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    这是一份湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题,文件包含试题docx、2024年湖南省长沙市一中高三月考英语试卷七答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15.
    1. Hw des the man feel in the end?
    A. Cnfused. B. Excited. C. Thankful.
    2. Why des the wman cme t talk t the man?
    A. T seek suggestins. B. T make new friends. C. T extend an invitatin.
    3. Wh is Ms. Jhnsn mst prbably?
    A. A guide.
    B. A public-speaking prfessr.
    C. A bdy language interpreter.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The current jb. B. Wrking pprtunities. C. Cmmunicatin skills.
    5. Where is the wman prbably?
    A. At an ffice. B. At hme. C. In a hspital.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the cmpetitin aim t d?
    A. Train talented dancers. B. Advertise dance classes. C. Encurage new dancers.
    7. Hw can the speakers participate in the cmpetitin?
    A. By submitting a vide nline.
    B. By being selected by audience.
    C. By perfrming n the scene.
    8. What des the man speaker think f financial bks?
    A. Unusual. B. Unappealing. C. Practical.
    9. Hw des the wman usually read financial bks?
    A. By reading it cmpletely.
    B. By picking useful cntents.
    C. By skimming the first tw chapters.
    10. Hw des Mark rganize his bk?
    A. By sharing persnal experiences.
    B. By explaining prfessinal terms.
    C. By giving detailed guidance.
    11. What's the man's prblem?
    A. He missed the train. B. His train wn't leave. C. He misread the ntice bard.
    12. What des the man agree t d?
    A. Take anther transprtatin.
    B. Take a rundabut rute t Lndn.
    C. Take a faster train t Lndn.
    13. What des the wman mean at the end f the cnversatin?
    A. The man takes n the respnsibility fr his fault.
    B. The man desn't have t pay extra fare.
    C. The train staff wn't check the man's ticket.
    14. What is Business Weekly?
    A. An interview prgramme. B. A technlgical magazine. C. An e-bk website.
    15. Hw many mnthly visitrs f TechBuzz were there in 2015?
    A. Arund 130, 000. B. Arund 500, 000. C. Arund 300, 000.
    16. What new apprach was applied in 2020?
    A. Publishing in-depth articles.
    B. Prviding trusted infrmatin.
    C. Cperating with tech influencers.
    17. What des Sarah expect the new pdcast series t d?
    A. Engage mre visitrs.
    B. Expand their surce f infrmatin.
    C. Raise public awareness.
    18. What is the prblem with the first generatin f slar panels?
    A. They are t expensive t replace.
    B. They d nt reflect sunshine anymre.
    C. They end up being wasted.
    19. What is the main gal f We Recycle Slar?
    A. T resettle and remve ld slar panels.
    B. T cllect and recycle ld slar panels.
    C. T repackage and replace ld slar panels.
    20. What is the pssible way t deal with the repaired panels?
    A. By selling them t ther cuntries.
    B. By melting them dwn fr recycling.
    C. By changing them int new energy surces.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    It's nt like anywhere else I've been t: readers' favurite cities.
    Blgna, Italy
    When I picture Blgna, it's always bathed in glden-hur light that makes its rust-red walls glw. But what lies beneath the surface bewitches (迷人) just as much. Explring the small and distinctive museums f the university reveals ancient curtyards. Diving int hidden drs and arches leads t secrets-r fd. Music and debate liven evenings in the main square. On my last trip I watched lcals in impassined discussin, taking turns n stls(凳子) in Piazza Maggire. Nt trusting my Italian, I declined an invitatin t cntribute, but gladly accepted the cherries shared amng the crwd.
    Sibhan Maher
    Melilla, Spain/Nrth Africa
    Melilla, n Mrcc's nrthern cast, is a relic f Spain's clnial past with a character determined by its gegraphy. Facing the Mediterranean n ne side and the Rif muntains n the ther, and surrunded by a terrifying brder fence, it is definitively multicultural, with Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu cmmunities living side by side with a large frce f Spanish sldiers. The cityscape is equally diverse: streets f small Mrccan huses give way t wide avenues lined with "art dec" marvels; it's even hme t Africa's nly genuine Gthic church.
    Digby Warde-Aldam
    Padua, Italy
    Padua is full f fascinating places t see. Saint Anthny's Basilica, with a magnificent silver sarcphagus (石棺) husing the saint's bdy, easily rivals (媲美) Saint Peter's in Rme. The nearby btanical gardens, filled with plants and flwers, are a delightful way t pass a few hurs. In the mrning, hit Piazza della Frutta and Piazza delle Erbe, fr buzzy markets selling everything frm strawberries t sneakers, r pp int the Palazz della Ragine with its impressive fresces (壁画). At night, bth squares becme pen-air bars and restaurants fr sampling lcal cuisine. If yu have time fr a day trip, Verna and Venice are less than an hur away by train.
    Berni G
    21. What did Sibhan Maher d in Blgna?
    A. She drew landscape paintings.B. She wandered in ld curtyards.
    C. She participated in heated debate. D. She bught hand-picked cherries.
    22. What d we knw abut Melilla accrding t Digby?
    A. It basts the largest Gthic church. B. It is the center f Mrccan culture.
    C. It is brdered by the Mediterranean. D. It is a histrical city in Eurpean cntinent.
    23. What d Blgna and Padua have in cmmn accrding t the text?
    A. Lively night life. B. Splendid gardens.
    C. Open-air music cncerts. D. Cnvenient transprtatin.
    One Saturday in June, I gt ff the train frm Vienna at Altenberg statin, in the midst f a gathering f bathers, such as ften flck t ur village at fine weekends.
    I had gne nly a few steps alng the street and the crwd had nt yet scattered when, high abve me in the air, I saw a bird whse species I culd nt at first determine. It flew with slw, measured wing-beats, varied at set intervals by lnger perids f gliding. It seemed t heavy t be a hawk; fr a strk(鹳), it was nt big enugh and, even at that height, neck and feet shuld have been visible. Then the bird made a sudden turn s that the setting sun shne fr a secnd full n the underside f the great wings which lit up like stars in the blue f the skies. The bird was white. By Heaven, it was my cckat (凤头鹦鹉)! The steady mvements f his wings clearly indicated that he was setting ut n a lng-distance flight.
    "What shuld I d? Shuld I call t the bird?" Well, have yu ever heard the flight-call f the greater cckat? N? But yu have prbably heard pig-killing in the traditinal methd. Imagine the ludest lng cry a pig culd make, picked up by a micrphne and amplified many times ver by a pwerful speaker. A man can imitate it quite successfully, thugh smewhat weak, by shuting at the tp f his vice "O-ah". I had already prved that the cckat understd this imitatin and prmptly "came t heel". But wuld it wrk at such a height? A bird always has great difficulty in making the decisin t fly dwnwards at a steep angle. T yell, r nt t yell, that was the questin. If I yelled and the bird came dwn, all wuld be well, but what if it sailed calmly n thrugh the cluds? Hw wuld I then explain my sng t the crwd f peple?
    Finally, I did yell. The peple arund me std still, rted t the spt. The bird hesitated fr a mment n utstretched wings, and then, flding them, it descended in ne dive and landed upn my utstretched arm. Once again I was master f the situatin.
    24. What was the authr's cckat like?
    A. It lked like a hawk. B. It was blue and shiny.
    C. Its neck and feet were lng. D. It was white with great wings.
    25. Hw did the authr signal t his cckat?
    A. By waving at it quickly. B. By singing a sng ludly.
    C. By screaming his head ff. D. By using a pwerful ludspeaker.
    26. What des the underlined part "came t heel? in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Flew abut. B. Came back. C. Came arund. D. Landed n the grund.
    27. Which can be inferred abut the authr frm the text?
    A. He knew birds very well. B. He culd speak with his bird.
    C. He liked shwing ff in public. D. He ften surprised peple arund him.
    Fr the perfect cup f tea, des ne add milk t biling water, r the ppsite? Neither, based n a new research in the jurnal Current Bilgy. What must be prepared first, instead, are the micrbes (微生物).
    Previus studies have shwn that the presence f the right micrbes can enhance the absrptin f critical nutrients like irn, phsphrus (磷) and nitrgen (氮).
    Tea experts Wei Xin and Wenxin Tang at Fujian Agriculture and Frestry University in China were attracted by it because tea plants rely upn nitrgen-rich ammnium (铵) in the sil arund their rts t prduce theanine, an amin acid (氨基酸) that generates their special pleasant flavrs. Cllecting the rts and leaves f 17 different tea types at different times f year, Dr Xin and Dr Tang fund that theanine prductin varied widely, even amng similar teas. Sme highly valued lng teas, such as Rugui, prduced a lt f the cmpund, whereas thers, such as Maxie, prduced less.
    After grwing these tw types under identical cnditins, the researchers cllected sil samples and used genetic analysis t identify which micrbes were present arund the rts. The micrbes f the tw were very different. Crucially, Rugui had mre micrbes assciated with nitrgen than did Maxie. Cnsequently, Rugui als shwed a greater ability t absrb nitrgen frm ammnium in the sil. These differences were particularly clear in the autumn, when the rts were accumulating theanine.
    T explre further, the researchers created a cmmunity f micrbes that resembled the cmmunity fund arund autumnal Rugui rts and applied them t the rts f Maxie plants. They reprt that this nt nly enhanced rt grwth in Maxie seedlings by giving them a nitrgen bst, but als nearly tripled the theanine in the leaves.
    Flavrs aside, what they fund has the ptential t make a wider envirnmental impact. Mst farmers add sme frm f nitrgen t their sil t enhance grwth. While sme f this is absrbed by plants, mst runs ff during heavy rains and ends up plluting natural water bdies. When the researchers applied their micrbial mixture t sil, they fund that, just as with Maxie, the newcmers enhanced nitrgen uptake. This suggests that these micrbes have the ptential t create new flavrs while als reducing agricultural pllutin. That shuld be everyne’s cup f tea.
    28. Which is the key factr in enhancing tea's flavr?
    A. Irn. B. Phsphrus. C. Theanine. D. Oxygen.
    29. Why are Rugui and Maxie grwn in the research?
    A. T set an example. B. T make a cmparisn.
    C. T prve a cnclusin. D. T attract Chinese readers.
    30. Based n the text, which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. Nitrgen is cmmnly used in agriculture.
    B. Tea has mre health benefits than expected.
    C. When t add milk t a cup f tea is unknwn.
    D. Maxie can taste like Rugui after imprvement.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Tea and its flavrB. Micrbes and tea
    C. Tea's new benefitsD. Everyne's cup f tea
    Rmantic attachment is ne f the best predictrs f happiness that scial scientists have identified. Fr example, my review f the General Scial Survey finds that althugh 27 percent f married Americans said they were "very happy" with their lives, nly 11 percent f thse respndents wh were never married, divrced, separated, r widwed answered this way. And research in the Jurnal f Research in Persnality has shwn that marriage can prtect happiness in adulthd.
    These findings may help explain the well-dcumented decline in American happiness, especially amng yung adults. The percentage f adults wh are currently married has fallen frm almst 70 in 1960 t abut 50 tday. The slutin t the happiness deficit (赤字)—fr the natin as well as amng individuals -is simply t encurage mre peple t pair ff. Hwever, a clser lk at the singles trend suggests that the prblem is nt a lack f available partners, but that yung adults may unintentinally be aviding rmantic attachment.
    Psychlgists cmmnly measure the health f attachment thrugh tw dimensins: anxiety and avidance [the latter meaning a resistance t intimacy (亲密). T scre lwer n each dimensin is better. An insecure bnd can invlve smene being anxius but nt avidant, avidant but nt anxius, r bth, while secure attachment is n the ther hand. Unfrtunately, insecure attachment is becming mre and mre cmmn. Over the past tw decades, successive grups f studied cllege students have shwn an increasing likelihd f experiencing ne f the insecure styles. One particular insecure style-avidance-is assciated with a greater preference fr singlehd. That tells us that the underlying prblem is chiefly ne f greater avidance.
    The ppularity f avidant attachment is a mre reasnable explanatin fr the increase in unhappiness amng yung adults than their simply being uncupled. After all, we als knw that singlehd can make sme peple happier, and that a bad rmantic partnership is clearly wrse than n relatinship at all. But in cntrast t that mixed picture, many studies shw that avidant attachment is assciated with lwer satisfactin with life.
    S what is causing this mass rmantic avidance? Tw psychlgists prvided clues in a paper published in 2022 that was based n surveys f university students in Cyprus, including what led them t prefer being single. Strngly predictive f singledm, the researchers fund, was nt nly a preccupatin with wrk and career but als the wide spread f s-called Dark Triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychpathy). In ther wrds, peple may avid rmantic cmmitment if they are especially self-centered r wrk-fcused.
    32. What des the authr think f the slutin t happiness decline?
    A. It hits the target. B. It barks up the wrng tree.
    C. It cuts t the chase. D. It gets t the bttm.
    33. What is secure attachment like accrding t the psychlgists?
    A. It is anxius but nt intimate. B. It is bth intimate and anxius.
    C. It is neither anxius nr avidant. D. It is neither anxius nr intimate.
    34. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. The benefits f rmantic partnership.
    B. The ppularity f insecure attachment.
    C. The explanatin fr avidant attachment.
    D. The cause fr declining happiness amng yung adults.
    35. In the last paragraph, tw psychlgists fund singledm was als prbably assciated with _____.
    A. pressure f jb huntingB. level f educatin
    C. different ccupatinsD. persnal characteristics
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Ask anyne hw they're feeling these days and chances are that they'll reply with sme versin f "exhausted". We're tired f perating amid uncertainty. We're tired f balancing childcare with wrk. 36 They direct ur fcus t the mst readily available infrmatin t help us make decisins quickly withut prperly cnsidering all the variables.
    The result is that we are wired t mve tward things that make us feel gd and away frm things that make us feel uncmfrtable. 37 They default (默认) t what feels "nrmal". Thse netwrks are s deep in ur thinking that when we're traveling a new and challenging path, ur wheels default back t the wrn-in grves (凹槽). S, hw d we d hard things when ur brains are cnstantly telling us t avid effrt?
    38 A 2016 study fund that when peple are upset, they're less likely t try t d hard things. When they're feeling upbeat, hwever, they're mre likely t take n the hard-but- essential tasks that ultimately make life better. One way we can get urselves in the right mindset is t d what's called "reappraisal", in which we create a shift in ur brains f hw we perceive a task.
    Mrever, we must give ur brains the right amunt f autnmy. When we have a chice, ur brains ften want t prgramme smething easy. 39 Put it int a wrk cntext: D I want t experiment with a new prject management tl that might make things easier fr my team next week, r d I want t stick with the same sheet that a frmer emplyee established that nne f us feel great abut anyway?
    40 But by understanding what's ging n in yur brain, yu can wrk tward accmplishing hard things and manage yur fears better.
    A. Tackle them when we're in a gd md.
    B. Ding things like hard wrk can seem abnrmal.
    C. Our brains label effrt as bad because it's hard wrk.
    D. We shuld be creative and pen-minded when ding tasks.
    E. This is called mindset fault, the tendency t d right things.
    F. When we feel like this, ur brains want t save mental energy.
    G. But we can reduce the respnse by challenging urselves t be innvative.
    I was srting thrugh sme bxes in the lft last week when I came acrss a teddy bear frm my childhd. The mment that I saw my 41 ld friend, pwerful memries 42 frm nearly 50 years befre. In an instant I was 43 with where I lived, wh was arund- and hw I felt-at an extremely happy time f my life.
    Nt all bjects generate such 44 memries, hwever. I nce had t thrw a pair f running shrts because they 45 me t much f the day I 46 and ended up with a brken wrist! But maybe I was t 47 and shuld nt blame my shrts.
    Accrding t a recent study, it's pssible t use thinking tricks t remve negative 48 . And, in the prcess, yu can learn a lt abut hw memry wrks-including hw t get yurs under 49 .
    50 were effectively shwn hw t create cnnectins between an item and a set f negative emtins. They did this using vivid mental imagery (意象)—linking a child's trainer t images f playgrund accident, fr example, s that the bject became 51 t have.
    Later, they were shwn hw t 52 frget thse feelings by cnsciusly (有意识地) pushing away any pictures that appeared. And this turned ut t be mre than just a 53 distractin(分心). It gradually weakened the bad memries—in sme cases, 54 them altgether.
    It shws that recall relies n assciatins and images. And yu can strengthen bth f these 55 when yu want t remember.
    41 .A. fadedB. expectedC. ruinedD. unknwn
    42.A. turned verB. flded backC. brke utD. came dwn
    43.A. unfamiliarB. equippedC. recnnectedD. ccupied
    44.A. welcmeB. ld-fashinedC. paleD. frgettable
    45.A. accusedB. cnvincedC. infrmedD. reminded
    46.A. peratedB. trippedC. arrivedD. hesitated
    47.A. thughtlessB. wrriedC. hurriedD. depressed
    48.A. explanatinsB. cmmentsC. cmpetitinsD. assciatins
    49.A. cntrlB. pressureC. cnsideratinD. discussin
    50.A. SubjectsB. TricksC. AdventuresD. Memries
    51.A. naturalB. supprtiveC. excitedD. uncmfrtable
    52.A. vitallyB. persnallyC. respectivelyD. actively
    53.A. realisticB. substantialC. tempraryD. precise
    54.A. awakeningB. erasingC. practicingD. linking
    55.A. experiencesB. picturesC. factrsD. abilities
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Mre than 700, 000 peple in Lndn jined in a carnival n Sunday rganized by the Lndn Chinatwn Chinese Assciatin t welcme the Year f the Dragn.
    The celebratin, claimed by the rganizers 56 (be)the largest Chinese New Year event utside Asia, started at 10 am with a diverse parade(游行) 57 (feature) handcrafted flats, dragn dance trupes (表演团), and displays f traditinal Chinese cstumes. The prcessin started frm the east f Trafalgar Square and cncluded n Shaftesbury Avenue in Chinatwn.
    During the parade, significant attentin 58 (capture) by the traditinal Chinese Puning Yingge flk dance, a natinal intangible cultural heritage in China. The grup f 16 dancers, 59 the Chashan regin in Suth China's Guangdng prvince, where the art frm riginated, ffered 60 sensry cultural feast t the peple f the United Kingdm.
    At nn, the event reached its climax n the center stage in Trafalgar Square, with 61 (nte) figures frm the plitical and business sectrs participating in the eye-dtting ceremny f tw lins, 62 (symblic) awakening them. 63 awakened, the lins perfrmed a lively flying dance, with acrbats hidden under the cstumes jumping up and dwn n 3-meter-high ples, drawing enthusiastic 64 (applaud)frm the crwds.
    In additin t the lively parade and stage perfrmances, there were cultural wrkshps, interactive games, 65 fd stalls set up arund Trafalgar Square.
    1. 简要介绍推荐的东西;
    2. 说明推荐理由。
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    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    Snwed In
    Waiting and praying were a daily rutine fr Barbara Schmitt, but tday the prayers were mre intense. Her three-year-ld granddaughter, Michelle, had been shwing danger signs that made an immediate liver transplant critical, but the telephne was as silent as the snwy scene utside.
    Then at nine in the mrning, the phne rang. A hspital in Omaha had lcated the right liver dnr, they were sure it was a match fr Michelle, and they needed her there within 12 hurs. Barbara culdn't tell what t d first—rejice r despair, as they were, snwbund (被雪困住的), 600 miles away. “We're snwed in, " Barbara tld the medical crdinatr n the line, "and the airprt is 17 miles away and there's n way we're ging t get there. ""Dn't give up, "the wman tld Barbara. "Yu have 12 hurs t reach Omaha!"
    Frtunately, the phne lines were still wrking, s she started calling Sharn Stevens, wh runs Hair Angels, a fund fr children with special needs. Sharn had already lined up a Lear jet(医疗飞机) and tw pilts t fly the Schmitts t Omaha when transplant time came. Hw t get frm the Schmitts' huse t the jet was the big questin.
    Sharn called fr help thrugh the lcal radi statin, wanting t invite listeners t call in with ideas and suggestins. Teresa Amshff heard the stry and suggested that the church parking lt next t her huse, nly a mile frm the Schmitts, wuld make a perfect helicpter landing pad(降落场). As precius minutes ticked away, the Amshffs rushed frm dr t dr, begging fr help t clear the lt. Neighbrs, came withut hesitatin.
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    Within half an hur, 50 vlunteers were wrking in winds t clear the area in snw.
    Hurs later, the Schmitts reached the hspital in Omaha.

    湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含试题docx、2024年湖南省长沙市一中高三月考英语试卷七答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题: 这是一份湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(七)英语试题,文件包含试题docx、2024年湖南省长沙市一中高三月考英语试卷七答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    湖南省长沙市湖南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考卷(七)英语试题: 这是一份湖南省长沙市湖南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考卷(七)英语试题,文件包含2024届湖南省长沙市湖南师范大学附属中学高三英语月考卷七docx、英语答案附中七次pdf、24届附中高三7次听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。






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