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    命题人:高一英语备课组 审题人:高一英语备课组
    (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. When will Sam start his vacatin?
    A. This Saturday.B. Next Wednesday.C. Next Friday.
    2.What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.B. Husband and wife.C. Father and daughter.
    3.Hw des the man sund?
    A. Anxius.B. Disappinted.C. Helpful.
    4. Where is the man prbably?
    A. At the ticket ffice.B. At a restaurant.C. At the dentist's.
    5. Wh vlunteered in Thailand last year?
    A. Maria.B. Jim.C. Amy.
    6. Why des Jasn refuse t g t the gym at first?
    A. He isn't feeling well.
    B. He can't affrd the gym card.
    C. He’s busy preparing fr an exam.
    7. What will the speakers d next Sunday?
    A. Buy new sprts shes.B. D sme exercise.C. G t swimming classes.
    8. What has Nancy dne fr her jb hunting?
    A. She has dne market research.
    B. She has read jb ads in newspapers.
    C. She has searched fr infrmatin nline.
    9. What des Jhn want t wrk as?
    A. A lawyer.B. An accuntant.C. A sales manager.
    10. What will Jhn d next?
    A. Revise his resume.B. Apply fr anther jb.C. Receive jb training.
    11. Which part is hard fr the man?
    A. Speaking.B. Listening.C.Writing.
    12. In which situatin can yu use the first strategy?
    A. Chatting with a freigner n a bus.
    B. Opening a bank accunt at a freign bank.
    C. Finding the files yu need at a gvernment ffice.
    13.What des Gabriella’s secnd strategy invlve?
    A. Preparing fr the cnversatin ahead.
    B. Turning t ther tpics cnstantly.
    C. Asking a lt f smaller questins.
    14.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Methds f imprving listening.
    B. Ways t develp speaking skills.
    C. Benefits f learning a new language.
    15.What des Clrs Huse want nw?
    A. Oak drs.B. Oak windws.C. Pinewd windws.
    16. Hw much will Clrs Huse pay in ttal?
    A. $6,000.B. $5,000. C. $4,000.
    17. What is the new delivery date?
    A. March 15.B. March 20.C. March 25.
    18. What was the 2005 Internatinal Mther Language Day abut?
    A. Sign language.B. Multilingual educatin.C. Indian languages.
    19.What’s the present situatin f the wrld’s languages?
    A. They mainly exist nline.
    B. They are disappearing fast.
    C. They are becming increasingly ppular.
    20. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Giving a reprt.B. Chairing a debate.C. Hsting a radi prgram.
    第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Thanksgiving isn’t just a hliday in the US. Sme ther cuntries have their wn versins f Thanksgiving.
    Legend has it that Jaquim Nabuc, Brazil’s first ambassadr(大使) t the US, enjyed the American hliday s much that he persuaded his gvernment t set up a similar day f thanks. Dia de Aca de Gracas is als celebrated every year n the furth Thursday f Nvember t give thanks fr the fall harvest. The Brazilian hliday ends with a clrful and nisy carnival(狂欢节) and parade.
    Japan’s versin f the hliday, called “Kinr Kansha n Hi” r Labr Thanksgiving Day, is bserved n Nvember 23. It riginated frm an ancient rice harvest festival called Niiname-sai. Later, the hliday’s purpse was t celebrate the rights f wrkers. Tday, Labr Thanksgiving Day is mainly bserved with small acts f cmmunity service. Children ften mark the ccasin by handing ut thank-yu ntes t firefighters, plice fficers, and ther frntline wrkers.
    Thanksgiving in Canada is a lw-key affair with n big parades r retail sales. The hliday mainly fcuses n families and friends getting tgether fr a meal. While many parts f the cuntry get the day ff, it is an ptinal(可选择的) hliday in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nva Sctia, Newfundland and Labradr. As a result, the celebratins ften take place the weekend befre the hliday.
    Ghana celebrates its versin f Thanksgiving in August r September. As the stry ges, the Ga settlers arrived in Ghana in the 16th century after facing lts f hardships during their travels acrss Africa. They celebrated their first harvest in Ghana with a feast, and a traditin was brn. Befre the festival, there is a mnth-lng ban n nise, especially drumming. Similar t Thanksgiving, Hmw is a festival f fd.
    21. What prbably led t the birth f Dia de Aca de Gracas in Brazil?
    A. The develpment f agriculture.B. A demand frm Americans in Brazil.
    C. A gvernment fficial’s suggestin.D. The influence f traditinal Brazilian culture.
    22. What can be learned abut Japan’s versin f the hliday?
    A. It begins with an exciting carnival.
    B. Rice sales are a big part f the hliday.
    C. Celebratins can take place befre Labr Day.
    D. It encurages kids t express gratitude fr hard wrk.
    23. In which cuntry can yu best enjy the quiet befre its Thanksgiving?
    A. Canada.B. Ghana.C. Brazil.D. Japan.
    Sammie Vance is ne extrardinary kid. The seventh-grader frm Indiana is cllecting bttle caps t upcycle them int buddy benches fr her schl. Sammie learned abut buddy benches at a camp she attended ne summer. At the camp there were benches set up fr lnely children; they wuld sit dwn signaling t ther kids that they are in need f a friend. She lved the idea and said, “It wuld be really cl t have the benches at my schl.”
    Then she presented her idea t the Parent-Teacher Assciatin. Sammie used pictures shwing hw a simple bench culd help classmates understand when ne f their wn needed a friend. The adults in the Parent-Teacher Assciatin were impressed by her initiative(新方案) and hw she planned n implementing(完成) it.
    Sammie fund a cmpany that turns recycled plastic caps int benches. This encuraged her. She gt t wrk and held a cmmunity-wide event asking members t bring their ld bttle caps. The event alne cllected 1,600 punds f caps and with that, she created three buddy benches fr her schl. These buddy benches cst much less than regular park benches and are gd fr the envirnment. Sammie cntinued her effrts and expanded her prject t create mre benches fr ther schls.
    Sammie has helped install(安装) 200 buddy benches in schls and neighbrhds and she has n plans t stp. She says that even adults can use a buddy bench because peple at any age can feel lnely. “Fr me, it’s seeing peple wh need a friend, because I’ve been lnely myself. I dn’t want thers t feel that way,” she said.
    Sammie knws that kids can als d smething t influence the wrld. “I just lk frward t making a difference,” she said, “and inspiring ther peple t make a difference.”
    24. Why did Sammie Vance make buddy benches?
    A. T encurage kids t enjy schl life.
    B. T deal with bench shrtages in schls.
    C. T prvide a platfrm fr kids t find friends.
    D. T draw peple’s attentin t recyclable gds.
    25. What was the Parent-Teacher Assciatin’s attitude t Sammie’s idea?
    A.Wrried.B. Amazed.C. Dubtful.D. Disappinted.
    26. What can we say abut Sammie’s wrk?
    A. It was a difficult prcess due t the lack f mney.
    B. It has replaced many regular park benches.
    C. It had little influence n her cmmunity.
    D. It gained wide supprt in a green way.
    27. What is Sammie’s further plan?
    A. Helping mre peple t get rid f lneliness.
    B. Imprving the design f the buddy benches.
    C. Trying her best t prtect the envirnment.
    D. Fcusing mre attentin n her studies.
    A team f researchers is develping a grup f rbts fr space mining(采矿) prjects. The team imagines the rbts will be able t mine and even build simple structures n the surface f the Mn. While the rbts, which will be built and trained n Earth, will first need t receive instructins frm peratrs n ur hmewrld, the team hpes they will eventually be able t functin n their wn.
    The rbts will use a learning mdel adapted by Jekan Thanga, a prfessr at the University f Arizna(UA). The system will nt nly train the rbts t perfrm tasks like mining and cnstructin, but will als gradually teach them t wrk tgether. The UA team says that the rbts wn’t take the place f humans. “In a sense, we’re like farmers. We’re develping talent ut f these creatures t d certain tasks,” Thanga said. “The idea is t let the rbts d all the bring and dangerus stuff, s the astrnauts can d the mre interesting and imprtant stuff.”
    The key aim in this new era f space explratin has becme sustainability(可持续性). Transprting materials int space isn’t cheap and it takes up valuable rm n rcket jurneys. That means there is a natural advantage in cllecting any materials n the surface f the bdy yu are explring.
    Research shws the Mn and Earth have very similar chemical cmpsitin(化学成分). That means that elements fund here n Earth shuld als be available t be mined frm the Mn. This includes Earth metals that are used in a range f technlgies such as smartphnes, and precius metals like silver and gld.
    Because mining n Earth takes lts f water, smething that wn’t be available n the Mn, the rbts will have t use new mining ways t d that. “T break rcks, we use lts f water, and that’s smething we wn’t have n the Mn,” a researcher said. “S we need new prcesses and new techniques.”
    28. What advanced functin will the learning mdel enable the rbts t develp?
    A. Judgment.B. Teamwrk.C. Designing.D. Cmmunicatin.
    29. What is the main benefit f the rbts?
    A. Finishing space explratin n their wn.
    B. Delivering instructins n behalf f the peratrs.
    C. Freeing astrnauts t fcus n mre necessary tasks.
    D. Using different materials t invent high-tech prducts.
    30. What change might happen in space explratin accrding t the passage?
    A. There will be little need t take materials frm Earth.
    B. Mre valuable rm in rckets will be taken up.
    C. The rbts can be recycled n the Mn.
    D. It will be unnecessary t launch rckets.
    31. What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. The surface f the Mn is changing.
    B. Mining n the Mn faces serius challenges.
    C. The space mining equipment has reached its limit.
    D. New rbts can be used fr supplying water n the Mn.
    We’ve had weather frecasts fr decades. Frecasting ur near-term health is far tugher. Yet knwing early that we may be cming dwn with the flu culd be very helpful. The gd news is that wearable technlgy, such as smartwatches, is beginning t prvide such infrmatin. The smartwatch-like systems cntain sensrs that cllect data.
    Jessilyn Dunn is a bimedical engineer at Duke University in Durham. Her team asked 49 vlunteers t wear wristbands befre and after they received a cld r flu virus. At least nce per secnd, these wristbands recrded heart rates, bdy mvements skin temperatures and mre. After analyzing the data, Dunn’s team fund that in nine ut f very ten vlunteers, there were signs f develping illness at least a day befre symptms(症状) appeared.
    The early warning, says Dunn, can head ff severe symptms that therwise wuld send sme peple int hspitals. And knwing yu’re sick befre yu have symptms can warn yu t lie lw s yu can reduce the chance f spreading yur disease.
    Hwever, these systems aren’t yet ready fr the real wrld, ntes virlgist Stacey Schultz-Cherry. “This is exciting but als very preliminary(初步的),” says Schultz-Cherry. “Much mre wrk is needed befre this apprach can be rlled ut n a larger scale.” One challenge is that many infectins(感染) have analgus symptms. Actually, besides viruses, many ther things als lead t signs f a cld r the flu. Examples, Schultz-Cherry ntes, include fd pisning and seasnal allergies(过敏反应). Likewise, heart rates als respnd t things that have nthing t d with infectins. Examples include exercise and scary mvies.
    Researchers expect cntinued imprvement in predictin accuracy(准确性). Future mdels will shw signs f develping illness. And researchers will adjust thse mdels by analyzing hw well they predict effects n thusands f peple.
    32. What did the research find ut abut wearable technlgy?
    A.It tended t give wrng infrmatin.
    B. It helped give early warnings f disease.
    C. It kept track f peple’s use f smartwatches.
    D. It was likely t make peple lead a stressful life.
    33. What’s the advantage f smartwatch-like systems accrding t Dunn?
    A. They can reduce the harm caused by illness.
    B. They will remind peple t keep away frm sick peple.
    C. They can give peple the cnfidence t fight against illness.
    D. They will encurage peple t develp gd living habits.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “analgus” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Clear.B. Similar.C. Mental.D. Serius.
    35. What can we infer abut the systems frm Schultz-Cherry’s wrds?
    A. They can predict disease with high accuracy.
    B. They can be used fr checking varius infectins.
    C. They may influence the nrmal heart rate f peple.
    D. They have a lng way t g befre being widely applied.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Sft skills can make a huge difference t yur life. They include being a gd listener, wrking with ther peple and shwing a psitive attitude. 36 Happy and successful peple are likely t have mst, if nt all, f the sft skills listed belw.
    37 Being able t wrk harmniusly in a team is a skill f vital imprtance. Whether yu wrk in a factry r an ffice, it's certain that yu are part f a team. Yu must learn hw t get n with thers. If yu're a team leader, yu must als knw hw t mtivate and inspire yur members.
    Wrk fr the ideal wrk-life balance. 38 In fact, thse wh are crazy abut earning mney are ften far frm happy. Fr mst things in this wrld, balance is the key. It is understandable that yu want t wrk hard and earn a lt f mney at the same time. But just ensure that yu leave enugh time and energy t enjy the rewards.
    See the best in thers. Ask yurself if yu have this quality. Many peple dn't have it. Hwever, having this skill is awesme. Seeing the best in thers means that yu can help them develp t the best f their ptential. 39
    Have the eagerness t learn. Where wuld we be withut learning? Frm ur birth t adulthd, we cnstantly learn new things. 40 And they ften cmplain that they have difficulty adapting t the changes in their lives. S t stay yung, happy and satisfied, renew yur enthusiasm fr learning.
    A. Cmmunicate clearly and effectively.
    B. Happiness is nt dependent n mney.
    C. Understand the pwer f teamwrk.
    D. Hwever, as we get lder, many peple stp learning.
    E. Having a friendly persnality helps yu make new friends.
    F. It als means that yu can quickly build trust with ther peple.
    G.Withut them, yu'll struggle t find wrk, partners and happiness.
    第一节 完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Summer Claytn may nt have children in real life, but he's a “prud dad” t 2.8 millin peple n TikTk.
    Every week, he sits dwn t dinner and has a 41 chat with his “kids”. He lks int the camera and asks abut their day. He 42 them hw t shave, and reminds them it's OK t be 43 when life hurts. T sme, his ne-way cnversatins may seem 44. But his effrts have struck a chrd(引起共鸣)amng peple wh 45 a father figure-r just smene wh listens t their 46 in the daily life.
    Claytn is a civilian fitness trainer in real life. He started 47 n TikTk in late 2020 with inspiratinal and hw-t vides, and 48 jkingly called him “dad”. His first vide t g viral was a shaving hw-t-a 49 t smene wh sent him a message asking, “hey Dad, can yu teach me hw t shave?” The vide 50 ,earning him tens f thusands f new fans within hurs.
    Claytn's extended family cmes in all 51 . Many f his “kids” are ld enugh t be his parents. Claytn's 52 desn't seem t bther his fans. At 58,Sarah D'lmperi may nt seem like Claytn's target audience, but she believes that it's a (n) 53 idea, especially fr yungsters wh may nt have a paternal (父亲的) rle mdel that listens r has 54 t listen. “It's just heartwarming t see smene trying t 55 a small part f that rle fr anyne,” she says.
    41. A. quickB. frmalC. secretD. virtual
    42. A. trainsB. cnvincesC. teachesD. supprts
    43. A. painfulB. peacefulC. shamefulD. hpeful
    44. A. dullB. tughC. sillyD. brief
    45. A. findB. needC. admitD. start
    46. A. decisinsB. hbbiesC. excusesD. trubles
    47. A. pstingB. prfitingC. searchingD. dnating
    48. A. criticsB. fllwersC. expertsD. reprters
    49. A. suggestinB. prmiseC. rewardD. respnse
    50. A. caught upB. came utC. blew upD. held ut
    51. A. placesB. agesC. typesD. classes
    52. A. faithB. experienceC.yuthD. appearance
    53. A. brilliantB. ambitiusC.cmplicatedD. abstract
    54. A. luckB. timeC. energyD. hnr
    55. A. valueB. createC. defineD. fill
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Chinese weddings are as much abut the happy cuple as they are abut their respective families. The weddings are 56 (impress) affairs that fcus n blessings f happiness. The date f the wedding ceremny is chsen nt 57 chance. Many cuples carefully chse a favrable date 58 (bring) success t their marriage. The ceremny can last anywhere frm fur hurs t three days, 59 depends n hw many Chinese wedding traditins are bserved.
    The Chinese wedding invitatin is 60 (typical) red with a glden Duble Happiness symbl, dates fr the wedding and names f the bride and bridegrm 61 (include) inside.
    While Chinese wedding traditins have mdernized and n lnger invlve a large prcessin, the jurney t pick up the bride 62 (be) still a lively affair. It can invlve 63 use f firecrackers, playing f drums and gngs, r even a lin dance.
    Anther vital traditin, the Chinese tea ceremny(Jing Cha), 64 (perfrm) at Chinese weddings t shw the new cuple's respect, gratitude, and 65 (appreciate) fr their parents' lve, supprt, and effrt in raising them. A red tea set with a Duble Happiness symbl is used fr the tea ceremny.

    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Marcus sat by his windw, gazing at the blinking lights n ther buildings. He thught f Papa, wh was visiting Marcus’ sick grandpa in Jamaica. “I’ll try t help Mama while yu’re gne,” Marcus had prmised his father. His little brther, Peter, sat beside him. “When are we getting ur Christmas tree, Marcus?” Peter asked. “I can't wait t decrate it with Mama’s straw birds (草编鸟).”
    “We're nt getting a tree this year, Peter.” “Why nt?” “T many bills with Grandpa sick. Mama said we can't affrd ne.”
    Marcus walked slwly t his rm and shk his piggy bank, seven dllars in quarters, dimes and nickels fell ut, his tips frm helping at the market. With schl ut, he thught, maybe I can earn enugh in tw days t buy a tree and surprise Mama and Peter.
    The next day, he stayed busy pushing cars t help shppers. By the time he left, six mre dllars jingled in his pcket. My lucky day, he thught. Thirteen dllars shuld buy a small tree.
    He whistled all the way t the Christmas tree lt. But even the smallest trees were $15 r mre. Tmrrw will be busy with shppers, he thught. I'll earn thse extra dllars.
    “Can yu save this tree fr me, sir?” he asked the man in the lt. “I can't,” the man said, “but cme back tmrrw. It might still be here.” “I'll be back.” Marcus waved and dashed ff.
    The telephne rang early the next mrning. Mama came int his rm. “The babysitter is sick, Marcus,” she said. “I'll need yu t take care f Peter fr a day.” Marcus pleaded(恳求), “It's the busiest day at Mr. Smith's market, Mama. He needs me there.” “I'm s srry. There's nthing else we can d.” Mama gave Marcus a hug. “I'll try t cme hme early.”
    I'll never get a tree nw, Marcus thught.
    Later, Peter asked, “Can we g t the dllar stre(一元店)? I have a dllar.” Marcus ndded. “OK. We can buy ur Christmas presents.”
    When they walked by the tree lt, Peter said, “Wish we were getting a tree.” Marcus didn't answer. He saw that mst f the trees were gne including the ne he’d wanted. Then he saw a small tree in a can. “Is that ne fr sale, sir?”
    Paragraph 1: “That’s my last grwing tree,” the seller said. “It’s small nw, but it will grw tall.”
    Paragraph 2: They hurried hme. Marcus set their tree and presents they’d bught n the table. 高2023级高一(下)第一次月考英语答案及详解
    第一部分 听力 (满分30分)
    1-5:ABCCB6-10:CBBAA 11-15:BACAC 16-20:ACABC
    第二部分:阅读理解 (满分50分)
    21-25:CDBCB 26-30:DABCA 31-35:BBABD 36-40:GCBFD
    第一节 完形填空(满分15分)
    41-45:DCACB 46-50:DABDC 51-55:BCABD
    第二节 语法填空(满分15分)
    56. impressive 57. by 58. t bring 59. which 60. typically
    61. included 62. is 63. the 64. is perfrmed 65. appreciatin
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    Is It Safe t Shp Online?
    Hey, everyne, I’m a senir high blgger and tday I want t blg abut nline shpping.
    With the develpment f the Internet, mre and mre peple chse t shp nline. Shpping nline is a cnvenient and ecnmical way f life. But is it safe t shp nline? As far as I’m cncerned, it can be safe if prper precautins(预防措施) are taken. Firstly, stick t reputable(声誉好的) shpping platfrms that yu are familiar with and check seller ratings befre making a purchase. Chse secure payment methd and use strng passwrds. What’s mre, always keep yur persnal infrmatin private and avid sharing unnecessary details.
    Have yu had any bad experience when shpping nline? D yu have sme gd safety tips fr shpping nline? Pst yur cmments belw!
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Paragraph 1: “That’s my last grwing tree,” the seller said. “It’s small nw, but it will grw tall.” Marcus cast a secnd lk n the pine tree, wndering whether it was strng enugh t hld Mama's straw birds.(呼应原文)The man said as if reading his mind, “Cnsider it my Christmas present fr yu bys then, n Christmas Eve.” Peter's eyes were sparkling, “Ww! Our small and special Christmas tree!” After expressing their thanks, Marcus held the treasure gently in cupped hands n the way t the dllar stre.(呼应原文)With the leftver mney, they gt sme gd stuff fr everyne. Peter giggled, “We're like Santa Claus with all these presents and a Christmas tree!”
    Paragraph 2: They hurried hme. Marcus set their tree and presents they’d bught n the table. When they finished decrating, they just culdn't get enugh f lking at the evergreen tree: a winding pathway f light t the starlit(星光闪闪的) tp, and Mama's birds, f curse.(呼应原文)Just then, Marcus flashed his little brther a mysterius smile, “Yu knw the best part?” Peter shk his head. “It's OUR grwing tree and will grw bigger, just like yu.” Laughing ut lud, they gt busy placing sme gingerbread man (姜饼人) and stckings (长筒袜) under it. Papa and Mama will be s prud f me, Marcus thught when lking arund the huse, fr taking such gd care f Peter and making hme filled with Christmas spirit!
    【21题详解】C。细节理解题。根据第二段... first ambassadr ... enjyed the American hliday ... persuaded his gvernment t set up a similar day f thanks.可知,传说是巴西第一位驻美大使建议政府设立这样一个节日。
    【2题详解】D。细节理解题。根据第三段... small acts f cmmunity service. Children ... handing ut thank-yu ntes t firefighters ... frntline wrkers.可知,这个节日现在通过社区服务来庆祝,孩子们可以对工作人员的辛勤工作表示感谢。
    【23题详解】B。推理判断题。根据最后一段Befre the festival, there is a mnth-lng ban n nise, especially drumming.可知,在加纳,感恩节前一个月会禁止噪音,所以你会享受到安静的生活。
    导语:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了七年级学生Sammie Vance利用回收的瓶盖子在学校和社区安装“伙伴长凳”,帮助孩子及成人交朋友。
    【24题详解】 C。细节理解题。根据第一段... benches set up fr lnely children ... in need f a friend ... really cl t have the benches at my schl.可知,Sammie Vance安装“伙伴长凳”是为了给孩子们找朋友提供一个平台。
    【25题详解】 B。观点态度题。根据第二段... in the Parent-Teacher Assciatin were impressed by her initiative ...可知,家长教师协会对Sammie的方案印象深刻,感到很惊奇。
    【26题详解】 D。推理判断题。根据第三段... cmpany that turns recycled plastic caps int benches ... cllected 1,600 punds f caps ... gd fr the envirnment.可知,Sammie的工作得到了公司和个人的广泛支持,且非常环保。
    【27题详解】 A。细节理解题。根据第四段... she has n plans t stp ... I dn’t want thers t feel that way ...可知,Sammie计划安装更多的“伙伴长凳”,帮助更多的人摆脱孤独感。
    【28题详解】 B。细节理解题。根据第二段The system ... will als gradually teach them t wrk tgether.可知,这个系统也会让机器人逐渐学会团队协助。
    【29题详解】C。细节理解题。根据第二段... wn’t take the place f humans ... d all the bring and dangerus stuff, s the astrnauts can d the mre interesting and imprtant stuff.可知,机器人会帮助宇航员从事所有无聊且危险的工作,从而使他们有更多时间和精力完成其他更必要的任务。
    【30题详解】 A。推理判断题。根据第三段... cllecting any materials n the surface ...和第四段... the Mn and Earth have very similar chemical cmpsitin.可知,机器人可以在月球开采原料,不需要从地球运送。
    【31题详解】 B。主旨大意题。根据最后一段... lts f water ... wn’t be available ... use new mining ways ...可知,月球上缺水,所以在月球上开采就必须采用新的方式,这一过程会面临很多挑战。
    【32题详解】 B。细节理解题。根据第一段的Yet knwing early ... is beginning t prvide such infrmatin.及第二段的... there were signs ... befre symptms appeared.可知,这个研究发现可穿戴技术能够在人们发病之前给出预警。
    【33题详解】 A。推理判断题。根据第三段的... can head ff severe symptms ... the chance f spreading yur disease.可知,Dunn认为类似智能手表的系统的优点是可以减少疾病造成的危害。
    【34题详解】 B。词义猜测题。根据划线词后的Actually, besides viruses, many ther things ... the flu.以及Likewise, heart rates ... scary mvies.可知,划线词意为“类似的”。
    【35题详解】 D。推理判断题。根据第四段Schultz-Cherry所说的话,尤其是Much mre wrk is needed befre this apprach can be rlled ut n a larger scale.可推知,这些系统在被广泛应用之前还有很长一段路要走。
    36. G。此空设于段中,与前一句有代词指代关系。用否定假设说明软技能的重要性。
    37. C。此空设于段首,是本段的主题句。本段内容主要说明了团队合作的重要性。
    38. B。此空设于段中,与后一句存在解释关系。后文说明只顾挣钱的人离幸福很远。
    39. F。此空设于段末,与前一句存在补充说明的关系,阐释了看到别人最好的一面的意义。
    40. D。此空设于段中,与前一句有转折关系,有些人在持续学习,而有些人停止学习。
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道,讲述了年轻的健身教练Summer Claytn通过网络直播为手机另一端的人们提供鼓励和生活贴士,填补他们生活中“父亲”一职的空缺。
    【试题分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每周,他坐下来吃晚餐并和他的“孩子们”进行线上交谈。由上文的“he’s a ‘prud dad’ t 2.8 millin peple n TikTk”和后文“he lks int the camera”可知,他是通过手机直播跟网络另一端的“孩子们”进行交流,因此是虚拟的,故选 D。
    【试题分析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他教他们如何刮胡子,并提醒他们当生活让人受伤时可以感到痛苦。由后文“can yu teach me hw t shave”可知,他是应粉丝的要求,教他们如何刮胡子,故选 C。
    【试题分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他教他们如何刮胡子,并提醒他们当生活让人受伤时可以感到痛苦。由本句中的 “when life hurts”及生活常识可知,在此Claytn是想提醒粉丝不必压抑情绪,当生活让人受伤时,表达痛苦的情绪是正常的,故选 A。
    【试题分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于有些人来说,这样单向的交谈似乎很傻。由常识和下文的转折可知,本句表达的意思是有人对于网络上的虚拟谈话是不认可的,故选 C。
    【试题分析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但他的努力在那些需要父亲形象的人中引起了共鸣。由上文的“he’s a ‘prud dad’ t 2.8 millin peple n TikTk”可知,和Claytn进行直播交谈的人在实际生活中父亲角色是缺失的,因此需要父亲形象,故选 B。
    【试题分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:或者只是一个在日常生活中倾听他们烦恼的人。由上文“reminds them it’s OK t be painful when life hurts”可知,Claytn在直播时会倾听粉丝生活中的烦恼,并鼓励他们,故选D。
    【试题分析】考查动词义辨析。句意:2020年末,他开始在TikTk上发布鼓舞人心的视频和如何操作的视频。由后文的“His first vide t g viral was a shaving hw-t”可知,把视频上传到网上并且大受欢迎,故选 A。
    【试题分析】考查名词义辨析。句意:粉丝们开玩笑地称他为“爸爸”。由上文的“he’s a ‘prud dad’ t 2.8 millin peple n TikTk”可知,叫他“爸爸”的是他网络上的追随者,故选 B。
    【试题分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他第一个在网上疯传的视频是一个教如何刮胡子的视频,这是对有人给他发信息问他:“嘿,爸爸,你能教我怎么刮胡子吗?”的回应。由句意可知,Summer的粉丝问他怎么刮胡子,于是作为回应,他拍摄视频并传上网,故选 D。
    【试题分析】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:视频大受欢迎,在几个小时内为他赢得了数以万计的新粉丝。由上文的“His first vide t g viral”和后文“earning him tens f thusands f new fans within hurs”可知,他的视频大受欢迎,故选 C。
    【试题分析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Claytn的大家庭来自各个年龄段。由后文“Many f his “kids” are ld enugh t be his parents”可知,Claytn网络上的“孩子们”来自不同的年龄段,故选 B。
    【试题分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Claytn的年轻似乎并不困扰他的粉丝。由上文的“Many f his “kids” are ld enugh t be his parents”可知,Claytn对于他的部分“孩子们”来说是年轻的,而他的年轻并不影响粉丝对他的喜爱,故选 C。
    【试题分析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:58岁的Sarah D’Imperi看起来可能不是Claytn的目标观众,但她认为这是一个绝妙的主意,尤其是对于那些可能没有父亲模范来倾听或有时间倾听的年轻人来说。由后文“It’s just heartwarming t see”可知,Sarah对Claytn的做法是肯定的,认为这是一个好主意,故选 A。
    【试题分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Sarah认为这是一个绝妙的主意,尤其是对于那些可能没有父亲模范来倾听或没有时间倾听的年轻人来说。由全文和常识可知,Claytn的“孩子们”在现实生活中缺失父亲的角色或者父亲忙于工作没有时间倾听他们的困扰,故选 B。
    【试题分析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到有人试图为任何人填补这个角色的一小部分真是令人暖心。由全文可知,Claytn通过手机直播跟网络另一端的“孩子们”进行交流,为他们提供鼓励和生活的建议,这些做法填补了“孩子们”现实生活中缺失的父亲角色,故选 D。
    56. impressive. 考查形容词。句意:婚礼是令人印象深刻的事情,它注重幸福的祝福。修饰名词affairs应用形容词impressive,意思是"令人印象深刻的" ,故填impressive.
    57. by. 考查介词短语。句意:婚礼的日期不是偶然选择的。by chance “偶然;碰巧”,固定短语,故填by.
    58. t bring. 考查动词不定式。句意:许多夫妻都会谨慎地选择一个为他们的婚姻带来成功的好日子。本句中谓语动词是chse, 此处应用动词不定式作后置定语,表示一个将来的动作,被修饰词date与bring之间为主动关系,故填t bring.
    59. which. 考查定语从句。句意:婚礼可以持续4小时到3天,这取决于中国有多少婚礼传统要遵守。此处需要一个连接词引导非限制性定语从句,连接词指代前面句子内容且在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导该从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
    60. typically. 考查副词。句意:中国的婚礼请柬通常是红色的,上面有一个金色的双喜临门的标志,里面包括婚礼日期和新娘新郎的名字。此处修饰系动词is应用副词typically, 表示“通常,一般地”,故填typically.
    61. included. 考查非谓语。句意:中国的婚礼请柬通常是红色的,上面有一个金色的双喜临门的标志,里面包括婚礼日期和新娘新郎的名字。本句为主系表结构,所给词include是及物动词,此处所包括的部分dates fr the wedding and names f the bride and bridegrm在前,应用过去分词included表示“被包括在内”,故填included.
    62. is. 考查主谓一致。句意:虽然中国的婚礼传统已经现代化,不再需要庞大的游行队伍,但接送新娘的旅程仍然是一件热闹的事情。本句陈述一般性事实,应用一般现在时;the jurney是单数可数名词,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故填is.
    63. the. 考查冠词。句意:它包括放鞭炮,敲锣鼓,甚至跳狮子舞。根据修饰词f firecrackers可知,此处use是特指,前面需加定冠词the,故填the.
    64. is perfrmed. 考查被动语态。句意:另一个重要的传统是在中国婚礼上举行敬茶仪式,以表达新人对父母的爱与支持以及养育子女所付出的努力的尊重、感激和感谢。本句陈述一般性事实,应用一般现在时;主语Anther vital traditin是单数名词,与动词perfrm之间为被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is perfrmed.
    65. appreciatin. 考查名词。句意:另一个重要的传统是在中国婚礼上举行敬茶仪式,以表达新人对父母的爱与支持以及养育子女所付出的努力的尊重、感激和感谢。and连接并列的成分,此处与respect,gratitude并列作shw的宾语,应用相应的名词appreciatin, 意为“感激, 感谢”,不可数名词,故填appreciatin.
    Text 1
    W: Hi, Sam. Are yu getting away next Wednesday?
    M: Actually, I’m leaving fr San Francisc this Saturday.
    W: Great. But I can’t take a vacatin until the end f next Friday.
    Text 2
    M: Jack needs sme paints fr his art class. Maybe we can stp by a stre n ur way hme.
    W: Let’s g t the Sunshine Supermarket. We can als pick a birthday present fr ur daughter there.
    M: Okay.
    Text 3
    M: Mary, dn’t frget the cncert in an hur!
    W: I’m srry I can’t g tnight, Bb. My parents have lst their way at the airprt. I need t pick them up as sn as pssible.
    M: Dn’t wrry. I’ll give yu a lift.
    Text 4
    W: The dctr can meet yu in 20 minutes. Yu can take a seat fr a few mments.
    M: But I can’t wait fr a minute. My tth is killing me.
    Text 5
    M: Maria, I heard yu vlunteered t teach English in Thailand this summer.
    W: Yes. My pen pal Jim vlunteered there last year and encuraged me t have a try. I tld my English teacher Amy abut it and she cnsidered it a gd idea.
    Text 6
    W: Hi, Jasn. A new gym has just pened. What abut ging there with me this weekend?
    M: Srry, Anna, but I’m up t my neck in an imprtant exam these days.
    W: We can buy a gym card nw and g there when yu’re available.
    M: But we’ll waste the mney if we dn’t g there regularly.
    W: Dn’t wrry. The card is valid fr as lng as tw years and we can share ne card.
    M: In that case, let’s g there next Sunday and I can try my new sprts shes then.
    W: Great. I’ll try the swimming pl in the gym.
    Text 7
    M: Hw is yur jb hunting ging, Nancy?
    W: Nt very gd. I have sent my resume t a dzen firms and searched fr emplyment infrmatin in the newspapers every day — but n luck up t nw.
    M: Take it easy. The jb market is gd nw, and all cmpanies need accuntants.
    W: Thank yu, Jhn. Have yu gt yur ideal jb in a law ffice?
    M: Nt yet. There are a lt f penings, but mst f them require experienced lawyers.
    W: Yu can add what yu have learned during yur vacatin internships t yur resume. Mst emplyers value graduates’ internships. I gt this tip frm my cusin, wh wrks as a sales manager fr an Internet cmpany.
    M: Thank yu. I’d like t apply this tip and rewrite my resume.
    Text 8
    M: Gd evening, Gabriella. Thanks fr jining ur prgram tday. Mst peple say speaking is the mst stressful part f learning a new language, fllwed by writing; but, fr me, listening t freigners is a tugh nut t crack — they speak s fast.
    W: Yes, it’s really cmmn. T keep the cnversatin ging, yu’ve gt tw strategies. One is t pretend t understand.
    M: But it nly applies t sme casual cnversatins, like chatting with a freigner n a bus.
    W: Right. Nw imagine yu’re at a freign bank, trying t pen an accunt r yu’re at a gvernment ffice, trying t find the paperwrk yu need. What can yu d then?
    M: I hpe yu’ve gt the answer, Gabriella.
    W: Then yu can use the ther strategy — summarize what they said.
    M: But hw can yu d that if yu didn’t understand what they said?
    W: Ah, well, yu nly start the summary, s yu might say, “OK, the first thing I have t d is …?” and make it a questin. Or, fr example, “And which ffice is that again?” Break it dwn int smaller questins.
    M: I see.
    Text 9
    M: Lynn, I just received a revised purchase rder. Remember the rder we received frm Clrs Huse tw weeks ag? They rdered 100 ak windws fr $5,000. Have we started the prductin?
    W: Nt yet. We dn’t have t make delivery until March 20.
    M: Accrding t the revised rder, they want pinewd instead f ak.
    W: We have already rdered the ak frm Lumber Huse. It will cst us mre if we change the rders nw.
    M: Dn’t wrry. They’re willing t pay an extra 20% fr the change.
    W: It is OK then. When d we have t ship the rder? Is it still due n March 20?
    M: N, they gave us anther five days t deal with the new rder. Please infrm ur prductin department f the change.
    W: OK.
    Text 10
    W: In tday’s prgram, I’d like t share with yu a special day — Internatinal Mther Language Day. Every year n 21 February, the wrld celebrates it. Many cuntries have set up special prjects t mark this day. Fr example, in 2014, the Indian gvernment released digital learning materials fr schls and clleges in the 22 mst widely spken Indian languages. Every year, UNESCO chses a different theme and hlds different events. Fr example, in 2005, there was a fcus n sign language, and in 2017, the fcus was n hw multilingual educatin culd help the wrld t have a better future. There are abut 7,000 languages in the wrld, but mre and mre languages are disappearing at an alarming rate. And fewer than 100 f the wrld’s languages are used in the digital wrld. Everyne has the right t use their mther language, and t keep the memries, traditins and ways f thinking that their language represents. And this is what Internatinal Mther Language Day is all abut. That’s all fr tday’s prgram. Thank yu fr listening!

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