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    A: Hi, Paul! I havenˈt seen yu fr a lng time.____1____
    B: I have been t Tky with my classmates.
    A: Is that s? ____2____
    B: Oh, it was great.
    A: Hw lng did yu stay there?
    B: ____3____ We went t many wnderful places.
    A: Which is yur favrite place?
    B: I think Muntain Fuji is the best. ____4____
    A: What else did yu d in Tky?
    B: ____5____
    A: It must be great fun. I really want t g there, t.
    A. Fr abut a week.
    B. It was s beautiful that I lst myself in it.
    C. Where have yu been?
    D. Hw was yur trip?
    E. We als went skiing and shpping there.
    1.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. E
    2.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. E
    3.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. E
    4.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. E
    5.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. E
    Brn in a small village f Yizhang Cunty, Chenzhu City, Jiang Mengnan is a 30-year-ld wman. She ____6___ the 2021 Tuching China Award. The award ceremny was bradcast live n CCTV n the evening f March 3, 2022.
    She lst all her hearing due t nerve (神经) deafness caused by drugs when she was six mnths ld. Since then, sheˈs been living in a(n) ____7____ wrld. She can nly cmmunicate with thers by lking at their ____8___ and reading their lips.
    When she ____9___ learned t read lips, Jiang tuched her parentsˈ thrats t feel the vibratin (振动). And then she tried s hard t cpy ____10____ lip mvements in frnt f mirrrs when her parents spke. Her parents needed t ___11___ a syllable (音节) fr many times befre she culd learn it.
    By ding s, Jiang finally was ____12____ t “listen” and “speak” in her wn way. Jiangˈs parents, wh are bth teachers, ____13____ reading bks and newspapers. It is because f their ___14____ t encurage her t learn lip reading that Jiang culd g further in her pursuit f study.
    Her perseverance (毅力) ____15___ earned her the admissin t Jilin University, where she gt a Bachelrˈs and a Masterˈs degree.
    Jiang said that she chse t study in Jilin University ____16___ her rle mdel Zhang Haidi, an utstanding wman with disability, studied and graduated frm the university. ____17____, she had a her dream f being a dctr t save lives.
    In September 2018, Jiang entered the Schl f Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, ____18____ a dctral candidate (博士研究生).
    Thrugh hard wrk, Jiang Mengnan prved that physical disabilities d nt ____19___— yu can d almst anything if yu never give up.
    Thugh she is ____20____, she has dne what cmmn peple canˈt d. Her stry makes us believe the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
    6.A. refusedB. presentedC. receivedD. wanted
    7.A. silentB. clurfulC. wnderfulD. dark
    8.A. eyesB. nsesC. earsD. muths
    9.A. everB. firstC. nceD. last
    10.A. hisB. herC. theirD. ur
    11.A. rememberB. recrdC. reviewD. repeat
    12.A. willingB. ableC. readyD. lucky
    13.A. avidB. suggestC. hateD. lve
    14.A. imprtanceB. tpicC. secretD. decisin
    15.A. laterB. nwC. thenD. tday
    16.A. butB. althughC. rD. because
    17.A. OtherwiseB. InsteadC. MreverD. Hwever
    18.A. likeB. asC. frD. by
    19.A. matterB. trubleC. wrkD. care
    20.A. disabledB. hard-wrkingC. cleverD. friendly
    Did yu knw that a large number f peple get sick frm fdbrne illness each year? Luckily, fdbrne illness can be prevented. Fllw these three easy rules t help yu.
    ◆ SEPARATE raw(生的)meat and eggs frm ther items in yur refrigeratr. If pssible, use a different cutting bard fr raw meat prducts. This will reduce the chance f bacteriaˈs(细菌)spread frm ne fd t anther.
    ◆ CHILL(冷藏)fds t keep bacteria frm grwing. Bacteria are able t grw quickly at rm temperature, s keep fresh fds in the refrigeratr t limit this risk.
    ◆ COOK yur fd t a high enugh temperature t kill harmful bacteria that may lead t illness. Use a thermmeter t make sure yur fds have reached a safe temperature.
    Here is a chart fr yu t use as a fd temperature guide.
    21.Which f the fllwing fds can be put tgether in a refrigeratr?
    A. Eggs and ptates.B. Raw fish and tmates.
    C. Raw beef and raw prk.D. Raw chicken and apples.
    22.Fish shuld be cked at least abve the temperature f _________.
    A. 140℉B. 145℉C. 160℉D. 165℉
    23.Which part f a magazine is the passage prbably frm?
    A. Healthy LifeB. Travel Guide
    C. Histry CharacterD. Natural Wrld

    It was a Friday mrning, 7:30 am. I felt t lazy t drive my car, s my sn bked a Uber(优步,即网约车). In five minutes, the Uber reached ur dr. I checked the car number and gt inside the car. I was busy searching my bag fr an imprtant paper, s I just said, “Please, g quickly! Iˈm in a hurry!”
    The driver replied, “Yes, maˈam!”
    I was surprised when I heard a female vice. I stpped fr a secnd and lked at the driver. She was a yung lady. Maybe arund 30 r 32 years ld. I had never had a female Uber driver befre. I became interested in why she chse this jb. I started the cnversatin, “If yu dnˈt mind, can I ask yu sme questins?”
    “Yes, maˈam! N prblem,” she said.
    “I guess yu are well-qualified,” I said.
    “Yes, maˈam! I have cmpleted my educatin. I have even gtten my MBA.”
    “What made yu chse t d this jb?” I culd see her smiling face in the rear-view mirrr(后视镜).
    I lve driving. I dnˈt care hw big r small my jb is. I wanted a jb where I can get satisfactin. I havenˈt made much mney frm it yet, but as I tld yu, I lve driving! Thatˈs all there is t it.” Very plitely, she said, “Driving has been my passin since childhd. Of curse, I respect each and every jb. In this case, at least I realized my dream.
    24.When the authr first gt int the car, she was surprised because ________.
    A. she entered the wrng car
    B. she culdnˈt find an imprtant paper
    C. she was running late
    D. she nticed the driver was a wman
    25.Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut the driver?
    A. She was well-qualified.
    B. She was yung.
    C. She earns gd mney by driving.
    D. Her childhd dream was t be a driver.
    26.What d yu think f the driver?
    A. Well-educated.B. Lazy.C. Implite.D. Funny.
    Lk arund and yuˈll see peple busy n their smartphnes. Smartphnes d make ur lives easier. But have yu ever thught abut what they mean t yur eyes?
    Accrding t a study, half f British peple wn smartphnes and they spend an average (平均) f tw hurs a day using them. There has been a 35% increase in the number f peple in the UK wh suffer frm shrtsightedness (近视) since smartphnes were intrduced there in 1997.
    Staring (盯) at smartphnes fr lng time gives yu dry eyes. When lking at smething in the distance, yur eyes autmatically blink (自动眨眼) a certain number f times. Hwever, when yu lk at things clser t yur face, the blinking slws dwn. This reduces the amunt f tears and causes discmfrt in yur eyes. Anther bad habit is using smartphnes in dark rms befre ging t sleep. If yu lk at a bright screen while yur pupils (瞳孔) becme larger, t much light enters yur eyes. This can d harm t the eyes and cause a disease called glaucma (青光眼).
    While yuˈre prbably nt ging t stp using t yur smartphne, there are a few things yu can d t prtect yur eyes. Hld yur phne at least 30 centimetres away frm yur eyes when using it. Take a break every hur and try the fllwing: lk at smething at least five meters frm yu and then fcus n the tip f yur nse. Repeat this several times. It shuld reduce the discmfrt in yur eyes.
    27.The article is mainly abut ________.
    A. advantages and disadvantages f smartphnes
    B. the rules t bey when using smartphnes
    C. the reasn why teenagers get shrtsightedness
    D. the harm that smartphnes d t usersˈ eyes
    28.Frm Paragraph 2, we learn that _______.
    A. mre British peple have gt shrtsightedness since 1997
    B. each f the British peple spends tw hurs a day n smartphnes
    C. half f the British peple began t use smartphnes 24 years ag
    D. the number f British peple wh wn smartphnes increases by 35%
    29.Accrding t Paragraph 3, using smartphnes imprperly may cause _______.
    A. t many blinksB. smaller pupils
    C. dry eyes and glaucmaD. mre tears in the eyes
    30.Which f the fllwing is suggested by the writer?
    A. Hld the phne at least half a meter away frm the eyes.
    B. Dnˈt use the phne fr ver an hur withut a break.
    C. Turn ff yur phne fr a cuple f hurs every day.
    D. Lk at the tip f yur nse fr several minutes..
    Have yu watched the recent TV Three-Bdy? Changed by Liu Cixinˈs science bk The Three-Bdy Prblem, the shw is very ppular with peple. One f the mst exciting part must be Operatin Guzheng.
    In rder t find the imprtant infrmatin n a huge ship, peple plan t cut the ship int pieces. They set up many thin strings (线) acrss the river, which are made by high technlgy. Lking like Guzheng, the strings quietly cut the steel ship int pieces as if the ship was sft tfu!
    Is it pssible t cut ships with thin strings in real life? In fact, strings are very gd at cutting. Fr example, the egg cutting machine uses thin strings t cut eggs int pieces. A kite line can easily hurt peple if it gets circle arund their necks. This is because the thin strings have a very small cntact area, leading t a high intensity f pressure (压强) when they cut things.
    In the prgram the strings are as thin as human hair. T cut the ship, the pressure needs t be 200 MPa. Hw strng is that pressure? Imagine an elephant standing n a string! In real life, scientists wnˈt be able t make such thin strings that wuldnˈt easily break, at least fr years t cme. The cutting will als create lts f heat. We dnˈt have the things t bear (忍耐) that high temperature while itˈs als thin enugh t cut thrugh. Itˈs still far away frm the technlgy in the prgram.
    31.What is the purpse f Operatin Guzheng in the prgram?
    A. T find a huge ship.B. T turn the ship int sft tfu.
    C. T get imprtant infrmatin.D. T cut the ship int pieces.
    32.What des “ steel” in Paragraph 2 mean in English?
    A. hugeB. hardC. sftD. smth
    33.Hw des the writer tell us “strings are very gd at cutting”?
    A. By telling stries.B. By explaining rules.
    C. By shwing numbers.D. By giving examples.
    34.What des the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 want t tell us?
    A. Making thin strings is easy.
    B. Peple break strings with machines.
    C. Cutting things must use strings.
    D. Peple need strng pressure t cut ships.
    35.Which part f the newspaper may this passage be taken frm?
    A. Music & Fashin.B. Sprts & Games.
    C. Science & Technlgy.D. Culture & Nature.
    36.Cking will be a must-have fr primary and secndary schl students in Wuxi, East Chinaˈs Jiangsu Prvince. Sun Jiarui is a 10-year-ld girl frm Outang Central Primary Schl in Wuxi. She has recently been famus nline fr her cking skills.
    Sun has been learning t ck frm her father since she was eight. In Nvember f 2021, vides f Sunˈs skillful cking were shared by Pepleˈs Daily n its fficial Sina Weib accunt.
    The news f “a 10-year-ld girl in Wuxi, Jiangsu can make mre than 50 dishes” was upladed nline. Accrding t China News, Sun Jiarui can make mre than 50 hme-cked dishes such as plum vegetables and sauerkraut fish. In the vide taken by her father, the little girlˈs skillful mvement lks like a prfessinal chef. And the little girl has becme “the children f ther pepleˈs huses” in the eyes f many parents.
    In the cming term in September, primary and secndary schl pupils in China will find a new“practical activities” curse in their schedule, with at least ne class every week. They shuld master the ability t ck.
    When cking is abut t becme a necessary curse fr primary and secndary schl students, it is reminded that kitchen safety is mre imprtant than labr skills. When primary and secndary schl students g t the kitchen, safety always cmes first.
    (1) What makes Sun famus nline?______________________________________________________________________
    (2) When did Sun begin t learn t ck frm her father? ______________________________________________________________________
    (3) Hw many hme-cked dishes can Sun Jiarui make? ______________________________________________________________________
    (4) The ability t ck./Cking ability./Cking skills.
    (5) As a middle schl student, what d yu think f cking? ______________________________________________________________________
    There are sme rules that teenagers shuld be allwed t learn in schl. They are imprtant t teenagers, althugh nt all f them have t d with their subjects.
    Real life is nt always fair
    ____1____ Try t learn t get used t it. Many peple wnˈt understand the real meaning f this rule until theyˈve failed t find fairness again and again.
    The wrld wnˈt care abut yur feelings
    The wrld will expect yu t succeed in ding smething befre yu feel gd abut yurself. ____2____ It will expect yu t learn t understand the real wrld after yu leave schl. Then yuˈll be sure f what t d with the real wrld.
    A bss canˈt be as friendly as yur teacher
    If yu think yur teacher is terrible, wait until yu get a bss. Yur bss wnˈt ask yu hw yu feel abut yur wrk and will never give yu mre care r help. ________3_______
    Yur life is nt a sitcm. On TV they can slve their prblems easily while drinking smething in a beautiful place, but yur prblems wnˈt be slved in 30 r 45 minutes like them. In real life, peple usually have t leave the cffee shps t lk fr jbs.
    Sme behavirs make yu lk silly
    Smking des nt make yu lk cl. ____5___ At the same time, purple hair and pierced bdy parts make yu lk like a silly kid. A grwn-up teenager shuld knw hw t be smart.
    A. Itˈs nrmal fr yu t face unfairness.
    B. We must bey these rules seriusly.
    C. Actually, it makes yu lk flish.
    D. The real wrld wnˈt care abut yu as much as yur schl des.
    E. Heˈll nly care abut hw much mney yu can help him make.
    F. Televisin is nt real life
    37.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F
    38.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F
    39.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F
    40.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F
    41.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F
    Can anyne be an astrnaut?
    Of curse nt. Yu dn’t have t have a science degree but mst astrnauts d. Mst f them are ____1____ t. Life in a spaceship is hard s yu must have a healthy bdy and mind. Yu need t be easy-ging, patient and ____2____ t spend s much time in a small space with ther peple.
    What’s the training like?
    Peple have t train fr a year t learn hw ____3____ and safe. They practice the spacewalk and living in zer gravity. They train in difficult cnditins t learn hw t slve prblems and t wrk in a team. Everyday tasks like eating, washing, and ____4____ can be difficult in a space statin. There is n running water s yu have t wash with wet tissues (湿巾) and it’s hard t enjy the dry fd that astrnauts have t eat. And t sleep yu must cver yur eyes because the Sun rises every 90 minutes n the Internatinal Space Statin. Yu als have t tie ____5____ t smething s yu dn’t fly away!
    What health ____1____ d astrnauts have?
    Life in zer gravity ___2____ changes t ur bdies. Bnes (骨骼) and muscles (肌肉) becme thin and weak s yu must d a lt f exercise in space t stay fit and t help the heart mve bld arund yur bdy. Astrnauts ften get backaches and t feel sick, ____3____ in the beginning. Yu must have vitamins t take the place f fresh fruit and vegetables. But yu dn’t have t ___4____ suncream because spacesuits prtect yur skin (皮肤).
    Are yu still ____5___?
    44.In 2011, a tsunami (海啸) hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear pwer plant (福岛第一核电站) in Japan, leading t____1____ big nuclear damage (损害). T stp further prblems, Japan d____2____ t u____3____ water t cl the damaged reactrs (反应堆).
    Nw, mre than 1.3 millin tns f water—enugh t fill 500 Olympic sized swimming pls have been used since t____4____. It’s still ging up with mre than 100 tns every day. The water is p____5____ by radiactive (放射性的) materials and is kept in strage tanks.
    Withut enugh space t stre the tanks, Japan said that it wuld release the wastewater int the Pacific Ocean this spring. On March 17, part f the equipment t release the wastewater started peratin fr the f____6____ time, accrding t Japanese media TV Asahi.
    This decisin has caused a number f ht d____7____. The Japanese gvernment insisted that the radinuclides (放射性核素) in the wastewater will have been mstly cleared. S it is safe t release the water int the cean and it wn’t be bad fr the envirnment.
    H____8____, nt everyne agrees with this decisin. Japan’s envirnmental grups and fishermen w____9____ abut the sea life and the fishing industry there, the BBC reprted.
    Sme neighburing cuntries, such a____10____ Suth Krea, are wrried abut the pssible prblems brught n their wn fishing industries and the envirnment. China, alng with Russia, asked Japan a list f technical questins n the plan in May 2022. But the Japanese side was unable t answer these questins r talk f____11____ abut the matter.
    On March 14, the Chinese Freign Ministry nce again denunced (谴责) Japanˈs decisin t release the wastewater int the sea.
    45.随着科技的发展,机器人已经走进我们的日常生活,给我们的生活带来了便利。请根据提示,以“Rbts in ur lives”为题,写一篇英语短文,向学校网站投稿介绍目前机器人在日常生活中的使用情况,并谈谈你的想法。
    1. 语言流畅,书写整洁;
    2. 词数80—100。
    1. What are the advantages f having a rbt?
    2. What are the disadvantages f having a rbt?
    3. What’s yur pinin?
    Rbts in ur lives
    With the develpment f mdern science and technlgy, rbts have entered ur daily lives, which brings great help t us. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    【解析】1. 根据下文“I have been t Tky with my classmates.”可知,此处是在询问去了哪里,选项C“你去哪里了?”符合语境。故选C。
    2. 根据下文“Oh, it was great.”可知,此处应是在询问此次旅行的感受,选项D“你的旅行怎么样?”符合语境。故选D。
    3. 根据上文“Hw lng did yu stay there?”可知,此处应该回答在东京待了多久,选项A“大约一个星期。”符合语境。故选A。
    4. 根据前文“I think Muntain Fuji is the best.”可知,此处是指认为富士山是最好的,所以选项B“它是如此美丽,我迷失了自己。”符合语境。故选B。
    5. 根据上文“What else did yu d in Tky?”可知,此处应该回答在东京还做了什么事,选项E“我们还去滑雪和购物。”符合语境。故选E。
    refused拒绝;presented呈现;received获得;wanted想要。根据“the 2021 Tuching China Award”可知是获奖了。故选C。
    silent沉默的;clurful彩色的;wnderful精彩的;dark黑暗的。根据“She lst all her hearing due t nerve (神经) deafness caused by drugs when she was six mnths ld.”可知听不到,活在沉默的世界里。故选A。
    eyes眼睛;nses鼻子;ears耳朵;muths嘴巴。根据“reading their lips”可知读唇语要看嘴巴。故选D。
    ever曾经;first第一次;nce一次;last最后的。根据“Jiang tuched her parents’ thrats t feel the vibratin (振动)”可知这是第一次学唇语的情况。故选B。
    his他的;her她的;their他们的;ur我们的。根据“Jiang tuched her parents’ thrats t feel the vibratin”可知模仿父母的嘴唇动作,用their。故选C。
    remember记住;recrd记录;review复习;repeat重复。根据“ syllable (音节) fr many times”可知要重复音节。故选D。
    willing愿意的;able能够的;ready准备好的;lucky幸运的。根据“By ding s, Jiang finally was ... t ‘listen’ and ‘speak’ in her wn way.”可知能够用自己的方式“听”和“说”。故选B。
    avid避免;suggest建议;hate讨厌;lve爱。根据“Jiang’s parents, wh are bth teachers, ... reading bks and newspapers.”可知是老师,喜欢读书看报。故选D。
    imprtance重要;tpic主题;secret秘密;decisin决定。根据“t encurage her t learn lip reading”可知是决定鼓励江学习唇读。故选D。
    later后来;nw现在;then然后;tday今天。根据“earned her the admissin t Jilin University”可知这是她的毅力带来的结果,使她后来被吉林大学录取。故选A。
    like像;as作为;fr为了;by通过。根据“a dctral candidate”可知作为一名博士研究生进入清华大学。故选B。
    matter要紧;truble麻烦;wrk工作;care关心。根据“yu can d almst anything if yu never give up”可知身体的 残疾不要紧。故选A。
    disabled有残疾的;hard-wrking努力的;clever聪明的;friendly友好的。根据“physical disabilities”可知她有残疾。故选A。
    1. 细节理解题。根据“SEPARATE raw(生的)meat and eggs frm ther items in yur refrigeratr”可知将生肉和鸡蛋与冰箱中的其他物品分开,C选项“生牛肉和生猪肉”可以放在冰箱里,故选C。
    2. 细节理解题。根据图表“Fish 145℉”可知做鱼的温度至少要高于华氏145度,故选B。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“Did yu knw that a large number f peple get sick frm fdbrne illness each year? Luckily, fdbrne illness can be prevented”可知本文主要讲述了预防食源性疾病方法,所以很有可能在杂志上的健康的生活部分看到,故选A。
    1. 细节理解题。根据“I was surprised when I heard a female vice.”可知,作者因为司机是个女人很惊讶。故选D
    2. 推理判断题。根据“I haven’t made much mney frm it yet”可知,开车挣的钱不多,所以C项表述与文章内容不符。故选C。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“Yes, ma’am! I have cmpleted my educatin. I have even gtten my MBA.”可知,这个司机受到良好的教育。故选A。
    1. 主旨大意题。通读全文后可知,文章主要讲述的是智能手机对我们眼睛的伤害。故选D。
    2. 细节理解题。根据“There has been a 35% increase in the number f peple in the UK wh suffer frm shrtsightedness (近视) since smartphnes were intrduced there in 1997.”可知,自从1997年以来,越来越多的英国人近视了。故选A。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“Staring at smartphnes fr lng time gives yu dry eyes.”及下文“This can d harm t the eyes and cause a disease called glaucma.”可知,不适当地使用智能手机可能会导致眼睛干涩和青光眼。故选C。
    4. 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段的“Take a break every hur and try the fllwing...”可知,作者建议我们每使用手机1小时就休息一下,即不要连续使用手机超过1小时。故选B。
    1. 细节理解题。根据“In rder t find the imprtant infrmatin n a huge ship, peple plan t cut the ship int pieces.”可知,人们计划把这艘船切成碎片。故选D。
    2. 词义猜测题。根据“Lking like Guzheng, the strings quietly cut the steel ship int pieces as if the ship was sft tfu!”可知此处表示把船切成碎片,仿佛船是软豆腐,由此推出steel与hard意思相近,表示船很坚硬。故选B。
    3. 推理判断题。根据“In fact, strings are very gd at cutting. Fr example, the egg cutting machine uses thin strings t cut eggs int pieces.”可知,作者是通过举例来告诉我们“细绳非常擅长切割”。故选D。
    4. 推理判断题。根据“T cut the ship, the pressure needs t be 200 MPa. Hw strng is that pressure?”可知,通过举例一头大象站在绳子上来解释需要很大的 压强来切割船只。故选D。
    5. 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了电视剧《三体》中的一段情节——“古筝行动”,以及细绳能够用来切东西,属于科技范畴。故选C。
    36.【答案】【小题1】Her cking skills.
    【小题2】At eight./At the age f eight./When she was eight.
    【小题3】Mre than 50 (dishes).
    【小题4】The ability t ck./Cking ability./Cking skills.
    【小题5】Itˈs necessary/imprtant/helpful...
    【解析】1. 根据“She has recently been famus nline fr her cking skills.”可知,她最近因厨艺在网上出名。故填Her cking skills.
    2. 根据“Sun has been learning t ck frm her father since she was eight.”可知,孙从八岁起就跟父亲学做饭。故填At eight./At the age f eight./When she was eight.
    3. 根据“The news f ‘a 10-year-ld girl in Wuxi, Jiangsu can make mre than 50 dishes’ was upladed nline”可知,她会做50多道家常菜。故填Mre than 50 (dishes).
    根据“They shuld master the ability t ck.”可知,应该掌握会烹饪的能力。故填The ability t ck./Cking ability./Cking skills.
    5. 开放性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可。参考答案为It’s necessary/imprtant/helpful...
    【解析】1. 根据“Real life is nt always fair”可知,此处提到了不公平。选项A“你面对不公平是很正常的。”符合语境。故选A。
    2. 根据“It will expect yu t learn t understand the real wrld after yu leave schl.”可知,此处应该提到现实世界与学校的不同,选项D“现实世界不会像你的学校那样关心你。”符合语境。故选D。
    3. 根据“Yur bss wnˈt ask yu hw yu feel abut yur wrk and will never give yu mre care r help.”可知,此处应提到老板对员工的要求,选项E“他只在乎你能帮他赚多少钱。”符合语境。故选E。
    4. 根据“On TV they can slve their prblems easily while drinking smething in a beautiful place”可知,此处提到了电视,选项F“电视不是真实的生活”符合语境。故选F。
    5. 根据“Smking des nt make yu lk cl.”可知,此处应该提到吸烟的另一种表象,选项C“事实上,这让你看起来很愚蠢。”符合语境。故选C。
    t stay healthy
    【解析】1. 句意:他们中的大多数人也是飞行员。根据“Mst f them are…t.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指他们中的大多数人也是飞行员,pilt“飞行员”符合;根据主语为“Mst f them”可知,此处应用复数形式。故填pilts。
    2. 句意:你需要随和、耐心和乐于助人,才能在一个狭小的空间里花这么多时间与他人相处。根据“Yu need t be easy-ging, patient and…t spend s much time in a small space with ther peple.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指乐于助人,help“帮助”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词形式,作表语。故填helpful。
    3. 句意:人们必须训练一年才能学会如何保持健康和安全。根据“Peple have t train fr a year t learn hw…and safe.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指人们必须训练一年才能学会如何保持健康和安全,stay healthy“保持健康”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处为“hw+不定式”结构,作宾语。故填t stay healthy。
    4. 句意:在空间站里,吃饭、洗衣和睡觉等日常任务可能很困难。根据下文“And t sleep yu must cver yur eyes because the Sun rises every 90 minutes n the Internatinal Space Statin.”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指睡觉,sleep“睡觉”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处应用动名词形式,作宾语。故填sleeping。
    5. 句意:你还必须把自己绑在什么东西上,这样你就不会飞走!tie neself t“把自己绑在”,固定词组,主语为“Yu”,所以此处应用yurself。故填yurself。
    put n
    【解析】1. 句意:宇航员有什么健康问题?根据“What health…d astrnauts have?”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指健康问题,prblem“问题”符合,此处应用复数形式,表概数概念。故填prblems。
    2. 句意:失重状态下的生活导致我们身体的变化。根据“Life in zer gravity…changes t ur bdies.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指导致我们身体的变化,cause“引起”符合;句子时态为一般现在时,主语为“Life”,所以此处应用动词的三单形式。故填causes。
    3. 句意:宇航员经常感到背痛和恶心,尤其是在刚开始的时候。根据“Astrnauts ften get backaches and t feel sick…in the beginning.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指尤其是在刚开始的时候,especial“特别的”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词形式,作状语。故填especially。
    4. 句意:但你不必涂防晒霜,因为宇航服可以保护你的皮肤。根据空后的“suncream”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指涂防晒霜,put n“涂抹”符合;根据空前的“have t”可知,此处应用动词原形。故填put n。
    5. 句意:你还感兴趣吗?根据“Are yu still…”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处询问是否还感兴趣,interested“感兴趣的”符合。故填interested。
    【解析】1. 句意:2011年,海啸袭击了日本福岛第一核电站,造成了巨大的核破坏。根据“ nuclear damage (损害).”可知,是造成了很大的损害,lead t“造成,导致”,是固定短语。故填(t)。
    2. 句意:为了阻止进一步的问题,日本决定用水冷却受损的反应堆。根据“water t cl the damaged reactrs (反应堆).”可知,这是日本的决定,decide“决定”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)ecided。
    3. 句意:为了阻止进一步的问题,日本决定用水冷却受损的反应堆。根据“ t cl the damaged reactrs (反应堆).”可知,日本用水冷却受损的反应堆来阻止进一步的问题。use“使用”,位于动词不定式符号后,应用动词原形。故填(u)se。
    4. 句意:从那时起,已经使用了130多万吨水,足以填满500个奥运会规模的游泳池。根据“enugh t fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pls have been used since”可知,是自从那时起,since then“从那时起”。故填(t)hen。
    5. 句意:这些水被放射性物质污染,并被储存在储罐中。根据“by radiactive (放射性的) materials”可知,水被放射性物质污染,pllute“污染”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填(p)lluted。
    6. 句意:据日本媒体朝日电视台报道,3月17日,部分废水排放设备首次开始运行。根据“release the wastewater started peratin fr ”可知,是第一次开始运行,fr the first time“第一次”。故填(f)irst。
    7. 句意:这一决定引起了许多热议。根据“This decisin has caused a number f ht...”以及下文可知,这个决定引起了很多议论,discussin“议论”,此处用名词复数。故填(d)iscussins。
    8. 句意:然而,并不是所有人都同意这一决定。此处和前文是转折关系,用hwever。故填(H)wever。
    9. 句意:据英国广播公司报道,日本 环保组织和渔民担心那里的海洋生物和渔业。此处是固定短语wrry abut“担心”,根据“agrees”可知,句子是一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(w)rry。
    10. 句意:一些邻国,如韩国,担心这可能给本国的渔业和环境带来问题。此处是固定短语such as“比如”。故填(a)s。
    11. 句意:但日方无法回答这些问题,也无法进一步讨论此事。根据“answer these questins r the matter”可知,是无法进一步讨论此事,用比较级further“进一步”。故填(f)urther。
    45.【答案】 Rbts in ur lives
    With the develpment f mdern science and technlgy, rbts have entered ur lives, which brings great help t us.
    Husehld rbts have many functins. Firstly, they can be used t ck and clean rms. Secndly, they can help t take care f the elderly and spend time chatting r playing chess with them. Mrever, they can even make calls t deal with smething dangerus.
    Hwever, the technlgy used in husehld rbts is nt develped well enugh t slve all prblems. And the price is s high.
    In my pinin, rbts shuld be used t imprve peple’s lives. Als, I think the price is expected t be lw enugh fr cmmn peple s that many peple can affrd ne.
    ①take care f照顾,照料
    ②spend time ding sth花时间做某事
    ③deal with smething dangerus处理一些危险的事情
    ①With the develpment f mdern science and technlgy, rbts have entered ur lives, which brings great help t us.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    ②Als, I think the price is expected t be lw enugh fr cmmn peple s that many peple can affrd ne.(s that引导的目的状语从句)
    Temperature (℉)
    Temperature (℉)
    Prk f Beef
    Chicken and turkey
    sleep, pilt, stay healthy, help, yu
    interest, especial, put n, prblem, cause

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