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    这是一份2024合肥高三下学期二模试题英语含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍,
    1. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Get his keycard t wrk. B. Extend his stay. C. Reschedule his appintment.
    2. Why des the man cme t the wman?
    A. T ask fr help. B. T make a repair. C. T rent an apartment.
    3. Where is the wman nw?
    A. In her ffice. B. At her hme. C. In a hspital.
    4. What des the wman d?
    A. She is a fitness trainer. B. She is a dietary adviser. C. She is a lab assistant.
    5. What will the wman d next?
    A. Make a phne call. B. See her parents ff. C. Leave the camp.
    第二节(共15小题:每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He desn't like the lcal fd.
    B. He desn't have many friends.
    C. He can't find places t shp in.
    7. What des the wman suggest the man d in the end?
    A. Have a balanced diet. B. Buy vegetables nline. C. G t the lcal grcer's.
    8. What is the minimum requirement fr the pst?
    A. Previus experience in prgramming.
    B. Being gd at develping applicatins.
    C. A university degree in cmputer engineering.
    9. Which f the fllwing is the wman's strength?
    A. Gd interpersnal skills. B. Valuable wrk experience. C. Prblem-slving abilities.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Fellw travelers. B. Clleagues. C. Husband and wife.
    11. What is Babi Guling?
    A. A kind f fd. B. A scenic spt. C. A water sprt.
    12. Why des the man suggest the wman bk a htel in advance?
    A. It will help her get a gd deal.
    B. It may well satisfy her special needs.
    C. It can give her a better chice f rms.
    13. What des the wman say abut herself?
    A. She has a tight budget. B. She is hesitant t decide. C. She likes planning ahead.
    14. What is the wman ding?
    A. She is chairing a meeting
    B. She is hlding a wrkshp.
    C. She is cnducting an interview.
    15. Where is Michael's family nw?
    A. In Mntreal. B. In Trnt. C. In Milan
    16. What des Michael think f his training?
    A. It's ld-fashined. B. It's tightly scheduled. C. It's strength-based.
    17. Hw des Michael sund when speaking f his career?
    A. Curius. B. Regretful. C. Cnfident.
    18. Wh is the speaker talking t?
    A. Cllege students. B. News reprters. C. Jb applicants.
    19. Why did the speaker decide t stp planning?
    A. She gained admissin t Peking University.
    B. She landed a jb successfully after graduatin.
    C. She was aware f the limitatins f her planning.
    20. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. Her creative apprach t success.
    B. Her reflectin n her experience.
    C. Her practical suggestin n learning.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分。满分37. 5分)
    Vlunteering has changed ver these past few years and virtual vlunteering is here t stay! Find yur perfect remte pprtunity by becming a Sense Virtual Buddying vlunteer.
    The Rle f a Virtual Buddy(朋友)
    Sense matches vlunteers with disabled peple wh have similar interests t ensure yu'll have lts f fun tgether. Once matched with a buddy, yu will get t knw each ther remtely thrugh vide calls, phne calls, texting, emails r letters. Yu'll arrange weekly sessins and plan fun things t d tgether. Yu culd be gaming, ding arts and crafts, playing music, planting - there are s many pssibilities! We will prvide yu with weekly themed activities t help t supprt yu in planning yur interactins with yur buddy.
    What We Can Offer Yu
    Befre yu start yur vlunteering rle, we'll make sure that yu've had the training yu need t feel cnfident. This will be delivered nline and thrugh vide calls. While yu're vlunteering with us as a virtual buddy, yu'll als get a written accunt f yur vlunteering and references (if required), reimbursement (报销) f pre-agreed expenses (up t £ 25). and great pprtunities t develp new skills and get t knw new peple while making a real difference t a persn’s life.
    Wh We Are Lking fr
    We need vlunteers wh are gd at expressing their ideas and feelings and are passinate abut supprting peple with cmplex disabilities t cmmunicate and experience the wrld. We're als always lking fr vlunteers wh have knwledge r experience f British Sign Language. Yu dn't need t have previus experience f vlunteering r nursing disabled peple.
    If yu have any questins regarding the rle r wuld like sme mre infrmatin, please cntact the vlunteering team at ylunteer@sense.rg.
    21. What is a virtual buddy suppsed t d?
    A. Evaluate weekly themed activities.
    B. Meet the disabled in persn every week.
    C. Match buddies based n similar interests.
    D. Have virtual interactins with a matched buddy.
    22. Which f the fllwing will be ffered t the vlunteers?
    A. Free in-persn jb training. B. A written recrd f vlunteering.
    C. Reimbursement f travel expenses. D. A chance t meet the funders.
    23. Which f the fllwing is the necessary qualificatin t be a virtual buddy?
    A. Mastering a freign language. B. Gd knwledge abut nursing.
    C. Being cmmunicative and helpful. D. Previus vlunteering experience.
    When I was a teenage by, my parents signed me up in a lcal junir glf camp. Frm that mment, my life has been pretty much devted t the game.
    When I play glf, there's always a chance f making smething magical happen-whether it's breaking a persnal recrd r ptentially making a hle-in-ne. This is the aspect f glf that attracted me in grwing up. Hwever, I had t take a break because I culdn't really affrd t play while in cllege, suffering frm burnut. I'd still g ut nce in a while t play with friends, but fr the first time since my teens, I was away frm my cmmunity.
    Several years later, my enthusiasm fr playing glf was inspired again. I became familiar with the game again after playing n and ff at Langstn Glf Curse. Frm the mment I arrived. this place felt like ne f the curses where I grew up: A mdest spt where peple f all wrking-class backgrunds came t experience the game, eat lunch r have a drink. A place where glfers wh are Black, brwn and wmen are welcmed.
    The sense f cmmunity I've regained with the game is mre than I culd've ever imagined. I like hiking arund, chasing a little white ball arund a glf curse. I als like cnnecting with ld friends and meeting new nes. Sme I've been playing with since high schl, and ur text threads are laded with trash talk abut wh's playing well and wh isn't. They're usually the nes spurring me t practice and get better. We share experiences n the glf curse that are memrable and have stries fr days: My circle nly seems t be expanding, and I'm excited t see what the future blds 24. Why was the authr nce away frm his glf cmmunity?
    A. He culdn't spare time t play glf. B. He didn't feel a sense f achievement.
    C. He wanted t make mre new friendsD. He tried t get ut f his parents' cntrl
    25. What des the authr say abut Langstn Glf Curse?
    A. It carried his past memriesB. It reminded him t keep mdest
    C. It ffered him a sense f belnging. D. It witnessed his accmplishments
    26. What des the underlined wrd "spurring" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Hating. B. Warning. C FrbiddingD. Pushing.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Glf: My Jurney t GreatnessB. Glf. Mre Than a Game t Me
    C. Discvering Enthusiasm fr GlfD. Pursuing Perfectin Thrugh Glf
    Sme languages are rapid-fire and thers mre unhurried but there is n difference in the speed at which infrmatin is shared, accrding t the new research.
    The wrld's 7000 r s languages differ greatly nt nly in their range f available phnemes-the units f sund that make up speech, but als in the pace at which these building blcks are thrwn tgether in speech. But the new research int the infrmatin cntent in speech shws that languages allw their speakers t cmmunicate abut the same amunt f infrmatin per secnd despite wide variatins in the speed f speech.
    T understand this better, researchers led by Christphe Cupé frm the University f Lyn and Yn Oh frm the University f Canterbury studied recrdings f 170 native adult speakers f 17 Eurpean and Asian languages. Each speaker read a set f standardized texts cntaining abut 240, 000 syllables (音节). The researchers fund that the fastest language hit 9.1syllables per secnd, and the slwest a mere 4. 3. But this was cancelled ut by the amunt f infrmatin, measured in bits, that each syllable cntained. This varied significantly. frm 4. 8 bits per syllable fr Basque t 8. 0 bits per syllable fr Vietnamese.
    The study fund languages that pack a lt f infrmatin int sunds and syllables tend t be spken mre slwly, while thse with a lw infrmatin density (密度) are delivered mre rapidly. While speech rat and infrmatin density fluctuate (波动) widely, the infrmatin rate - the speed at which infrmatin is delivered -stays cnsistently arund 39. 15 bits per secnd.
    The researchers say this appears t represent a ptimal (最佳的) rat fr giving and receiving infrmatin. Languages seem t stably inhabit an ptimal range f infrmatin rates, away frm the extremes that can still be available t individual speakers. Of curse, nt everybdy speaks at the ptimal infrmatin rate. We all knw peple wh talk t quickly r slwly, and the new research may cast light n why we find listening t them hard wrk.
    28. What has the new research fund ut?
    A. Languages tend t cnvey infrmatin with similar efficiency.
    B. Languages have nearly the same range f available phnemes
    C. The number f languages has gradually decreased t abut 7000.
    D. The speed f speech is determined by the infrmatin cntent.
    29. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. A further explanatin f the research methds.
    B. A brief intrductin f the research prcess.
    C. Ptential applicatin f the research findings.
    D. Supprting evidence fr the research results.
    30. What can we learn frm the finding f Christphe's study?
    A. Mre wrds in speech cnvey mre infrmatin
    B. The infrmatin rate remains at a reasnable level.
    C. The speech rate can affect the infrmatin density.
    D. Languages with mre syllables are delivered faster
    31. What can be inferred abut the ptimal infrmatin rate?
    A. It can lead t smth cmmunicatin. B. It may result in the difficulty f listening
    C. It stays the same fr individual speakers. D. It prevents speakers frm ging t extremes.
    Out in the Atlantic Ocean, rughly 60 miles ff the nrthwest cast f Africa, lie the Canary Islands. In the 1950s, the bm in package turism shwed prmise as a new cash crp. But while the Canary Islands had the sunshine, warm climate and ease f access frm Eurpe needed fr this new industry, they were missing a vital element- picture-pstcard sandy beaches.
    S the develpers n Tenerife in the Canary Islands cnstructed a breakwater (防波堤) ver half a mile lng. And then, frm the Western Sahara n Africa's nrthwest cast, they shipped in 270, 000 tns f sand. By 1973, the prject was cmplete. As anticipated, turists arrived. Alng the engineered beach, rws and rws f turists relax n beach chairs under umbrellas r walk acrss sft sand t cl dwn in the water.
    Unanticipated was what their presence gave t ne f the wrld's mst endangered fish species, angel sharks - visibility. The gentle wind creates tiny waves n the water's surface, a magical cver fr what lies beneath- an angel shark nursery. Female angel hark regularly migrate (迁徙) t these ideally sheltered waters t give birth t pups (幼崽), wh remain in the shallws fr abut a year. Feeding n small fishes, they grw t arund the same length as a newbrn human baby.
    Surveys have shwn that ther beaches in the Canary Islands are als ptential nursery sites. Interestingly, mst f them have been remade t make them mre attractive t peple. Playa Chica has anther lng sweep f imprted sand. It's an attractin fr divers as well as angel sharks, s the number f sightings f mature angel sharks f this shreline is ne f highest in the islands.
    Nrmally, massive, envirnmentally disruptive prjects are bad fr wildlife. But what's clear is that after the breakwater was built and the sand arrived, peple fllwed, and in the calm, shallw waters they began t see baby angel sharks. And unlike hw many an assciatin between humans and wildlife ends-in cnflict and dead animals- this time it led t cnservatin.
    32. Why did the develpers n Tenerife carry ut the prject?
    A. T build a base fr shipping. B. T fight against the rising sea.
    C. T bst the lcal turism industry. D. T prtect the island's ec-system.
    33. What was an unexpected result f the prject?
    A. It gave angel sharks a hme.
    B. It made a magical turist attractin.
    C. It caused the disappearance f sme fishes.
    D. It created cnflicts between sharks and turists.
    34. What is the authr's attitude tward the engineered beach?
    A. Intlerant. B. Dubtful. C. Unclear. D. Favrable.
    35. What is the authr's purpse in writing the text?
    A. T highlight the financial benefits f turism.
    B. T explain the situatin f endangered species.
    C. T intrduce ptential human-wildlife cexistence.
    D. T emphasize the imprtance f wildlife cnservatin.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    If yu've ever tried smething big. then yu've prbably had t deal with dubt at a certain pint. N matter hw ften yu face it, dubt can be depressing. 36 In situatins where dubt arises, cnsider these methds belw, and yu can silence dubt and put yur best effrts tward yur gals
    • 37 Ding this stimulates the reward center, tricking yur mind int fcusing n cmpleting the task t experience the achievement. And imagining desired utcmes can have ptential benefits including imprved mtivatin and cnfidence.
    • Lk back n past wins. Reflecting is a pwerful way t tell yurself that yu're capable f ding much mre. Get rid f dubt by entering reflectin mde and reminding yurself that yu are capable f getting things dne. 38
    • Meditate(冥想) regularly. 39 But by meditating regularly, yu can keep yur energy levels high in the face f challenges and pressure and stay abve dubt. It is a pwerful tl t keep yur mind clear abut yur gals and get yur desired missin accmplished.
    • Take actin n yur plans. A sure sign that self-dubt has yu in its grasp is that yu are beginning t buy int the excuses yu make. 40 Taking actin is the mst effective methd t silence dubt when sensing it. Dn't let the dubt hld yu back: use it t mtivate yurself. Then yu'll be fueled t mve tward yur missin.
    A. Visualize success.
    B. Build a reward system
    C. It is a big challenge t strengthen yur mtivatin
    D. Stress and anxiety allw rm fr weakness and dubt.
    E. It can als weaken yur determinatin t get things dne
    F. This will ultimately prevent yu frm being able t accmplish yur gals.
    G. After all, the reminder that yu have vercme dubt is a big cnfidence bst
    When I was 15, my mther and I immigrated t a small twn in Texas, America. My English was 41 even fr simple cnversatins, making me struggle bth scially and 42 at schl. We lived belw the pverty line and my American stepfather subjected my mther and me t a lt f 43 , causing my mther t be hspitalized fr severe depressin. Nt lng after I turned 18, I 44 ur small apartment. In the fllwing mnths, I went t the small lcal 45 , wrking part-time jbs t fund my studies. At night I cuch surfed at friends' places. I 46 wrried abut my next meal and where I was ging t spend the night. Despite great hardship, I never lst 47 , hping fr a bright future.
    Finally, I culd 48 my wn life: When I was 19, I managed t transfer (转入) t a larger university, where my mther jined me. During a department scial, I gt t knw smething called 49 ". I cntacted every prfessr in the department asking fr a research 50 until ne tk me n. At age 20, I was excited t see the theries I learned in the classrm 51 . Interacting with graduate students wh seemed quite smart and knwledgeable inspired my wn desire t pursue a 52 in research. I seized every pprtunity t 53 research experience at varius institutins and in a range f disciplines.
    I'm nw 6 years int my Ph. D. prgram and 54 what I've dne. Reflecting n hw I gt here, I 55 that a desire t learn and willingness t put in the necessary effrt can really make a difference.
    41.A. accurateB. fluentC. insufficientD. unmistakable
    42.A. athleticallyB. academicallyC. prfessinallyD. financially
    43.A. dignityB. sympathyC. tleranceD. abuse
    44.A. rented utB. escaped frmC. paintedD. repaired
    45.A. cllegeB. marketC. clubD. cmpany
    46.A. cnstantlyB. suddenlyC. temprarilyD. casually
    47.A. balanceB. patienceC. interestD. faith
    48.A. extendB. cntinueC. cntrlD. imagine
    49.A. prfessinB. researchC. disciplineD. educatin
    50.A. psitinB. budgetC. prjectD. standard
    51.A. take placeB. take pwerC. cme t lifeD. cme int being
    52.A. prmtinB. stryC. strategyD. career
    53.A. prvideB. accumulateC. shareD. change
    54.A. anxius abutB. guilty abutC. tired fD. prud f
    55.A. appreciateB. dubtC. prmiseD. swear
    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Huang Danian, a nted Chinese gephysicist (物理学), 56 (devte)himself t science and made great cntributins t China's deep earth explratin.
    Bm in 1958 in Nanning. Guangxi, Huang's passin 57 gephysics started frm an early age. In 1993, he went t England fr further studies, and earned his dctr's degree in gephysics, 58 (rank) the tp f his class. Huang later jined a gephysical service cmpany in Cambridge t gain first-hand experience.
    During his stay in England, Huang remained 59 (cmmit) t his mtherland. He lng dreamed f ging back t "serve my cuntry with my whle heart". The pprtunity came in 2008. 60 China launched a natinal prgram fr glbal tp talent. 61 (participate) in the prgram. Huang quit his jb with n 62 (hesitate) and returned t China as ne f the first prfessinals.
    Upn return, Huang 63 (appint) chief scientist f China's biggest deep earth explratin prgram. Huang wrked 64 (tireless) arund the clck. Thanks t Huang and his team's effrts. China made 65 significant breakthrugh in deep earth explratin.
    Huang passed away at the age f 58. His passing left the scientific cmmunity in srrw, but he will be remembered frever fr his devtin t his field and the lve f his mtherland.
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    1. 写作词数应为80左右:
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    Dear Adele,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Beside the sink, there was the flur bin and a bttle f buttermilk, the pale bx f baking sda (发酵粉), a bx f dried grapes, a bx f salt, and a tin f caraway (葛缕子) seeds. On the small table beneath the windw, a bwl and a spn and the measuring cup. There was as well a narrw card n which she had written in her careful hand the recipe fr sda bread.
    It was time, my mther said, that I learned a few things abut cking. I std in the kitchen drway, all unwillingness. Why? I wanted t ask.
    My mther tied an aprn (围裙) arund my waist. " All right, " she said. She nde tward the table, the bwl and the spn and the recipe card. I lked at her. The mrning sunlight thrugh the single windw lit the dwn n her cheeks. It shwed her brwn eyes had sme green in them, t. And that n either side f her tall frehead her dark hair was turning gray.
    "G ahead, "my mther said. "Get started. " And when she saw me hesitate, she put her hand n my shulder and turned me tward the table and the bwl and the spn. "Read the recipe ver and then gather yur ingredients ), she said slwly. "They're all right here. I'll watch and help. "
    "Read it ver, " my mther said. And I ndded, pretending t. The sun thrugh the single windw was bright in my eyes.
    "Nw gather what yu need. " I picked up the flur bin and brught it t the table. I picked up the buttermilk and the dry grapes. I went back fr the salt and the tin f caraway seeds and then std befre the bwl and the spn and the measuring cup. Beynd the windw, beynd the gray bars f the fire escape, the wash my mther had dne this mrning was waving n the line-sheets, my schl bluses and my father's shirts, which were hung upside dwn, their arms waving in a way that made me grw dizzy in sympathy.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    "Haven't yu frgtten smething” my mther said behind me.
    Twenty-five minutes later, I tk the bread ut f the stve.
    第一部分 听力(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 ACBAC6-10ABCAB11-15 AACCB16-20 BCACB
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    21-23 DBC24-27 ACDB28-31 ABBA32-35 CADC
    36-40 EAGDF
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41-45 CHDBA 46-50 ADCBA 51-55 CDBDA
    56. devted57. fr58 ranking59. cmmitted 60. when
    61. T participate62. hesitatin63. was appinted64. tirelessly
    65. a
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

    2024合肥高三下学期二模试题英语含答案: 这是一份2024合肥高三下学期二模试题英语含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    安徽省合肥市2024届高三下学期二模试题英语含答案: 这是一份安徽省合肥市2024届高三下学期二模试题英语含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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