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    Help? Teen Line Is Here
    • CALL 800—852—8336 Natinwide (6 PM—10 PM)
    • TEXT TEEN t 839863 (6 PM—9 PM)
    • EMAIL US at teenline@rg.cm
    Are yu a teen lking fr help?
    Opening up t smene can be scary. Talking abut what yu’re dealing with is ften hard, but at Teen Line we d everything we can t make it as easy as pssible fr yu. Our nly gal is t help yu in whatever way we can.
    N issue is t big r t small. We are here t prvide hpe and supprt if yu are struggling. We are here t help!
    What t expect when yu call r text Teen Line?
    When yu call r text Teen Line, anther teen will be there t listen, understand, and answer yur questins. Many f ur callers are talking t smene abut what they’re ging thrugh fr the first time. Our teen listeners are aware f that and try t make yu as cmfrtable as pssible.
    When yu call r text Teen Line, we wn’t judge yu r tell yu what t d. We will listen t yu and wrk with yu t find a way t imprve yur situatin.
    Wh is ging t answer yur call r text?
    Our vlunteers, wh are high schl students frm Ls Angeles, Califrnia, will answer yur call. Our vlunteers—wh we call “Listeners”—receive ver 100 hurs f training frm mental health prfessinals s that they can respnd and understand the needs f the teens reaching ut.
    What tpics can yu discuss with us?
    Our Listeners are ready t talk abut anything yu are ging thrugh. The mst cmmn tpics teens reach ut abut are relatinships, anxiety, depressin and lneliness.
    1.When is Teen Line available bth fr making a call and sending a message?
    A. At 9:00 AM.B. At 9:30 PM.C. At 7:45 PM.D. At 11:00 PM.
    2.What will Teen Line d if they receive a call?
    A. They will tell the caller what t d directly.
    B. They will nly listen t the caller.
    C. They will turn t prfessinals fr help.
    D. They will wrk with the caller t slve the prblem.
    3.Wh are the “Listeners”?
    A. Well-trained vlunteers.B. Cllege students in Califrnia.
    C. Mental health prfessinals.D. Teenagers with the same issues.
    Recently whenever I turned n my cmputer r my mbile phne, news abut the great effect f Hurricane Harvey n thusands f peple caught my eyes. We saw many unfrtunate events. Hwever, there were als the bright news that cnfirmed the gdness f mankind. As a jurnalist, I wrte many human interesting stries during my career. That's why the stry abut the guys in the bakery caught my eyes.
    When the staff at a Mexican bakery chain in Hustn were trapped inside the building fr tw days, they didn't sit there feeling srry fr themselves. They used their time wisely after flding caused by Hurricane Harvey. While they were waiting fr the eventual rescue that came n Mnday mrning, fur decided t make as many laves f bread as pssible fr their cmmunity.
    The fld water rse in the street utside. They tk advantage f their emergency pwer supply t bake bread. They used mre than 4,200 punds f flur t create hundreds f laves and sheets f sweet bread. Althugh the water kept rising, they cntinued baking t help mre peple. By the time the wner managed t get t them, they had made s much bread that we tk the laves t lads f emergency centers acrss the city fr peple affected by the flds.
    The stre manager, Brian Alvarad, tld The Independent,“Whenever a disaster ccurs, nbdy shuld just feel frlrn . Instead,we shuld take psitive actin t save urselves and help thers. Our acts f kindness will make a big difference.”
    4.What did the bakery stre wrkers d after flding caused by Hurricane Harvey?
    A. They vlunteered t make bread fr their cmmunity.
    B. They managed t live by selling mre bread in the stre.
    C. They felt srry that they culdn't escape frm the stre.
    D. They ate nthing but t wait fr their cmmunity t rescue them.
    5.Which f the fllwing best explains“frlrn”underlined in the last paragraph?
    A. Frtunate.B. Hpeful.C. Shallw.D. Desperate.
    6.What can we infer frm the text?
    A. Alvarad rganized his wrkers t bake much bread.
    B. Hurricane Harvey caused a pwer failure in Hustn.
    C. The staff in the bakery sent enugh flur t emergency centers.
    D. The authr preferred t write stries abut peple facing disasters.
    7.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Ppular Mexican Bakery Chain in Hustn
    B. Wait fr the Eventual Rescue in a Big Disaster
    C. All Kinds f Disasters Caused by Hurricane Harvey in Hustn
    D. Bake Bread t Make a Difference in Face f Hurricane Harvey
    Parkinsn’s is a prgressive brain disease which leads t shaky hands and slw mvement, and there is n cure. Tai Chi, a traditinal Chinese martial art that cmbines (结合) slw, gentle mvements with deep breathing and relaxatin, may be an effective means f reducing the suffering. Recently, the researchers say that thse wh practised the martial art twice a week had fewer cmplicatins (并发症) and better quality f life than thse wh didn’t. Experts say the findings back up previus studies n the benefits f exercise fr thse with Parkinsn’s.
    The study, frm Shanghai Jia Tng University Schl f Medicine, mnitred the health f hundreds f Parkinsn’s patients fr up t five years. One grup f 147 peple practised regular Tai Chi while anther grup f 187 did nt. The researchers fund that the disease prgressed mre slwly in the Tai Chi grup n measurements f symptms (症状), mvement and balance. This grup als saw fewer falls, less back pain and dizziness, with memry and cncentratin prblems als lwer than in the ther grup. At the same time, sleep and quality f life cntinuusly imprved.
    Prf. Alastair Nyce, prfessr in neurlgy and neurepidemilgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, called it “an imprtant study”—the psitive effects n aspects f mtr (运动的) and nn-mtr functins are impressive — but said there were limitatins in its design, and mre tests were needed.
    “We already recmmend Tai Chi, as well as ther frms f exercise, but understanding which frms f exercise are mst beneficial is an imprtant gal t imprve the lng-term management f patients,” he said.
    8.Why was the study cnducted?
    A. T find a cure fr Parkinsn’s disease.
    B. T imprve the sleep quality f Parkinsn’s patients.
    C. T remve the misunderstanding f the previus studies.
    D. T research the benefits f Tai Chi fr thse with Parkinsn’s.
    9.Which f the fllwing is nt the researchers’ finding?
    A. Cncentratin prblem was lwer in the Tai Chi grup.
    B. The disease prgressed mre slwly in the Tai Chi grup.
    C. Patients in the nn-Tai Chi grup cntinuusly fell dwn.
    D. Back pain and dizziness were relieved in the Tai Chi grup.
    10.What can we learn frm Prf. Alastair Nyce’s wrds?
    A. Tai Chi shuld be given mre preference.
    B. Finding the mst beneficial exercise is f imprtance.
    C. It is unnecessary t d mre related studies.
    D. Imprve the lng-term management f patients is impssible.
    11.What is Prf. Alastair Nyce’s attitude twards the study?
    A. Cnfused.B. Dubtful.C. Psitive.D. Wrried.
    Traditinally, the number f meaningful scial relatinships ne can maintain is arund 150. This cncept finds its rts in the natural develpment f the human brain. Hwever, in the digital age, where ur scial cnnectins extend far beynd the gegraphical bundaries (界限), we easily create mre cnnectins with the help f the rising nline platfrms. Then, a questin arises: Des the digital age rewrite the rules f scial cnnectin?
    A study published in Cyberpsychlgy, Behavir, and Scial Netwrking explred the effect f scial media usage n the size f scial circles and the clseness f relatinships. The researchers fund that mre time spent n scial media made fr a larger number f nline “friends,” but nt a larger number f ffline friends. Further, the findings were nt linked t feelings f clseness twards nline r ffline friends.
    Anther study frm the Eurpean Jurnal f Infrmatin Systems studied the link between scial media usage and “scial verlad” — the feeling that t much f the energy fr scializing is being used up by nline relatinships. The authrs fund that scial media usage directly cntributed t the experience f scial verlad, related t digital tiredness and dissatisfactin with scial media.
    With scial media platfrms rising, ne’s ability t cnnect with peple challenges the traditinal cncept. The brain, used t manage a limited number f relatinships, nw fights against the difficulties f dealing with a large number f digital cnnectins, leading t a less attentin and feeling investment (投入) in a relatinship. And the nline shallw cnnectins can nt develp meaningful, lasting relatinships that stand the test f digital distance.
    Therefre, in the digital age’s scial whirlwind, instead f drwning (淹没) in a sea f weak interactin (互动), chse t engage in meaningful cnversatins and fcus n the handful f relatinships that truly fit yur heart. Hug the beauty f face-t-face cnnectins, allwing the richness f human interactin t flwer beynd the digital wrld. By ding s, we create digital and physical spaces that truly imprve ur well-being.
    12.Why did the authr mentin the traditinal cncept in the first paragraph?
    A. T tell a stry.B. T develp the tpic.
    C. T shw his sincerity.D. T give an example.
    13.What can we learn frm the first study?
    A. Online relatinships were clser.
    B. Spending mre time nline imprved ne’s health.
    C. Scial media usage had n effect n ne’s scial circles.
    D. The large nline scial circles didn’t mean the large number f ffline friends.
    14.What was the disadvantage f engaging in t many relatinships?
    A. It resulted in ne’s less attentin t a relatinship.
    B. It caused the brain t break dwn and damaged the health.
    C. It led t expressin errrs when ne scialized with friends.
    D. It develped shallw cnnectins that stand the test f distance.
    15.Which f the fllwing statements is true accrding t the last tw paragraphs?
    A. It is a gd chice t give up nline cnnectins cmpletely.
    B. Face-t-face cnnectins are time-cnsuming and meaningless in digital age.
    C. It is a must t merely cncentrate n the few relatinships truly fitting yur heart.
    D. It pses a challenge fr the brain t deal with large numbers f digital cnnectins.
    16.Cmmn Mistakes New Runners Make
    Running is a great way t get in shape and just abut everyne can d it. Hwever, many make a number f cmmn mistakes, which can interfere (妨碍) with training r lead t injury. ①_____, keep these things in mind t help yu increase yur chances f running success.
    • Ding t much t sn
    One f the biggest mistakes new runners make is ding t much t sn. Slwly easing int a training prgram will help reduce the risk f injury, s yu can cntinue n with yur new running rutine. ②_____.
    • ③_____
    Beginners might think they need t run every day (r nearly every day) t meet their fitness r weight-lss gals, but this culdn't be further frm the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard n yur bdy. S it's imprtant t give yur bdy a rest between wrkuts.
    • Nt wearing the right equipment
    ④_____, it's imprtant that yu wear prperly fr yur wrkuts. The mst imprtant piece f equipment fr running is a gd pair f running shes, s be sure t d sme research befre yu purchase a pair. Visit a running specialty stre and ask an emplyee t fit yu fr a she.
    • Running thrugh pain
    ⑤_____. If smething hurts when yu run, yu need t stp and treat the pain. Remember: It desn't make yu less f a runner if yu listen t yur bdy t keep it healthy.
    A. Nt taking rest days
    B. If yu're just starting ut
    C. Cmparing yurself t thers
    D. Running can be uncmfrtable at times
    E. It's imprtant nt t use the same muscles
    F. While it may be true that yu dn't need expensive equipment t take up running
    G. Experts suggest increasing yur running distance by n mre than 10% each week
    During my first three years f cllege, I put n abut 30 punds f weight. Between classwrk and a part-time jb, I had zer time fr 1 . Besides, I ate a lt f fast fd. Nt surprisingly, I gt a fat stmach.
    After leaving cllege, I 2 t take exercise. Invited by a friend, I began wrking ut with exercise machines three times a week. I was the kind f persn wh did nt try smething 3 . I ate the same fds; I did the same things. Clearly, I 4 my rutines (习惯). My friend, hwever, became 5 . One day, he said, “We’re nt getting enugh exercise. We shuld play tennis instead.”
    Me? Play tennis? N way. I was strngly against his 6 . 1 was nt gd at sprts. Besides, I was 7 the exercise machines. Hwever, weeks later, I fund myself standing n a tennis curt (球场). As I held my racket (球拍), I felt 8 . I gave my friend sme lks that culd kill. I ran after every ball he served t me, cmpletely 9 abut 90% f them, and hitting the rest int the ther curt. The first few mnths were quite 10 . But ne day, as the ball enugh came flying tward me, my racket and the ball finally met in the place where it is mst effective t hit a ball. I watched 11 as my return landed where I had aimed (瞄准) it, I had finally. 12 hw t play tennis prperly!
    Tennis wuld finally becme my 13 . I played it fr several years, nly 14 because f a knee injury. I learned a lessn during my jurney tward learning t play tennis: I can d whatever I set my mind t. I just 15 t put in the wrk, and the results will fllw.
    17.A. gamesB. hlidaysC. researchD. exercise
    18.A. decidedB. agreedC. regrettedD. cntinued
    19.A. imprtantB. newC. simpleD. similar
    20.A. likedB. changedC. challengedD. strengthened
    21.A. addictedB. amazedC. bredD. cnfused
    22.A. tpicB. experimentC. replyD. idea
    23.A. wrried abutB. happy withC. sure fD. ashamed f
    24.A. sillyB. curiusC. cnfidentD. satisfied
    25.A. quittingB. thrwingC. missingD. playing
    26.A. interestingB. painfulC. differentD. easy
    27.A. in secretB. in dangerC. in fearD. in surprise
    28.A. explredB. learnedC. taughtD. remembered
    29.A. hbbyB. planC. dreamD. schedule
    30.A. cmpletingB. startingC. stppingD. frgetting
    31.A. expectB. seemC. needD. happen
    32.Ballet is a frmal kind f dance perfrmance with① _________ interesting and rich histry. The wrd “ballet” cmes frm the French language. Ballet’s early rts began in Italy in the late 1400s. But it was in France② _________ ballet develped int the frm we knw tday.
    The French ruler Luis the Furteenth had a big influence③ _________ the directin f ballet in its early histry. He ruled France fr seventy-tw years, ④ _________ (start) in 1643. He started dancing as a by and wrked hard daily.
    Luis the Furteenth turned ballet int a frm f dance that reflected⑤ _________ (he) pwer and influence. Ballet’s many rules and⑥ _________ (extreme) detailed mvements expressed a persn’s pwer and scial relatins. The king made sure that ballet became a requirement fr the peple f his curt. He was als the⑦ _________ (fund) f the Ryal Academy f Dance, an institutin⑧ _________ imprtant peple culd learn this art. The aim f this dance was self-cntrl, rder and perfectin.
    Ballet slwly changed frm a dance at the king’s curt t ne⑨ _________ (perfrm) by prfessinal dancers. When Luis the Furteenth died in 1715, ballet⑩ _________ (bring) t ther parts f Eurpe and was develping in ther ways.
    1. 自我介绍(包括个人能力、获奖); 2. 咨询了解工作时间。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I’m Li Hua, a student frm Xinhua schl.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Pip is a cute little squirrel (松鼠) frm a lving family, whse mther ften tells him that sharing is caring.
    On a cld mrning in the park, Pip was lking fr a tree with enugh branches t shelter him frm the cld. Suddenly, he fund a huge ne, with many branches, and t his jy, a big, brwn acrn was hanging frm ne f the lwer nes.
    Knwing hw imprtant acrns were at this time f year, Pip mved as fast as his tiny legs culd carry him, and climbed up the side f the tree, heading twards the acrn. As he gt clse t the acrn, he thught abut hw hungry he was, as he hadn’t had any fd fr tw days. He reached his paw (爪子) frward eagerly and just as he was abut t take his first bite, smebdy tk the acrn frm his paws and climbed dwn the tree. Angry and still hungry, Pip ran after the acrn thief, and jumped acrss the branches, frm tree t tree. He wuld save his lunch, n matter what!
    “Hey! Cme back here! That’s my acrn. I fund it, fair and square,” shuted Pip, wh was ut f breath.
    The acrn thief was anther squirrel, wh Pip recgnized as Rascal, a squirrel in the park wh always stle fd frm thers.
    “Yu will never catch me, Pip! Everyne knws that yu are the slwest squirrel in the park and I haven’t eaten tday, s this nut is mine!” said Rascal.
    Hearing Rascal make fun f him made Pip angrier and run faster. Finally, Pip caught up with Rascal. After what seemed like the lngest fight ever, Pip managed t take the acrn ut f Rascal’s paws and he ran as fast as he culd t hide away. As Rascal tried t fllw Pip, a huge tree branch fell n him and stpped him frm running after the acrn. Rascal culdn’t climb ver the branch and he was frced t admit defeat.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    Pip happily hugged his acrn.
    “Why did yu help me, Pip?” asked Rascal, quite surprised.
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中“• CALL 800—852—8336 Natinwide (6 PM—10 PM)(•全国电话800-852-8336(下午6点至晚上10点))”和“• TEXT TEEN t 839863 (6 PM—9 PM)(•文本TEEN至839863(下午6点至晚上9点))”可知,可供打电话的时间段为晚上6点—10点,发短信的时间段为晚上6点—9点,所以选项中仅有C项同时符合两个时间段,故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中第二个小标题下的第二段“When yu call r text Teen Line, we wn’t judge yu r tell yu what t d. We will listen t yu and wrk with yu t find a way t imprve yur situatin.(当你给‘青少年求助热线’打电话或发短信时,我们不会评判你或告诉你该怎么做。我们会倾听你的心声,与你一起寻找改善现状的方法。)”可知,“青少年求助热线”接到电话后会和你一起想办法解决问题,故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中第三个小标题下的第一段“Our vlunteers—wh we call “Listeners”—receive ver 100 hurs f training frm mental health prfessinals s that they can respnd and understand the needs f the teens reaching ut.(我们的志愿者——我们称之为“倾听者”——从心理健康专家那里接受了100多个小时的培训,这样他们就能回应并理解青少年的需求。)”可知,“倾听者”指的是训练有素的志愿者。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中They tk advantage f their emergency pwer supply t bake bread. They used mre than 4,200 punds f flur t create hundreds f laves and sheets f sweet bread.可知,Hurricane Harvey引发洪水后,面包店的工作人员自愿为他们的社区做面包。故选A。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的Instead,we shuld take psitive actin t save urselves and help thers.“相反,我们应该采取积极的行动来拯救自己和帮助别人。”由Instead可知与前句构成转折关系,再由psitive可推知划线词的意思是“令人绝望的”。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第一句When the staff at a Mexican bakery chain in Hustn were trapped inside the building fr tw days,可知,Hurricane Harvey造成休斯敦停电。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段中Whenever a disaster ccurs, nbdy shuld just feel frlrn. Instead,we shuld take psitive actin t save urselves and help thers. Our acts f kindness will make a big difference.可知,文章讲述的是Hurricane Harvey到来时面包店继续烤面包所产生的很大影响。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Recently, the rescarchers say that thse wh practised the martial art twice a week had fewer cmplicatins (并发症) and better quality f life than thse wh didn't. Experts say the findings back up previus studies n the benefits f exercise fr thse with Parkinsn's.(最近,研究人员表 示,每周练习两次太极的人比不练习的人并发症更少,生活质量更好。专家表示,这些发现支持了之前关于运动对帕金森氏症患者益处的研究。)”和第 二段中的“The study, frm Shanghai Jia Tng University Schl f Medicine, mnitred the health f hundreds f Parkinsn's patients fr up t five years.(这 项来自上海交通大学医学院的研究对数百名帕金森 病患者的健康状况进行了长达五年的监测。)”可推 测出,进行这项研究是为了研究太极拳对那些患有 帕金森氏病的人产生的好处。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The researchers fund that the disease prgressed mre slwly in the Tai Chi grup n measurements f symptms(症状), mvement and balance. This grup als saw fewer falls, less back pain and dizziness, with memry and cncentratin prblems als lwer than in the ther grup.(研究人员发现,从症状、动作和平衡的测量结果来看,太极拳组的病情进展较慢。这 一组的跌倒次数更少,背痛和头晕次数更少,记忆力和注意力问题也低于另一组。)”可知,太极拳组 的病情进展较慢,跌倒、背痛、头晕次数更少,记忆力和注意力问题也较低,选项A、B、D均是研究 发现,C项不符合题意。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中他的话"We already recmmend Tai Chi, as well as ther frms f exercise, but understanding which frms f exercise are mst beneficial is an imprtant gal t imprve the lng-ten management f patients(我们已经推荐太极 拳和其他形式的运动,但了能动形式最有益 是改善患者长期管理的重要目标)"可知,他认为了 解哪些运动形式最有益是改善患者长期管理的重要 目标,由此可推测出,找到最有益的锻炼方式是非 常重要的。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的"Prf. Alastair Nyce, prfessr in neurlgy and ncurepidemilgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, called it ‘an imprtant study’—the psitive effects n aspects f mtr(运动的) and nn-mtr functins are impressive(伦敦玛丽女王大学神经病学 和神经流行病学教授Alastair Nyce教授称这是‘一项重要的研究’一对运动功能和非运动功能的积极影响令人印象深刻)"可知,他认为这项研究是一项重 要的研究,对运动功能和非运动功能的积极影响令 人印象深刻,由此可推测出,他对这项研究持肯定 态度。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Traditinally, the number f meaningful scial relatinships ne can maintain is arund 150. This cncept finds its rts in the natural develpment f the human brain. Hwever, in the digital age, where ur scial cnnectins extend far beynd the gegraphical bundaries (界限), we easily create mre cnnectins with the help f the rising nline platfrms. Then, a questin arises: Des the digital age rewrite the rules f scial cnnectin? (传统上,一个人可以维持的有意义的社会关系的数量在150左右。这一概念源于人类大脑的自然发展。然而,在数字时代,我们的社会联系远远超出了地理界限,在新兴的在线平台的帮助下,我们很容易建立更多的联系。那么,一个问题就出现了:数字时代是否改写了社会联系的规则?)可知讲述数字时代会建立更多的联系,但是也带来了一个问题,就是数字时代是否改写了社会联系的规则,进而引出下文要讨论的话题,由此推断,作者提到传统概念是为了展开主题,故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“The researchers fund that mre time spent n scial media made fr a larger number f nline “friends,” but nt a larger number f ffline friends. (研究人员发现,花在社交媒体上的时间越多,在线“朋友”的数量就越多,而线下朋友的数量并不多。)”由此可推测出网上社交圈大并不意味着有许多线下朋友。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“The brain, used t manage a limited number f relatinships, nw fights against the difficulties f dealing with a large number f digital cnnectins, leading t a less attentin and feeling investment (投入) in a relatinship. (过去用来管理有限数量的关系的大脑,现在要与处理大量数字连接的困难作斗争,导致对一段关系的关注和情感投入减少。)”可知,参与太多的关系会导致对一段关系的关注减少。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“The brain, used t manage a limited number f relatinships, nw fights against the difficulties f dealing with a large number f digital cnnectins, leading t a less attentin and feeling investment (投入) in a relatinship. (过去用来管理有限数量的关系的大脑,现在要与处理大量数字连接的困难作斗争,导致对一段关系的关注和情感投入减少。)”和最后一段“Therefre, in the digital age’s scial whirlwind, instead f drwning (淹没) in a sea f weak interactin (互动), chse t engage in meaningful cnversatins and fcus n the handful f relatinships that truly fit yur heart. (因此,在数字时代的社交旋风中,与其淹没在弱互动的海洋中,不如选择参与有意义的对话,专注于少数真正适合你内心的关系。)”可知只关心少数几段真正适合自己的关系是必要的,故选C。
    解析:①语境衔接题。上文Running is a great way t get in shape and just abut everyne can d it. Hwever, many make a number f cmmn mistakes, which can interfere(妨碍) with training r lead t injury.(跑步是保持体形的好方法,几乎每个人都可以做到。然而,许多人会犯一些常见的错误,这些错误可能会干扰训练或导致受伤。)指出跑步时有些人会犯一些常见的错误,这些错误可能会干扰训练或导致受伤,由本文标题Cmmn Mistakes New Runners Make(新跑步者常犯的错误)可知,本文主要指出新跑步者会犯的错误,根据下文keep these things in mind t help yu increase yur chances f running success.(记住这些事情可以帮助您增加跑步成功的机会。)可知,空处是状语从句,B项“如果你刚刚开始”符合,是下文的条件,同时也符合主题,即如果你是新跑步者,本文的建议会帮助你增加成功跑步的机会,故选B。
    ②联系上文题。上文One f the biggest mistakes new runners make is ding t much t sn. Slwly easing int a training prgram will help reduce the risk f injury, s yu can cntinue n with yur new running rutine.(新跑步者犯的最大错误之一就是跑得太多太快。慢慢地进入训练计划将有助于降低受伤风险,这样您就可以继续新的跑步习惯)指出刚开始跑步的人会跑得太快,所以要慢慢进入训练,不要跑太多太快,G项“专家建议每周增加跑步距离不超过10%”符合,指出不要跑太多,故选G。
    ③语境衔接题。此处是本段小标题,即新手跑步者常犯的错误之一,根据下文Beginners might think they need t run every day (r nearly every day) t meet their fitness r weight-lss gals, but this culdn't be further frm the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard n yur bdy. S it's imprtant t give yur bdy a rest between wrkuts.(初学者可能认为他们需要每天(或几乎每天)跑步才能达到健身或减肥目标,但这与事实相差甚远。跑步是一项高影响力的活动,对您的身体来说确实很困难。因此,在锻炼之间让身体休息很重要。)可知,新手跑步者不休息,A项“没有休息日”符合,故选A。
    ④语境衔接题。根据本段标题Nt wearing the right equipment(没有佩戴合适的装备)可知,本段主要介绍了新手跑步者常犯的错误之一是没有佩戴合适的装备,下文it's imprtant that yu wear prperly fr yur wrkuts.(锻炼时正确穿着很重要)强调跑步时正确穿着很重要,空处也应与"佩戴合适的装备"有关,F项“虽然你可能确实不需要昂贵的设备来开始跑步”符合,其中"equipment"呼应标题中的"the right equipment",虽然你可能确实不需要昂贵的设备来开始跑步,但是锻炼时正确穿着很重要,故选F。
    ⑤联系下文题。下文lf smething hurts when yu run, yu need t stp and treat the pain.(如果跑步时感到疼痛,则需要停下来治疗疼痛)指出跑步时如果感到疼痛,应该停下来,这说明有时候跑步会让人感到疼痛,D项“跑步有时会感到不舒服”符合,引起下文,下文介绍了感到疼痛时该如何做,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在做作业和做兼职期间,我没有时间锻炼身体。A. games游戏;B. hlidays假期,节日;C. research研究;D. exercise锻炼。根据上文“During my first three years f cllege, I put n abut 30 punds f weight.”及下文“Besides, I ate a lt f fast fd.”可知,作者体重增加了不少,原因就在于作者缺乏锻炼,并且吃了太多的快餐。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大学毕业后,我决定锻炼身体。A. decided决定;B. agreed同意;C. regretted后悔;D. cntinued继续。根据下文“Invited by a friend, I began wrking ut with exercise machines three times a week.”可知,作者在朋友的邀请下开始决定锻炼。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是那种不愿意尝试新东西的人。A. imprtant重要的;B. new新的;C. simple简单的;D. similar相似的。根据下文“I ate the same fds; I did the same things.”可知,作者习惯于吃同样的食物,做同样的事情,因此作者不喜欢尝试新的东西。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:显然,我喜欢这些习惯。A. liked喜欢;B. changed改变;C. challenged 挑战;D. strengthened加强。根据下文“I ate the same fds; I did the same things.”可知,我喜欢这些习惯。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我的朋友却厌倦了如此。A. addicted着迷的;B. amazed着迷的;C. bred厌倦的;D. cnfused迷惑的。根据上文“We're nt getting enugh exercise. We shuld play tennis instead.”可知,朋友厌倦了做同样的事情。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我非常反对他的主意。A. tpic主题;B. experiment实验;C. reply答复;D. idea主意。根据语境可知,此处idea代指上文中朋友提到的“我们应该打网球”这个想法。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我不太擅长于体育运动,我还是乐于用健身器材。A. wrried abut担忧;B. happy with开心,高兴;C. sure f确信,有把握;D. ashamed f羞愧。根据空格前“I was nt gd at sprts.(我不擅长运动)”以及前文作者反对网球可知,作者还是喜欢用健身器材锻炼。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我举着球拍的时候,我感觉自己很笨。A. silly笨的,愚蠢的;B. curius好奇的;C. cnfident自信的;D. satisfied满意的。作者不擅长于网球,因此作者感觉自己很蠢。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我追着发过来的每一个球,90%的球都没有击中。A. quitting停止;B. thrwing扔,投掷;C. missing错过,未击中;D. playing打(球)。根据上文“I was nt gd at sprts.(我不擅长运动)”可知,作者不擅长于运动,所以刚开始很多球未击中。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:头几个月对我来说很痛苦。A. interesting有趣的;B. painful疼痛的,痛苦的;C. different不同的;D. easy容易的。作者刚开始很多球未击中,这让作者感到很痛苦,其他三项与语境不符。故选B。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:我惊讶地看到我的球落在了我瞄准的地方。A. in secret秘密地;B. in anger生气地;C. in fear恐惧地;D. in surprise惊讶地。作者刚开始很多球未击中,作者第一次击中目标时应该是感到很惊讶。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我终于学会如何正确地打网球了!A. explred发掘;B. learned学会,了解;C. taught教授;D. remembered记住,牢记。根据语境可知,此处表示作者终于学会如何正确地打网球,learn t d sth.“学会做某事”。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:网球最后成了我的爱好。A. hbby嗜好;B. plan计划;C. dream梦醒;D. schedule 日程安排。根据下文“I played it fr several years”可知,打网球成为作者的嗜好。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我打了很多年网球,膝盖受伤才停止。A. cmpleting完成; B. starting 开始;C. stpping 停止;D. frgetting忘记。根据下文“because f a knee injury”可知,膝盖受伤才停止打网球。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我只需要投入工作,结果就会随之而来。A. expect希望;B. seem好像;C. need需要;D. happen发生。根据上文“I learned a lessn during my jurney tward learning t play tennis: I can d whatever I set my mind t.”可知,此处在讲述作者通过学会打网球得出的感悟:只需要付出,就会有结果。故选C。
    32.答案:①an②that③n④starting⑤his⑥extremely⑦funder⑧where⑨perfrmed⑩was brught
    ②考查强调句。句意:但是在法国,芭蕾舞发展成了我们今天所知道的形式。分析句子可知,句子为强调句,句式为“It is/ was+被强调部分+that/wh+句子其他部分”,被强调部分是地点状语in France,所以空处应用that。故填that。
    ③考查介词。句意:法国统治者路易十四在早期历史上对芭蕾舞的发展方向产生了很大影响。固定短语have a big influence n...意为“对……有很大影响”,所以空处应用介词n。故填n。
    ⑩考查时态和语态。句意:1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾舞被带到了欧洲其他地区,并以其他方式发展。设空处为谓语,根据句中“When Luis the Furteenth died in 1715”可知,句子陈述的是过去发生的事,ballet和bring为被动关系,所以句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,ballet是单数,所以空处应填was brught。故填was brught。
    33.答案:Dear Sir r Madam,
    I’m Li Hua, a student frm Xinhua schl. I’m writing t apply t wrk as a part-time interpreter in yur cmpany.
    I have a gd cmmand f spken English, which enables me t cmmunicate with thers in English with great fluency. Mrever, I wn the first prize in an English speech cntest held in ur schl and I was awarded the best singer in an English singing cntest last mnth. The part-time jb appeals t me a lt and I als wnder when I am suppsed t wrk fr yur cmpany if I am luckily chsen.
    I am mre than grateful if I am given a chance. I am cnvinced that I will perfectly live up t yur expectatins.
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    精通:have a gd cmmand f→ be gd at/master
    此外:Mrever → What’s mre
    吸引:appeal t→ attract
    感激的:grateful→ appreciative
    原句:Mrever, I have wn the first prize in an English speech cntest held in ur schl and I was awarded the best singer in an English singing cntest last mnth.
    拓展句:Mrever, nt nly did I win the first prize in an English speech cntest held in ur schl but als I was awarded the best singer in an English singing cntest last mnth.
    【高分句型1】I have a gd cmmand f spken English, which enables me t cmmunicate with thers in English with great fluency.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The part-time jb appeals t me a lt and I als wnder when I am suppsed t wrk fr yur cmpany if I am luckily chsen.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)
    34.答案: Pip happily hugged his acrn. He realized that Rascal wuld nt be able t steal his acrn again. But as he was abut t take his first delicius bite, he thught abut Rascal, wh had nt eaten either that day, as well as his mther’s wrds “sharing is caring”. He realized that he shuld nt be mean t Rascal, just because he was hungry. Pip made his way back t the branch and helped Rascal climb ver it by lifting him with a smaller branch.
    “Why did yu help me, Pip?” asked Rascal, quite surprised. Hearing the wrds, Pip calmly respnded, “Because my mm has tld me that sharing is caring, Rascal.” Then he brke the acrn in half and handed a piece t Rascal. Tgether, the tw tired squirrels fund a tree nearby, sat there fr shelter and enjyed their acrn. After a lng peace, Rascal brke the silence and prmised that he wuld never steal thers’ things any mre. Slwly, a precius friendship blmed between them, alng with the spring flwers.
    解析:1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:发现橡子——被Rascal抢走——抢回橡子——决定和Rascal分享——Rascal感动——成为朋友。
    3. 词汇激活
    ②回到:make ne’s way back t/return
    [高分句型1]He realized that Rascal wuld nt be able t steal his acrn again.(that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]After a lng peace, Rascal brke the silence and prmised that he wuld never steal thers’ things any mre.(that引导的宾语从句)

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