strde (大步跨) int the water. But several minutes later, a gaping 15 feet still lay between him and Tabatha and the bys. He knew that if he cntinued, he’d becme anther victim. He turned arund t seek help.
    It was abut that time that Rberta, the bys’ mther, returned frm the bathrm and lked arund fr her children. She was shcked t spt them flating much farther ut than they were allwed t g. She fught the waves t get t her screaming sns and the stranger wh was trying t save them, but she quickly discvered it was nearly impssible t make headway in any directin. Lking arund, Rberta sighed with relief t see sme mre peple cming t help.
    Paragraph 1
    When they tried in vain t rescue the brthers and Tabatha, a risky idea came t them.
    Paragraph 2
    By then, mre swimmers had als nticed the grup in truble and rushed t jin the human chain.
    【原文】M: Des yur mther like travelling?
    W: Yes, she des. But she is an armchair traveler. She says that with bks, magazines, TV and the Internet, she can g anywhere, and still enjy the cmfrts f hme!
    M: That's interesting. My mther prefers t travel with a tur grup while my father enjys traveling alne.
    【原文】M: Did yu enjy the film I tld yu?
    W: Yes, it was great, althugh I wasn’t sure at first. The beginning was a bit slw, but by the middle, I culd hardly take my eyes ff it and the ending was s unexpected and exciting.
    【原文】W: D yu think infrmatin technlgy will replace teachers in 20 years?
    M: I dn’t think s. Teachers will surely use infrmatin technlgy in their teaching. But nthing can replace face-t-face cmmunicatin.
    【原文】M: Why can't we g away this weekend?
    W: First, I'm busy this weekend. I need t get my car fixed. Secnd, yu have a lt f schlwrk t d. And third, we're planning t g away next weekend.
    【原文】W: Hw’s yur ftball team ging, Bill?
    M: Well, ur galkeeper’s gt the flu r smething. He always drps the ball. The nly thing he can catch is a cld.
    6.A 7.B
    【原文】M: Well, what did yu think f that, then?
    W: Great! I’ve never tasted anything like it! I wish I’d tried this place sner. I mean, I’ve been walking past it fr years.
    M: Why didn’t yu?
    W: Well, t be hnest, I never thught I’d be able t affrd it, but it’s actually quite reasnable. But I think if fd lks gd n the plate yu’ll expect it t taste gd. Yurs lked OK, but I think they culd have made mre f an effrt with mine. Anyway I want a juice. Waiter …
    8.A 9.B 10.C
    【原文】W: Luther, take ff yur shes and put them n the shelf. Yu’ve made the flr dirty. I just mpped it.
    M: Srry. Mm, stp watching the TV drama. I’ve gt gd news t tell yu. I’m wild with jy.
    W: I’ve never seen yu like this. What is the gd news?
    M: D yu remember the famus directr we saw last time?
    W: Er... yu mean the fat man with brwn hair?
    M: N. I guess yu dn’t remember him at all. He’s ld, tall and has a gd sense f humur.
    W: Oh, I remember. What’s up?
    M: Well, he invited me t take part in a mvie and I accepted.
    W: I’m s happy fr yu, Luther. But yu knw, yur dad wants yu t cncentrate n yur studies. I think yu’ll have a hard time cnvincing him.
    11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C
    【原文】W: S, Jhn, I was just in Japan. I was there fr wrk, but I travelled alne a lt there.
    M: That’s nice. I als like travelling alne quite a bit.
    W: Yu can be independent. I dn’t have t d a lt f planning. I can g anywhere I want t.
    M: It’s fun t travel with ther peple. But yu dn’t get much “me time” when yu d that.
    W: I have a hard time sticking t a travel plan. I really like t just g sightseeing n my wn.
    M: I disagree with peple a lt when we’re ging sightseeing. S it’s nice t be able t just d my wn things.
    W: Where have yu travelled alne?
    M: Last year,I went t Malaysia alne. I dn’t mink anyne else wanted t g with me.
    W: I went t France,tw summers ag, alne. I was able t travel all arund France and didn’t have t fllw anyne else’s schedule.
    M: I feel like we shuld g tgether t China. But men it wuld be sl travel.
    W: We can just ride me plane and then split up.
    15.A 16.C 17.B
    【原文】W: When I walked int the huse after schl, the first thing I nticed was a bx with items I recgnized frm my dad’s ffice. He tld me that he was laid ff. My father has prided himself n his career. Prviding fr ur family has been his jy. I wuld cme hme every day t find him at the cmputer searching fr jbs. I began t ntice hw lsing his jb had affected him. He seemed dwn, thugh he tried t be ptimistic. He asked my brther and me t spend less. I gave up my pcket mney, which wasn’t much. I als fund a part-time jb. After mnths f searching, my dad decided t g in a ttally different directin. He explained that he never wanted t be laid ff again, s he was ging t start his wn business. One evening I asked if he needed help. “Only if it desn’t affect schl,” he said. I shwed up at his ffice the next afternn, and mst afternns after that fr tw mnths. The terrible experience f ur family taught me hw t deal with difficulties. Nw I knw that thrugh creative prblem-slving, I can always find a Plan B.
    18.A 19.A 20.B
    【原文】M: Lk! A twenty twenty tw fr with a nice design and nly twenty thusand miles n it. The price is nly twenty ne thusand dllars.
    W: That’s t expensive. I used t have enugh mney fr a nice car like that befre I came t New Yrk everything was great.
    M: Are yu srry yu came here?
    W: N, I have lts f great pprtunities here, but it seems like I never have enugh mney.
    M: I knw. Dn’t wrry. In a few mnths, yu’ll be able t save sme mney again.
    W: But it’s nt safe r cmfrtable fr me t take the subway s late after wrk at night.
    M: Maybe yu’ll have t find a car that is a little lder and cheaper.
    W: Yeah, I guess I’ll have t.
    21.A 22.D 23.D
    21.推理判断题。根据“The Jy Luck Club, by Amy Tan”下面的“The fur Chinese wmen have t slve a lt f prblems caused by different cultures.(四位中国女性必须解决由不同文化造成的许多问题。)”可知,The Jy Luck Club讲述了四位中国女性解决不同文化造成的问题,由此可推测出,读者可以从这本书中了解文化差异。故选A。
    22.细节理解题。根据“The Secret Life f Bees, by Sue Kidd”下面的“During the civil rights(公民权) mvement f the mid-1960s, a yung white Suthern girl ges n the lam(逃走) with her family’s African-American husekeeper, hping t slve the mystery f her mther wh gave her up.(在20世纪60年代中期的民权运动中,一个年轻的南方白人女孩和她家的非裔美国管家一起逃亡,希望解开她母亲抛弃她的谜团。)”可知,The Secret Life f Bees主要讲述了一个年轻女孩试图了解关于母亲抛弃她的原因的故事。故选D。
    23.写作目的题。根据文章首段“We studied reading lists frm arund the cuntry and fund the fllwing bks. There’s a gd chance yu will pen ne f them this summer.(我们研究了全国各地的阅读清单,发现了以下书籍。今年夏天你很有可能打开它们其中一本。)”并结合下文分别介绍的书籍信息可知,本篇文章旨在给高中生介绍一些适合暑期阅读的书籍。故答案为D。
    24.B 25.D 26.A 27.C
    24.词句猜测题。根据空后的宾语“80% f the natin’s ppulatin(全国人口80%的农民)”可推测,农民占全国人口的80%。划线短语accunted fr为“占据”之意。选项A“depended n(依赖)”;选项B“tk up(占据)”;选项C“carried ut (执行)”;选项D“put ff(推迟)”。故选B。
    25.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“When he returned t China frm Japan in 1939, Ta set up Yu Cai Schl in Sichuan Prvince fr the kids wh lst their family in Anti-Japanese War (抗日战争). He picked ut thse with special talents and trained them t be useful men fr the natin.(1939年,他从日本回到中国,为在抗日战争中失去家人的孩子们在四川建立了育才学校(抗日战争)。他挑选出那些有特殊才能的人,把他们培养成对国家有用的人。)”可知,选项D“Mr Ta established Xiazhuang Nrmal Schl in Nanjing(陶先生在南京创办了晓庄师范学校)”不是发生在1939年。故选D。
    26.主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“As an educatinalist, Ta devted his entire life t the educatinal-cause fr Chinese. Quite different frm ther majr educatinalists at that time, Ta carried ut life educatin and said that “life educatin means an educatin f life, by life and fr life”. Because f vertil (积劳成疾), he died n July 25, 1946 in Shanghai. Chairman Ma praised him as “a great educatinalist fr the peple”. In memry f this great man, Ta Xingzhi Museum was built in Shanghai in 1986.(作为一名教育家,陶把他的一生都献给了中国的教育事业。与当时其他主要教育家不同的是,他实行生活教育,并说“生活教育是生活所原有、生活所自营、生活所必需的教育”。因积劳成疾,1946年7月25日在上海逝世。毛主席称赞他是“伟大的人民教育家”。为了纪念这位伟人,陶行知博物馆于1986年在上海落成。)”可知,最后一段主要讲述的是陶行知的伟大贡献。故选A。
    27.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Brn in Anhui Prvince, Ta Xingzhi (Octber18, 1891-July 25, 1946) was ne f the greatest educatinalists, scial activists and patrits in mdern China. (陶行知(1891年10月18日- 1946年7月25日),安徽人,中国近代最伟大的教育家、社会活动家和爱国主义者之一。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了中国现代教育家陶行知先生的生平事迹和教育理念,因此最有可能出自一个教育类网站。故选C。
    28.B 29.A 30.A 31.C
    28.推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍人们通过小型免费图书馆和邻居们分享他们的藏书,一起提高读写能力,特别是根据最后一段“Still, little free libraries have been well accepted by their cmmnunities. ”(尽管如此,小型免费图书馆被社区所广泛接受)可知,小型免费图书馆得到了人们的一致认可(广受欢迎)。故选B。
    29.细节理解题。根据第二段“Fr the mst part, little free libraries have mre in cmmn with bk sharing shelves in htels, lcal parks, cffee shps and ther public spaces than the traditinal public library.”(在很大程度上,与传统的公共图书馆相比,小型免费图书馆与酒店、当地公园、咖啡馆和其他公共场所的图书共享书架有更多的共同点)可知,小型免费图书馆的共同特征是位于公共场所,故选A。
    30.细节理解题。根据第三段“The little free library rganizatin began when a citizen f Hudsn, Wiscnsin, named Tdd Bl built a little ne-rm schlhuse, filled it with bks and placed it in his frnt yard t hnr his mther wh passed away in 2009. ”(这个小型免费图书馆组织始于威斯康星州哈德逊市的一位名叫托德·波尔的公民建造的一所只有一个房间的小屋,里面装满了书,并放在自家前院,以纪念2009年去世的母亲)可知,托德·波尔建造了一个小房间的小屋,里面装满了书,并把它放在他的前院,以此纪念他在2009年去世的母亲。故选A。
    31.推理判断题。根据第四段“Smething we are eager fr in this infrmatin age is that cnnectin between peple”(在这个信息时代,我们渴望的是人与人之间的联系)可知,小型免费图书馆使人与人互相联系,所以对社区成员来说意义重大。故选C。
    32.C 33.D 34.A 35.B
    32.推理判断题。根据第一段““The Wrthingtn Christian defeated the Westerville Nrth by 2—1 in an Ohi bys’ sccer game n Saturday.” That’s accrding t a stry that appeared last mnth in The Clumbus Dispatch. That lead was written nt by a sprtswriter, but by an artificial intelligence (AI) tl. (“在周六的俄亥俄州男子足球比赛中,沃辛顿基督徒队以2比1击败了北方韦斯特维尔队。”这是根据上个月发表在《哥伦布快讯》上的一篇报道。这篇头条新闻不是体育记者写的,而是人工智能工具写的)”可知,本段主要介绍了这则新闻报道不是体育新闻记者写的,而是人工智能工具写的,再结合下文作者主要发表对人工智能用于学校体育新闻报道的看法可推知,这里提到该头条新闻是为了引出下文关于人工智能的观点。故选C项。
    33.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Nthing may be mre imprtant t the students wh play high schl sprts, and t their families, neighbrhds, and smetimes, the whle twn. That next game is what the students train fr, wrk tward, and dream abut. Smeday, almst all student athletes will g n t have jbs in frnt f screens, in ffice parks, at schls, in hspitals r n cnstructin sites. They may suffer blws and setbacks. But the high schl games they played and watched, as well as their hpes and cheers, will stay vivid in their memries. (对于参加高中体育运动的学生,对他们的家庭,社区,有时甚至是整个城镇来说,没有什么比这更重要了。下一场比赛是学生们训练、努力和梦想的目标。总有一天,几乎所有的学生运动员都将在屏幕前、办公园区、学校、医院或建筑工地工作。他们可能遭受打击和挫折。但他们参加和观看的高中比赛,以及他们的希望和欢呼,将留在他们的记忆中)”可知,高中体育运动对于学生及他们周围的生活圈来说非常重要,这是他们学生时代努力的目标,也会在未来他们进入工作领域时影响他们,为他们提供美好的回忆。由此推知,作者认为高中体育比赛的影响很深远。故选D项。
    34.细节理解题。根据最后一段中引用的CLR James的话“There can be raw pain and bleeding where s many thusands see the inevitable (不可避免的) ups and dwns f nly a game. (成千上万的人看到的只是一场比赛不可避免的起起落落,可能会带来疼痛和流血)”以及“A gd high schl writer, unlike a rbt, culd tell readers nt just the scre, but the stries f the game. (一个优秀的高中作家,不像机器人,不仅能告诉读者比分,还能告诉他们比赛的故事)”可知,作者认为好的体育新闻不仅要告诉读者比赛的结果,还应内容丰富,讲述其故事,体现其起伏。故选A项。
    36.B 37.F 38.E 39.A 40.G
    36.根据空格后句“This will help if yu’re stuck in a lng traffic jam and get hungry, and it’s hnestly a pretty gd time waster, t.”(如果你陷入长时间的交通堵塞和饥饿,这会有所帮助,老实说,这也是一个很好的时间浪费。)可知,此处指的是可以帮你对抗饥饿,B选项的“Pack sme snacks befre yu g.”(出发前带些零食。),是达到后句这一结果的方法,故选B。
    37.根据空格前句“Play a rad game. Playing a rad game is a great way t get rid f the bredm.”(玩公路游戏。玩公路游戏是摆脱无聊的好方法。)可知,此处指的是建议玩游戏,F选项的“There are lts f games that are fun and enjyable fr everyne!”(有很多游戏对每个人来说都是有趣和愉快的!),是提出玩游戏这一建议的原因,语义逻辑一致,故选F。
    38.根据第四段最后一句“This can help yu feel better if yu’re carsick.”(如果你晕车,这可以帮助你感觉更好。)可知,此处指的是缓解晕车的方法,E选项的“Many peple experience car sickness in a lng jurney.”(许多人在长途旅行中会晕车。),与本段语义相符,故选E。
    39.根据空格后句“There are plenty f ther things yu can d while being stuck in a traffic jam!”(在交通堵塞的时候,你还可以做很多其他的事情!)可知,此处的建议是利用堵塞的空闲时间做些别的事情,A选项的“Get creative with yur free time.”(利用空闲时间发挥创意),是对后句的概括,语义逻辑一致,故选A。
    40.根据空格前句“Start a cnversatin with the persn in the car next t yu!”(与你旁边车里的人开始对话!)可知,此处的建议是与他人搭话,G选项的“Pretend yu knw them and start by saying, “I haven’t seen yu fr ages!””(假装你认识他们,然后说:“我好久没见到你了!”),是指如何开始搭话的方式,前后语义逻辑一致,故选G。
    41.C 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D
    41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有好奇心走出去探索,旅行从来都不是我的强项。A. exercise.练习;B. experiment实验;C. explre探索;D. research研究。根据前文的“I’m nt a gd traveler. Withut curisity t get ut”可知,作者不擅长旅行,可推知作者没有好奇心走出去探索。故选C项。
    42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我觉得观光不是一种令人愉快的经历:当天气太热时,我感到不舒服;天气太冷的时候,我就不舒服。A. dangerus危险的;B. painful疼痛的;C. suitable合适的;D. enjyable愉快的。根据后文的“when it’s t ht, I’m uncmfrtable; when it’s t cld, I’m uncmfrtable”可知,当天气太热时,作者感到不舒服;天气太冷的时候,作者就不舒服。所以作者觉得观光不是一种令人愉快的经历。故选D项。
    43.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不知道新地方的食物会是什么样子总是让我感到紧张。A. nervus紧张的;B. happy快乐的;C. angry愤怒的;D. curius好奇的。根据前文的“Nt knwing what the fd will be like at new places has always made me”可知,不知道新地方的食物会是什么样子,这种情况总是让作者感到紧张。故选A项。
    44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:可以说我的冒险意识很低。A. humr幽默;B. adventure冒险;C. directin方向;D. respnsibility责任。根据前文的“Withut curisity t get ut and 1 ”和“Nt knwing what the fd will be like at new places has always made me 3”可知,作者没有好奇心走出去探索,不知道新地方的食物会是什么样子总是让作者感到紧张,可推知作者的冒险意识很低。故选B项。
    45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以,我很犹豫是否要做一个以挑战我的极限为中心的旅游节目。A. excited兴奋的;B. serius严重的;C. disturbed不安的,烦恼的;D. hesitant犹豫的。根据前文的“It wuld be kind t say that I have a lw sense f 4”和“abut ding a travel shw that centered n pushing my ”可知,作者的冒险意识很低,所以作者很犹豫是否要做一个以挑战我的极限为中心的旅游节目。故选D项。
    46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我很犹豫是否要做一个以挑战我的极限为中心的旅游节目。A. plans计划;B. dates日期;C. bundaries边界;D. prjects项目。根据前文的“that centered n pushing my”可知,这是一个以挑战我的极限为中心的旅游节目。push ne’s bundaries“挑战某人的极限”。故选C项。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这只是表明,我们永远不会因为年龄太大而无法给自己惊喜。A. surprise(使)吃惊;B. intrduce介绍;C. express表达;D. teach教。根据后文的“Suth Africa was the biggest surprise”可知,南非是最大的惊喜。这个旅游节目给了作者很大的惊喜,所以但这只是表明,我们永远不会因为年龄太大而无法给自己惊喜。故选A项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有真正想过去野生动物园,对这个前景也不感到兴奋。A. refused拒绝;B. failed失败;C. feared害怕;D. wanted想。根据前文的“t g n safari (观兽旅行)”可知,作者很犹豫是否要做一个以挑战我的极限为中心的旅游节目,也没有真正想过去野生动物园。故选D项。
    49.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一旦我真的在那里,突然间,我知道为什么人们说它令人兴奋。A. actually实际上,真实地;B. usually通常;C. mainly主要是;D. hardly几乎不。根据后文的“there, all f a sudden, I knew why peple say it’s exciting”可知,作者从来没有真正想过去野生动物园,对这个前景也不感到兴奋,但是一旦作者真的在那里,就知道为什么人们说它令人兴奋。故选A项。
    50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始对动物产生了极大的热情。A. respect尊重;B. appetite食欲;C. passin激情;D. understanding理解。根据后文的“fr the animals. We visited a rhin cnservatin park (犀牛保护公园), where rhins which have been badly injured by hunters are taken gd care f. I even bttle-fed these beautiful babies.”可知,作者参观了犀牛保护公园,作者甚至用奶瓶喂这些漂亮的宝宝,所以可推断出作者开始对动物产生了极大的热情。故选C项。
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最难忘的部分是我遇到的人。A. attracted吸引;B. encuntered遇到;C. missed错过;D. helped帮助。根据后文的“But the experience f meeting s many new peple has been 13, allwing me t 14 sme f the cbwebs (蜘蛛网) that have frmed fr many years. Seeing the wrld has helped me 15 my natural cynicism (悲观情绪) and turned me int a mre utging and psitive persn.”可知,这个旅游节目中遇到的人给作者影响很大,所以作者最难忘的部分是自己遇到的人。故选B项。
    52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直是一个很害羞的人。A. patient耐心的;B. brave勇敢的;C. shy害羞的;D. generus慷慨的。根据后文的“But the experience f meeting s many new peple has been 13 , allwing me t 14 sme f the cbwebs (蜘蛛网) that have frmed fr many years.”可知,作者一直是一个很害羞的人。故选C项。
    53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但认识这么多新朋友的经历是美妙的,让我可以拂去多年来形成的一些蜘蛛网。A. wnderful美妙的;B. tiring累人的;C. bring没趣的;D. different不同的。根据后文的“allwing me t 14 sme f the cbwebs (蜘蛛网) that have frmed fr many years”可知,这次旅行让作者可以拂去多年来形成的一些蜘蛛网,不再那么害羞,所以作者认为认识这么多新朋友的经历是美妙的。故选A项。
    54.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但认识这么多新朋友的经历是美妙的,让我可以拂去多年来形成的一些蜘蛛网。A. build up建立;B. brush ff刷掉,拂去;C. catch sight f看到;D. run away frm逃离。根据后文的“sme f the cbwebs (蜘蛛网) that have frmed fr many years”可知,这次旅行让作者不再那么害羞,就像拂去多年来形成的一些蜘蛛网。故选B项。
    55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:见多识广帮助我失去了天生的愤世嫉俗,使我成为一个更外向、更积极的人。A. accept接受;B. develp发展;C. find找到;D. lse丢失,失去。根据后文的“my natural cynicism (悲观情绪) and turned me int a mre utging and psitive persn.”可知,见多识广帮助作者失去了天生的愤世嫉俗,使作者成为一个更外向、更积极的人。故选D项。
    56.in 57.curisity 58.started 59.t walk 60.living 61.fcused 62.r 63.ways 64.impressive 65.wh/that
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了来自美国的Alyssa Carsn三岁的时候就对火星产生了兴趣。从那时起,她对太空的热情和好奇开始了,然后,Alyssa开始做所有与太空有关的事情,她的榜样也激励着其他孩子去做同样的事情。
    56.考查介词。句意:来自美国的Alyssa Carsn三岁的时候就对火星产生了兴趣。固定搭配take an interest in“对……感兴趣”。故填in。
    57.考查名词。句意:从那时起,她对太空的热情和好奇心开始了!此处与passin是并列成分,作主语,应用名词curisity “好奇心”,不可数名词。故填curisity。
    59.考查非谓语动词。句意:她还想成为第一批在火星上行走的人类之一。humans前面有序数词修饰,应用动词不定式,作后置定语。故填t walk。
    60.考查非谓语动词。句意:她甚至想象住在火星上!固定搭配imagine ding sth.“想象做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填living。
    66. My hmetwn, lcated in the beautiful cuntryside f China, is a place I hld dear t my heart. It is nestled in the muntains, with lush green hills and crystal-clear streams.
    The twn is famus fr its ancient temples, sme dating back hundreds f years. These temples are nt nly architecturally unique but are als a symbl f ur rich cultural heritage. In additin, the lcal cuisine is a must-try, with its fresh and unique flavrs.
    Frm here, yu can appreciate breathtaking views f the sunrise and sunset, as well as the starry night skies. It is a place that is truly magical and ne that I am prud t call my hme.
    【详解】1.词汇积累位于:lcated in → situated in著名的:famus → well-knwn/nted
    另外:in additin → besides欣赏:appreciate → enjy
    原句:The twn is famus fr its ancient temples, sme dating back hundreds f years.
    拓展句:The twn is famus fr its ancient temples, sme f which date back hundreds f years.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] My hmetwn, lcated in the beautiful cuntryside f China, is a place I hld dear t my heart. (运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
    [高分句型2] It is a place that is truly magical and ne that I am prud t call my hme. (运用了关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)
    67.Paragraph 1:
    When they tried in vain t rescue the brthers and Tabatha, a risky idea came t them. T keep themselves frm lsing their fting in the rip current, they began hlding n t ne anther t frm a human chain extending frm the beach all the way ut t the struggling bys and Tabatha. They stayed linked tightly and managed t ensure they were safe by making their feet firmly planted in the sand. Hwever, that required mre links — prbably dzens f them. Shaun sptted ther swimmers n the beach and shuted, “Dn’t just stand there! Cme and help.”
    Paragraph 2:
    By then, mre swimmers had als nticed the grup in truble and rushed t jin the human chain. One by ne, link by link, ttal strangers walked int the waves and grasped ne anther by the wrists, determined that n ne wuld die n that beach. At last, they made it and Tabatha and the tw brthers were saved! “Thse peple n the beach are angels n earth,” said Rberta, shwing her appreciatin. Whether it is the first persn r the last persn in the chain, they are all ur heres, wh helped get ur family ut f truble.
    ①组成人链:frm a human chain/stand in a queue
    ②朝向:extend all the way ut t/mve twards
    ③设法:manage t d/think f any pssible means
    ⑤成功:make it/succeed in ding sth/d sth successfully
    ①感谢:shwing her appreciatin/shw her gratitude/be grateful
    ②决心:be determined t d/decide t d/make up ne’s mind t d
    【点睛】[高分句型1] When they tried in vain t rescue the brthers and Tabatha, a risky idea came t them. 本复合句中使用了连词when引导的时间状语从句。
    [高分句型2] They stayed linked tightly and managed t ensure they were safe by making their feet firmly planted in the sand. 本复合句中使用了宾语从句,它在ensure后面省略了连接词that。
    [高分句型3] Whether it is the first persn r the last persn in the chain, they are all ur heres, wh helped get ur family ut f truble. 本复合句中使用了连接词whether引导的让步状语从句和关系代词wh引导的非限制性定语从句。

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