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    这是一份四川省成都市实验外国语学校五龙山校区2023-2024学年高三适应性考试(一)英语试卷(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省成都市实验外国语学校五龙山校区2023-2024学年高三适应性考试一英语试卷原卷版docx、四川省成都市实验外国语学校五龙山校区2023-2024学年高三适应性考试一英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    全卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    Maybe the year f 2022 wasn’t that bad. At least we gt sme great stries, right? Here are the tp 4 f Amazn’s best-selling bks f 2022.
    # 1 A Prmised Land by Barack Obama
    Publisher: Crwn (Nvember 17, 2022)
    Hardcver: 768 pages
    Price: $ 45.00 $ 23.96 (47% ff)
    I miss Barack Obama s much and I knw it’s nt just me. The frmer president tells us his life stry, spanning all the way frm his childhd t his presidency. Yu can place this n the shelf next t Michelle Obama’s Becming and feel intellectual as hell.
    # 2 The Return by Nichlas Sparks
    Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (September 29, 2022)
    Hardcver: 368 pages
    Price: $ 28.00 $ 14. 00 (50% ff)
    I may r may nt ugly cry t every Nichlas Sparks bk. Dn’t judge! This ne fllws an injured Navy dctr, wh mves back t Nrth Carlina. His stry becmes cmplicated when he meets a teenage girl wh may shed light n his past.
    #3 Untamed by Glennn Dyle
    Publisher: The Dial Press; Later Printing editin (March10, 2022)
    Hardcver: 352 pages
    Price: $ 24. 00 $ 13. 44 (44% ff)
    If yu haven’t heard f this bk, then yu prbably dn’t g n scial media. Glennn Dyle’s memir blew up n Instagram and beynd this year because it’s packed with super relevant wisdm and relatable mments f hnesty.
    # 4 The Ballad f Sngbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Cllins
    Publisher: Schlastic Press (May 19 2022)
    Hardcver: 528 pages
    Price: $ 30 $ 18 (40% ff)
    Calling all Hunger Games fans! If three bks weren’t enugh fr yu, then yu need t get yur hands n Suzanne Cllins’ latest nvel The Ballad f Sngbirds and Snakes as sn as pssible. It is nearly impssible fr yu t put it dwn because it’s incredibly exciting and thught-prvking.
    If yu are interested in these bks, please visit the website: https: //www. amazn. cm.
    1. If yu prefer bks with the biggest discunt rate, which ne will yu prbably buy?
    A. A Prmised Land.B. The Return.
    C. Untamed.D. The Ballad f Sngbirds and Snakes.
    2. Which authr was a big hit n scial media last year accrding t the passage?
    A. Suzanne Cllins.B. Nichlas Sparks.
    C. Glennn Dyle.D. Barack Obama.
    3. What’s the authr’s purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T advertise several Amazn’s best-sellers f 2022.
    B. T intrduce best-selling bks in 2022 in the US.
    C. T encurage peple t buy bks published in 2022.
    D. T ffer sme advice n hw t chse bks f 2022.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据每本书的价格来看,A Prmised Land的折扣是5.3折,The Return的折扣是5折,Untamed的折扣是5.6折,The Ballad f Sngbirds and Snakes的折扣是6折,可知,如果你喜欢折扣最大的书,你可能会买The Return。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据#3 Untamed by Glennn Dyle部分中“If yu haven’t heard f this bk, then yu prbably dn’t g n scial media. Glennn Dyle’s memir blew up n Instagram and beynd this year because it’s packed with super relevant wisdm and relatable mments f hnesty.(如果你没有听说过这本书,那么你可能不会上社交媒体。Glennn Dyle的回忆录今年在Instagram和其他地方火了起来,因为它充满了超级相关的智慧和相关的诚实时刻)”可知,Glennn Dyle去年在社交媒体上很受欢迎。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Maybe the year f 2022 wasn’t that bad. At least we gt sme great stries, right? Here are the tp 4 f Amazn’s best-selling bks f 2022.(也许2022年并没有那么糟糕。至少我们有一些精彩的故事,对吧?以下是2022年亚马逊最畅销的四本书)”以及最后一段“If yu are interested in these bks, please visit the website: https: //www. amazn. cm.(如果你对这些书感兴趣,请访问网站:https: )”结合文章主要介绍了2022年亚马逊网站上最畅销的4本书。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为亚马逊2022年的几款畅销书做广告。故选A。
    Han Tianheng picked up a carving knife at the age f 6 and never put it dwn. Tday, the 79 year-ld artist, ne f China's mst respected living masters f seal carving(印章雕刻), calligraphy and Chinese painting, still remembers the incident the first time he held a knife in his hand.
    “I cut my thumb badly and was hrrified by the bldy sight," he said, adding that his mther applied ashes because she culdn't affrd t take him t a hspital. "The cut left a scar, which is still clear tday."
    An eye fr an eye and bld fr bld, the incident didn't set him back. Instead, it arused his passin fr the ancient art frm. He was determined t pursue a path that wuld lead t a career in seal carving. Han said.
    The jurney f art explratin was a little bumpy fr the yung man in his quest fr excellence, and his seal wrks were harshly criticized by a famus ld painter.
    Mst wuld have crumbled under the criticism, nt Han. It made him even mre determined. After six mnths' hard wrk, he visited the painter again.
    "This time, he asked me t carve a seal fr him. This was psitive affirmatin," Han said. "Praise and criticism are what an artist shuld learn t handle all his life. Praise is candy and criticism is medicine. We can live withut candy, but cannt live withut medicine when ill."
    Han rse t fame during the early 1960s famus fr bird and insect seal art. Han's seals are an essential ending part n the paintings f a lng list f well-established artists.
    “A seal fr a gd painting is. like the buttns fr an haute cuture(高档女子时装).An experienced tailr always knws hw t chse buttns that matches the whle style," Han said
    His seals are full f variety — grand and slemn fr Liu Haisu's paintings, light and vivid fr Lu Yansha's, graceful and gentle fr Xie Zhiliu's.
    "A gd seal carver shuld keep bis wn style and at the same time g well with the painting's style." he said.
    4. What influence did the incident have n Han when he was six?
    A. He gt injured very seriusly.
    B. He learned hw t use a knife.
    C. It arused his interest in seal carving.
    D. It helped him learn hw hard life was.
    5. Which best describes Han's jurney f art explratin?
    A. Smth and fruitful.B. Inspiring and lucky.
    C. Bring but wrthwhile.D. Tugh but rewarding.
    6. In Han's pinin, what d an experienced tailr and a gd seal carver share?
    A. The huge respect they earn.B. The flexibility they display at wrk.
    C. The targeted custmers they serve.D. The effrts they have t make t succeed.
    7. In which sectin, f a newspaper des this text mst prbably appear?
    A. Educatin.B. Events.
    C. Entertainment.D. Peple.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Instead, it arused his passin fr the ancient art frm.”可知,这次受伤事件不仅没有挫败他,反而激起了他对于篆刻艺术的热情。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“The jurney f art explratin was a little bumpy fr the yung man in his quest fr excellence”可知,探索艺术的道路是充满波折和困难的,他受到过很多批评,但下文中他最终取得了很高的成就,可见回报也是丰厚的。D选项“艰难但有收获的”符合文意。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段韩的原话“A seal fr a gd painting is. like the buttns fr an haute cuture(高档女子时装).An experienced tailr always knws hw t chse buttns that matches the whle style”可知,和裁缝一样,印章的篆刻也要求与作品整体的风格相搭配,即每一个作品都要搭配不同风格的印章,B选项在这里理解为“他们展示在作品中的灵活性、适应性”与文意相符。故选B项。
    推理判断题。文章以“Han Tianheng picked up a carving knife at the age f 6 and never put it dwn.”这样介绍人物的句子开门见山,且全文都围绕韩天衡的生平经历展开,应该最可能在介绍人物的版块出现。故选D项。
    "Ma uka, ma uka ka ua , Ma kai, ma kai ka ua." S sing the children at a kindergarten n the Island f Hawaii. The sng is much like "Rain, rain, g away” nursery rhyme, but it has an unusual pwer: it is ne f the tls that have revived a near-dead language.
    The decline f Hawaiian was nt, as is the case with mst disappearing languages, a natural death caused by migratin(迁徙)and mass media. In 1896, after American business interests ended the Hawaiian riginal plitical system, schls were banned frm using it. By the late 20th century, apart frm a cuple f hundred peple n ne tiny island, English had replaced Hawaiian and nly the ld spke it t each ther.
    The civil-rights mvement brught a revival f interest amng the yung, centred n the University f Hawaii at Hil. Larry Kimura, a prfessr there, was nt satisfied that the language shuld be nly a subject at cllege: he and his students wanted t bring it back t life. The idea fr hw t d that came frm a visiting Mari, wh suggested. “language nests", which had successfully revived New Zealand's native language.
    In 1985, when educating children in Hawaiian was still banned, Kauane Kamana and her husband Pila Wilsn, bth students f Kimura's, created the first Language nest" at Hil. Neither was a native speaker, but bth were determined, t bring up their children, as such. They gathered a small grup f children, including their wn sn and daughter, and elderly native speakers.
    The mvement grew: there are nw 12 kindergartens and 23 schls invlved. The number f children being educated in Hawaiian has risen frm 1, 877 in 2008 t 3.028 in 2018. Alng with Japanese, Hawaiian is the nn-English language mst cmmnly spken amng children.
    8. What makes the decline f Hawaiian different frm ther disappearing languages?
    A. The number f its users.
    B. The language features it bears.
    C. Peple's unwillingness t use it.
    D. The unfair treatment it received.
    9. What has been dne t save Hawaiian?
    A. Mre schls have been set up.
    B. Mre peple are persuaded t stay.
    C. Mre children are expsed t Hawaiian.
    D. Gvernment prmtes the use f Hawaiian.
    10. Hw des the authr feel abut the present situatin f Hawaiian?
    A. Relieved.B. Curius.
    C. Anxius.D. Dubtful.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. The Revival f HawaiianB. The Future f Hawaiian.
    C. The Histry f HawaiianD. The Develpment f Hawaiian
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“The decline f Hawaiian was nt, as is the case with mst disappearing languages, a natural death caused by migratin(迁徙)and mass media.”和整段内容可知,夏威夷语的衰落并非自然原因,而是因为国家政策和经济方面的原因,学校也禁止教授夏威夷语,D选项“因其受到的不公平待遇”符合文意。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“The number f children being educated in Hawaiian has risen frm 1, 877 in 2008 t 3.028 in 2018.”可知,接受夏威夷语教育的孩子们越来越多,这正是复兴夏威夷语的民权运动的举措之一。C选项“更多的孩子接触到夏威夷语”符合文意。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段对夏威夷语现状的描述“The number f children being educated in Hawaiian has risen frm 1, 877 in 2008 t 3.028 in 2018. Alng with Japanese, Hawaiian is the nn-English language mst cmmnly spken amng children.”可知,情况正在逐渐变好,从作者的角度来说应该是感到宽慰、安心的。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。总览全文,从过去夏威夷语行将消亡和其原因引入,用较多篇幅讲述了当地教育人士采取一些举措拯救夏威夷语,最终取得了成效。文中出现的revived、bring it back t life等都表明文章就是在讲述夏威夷语的复兴过程。故选A项。
    This mrning we're ging t head ff dwn int the wetland, int a very specific kind f wetland called the Prairie fen.
    Yu can find Nate Fuller cunting butterflies. The Sarett Nature Center needs an accurate cunt f Mitchell's satyr butterflies t help preserve ne f their last knwn habitats. They're very particular abut the kind f habitat where they can live, which is part f what makes them s rare and amazing indicatrs fr ur water quality. Tday, Sarett expert Ashley Cle-Wick with Michigan's Natural Features Inventry helps Fuller cunt. She says "When I first started wrking n the butterfly in 2013, we had 18 ppulatins and this year in 2019, we have 10."
    The Mitchell Seder went n the endangered species list in 1991. Initially it was thught that lss f wetlands cntributed t their decline. Fuller says "It's nt just habitat availability. Its grundwater and the amunt in the quality f grundwater cming int these wetlands seem t be a challenge fr the butterfly. Nthing has all been srted ut exactly. ” While the decline is likely a cmbinatin f factrs. the fact that water quality might cntribute is alarming because the wetlands are the headwaters fr the Midwest's rivers and streams.
    A captive breeding (人工繁殖)prgram was started fur years ag at the Tled Z t help get t the bttm f the mystery. Tday Directr Ryan Walsh wh heads the prgram says it's been, the nly successful captive prgram. The caterpillars (毛毛虫)spend the winter in a special weather cntrl rm that help determine the Mitchell satyrs dn't d well belw 4. 4 degrees Celsius, a temperature that prevents the Fen wetlands frm the hard freezes which kill the insects. With that knwledge, the prgram prduced 1300 new eggs this summer, a develpment that may g a lng way tward restring the ppulatin. And if all ges well, may ne day the Mitchell satyr butterfly earn a ticket ff Endangered Species List.
    12. What are the indicatrs fr the water quality?
    A. The habitats.B. The butterflies.
    C. The wetlands.D. The experts.
    13. What is the main idea f the third paragraph?
    A. The imprtance f water quality.
    B. Actins taken t prtect the butterflies.
    C. The reasns why the butterflies decline.
    D. The natural cnditins fr the butterflies.
    14. What des the underlined wrd "restring" in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A. Preserving.B. Increasing.
    C. Recvering.D. Cntrlling.
    15. What can we learn abut the butterfly?
    A. It can easily be fund.B. It is nt endangered nw.
    C. It will die abve 4. 4 degree Celsius.D. It can be bred by humans.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D
    推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“They're very particular abut the kind f habitat where they can live, which is part f what makes them s rare and amazing indicatrs fr ur water quality.”可知,句中的them就是问题中的indicatrs fr the water quality,这个them指代的是前句提到的Mitchell's satyr butterflies,即一种蝴蝶。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Initially it was thught that lss f wetlands cntributed t their decline.”和“While the decline is likely a cmbinatin f factrs.”可知,本段的重点放在分析蝴蝶数量减少的原因上,开始认为是湿地的减少导致,后来发现地下水和水质也有影响。C选项“蝴蝶数量减少的原因”符合文意。故选C项。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句和下一句“With that knwledge, the prgram prduced 1300 new eggs this summer, a develpment that may g a lng way tward restring the ppulatin. And if all ges well, may ne day the Mitchell satyr butterfly earn a ticket ff Endangered Species List.”可知,为了达成这一目的,动物园进行了人工繁殖项目,如果进展顺利,这种蝴蝶终有一天将不再是濒危物种,可见这里要表达“恢复、增加数量”的意思。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“A captive breeding (人工繁殖)prgram was started fur years ag at the Tled Z t help get t the bttm f the mystery.”可知,为了恢复蝴蝶数量,动物园四年前已经开展了人工繁殖项目,也就是说这种蝴蝶是可以人工养殖的。故选D项。
    【点睛】段落大意题主要考查考生对某一段落的理解程度及把握该段落在整个语篇中所起作用的能力,一般针对该段落的主旨或目的设题。做这类题,关键在于抓住该段落的内容要点。常用技巧有:1.寻找主题句。有的文章中段落的主题句在段首或段位。这类文章一般段内层次较为分明,多采用“总——分”或“分——总”结构。要把握段落的逻辑结构,就要特别关注段落内起过渡作用的词汇,如hwever,but,and,als,fr example,in cnclusin,n the cntrary等。2.通过关键词概括。有些段落没有明确的主题句,需要考生依据已知的细节自己归纳段落大意。这时可通过略读筛选出最能表达作者意图的关键词,进而确定作者要表达的真正意思。第2小题就需要总结段落大意,因其段内层次和主题句不明显,可以从关键词上下手,容易发现本段decline出现次数较多,且出现的句子中都在指明导致蝴蝶数量减少的原因,结合文段内容就可以推知“分析蝴蝶数量减少的原因”就是本段大意。
    A grateful heart is a satisfied heart. A satisfied heart is a simple heart which leads t a simplified life. Gratitude pens the dr t simplicity. But we live in a culture that addresses dissatisfactin. ___16___
    Intentinally chse it. Gratitude will never be a result f yur next purchase, success, r accmplishment. ___17___And yu will never find it in life until yu intentinally decide t chse it.
    Cunt yur blessings. A new day, a warm bed, a unique persnality, r a special ___18___ Gratitude quickly sets in when we begin t spend a quiet mment each day remembering them. This practice alne has the ptential t change yur heart and life immeasurably.
    ___19___ Almst hall the wrld live n less than $ 2. 50 a day. 1. 1 billin peple have inadequate access t clean water. Let thse facts sink in fr just a mment and slwly allw gratitude and a desire t becme part f the slutin t take their place.
    Find gratitude in difficulty. ___20___ It can be mre difficult during the trials f life: death, disease, r failure. The truth is that n ne is exempt(豁免)frm the sufferings. Hwever gd can be fund even in the wrst f times. Being grateful during thse difficulties may get yu thrugh them.
    In daily life we must see it is nt happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.
    A. Ignre what yu dn't have.
    B. We can learn hw t be grateful.
    C. Open yur eyes t thse with less.
    D. Gratitude is available in yur heart right nw.
    E. Yu have wnderful things in yur life already.
    F. It's easy t be grateful when things are ging well.
    G. Hw can we find gratitude in a wrld that seeks t destry it?
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. E 19. C 20. F
    Jim McGee was an American Air Frce pilt. One day after he retired, he fund himself ___21___ and then was tld by the dctr that his kidneys(肾)were gne.
    Jim, 69, ___22___ started dialysis(化疗),which didn't wrk well. The dctr said the transplant (移植)was a lng-sht alternative. Hwever, after several mnths' searching, n suitable ___23___ was fund. Jim was s ___24___ that, in early 2018, he even ___25___ nt attending a reunin f sme Air Frce cmpanins in Mnterey・ Califrnia. Finally, with Shirley's ___26___, he decided t g, and that turned ut t be a life-changing ___27___.
    In Califrnia, Jim ___28___ with six fellw airmen, including ne he hadn't seen in nearly 50 years; Dug Cffman. Jim tld them abut his ___29___. “I asked him what his bld type is, and it ___30___ t be mine,” says Dug. "I was immediately thinking, 'Gsh. I might be able t ___31___.'"
    Dug, then 70, was healthy and energetic. ___32___ , when he tld Shirley that he wanted t dnate a kidney t her husband, she wrried that he might be t ___33___ . But Dug really wanted t help and ___34___ t have a try. He sent his ___35___ recrds t where Jim was treated and sn, he was asked t lake a series f physical examinatins. ___36___, the result shwed that he was a perfect match.
    The dctrs gave him the OK t ___37___, and the surgery was a success. "It's pretty amazing t be able t take a(n) ___38___ rgan ut f ne persn's bdy, put it in anther persn's bdy, and have it ___39___,” Dug says. "And there's nthing ___40___ than helping anther persn live a better life."
    21. A. depressedB. exhaustedC. nervusD. upset
    22. A. immediatelyB. suddenlyC. happilyD. simply
    23. A. dctrB. hspitalC. planD. match
    24. A. stubbrnB. angryC. discuragedD. cnfused
    25. A. suggestedB. regrettedC. frgtD. cnsidered
    26. A. permissinB. recmmendatinC. invitatinD. encuragement
    27. A. supprtB. decisinC. reuninD. success
    28. A. reunitedB. cperatedC. cnnectedD. discussed
    29. A. ideaB. achievementC. situatinD. ambitin
    30. A. tendsB. needsC. seemsD. happens
    31. A. cmeB. helpC. changeD. participate
    32. A. TherefreB. BesidesC. HweverD. Meanwhile
    33. A. ldB. farC. thinD. kind
    34. A. refusedB. determinedC. hesitatedD. prmised
    35. A. medicalB. militaryC. serviceD. cnsuming
    36. A. HpefullyB. HnestlyC. ObviuslyD. Luckily
    37 A. remveB. perateC. dnateD. return
    38. A. livingB. preciusC. extraD. special
    39. A. grwB. mveC. pauseD. wrk
    40. A. strangerB. finerC. funnierD. harder
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:退伍后的一天,他感觉到很累。A. depressed沮丧的;B. exhausted筋疲力尽的;C. nervus紧张不安的;D. upset心烦的。从下文医生告诉他肾脏有问题来推断,应该是突然感到身体不适、特别疲累。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:69岁的Jim立刻开始接受化疗。A. immediately立刻;B. suddenly突然地;C. happily快乐地;D. simply简单地。既然查出来肾脏有问题,应该马上开始治疗。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而几个月的搜寻过后,仍然没有找到匹配的供体。A. dctr医生;B. hspital医院;C. plan计划;D. match匹配。结合常识可知,器官移植需要找到合适的供体,即要求能够匹配。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Jim感到很灰心,以至于到了2018年他甚至不打算参加一些空军战友们的聚会。A. stubbrn固执的;B. angry生气的;C. discuraged灰心的;D. cnfused迷惑的。Jim的病情得不到好转,再结合下文他不去参加聚会都可以推断他的心情是比较低落的。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jim感到很灰心,以至于到了2018年他甚至不打算参加一些空军战友们的聚会。A. suggested建议;B. regretted后悔;C. frgt忘记;D. cnsidered考虑。考虑Jim的现状和心情,他对于参加战友重聚应该是提不起兴趣的,也就是他不想去参加。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终在Shirley的鼓励下他决定去了,而这成了一个改变命运的决定。A. permissin允许;B. recmmendatin推荐;C. invitatin邀请;D. encuragement鼓励。从下文中可知Shirley就是Jim的妻子,本来他是不打算去的,后来改变了主意,可见是被妻子劝服或者鼓励了。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终在Shirley的鼓励下他决定去了,而这成了一个改变命运的决定。A. supprt支持;B. decisin决定;C. reunin重聚;D. success成功。这里与前句的decide对应,就指Jim要去参加战友聚会的决定。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在加利福尼亚Jim和六位飞行员战友重聚了。A. reunited重聚;B. cperated合作;C. cnnected连接;D. discussed讨论。本段讲述的就是战友聚会后发生的事情,即Jim和六位战友重聚了。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jim告诉了他们自己情况。A. idea想法;B. achievement成就;C. situatin情况;D. ambitin野心。老友相见,互诉近况,且下文问到了血型,可见Jim将自己得病的情况告诉了战友们。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我问了他血型是什么,恰好跟我的一样。A. tends趋向于;B. needs需要;C. seems似乎;D. happens发生。这里是引述Dug的原话,从其反应来看句中要表达“血型恰好一样”,happen t有“恰巧、碰巧”的意思。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:天哪,我可能能帮上忙。A. cme来;B. help帮助;C. change改变;D. participate参加。既然两人血型一样,就很有可能提供匹配的器官来帮助Jim好转。故选B项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而当他告诉Shirley他想给Jim捐一个肾时。A. Therefre因此;B. Besides除了;C. Hwever然而;D. Meanwhile同时。分析前后句逻辑关系,Dug想捐献器官,Shirley却表示担心,即需要表示转折关系的连词。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她担心Dug可能年纪太大了。A. ld年老的;B. far远的;C. thin瘦的;D. kind善良的。结合上下文可知,句中的he指的是70岁的Dug,Shirley担心的应该是他上了年纪经不起手术的折腾。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但Dug真的想帮忙并且决定了要试一试。A. refused拒绝;B. determined决定;C. hesitated犹豫;D. prmised承诺。Dug助人心切,从下文做出的具体行动可知他是下定决心了。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他把自己的医疗记录发送给了Jim接受治疗的医院。A. medical医学的;B. military军队的;C. service服役的;D. cnsuming消费的。既然是准备捐献器官,自然要向医院提供病历或医学记录。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,结果表明他是完美的供体。A. Hpefully希望地;B. Hnestly诚实地;C. Obviusly显然;D. Luckily幸运地。结果表明两人能完美匹配,自然是件好事、幸事。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:医生批准了他的捐献。A. remve移除;B. perate操作;C. dnate捐献;D. return返回。一切都准备好了,经过医生许可,器官就可以捐献了。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:能从一个人的身体里取出鲜活的器官再放到另一个人的身体里,这实在是太神奇了。A. living活的;B. precius宝贵的;C. extra额外的;D. special特别的。分析句子可知,这里要表达从活人身上取出的鲜活器官。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:并且让它继续运作起来。A. grw成长;B. mve移动;C. pause暂停;D. wrk工作,起作用。这里have it d sth.的结构意为“使其做某事”,wrk理解为“起作用”,也就是让移植后的器官在身体里运转。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有什么比帮助别人过上更好的生活更加美好的了。A. stranger更奇怪的;B. finer更好的;C. funnier更好玩的;D. harder更难的。Dug的无私精神令人感动,在他看来,帮助别人是无比美好的事情。故选B项。
    Fr sme in China, the aim f travel is t create 15-secnd vides. It's nt abut where yu've been, but abut where yu're seen t have been.
    Situated n cliffs abve a river. Hngyadng is a stilt-huse cmplex in ___41___ city f Chngqing. The bars, restaurants and glden nen lights ___42___ (be) a ppular draw since it was built in 2006. Last year the number f visitrs increased ___43___ (sharp).
    The main reasn, it see med, was Hngyadng's sudden ppularity n a scial-media app. Duyin, ___44___ aim is nt t prduce a well-crafted vide r beautiful phtgraph, but simply ___45___(shw) that yu have als been t the ppular places. The beauty f the ___46___ (attract) is less imprtant than the fact that peple are flcking there t daka.
    A subculture has develped f yung peple wh embrace daka as a lifestyle. S-called Daka Zu—— “daka tribes"——can ___47___ (find) raming varius scenic spts, ___48___ (check) in at as many ht lcal ins as pssible within a single day.
    The daka craze may have ___49___ (practice) rigins. China's yung urban prfessinals dn't have s much free lime. Smetimes. they reed t wrk vertime. S they have t make the mst f their ___50___(limit) leisure time. Duyin captures the md with it's slgan: "Make every secnd cunt."
    【答案】41. the
    42. have been
    43. sharply
    44. whse 45. t shw
    46. attractin
    47. be fund
    48. checking
    49. practical
    50. limited
    考查冠词。句意:洪崖洞是一处位于重庆市的吊脚楼群。the city f为固定短语,意为“……市/城”,其前要用定冠词the。故填the。
    考查时态。句意:自2006年兴建以来,酒吧、饭店和金色的霓虹灯光成了极受欢迎的特色。分析句子可知,有since引导的时间从句,要用现在完成时。故填have been。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:而仅仅是展示出你也去过那些热门的地方。分析句子结构可知,这里与前句不定式t prduce并列,也要用动词不定式。故填t shw。
    考查被动语态。句意:所谓的打卡族——“打卡群体”——在许多景点都能被看到。分析句子可知,打卡的人们是在景区被找到、被看见的,即主语Daka Zu与find之间是被动关系,要用被动语态。故填be fund。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:一天里在尽可能多的热门景点留下自己的身影。分析句子结构可知,check in在这里作前句的状语,check与主语Daka Zu之间是主动关系,要用现在分词形式。故填checking。
    考查形容词。句意:所以他们必须尽可能利用有限的空闲时间。分析句子可知,空白处修饰leisure time,考虑形容词,结合语境可知这里要表示“时间有限”。故填limited。
    第一节 短文改错 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Last summer I decided t get my first jb. This was pssible ne f the hardest tasks.
    Fr me, it was anther step mved frm a dependent child t a fairly independent adult. 1 bad never hld a jb befre because f my parents wanted me t fcus n schl. S I had never wrked the day in my life. At first, it is extremely tugh. I sent applicatins hping t get my first cuple f chice. Yet I gt neither calls r emails. Luckily halfway thrugh the third week, I finally gt a call. It was nt my first chice, but we culd nt say n. And after the interview, I was mre than ready start wrking the fllwing Mnday.
    【答案】1. pssible→pssibly
    2. mved→mving
    3. hld→held
    5. the→a
    6. is→was
    7. chice→chices
    8. r→nr
    9. we→I
    10. 在ready和start中间加t
    【详解】1. 考查副词。句意:这可能是最难的任务之一。分析句子结构可知,pssible在这里修饰be动词,要用副词形式。故将pssible改为pssibly。
    2. 考查非谓语动词。句意:对我来说,这是从不独立的小孩子到相对独立的成年人的另一步。分析句子结构可知,mve在这里作anther step的后置定语,要用现在分词形式。故将mved改为mving。
    3. 考查时态。句意:以前我从没有过工作。这里用过去完成时,谓语动词要用had dne结构,即hld要用过去分词形式。故将hld改为held。
    4. 考查连词。句意:因为我父母想让我专心于学业。分析句子可知,后句是一个完整的句子,要用because引导,because f只能后接单词或词组。故将f去掉。
    5. 考查冠词。句意:所以我长这么大还从没有工作过一天。分析句子可知,这里要表达“一天”,表示“一”的概念要用不定冠词。故将the改为a。
    6. 考查时态。句意:一开始,这真的很难。文章描述的是过去的事情,要用一般过去时。故将is改为was。
    7. 考查名词复数。句意:我发了一些申请,希望能得到第一批可选择的工作。a cuple f意为“两三个,一对”,其后的可数名词要用复数形式。故将chice改为chices。
    8. 考查固定搭配。句意:但我既没接到电话也没收到邮件。neither…nr…意为“既不……也不……”,是固定搭配。故将r改为nr。
    9. 考查代词。句意:这并非我的第一个选择,但我无法拒绝。分析句子可知,这里指的是作者“我”无法拒绝这份工作,主语要用I。故将we改为I。
    10. 考查固定短语。句意:面试过后,我已经迫不及待在下周一开始上班了。be ready t意为“准备……”,其后动词要用不定式。故在ready和start中间加t。
    第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
    52. 假如你是校汉服(Han cstume)俱乐部主席李华。近期俱乐部将举办一场有外国交换生参加的汉服设计大赛.你将代表主办方在开幕式上发言。请根据以下要点写一篇发言稿:
    1. 大赛目的;
    2. 大赛规则;
    3. 对选手的祝福。
    【答案】Dear friends,
    I’m Li Hua. As the chairman f Han cstume club, I sincerely welcme all f yu t take part in the Han cstume Design cmpetitin.
    Firstly, allw me t give a brief intrductin f this cmpetitin. We hld the cmpetitin nt nly because we are interested in Han cstume but als t shw the beauty f traditinal Chinese culture. The cmpetitrs have three days t design and prepare their entries accrding t the given tpic. By the deadline they need t submit the entries, which will be graded by ur prfessinal judges then. The cmpetitr whse entry gets the highest scre will be the final champin.
    Thank yu fr cming here, especially thse exchange students. Hpe yu can get gd grades. And mst imprtantly, enjy the cmpetitin!
    要求:1. 欢迎与祝福(welcme and wishes)
    2. 大赛相关
    1)大赛目的(aim f the cmpetitin)
    2)大赛规则(rules f the cmpetitin)
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    welcme;chairman;take part in;design;aim;intrduce;judge;grade;scre;tpic;exchange students
    1. I’m Li Hua, chairman f Han cstume club in ur schl.
    2. Welcme t the Han cstume Design Cmpetitin.
    3. Let me intrduce the aim and rules f the cmpetitin.
    4. All the entries will be graded by ur judges.
    5. The ne with the highest scre will be the final winner.
    6. Wish all the cmpetitrs enjy the cmpetitin and get gd grades.
    1.表文章结构顺序:First f all, Firstly/First, Secndly/Secnd… And then, Finally, In the end, At last
    2.表并列补充关系:What is mre, Besides, Mrever, Furthermre, In additin As well as, nt nly…but (als), including,
    3.表转折对比关系:Hwever, On the cntrary, but, Althugh+clause(从句), In spite f+n/ding,On the ne hand…,On the ther hand… Sme…,while thers…,as fr, s…that…
    4.表因果关系:Because, As, S, Thus, Therefre, As a result
    【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多主从复合句,如:By the deadline they need t submit the entries, which will be graded by ur prfessinal judges then. The cmpetitr whse entry gets the highest scre will be the final champin.这两句话分别运用了which和whse引导的定语从句。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,彰显了主办方的大方姿态和对于中国传统文化的自豪感。

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