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    Table Talk
    As we gt ut f the car, ur sn annunced, “Phnes stay in the car.”
    “Why d yu always have t tell us that?” cmplained ur fifteen-year-ld grandsn.
    Our sn’s wife winked at us and then explained, “We have a family ___1___ that n ne may bring anything electrnic t the table.”
    We ___2___ ur phnes in the car. Even thugh the restaurant was filled with families, there was little nise. All I heard were a few quiet cnversatins and the ding f frks n plates. The ___3___ unnerved me. I lked arund. Everyne, even the yung kids, was ___4___ at sme kind f screen.
    The silence was brken when the six f us sat dwn, and started talking. The waitress std patiently and waited fr ur rders. When ur fd came, we cntinued t chat.
    An elderly cuple at the next table were finishing their dinners and cnversing quietly. I nticed that they sht us a few glances, and wndered if ur cnstant chatter was annying them.
    After the dessert, my sn signaled the waitress fr the check. She hesitated when she brught the black flder t ur table. My sn pened the black flder — it was ___5___ . “Yu frgt the check,” he tld her.
    “There isn’t ne. Smene else ___6___ yur bill — and the tip t.” she said with a giggle (咯咯笑).
    “Why?” asked ur sn, his wife and myself at nce.
    “They lved it that n ne was cnnected.” she cntinued. “They lved watching yu guys ___7___ . The ld lady went n and n abut hw nice it was t see a family eating and talking instead f lking at ‘electric games’.”
    Fr a mment, everyne at ur table was at a lss fr ___8___ . Then we all started talking at nce. My sn's vice rse abve the thers. “Where are they? We want t thank them.”
    “They left after yu rdered dessert,” the waitress replied.
    We spent the next fifteen minutes discussing this gdness and camp up with a ___9___ . Next time we see a family eating at a restaurant ____10____ lking at anything electrnic, we'll pay it frward, just like what happened t us.
    A. ruleB. appintmentC. discussinD. gal
    A. clsedB. returnedC. sentD. lcked
    A. sweetnessB. quietnessC. patienceD. preference
    A. smilingB. knckingC. staringD. pinting
    A. specialB. strangeC. typicalD. empty
    A. paidB. servedC. managedD. changed
    A. eatB. talkC. argueD. wrk
    A. directinsB. chicesC. wrdsD. ideas
    A. scheduleB. messageC. taskD. plan
    A. withutB. byC. thrughD. fr
    第二节: 语法填空:(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
    Jim was shpping fr a gift fr his wife Della. The next day wuld be Christmas. With an incme f twenty dllars per week, life was hard fr the cuple, ___11___ Jim wanted t buy a perfect gift fr Della. He thught f the beautiful set f cmbs n shw in ne f the shp ___12___ (windw) n Bradway. Della had wanted thse cmbs fr s lng. Tmrrw, Jim decided he ___13___ (make) Della's dream cme true.
    Wrld Read Alud Day is celebrated each year n the first Wednesday f February. It ___14___ (start) by the Lit Wrld. Org website in 2010 and has nw reached 65 cuntries. ___15___ (it) gal is t encurage peple wrldwide wh cannt read t enjy the benefits f a bk. The website asks everyne t celebrate the day by taking a bk, finding an audience, and reading it ut alud. It is abut taking actin t shw the wrld that the right t read and write ___16___ (belng) t all peple.
    阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
    Tanni was brn with an illness, ___17___ made her unable t mve her muscles nrmally. Tanni was interested ___18___ sprts, but when she was grwing up she didn’t see many disabled athletes n televisin. Then several years later, while watching the Lndn wheelchair marathn, she saw an athlete she knew. She dreamed that she wuld be n the starting line, cmpeting in the marathn t. Finally, her dream ___19___ (cme) true. She was nt nly n the starting line, but als the winner at the finish line. Tanni believes yu’ll never knw ___20___ yu can d unless yu try.
    第二部分: 阅读理解(共三节, 38分)
    第一节:(共9个小题: 每小题2分, 共18分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Eln Musk is a symbl f passin, hard wrk and success. A persn may wrk hard in his life, but when hard wrk ges alng with passin and a new idea, then smething is created that astnishes the wrld. As the funder f big cmpanies like PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Mtrs, Eln Musk is a guide and inspiratin fr the yuth arund the wrld.
    Eln Musk was brn n June 28, 1971 in Pretria, Suth Africa. He was the eldest f three children. His father Errl Musk, a British-brn Suth African, was an engineer. Musk spent his childhd in Suth Africa and at the age f 9, he gt his first persnal cmputer. This gt Eln interested in prgramming and he started t learn n his wn. At the age f 12, he made his first cmputer game, Blaster, which earned him $500 when he sld the surce cde t a magazine.
    When he was 17, he decided t leave hme and had wanted t mve t the United States after graduating frm a secndary schl in Pretria. Hwever, he was unable t mve t the United States. In 1989, Eln Musk mved t Canada, where his mther's relatives lived. After btaining Canadian citizenship, Musk went t Mntreal. Due t a lack f mney, he fund a lw-paying jb. At the age f 19, he entered Queens University in Kingstn, Ontari, studying there fr tw years. Finally, in 1992, his dream came true—he mved t the United States.
    As a teenager, Musk struggled with depressin. But then he realized that the mst imprtant thing was presenting himself with the right questins. The day he started ding this, everything started t get easier.
    Musk thught that a human being had t expand the limits f his cnsciusness—t ask the right questins and get answers t them; thus he asked the best questin f all: what will have the greatest impact n the future f humans? Musk fund that these things were the Internet and space explratin.
    The life f Eln Musk is inspiring. He fund success n the Internet, withut much frmal learning. By reading bks and using his willpwer and dedicatin, he reached a level f knwledge that is difficult t imagine. He did nt give up until he achieved his dreams. Eln Musk truly stands ut amng ther billinaires because f his leadership abilities, psitive attitude, ability t knw when t take risks, and belief in futuristic technlgies.
    21. Accrding t the passage, Eln Musk gained knwledge f cmputer by__________.
    A. teaching himselfB. learning frm his father
    C. taking nline cursesD. studying in Queens University
    22. What made things easier fr Eln Musk when he suffered frm depressin? _________
    A. Expanding knwledge by reading bks.B. Asking himself the right questins.
    C. Achieving success n the Internet.D. Designing cmputer games.
    23. What can we learn frm the passage? _________
    A. It's never t late t learn.B. Yuth means limitless pssibilities.
    C. Where there's a will, there's a way.D. He wh desn't advance falls backward.
    Many n the Muntain
    We ften see peple waiting in lines at supermarkets, theatres and amusement parks. Surprisingly, sme peple even have t wait in line at the summit (顶峰) f Qmlangma in the Himalayas.
    The best time t climb the Himalayas is during the mnths f April and May, as well as sme days in September and Octber. "In these perids f recent years, the path cntains rcks and deep crack frm melting ice due t the warm weather, which make expeditins up the muntain mre dangerus," said Apa, an experienced Nepalese guide. During this year's climbing seasn, crwds f climbers became stuck in a lng line near the summit. The line is abve the muntain's highest campsite—abut 8,000 meters abve sea level.
    Hwever, mst peple can nly spend a few minutes at the summit withut extra xygen supplies. Twenty-ne muntaineers have died in the Himalayan muntains s far this year, accrding t Gripped, a magazine dedicated t muntain climbing. Eleven f these climbers died n Qmlangma.
    This death cunt marks a fur-year high. Overcrwding, inexperience and pr weather have been the mst cmmn causes f death, USA Tday reprted.
    After these tragedies, ne questin remains: Why d s many peple risk their lives t climb the muntain? The answer differs frm climber t climber. Studies suggest that peple wh take risks tend t perceive themselves differently than peple wh avid risky activities. But fr adventurers wh are drawn t the Himalayas, reaching the summit f Qmlangma is a lifelng dream, accrding t Discvery News.
    "Qmlangma is like a light t bugs that attracts peple nce they hear abut it. It represents the ultimate fr many peple," US muntaineer Alan Arnette said. Technlgical advances have als encuraged mre peple t climb the muntain. Peple can get high-tech safety equipment mre easily than befre. And with the internet, climbers knw better than ever abut hw t reach the summit safely, Yah Travel nted.
    24. What d we knw frm the USA Tday reprt?
    A. 21 climbers have lst their lives n Qmlangma this year.
    B. This year's climber death cunt is fur times mre than last year's.
    C. Climbers wh have less experience may have a higher risk f death.
    D. Climbers can nly spend a few minutes at the summit f Qmlangma.
    25. What des the underlined wrd "perceive" in paragraph5 mean?
    A. Think.B. Prmise.C. Change.D. Pretend.
    26. What are the last tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A The risks n Qmlangma.B. Muntaineers' lifelng dream.
    C. Causes f muntaineers' deaths.D. Reasns fr climbing Qmlangma.
    Fans f art believe that its main purpse is t make us lk at life frm many different angles. When it cmes t Cubism(立体主义), hwever, the artists f this era wanted us t lk at life frm every angle.
    The father f Cubism, Spanish artist Pabl Picass, is amng the art wrld's mst famus names. Like many ther great names befre him, he felt restrained by the rules f his teachers and decided t d smething: break them.
    Early in his painting career, Picass realized smething imprtant abut hw peple view and remember scenes f beauty. When we lk at a subject, we dn't just see it frm ne angle, as many paintings appear. Instead, we study the subject frm a number f different angles, heights and viewpints. This is the aim f Cubism: It prtrays(描绘) subjects frm a wide range f angles; it desn't frce us t see things as the artist viewed them at the time he r she painted them. T bring his visins t life, Picass and ther Cubists tk the mst basic cmpnents f a subject and rearranged them in a way which let us see it in full detail.
    “By breaking bjects and figures dwn int distinct areas, Picass aimed t shw different viewpints at the same time and within the same space,” in the wrds f the Tate Institutin. Or as Lithuanian—brn Cubist Jacques Lipchitz nce put it: “Cubism is like standing at a certain pint n a muntain and lking arund. If yu g higher, things will lk different; if yu g lwer, again they will lk different.”
    Cubism std ut as it was an art mvement which didn’t just rely n the artist t share their visin by painting what they saw. As cubist paintings mainly shw their subjects in a decnstructed frm, this means that viewers must use their imaginatins t find the missing pieces fr themselves. As Guardian art critic Jhnathan Jnes nted, this is part f the beauty f enjying Picass’s wrks. “If yu can relax yur gaze(凝视)enugh and just enjy the painting lng enugh, smething really amazing happens. Yur mind prduces a slid feeling f the things Picass was lking at. the wrld is revealed in its majesty(壮观),” he wrte.
    27. What is a main feature f cubist wrks?
    A. They are cmplicated (复杂的) pictures.
    B. They break things dwn int parts.
    C They are mainly in black and white.
    D. They present scenes f life t viewers.
    28. Why are Jacques Lipchitz’s wrds quted?
    A T pint ut the rigin f cubism.
    B. T cmpare cubism with ther schls f art.
    C. T shw his understanding f what cubism was.
    D. T shw that muntains were a cmmn subject in cubism.
    29. Which is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Seeing Every Angle.B. The Histry f Cubism.
    C. The Beauty f Enjying.D. Pabl Picass: A Great Cubist.
    第二节:(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Fear f Missing Out
    It’s a cmmn experience: Yu’re scrlling thrugh a scial media page, and yu see pictures f friends traveling r ging t parties. Suddenly yu start t wnder why yu’re nt ding thse things. Are yu missing ut n smething fun and exciting because yu’re lcked int everyday life? This experience has cme t be knwn as the fear f missing ut, smetimes abbreviated(缩写) FOMO. ___30___ But with the rise f scial media, FOMO is becming much mre cmmn.
    Wanting t be in n the fun when exciting things are happening is cmpletely nrmal. But fr sme peple, it can lead t an addictin t checking their phnes t find ut what ther peple are ding. Even while ding things that are fun r necessary, peple can feel like there’s smething better ging n elsewhere. This urge t cnnect can lead them t discnnect frm the peple they are actually with. ___31___It can even be dangerus; sme peple try t check messages while driving.
    Remember that what peple chse t pst n scial media des nt necessarily reflect their life verall. Peple tend t pick and chse the things they share, s we nly ever knw a small part f anyne else’s life.
    ___32___ Yu cannt be everywhere and d everything that might be interesting r prductive, and that’s OK.
    It might even be necessary t turn ff yur phne r lg ut f scial media fr a while. ___33___Yu can even set particular times in yur day t check email and scial media. By stepping away fr a time, yu can help keep ther peple’s lives in perspective.
    Finally, fcus n the things in frnt f yu. Enjy them, d them well and let everything else g. ___34___
    Dn’t let the fear f missing ut cause yu t miss ut n the gd things yu have in life. Relax, enjy what yu d and let ther peple enjy their lives withut envying them.
    A. T sme extent, peple have always wrried abut missing ut n things.
    B. Withut the scial media yu will get uncnnected with the whle wrld.
    C. It als prevents them frm being satisfied with the gd things in their lives.
    D. When yu fully engage with life, yu’ll wrry less abut what yu’re nt ding.
    E. Get rid f the cnstant reminders f everything that’s happening in the wrld.
    F. It’s difficult t cnnect with the reasns why yu chse nt t participate.
    G. It’s als imprtant t be humble and acknwledge yur limitatins.
    第三节:(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    Sme peple live t climb the highest muntains Sme peple live nly dreaming abut it while thers live t avid ever climbing at all. But ne thing is certain — all peple meet muntains in their life.
    When I was a little girl, my family mved t a tiny twn at the bttm f a big muntain. One day after schl, while explring the green wds f this amazing muntain, I almst fell n a set f stairs. What culd these steps lead t? Curisity gt the best f me as I knew it wuld be starting t get dark sn. I started climbing up thse strangely mysterius (神秘的) steps. I climbed and climbed. There was nthing but just green bushes and these steps. I had t reach the tp. But it was nw getting real dark. If I kept ging I might nt be able t see my way back. My mm wuld be wrried sick if I didn’t cme hme sn. S I ran back hme almst in the dark while trying nt t get t scared.
    Anxiusly I went t bed dreaming abut what I wuld find at the tp f this magical muntain. Culd there be a castle up there? Maybe I wuld find a mnster (怪物) . Maybe I was taking the risk f never cming back hme. Or, maybe all I wuld find was abslutely nthing! But smething inside me was ging t climb that muntain at all cst. I culd hardly wait t try this adventure again.
    Nw we live in a wrld surrunded by the “can’t d” attitudes. We all fall dwn. We all have dubts and regrets. Still we must climb and dream abut what’s at the tp f ur muntain. Mnsters may appear r the night will fall. But never ever give up n yur dream! Never let anyne tell yu, “Yu can’t.” Dream big and climb high!
    35. What made the authr start t climb up the stairs t the muntain tp? (ne wrd)
    36. Why did the authr hurry back hme withut reaching the tp f the muntain? Give tw reasns. (n mre than 20 wrds)
    37. Hw did the authr feel that night? (n mre than 3 wrds)
    38. What des the authr want t tell us? (n mre than 6 wrds)
    39. What’s yur attitude twards the “muntain” in yur life? (n mre than 12 wrds)
    第三部分 词汇运用(共12分)
    第一节、根据句意及所给的首字母和中文提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。(每小题1分, 共6分)
    根据句意及所给的首字母和中文提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。
    40. I lve explring new technlgies because they prvide______________
    41. Technlgy really______________ peple t cmmunicate better with each ther.
    42. Reading in the strng light will d______________ t yur eyes.
    43. I haven't received the gds. Can yu d me a______________ and find ut what's ging n?
    44. He escaped frm______________ by ging t the cinema every afternn.
    45. I can certainly feel the bad______________ f t many late nights.
    第二节. 用所给提示词翻译句子。(每小题2分, 共6分)
    46. 她正在努力集中精力专注于她的工作。(fcus n)(汉译英)
    47. 作为学生, 我们不应该沉迷于玩网络游戏。(be addicted t)(汉译英)
    48. 我父亲给我买了一个生日蛋糕, 除此之外, 他还给了我一百元钱。(in additin)(汉译英)
    第四部分: 书面表达(20分)
    49. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他最近过度使用手机,日常生活受到影响,他为此感到苦恼。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Huaharms favur reality effect cnvenience enable
    Table Talk
    As we gt ut f the car, ur sn annunced, “Phnes stay in the car.”
    “Why d yu always have t tell us that?” cmplained ur fifteen-year-ld grandsn.
    Our sn’s wife winked at us and then explained, “We have a family ___1___ that n ne may bring anything electrnic t the table.”
    We ___2___ ur phnes in the car. Even thugh the restaurant was filled with families, there was little nise. All I heard were a few quiet cnversatins and the ding f frks n plates. The ___3___ unnerved me. I lked arund. Everyne, even the yung kids, was ___4___ at sme kind f screen.
    The silence was brken when the six f us sat dwn, and started talking. The waitress std patiently and waited fr ur rders. When ur fd came, we cntinued t chat.
    An elderly cuple at the next table were finishing their dinners and cnversing quietly. I nticed that they sht us a few glances, and wndered if ur cnstant chatter was annying them.
    After the dessert, my sn signaled the waitress fr the check. She hesitated when she brught the black flder t ur table. My sn pened the black flder — it was ___5___ . “Yu frgt the check,” he tld her.
    “There isn’t ne. Smene else ___6___ yur bill — and the tip t.” she said with a giggle (咯咯笑).
    “Why?” asked ur sn, his wife and myself at nce.
    “They lved it that n ne was cnnected.” she cntinued. “They lved watching yu guys ___7___ . The ld lady went n and n abut hw nice it was t see a family eating and talking instead f lking at ‘electric games’.”
    Fr a mment, everyne at ur table was at a lss fr ___8___ . Then we all started talking at nce. My sn's vice rse abve the thers. “Where are they? We want t thank them.”
    “They left after yu rdered dessert,” the waitress replied.
    We spent the next fifteen minutes discussing this gdness and camp up with a ___9___ . Next time we see a family eating at a restaurant ____10____ lking at anything electrnic, we'll pay it frward, just like what happened t us.
    A. ruleB. appintmentC. discussinD. gal
    A. clsedB. returnedC. sentD. lcked
    A. sweetnessB. quietnessC. patienceD. preference
    A. smilingB. knckingC. staringD. pinting
    A. specialB. strangeC. typicalD. empty
    A. paidB. servedC. managedD. changed
    A. eatB. talkC. argueD. wrk
    A. directinsB. chicesC. wrdsD. ideas
    A. scheduleB. messageC. taskD. plan
    A. withutB. byC. thrughD. fr
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们儿子的妻子对我们眨了眨眼,然后解释说:“我们有一条家庭规定,任何人不得带任何电子设备上桌。”A. rule规则;B. appintment约定;C. discussin讨论;D. gal目标。根据空后的“that n ne may bring anything electrnic t the table.( 任何人不得带任何电子设备上桌)”可知,任何人不得带任何电子产品上桌是我们家的一条家规。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们把手机锁在车里了。A. clsed关闭;B. returned返回;C. sent发送;D. lcked锁。根据上文中的“Phnes stay in the car.(手机留在车里)”可知,我们把手机锁在车里了。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种安静使我不安。A. sweetness甜蜜;B. quietness安静;C. patience耐性;D. preference偏爱。根据前文“Even thugh the restaurant was filled with families, there was little nise.(尽管餐馆里有很多家庭在聚餐,但几乎没有什么噪音)”可知,餐厅里非常安静,以及后文提到“Everyne, even the yung kids, was 4 at sme kind f screen.(每个人,甚至是小孩子,都盯着屏幕)”可知,在餐厅里的人都在安静地看着手机,因此作者觉得这种安静让人感到不安。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个人,甚至是小孩子,都盯着屏幕看。A. smiling微笑;B. kncking敲;C. staring紧盯;D. pinting指。根据空后的“at sme kind f screen(看着屏幕)”可知,每个人都盯着屏幕看,此处是固定短语stare at,意为“盯着”。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:儿子打开那个黑色的文件夹——里面是空的。A. special特别的;B. strange奇怪的;C. typical典型的;D. empty空的。根据后文“Yu frgt the check,(你忘了小票)”可知,儿子告诉服务员说她忘记了小票,说明票夹里是空的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有人帮你们付了账单还有小费。A. paid支付;B. served服务;C. managed管理;D. changed改变。根据后文“the tip t(还有小费)”可知,在餐厅吃饭的人帮作者一家支付了账单和小费,因此票夹里没有小票。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们喜欢看你们聊天。A. eat吃;B. talk谈话;C. argue争论;D. wrk工作。根据后文“The ld lady went n and n abut hw nice it was t see a family eating and talking instead f lking at ‘electric games’.(老太太不停地说,看到一家人一起吃饭聊天,而不是看‘电子游戏’是多么美好)”可知,那对老夫妇喜欢看我们一家人吃饭时聊天。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一时间,我们每个人都不知道说什么好。A. directins指示;B. chices选择;C. wrds话语;D. ideas想法。根据前文“The ld lady went n and n abut hw nice it was t see a family eating and talking instead f lking at ‘electric games’.(老太太不停地说,看到一家人一起吃饭聊天,而不是看‘电子游戏’是多么美好)”可知,那对老夫妇喜欢看我们一家人吃饭时聊天。听到那位老太太那样的评价,一时间,作者一家人都不知道说什么好。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来的十五分钟里,我们讨论了这件好事,并制定了一个计划。A. schedule时间表;B. message信息;C. task任务;D. plan计划。根据后文“Next time we see a family eating at a restaurant 10 lking at anything electrnic, we'll pay it frward, just like what happened t us.(下次我们看到一家人在餐厅吃饭时不看任何电子产品,我们会把它传递出去,就像发生在我们身上的一样)”可知,作者一家人因为没有看手机而获得别人为他们买单的善意,也想把这种善意传递出去,因此也制定了类似的计划——帮吃饭时不看手机的人买单。故选D。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:下次我们看到一家人在餐馆吃饭而不看任何电子设备时,我们也会做发生在我们身上的事情——替他们结账。A. withut没有;B. by通过;C. thrugh穿过;D. fr为了。根据上文内容可知,我们一家人吃饭时不看任何电子设备,正是因为这个原因,一对老夫妇为我们结了账,所以下次我们看到一家人在餐馆吃饭而不看任何电子设备时,我们也会这样做。故选A。
    第二节: 语法填空:(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
    Jim was shpping fr a gift fr his wife Della. The next day wuld be Christmas. With an incme f twenty dllars per week, life was hard fr the cuple, ___11___ Jim wanted t buy a perfect gift fr Della. He thught f the beautiful set f cmbs n shw in ne f the shp ___12___ (windw) n Bradway. Della had wanted thse cmbs fr s lng. Tmrrw, Jim decided he ___13___ (make) Della's dream cme true.
    【答案】11. but##yet
    12. windws
    13. wuld make##was ging t make
    考查名词。句意:他想起了百老汇大街上一家商店橱窗里展出的那套漂亮的梳子。ne f后接名词复数。故填windws。
    考查时态。句意:明天,吉姆决定要让黛拉的梦想成真。decided后接宾语从句,根据“Tmrrw”可知,从句为过去将来时。故填wuld make或was ging t make。
    Wrld Read Alud Day is celebrated each year n the first Wednesday f February. It ___14___ (start) by the Lit Wrld. Org website in 2010 and has nw reached 65 cuntries. ___15___ (it) gal is t encurage peple wrldwide wh cannt read t enjy the benefits f a bk. The website asks everyne t celebrate the day by taking a bk, finding an audience, and reading it ut alud. It is abut taking actin t shw the wrld that the right t read and write ___16___ (belng) t all peple.
    【答案】14. was started
    15. Its 16. belngs
    考查时态语态。句意:它于2010年由LitWrld.rg网站发起,目前已有65个国家庆祝这一节日。根据“in 2010”可知,本句为一般过去时,主语it(世界朗读日)与start为被动关系,所以本句为一般过去时的被动语态。故填was started。
    考查时态。句意:它是关于采取行动向世界表明,阅读和写作的权利属于所有人。根据句意可知,本句在描述事实,为一般现在时。主语the right t read and write为单数,谓语为单数。故填belngs。
    阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
    Tanni was brn with an illness, ___17___ made her unable t mve her muscles nrmally. Tanni was interested ___18___ sprts, but when she was grwing up she didn’t see many disabled athletes n televisin. Then several years later, while watching the Lndn wheelchair marathn, she saw an athlete she knew. She dreamed that she wuld be n the starting line, cmpeting in the marathn t. Finally, her dream ___19___ (cme) true. She was nt nly n the starting line, but als the winner at the finish line. Tanni believes yu’ll never knw ___20___ yu can d unless yu try.
    【答案】17. which
    18. in 19. came
    20. what
    考查介词。句意:坦尼对体育很感兴趣,但在她成长的过程中,她在电视上看不到很多残疾运动员。be interested in是固定短语,意为“对……感兴趣”。故填in。
    考查时态。句意:最后,她的梦想实现了。分析句子可知,动词短语cme true(实现)作谓语,与主语her dream之间是主动关系,根据上文可知,讲述过去的事情,应使用一般过去时态。故填came。
    考查宾语从句。句意:坦尼相信,除非你去尝试,否则你永远不会知道自己能做什么。“ yu can d”是宾语从句,从句缺主语,结合句意,表示“(能做)什么”,用连接代词what引导该从句。故填what。
    第二部分: 阅读理解(共三节, 38分)
    第一节:(共9个小题: 每小题2分, 共18分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Eln Musk is a symbl f passin, hard wrk and success. A persn may wrk hard in his life, but when hard wrk ges alng with passin and a new idea, then smething is created that astnishes the wrld. As the funder f big cmpanies like PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Mtrs, Eln Musk is a guide and inspiratin fr the yuth arund the wrld.
    Eln Musk was brn n June 28, 1971 in Pretria, Suth Africa. He was the eldest f three children. His father Errl Musk, a British-brn Suth African, was an engineer. Musk spent his childhd in Suth Africa and at the age f 9, he gt his first persnal cmputer. This gt Eln interested in prgramming and he started t learn n his wn. At the age f 12, he made his first cmputer game, Blaster, which earned him $500 when he sld the surce cde t a magazine.
    When he was 17, he decided t leave hme and had wanted t mve t the United States after graduating frm a secndary schl in Pretria. Hwever, he was unable t mve t the United States. In 1989, Eln Musk mved t Canada, where his mther's relatives lived. After btaining Canadian citizenship, Musk went t Mntreal. Due t a lack f mney, he fund a lw-paying jb. At the age f 19, he entered Queens University in Kingstn, Ontari, studying there fr tw years. Finally, in 1992, his dream came true—he mved t the United States.
    As a teenager, Musk struggled with depressin. But then he realized that the mst imprtant thing was presenting himself with the right questins. The day he started ding this, everything started t get easier.
    Musk thught that a human being had t expand the limits f his cnsciusness—t ask the right questins and get answers t them; thus he asked the best questin f all: what will have the greatest impact n the future f humans? Musk fund that these things were the Internet and space explratin.
    The life f Eln Musk is inspiring. He fund success n the Internet, withut much frmal learning. By reading bks and using his willpwer and dedicatin, he reached a level f knwledge that is difficult t imagine. He did nt give up until he achieved his dreams. Eln Musk truly stands ut amng ther billinaires because f his leadership abilities, psitive attitude, ability t knw when t take risks, and belief in futuristic technlgies.
    21. Accrding t the passage, Eln Musk gained knwledge f cmputer by__________.
    A. teaching himselfB. learning frm his father
    C. taking nline cursesD. studying in Queens University
    22. What made things easier fr Eln Musk when he suffered frm depressin? _________
    A. Expanding knwledge by reading bks.B. Asking himself the right questins.
    C. Achieving success n the Internet.D. Designing cmputer games.
    23. What can we learn frm the passage? _________
    A. It's never t late t learn.B. Yuth means limitless pssibilities.
    C. Where there's a will, there's a way.D. He wh desn't advance falls backward.
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了PayPal、SpaceX、特斯拉汽车等大公司的创始人Eln Musk的个人经历,讲述了Musk通过自学获得了计算机知识,通过自身不懈努力、与抑郁症作斗争最终取得成功的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“This gt Eln interested in prgramming and he started t learn n his wn.(这让Eln对编程产生了兴趣,他开始自学)”可知,Eln Musk通过自学获得了计算机知识。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Musk thught that a human being had t expand the limits f his cnsciusness—t ask the right questins and get answers t them; thus he asked the best questin f all: what will have the greatest impact n the future f humans? Musk fund that these things were the Internet and space explratin.(十几岁的时候,Musk一直在与抑郁症作斗争。但后来他意识到,最重要的是向自己提出正确的问题。从他开始这么做的那天起,一切都变得容易了)”可知,当Eln Musk患上抑郁症时,他通过问自己正确的问题让事情变得更容易。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章主要讲述了PayPal、SpaceX、特斯拉汽车等大公司的创始人Eln Musk的个人经历,讲述了Musk通过自学获得了计算机知识,通过自身不懈努力、与抑郁症作斗争最终取得成功的故事。可推知,文章告诉了我们“有志者,事竟成”的道理。故选C。
    Many n the Muntain
    We ften see peple waiting in lines at supermarkets, theatres and amusement parks. Surprisingly, sme peple even have t wait in line at the summit (顶峰) f Qmlangma in the Himalayas.
    The best time t climb the Himalayas is during the mnths f April and May, as well as sme days in September and Octber. "In these perids f recent years, the path cntains rcks and deep crack frm melting ice due t the warm weather, which make expeditins up the muntain mre dangerus," said Apa, an experienced Nepalese guide. During this year's climbing seasn, crwds f climbers became stuck in a lng line near the summit. The line is abve the muntain's highest campsite—abut 8,000 meters abve sea level.
    Hwever, mst peple can nly spend a few minutes at the summit withut extra xygen supplies. Twenty-ne muntaineers have died in the Himalayan muntains s far this year, accrding t Gripped, a magazine dedicated t muntain climbing. Eleven f these climbers died n Qmlangma.
    This death cunt marks a fur-year high. Overcrwding, inexperience and pr weather have been the mst cmmn causes f death, USA Tday reprted.
    After these tragedies, ne questin remains: Why d s many peple risk their lives t climb the muntain? The answer differs frm climber t climber. Studies suggest that peple wh take risks tend t perceive themselves differently than peple wh avid risky activities. But fr adventurers wh are drawn t the Himalayas, reaching the summit f Qmlangma is a lifelng dream, accrding t Discvery News.
    "Qmlangma is like a light t bugs that attracts peple nce they hear abut it. It represents the ultimate fr many peple," US muntaineer Alan Arnette said. Technlgical advances have als encuraged mre peple t climb the muntain. Peple can get high-tech safety equipment mre easily than befre. And with the internet, climbers knw better than ever abut hw t reach the summit safely, Yah Travel nted.
    24. What d we knw frm the USA Tday reprt?
    A. 21 climbers have lst their lives n Qmlangma this year.
    B. This year's climber death cunt is fur times mre than last year's.
    C. Climbers wh have less experience may have a higher risk f death.
    D. Climbers can nly spend a few minutes at the summit f Qmlangma.
    25. What des the underlined wrd "perceive" in paragraph5 mean?
    A. Think.B. Prmise.C. Change.D. Pretend.
    26. What are the last tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A. The risks n Qmlangma.B. Muntaineers' lifelng dream.
    C. Causes f muntaineers' deaths.D. Reasns fr climbing Qmlangma.
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. D
    细节理解题。根据第四段的Overcrwding, inexperience and pr weather have been the mst cmmn causes f death, USA Tday reprted.可知,今日美国报道称,过度拥挤、经验不足和糟糕的天气是最常见的死亡原因。由此可见,缺乏经验的登山者可能有更高的死亡风险。C. Climbers wh have less experience may have a higher risk f death.(经验不足的登山者死亡的风险更高)符合以上说法,故选C项。
    词义猜测题。根据第五段的Studies suggest that peple wh take risks tend t perceive themselves differently than peple wh avid risky activities. But fr adventurers wh are drawn t the Himalayas, reaching the summit f Qmlangma is a lifelng dream, accrding t Discvery News.(研究表明那些想要冒险的人往往perceive他们自己与那些避开危险活动的人不同。但对于那些被吸引到喜马拉雅山的冒险者来说,登上珠峰顶是他们毕生的梦想。)可知,冒险者和不冒险的人的看法往往是不同的。由此猜测划线部分的意思是“思考”。A. Think.(思考)符合以上说法,故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据最后两段的主要内容,尤其倒数第二段的After these tragedies, ne questin remains: Why d s many peple risk their lives t climb the muntain? The answer differs frm climber t climber.(在这些悲剧之后,一个问题仍然存在:为什么有这么多人冒着生命的危险来登这座山?不同的登山者有不同的原因)可知,最后两个自然段主要讲述了登山者登珠峰的原因。D. Reasns fr climbing Qmlangma.(登珠穆朗玛的原因)符合以上说法,故选D项。
    Fans f art believe that its main purpse is t make us lk at life frm many different angles. When it cmes t Cubism(立体主义), hwever, the artists f this era wanted us t lk at life frm every angle.
    The father f Cubism, Spanish artist Pabl Picass, is amng the art wrld's mst famus names. Like many ther great names befre him, he felt restrained by the rules f his teachers and decided t d smething: break them.
    Early in his painting career, Picass realized smething imprtant abut hw peple view and remember scenes f beauty. When we lk at a subject, we dn't just see it frm ne angle, as many paintings appear. Instead, we study the subject frm a number f different angles, heights and viewpints. This is the aim f Cubism: It prtrays(描绘) subjects frm a wide range f angles; it desn't frce us t see things as the artist viewed them at the time he r she painted them. T bring his visins t life, Picass and ther Cubists tk the mst basic cmpnents f a subject and rearranged them in a way which let us see it in full detail.
    “By breaking bjects and figures dwn int distinct areas, Picass aimed t shw different viewpints at the same time and within the same space,” in the wrds f the Tate Institutin. Or as Lithuanian—brn Cubist Jacques Lipchitz nce put it: “Cubism is like standing at a certain pint n a muntain and lking arund. If yu g higher, things will lk different; if yu g lwer, again they will lk different.”
    Cubism std ut as it was an art mvement which didn’t just rely n the artist t share their visin by painting what they saw. As cubist paintings mainly shw their subjects in a decnstructed frm, this means that viewers must use their imaginatins t find the missing pieces fr themselves. As Guardian art critic Jhnathan Jnes nted, this is part f the beauty f enjying Picass’s wrks. “If yu can relax yur gaze(凝视)enugh and just enjy the painting lng enugh, smething really amazing happens. Yur mind prduces a slid feeling f the things Picass was lking at. the wrld is revealed in its majesty(壮观),” he wrte.
    27. What is a main feature f cubist wrks?
    A. They are cmplicated (复杂的) pictures.
    B. They break things dwn int parts.
    C. They are mainly in black and white.
    D. They present scenes f life t viewers.
    28. Why are Jacques Lipchitz’s wrds quted?
    A. T pint ut the rigin f cubism.
    B. T cmpare cubism with ther schls f art.
    C. T shw his understanding f what cubism was.
    D. T shw that muntains were a cmmn subject in cubism.
    29. Which is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Seeing Every Angle.B. The Histry f Cubism.
    C. The Beauty f Enjying.D. Pabl Picass: A Great Cubist.
    【答案】27. B 28. C 29. A
    细节理解题。根据第四段中““By breaking bjects and figures dwn int distinct areas, Picass aimed t shw different viewpints at the same time and within the same space,” in the wrds f the Tate Institutin.”(“通过将物体和人物分解成不同的区域,毕加索旨在在同一时间和同一空间内展示不同的观点,”用Tate机构的话来说)可知,立体主义作品的主要特征是它们把事物分解成部分。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Or as Lithuanian-brn Cubist Jacques Lipchitz nce put it: “Cubism is like standing at a certain pint n a muntain and lking arund. If yu g higher, things will lk different; if yu g lwer, again they will lk different.””(或者,正如立陶宛出生的立体派画家Jacques Lipchitz所言:“立体派就像站在山上的某个地方,四处张望。如果你走得更高,事情看起来会不同;如果你走在低处,它们看起来也会不一样)”可推知,引用Jacques Lipchitz的话是为了表明他对立体主义的理解。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Fans f art believe that its main purpse is t make us lk at life frm many different angles. When it cmes t Cubism, hwever, the artists f this era wanted us t lk at life frm every angle.”(艺术爱好者认为它的主要目的是让我们从许多不同的角度来看待生活。但说到立体主义,这个时代的艺术家们希望我们从各个角度看待生活)并结合文章可知,本文主要说明了绘画艺术中的立体主义,立体主义的艺术家们希望我们从各个角度看待生活。并以毕加索为例,说明了立体主义的目的和特征,和不同的人对于立体主义的看法。由此可知,A选项“看到每一面”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    第二节:(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Fear f Missing Out
    It’s a cmmn experience: Yu’re scrlling thrugh a scial media page, and yu see pictures f friends traveling r ging t parties. Suddenly yu start t wnder why yu’re nt ding thse things. Are yu missing ut n smething fun and exciting because yu’re lcked int everyday life? This experience has cme t be knwn as the fear f missing ut, smetimes abbreviated(缩写) FOMO. ___30___ But with the rise f scial media, FOMO is becming much mre cmmn.
    Wanting t be in n the fun when exciting things are happening is cmpletely nrmal. But fr sme peple, it can lead t an addictin t checking their phnes t find ut what ther peple are ding. Even while ding things that are fun r necessary, peple can feel like there’s smething better ging n elsewhere. This urge t cnnect can lead them t discnnect frm the peple they are actually with. ___31___It can even be dangerus; sme peple try t check messages while driving.
    Remember that what peple chse t pst n scial media des nt necessarily reflect their life verall. Peple tend t pick and chse the things they share, s we nly ever knw a small part f anyne else’s life.
    ___32___ Yu cannt be everywhere and d everything that might be interesting r prductive, and that’s OK.
    It might even be necessary t turn ff yur phne r lg ut f scial media fr a while. ___33___Yu can even set particular times in yur day t check email and scial media. By stepping away fr a time, yu can help keep ther peple’s lives in perspective.
    Finally, fcus n the things in frnt f yu. Enjy them, d them well and let everything else g. ___34___
    Dn’t let the fear f missing ut cause yu t miss ut n the gd things yu have in life. Relax, enjy what yu d and let ther peple enjy their lives withut envying them.
    A. T sme extent, peple have always wrried abut missing ut n things.
    B. Withut the scial media yu will get uncnnected with the whle wrld.
    C. It als prevents them frm being satisfied with the gd things in their lives.
    D. When yu fully engage with life, yu’ll wrry less abut what yu’re nt ding.
    E. Get rid f the cnstant reminders f everything that’s happening in the wrld.
    F. It’s difficult t cnnect with the reasns why yu chse nt t participate.
    G. It’s als imprtant t be humble and acknwledge yur limitatins.
    【答案】30. A 31. C 32. G 33. E 34. D
    上文“Are yu missing ut n smething fun and exciting because yu’re lcked int everyday life? This experience has cme t be knwn as the fear f missing ut, smetimes abbreviated FOMO.(你是否因为被困在日常生活中而错过了一些有趣和令人兴奋的事情?这种经历被称为“害怕错过”,有时简称为“错失恐惧症”。)”说明人们总是害怕错过一些东西。A选项T sme extent, peple have always wrried abut missing ut n things.(在某种程度上,人们总是担心会错过一些东西。)符合文意。 missing ut是关键词。故选A项。
    上文“This urge t cnnect can lead them t discnnect frm the peple they are actually with.(这种联系的冲动会导致他们与真正在一起的人断开联系。)”说明社交控有着消极影响。下文“It can even be dangerus:sme peple try t check messages while driving.(这甚至可能是危险的:有些人试图在开车时查看信息。)”依旧说明社交控的消极影响。C选项It als prevents them frm being satisfied with the gd things in their lives.(这也会阻止他们对生活中美好的事物感到满足。)符合文意。 prevents them frm being satisfied with the gd things 呼应discnnect frm the peple和It can even be dangerus。故选C项。
    下文“Yu cannt be everywhere and d everything that might be interesting r prductive, and that’s OK.(你不可能无处不在,做每件有趣或有成效的事情,但那也没关系。)”说明人要认识到自身的局限性。G选项It’s als imprtant t be humble and acknwledge yur limitatins.(谦逊并承认自己的局限性也很重要。)符合下文文意。Yu cannt be everywhere and d everything呼应 acknwledge yur limitatins。故选G项。
    上文“It might even be necessary t turn ff yur phne r lg ut f scial media fr a while. (甚至有必要关掉手机或暂时退出社交媒体。)”说明我们需要摆脱提醒自己世界上发生事情的物品,填空处与暂时退出社交媒体有关。E选项Get rid f the cnstant reminders f everything that’s happening in the wrld.(摆脱那些不断提醒你世界上正在发生的一切事情的东西。)符合文意。Get rid f 呼应turn ff yur phne r lg ut f scial media。故选E项。
    上文“Finally, fcus n the things in frnt f yu. Enjy them, d them well and let everything else g.(最后,把注意力集中在你面前的事物上。享受它们,做好它们,让其他的一切都过去。)”说明我们要集中注意在面前的事情上,填空处与集中注意有关。D选项When yu fully engage with life, yu’ll wrry less abut what yu’re nt ding.(当你完全投入到生活中,你就不会那么担心你没有做什么。)说明集中注意的积极影响,符合文意。故选D项。
    第三节:(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    Sme peple live t climb the highest muntains. Sme peple live nly dreaming abut it while thers live t avid ever climbing at all. But ne thing is certain — all peple meet muntains in their life.
    When I was a little girl, my family mved t a tiny twn at the bttm f a big muntain. One day after schl, while explring the green wds f this amazing muntain, I almst fell n a set f stairs. What culd these steps lead t? Curisity gt the best f me as I knew it wuld be starting t get dark sn. I started climbing up thse strangely mysterius (神秘的) steps. I climbed and climbed. There was nthing but just green bushes and these steps. I had t reach the tp. But it was nw getting real dark. If I kept ging I might nt be able t see my way back. My mm wuld be wrried sick if I didn’t cme hme sn. S I ran back hme almst in the dark while trying nt t get t scared.
    Anxiusly I went t bed dreaming abut what I wuld find at the tp f this magical muntain. Culd there be a castle up there? Maybe I wuld find a mnster (怪物) . Maybe I was taking the risk f never cming back hme. Or, maybe all I wuld find was abslutely nthing! But smething inside me was ging t climb that muntain at all cst. I culd hardly wait t try this adventure again.
    Nw we live in a wrld surrunded by the “can’t d” attitudes. We all fall dwn. We all have dubts and regrets. Still we must climb and dream abut what’s at the tp f ur muntain. Mnsters may appear r the night will fall. But never ever give up n yur dream! Never let anyne tell yu, “Yu can’t.” Dream big and climb high!
    35. What made the authr start t climb up the stairs t the muntain tp? (ne wrd)
    36. Why did the authr hurry back hme withut reaching the tp f the muntain? Give tw reasns. (n mre than 20 wrds)
    37. Hw did the authr feel that night? (n mre than 3 wrds)
    38. What des the authr want t tell us? (n mre than 6 wrds)
    39 What’s yur attitude twards the “muntain” in yur life? (n mre than 12 wrds)
    【答案】35. Curisity.
    36. Because she was scared and might nt be able t find her way back hme. Or Because it was getting dark and she didn’t want her mther t wrry abut her.
    37. She felt regretful/ eager / hpeful/scared.
    38. Never give up n the dream! /Dream big and climb high.
    39. I’ll try t reach /get t the tp f the “muntain”.
    考查细节理解。根据第二段中“What culd these steps lead t? Curisity gt the best f me as I knew it wuld be starting t get dark sn. I started climbing up thse strangely mysterius (神秘的) steps. I climbed and climbed. There was nthing but just green bushes and these steps. I had t reach the tp.(这些台阶通向哪里?虽然我知道天很快就要黑下来了,但好奇心攫住了我。我开始爬上那些奇怪而神秘的台阶。我爬啊爬啊。除了绿色的灌木丛和这些台阶,什么也没有。我必须到达山顶)”可知,是好奇心驱使作者想要沿着台阶爬上山顶。故答案为Curisity.
    考查细节理解。根据第二段中“But it was nw getting real dark. If I kept ging I might nt be able t see my way back. My mm wuld be wrried sick if I didn’t cme hme sn. S I ran back hme almst in the dark while trying nt t get t scared.(但现在天真的黑了。如果我继续走下去,可能就找不到回去的路了。如果我不早点回家,妈妈会担心得要命的。所以我几乎摸黑跑回了家,同时尽量不让自己太害怕)”可知,因为作者害怕,怕找不到回家的路,所以她放弃了;也可能是因为天快黑了,她不想让妈妈担心,所以放弃了。故答案为Because she was scared and might nt be able t find her way back hme. Or Because it was getting dark and she didn’t want her mther t wrry abut her.
    考查推理判断。根据第三段中“Anxiusly I went t bed dreaming abut what I wuld find at the tp f this magical muntain. Culd there be a castle up there? Maybe I wuld find a mnster (怪物) . Maybe I was taking the risk f never cming back hme. Or, maybe all I wuld find was abslutely nthing! But smething inside me was ging t climb that muntain at all cst.(我焦虑地上床睡觉,梦想着在这座神奇的山顶上会有什么发现。上面会有一座城堡吗?也许我会找到一个怪物。也许我是在冒永远回不了家的风险。或者,也许我什么也找不到!但我内心深处有个念头要不惜一切代价爬上那座山)”可知,回到家的那天晚上,作者对未能到达山顶感到遗憾,对可能发生的事情充满希望和担心,渴望能完成登上山顶。故答案为She felt regretful/eager/hpeful/scared.
    考查推理判断。根据最后一段中“Still we must climb and dream abut what’s at the tp f ur muntain. Mnsters may appear r the night will fall. But never ever give up n yur dream! Never let anyne tell yu, “Yu can’t.” Dream big and climb high!(然而,我们必须攀登,梦想我们的山顶。怪物可能会出现,或者夜幕降临。但是永远不要放弃你的梦想!永远不要让任何人告诉你“你不行”。梦想大,爬得高!)”可推知,作者想告诉我们的是:永远不要放弃梦想!/梦想大,爬得高。故答案为Never give up n the dream! /Dream big and climb high.
    考查推理判断。读了作者的故事,我明白了一个道理,永远不要放弃梦想,要努力到达“山顶”。故答案为I’ll try t reach/get t the tp f the “muntain”.
    第三部分 词汇运用(共12分)
    第一节、根据句意及所给的首字母和中文提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。(每小题1分, 共6分)
    根据句意及所给的首字母和中文提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。
    40. I lve explring new technlgies because they prvide______________
    41. Technlgy really______________ peple t cmmunicate better with each ther.
    42. Reading in the strng light will d______________ t yur eyes.
    43. I haven't received the gds. Can yu d me a______________ and find ut what's ging n?
    44. He escaped frm______________ by ging t the cinema every afternn.
    45. I can certainly feel the bad______________ f t many late nights.
    【答案】40. cnvenience
    41. enables
    42 harm 43. favur##favr
    44. reality
    45. effects##effect
    考查动词。句意:科技确实能让人们更好地相互交流。本句在陈述事实,为一般现在时。主语为Technlgy,谓语为单数,enable“使能够”符合句意。 故填enables。
    考查名词。句意:在强光下看书会伤害你的眼睛。will后接动词原形,d harm t“伤害”符合句意。故填harm。
    考查名词。句意:我还没有收到货物。你能帮我查查发生了什么事吗?。d sb a favur/favr“帮某人一个忙”符合句意。故填favur/favr。
    考查名词。句意:我当然能感受到太多晚睡的不良影响。feel 后接名词作宾语,effects或者effect“影响”符合句意。故填effects/effect。
    第二节. 用所给提示词翻译句子。(每小题2分, 共6分)
    46. 她正在努力集中精力专注于她的工作。(fcus n)(汉译英)
    【答案】She is trying t fcus n her wrk.
    【详解】考查时态。根据汉语提示可知,本句为现在进行时,努力做某事为“try t d sth”,集中为fcus n,她的工作为“her wrk”。故翻译为:She is trying t fcus n her wrk.
    47. 作学生, 我们不应该沉迷于玩网络游戏。(be addicted t)(汉译英)
    【答案】As students, we shuldn't be addicted t playing cmputer games.
    【详解】考查介词、短语和动名词。作为学生翻译为“as a student”, 不应该为“ shuldn't ”,后接动词原形be addicted t“对……上瘾” ,t后接动名词playing cmputer games“玩网络游戏”作宾语,故翻译为:As students, we shuldn't be addicted t playing cmputer games.
    48. 我父亲给我买了一个生日蛋糕, 除此之外, 他还给了我一百元钱。(in additin)(汉译英)
    【答案】My father bught me a birthday cake. In additin, he gave me 100 yuan.
    【详解】考查时态和固定短语。“我父亲”可翻译为my father在句中作主语,“买了”可使用动词buy在句中作谓语,根据语境可知,该句陈述过去事实,可使用其一般过去式,buy后接双宾语,“我”可翻译为me,“生日蛋糕”可翻译为a birthday cake。根据要求可知,“除此之外”可使用固定短语in additin,“他”可翻译为he在句中作主语,“给”可使用动词give在句中作谓语,give后接双宾语,根据语境可知,该句陈述过去事实,可使用其一般过去式,“我”可翻译为me,“一百元”可翻译为100 yuan。故翻译为:My father bught me a birthday cake. In additin, he gave me 100 yuan.。
    第四部分: 书面表达(20分)
    49. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他最近过度使用手机,日常生活受到影响,他为此感到苦恼。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jim,
    I am srry t knw yu are trubled by cellphne veruse. As a heavy cellphne user myself, I ttally understand the stress and frustratin yu are feeling.
    Frtunately, we can d a few things abut it. Fr instance, we can set certain hurs f the day as “cellphne time” and nly pick up the phne during thse hurs. By ding s, we can reduce ur screen time. We may als participate in grup activities where we meet peple face t face and thus dn’t need t rely n the phne all the time t cntact thers.
    I hpe my suggestins can help and I'm sure yu will get thrugh this. Let me knw if I can help in any way.
    Li Hua
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    truble,understand,set certain hurs,pick up,participant in,face t face,rely n,get thrugh
    I am srry t knw yu are trubled by cellphne veruse.
    As a heavy cellphne user myself, I ttally understand the stress and frustratin yu are feeling.
    Frtunately, we can d a few things abut it.
    Fr instance, we can set certain hurs f the day as “cellphne time” and nly pick up the phne during thse hurs.
    We may als participate in grup activities where we meet peple face t face and thus dn’t need t rely n the phne all the time t cntact thers.
    I hpe my suggestins can help and I’m sure yu will get thrugh this.
    1.表文章结构顺序:First f all, Firstly/First, Secndly/Secnd… And then, Finally, In the end, At last
    2.表并列补充关系:What is mre, Besides, Mrever, Furthermre, In additin As well as, nt nly…but (als), including,
    3.表转折对比关系:Hwever, On the cntrary, but, Althugh+clause(从句), In spite f+n/ding,On the ne hand…,On the ther hand… Sme…,while thers…,as fr, s…that…
    4.表因果关系:Because, As, S, Thus, Therefre, As a result
    We may als participate in grup activities where we meet peple face t face and thus dn’t need t rely n the phne all the time t cntact thers.使用了where引导的定语从句和不定式作目的状语
    I hpe my suggestins can help and I’m sure yu will get thrugh this.使用了并列句和宾语从句
    harms favur reality effect cnvenience enable

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