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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Free Cmmunity Swap
    Catherine Crawfrd, (718) 809-1603 ccrawfrd@grwnyc.rg
    Jn Klar, (646) 530-0381 jklar@grwnyc.rg
    New Yrkers lking t reduce, reuse, and save mney this year are invited t participate in Stp ‘N’ Swap, a free cmmunity event rganized by lcal nnprfit GrwNYC.
    The average NYC husehld thrws away abut 2,000 punds f waste a year. By reusing thrugh events like Stp ‘N’ Swap, NYC residents can take part in saving ver 40 millin punds f material frm landfill every year. Take a break frm shpping, supprt a cleaner future, and jin the ever-grwing reuse cmmunity!
    WHAT: Free Stp ‘N’ Swap Cmmunity Reuse Event
    WHEN: February 19th,12pm-3pm
    WHERE: Brnx Wrks Classic Cmmunity Center-286 East 156th Street, Brnx, NY 10451
    The public is invited t bring clean and reusable items. N ne is required t bring smething t take smething-yu can simply shw up with a bag and see what’s free fr the taking. Bks, tys, clthing, and electrnics are just sme f the fferings. Furniture and ther large items are nt accepted at the swap. Anything leftver at the end f the day is dnated r recycled.
    Stp ‘N’ Swaps have develped a regular fllwing amng envirnmentally cnscius New Yrkers. After almst tw years withut swaps, GrwNYC has set a gal f hsting ne swap in each f the city’s 59 cmmunity districts each year, prviding pprtunities t make NYC truly livable-a place where every persn can enjy a healthier life.
    1. What shuld yu d t get mre infrmatin frm Catherine?
    A Cal1 (646) 530-0381.B. Cal1 (718) 809-1603.
    C. Email jklar@grwnyc.rg.D. Visit 286 East 156th Street, Brnx.
    2. What items are unacceptable at the Stp ‘N’ Swap?
    A. Dry-as-dust bks.B. Old-fashined clthes.
    C. Out-f-date electrnics.D. Secnd-hand furniture.
    3. What is the aim f GrwNYC’s Stp ‘N’ Swap?
    A. T make NYC a better place t live.
    B. T enrich New Yrkers’ cmmunity life.
    C. T reduce the cst f dealing with waste in NYC.
    D. T encurage districts t cmpete in sustainability.
    At first lk, the playgrund at the Children’s Guild-Transfrmatin Academy in Baltimre, Maryland, lks like any ther. It has swings, slides, and places fr children t climb and crawl. But the playgrund is nt just a place fr fun. It is als a place where students can learn, grw and gain independence. Everything — frm the kind f surface it sits n, t the clr f its sitting areas, t the placement f the surrunding fence — is specifically designed fr kids with autism (自闭症).
    Mark Rapaprt is the managing directr f autism services at the Transfrmatin Academy. He said the schl accepts students aged 5 t 21 with autism spectrum disrder (ASD) and are lwer-functining.
    Rapaprt said the gal f Transfrmatin Academy is t make the students as independent as pssible in an effrt t help them prepare fr adult life. The schl aims t prvide help with develping cmmunicatin and scial skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning r cking.
    The playgrund designed by Maryland cmpany Sparks@Play, using structures manufactured by Landscape Structures, Inc. tk a mnth t develp, said Dan Hack. He wrks fr Sparks@Play and helped lead the playgrund’s design. Hack said he and thers spent weeks getting t knw the students and understanding their needs befre any building was started. The design prcess invlved physical therapists, ccupatinal therapists, and ther specialists. The huge $500,000 prject was funded with supprt frm the state f Maryland and the nnprfit Orkawa Fundatin.
    Parts f the playgrund that seem small are very imprtant fr children with autism and ther disabilities. The surrunding fence extends int a wded area t make it seem mre pen. And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches. The benches n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm far away, but are “ne f ur mst inclusive sensry” elements, Hack said. They have many different clrs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. The academy’s Rapaprt said if a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.
    4. Why is the playgrund in Baltimre designed with special materials?
    A. T make it superir t ther playgrunds.B. T better serve children with autism.
    C. T imprve the quality f the playgrund.D. T make it easier fr kids t climb and crawl.
    5. What can we learn frm the playgrund prject?
    A. It tk a mnth t cmplete the prject.B. The design prcess is simple and easy.
    C. The result f the prject is uncertain.D. It’s a mney-cnsuming prject.
    6. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The scale and the structure f the playgrund.
    B. Ways fr kids t free frm the stress and relax themselves.
    C The underlying lgic and reasnable factrs f the playgrund.
    D. The advantages f the playgrund fr autism and disabled kids.
    7. Which best describes the playgrund in Baltimre?
    A. Advanced.B. Envirnmental-friendly.C. Functinal.D. Cnvenient.
    New findings suggest that when it-cmes t learning, the snake may be quite a bit like humans. David Hltzman, a scientist at the University f Rchester, has fund that snakes have a much greater capacity fr learning than earlier studies had indicated.
    Hltzman’s study challenged 24 snakes t escape frm a black plastic cntainer the size f a child’s pl. Cards munted n the cntainer’s walls and tape n its flr prvided the snakes with visual and tuchable signals t find their gal: hles in the cntainer’s bttm that ffer a dark, cmfrtable spt t hide.
    Simply falling int a hle isn’t the nly prf that the snakes are learning smething, thugh. “Speed t find that gal is ne f the measures which shws they’re learning,” Hltzman says. “On average, they take ver 700 secnds t find the crrect hle n the first day f training, and then g dwn t abut 400 secnds by the furth day f training. Sme are actually very fast and find it in less than 30 secnds.”
    Studies dating back t the 1950s interpreted snakes’ awkwardness with mazes(迷宫)as a pr reflectin n their intelligence. “Early attempts t study snake intelligence were prblematic because the studies used mazes as testing arenas(场地)-as thugh snakes might be expected t run thrugh mazes in the same way mice run thrugh mazes,” says Peter Kareiva, a prfessr f zlgy. “Snakes d nt encunter anything like mazes in nature, and they d nt learn hw t run mazes in labratry cnditins.”
    Hltzman als fund a few age-based differences in the signals the snakes use. Yung snakes appear t be mre adaptable and resurceful, using a variety f clues t find their way t the exit.But their elders seem t rely much mre heavily n visual clues. “Actually, ne f the amazing findings frm ur studies is that snakes d use visin in lcating places,” says Hltzman. “They dn’t just rely n the chemical clues picked up by sticking their tngues ut, as many snake bilgists assume.”
    8. What is the functin f the cards and tape?
    A. T direct the snakes t the exits.
    B. T prtect the snakes frm bright lights.
    C. T cver the hles at the cntainer’s bttm.
    D. T make the cntainer a cmfrtable spt t stay.
    9 What d the data in paragraph 3 shw abut the snakes accrding t Hltzman?
    A. They are skillful escapers.B. They are gd learners.
    C. They cmmunicate with each ther.D. They adapt t envirnments quickly.
    10. What was the prblem with early attempts t study snake intelligence?
    A. They chse the wrng testing arenas.
    B. They failed t d tests in labratry cnditins.
    C. They referred t studies dating back t the 1950s.
    D. They cmpared snakes with a different kind f animal.
    11. What astnishes Hltzman abut snakes?
    A. They rely n sight t find their way.
    B. They leave chemical clues everywhere.
    C. The yung beat their elders in many ways.
    D. Their tngues are unable t recgnize chemical clues.
    Research led by eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam shws that birds are affected by the mass use f firewrks n New Year’s Eve up t a distance f 10 km (6 miles) away.
    With data frm weather radars and bird cunts an internatinal team f researchers revealed hw many birds take ff immediately after the start f the firewrks, at what distance frm firewrks this ccurs and which species grups mainly react. “Birds take ff as a result f an acute flight respnse due t sudden nise and light. We already knew that many water birds react strngly, but nw we als see the effect n ther birds thrughut the Netherlands, ”says eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam. In the scientific jurnal Frntiers in Eclgy and the Envirnment, the researchers therefre argue fr large firewrks-free znes.
    Last year, ther researchers at IBED discvered that geese are s affected by firewrks that they spend an average f 10% lnger lking fr fd than nrmal during at least the next 11 days. They apparently need that time t restre their energy t their frmer cnditin, after fleeing frm the firewrks.
    Because 62% f all birds in the Netherlands live within a radius f 2. 5 km f inhabited areas, the cnsequences f firewrks are high fr all birds thrughut the cuntry. “Flying requires a lt f energy, s ideally birds shuld be disturbed as little as pssible during the cld winter mnths. Measures t ensure this are especially imprtant in pen areas such as grasslands, where many larger birds spend the winter. The effects f firewrks n birds are less prnunced near frests and semi-pen habitats. In additin, smaller birds such as tits and finches live there, which are less likely t fly away frm disturbance.”
    The authrs argue fr firewrks-free znes in areas where large birds live. Hekstra: “These buffer znes culd be smaller in areas where light and sund travel less far, such as near frests. Furthermre, firewrks shuld mainly be lit at central lcatins in built-up areas, as far away frm birds as pssible. It wuld be best fr birds if we mved twards light shws withut sund, such as drne shws r decrative firewrks withut very lud bangs.”
    12. What can we learn abut the research?
    A. It’s the first ne abut firewrks’ effects n birds.
    B. It’s cnducted by cllecting data frm weather radars.
    C. It shws the extent f the firewrks’ influence n birds.
    D. It keeps track f birds thrughut Netherlands and beynd.
    13. Why did geese spend mre time lking fr fd?
    A T make up fr the lst energy.B. T stre mre fd in case.
    C. T find a new surce f energy.D. T find a place withut firewrks.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “prnunced” in Para. 4 mean?
    A. Predictable.B. Nticeable.
    C. Admirable.D. Avidable.
    15. What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Panic in the airB. Firewrks-free znes
    C. Firewrks in the wrldD. Birds thrughut the cuntry
    Public Speaking
    It can be stressful t deliver a speech in frnt f peple. What d yu say? Hw d yu catch peple’s attentin? What d yu d if yu mess up? ____16____ Yu can use the fllwing basics abut the art f public speaking t help yu vercme these challenges and be a gd speaker.
    Pint everything back t the central idea
    Befre yu begin yur speech, figure ut yur cre message. ____17____ It makes it easier t decide what t say and it helps yu make every ther decisin, frm the structure t the specific stries and cncrete images that yu include.
    T make yur presentatin memrable, yu can try using “sticky stries” in yur speeches — hnest, vivid anecdtes (逸闻) with details that engage the senses f sight, sund, smell, taste and tuch. Peple remember stries and images.
    Practice in frnt f peple
    Practicing yur speech can ease feelings f nervusness and help yu adjust yur presentatin. Ask a friend r a family member t listen t yu as yu practice. Yu can als take a vice mem with yur phne and play it back t yurself. ____19____
    Slw dwn and start again
    If smething unexpected happens in the mment — say yu stumble (结巴) r lse yur place — pause r slw dwn. Take a deep breath and g back t the beginning f a sentence r restate the wrd yu stumbled n. And dn’t wrry, peple dn’t ntice thse pauses as much as yu think they d. ____20____ The pint is t set yurself up fr success, nt perfectin.
    A. Use vivid imagery and strytelling.
    B. These prblems will drive yu mad.
    C. Avid big wrds and lng sentences.
    D. Even if smene des ntice, that’s OK, t.
    E. Then make sure all the ideas in yur speech pint back t it.
    F. There’s als a chance t practice shrt speeches n imprtant tpics.
    G. By ding s, yu can get supprtive feedback t imprve yur speech.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Twenty years ag, I was mnths int my first jb at a start-up independent publishing cmpany in New Yrk.One afternn, I____21____a train with a lad f ht-ff-the-press catalgues (目录薄) ur first t list every ne f ur titles. I was n my way t____22____my aunt, wh’d agreed t____23____them t her friends.
    Back then, I was much less___24___ ; smehw I made it n the train but I hadn’t had time t buy a___25___ . I figured I’d buy ne n bard. When the cnductr came t stand next t me, I pened my___26___ and fund nthing inside. They didn’t____27____credit cards back then. I was tld t get ff at the next statin.____28____,the man next t me handed $15 t the cnductr. I was beynd grateful and____29____; I prmised him I wuld send him a check, which he____30____.I made him write dwn his address, thugh.
    Later, I wrte a check,____31____it in a letter, and sent it ff. I expressed my____32____again and included my email address. Sn he emailed me and we____33____a lasting friendship.
    That____34____actin has stayed with me .Thinking abut that day, I____35____myself t be much kinder t strangers and t fcus n the gd in peple.
    A. came acrssB. rushed ntC. passed byD. lked fr
    A. visitB. helpC. rescueD. intrduce
    A. returnB. explainC. cnnectD. distribute
    A. determinedB. bjectiveC. rganizedD. prfessinal
    A. ticketB. cardC. giftD. bk
    A. parcelB. walletC. envelpeD. bttle
    A. cancelB. rejectC. prvideD. accept
    A. NaturallyB. UnexpectedlyC. DubtfullyD. Disagreeably
    A. embarrassedB. disturbedC. annyedD. dissatisfied
    A. gave awayB. checked utC. laughed ffD. sent back
    A. lstB. unfldedC. nticedD. enclsed
    A. appreciatinB. admiratinC. amazementD. apprval
    A. destryedB. inspiredC. frmedD. reprted
    A. rmanticB. generusC. emergentD. symblic
    A. frceB. allwC. warnD. remind
    The Guangdng Lin Dance, a natinal traditin ppular in Fshan and Guangzhu, is a typical Suthern Lin Dance.
    Lin dancing____36____ (date) back thusands f years, t the Tang Dynasty, and a legend abut the emperr having a dream____37____a lin saved his life. And later it____38____ (intrduce) t the suth by migrants frm the nrth. The Guangdng Lin Dance develped int____39____ (it) mdern frm during the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644). In Chinese traditin, peple regard the lin as____40____symbl f braveness and strength, which can drive away evil and prtect humans and livestck. Lin dancing____41____ (main) fcuses n the perfrmance f the lin dance, attaching much attentin t mvements____42____scratching an itch (抓痒), shaking the mane (鬃毛) and licking (舔) the hair.
    The Guangdng Lin Dance, a____43____ (cmbine) f martial arts, dance and music, is ppular nt nly in Guangdng and Guangxi prvinces, but als amng verseas Chinese in Sutheast Asian cuntries,____44____ (make) it a cultural bridge fr verseas Chinese keeping in tuch with their natinal rts. It is cnsidered t be a traditin with far-reaching cultural value. Lunar New Year is the perfect time_____45_____ (share) and celebrate that culture and heritage.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你所负责的校烹饪社团将举办主题为“My Specialty Dish(我最拿手的一道菜)”的活动。请你给外教Chris写一封邮件,邀请他参加此次活动,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It is a ht sunny Saturday mrning n the farm. Maya, Duksie and Dbie are helping Mama K in her vegetable garden. The children wrk all mrning.
    Mama K always gives the children a treat fr helping her. Smetimes it’s cake r chclate; smetimes it’s apples, pears r ranges. Mama K has nly ne rule. “Share it fair!” The children knw they must share the treats equally, s they all get the same amunt.
    Tday Mama K has baked a rund strawberry cake with pink icing (糖霜) and berries frm her garden. The children wait n the grass fr their treat. “Here yu g!” smiles Mama K. “But remember the rule. Share it fair!”
    Maya has the first turn t share the cake. She uses the knife t draw lines in the icing. The thers watch her. She des nt cut the cake yet. The thers must first agree if her way is fair. “I think I will make tw cuts dwn like this. Nw we have three slices, all the same!” Maya shws them. There is ne line n the left and the ther n the right.
    “N way!” says Duksie. “The ne in the middle is much t big!” Dbie als shakes his head. Maya laughs and tells Duksie t try.
    “Pass me the knife.I’ll d it,” says Duksie First she rubs ut Maya’s pattern in the icing, and then she makes ne cut acrss and ne dwn. “Lk, I have made my three slices!” “That’s nt fair!” shut Maya and Dbie tgether,.
    “Why dn’t yu try, Dbie?” says Duksie. “I bet yu can’t d it!”
    “I wish the cake was a square, and then it wuld be easy!” says Dbie thughtfully. And then! A picture cmes int Dbie’s head. He sees the silver badge (标识) at the frnt f his father’s big red Benz truck. “I’ve gt it! I’ve gt it! I knw hw t d it,” shuts Dbie.
    “Hw did yu wrk it ut?” Maya asks. Dbie smiles t himself. Fr nw it’s his secret. Later, he will tell his dad.
    First Dbie uses a knife t smth Duksie’s lines in the icing.
    With Mama K’s encuragement, Maya takes charge, expertly cutting alng Dbie’s lines t make three equal slices.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Free Cmmunity Swap
    Catherine Crawfrd, (718) 809-1603 ccrawfrd@grwnyc.rg
    Jn Klar, (646) 530-0381 jklar@grwnyc.rg
    New Yrkers lking t reduce, reuse, and save mney this year are invited t participate in Stp ‘N’ Swap, a free cmmunity event rganized by lcal nnprfit GrwNYC.
    The average NYC husehld thrws away abut 2,000 punds f waste a year. By reusing thrugh events like Stp ‘N’ Swap, NYC residents can take part in saving ver 40 millin punds f material frm landfill every year. Take a break frm shpping, supprt a cleaner future, and jin the ever-grwing reuse cmmunity!
    WHAT: Free Stp ‘N’ Swap Cmmunity Reuse Event
    WHEN: February 19th,12pm-3pm
    WHERE: Brnx Wrks Classic Cmmunity Center-286 East 156th Street, Brnx, NY 10451
    The public is invited t bring clean and reusable items. N ne is required t bring smething t take smething-yu can simply shw up with a bag and see what’s free fr the taking. Bks, tys, clthing, and electrnics are just sme f the fferings. Furniture and ther large items are nt accepted at the swap. Anything leftver at the end f the day is dnated r recycled.
    Stp ‘N’ Swaps have develped a regular fllwing amng envirnmentally cnscius New Yrkers. After almst tw years withut swaps, GrwNYC has set a gal f hsting ne swap in each f the city’s 59 cmmunity districts each year, prviding pprtunities t make NYC truly livable-a place where every persn can enjy a healthier life.
    1. What shuld yu d t get mre infrmatin frm Catherine?
    A. Cal1 (646) 530-0381.B. Cal1 (718) 809-1603.
    C. Email jklar@grwnyc.rg.D. Visit 286 East 156th Street, Brnx.
    2. What items are unacceptable at the Stp ‘N’ Swap?
    A. Dry-as-dust bks.B. Old-fashined clthes.
    C. Out-f-date electrnics.D. Secnd-hand furniture.
    3. What is the aim f GrwNYC’s Stp ‘N’ Swap?
    A. T make NYC a better place t live.
    B. T enrich New Yrkers’ cmmunity life.
    C. T reduce the cst f dealing with waste in NYC.
    D. T encurage districts t cmpete in sustainability.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    细节理解题。由文章Cntact:部分中“Catherine Crawfrd, (718) 809-1603”可知,应该拨打(718) 809-1603才能从凯瑟琳那里得到更多的信息。故选B。
    细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段中“Furniture and ther large items are nt accepted at the swap. (家具和其他大件物品不接受交换。)”可知,家具和其他大件物品在交换中是不可接受的。故选D。
    细节理解题。由文章最后一段中“After almst tw years withut swaps, GrwNYC has set a gal f hsting ne swap in each f the city’s 59 cmmunity districts each year, prviding pprtunities t make NYC truly livable-a place where every persn can enjy a healthier life. (在近两年没有交换之后,GrwNYC设定了一个目标,即每年在纽约市的59个社区中每个社区举办一次交换,为纽约市真正的宜居提供机会——一个每个人都能享受更健康生活的地方。)”可知,活动的目的是让纽约成为更适合居住的地方。故选A。
    At first lk, the playgrund at the Children’s Guild-Transfrmatin Academy in Baltimre, Maryland, lks like any ther. It has swings, slides, and places fr children t climb and crawl. But the playgrund is nt just a place fr fun. It is als a place where students can learn, grw and gain independence. Everything — frm the kind f surface it sits n, t the clr f its sitting areas, t the placement f the surrunding fence — is specifically designed fr kids with autism (自闭症).
    Mark Rapaprt is the managing directr f autism services at the Transfrmatin Academy. He said the schl accepts students aged 5 t 21 with autism spectrum disrder (ASD) and are lwer-functining.
    Rapaprt said the gal f Transfrmatin Academy is t make the students as independent as pssible in an effrt t help them prepare fr adult life. The schl aims t prvide help with develping cmmunicatin and scial skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning r cking.
    The playgrund designed by Maryland cmpany Sparks@Play, using structures manufactured by Landscape Structures, Inc. tk a mnth t develp, said Dan Hack. He wrks fr Sparks@Play and helped lead the playgrund’s design. Hack said he and thers spent weeks getting t knw the students and understanding their needs befre any building was started. The design prcess invlved physical therapists, ccupatinal therapists, and ther specialists. The huge $500,000 prject was funded with supprt frm the state f Maryland and the nnprfit Orkawa Fundatin.
    Parts f the playgrund that seem small are very imprtant fr children with autism and ther disabilities. The surrunding fence extends int a wded area t make it seem mre pen. And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches. The benches n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm far away, but are “ne f ur mst inclusive sensry” elements, Hack said. They have many different clrs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. The academy’s Rapaprt said if a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.
    4 Why is the playgrund in Baltimre designed with special materials?
    A. T make it superir t ther playgrunds.B. T better serve children with autism.
    C. T imprve the quality f the playgrund.D. T make it easier fr kids t climb and crawl.
    5. What can we learn frm the playgrund prject?
    A. It tk a mnth t cmplete the prject.B. The design prcess is simple and easy.
    C. The result f the prject is uncertain.D. It’s a mney-cnsuming prject.
    6. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The scale and the structure f the playgrund.
    B. Ways fr kids t free frm the stress and relax themselves.
    C. The underlying lgic and reasnable factrs f the playgrund.
    D. The advantages f the playgrund fr autism and disabled kids.
    7. Which best describes the playgrund in Baltimre?
    A. Advanced.B. Envirnmental-friendly.C. Functinal.D. Cnvenient.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Everything — frm the kind f surface it sits n, t the clr f its sitting areas, t the placement f the surrunding fence — is specifically designed fr kids with autism (自闭症).(一切东西——从它提供的表面座位种类,到它的座位区域的颜色,到周围围栏的位置——都是专门为自闭症儿童设计的)”和最后一段中“And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches.(游乐区下面的地面是由柔软但坚固的材料制成的,以支持使用轮椅或拐杖的学生)”和“They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. The academy’s Rapaprt said if a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.(它们也是用光滑的材料制成的,可以触摸和移动。该学院的Rapaprt说,如果孩子开始感到不安,他们可以坐下来摸摸长凳,这可以帮助他们放松)”可知,巴尔的摩的游乐场要用特殊材料来设计是为了更好地服务自闭症儿童。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“The huge $500,000 prject was funded with supprt frm the state f Maryland and the nnprfit Orkawa Fundatin.(这个耗资50万美元的庞大项目得到了马里兰州和非营利组织小川基金会的支持)”可知,这个操场项目耗资巨大。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Parts f the playgrund that seem small are very imprtant fr children with autism and ther disabilities. The surrunding fence extends int a wded area t make it seem mre pen. And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches. The benches n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm far away, but are ‘ne f ur mst inclusive sensry’ elements, Hack said. They have many different clrs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. The academy’s Rapaprt said if a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.(操场上看起来很小的部分对患有自闭症和其他残疾的孩子来说非常重要。周围的栅栏延伸到一个树木繁茂的区域,使它看起来更开放。游乐区下面的地面是由柔软但坚固的材料制成的,以支持使用轮椅或拐杖的学生。Hack说,操场外面的长椅从远处看很简单,但却是‘我们最具包容性的感官元素之一’。它们有许多不同的颜色,给人带来平静和好奇的感觉。它们也是用光滑的材料制成的,可以触摸和移动。该学院的拉帕波特说,如果孩子开始感到不安,他们可以坐下来摸摸长凳,这可以帮助他们放松)”可知,最后一段主要讲的是游乐场的设计理念以及包含为自闭症患者带来舒适感觉的因素,即设计游乐场的潜在逻辑和合理因素。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Hack said he and thers spent weeks getting t knw the students and understanding their needs befre any building was started. The design prcess invlved physical therapists, ccupatinal therapists, and ther specialists.(Hack说,他和其他人花了几个星期的时间来了解学生,了解他们的需求,然后才开始建造任何建筑。设计过程涉及物理治疗师、职业治疗师和其他专家)”以及最后一段中“And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs r crutches.(游乐区下面的地面是由柔软但坚固的材料制成的,以支持使用轮椅或拐杖的学生)”和“They have many different clrs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved.(它们有许多不同的颜色,给人带来平静和好奇的感觉。它们也是用光滑的材料制成的,可以触摸和移动)”可知,巴尔的摩的操场在建造之前充分了解学生的需求,按照他们的需求而建,故它是有着实用功能的。故选C。
    New findings suggest that when it-cmes t learning, the snake may be quite a bit like humans. David Hltzman, a scientist at the University f Rchester, has fund that snakes have a much greater capacity fr learning than earlier studies had indicated.
    Hltzman’s study challenged 24 snakes t escape frm a black plastic cntainer the size f a child’s pl. Cards munted n the cntainer’s walls and tape n its flr prvided the snakes with visual and tuchable signals t find their gal: hles in the cntainer’s bttm that ffer a dark, cmfrtable spt t hide.
    Simply falling int a hle isn’t the nly prf that the snakes are learning smething, thugh. “Speed t find that gal is ne f the measures which shws they’re learning,” Hltzman says. “On average, they take ver 700 secnds t find the crrect hle n the first day f training, and then g dwn t abut 400 secnds by the furth day f training. Sme are actually very fast and find it in less than 30 secnds.”
    Studies dating back t the 1950s interpreted snakes’ awkwardness with mazes(迷宫)as a pr reflectin n their intelligence. “Early attempts t study snake intelligence were prblematic because the studies used mazes as testing arenas(场地)-as thugh snakes might be expected t run thrugh mazes in the same way mice run thrugh mazes,” says Peter Kareiva, a prfessr f zlgy. “Snakes d nt encunter anything like mazes in nature, and they d nt learn hw t run mazes in labratry cnditins.”
    Hltzman als fund a few age-based differences in the signals the snakes use. Yung snakes appear t be mre adaptable and resurceful, using a variety f clues t find their way t the exit.But their elders seem t rely much mre heavily n visual clues. “Actually, ne f the amazing findings frm ur studies is that snakes d use visin in lcating places,” says Hltzman. “They dn’t just rely n the chemical clues picked up by sticking their tngues ut, as many snake bilgists assume.”
    8. What is the functin f the cards and tape?
    A. T direct the snakes t the exits.
    B. T prtect the snakes frm bright lights.
    C. T cver the hles at the cntainer’s bttm.
    D. T make the cntainer a cmfrtable spt t stay.
    9. What d the data in paragraph 3 shw abut the snakes accrding t Hltzman?
    A. They are skillful escapers.B. They are gd learners.
    C. They cmmunicate with each ther.D. They adapt t envirnments quickly.
    10. What was the prblem with early attempts t study snake intelligence?
    A. They chse the wrng testing arenas.
    B. They failed t d tests in labratry cnditins.
    C. They referred t studies dating back t the 1950s.
    D. They cmpared snakes with a different kind f animal.
    11. What astnishes Hltzman abut snakes?
    A. They rely n sight t find their way.
    B. They leave chemical clues everywhere.
    C. The yung beat their elders in many ways.
    D. Their tngues are unable t recgnize chemical clues.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Cards munted n the cntainer’s walls and tape n its flr prvided the snakes with visual and tuchable signals t find their gal: hles in the cntainer’s bttm that ffer a dark, cmfrtable spt t hide.(容器墙壁上的卡片和地板上的胶带为蛇提供了视觉和可触摸的信号,以找到它们的目标:容器底部的洞,提供了一个黑暗、舒适的藏身之处)”可知,给蛇找到出口提供的指导性信息,这些东西可以指引蛇找到出口。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“‘Speed t find that gal is ne f the measures which shws they’re learning,’ Hltzman says. ‘On average, they take ver 700 secnds t find the crrect hle n the first day f training, and then g dwn t abut 400 secnds by the furth day f training. Sme are actually very fast and find it in less than 30 secnds.’(‘找到目标的速度是显示它们正在学习的指标之一,’霍尔茨曼说。‘在训练的第一天,它们平均需要700多秒才能找到正确的洞,然后在训练的第四天减少到400秒左右。有些甚至非常快,不到30秒就找到了’)”可知,第三段数据主要表明蛇是有学习能力的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Early attempts t study snake intelligence were prblematic because the studies used mazes as testing arenas(场地)-as thugh snakes might be expected t run thrugh mazes in the same way mice run thrugh mazes(早期研究蛇智力的尝试是有问题的,因为研究用迷宫作为测试场所——好像蛇可能会像老鼠一样穿过迷宫一样)”可知,早期研究蛇的智力的尝试是选择的测验场地不对。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“‘Actually, ne f the amazing findings frm ur studies is that snakes d use visin in lcating places,’ says Hltzman. ‘They dn’t just rely n the chemical clues picked up by sticking their tngues ut, as many snake bilgists assume.’(‘实际上,我们研究的一个惊人发现是,蛇确实利用视觉来定位位置,’霍尔茨曼说。‘它们不像许多蛇生物学家认为的那样,仅仅依靠伸出舌头获取的化学线索’)”可知,令霍尔茨曼感到惊讶的是蛇是靠视觉确定位置的。故选A项。
    Research led by eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam shws that birds are affected by the mass use f firewrks n New Year’s Eve up t a distance f 10 km (6 miles) away.
    With data frm weather radars and bird cunts an internatinal team f researchers revealed hw many birds take ff immediately after the start f the firewrks, at what distance frm firewrks this ccurs and which species grups mainly react. “Birds take ff as a result f an acute flight respnse due t sudden nise and light. We already knew that many water birds react strngly, but nw we als see the effect n ther birds thrughut the Netherlands, ”says eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam. In the scientific jurnal Frntiers in Eclgy and the Envirnment, the researchers therefre argue fr large firewrks-free znes.
    Last year, ther researchers at IBED discvered that geese are s affected by firewrks that they spend an average f 10% lnger lking fr fd than nrmal during at least the next 11 days. They apparently need that time t restre their energy t their frmer cnditin, after fleeing frm the firewrks.
    Because 62% f all birds in the Netherlands live within a radius f 2. 5 km f inhabited areas, the cnsequences f firewrks are high fr all birds thrughut the cuntry. “Flying requires a lt f energy, s ideally birds shuld be disturbed as little as pssible during the cld winter mnths. Measures t ensure this are especially imprtant in pen areas such as grasslands, where many larger birds spend the winter. The effects f firewrks n birds are less prnunced near frests and semi-pen habitats. In additin, smaller birds such as tits and finches live there, which are less likely t fly away frm disturbance.”
    The authrs argue fr firewrks-free znes in areas where large birds live. Hekstra: “These buffer znes culd be smaller in areas where light and sund travel less far, such as near frests. Furthermre, firewrks shuld mainly be lit at central lcatins in built-up areas, as far away frm birds as pssible. It wuld be best fr birds if we mved twards light shws withut sund, such as drne shws r decrative firewrks withut very lud bangs.”
    12. What can we learn abut the research?
    A. It’s the first ne abut firewrks’ effects n birds.
    B. It’s cnducted by cllecting data frm weather radars.
    C. It shws the extent f the firewrks’ influence n birds.
    D. It keeps track f birds thrughut Netherlands and beynd.
    13. Why did geese spend mre time lking fr fd?
    A. T make up fr the lst energy.B. T stre mre fd in case.
    C. T find a new surce f energy.D. T find a place withut firewrks.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “prnunced” in Para. 4 mean?
    A. Predictable.B. Nticeable.
    C. Admirable.D. Avidable.
    15. What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Panic in the airB. Firewrks-free znes
    C. Firewrks in the wrldD. Birds thrughut the cuntry
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Research led by eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam shws that birds are affected by the mass use f firewrks n New Year’s Eve up t a distance f 10 km (6 miles) away. (阿姆斯特丹大学的生态学家巴特·胡克斯特拉领导的研究表明,除夕夜大量燃放烟花爆竹会影响到10公里(6英里)外的鸟类。)”可知,这项研究告诉读者燃放烟花对鸟类的影响程度。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Last year, ther researchers at IBED discvered that geese are s affected by firewrks that they spend an average f 10% lnger lking fr fd than nrmal during at least the next 11 days. They apparently need that time t restre their energy t their frmer cnditin, after fleeing frm the firewrks. (去年,IBED的其他研究人员发现,鹅受到烟花的影响很大,至少在接下来的11天里,它们寻找食物的时间平均比正常情况长10%。在逃离烟火之后,他们显然需要时间将精力恢复到以前的状态。)”可知,在逃离烟花之后,它们需要这段时间来补充失去的精力,以恢复到以前的状态。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段中“Because 62% f all birds in the Netherlands live within a radius f 2.5 km f inhabited areas, the cnsequences f firewrks are high fr all birds thrughut the cuntry. (由于荷兰62%的鸟类生活在居民区半径2.5公里的范围内,因此烟花对全国所有鸟类的影响都很大。)”和划线词后“near frests and semi-pen habitats (在森林和半开放的栖息地附近)”可知,烟花对离居民区近的鸟类影响很大,在森林和半开放的栖息地附近,烟花对鸟类的影响不那么明显。所以划线词的含义为“显著的、明显的”A. Predictable可预测的;B. Nticeable显著的;C. Admirable令人钦佩的;D. Avidable可避免的。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“Research led by eclgist Bart Hekstra f the University f Amsterdam shws that birds are affected by the mass use f firewrks n New Year’s Eve up t a distance f 10 km(6 miles)away. (阿姆斯特丹大学的生态学家巴特·胡克斯特拉领导的研究表明,除夕夜大量燃放烟花爆竹会影响到10公里(6英里)外的鸟类)”可知,文章主要介绍了烟花对鸟类的影响。A选项中in the air 暗指鸟类,panic 指烟花带来的影响,故选项A“Panic in the air (空气中弥漫着恐慌)”为最佳答案。故选A。
    Public Speaking
    It can be stressful t deliver a speech in frnt f peple. What d yu say? Hw d yu catch peple’s attentin? What d yu d if yu mess up? ____16____ Yu can use the fllwing basics abut the art f public speaking t help yu vercme these challenges and be a gd speaker.
    Pint everything back t the central idea
    Befre yu begin yur speech, figure ut yur cre message. ____17____ It makes it easier t decide what t say and it helps yu make every ther decisin, frm the structure t the specific stries and cncrete images that yu include.
    T make yur presentatin memrable, yu can try using “sticky stries” in yur speeches — hnest, vivid anecdtes (逸闻) with details that engage the senses f sight, sund, smell, taste and tuch. Peple remember stries and images.
    Practice in frnt f peple
    Practicing yur speech can ease feelings f nervusness and help yu adjust yur presentatin. Ask a friend r a family member t listen t yu as yu practice. Yu can als take a vice mem with yur phne and play it back t yurself. ____19____
    Slw dwn and start again
    If smething unexpected happens in the mment — say yu stumble (结巴) r lse yur place — pause r slw dwn. Take a deep breath and g back t the beginning f a sentence r restate the wrd yu stumbled n. And dn’t wrry, peple dn’t ntice thse pauses as much as yu think they d. ____20____ The pint is t set yurself up fr success, nt perfectin.
    A. Use vivid imagery and strytelling.
    B. These prblems will drive yu mad.
    C. Avid big wrds and lng sentences.
    D. Even if smene des ntice, that’s OK, t.
    E. Then make sure all the ideas in yur speech pint back t it.
    F. There’s als a chance t practice shrt speeches n imprtant tpics.
    G. By ding s, yu can get supprtive feedback t imprve yur speech.
    【答案】16. B 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. D
    根据前文“It can be stressful t deliver a speech in frnt f peple. What d yu say? Hw d yu catch peple’s attentin? What d yu d if yu mess up?(在众人面前发表演讲是很有压力的。说什么呢?如何吸引人们的注意力?如果搞砸了怎么办?)”可知,此处是指前文中提到的这些问题让人苦恼,所以选项B“These prblems will drive yu mad.(这些问题会让你发疯的。)”切合文意,These prblems指代上文列举的问题。故选B。
    根据小标题“Pint everything back t the central idea(把所有的东西都指向中心思想)”和前文“Befre yu begin yur speech, figure ut yur cre message.(在你开始演讲之前,弄清楚你的核心信息。)”可知,在开始演讲之前,弄清楚演讲的核心信息,演讲中的所有内容都要指向中心思想;E选项“Then make sure all the ideas in yur speech pint back t it.(然后确保你演讲中所有的观点都指向它。)”承接上文,指出让演讲中的所有观点都指向演讲的核心,符合语境,选项中的“it”指代前文中提到的“cre message”。故选E。
    设空处为小标题;根据后文“T make yur presentatin memrable, yu can try using “sticky stries” in yur speeches — hnest, vivid anecdtes (逸闻) with details that engage the senses f sight, sund, smell, taste and tuch. Peple remember stries and images.(为了让你的演讲令人难忘,你可以尝试在你的演讲中使用“粘性叙事”——诚实、生动的轶事和细节,吸引视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉。人们会记住故事和图像。)”可知,本段主要阐述要在演讲中使用生动的故事和图像叙述;所以选项A“Use vivid imagery and strytelling.(使用生动的故事和图像叙述。)”能够概括本段主旨,适合作为小标题。故选A。
    根据前文“Ask a friend r a family member t listen t yu as yu practice. Yu can als take a vice mem with yur phne and play it back t yurself.(让朋友或家人在你练习的时候听你说。你也可以用手机录一份语音备忘录,然后回放给自己听。)”可知,此处是指照前文这样做可以得到好的反馈,以此完善自己的演讲技巧,所以选项G“By ding s, yu can get supprtive feedback t imprve yur speech.(通过这样做,你可以得到支持性的反馈来改善你的演讲。)”切合文意。故选G。
    根据前文“And dn’t wrry, peple dn’t ntice thse pauses as much as yu think they d.(别担心,人们并没有像你想象的那样注意到这些停顿。)”和后文“The pint is t set yurself up fr success, nt perfectin.(关键是要为成功做好准备,而不是追求完美。)”可知,此处是指即使有人注意到了你的停顿也没关系,所以选项D“Even if smene des ntice, that’s OK, t.(即使有人注意到了,也没关系。)”切合文意。故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Twenty years ag, I was mnths int my first jb at a start-up independent publishing cmpany in New Yrk.One afternn, I____21____a train with a lad f ht-ff-the-press catalgues (目录薄) ur first t list every ne f ur titles. I was n my way t____22____my aunt, wh’d agreed t____23____them t her friends.
    Back then, I was much less___24___ ; smehw I made it n the train but I hadn’t had time t buy a___25___ . I figured I’d buy ne n bard. When the cnductr came t stand next t me, I pened my___26___ and fund nthing inside. They didn’t____27____credit cards back then. I was tld t get ff at the next statin.____28____,the man next t me handed $15 t the cnductr. I was beynd grateful and____29____; I prmised him I wuld send him a check, which he____30____.I made him write dwn his address, thugh.
    Later, I wrte a check,____31____it in a letter, and sent it ff. I expressed my____32____again and included my email address. Sn he emailed me and we____33____a lasting friendship.
    That____34____actin has stayed with me .Thinking abut that day, I____35____myself t be much kinder t strangers and t fcus n the gd in peple.
    A. came acrssB. rushed ntC. passed byD. lked fr
    A. visitB. helpC. rescueD. intrduce
    A. returnB. explainC. cnnectD. distribute
    A. determinedB. bjectiveC. rganizedD. prfessinal
    A. ticketB. cardC. giftD. bk
    A. parcelB. walletC. envelpeD. bttle
    A. cancelB. rejectC. prvideD. accept
    A. NaturallyB. UnexpectedlyC. DubtfullyD. Disagreeably
    A. embarrassedB. disturbedC. annyedD. dissatisfied
    A. gave awayB. checked utC. laughed ffD. sent back
    A. lstB. unfldedC. nticedD. enclsed
    A. appreciatinB. admiratinC. amazementD. apprval
    A. destryedB. inspiredC. frmedD. reprted
    A. rmanticB. generusC. emergentD. symblic
    A. frceB. allwC. warnD. remind
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:一天下午,我带着一大堆尚未出版的目录上了火车——这是我们第一次列出我们的每一本书。A. came acrss偶遇;B. rushed nt冲到;C. passed by路过;D. lked fr寻找。根据后文“a train with a lad f ht-ff-the-press catalgue”指作者带着目录上了火车。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我正要去拜访姑妈,她同意把它们分发给她的朋友们。A. visit拜访,参观;B. help帮助;C. rescue救援;D. intrduce介绍。根据后文“my aunt”可知,作者拿着目录去拜访姑妈。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我正要去拜访姑妈,她同意把它们分发给她的朋友们。A. return返回;B. explain解释;C. cnnect连接;D. distribute分配。后文“them t her friends”中them指代上文提到的目录,即把目录分发给朋友。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那时候,我没有那么有条理;我设法赶上了火车,但我没有时间买票。A. determined坚定的;B. bjective客观的;C. rganized有组织的;D. prfessinal专业的。根据后文“smehw I made it n the train but I hadn’t had time t buy a”可知,作者赶上了火车,但没时间买票,说明事先没有规划好,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:那时候,我没有那么有条理;我设法赶上了火车,但我没有时间买票。A. ticket车票;B. card卡片;C. gift礼物;D. bk书。根据后文“I figured I’d buy ne n bard.(我想我可以在火车上买一张)”可知,作者没时间买车票,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当售票员站在我旁边时,我打开钱包,里面什么也没有发现。A. parcel包裹;B. wallet钱包;C. envelpe信封;D. bttle瓶子。根据上文“When the cnductr came t stand next t me, I pened”可知,作者要买车票,所以打开了钱包。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那时候他们不接受信用卡。A. cancel取消;B. reject拒绝;C. prvide提供;D. accept接受。根据后文“credit cards back then”指不接受信用卡付款。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,我旁边的人递给售票员15美元。A. Naturally自然地;B. Unexpectedly意外地;C. Dubtfully怀疑地;D. Disagreeably不愉快地。根据后文“the man next t me handed $15 t the cnductr.”可知,意外的是一个陌生人为作者买了车票。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我既感激又尴尬;我答应给他寄支票,他却一笑置之。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. disturbed焦虑的;C. annyed生气的;D. dissatisfied不满足的。结合上文可知作者没带钱买票,所以是感到尴尬。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我既感激又尴尬;我答应给他寄支票,他却一笑置之。A. gave away赠送;B. checked ut结账;C. laughed ff对……不予理会;D. sent back退回。根据后文“I made him write dwn his address, thugh.(不过我让他写下了他的地址)”可知,作者要求对方写下地址,说明对方并不在意作者是不是能还钱,即一笑置之。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,我写了一张支票,夹在信里寄出去了。A. lst丢失;B. unflded展现;C. nticed注意到;D. enclsed随信附上。根据上文“I wrte a check”指把支票附在信中寄出去了。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我再次表达了我感谢,并附上了我的电子邮件地址。A. appreciatin感激;B. admiratin钦佩;C. amazement惊讶;D. apprval赞成。根据上文“I was beynd grateful”指作者表达了感激。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快他给我发了电子邮件,我们建立了持久的友谊。A. destryed破坏;B. inspired鼓舞;C. frmed形成;D. reprted报告。根据后文“a lasting friendship”可知,两人形成了长久的友谊。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直铭记着这次慷慨之举。A. rmantic浪漫的;B. generus慷慨的;C. emergent新兴的;D. symblic用作象征的。结合上文可知陌生人为作者付了车票钱,是慷慨之举。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:想起那一天,我提醒自己要对陌生人友善一些,要关注人们的优点。A. frce迫使;B. allw允许;C. warn警告;D. remind提醒。根据后文“myself t be much kinder t strangers and t fcus n the gd in peple”指作者从这次经历中开始提醒自己要对陌生人友善一些,要关注人们的优点。故选D。
    The Guangdng Lin Dance, a natinal traditin ppular in Fshan and Guangzhu, is a typical Suthern Lin Dance.
    Lin dancing____36____ (date) back thusands f years, t the Tang Dynasty, and a legend abut the emperr having a dream____37____a lin saved his life. And later it____38____ (intrduce) t the suth by migrants frm the nrth. The Guangdng Lin Dance develped int____39____ (it) mdern frm during the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644). In Chinese traditin, peple regard the lin as____40____symbl f braveness and strength, which can drive away evil and prtect humans and livestck. Lin dancing____41____ (main) fcuses n the perfrmance f the lin dance, attaching much attentin t mvements____42____scratching an itch (抓痒), shaking the mane (鬃毛) and licking (舔) the hair.
    The Guangdng Lin Dance, a____43____ (cmbine) f martial arts, dance and music, is ppular nt nly in Guangdng and Guangxi prvinces, but als amng verseas Chinese in Sutheast Asian cuntries,____44____ (make) it a cultural bridge fr verseas Chinese keeping in tuch with their natinal rts. It is cnsidered t be a traditin with far-reaching cultural value. Lunar New Year is the perfect time_____45_____ (share) and celebrate that culture and heritage.
    【答案】36. dates
    37. where 38. was intrduced
    39. its 40. a
    41. mainly 42. like
    43. cmbinatin
    44. making 45. t share
    考查时态。句意:舞狮可以追溯到几千年前的唐朝,传说皇帝梦见狮子救了他的命。句子客观陈述事实,应用一般现在时,主语为Lin dancing,谓语用三单形式。故填dates。
    考查时态语态。句意:后来由北方的移民传入南方。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且发生在过去,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为it,谓语用单数。故填was intrduced。
    考查名词。句意:广东舞狮集武术、舞蹈和音乐于一体,不仅在广东、广西两省流行,而且在东南亚国家的海外华人中也很流行,成为海外华人联系民族根源的文化桥梁。表示“一种组合”短语为a cmbinatin f。故填cmbinatin。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:农历新年是分享和庆祝这种文化和遗产的最佳时机。此处time后常跟不定式,作后置定语。故填t share。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你所负责的校烹饪社团将举办主题为“My Specialty Dish(我最拿手的一道菜)”的活动。请你给外教Chris写一封邮件,邀请他参加此次活动,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Chris,
    I’m Li Hua, chairman f the Schl Cking Club. I’m writing t tell yu that we intend t thrw a party, featuring “My Specialty Dish” next Saturday night frm 6 the dining hall. And I sincerely invite yu t jin us and have sme fun.
    During the party, all participants will ck a “specialty dish” that they are gd at and share with everybdy hw it is made. Then will cme the mst-anticipated part-everyne sharing these delicius dishes. I’m pretty sure yu will enjy this party very much.
    Lking frward t yur attending.
    Li Hua
    打算:intend→ plan
    真诚地:sincerely→ genuinely
    擅长:be gd at→ be skilled in
    与某人分享:share with sb.→ have a share with sb.
    原句:I’m Li Hua, chairman f the Schl Cking Club.
    拓展句:I’m Li Hua, wh is the chairman f the Schl Cking Club.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m writing t tell yu that we intend t thrw a party, featuring “My Specialty Dish” next Saturday night frm 6 the dining hall.(运用了that引导的宾语从句、现在分词featuring作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】During the party, all participants will ck a “specialty dish” that they are gd at and share with everybdy hw it is made.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句、hw引导的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It is a ht sunny Saturday mrning n the farm. Maya, Duksie and Dbie are helping Mama K in her vegetable garden. The children wrk all mrning.
    Mama K always gives the children a treat fr helping her. Smetimes it’s cake r chclate; smetimes it’s apples, pears r ranges. Mama K has nly ne rule. “Share it fair!” The children knw they must share the treats equally, s they all get the same amunt.
    Tday Mama K has baked a rund strawberry cake with pink icing (糖霜) and berries frm her garden. The children wait n the grass fr their treat. “Here yu g!” smiles Mama K. “But remember the rule. Share it fair!”
    Maya has the first turn t share the cake. She uses the knife t draw lines in the icing. The thers watch her. She des nt cut the cake yet. The thers must first agree if her way is fair. “I think I will make tw cuts dwn like this. Nw we have three slices, all the same!” Maya shws them. There is ne line n the left and the ther n the right.
    “N way!” says Duksie. “The ne in the middle is much t big!” Dbie als shakes his head. Maya laughs and tells Duksie t try.
    “Pass me the knife.I’ll d it,” says Duksie First she rubs ut Maya’s pattern in the icing, and then she makes ne cut acrss and ne dwn. “Lk, I have made my three slices!” “That’s nt fair!” shut Maya and Dbie tgether,.
    “Why dn’t yu try, Dbie?” says Duksie. “I bet yu can’t d it!”
    “I wish the cake was a square, and then it wuld be easy!” says Dbie thughtfully. And then! A picture cmes int Dbie’s head. He sees the silver badge (标识) at the frnt f his father’s big red Benz truck. “I’ve gt it! I’ve gt it! I knw hw t d it,” shuts Dbie.
    “Hw did yu wrk it ut?” Maya asks. Dbie smiles t himself. Fr nw it’s his secret. Later, he will tell his dad.
    First Dbie uses a knife t smth Duksie’s lines in the icing.
    With Mama K’s encuragement, Maya takes charge, expertly cutting alng Dbie’s lines t make three equal slices.
    First Dbie uses a knife t smth Duksie’s lines in the icing. Then he draws three lines n the cake. The cake nw bears a striking resemblance t the badge f his dad’s vehicle, its three equal parts. Just as the children celebrate their cake-cutting victry, Mama K emerges frm her huse, bearing a tray with three glasses f strawberry juice. Maya excitedly pints ut Dbie’s achievement, prudly claiming his mastery f fair sharing Mama K’s eyes shine with delight as she cmmends the children fr their fairness and praises Dbie fr his exceptinal prblem-slving skills.
    With Mama K’s encuragement, Maya takes charge, expertly cutting alng Dbie’s lines t make three equal slices. Each piece falls int place, their sizes perfectly matched. In a playful display f satisfactin, the children put the slices upn ne anther, witnessing the unity f their equal prprtins. The sight brings smiles f jy t their faces. Amidst the children’s laughter, Dbie’s dad pulls up t pick up the children, and Dbie runs ff t meet him. He can’t wait t tell his dad hw the badge n the truck has helped him t slve a very tricky prblem!
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Just as the children celebrate their cake-cutting victry, Mama K emerges frm her huse, bearing a tray with three glasses f strawberry juice. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] He can’t wait t tell his dad hw the badge n the truck has helped him t slve a very tricky prblem! (运用了hw引导宾语从句)

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