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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    B.£ 9.18.
    1.What will the wman buy?
    2.Hw des the man like the film?
    3.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In the cafe.
    B.On the phne.
    C.At the restaurant.
    4.What des the man mean?
    A.He is likely t catch a cld.
    B.He thinks he did a very gd jb.
    C.He feels unsatisfied with the result.
    5.When is the man's reprt due?
    A.At 2:30.
    B.At 3:00.
    C.At 4:00.
    6.What is the man lking fr?
    A.A shirt.
    B.A gift.
    C.A dll.
    7.Hw much des the man have t pay?
    A.16 dllars.
    B.64 dllars.
    C.80 dllars.
    8.Wh was lying n the rad?
    A.A passenger.
    B.A driver.
    C.A passer-by.
    9.What are the tw speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.An article.
    B.An accident.
    C.A newspaper.
    10.Why did the man g t Pars?
    A.T have a vacatin.
    B.T attend a meeting.
    C.T visit an ld friend.
    11.What will the wman be ding next week?
    A.Having a party.
    B.Buying sme flwers.
    C.Ging n a business trip.
    12.What's the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A.Frmer classmates.
    B.Cmplete strangers.
    C.Clse clleagues.
    13.Where is the wman frm?
    14.Hw many things will peple d t celebrate the festival?
    15.What is the wman determined t d?
    A.Learn a freign language.
    B.Teach Chinese t freigners.
    C.Intrduce Chinese culture t freigners.
    16.What is the man ding nw?
    A.Learning Chinese.
    B.Visiting a friend.
    C.Studying Chinese histry.
    17.What is the speaker?
    A.A spkesman.
    B.A reprter.
    C.A guide.
    18.What culd the weather be like in winter?
    A.Freezing cld.
    B.Quite windy.
    C.Fairly dry.
    19.When was the twer built?
    A.1,350 years ag.
    B.2,200 years ag.
    C.4,550 years ag.
    20.What will they d next?
    A.Taste lcal fd.
    B.Get int the twer.
    C.Take a rest.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Universities are wrking harder than ever t attract prspective students t their campuses. One f their main strategies is t upgrade n-campus accmmdatins and attract students with the prmise f resrt-style living.
    Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy-Simmns Hall
    MIT is hme t Simmns Hall, the belved freshman drm that ffers beautiful views f Cambridge, a tw-stry mvie theater, and a ball pit designed t prvide stress relief. Cmmn areas are equipped with TVs and gaming systems, and the in-huse dining hall and late night café cme in handy fr students pulling thse ccasinal all-nighters. 62% f Simmns residents live in single rms, s students can enjy their privacy while still staying cnnected t the spirited Simmns cmmunity.
    University f Cincinnati-Mrgens Hall
    The University f Cincinnati's recently restred Mrgens Hall basts flr-t-ceiling views and luxury apartment-style living. These 2-persn, 3-persn, and 8-persn rms feature full kitchens, huge clsets, and plenty f strage space. The entire building is full f neat tricks, frm windws that darken with the tuch f a buttn t ec-friendly heating and cling technlgy.
    Pmna Cllege-Dialynas & Sntag Hall
    Small liberal arts schl Pmna Cllege has nt ne but tw f the best cllege drms. Dialynas Hall and Sntag Hall, bth cnstructed in 2011, gained natinal praise fr their energy efficient design and are belved by students fr their mdern lk. Students live in suite-style rms in arrangements f three t six bedrms. There's a drp-dwn mvie screen, a rftp garden and playing field fr pick-up games. Students can learn mre abut their drm's sustainable design by spending time in the in-huse ec-classrms.
    21.Which drm is better fr a student lnging fr privacy?
    A.Simmns hall.
    C.Dialynas Hall.
    B.Mrgens Hall.
    D.Sntag Hall.
    22.What d Mrgens Hall and Dialynas & Sntag Hall have in cmmn?
    A.They are big-sized.
    B.They help t save mney.
    C.They have TVs in the walls.
    D.They are envirnmentally-friendly.
    23.Why d these clleges try t imprve their student drms?
    A.T prmte lw-carbn lifestyle.
    B.T make campuses mre inviting.
    C.T test energy-efficient buildings.
    D.T encurage game-based learning.
    Benjamin Alexander, a 38-year-ld man frm Nrthamptn shire, became the first athlete t represent Jamaica in an alpine skiing event(高山滑雪)at the Winter Olympics.
    But his stry started in 2015. When he saw friends did the sprt s skillfully, he was in awe and decided t take a ski lessn.” That first time, I fell 27 times n the way dwn the hill. I think a lt f peple wuld have given up at that pint.” “But I kind f just tk that as the baseline. If I can aim fr falling less than 27 times n the next hill, then I am prgressing.”
    Hwever, it wasn't until tw years later that Benjamin cnsidered seriusly cmpeting in the sprt.“In 2018,I went t the Winter Olympics as a spectatr,” he said.“I nticed that there were nly three athletes representing Jamaica.I fund that very strange since my mther cuntry is a pwerhuse full f athletes in the summer game. S cming int 2019, I just had a plan t say, 'Let's see if this crazy idea f ging t the Olympics is even pssible. Let's just g and ski fr a little while and see what happens.'" he said.
    Alexander has n full-time cach. He built a supprt netwrk that included Stkes and the US skier Grdn Gray, wh called Alexander's technique “terrible”but thught his lack f fear wuld give him an advantage in cmpetitin. A strategic apprach and fearless technique have led the engineering graduate and frmer DJ nt nly t make sprting histry but find success as a black athlete in a histrically white sprt. Alexander bills himself as a “reinventin expert” and has used skills learned in his ther careers t develp his pursuit f skiing success. “I've been t 67 cuntries. I've spent a lt f my life n the rad.” he said. “I've always lved t travel and a big part f my previus rle as a DJ was getting myself ut there, marketing myself in the right way, figuring ut ways t get int venues,clubs and festivals that I wanted t perfrm at.”
    24.What made Benjamin decide t cmpete in Olympics?
    A.His lve fr his mtherland.
    B.His friends' encuragement.
    C.His desire t change his life.
    D.His enthusiasm fr alpine skiing.
    25.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The challenges Benjamin met.
    B.The advantages Benjamin has.
    C.The way f Benjamin's training.
    D. The reasn behind Benjamin's success.
    26.What can we learn frm Benjamin Alexander?
    A.Better late than never.
    B.Failure is the mther f success.
    C.Never judge a bk by its cver.
    D.Nthing is impssible t a willing heart.
    27.In which clumn will yu read this passage n the Internet?
    This is the digital age. If yu dn't knw what ChatGPT is, think f the digital prducts yu're cnstantly expsed t. Technlgy can clse the gap between paper and screen, but nt entirely. Typing will never be as distinctive as handwriting. Mastery f digital technlgies is vital, but a sense f tuch, authenticity and humanity still matter.
    A recent research reveals the enduring value f paper, whether in making decisins, winning ver custmers r enhancing prductivity. In a study frm Maferima at Nrthwestern University and Lili Wang f Zhejiang University, the researchers apprached strangers and asked them t take a made-up survey. Half the respndents were given a pen and paper t fill ut the frm; the ther half were handed an iPad. At the end f the exercise, respndents were asked if they wanted t give their email address t receive infrmatin n hw t dnate t a charity. Thse wh used paper were much likelier t prvide their email addresses.
    The researchers als saw differences in behavir when they shwed Chinese university students an ad fr a bkseller at the end f the survey, and then asked them t select sme f the bks that were being prmted. Thse using paper t fill ut the questinnaire chse mre highbrw bks n average than thse using the tablet. When asked, paper-and-pen respndents were indeed mre likely than iPad users t think their chices were mre indicative f their characters.
    And in a study frm 2017,researchers fund that peple assigned a greater value t the physical versin f a prduct than its digital versin. Shppers were willing t pay mre fr bks and films they culd hld than nes they culd nly dwnlad. Even the sight f smene handling smething can help nline sales. They fund that Instagram psts shwing hands tuching prducts like cups f cffee r smartphnes gt mre likes than thse that were nt being pawed. Similarly, peple brwsing in a shp n line were mre willing t buy a T-shirt if they saw their wn simulated hand tuch it. All f these explain why retailers target cnsumers wh d mre f their shpping ffline when selling pricier, less functinal prducts.
    28.What des the authr want t say in Paragraph 1?
    A.Tgether with ChatGPT cmes the digital age.
    B.Paper still has a rle t play in the digital age.
    C.Peple wn't write with pen in the future.
    D.Digital prducts d harm t ur health.
    29.Hw des the authr mainly develp paragraphs 2&3?
    A.By asking questins.
    B.By giving examples.
    C.By listing reasns.
    D. By making cmparisns.
    C.By listing reasns.
    30.Which wrd can replace the underlined wrd “simulated” in the last paragraph?
    31.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.On-line shps will fail t attract custmers in the future.
    B.A hand-written birthday card is better than a text message.
    C.A persn with an app will be mre likely t stick t his plan.
    D.All exams and interviews will be cnducted with pen and paper.
    Yellw fever began t spread in Brazil in 2016. Mre than 2,000 peple gt sick, and 750 died.The disease is als severely threatening the glden lin tamarin, a little mnkey, living in the rainfrest f sutheastern Brazil. The disease killed abut ne-third f its ppulatin, which was small even befre the utbreak. S, scientists created a vaccine t prtect the mnkeys.
    The vaccinatin campaign began last year. But vaccinating animals t prtect their species frm extinctin is a new idea, which represents a change in thinking amng supprters f wildlife cnservatin and has raised questins abut hw far humans shuld g t save wild animas. Histrically, cnservatinists have believed that humans shuld nt interfere directly with wildlife. A traditinal saying in the wrld f cnservatin wrk is “Leave it as is.”
    Hwever, Tny Gldberg, a scientist and animal dctr at the University f Wiscnsin-Madisn, believes in vaccinating wild animals when pssible. “There are peple wh say we shuldn't tuch nature and that we shuldn't alter anything. But really, there are n unspiled natural habitats left.” he said. “Peple are realizing they have t d smething." he added. “This epidemic mved very quickly frm nrth t suth, acrss the cuntry-n wildlife des that. It's peple. They crss vast distances in buses, trains, planes. They bring the disease with them. We realized that in five years, we culd lse the entire ppulatin if we did nthing.”
    The vaccine led t antibdies in the tested mnkeys and caused n harm, the scientists fund. S far, abut 300 have been vaccinated and are reprted t be ding well. Tests shw that mre than 90 percent f the mnkeys have immunity r resistance t the virus since vaccinatin.
    The utbreak f yellw fever is n lnger a big prblem fr the mnkeys, and their ppulatin is starting t cme back. But even with the success f the vaccine prgram, scientists are still nt sure abut creating vaccines fr ther animals. Jacb Negrey, a bilgist wh studies mnkeys, wndered abut unpredictable effects f such wildlife treatment. He explained that yu might create a treatment that helps ne kind f animal but hurts anther.
    32.What caused mneys t get infected with yellw fever?
    A. Human activities.
    B.Lss f their habitat.
    C.Cnvenient transprtatin.
    D.The develpment f Science and technlgy.
    33.What happened t vaccinated mnkeys?
    A.They are resistant t all viruses.
    B.They are n lnger endangered animals.
    C.There is an increase in their ppulatin.
    D.Sme f them are harmed by the vaccine.
    34.What's Jacb's attitude t creating vaccine fr ther animals?
    35.What's the best title f this passage?
    A.Vaccinating animals: a heated debate.
    B.Yellw fever: a threat t mnkeys.
    C.Prtecting mneys: a tp pririty.
    D.Vaccine:a blessing fr mnkeys
    Peple have been playing rck, paper, scissrs fr abut 2,000 years. It's played everywhere. Many peple think the game is all luck: their prbability f winning seems abut the same as their chances f lsing. 36There are patterns in hw peple make decisins. Althugh knwing the psychlgy f this game isn't a sure ticket t winning a match, it can help.
    The game is mainly abut predicting and reading yur ppnents. 37 Research has shwn that there is a slight preference fr peple t begin by playing rck. There are different theries abut why-it culd be because it is mentined first in the name f the game, r it culd be because rck is similar t a fist which seems pwerful. Thus, if we knw that, it gives us an edge-just play paper.
    38Research shws that peple wh lse a hand tend t change. S there is a reasnable chance that ur ppnents will change t scissrs r paper. That gives us ur secnd edge--just play scissrs and we shuld either win r draw. But this isn't an exact science. What if it desn't g t plan and yur ppnents win? 39.
    If we lse the previus hand then ur ppnents might reasnably expect us t switch t smething else. 40. Hpefully, they'll switch, expecting us t switch, and it shuld imprve ur chances. Maybe smetimes the less predictable yu are, the better chance yu have f winning.
    A. But the utcme f the game is nt randm.
    B.S what if yu culd predict their first hand?
    C.Perhaps they knw a bit f game strategy t.
    D.If ur ppnents lse, they'll prbably switch.
    E.“Practice, practice, practice” is the key t success.
    F.This gives us ur final edge-surprise them by nt switching.
    G.Lk fr patterns in either yur ppnent's mves r behavir.
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    It was snwing in the midwinter, in a rural highway utside f twn. Pepper and Cper,a pair f beagles(小猎犬)walked with great difficulty thrugh the 41 night. Cper, a father-t-be 42 the radside fr a spt, where his struggling cmpanin might rest safely. Her way was made 43 by the new life grwing inside her. They needed a 44,dry place safe frm the bitter wind.
    That December night, Gus Kiebel was driving hme frm wrk when he 45 the pair in the flash f his headlights. Feeling curius and 46, he parked his truck and 47 the animals. Gus_48dwn and stretched ut his hands t the beagles, which made n effrt t_49.He 50 the dgs n the passenger seat f his truck. Then he 51 his phne and called the number frm the dgs' tags. A man answered and immediately grew_52_and impatient when Gus tld him why he was calling. 53,the man declined t 54 the dg. These beagles were 55, n hme at all in this wrld. Then he called his wife Katie. “Yu can't put them back in the 56,”she said. “Bring them hme.”
    Withut enugh 57 fr tw mre dgs in their small huse, the next day, Katie tk them t a shelter nearby. In the days fllwing, Katie phned the shelter 58 t check up n Pepper and Cper. Sn after Christmas, the beagles were 59 - as a pair, by a lving family. This tuching stry speaks t the best f ur nature. And when kindness and lve vercme 60 and neglect(忽视),it can feel like the greatest miracle f all.
    At the end f May in 2022, events61(hld) bth nline and ffline in Nanjing and Taicang, Jiangsu prvince, t hnr the 110th anniversary f the birth f nuclear physicist Wu Chien-shiung. In September that year,62glbal nline seminar was staged als t mark this anniversary.
    63(cmpare)with physicists such as Marie Curie r Richard Feynman, Wu is nt a husehld name in China, where she was brn and grew up, r in the United States, where she spent mst f her life, but she was ne f the mst 64 (influence) nuclear physicists f the 20th century, ne wh65(cmplete) changed human's view f the universe.
    Wu was brn 66 May 31,1912, in Liuhe twn, Taicang, where the Yangtze River flws int the East Sea. It was a time 67the feudal system(封建制度)in China,which spanned mre than 2,000 years, came t an end and new 68 (thught) rushed in as peple sught t find ways t revive the cuntry.
    After 69(receive) a mdern educatin in Shanghai, Wu's father, Wu Zhngyi, funded the first schl fr girls in Taicang in 1913. He aimed 70 (break) the ld sexist advcacy that it was wmen's virtue t have n talents. The schl has becme Mingde Senir Middle Schl since 1998.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Hnesty, cnsidering as a gd quality, is f vital imprtant. Hnest peple win respect while a liar is lked dwn because dishnesty results in distrust and even ruins ne's name. S hw t be the hnest student? Firstly, dn’t cpy hmewrks r cheat in the exam. Beside, yu’d better t keep yur prmise and try t d things well. Mre imprtantly, tell the truth instead f lies. Only in this way can yu make prgress in yur studies and made mre friends. If yu're hnest with ther, yu’ll be treated the same way. There is n dubt whether hnest students will have a bright future.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    第31届世界大学生夏季运动会(the 31st Summer Universiade)将于今夏在成都举行。目前,组委会正在招募志愿者。假设你是李华,请给组委会写一封信,申请做志愿者。内容包括:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Having learnt that yu are recruiting vlunteers fr

    Li Hua
    41. A. freezing
    B. dark
    C. wnderful
    D. unfrgettable
    42. A. nticed
    B. scanned
    C. witnessed
    D. watched
    43. A. lnger
    B. fitter
    C. heavier
    D. strnger
    44. A. quiet
    B. clean
    C. crwded
    D. warm
    45. A. sptted
    B. trained
    C. drpped
    D. crashed
    46. A. thrilled
    B. disappinted
    C. cncerned
    D. delighted
    47. A. caught
    B. chased
    C. apprached
    D. freed
    48. A. bent
    B. sat
    C. lay
    D. fell
    49. A. jump
    B. bark
    C. leave
    D. escape
    50. A. lcked
    B. placed
    C. threw
    D. hid
    51. A. put ut
    B. pulled ut
    C. handed ut
    D. gave ut
    52. A. psitive
    B. bjective
    C. supprtive
    D. defensive
    53. A. Frtunately
    B. Unsurprisingly
    C. Hpefully
    D. Interestingly
    54. A. declare
    B. cnsider
    C. claim
    D. discuss

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