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    Withut petry, we lse ur way. Pets are special existence in ur wrld. Learn a little abut sme f famus pets by reading ur shrt bigraphies.
    Patrick Kavanagh
    One f the mst ppular mdern pets f Ireland, Kavanagh was brn int a rural farming family, and he never frgt his rts. His wrk was a straightfrward representatin f Irish rural life. His epic pem and perhaps his greatest ffering, The Great Hunger, was published in 1942. The piece presented the pverty f cuntry life.
    Oscar Wilde
    Brn in Dublin, int a family f intellectuals, Wilde develped his writing style ver the curse f many years. By the early 1890s he was ne f the mst widely celebrated playwrights in Lndn. Apart frm his pems and plays, he is perhaps best knwn fr his clever satirical (讽刺的) statements as well as his classic nvel The Picture f Drian Gray.
    Shel Silverstein
    An accmplished cartnist, playwright and sng writer, Silverstein is best knwn fr his several series f petry bks. Wrks such as A Missing Piece, A Light in the Attic, and Where the Sidewalk Ends, are nw main cllectins f the children’s literary genre.
    Jhn Keats
    Brn in Lndn in 1795, Jhn Keats petry played a leading rle in the secnd generatin f the Rmantic Mvement, Ode t a Nightingale was ne f his great pems. Keats as a pet was nt highly regarded during his wn lifetime, despite the fact that Jhn Keats figured s prminently (重要地) in British petry. He was nt well accepted by plite sciety at that time.
    1.Wh may write many pems n farmers’ life?
    A. Jhn Keats.B. Oscar Wilde.
    C. Shel Silverstein.D. Patrick Kavanagh.
    2.Which f the fllwing is mre suitable fr children?
    A. A Light in the Attic.B. The Great Hunger.
    C. Ode t a Nightingale.D. The Picture f Drian Gray.
    3.Why was Keats nt well respected during his lifetime?
    A. He nly wrte several pems.
    B. He led the Rmantic Mvement.
    C. He wasn’t welcmed by upper classes.
    D. He was brn in a rural farming family.
    Jan r Jhan Vermeer was a Dutch Barque painter frm the “Glden Age f Dutch Painting”. He was bscure during his lifetime; but in the nineteenth century, his wrk was brught t light, and he is nw regarded as ne f the greatest figures f Barque painting-with his fcus n simple prtraits and husehld scenes. He is admired fr the ability t present everyday bjects with great dignity(庄重)and light.
    There is nt much infrmatin abut Jan Vermeer’s early life, He didn’t travel much utside Hlland, and mst f his paintings were bught by a lcal man. His father was a dealer f paintings and als a lcal inn wner. When his father died in 1652, Jan tk ver the business f selling pictures and wnership f a small inn. When his mther died in 1670, he als inherited her lcal restaurant, and he ften wrked there at night selling alchl and dishes t custmers.
    In 1653, Jan married a yung girl named Catherina Blies. Tgether they had furteen children, thugh fur died sn. Jan did a significant prtin f his painting within his large huse. He liked t paint in his wn studi, even thugh husehld life may have been nisy with 14 children and his mther-in-law, whm he ften argued with.
    Jan was a slw wrker, prducing nly three paintings a year. This was partly due t his technique f granular(似颗粒状的)painting. He was careful in capturing the light and clur f his varius subjects. Unusually fr the time, Jan ften fcused n simple husehld scenes such as “The Milkmaid” r the “Music Lessn”.
    An imprtant aspect f Vermeer’s paintings were his prtraits--ften f wmen. The prtraits capture a style f reassuring calm, dignity and cntentment with everyday life. T Vermeer, they may have represented an idealized view f life and wmen, which did nt always match reality. “The Girl With A Pearl Earring” is widely cnsidered a Vermeer masterpiece-It is als regarded as ne f the greatest prtrait pictures ever painted and is smetimes referred t as the “Mna Lisa” f the Nrth.
    4.What des the underlined wrd “bscure” mean in paragraph 1?
    A. Nt clear.B. Quite pr.
    C. Nt well-knwn.D. Rather cnfusing.
    5.What did his mther leave fr him after her death?
    A. A lcal inn.B. A restaurant.
    C. Several paintings.D. A jb f selling wines.
    6.Which f the fllwing may becme a subject f his painting?
    A. Hills arund his twn.B. Children in the schl.
    C. A bat n the fggy sea.D. A yung wman in his huse.
    7.What is the text?
    A. A nvel abut a painter.B. A bigraphy f a persn.
    C. An analysis f painting styles.D. A review f Vermeer’s painting.
    Mst schls ban chewing gum, but in a few years they might cnsider changing that rule. Why? Scientists are finding evidence that gum chewing may be gd fr yur health. It may even help bst yur test scres.
    This exciting research is just beginning. And in the meantime, cmpanies are als experimenting with adding vitamins, minerals, medicines, and ther substances that culd give gum the pwer t cure headaches and fight everything frm serius diseases t bad breath. Many studies have shwn that chewing gum after meals can stimulate the prductin f saliva (唾液). Saliva helps wash away bacteria (细菌) that damage ur teeth.
    Nutritinist Gil Leveille, executive directr f the Wrigley Science Institute, says that chewing gum might als be gd fr yur brain. One Japanese study f nine participants, fund that chewing gum bsted the flw f bld t participants’ brains by up t 40 percent. Bld carries xygen, which fuels brain cells.
    Other small studies have fund that peple perfrm better n memry tests while chewing gum. And a study in the United Kingdm fund that peple wh chewed gum while memrizing a list f wrds did abut 25 percent better at recalling thse wrds than peple wh didn’t chew gum.
    “It certainly makes sense,” Leveille says, “that increased bld flw wuld be related t increased alertness.”
    “Additinal studies, with lnger fllw-up, are needed t cnfirm that chewing gum has benefits,” he adds. S far, results f studies abut memry have been mixed. What’s mre, many f the studies that shw gum’s benefits are funded by gum cmpanies. “T much chewing can damage the jaw jint,” warns Gayl Canfield, a researcher at the Pritikin Lngevity Centre. “What’s mre, n matter hw healthy gum chewing prves t be,” she adds, “it will never be a match fr a healthy lifestyle.”
    8.What is the new finding f chewing gums?
    A. It is beneficial t ur teeth.B. It can bst ur test scres rapidly.
    C. It can cure varius diseases.D. It may benefit peple’s health.
    9.What is Leveille’s attitude t the benefits f chewing gums?
    A. Negative.B. Uncertain.C. Objective.D. Supprtive.
    10.Hw may chewing gums benefit brain?
    A. Gums cntain vitamins gd fr brain.
    B. Chewing gums prmtes bld flw in brain.
    C. Chewing gums may imprve peple’s memry.
    D. Gums may kill bacteria that damage brain cells.
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. New Findings in HealthB. Chewing fr Yur Health
    C. Prtecting Teeth with GumsD. Gums Bsting Test Scres
    We’re shpping nline mre than ever nw, including varius persnal care and fd items. Of U.S. Internet users, ne-third d it at least nce a week. Seeing yur limited tilet paper (TP), yu might pull up yur smartphne and after a few taps have a fresh rder f TP set t arrive in a day, maybe even less, and all dne right frm the tilet seat.
    But this type f shpping — numerus small, quick-t-ship rders placed thrugh e-tailing cmpanies like Amazn — might be the wrst fr the envirnment, accrding t a recent study in Envirnmental Science & Technlgy. With their current business mdel f free shipping and fast delivery, greenhuse gas emissins linked with transprting “fast cnsumer gds” are high. “The nline-nly retailers are grwing rapidly,” says lead authr Sadegh, a scientist at Radbud University in the Netherlands.
    Previus analyses haven’t agreed n whether nline r in-stre shpping is better. In fact, sme studies have fund that nline shpping has a lwer impact, because it saves the emissins assciated with driving yur car t the stre (95 percent f Americans drive t g shpping). But this benefit can vary, r even disappear, depending n hw fast we want that TP t arrive. And if yu’re shpping in real life, factrs like hw yu transprt thse items, hw far yu travel, and hw much yu buy at nce all affect the carbn ftprint f yur purchase. “There have been sme cntradicting results, with sme saying nline shpping is better and sme saying traditinal shpping is better,” says Sadegh. S he tried t settle the debate with an apprach that shwed hw likely ne ptin was t be better than the ther.
    Sadegh and his team cmpared three shpping styles: traditinal in-stre shpping, nline rdering frm a physical stre (which they called “bricks and clicks”), and rdering thrugh an nline-nly retailer. Nearly tw-thirds f the time, bricks and clicks shpping resulted in fewer emissins per item than in-stre shpping — and was better than nline shpping 97 percent f the time. In-stre shpping had fewer emissins than nline — nly 81percent f the time.
    12.Why was “rdering TP n the smartphne” mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T state cnvenience f TV shpping.
    B. T shw imprtance f smartphnes.
    C. T encurage peple t purchase TP nline.
    D. T stress peple’s frequency f nline shpping.
    13.Hw des nline shpping harm the envirnment?
    A. It requires mre energy t prduce these prducts.
    B. Its current business mdel generates mre greenhuse gas.
    C. It causes peple nt t care much abut the envirnment.
    D. Its packaging f gds prduces numerus harmful waste.
    14.Which way f shpping is mre envirnmentally friendly?
    A. Traditinal in-stre shpping.
    B. Online rdering frm a physical stre.
    C. Ordering thrugh an nline-nly stre.
    D. Driving t shp in huge supermarkets.
    15.Hw des Sadegh cme t his cnclusin?
    A. By analyzing causes.B. By listing theries.
    C. By making cmparisn.D. By giving examples.
    16.Hw t Change Bad Habits
    Bad habits are harmful. Whether yur bad habit is a minr ne r smething mre serius such as smking, it takes cnscius effrt and smart planning t break the cycle.①_____
    Write dwn details f yur habit. Keep a ntebk arund t keep a recrd f yur habit. Fr at least a week, anytime yu perfrm the bad habit, write dwn a descriptin f what yu were ding and hw yu were feeling. ②_____Cnsider these pssible factrs: Des the bad habit happen mre ften when yu are stressed r nervus? Des it happen mre ften (r less ften) at certain places?
    Get rid f temptatin. Try t avid bjects, places, and peple that make yu want t fall int yur bad habit. It’s much easier t remve the stimulus than t stp the habit with pure frce f cncentratin.③_____If that desn’t wrk, turn ff the cell phne and put it in a different rm when yu’re at hme.
    ④_____ This prevents yu frm picking up the bad habit uncnsciusly. When prperly applied, this can be very effective. Peple wh drink t much alchls can imagine in their mind abut the unpleasant symptms f being drunk. Fr habits that aren’t easy t make unpleasant, put a rubber band arund yur wrist and snap it against the skin each time yu catch yurself giving in t the habit.
    Replace a bad habit with a gd ne. A gd habit can be a surce f pleasure, making the ld ne easier t break. Many peple find a daily exercise rutine r jg becmes similarly satisfying nce they’ve turned it int a habit. Sme bad habits can be brken if yu can fcus n imprving the gd habit.⑤_____
    A. Call in the help f friends and family.
    B. Add smething unpleasant t the habit.
    C. This helps yu t think abut the habit cnsciusly.
    D. Dn’t hesitate t seek prfessinal tips if yu can’t break it n yur wn.
    E. If yu’re trying t avid checking yur cell phne all the time, shut dwn the phne r put it in airplane mde.
    F. If yu find yurself in a situatin where it’s easy t return t the habit, repeat “dn’t d it, dn’t d it” t yurself in yur head.
    G. Fr instance, t avid unhealthy fd, challenge yurself t ck a healthy dinner a certain number f times per week.
    This heart-warming vide shws hw a yung wman gained the trust f an abandned rabbit.
    25-year-ld Alicia Castr spent all day trying t 1 the pet rabbit that had been 2 utside her apartment. She endured (忍受) 3 temperatures and talked t the rabbit while leaving fd.
    Tns f peple knew the rabbit was there! A few said they 4 t catch him but failed. With the cld weather cming, she knew that time was imprtant and she wuld feel s 5 if she didn’t d anything. He was very 6 . She was sick and it was barely abve freezing. Every day she wuld sit utside in the cld with him, gaining his 7 , feeding him, and trying t get him t 8 int her crate (小木箱). Filming and sharing the 9 felt pretty nrmal fr her, but it was great t have s much helpful 10 . At first she just had a twel t grab him, but by day fur, she had prper fd, a crate, and knwledge that made 11 him pssible. Day three was definitely the hardest. She was s frustrated and started t wrry that she wuld never catch him, nt nly 12 this pr, helpless rabbit, but als the millins f peple wh were 13 alng t fr abut fur days. 14 , Alicia’s patience paid ff and the rabbit nw is living a life f csy (温暖舒适的) 15 .
    17.A. teaseB. catchC. teachD. bully
    18.A. desertedB. cagedC. abusedD. treated
    19.A. warmB. realisticC. naturalD. freezing
    20.A. claimedB. pretendedC. agreedD. attempted
    21.A. disappintedB. guiltyC. puzzledD. delighted
    22.A. nervusB. cmplicatedC. cnfusedD. excited
    23.A. invitatinB. trustC. prmiseD. permissin
    24.A. drpB. rllC. climbD. break
    25.A. prcessB. perfrmanceC. persnalityD. perspective
    26.A. behavirB. supprtC. cmfrtD. advice
    27.A. dminatingB. cheeringC. persuadingD. rescuing
    28.A. letting dwnB. driving away
    C. giving upD. wrrying abut
    29.A. walkingB. wrkingC. watchingD. getting
    30.A. HpefullyB. EventuallyC. CnsequentlyD. Virtually
    31.A. rankB. memryC. luxuryD. wrth
    32.Mst rainfrests lie clse t the equatr (赤道), where the climate is ften mild and there are lng hurs f sunshine. The warmth f the land heats the air abve, causing it t rise ① tiny drps f water t fall as rain. The rainfall can reach at least 98 ② (inch) a year. This wet, warm wrld with plenty f sunlight is perfect fr plants ③ (grw), s the trees grw fast with green leaves all the year rund. The trees ④ (they) als have an effect n the climate. They gather water frm the sil and pass it ut int the air thrugh their leaves. The wet air then frms cluds, ⑤ hang ver the treetps like smke. These cluds prtect the frest ⑥ the daytime heat and night-time cld f nearby deserts, ⑦ (keep) temperatures fit fr plant grwth.
    The rainfrest is the ideal place fr the grwth f a wide ⑧ (vary) f trees. Mst f them depend n animals t eat their fruits and spread their seeds. When the fruits ⑨ (eat), the seeds inside them g undamaged thrugh animals’ stmachs and are passed ut in their drppings. ⑩ seeds lying n the frest flr then grw int new trees.
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    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
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    After sixteen years f waiting, Brian finally gt his driver’s license. Just abut tw mnths after receiving his license, Brian asked if he culd take the family car and spend a day at the state fair with a friend. His parents agreed happily and wished him a pleasant trip. S with that, Brian pulled ut f the driveway and waved gdbye t his parents.
    Clin didn’t live far—maybe ten r fifteen minutes away. And it wasn’t lng befre bth bys were n their way dwntwn t the fair. Their drive was n a winding tw-lane rad with a few small hills. They fllwed the rad t the left, slwly curved back t the right, and then prceeded up tward the crest f a hill. All f a sudden, there was a crash. It all happened s fast.
    “Are yu OK?” Brian asked his buddy.
    “I think s. What just happened?” Clin respnded.
    “We just had an accident.”
    Slwly the bys began t regain their senses. Brian unbuckled(解开) his seat belt and stepped utside t assess the damage. It lked as if the entire left side f the car were ne big dent(凹陷). The windws n the driver’s side were in a thusand pieces, and the drs were crunched. Sn the plice arrived and surveyed the scene. The plice dealt with the accident quickly, then they let all peple leave and g back n their way.
    The fair was unthinkable under the circumstances. Brain thught it’s best t get Clin hme safe befre making the jurney t his wn huse. When they reached Clin’s huse, Clin climbed ut f the car and wished his shaken friend luck.
    “Be hnest t yur parents and dn’t wrry. It wasn’t yur fault.” Clin said, trying t be upbeat.
    “I knw... I think. But it’s nt ging t be easy t break this t them. It’s their car.” Brian pinted the car in the directin f his huse and drve.
    Brian’s mind began t fill with questins and cnfusin.
    As he neared the huse, he saw his parents utside wrking in the frnt yard.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Patrick Kavanagh部分的“His wrk was a straightfrward representatin f Irish rural life.(他的作品直接反映了爱尔兰的乡村生活)”可知,Patrick Kavanagh会写很多关于农民生活的诗。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Shel Silverstein部分的“Wrks such as A Missing Piece, A Light in the Attic, and Where the Sidewalk Ends, are nw main cllectins f the children’s literary genre.(诸如A Missing Piece, A Light in the Attic, and Where the Sidewalk Ends等作品现在是儿童文学流派的主要收藏)”可知,A Light in the Attic适合孩子。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Keats as a pet was nt highly regarded during his wn lifetime, despite the fact that Jhn Keats figured s prminently (重要地) in British petry. He was nt well accepted by plite sciety at that time.(尽管Keats在英国诗歌中占有举足轻重的地位,但Keats作为诗人在他的一生中并没有受到很高的评价。他当时不为上流社会所接受)”可知,Keats在世时没有受到尊敬是因为他不受上流社会的欢迎。故选C。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词后面的句子“but in the nineteenth century, his wrk was brught t light, and he is nw regarded as ne f the greatest figures f Barque painting-with his fcus n simple prtraits and husehld scenes.(但在十九世纪,他的作品被曝光,他现在被认为是巴洛克绘画中最伟大的人物之一,他专注于简单的肖像和家庭场景)”可推知,他的一生默默无闻,但是在十九世纪,他的作品开始被公众认可,他被认为是巴洛克绘画中最伟大的人物之一。所以bscure的意思是“不知名的”。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话“When his mther died in 1670, he als inherited her lcal restaurant, and he ften wrked there at night selling alchl and dishes t custmers.(1670年母亲去世时,他还继承了母亲在当地的餐馆,他经常晚上在那里工作,向顾客出售酒水和菜肴)”可知,在他母亲死后,留给了Jhan Vermeer当地的一家餐馆。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二句话“An imprtant aspect f Vermeer’s paintings were his prtraits--ften f wmen. The prtraits capture a style f reassuring calm, dignity and cntentment with everyday life.(弗米尔绘画的一个重要方面是他的肖像画—通常是女性肖像画。肖像描绘了一种让人安心的平静、尊严和满足于日常生活的风格)”可知,弗米尔画的通常是女性肖像画,肖像描绘了一种让人安心的平静、尊严和满足于日常生活的风格,所以可推知,“他家里的一位年轻女子”可能成为他的绘画主题。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。文章主要介绍了荷兰著名画家Jhan Vermeer的一生以及对于他的绘画特点的描述。所以本篇文章是一篇人物传记。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Scientists are finding evidence that gum chewing may be gd fr yur health. (科学家们正在寻找证据表明嚼口香糖可能对你的健康有益。)”以及第二段的“Many studies have shwn that chewing gum after meals can stimulate the prductin f saliva(唾液). Saliva helps wash away bacteria (细菌) that damage ur teeth. (许多研究表明,饭后嚼口香糖可以刺激唾液的产生。唾液有助于洗掉损害牙齿的细菌。)”、第三段“Nutritinist Gil Leveille, executive directr f the Wrigley Science Institute, says that chewing gum might als be gd fr yur brain.(营养学家吉尔·莱维尔是箭牌科学研究所的执行主任,他说嚼口香糖对你的大脑也有好处。)”等可知,嚼口香糖对人的健康有益。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段““It certainly makes sense,” Leveille says, “that increased bld flw wuld be related t increased alertness.” (“这当然是有道理的,”Leveille说,“血流量的增加与警觉性的提高有关。”)”和第六段““Additinal studies, with lnger fllw-up, are needed t cnfirm that chewing gum has benefits, ”he adds. (他补充说:“需要更多的研究,更长的随访时间,来证实嚼口香糖有好处。”)”由此可推知,Leveille对嚼口香糖的好处的态度是客观的。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“One Japanese study f nine participants, fund that chewing gum bsted the flw f bld t participants’ brains by up t 40 percent. Bld carries xygen, which fuels brain cells. (日本一项针对9名参与者的研究发现,嚼口香糖能使参与者大脑的血液流量增加40%。血液携带氧气,为脑细胞提供能量。)”可知,研究发现,嚼口香糖可以促进大脑血量的增加,这就是嚼口香糖对大脑有益之处。故选B项。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要说明了嚼口香糖对人的健康的好处,包括对人的牙齿、大脑、记忆等的好处,B项“Chewing fr Yur Health (为了健康而嚼)”最能概括本文内容。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第一段中的“We’re shpping nline mre than ever nw, including varius persnal care and fd items. Of U.S. Internet users, ne-third d it at least nce a week. Seeing yur limited tilet paper (TP), yu might pull up yur smartphne and after a few taps have a fresh rder f TP set t arrive in a day, maybe even less, and all dne right frm the tilet seat. (我们现在在网上购物比以往任何时候都多,包括各种个人护理和食品。在美国网民中,三分之一的人每周至少上网一次。看到你有限的厕纸(TP),你可能会打开智能手机,轻敲几下后,一天内就会收到一份新的TP订单,甚至更少,而且都可以从马桶座圈上完成)”可知,人们现在在网上购物比以往任何时候都多,三分之一美国网民每周至少上网一次,作者提到“在智能手机上订购TP”收到新订单一事就是为了强调人们网上购物的频率。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“But this type f shpping — numerus small, quick-t-ship rders placed thrugh e-tailing cmpanies like Amazn — might be the wrst fr the envirnment, accrding t a recent study in Envirnmental Science & Technlgy. With their current business mdel f free shipping and fast delivery, greenhuse gas emissins linked with transprting “fast cnsumer gds” are high. (但根据《环境科学与技术》最近的一项研究,通过亚马逊等电子零售公司发出的大量小型快速发货订单可能对环境造成最坏的影响。他们目前的商业模式是免费运输和快速交付,与运输“快速消费品”相关的温室气体排放量很高)”可知,网上购物目前的商业模式产生了更多的温室气体,危害了环境。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Nearly tw-thirds f the time, bricks and clicks shpping resulted in fewer emissins per item than in-stre shpping — and was better than nline shpping 97 percent f the time. In-stre shpping had fewer emissins than nline — nly 81percent f the time. (近三分之二的时间里,从实体店在线订购比传统店内购物产生的每件物品的碳排放量更少,且97%的时间里优于网上购物。传统店内购物的排放量比网上购物少—只有81%的时间)”可知,对比碳排放量,从实体店在线订购小于传统店内购物,而传统店内购物小于网上购物。由此可知,从实体店在线订购更环保。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由最后一段“Sadegh and his team cmpared three shpping styles: traditinal in-stre shpping, nline rdering frm a physical stre (which they called “bricks and clicks”), and rdering thrugh an nline-nly retailer. Nearly tw-thirds f the time, bricks and clicks shpping resulted in fewer emissins per item than in-stre shpping—and was better than nline shpping 97 percent f the time. In-stre shpping had fewer emissins than nline — nly 81percent f the time. (Sadegh和他的团队比较了三种购物方式:传统的店内购物、从实体店在线订购(他们称之为“砖块和点击”。近三分之二的时间里,从实体店在线订购比传统店内购物产生的每件物品的碳排放量更少,且97%的时间里优于网上购物。传统店内购物的排放量比网上购物少—只有81%的时间),以及通过纯在线零售商订购)”可知,Sadegh是通过比较得出结论—从实体店在线订购更环保。故选C项。
    解析:①根据上文“Bad habits are harmful. Whether yur bad habit is a minr ne r smething mre serius such as smking, it takes cnscius effrt and smart planning t break the cycle.(坏习惯是有害的。无论你的坏习惯是小毛病还是像吸烟这样更严重的毛病,都需要有意识的努力和明智的计划来打破这个怪圈)”可知,上文提到有意识的努力来打破怪圈,后文提到了一些建议,D选项中break对应上文中break。故D选项“如果你自己无法破解,不要犹豫寻求专业建议”符合语境,故选D。
    ②根据上文“Write dwn details f yur habit. Keep a ntebk arund t keep a recrd f yur habit. Fr at least a week, anytime yu perfrm the bad habit, write dwn a descriptin f what yu were ding and hw yu were feeling.(写下你习惯的细节。随身携带一个笔记本,记录你的习惯。在至少一周的时间里,每当你表现出坏习惯时,写下你正在做的事情和你的感觉)”以及后文“Cnsider these pssible factrs: Des the bad habit happen mre ften when yu are stressed r nervus? Des it happen mre ften (r less ften) at certain places?(考虑一下这些可能的因素:当你感到压力或紧张时,坏习惯会更频繁地发生吗?它在某些地方发生的频率更高(还是更低)?)”可知,上文提到写下正在做的事情和感受,本句承接上文说明这么做的作用:这有助于你有意识地思考这个习惯。故C选项“这有助于你有意识地思考这个习惯”符合语境,故选C。
    ③根据上文“Get rid f temptatin. Try t avid bjects, places, and peple that make yu want t fall int yur bad habit. It’s much easier t remve the stimulus than t stp the habit with pure frce f cncentratin.(摆脱诱惑。尽量避免那些让你想养成坏习惯的东西、地方和人。去除刺激比单纯的集中注意力来停止习惯要容易得多)”以及后文“If that desn’t wrk, turn ff the cell phne and put it in a different rm when yu’re at hme.(如果这样不行,在家的时候把手机关掉,放在别的房间)”可知,后文提到了关闭手机,放到别的房间,可见本句是在说明不想看手机的情况。故E选项“如果你不想一直看手机,那就把手机关机或调成飞行模式”符合语境,故选E。
    ④根据后文“This prevents yu frm picking up the bad habit uncnsciusly. When prperly applied, this can be very effective. Peple wh drink t much alchls can imagine in their mind abut the unpleasant symptms f being drunk. Fr habits that aren’t easy t make unpleasant, put a rubber band arund yur wrist and snap it against the skin each time yu catch yurself giving in t the habit.(这可以防止你不自觉地养成坏习惯。如果应用得当,这种方法会非常有效。喝太多酒的人会在脑海中想象醉酒的不愉快症状。对于那些不容易让人讨厌的习惯,在你的手腕上绑上一根橡皮筋,每次你发现自己屈服于这个习惯时,就用橡皮筋在皮肤上弹一下)”可知,后文提到用皮筋来弹自己,促使改掉坏习惯,即通过加入不愉快的体验来改掉坏习惯。故B选项“在习惯中加入一些不愉快的东西”符合语境,故选B。
    ⑤根据上文“Replace a bad habit with a gd ne. A gd habit can be a surce f pleasure, making the ld ne easier t break. Many peple find a daily exercise rutine r jg becmes similarly satisfying nce they’ve turned it int a habit. Sme bad habits can be brken if yu can fcus n imprving the gd habit.(用好习惯取代坏习惯。一个好习惯可以是快乐的源泉,使旧的习惯更容易打破。许多人发现,一旦把日常锻炼或慢跑变成习惯,他们就会感到同样的满足。如果你能专注于改善好习惯,一些坏习惯是可以改掉的)”可知,上文提到用好习惯改掉坏习惯,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文进行举例。故G选项“例如,为了避免不健康的食物,挑战自己每周做几次健康的晚餐”符合语境,故选G。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:25岁的Alicia Castr花了一整天的时间试图抓住公寓外被遗弃的宠物兔子。A. tease捉弄,戏谑;B. catch抓住;C. teach教;D. bully霸凌。根据下文“talked t the rabbit while leaving fd”可知,Alicia Castr试图抓住宠物兔子。且下文“Day three was definitely the hardest. She was s frustrated and started t wrry that she wuld never catch him”也是提示。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. deserted抛弃;B. caged把……关在笼子里;C. abused滥用;D. treated对待,治疗,招待。根据上文“This heart-warming vide shws hw a yung wman gained the trust f an abandned rabbit.”可知,这是一只被遗弃的宠物兔子。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她忍受着严寒,一边留下食物一边和兔子说话。A. warm温暖的;B. realistic现实的;C. natural自然的;D. freezing极冷的。根据下文“With the cld weather cming”和“it was barely abve freezing”可知,此处是指忍受着严寒。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些人说他们试图抓住他,但没有成功。A. claimed宣称;B. pretended假装;C. agreed同意;D. attempted企图,尝试。根据上文“spent all day trying t ______ the pet rabbit”和本句“but failed”推知,一些人也试图抓住这只兔子,但失败了。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着寒冷天气的到来,她知道时间很重要,如果她什么都不做,她会感到非常内疚。A. disappinted失望的;B. guilty内疚的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. delighted高兴的。根据上文提到天气变冷和此处“if she didn’t d anything.”推知,如果留下兔子在严寒中不管,Alicia Castr会很内疚。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他非常紧张。A. nervus紧张的;B. cmplicated复杂的;C. cnfused困惑的;D. excited兴奋的,高兴的。根据上文讲人们抓不到兔子可推知,兔子非常紧张,不敢靠近人类。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天,她都会和他一起坐在外面的寒冷中,获得他的信任,喂养他,并试图让他爬进她的小木箱。A. invitatin邀请;B. trust信任;C. prmise诺言;D. permissin允许,许可。根据上文“Every day she wuld sit utside in the cld with him”推知,Alicia Castr这样做是为了获得兔子的信任。且上文“a yung wman gained the trust f an abandned rabbit”也是提示。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. drp下降;B. rll滚动;C. climb爬;D. break打破。根据下文“int her crate”可知,是让兔子爬进小木箱。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:拍摄和分享进展对她来说很正常,但能有这么多有用的建议真是太好了。A. prcess进展;B. perfrmance表现,表演;C. persnality个性;D. perspective观点。根据下文“At first she just had a twel t grab him, but by day fur”和“Day three”可知,此处是指拍摄和分享获得兔子信任的进展。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. behavir行为;B. supprt支持;C. cmfrt安慰;D. advice建议。根据下文“At first she just had a twel t grab him, but by day fur, she had prper fd, a crate, and knwledge”和“but als the millins f peple wh were ______ alng t fr abut fur days.”推知,在分享视频的过程中,人们给了Alicia Castr一些有用的建议。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:起初,她只有一条毛巾来抓他,但到了第四天,她有了合适的食物、一个小木箱和知识,才有可能救出他。A. dminating支配,控制;B. cheering欢呼,喝彩;C. persuading说服;D. rescuing营救。结合上文故事可知,天气变冷,而兔子还在野外,因此此处是指救这只兔子。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:她非常沮丧,开始担心自己永远抓不到它,不仅让这只可怜无助的兔子失望,也让数百万人失望,他们也在一旁观看了大约四天。A. letting dwn使……失望;B. driving away赶走;C. giving up放弃;D. wrrying abut担心。结合语境可知,Alicia Castr担心如果抓不到兔子的话,不仅会让兔子失望,也会让其他人失望。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. walking行走;B. wrking工作;C. watching观看;D. getting得到,变得。根据上文“This heart-warming vide”和“Filming and sharing”可知,此处是指观看Alicia Castr视频的人。故选C。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终,Alicia Castr的耐心得到了回报,兔子现在过着舒适享受的生活。A. Hpefully充满希望地;B. Eventually最终;C. Cnsequently因此;D. Virtually事实上。根据上文“day fur”和“Day three”可知,此处是指几天后Alicia Castr的付出终于有了回报。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. rank排名;B. memry记忆;C. luxury奢侈,享受;D. wrth价值。根据上文“csy”推知,此处指兔子被救后过着舒适享受的生活。故选C。
    32.答案:and;inches;t grw;themselves;which;frm;keeping;variety;are eaten;The
    解析:①考查连词。句意:土地的温暖加热了上面的空气,导致空气上升,微小的水滴以雨的形式落下。设空处前后的it t rise和tiny drps f water t fall为并列关系,故填and。
    ③考查不定式。句意:这个潮湿、温暖、阳光充足的世界非常适合植物生长,所以树木长得很快,一年四季都长着绿叶。be+形容词+ fr sth. t d,固定结构,意为“做某事是……”,其中plants是grw的宾语,故填t grw。
    ⑧考查名词。句意:雨林是各种树木生长的理想场所。设空处前有a修饰,应用名词单数形式,a wide variety f固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”,故填variety。
    ⑨考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意: 当水果被吃掉时,里面的种子会完好无损地通过动物的胃,随着粪便排出体外。设空处为从句谓语,描述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语和谓语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,主语是the fruits,谓语用复数形式,故填are eaten。
    T aruse ur interest in English, an English petry writing cntest will be rganized in Rm 205 next Friday.
    The pems shuld be abut campus life. The number f lines f pems shuld be limited t 15. All wrks shuld be submitted befre next Thursday. Next Friday, all judges will give scres n the spt, and then the award-winning students will be awarded certificates and gifts.
    All students wh are interested are welcme t participate in the activity, which will braden ur hrizns and enrich ur knwledge abut English pems as well.
    当场:n the spt→n the grund
    参加:participate in→take part in
    原句:Next Friday, all judges will give scres n the spt, and then the award-winning students will be awarded certificates and gifts.
    拓展句:Next Friday, all judges will give scres n the spt, after which the award-winning students will be awarded certificates and gifts.
    【高分句型1】T aruse ur interest in English, an English petry writing cntest will be rganized in Rm 205 next Friday.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
    【高分句型2】All students wh are interested are welcme t participate in the activity, which will braden ur hrizns and enrich ur knwledge abut English pems as well.(运用了wh和which引导的定语从句)
    Brian’s mind began t fill with questins and cnfusin. He thught f many questins that his parents might ask him. Getting clser t hme, Brian beat his brains ut t think f ways t deliver the bad news. He thught abut starting with, “It wasn’t my fault, and I’m OK. Smene else wuld cver the cst f the repairs and there were n injuries.” It seemed simple enugh. But in his mind appeared the lks n the faces f his parents when he brke the news t them.
    As he neared the huse, he saw his parents utside wrking in the frnt yard. Their jaw drpped as he rlled in frnt f the huse. Brian stpped the car, and befre he gt ut, his mther was at the windw. “Are yu hurt?” she asked nervusly. Brian culd tell the cncern in her vice, and he assured them he was OK. “Are yu sure yu are OK?” asked his father. “Dn’t wrry abut the car. We’re thankful yu are all right.” Brian culd hardly believe his ears, but he sensed his parents’ evident lve fr him.
    解析:本文以故事发展为线索展开。在获得驾照约两个月后,Brian 借了父母的车与朋友一起去集市,途中出了车祸,车子受损,所幸人没有受伤,他先把朋友安全送回了家。在回家的路上,他因不知该如何向父母解释而忐忑不安。回家后,父母的担心让他感受到父母对他的爱。
    ①接近:get clse t/apprach
    ③想出:think f/cme up with
    [高分句型1] He thught f many questins that his parents might ask him.(由关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] But in his mind appeared the lks n the faces f his parents when he brke the news t them.(运用了完全倒装和when引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型3] Their jaw drpped as he rlled in frnt f the huse. (由as引导的时间状语从句)

    2022-2023学年山西省朔州市怀仁十一中高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山西省朔州市怀仁十一中高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年山西省朔州市怀仁市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山西省朔州市怀仁市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山西省朔州市怀仁市2022-2023学年高二英语下学期7月期末试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份山西省朔州市怀仁市2022-2023学年高二英语下学期7月期末试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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