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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What kind f TV prgrams des the man like?
    A.Quiz shws.B.Dcumentaries.C.Situatin cmedies,
    2.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In an ffice.B.In a restaurant.C.In a cnvenience stre.
    3.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.The weather.B.The plan fr tmrrw.C.Writing skills.
    4.When will the speakers g t watch the match?
    A.At 7:00.B.At 7:30.C.At 8:00.
    5.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Taxi driver and passenger.
    B.Shp assistant and custmer.
    C.Bss and secretary.
    6.Why will Sarah g t the market?
    A.T get a clck.B.T get a recrd.C.T get a birthday cake.
    7.What d we knw abut Sarah?
    A.She isn’t familiar with the surrundings.
    B.She will g t the market with the man.
    C.She has never been t the market.
    8.Hw did Jack spend the summer vacatin?
    A.Taking a part-time jb.B.Traveling arund.C.Studying a lt.
    9.What is Ms. Wellingtn like accrding t Jack?
    A.She’s easy-ging.B.She’s strict.C.She’s careless.
    10.What is Jack’s impressin n Ms. Wellingtn?
    A.Her exams were difficult.
    B.Her class was very bring.
    C.She gave students lts f wrk.
    11.What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.Use the red clr.B.Paint the walls again.C.Buy a new sfa.
    12.When will the man buy the paintings?
    A.Tmrrw.B.This weekend.C.Tday.
    13.What clr wuld the man like t paint the wall?
    A.Bright clrs.B.Sft clrs.C.Dark clrs.
    14.Why is the man ging t the States?
    A.T visit places f interest.B.T study at a university.C.T attend a cnference.
    15.What des the man shw t the wman?
    A.His certificatins.B.The letter f invitatin.C.An admissin letter frm a university.
    16.When des the man plan t leave fr America?
    A.On January 5th.B.On January 10th.C.On January 15th.
    17.What is the man ding?
    A.Applying fr a passprt.B.Cnducting an interview.C.Hlding a meeting.
    18.What are bth live chat rms and message bards gd fr?
    19.What shuld an active listener d?
    A.Recrd all materials.B.Write dwn new wrds.C.D grup practicing.
    20.What is the speaker’s last suggestin?
    A.Visit a website.
    B.Practice listening after class.
    C.D exercises in the textbk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Tp ckbks f 2023
    The Wk: Recipes and Techniques by J. Kenji Lpez-Alt
    The Wk’s appeal is nt innvatin; yu can find many dishes like Kung Pa Shrimp and Cumin Lamb n many Chinese restaurant menus.But yu dn’t have t leave yur hme.As far as I’m cncerned, it’s wrth the sticker price t learn the techniques.
    Turkey and the Wlf: Flavr Trippin’ in New Orleans by Masn Herefrd
    Chef Masn Herefrd has put t paper sme f the magic that draws lcals and turists alike t his ppular New Orleans sandwich shp, Turkey and the Wlf.The ckbk is full f recipes accessible t hme cks.The meatlaf is my favrite.
    Mi Ccina: Recipes and Rapture frm My Kitchen in Mexic by Rick Martinez
    With seven sectins fcused n different regins acrss the cuntry.Rick Martinez guides yu thrugh sme f the essential recipes fr each.The recipes are lvely, but what I lve mst are the stries alngside each f them.Fd is deeply persnal and with Mi Ccina, Martinez is sharing his life in fd and inviting yu t cme alng
    I Am frm Here: Stries and Recipes frm a Suthern Chef by Vishwesh Bhatt
    Western India and the Suthern U. S.share mre culinary(烹饪的)similarities than yu’d think, frm rice varieties t fresh tmates.Here, these ingredients explde in a delicius cmbinatin f seasnings and essential cking techniques.
    21.Whse bk prvides guidance n Chinese cking?
    A.Rick Martinez’s.B.J. Kenji Lpez-Alt’s.
    C.Masn Herefrd’s.D.Vishwesh Bhatt’s.
    22.Which bk is titled after its authr’s sandwich shp?
    A.The Wk.B.I Am frm Here.
    C.Turkey and the Wlf.D.Mi Ccina.
    23.What is the similarity between Mi Ccina and I Am frm Here?
    A.They share sme stries.
    B.They feature Indian and American fd.
    C.They stress fd’s rle in cnnecting cultures.
    D.They emphasize the imprtance f fresh ingredients.
    “Mm, I gt int the University f Delaware!” I still remember hw thrilled I was t be the first ne in my family t have the pprtunity t study abrad.I was s excited that I did a cuntdwn every single day leading up t mve-in day at the university.Hwever, just a few weeks after I gt there, I fund it very difficult t adapt t a different cuntry, culture, and a strict curriculum.
    I knew studying in a freign university was ging t be hard, but the first exam still shcked me —I gt a 58%, the lwest in my life.Wrse still, since my day-t-day experiences and interests were s different frm the American students, I was struggling t make friends.I felt like a cmplete lser and kept thinking maybe I shuld just give up.But then it ccurred t me that I was nt studying just fr myself, but t live up t my family expectatins.
    Having made up my mind t push myself frward, I came up with a plan t make imprvements.The plan was nt nly abut study, but als abut my eating and leisure time.I als planned weekly gals n hw t make friends, such as “yu will talk t smene at the dining hall, and yu will nt be scared!” Lking back, I find it was definitely embarrassing t plan my days like this, but I did it and made it.I was able t interact with thers withut lking like an utsider and even made sme friends.I even began t teach thers abut my cuntry.I tld them abut typical cultural differences between my cuntry and the US.It was really exciting t see them eager t learn mre abut my cuntry.
    Nw I am a senir, cnfident, strng and smart.My freshman-year self is extremely prud f hw far I have cme.The cming graduatin surely makes me sad, but I’m sure it’s nt the ending.but the beginning f the many mre gals I will accmplish.
    24.Hw did the authr feel after entering cllege?
    25.What stpped the writer frm giving up?
    A.His lnging t get a degree.B.His sense f respnsibility.
    C.His interest in different culture.D.His desire t make friends.
    26.Hw did the writer vercme the difficulties?
    A.By making a lt f friends.B.By turning t his teachers.
    C.By carrying ut an verall plan.D.By participating in activities.
    27.Which f the fllwing best describes the writer?
    A.Enthusiastic and kind.B.Generus and ptimistic.
    C.Determined and mtivated.D.Curageus and ambitius.
    The curb cut(路缘坡)is a cnvenience that mst f us rarely, if ever, ntice.Yet, withut it, daily life might be a lt harder in mre ways than ne, such as carrying baggage, pushing a bicycle r a wheelchair r riding a skatebard etc.—all these tasks are easier because f the curb cut.
    But it was created with a different purpse in mind.
    It’s hard t imagine tday, but back in the 1970s, mst sidewalks in the United States ended with a sharp drp-ff. That was a big deal fr peple in wheelchairs because there were n ramps(斜坡)t help them mve alng city blcks withut assistance.Accrding t ne disability rights leader, a six-inch curb “might as well have been Munt Everest”. S, activists frm Berkeley, Califrnia, wh als needed wheelchairs, rganized a campaign t create tiny ramps at intersectins t help disadvantaged peple dependent n wheels mve up and dwn curbs independently.
    I think abut the “curb cut effect” a lt when wrking n issues arund health equity.The first time I even heard abut the curb cut was in a 2017 Stanfrd Scial Innvatin Review piece by Plicy Link CEO Angela Blackwell. Blackwell rightly nted that many peple see equity “as a zer-sum game.” Basically, there is a deeply rted scial belief amng them that intentinally supprting ne grup hurts anther.What the cur b cut effect reveals thugh, Blackwell said, is that “when sciety creates the circumstances that allw thse wh have been left behind t participate and cntribute fully, almst everyne wins.”
    One such example is clsed captining(字幕), riginally intended t help deaf peple understand mvies and TV shws withut needing t hear dialgue r sunds.But it’s easy t think f ther applicatins fr clsed captining: it’s cnvenient fr custmers watching TV in a nisy bar r gym.secnd-language learners wh want t read as well as listen, r students wh use it as a study aid.
    S, next time yu crss the street, r rll yur suitcase thrugh a crsswalk r ride yur bike directly nt a sidewalk —think abut hw much the cur b cut, that change in design that brke dwn walls f exclusin fr ne grup f peple at a disadvantage, has helped nt just that grup, but almst all f us.
    28.What is the purpse f the examples listed in the first paragraph?
    A.T call n us t care abut the disadvantaged grups.
    B.T ffer sme backgrund infrmatin abut the curb cut.
    C.T tell us that peple ignre the existence f the curb cut.
    D.T make us knw the cnvenience f the curb cut t ur daily life.
    29.What des the underlined qute imply cncerning a six-inch curb?
    A.It is an impassable barrier.B.It is an imprtant sign.
    C.It is an unfrgettable symbl.D.It is an impressive landmark.
    30.Which f the fllwing examples best shws the “curb cut effect”?
    A.Classic literature gt translated int many languages.
    B.The fur great inventins f China spread t the West.
    C.Reading machines fr blind peple als benefit thers.
    D.Helping the disabled cntributes t mre peple ding it.
    31.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.The cur b cut is nly beneficial t the disabled.
    B.Everyne in a sciety shuld be treated equally.
    C.The disadvantaged peple fight fr rights and equality.
    D.Caring fr disadvantaged grups may benefit mre peple.
    If yu were t mve t a new cuntry with a different language and bring alng the family dg, yur pet wuld likely have a hard time understanding cmmands frm the lcals, accrding t a new study lking at hw dgs’ brains react t different languages.
    The new study was cnducted by lead authr Laura Cuaya, a neurbilgist at Etvs Lrand University in Hungary, wh recently mved frm Mexic t Tky alngside her dg Kun Kun.
    Cuaya and her team trained 18 dgs, including Kun Kun, t lie mtinless in an MRI machine s they culd scan their brains.As the dgs were being scanned, the researchers played the dgs three different recrdings: a Spanish versin f the famus children’s bk The Little Prince; a Japanese versin f the same bk; and a series f human nises that did nt resemble speech at all.All f the dgs had been expsed t nly ne f the tw languages, meaning ne was familiar t them and the ther was unfamiliar.MRI scans revealed that dgs’ brains can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar languages, making them the first knwn, and s far nly, nn-human animals t be able t tell the difference between human languages.
    During the experiments, researchers als fund that lder dgs shwed mre activity in the secndary auditry crtex(听觉皮层)f the brain, suggesting they were better at differentiating familiar and unfamiliar languages than yunger dgs.“The main reasn that lder dgs are better at differentiating languages is the amunt f expsure t the language,” Cuaya said.“Older dgs have had mre pprtunities t listen t humans.”
    Dgs d nt need t be trained t distinguish between human languages.“Their brains detected the difference naturally, perhaps due t the dmesticatin prcess,” Cuaya said. “Thugh many species can distinguish between human languages, dgs are ne f the few that are interested in hearing us.”
    32.What may happen t dgs when they g abrad?
    A.They face sme language barriers.
    B.They fail t understand their wners.
    C.They becme mre sensitive t languages
    D.They can adapt t the new envirnment easily.
    33.What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut the study?
    A.Its purpse.B.Its prcessC.Its benefit.D.Its backgrund.
    34.What des Cuaya intend t cnvey in the last paragraph?
    A.Dgs are clsely related t humans.
    B.Humans shuld be mre friendly t dgs.
    C.Training plays an imprtant rle in raising dgs
    D.Dmesticatin helps dgs live better with humans.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Dgs Can Bring Surprising Health Benefits
    B.Dgs Are Gd Translatrs in a New Envirnment
    C.Dgs That Are Often Expsed t Humans Are Mre Intelligent
    D.Dgs Can Distinguish Between Familiar and Unfamiliar Human Languages
    Eleanr Rsevelt nce said: “D ne thing every day that scares yu.” She was nt smething.Science has shwn that feeling fear —in the right dses(量)—has several benefits.
    ·Feeling fear is fun and exciting.Many peple scare themselves n purpse. 36
    When yu step utside yur cmfrt zne, it is fear that makes yu feel alive, which is fun and exciting.The excitement generated can als help reduce depressin by increasing adrenaline(肾上腺素), which in turn increases excitement and glucse(changed int energy). 37 A dse f fear is an “eraser” fr the mind.
    · 38 Being afraid f smething can remind yu f an area f yur life that is limiting yu.Fr instance, if yu’re afraid f flying but face the fear and gather up the curage t step n an airplane, yu can travel the wrld. Adding t yur experiences means that yu’ll create a varied life.Yu’ll als have fewer regrets.
    ·Fear makes yu aware f what’s really imprtant in life.Hw ften have yu said t yurself: “When I have mre time, I’ll spend it with my family, pursue my passin, eat healthier r exercise mre”? Fear makes yu realize that “nw” is the nly time yu have t achieve and fllw thrugh what is the mst imprtant 39
    Sme say where fear meets curage is the sweet spt in which muntains get scaled and rivers are run. 40 We shuld all embrace ur fear.Nt the big fears that are life-threatening but the helpful fears that cme in small dses.
    A.“Later” is never ensured.
    B.Fear helps yu realize yur dream.
    C.Fear allws yu t live life t the fullest.
    D.They watch scary mvies, ride rller casters r g skydiving.
    E.And every time yu cme thrugh a challenge, yu feel empwered.
    F.Mst f all, fear can be the birth place f change, creativity and innvatin.
    G.Actually, it’s impssible t think f yur wrries when yu are experiencing fear.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Anna had been jb-hunting fr mnths.A few days ag, she finally 41 an interview at her ideal cmpany.
    On the day f the interview, Anna arrived at the cmpany early.She dressed 42 .While waiting, she was surrunded by 43 and the heart was racing.She tried t calm dwn by taking a deep breath and 44 herself that all the hard wrk wuld pay ff.
    After a few minutes, the interviewer, Ms. Lee, came t greet Anna and asked her a series f questins abut her 45 and skills.Anna answered cnfidently, trying t 46 her strengths and accmplishments(成绩).
    Hwever, Anna nticed that Mr. Lee’s bdy language was nt very 47 .She was frwning with arms crssed.Anna felt slightly embarrassed but tried t 48 her md.As the interview cntinued, Anna started using psitive bdy language t shw her 49 and cnfidence.she bent frward in her chair, 50 eye cntact with Ms. Lee and used hand gestures t 51 her pints.She als smiled mre and her facial expressin relaxed.
    Anna nticed that Ms Lee straightened up and even smiled a little 52 she did this.It was Anna’s bdy language that had made Miss Lee relax, and realize that she was 53 fr the psitin.
    A few days later, Anna received the jb ffer.She knew that 54 cmmunicatin had played a big rle in her 55 .By practicing apprpriate bdy language, the chances f success wuld be surely imprved.
    Many Asian cuntries have the traditin f eating ndles at celebratin meals.In particular, Chinese peple like t eat lngevity ndles(lng life ndles, r “Changshu Mian”) 56 sme special ccasins such as “Ren Ri” and their birthdays.Sme say this traditin can be traced back t the Han dynasty(206 A. D.)but thers hld that it first 57 (appear)in the Tang Dynasty(618 A. D. -907 A. D.).
    It serves as a lng-standing 58 (believe)amng Chinese peple in different parts f the cuntry, frm the Nrth t the Suth, in villages and in the cities, that eating these ndles is 59 (extreme)auspicius(吉祥的)as the lng, thin strands f ndles symblize 60 lng, healthy life.Therefre, it has becme an 61 (replaceable)dish at birthday celebratins.Althugh sme peple may prefer t ck the ndles at hme, it is als a dish cmmnly 62 (serve)in restaurants.
    When 63 (eat)the ndles, ne will try nt t break the ndles using the chpsticks r teeth, because the lnger the ndle is, the lnger it suggests the persn’s life will be.As a result, the ndles 64 (make)lnger than the usual nes.The ndles are usually the last dish t appear n the table as a symbl f gd wishes fr thse 65 came t the dinner.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Gary,
    I’m Li Hua, ne f the 20 exchange students frm China wh are studying fr tw mnths in yur schl.
    Li Hua
    It was a sunny summer mrning, the breeze blwing gently.As planned, Jacksn tk a trip int the remte wilds near Olm Village, in the Sakha Republic, Russia.His fur-year-ld daughter, Karina, fund him leaving and wanted t fllw him t give her dad a surprise.She slipped ut f the huse, with nbdy realizing it, even Jacksn.
    Unfrtunately, she walked t slwly n her way and sn she was lst in the vast, dangerus Siberian wildemess. Luckily fr her, her dg.Naida, fllwed Karina just as the girl fllwed her father.The tw suddenly fund themselves walking with n ne in sight, drifting away frm their hme as the hurs went by.
    Night fell.Karina’s father returned hme, and it didn’t take lng after that fr the whle family t realize what had happened.They culdn’t find Karina anywhere.They turned t the plice fr help immediately.And they tk actin at nce in search f the lst girl.
    A whle week had gne by and there was n prgress f the rescue in sight.The whle family was stuck in desperatin, but Karina’s mum never lst hpe.“Many stpped believing that she was alive, but as a mther I felt that she wuld be fund sn.”
    In fact, Karina did survive.Althugh Siberia is an extremely dangerus place even fr therwise fit adults due t its wildlife and climate, she made it.She survived by eating wild fruits and drinking water frm nearby rivers, and she faced the freezing nighttime temperatures by czying up in a bed f grass.Naida did its best t, scaring away the wild animals and keeping each ther warm by sleeping clse tgether at night.
    After nine days struggling t survive, scared and alne, Karina culd nly be grateful abut ne thing: her gd friend was by her side.Naida gave its strength, and actively helped the fur-year-ld t stay alive fr that lng.
    This mrning, Naida suddenly walked away and headed back int twn, ignring Karina’s hpeless cry and leaving her cmpletely alne.
    Naida did what it culd t lead the rescue team t where Karina was.
    1-5 CABBA 6-10 BACBC 11-15 ACACB 16-20 CABBA
    21-23 BCA 24-27 ABCC 28-31 DACD 32-35 ABDD 36-40 DGCAF
    41-45 ABCBC 46-50 DDCAB 51-55CADAB
    56.n 57.appeared 58.belief 59.extremely 60.a
    61.irreplaceable 62.served 63.eating 64.are made 65.wh
    Dear Gary,
    I’m Li Hua, ne f the 20 exchange students frm China wh are studying fr tw mnths in yur schl.
    Greatly thankful fr yu having ffered us kind help! Deeply srry t reveal t yu tw majr fd-related prblems.The lunch served in yur schl canteen is nt t ur taste.Either t dry r t sweet! What’s wrse, fd there lacks variety.We are cnsequently suffering frm hunger.
    Wuld yu please cntact the canteen manager abut the prblem? It culdn’t be better if sme Chinese fd culd be prepared r sme changes culd be made.
    We wuld be mre than grateful if yu culd help us address the prblems
    【答案】This mrning.Naidu suddenly walked away and headed back int twn.ignring Karina’s hpeless cry and leaving her cmpletely alne.The pr little girl cried with fear, tears blurring her eyes.She curled up in a tight ball, wndering what was waiting fr her.At the same time, Naida fund its way back hme.When Karina’s mum saw it, she was excited, hugging it tightly with tears filling her eyes.She was mre cnvinced that Karina was still alive.The rescue effrts were restarted, giving hpe t the family.
    Naida did what it culd t lead the rescue team t where Karina was.With the help f her sharp smelling, the rescuer sptted the little girl in an vergrwn grassy field.Karina was lying there, hiding herself frm danger and keeping herself warm.On seeing her belved friend back, Karina cuddled it clse, whispering in its cars.“I knw yu wn’t abandn me.Thanks fr yur always being with me!” Hw Naida prtected Karina is indeed an amazing prf t the friendship that ur fur-legged friends can shw.

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