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    这是一份江西省南昌市2024届高三下学期第一次模拟测试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含2024届江西省南昌市高三下学期第一次模拟测试英语试题原卷版docx、2024届江西省南昌市高三下学期第一次模拟测试英语试题解析版docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man frget t d?
    A. Update his WeChat.B. Repay the mney.C. Text the wman.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the speakers d next?
    A. D sme cleaning.B. Make sme calls.C. Buy sme fruits.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will Kevin be respnsible fr?
    A. His university fee.B. His family expenses.C. His phne charges.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At hme.B. In a htel.C. At a grcery.
    5. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much shuld the man pay fr the beer?
    A. $3.B. $6.C. $9.
    6. Wh will the wman meet tnight?
    A. Her teachers.B. Her families.C. Her classmates.
    7 Hw des the man sund in the end?
    A. Envius.B. Surprised.C. Disappinted.
    8. What des the wman ask abut?
    A. Jb experience.B. Practical skills.C. Schl applicatin.
    9. Which prgram might the wman chse?
    A. An academic prgram.B. A management prgram.C. A training prgram.
    10. What des the wman think f wrking here?
    A. Satisfying.B. Demanding.C. Interesting.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Emplyer and emplyee.B. Teacher and student.C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    12. Why des the man thank the wman?
    A. Fr her cncern.B. Fr her supprt.C. Fr her guidance.
    13. What des the wman finally decide t d?
    A. Learn frm the man.B. Be a vide prducer.C. Gain wrking experience.
    14. What’s wrng with the man?
    A. He has a heart ache.B. He has a running nse.C. He has a chest pain.
    15. When did the symptms begin?
    A. This mrning.B. Three days ag.C. Last week.
    16. What des the wman arrange fr the man?
    A. An nline cnsultatin.B. A medical test.C. An urgent peratin.
    17. What did the man plan t d tnight?
    A. Have a big meal.B. Order a ticket.C. Bk a restaurant.
    18. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. Sleep pattern.B. Sleep quality.C. Sleep envirnment.
    19. Why des the speaker suggest keeping a sleep diary?
    A. T bserve daily habits.B. T bey natural rhythm.C. T recrd sleep time.
    20. What is the best way t get rest?
    A. T get enugh sleep.B. T keep early hurs.C. T fllw a sleep schedule.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Elite Summer Schl Prgram fr High Schl Students
    Harvard’s Elite Prgram fr high schl students is an intensive tw-week summer prgram designed t give yu a glimpse f cllege life. Yu will live n the Harvard campus during yur tw-week sessin while taking a cllege-level curse with ther Elite Prgram students.
    The applicatin fr Summer 2024 is nw pen.
    Cst: $5,550+$75 applicatin fee
    2024 Sessin Ⅰ: June 23-July 5, 2024
    2024 Sessin Ⅱ: July 7-19, 2024
    2024 Sessin Ⅲ: July 21-August 2, 2024
    Wh Can Participate in the Elite Prgram?
    Harvard’s Elite Prgram is designed fr mature, academically mtivated students wh are interested in explring a ptential majr r simply finding ut what cllege is really like.
    Our Elite Prgram is pen t rising junirs and senirs. T be qualified fr Summer 2024, yu must meet bth f the fllwing criteria:
    ●Will graduate frm high schl and enter cllege in 2025 r 2026.
    ●Are at least 16 years ld by June 22, 2024, and will nt turn 19 years ld befre July 31, 2024.
    Imprtant Deadlines:
    ●Early Applicatin and Pririty Financial Aid Deadline — January 10, 2024
    ●Regular Applicatin and Financial Aid Deadline — February 14, 2024
    ●Late Applicatin Deadline — April 10, 2024
    See the Elite Prgram Calendar fr all imprtant dates and deadlines.
    21. Wh can be the applicant fr the Elite Prgram 2024?
    A. Lucy, 14, with excellent academic perfrmance.
    B. Jerry, 16, expected t enter cllege in 2025.
    C. Tina, 17, a cllege student with brad interests.
    D. Tim, 19, an ffice wrker with mtivatin t learn.
    22. When is Pririty Financial Aid Applicatin available?
    A. April 10, 2024.B. February 14, 2024.
    C. January 9, 2024.D. July23, 2024.
    23. Where is this text mst likely frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A travel brchure.
    C. An academic paper.D. A cllege website.
    Heman Bekele, a 14-year-ld student frm Annandale, Virginia, has created a bar sap (肥皂) t treat melanma, the mst cmmn kind f skin cancer, which earned him the title f America’s Tp Yung Scientist and a $25,000 cash prize after his innvatin wn first place in the 3M Yung Scientist Challenge.
    “I made this sap by mixing regular medicinal sap with different cancer fighting chemicals.” Bekele said in an interview. Rather than a cure, Bekele’s sap aims t help the patient’s immune cells stay active while fighting melanma.
    While similar methds are available fr skin cancer treatments, his slutin is a mre affrdable alternative, especially fr thse in develping cuntries. Thugh the prduct is very prmising n paper, studies wuld have t be carried ut t test its efficiency in the real wrld.
    Fr nw, the yung scientist said he has a five-year plan: At the end f it, he hpes t have created a nnprfit rganizatin where he can prvide fair and accessible skin cancer treatment t as many peple as pssible. But t accmplish his gal, he wuld have t get his treatment thrugh clinical trials, btain a temprary patent and have it licensed by the Fd and Drug Administratin, he said.
    “I applied fr the 3M Yung Scientist Challenge because I believe that yung minds can make a psitive impact n the wrld,” Bekele said. “I have always been interested in bilgy and technlgy, and this challenge gave me the perfect platfrm t shwcase my ideas. The pprtunity t wrk with 3M mentrs and shw my prject t judges was an exciting prspect. I am passinate abut finding sustainable slutins t glbal prblems, and I hpe t inspire thers t d the same.”
    24. Why des Bekele invent the bar sap?
    A. T deal with a kind f skin cancer.
    B. T reduce the cst f making sap.
    C. T change peple’s immune system.
    D. T cmplete the task fr 3M challenge.
    25. What aspect f the sap des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Its making prcess.B. Its wrking methd.
    C. Its advantage.D. Its develpment.
    26. What is Bekele’s next plan fr his inventin?
    A. T create a cmpany.
    B. T get apprval by the authrity.
    C. T prmte the sap in the market.
    D T wrk with a nnprfit rganizatin.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe Bekele?
    A. Innvative and ambitius.B. Inspiring and tlerant.
    C. Hnest and accessible.D. Energetic and thughtful.
    One year ag, the Clrad State Fair made headlines fr unknwingly awarding first place t an artwrk created with help frm artificial intelligence. Nw, fficials with the 151-year-ld fair have revised the cntest’s rules: Artists must claim whether they used A.I. t make their entries, reprts the Denver Pst’s Jhn Wenzel.
    The saga (事件) began last August, when game designer Jasn Allen wn the tp spt in the fair’s digital arts cmpetitin. When he shared his victry nline, he mentined that he’d used Midjurney—an A.I. prgram that turns text int images—t help create his piece, titled Théâtre D’péra Spatial.
    Allen maintains he was pen abut using A.I. frm the beginning, thugh judges say they didn’t knw until after the fact. Either way, claim wasn’t necessary at the time, meaning Allen never brke any rules.
    His victry was cntrversial—and nw, as a result, fficials have decided t tweak the submissin requirements. At this year’s fair, which tk place in Puebl between August 26 and September 4, artists needed t “tell if art r artwrk was created using an Artificial Intelligence Generatr,” accrding t the 2023 requirements.
    Allen wasn’t happy abut the new requirement, telling the Denver Pst that it was essentially a “discriminatry mark” against A.I. artwrks. Despite the change, he decided t submit nce again t the digital arts categry.
    The fair’s leaders say they plan t cntinue adapting as technlgy advances. As Sctt Stller, the fair’s general manager, tells the Denver Pst, the digital arts categry itself has nly been arund fr a few decades. In the future, fficials may even decide t add a separate A.I. categry, depending n hw ppular tls like Midjurney becme.
    “That’s the beauty f art—that it’s always evlving,” says Stller. “Art can be anything, and anything can be made int art.”
    28. What can be learnt abut Jasn Allen?
    A. He designed an A.I. game prgram.
    B. He ppsed the use f A.I. prgram.
    C. He made the rules f an arts cntest.
    D. He wn first place in an art cmpetitin.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “tweak” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Select.B. Revise.C. Cntinue.D. Create.
    30. What’s Stller’s attitude twards the A.I. artwrks?
    A. Unclear.B. Dubtful.C. Apprving.D. Dismissive.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A.I. Artwrks, Rck the WrldB. A.I. Artwrks, Lead the Trend
    C. A.I. Artwrks, Face New ChallenagesD. A.I. Artwrks, Bring New Rules
    The multitalented, Renaissance genius Lenard da vinci ver 500 years ag wrte dwn his “rule f trees”, which described the way he thught that trees branch. Thugh it was a brilliant insight that helped him t draw realistic landscapes, Lenard’s rule breaks dwn fr many types f trees. Nw, a new branching rule — nicknamed “Lenard-like” — wrks fr virtually any leafy tree.
    “The lder Lenard rule describes the thickness f the branches, while the length f the branch was nt taken int accunt,” says physicist Sergey Grigriev. “Therefre, the descriptin using the lder rule is nt cmplete.” Lenard’s rule says that the thickness f a limb befre it branches int smaller nes is the same as the cmbined thickness f the limbs spruting frm it.
    Hwever, accrding t Grigriev and his clleagues, it’s the surface area that stays the same. Using surface area as a guide, the new rule incrprates limb widths and lengths, and predicts that lng branches end up being thinner than shrt nes. Unlike Lenard’s guess, the updated rule wrks well when the team checks slim birches (桦树) as well as strng aks.
    T test their rule, the research team tk phtgraphs f trees frm a variety f species and analyzed the branches t cnfirm that the real-wrld patterns matched the predictins. The phts ffer “a direct measurement f the characteristics f a tree withut tuching it, which can be imprtant when dealing with a living bject,” Grigriev says. Thugh the team hasn’t studied evergreens yet, the rule hlds fr all f the deciduus trees that the researchers have lked at.
    While it’s pssible t cnfirm the rule by measuring branches by hand, it wuld require climbing int trees and checking all the limbs — a risky exercise fr trees and scientists alike. “Nte,” the researchers write, “that nt a single tree was harmed during these experiments.”
    32. What des the Lenard’s rule f trees fcus n?
    A. Hw tree branches may grw.B. What envirnment trees need.
    C. Hw trees can be drawn better.D. What landscapes trees can frm.
    33. Why are birches and aks mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. T state the crrectness f the new rule.B. T present Lenard’s influential wrks.
    C. T cmpare the features f different trees.D. T shw the ppularity f Lenard’s rule.
    34. Hw did the researchers prve the new rule?
    A. By applying it t varius trees.B. By cnducting n-site inspectin.
    C. By analyzing pictures f branches.D. By measuring real branches directly.
    35. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Further experiments are required.B. The prtectin f trees is stressed.
    C. Risky accidents happened in the study.D. Trees were damaged in the experiments.
    第二节 (共5 小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Traditinal measures f success ften priritize academic achievements and jb-specific knwledge, but recent research has shwn that emtinal intelligence may be a better predictr f success and well-being than IQ alne. ____36____.
    Picture this: yu’re a leader with high EQ. Yur team lks up t yu because yu inspire them, drive prductivity and make decisins that take everyne’s emtins int accunt. Yu find win-win slutins that keep the team united if cnflicts arise. ____37____. In a wrld that values cperatin and innvatin, emtinal intelligence is a must-have skill.
    Cnsider hw EQ can supercharge yur career. First up: self-awareness. It’s like having a sptlight n yur emtins, strengths, and weaknesses. When yu truly understand yurself, yu can make better decisins and set meaningful gals. ____38____. It’s like having an empathy radar (共情雷达). When yu’re aware f thers’ emtins and perspectives, yu can build better relatinships, cllabrate effectively, and be a better team player.
    ____39____. EQ can have a huge impact n ur persnal lives as well. In persnal relatinships, it’s a key t deeper cnnectins. By understanding thers’ emtins, yu build strng bnds and cmmunicate effectively. With EQ, yu engage in mre self-reflectin, cntinuus learning, and the adaptability t grw as an individual.
    It’s time t shift ur perspective and embrace emtinal intelligence as a critical cmpnent f success. ____40____. G ahead and release ur full ptential.
    A. Emtinal intelligence helps cpe with stress.
    B. Scial awareness is anther crucial aspect f EQ.
    C. Emtinal intelligence ges beynd the ffice walls.
    D. By understanding thers’ emtins, yu can build strng bnds.
    E. It is nw recgnized as a vital factr in persnal and prfessinal grwth.
    F. Yu create a psitive wrk envirnment where ideas flw freely if changes take place.
    G. By recgnizing its imprtance, we can make wiser decisins and lead mre satisfying lives.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I passed my test when I was 19, and I’ve been behind the wheel fr mst jurneys since. After becming a ____41____ eight years ag, I became mre dependent n my car, thinking that it meant security fr me and my child. I culdn’t ____42____ a wrld where I didn’t get arund n fur wheels, but that all ____43____ when I tried ging car-free.
    Earlier this year, I ____44____ t a challenge psed by the climate charity t see what it wuld be like withut my car fr three weeks. I ____45____ an electric family bike. Straight away, I enjyed having a break frm driving, especially n the ____46____ run. What was nce an unpredictable trip t my daughter’s schl ften stuck in traffic was nw a ____47____ ride alng the canal. And my daughter lved every mment f it, which gave me the ____48____ t knw that we were ding the right thing.
    Giving up my car didn’t cme withut its ____49____. I wrk in a grcery, and althugh there are ____50____ car parking space, there isn’t enugh bike parking space t ____51____ my bike securely. On balance, the benefits utweighed the disadvantages. I felt myself getting ____52____ because I was getting exercise during my cmmute (通勤). I saved a bit f mney every week just like ther participants in this ____53____.
    I was surprised by hw ____54____ it was t give up the car and get arund n my bike. I ____55____ t think it was my duty as a parent t be a driver. Nw it’s my duty t get n my bike whenever I can.
    41. A. driverB. shpkeeperC. studentD. parent
    42. A. imagineB. enterC. createD. explre
    43. A. happenedB. wrkedC. changedD. mattered
    44. A. headed ffB. signed upC. calmed dwnD. checked up
    45. A. switchedB. bughtC. transfrmedD. dnated
    46. A. schlB. grceryC. familyD. ffice
    47. A. wildB. dangerusC. funD. busy
    48. A. reasnB. hpeC. lessnD. fuel
    49. A. shrtcmingsB. dubtsC. requirementsD. rewards
    50. A. permanentB. sufficientC. fewD. free
    51. A. cleanB. rideC. lckD. repair
    52. A. smarterB. richerC. luckierD. fitter
    53. A. stayB. researchC. trialD. cnference
    54. A. pleasantB. awkwardC. preciusD. anxius
    55. A. failedB. usedC. startedD. cntinued
    Frget abut Military-style Travel during which peple tend t visit as many famus spts as pssible in the ____56____ (little) amunt f time. A mre relaxed alternative, Citywalk, has emerged ____57____ a phenmenal hit.
    Unlike Military-style Travel, Citywalk is abut wandering arund a city n ft and finding unusual things ____58____ even a lcal might nt have nticed befre. Citywalkers get away frm ht turist ____59____ (attract) and shpping centers, instead ____60____ (leisure) seeking ut interactins with the natives, authentic snacks, and a deeper appreciatin fr the histry and culture f the city.
    Varius vides abut Citywalk ____61____ (pst) ver Chinese multiple scial media platfrms in recent mnths. On Instagram-like Xiahngshu, a search fr “citywalk” turns up ver 600,000 psts and tens f millins f views. Citywalkers have shared their carefully ____62____ (plan) rutes n scial media platfrms, generating thusands f fllwers. Their psts usually include hw lng the walk is ging t take, and interesting places alng the way.
    Sme regins, such as Beijing, have included Citywalk in their plans ____63____ (prmte) cultural turism and leisure turs. While Citywalk can wrk as ____64____ apprach t turism, this trend sees Gen Z seek pleasure mre thrugh cnnectin than cnsumptin and ____65____ (imply) a deep cultural curisity.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是校英语报新开辟栏目Freign Teachers On Campus的编辑李华,请给学校外教Jhn写封电子邮件,向其约稿,内容包括:
    1. 栏目介绍;
    2. 稿件要求。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Jhn,
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分 25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Jumping Over Bundaries
    When I was in elementary schl, we had an annual sprts day. Girls culd d many things like hpsctch, jump rpe, tetherball, and ddgeball, except high jumping. Only bys culd d high jumping.
    That’s what I wanted t d — high jumping. S I went t the cach.
    “Girls dn’t d high jumping,” the cach said. “Girls have all these ther things they can d.” He excitedly described hw much fun it wuld be.
    I’d been high jumping in the backyard with my five brthers fr years. Althugh I am a girl, I did high jumping pretty well. My brthers culd rarely beat me. Whenever my back crssed the bar, that feeling is extremely wnderful. I went hme and tld my mther what the cach had said. My mther, a small, thin wman nly fur feet eleven inches tall, said, “I think we shuld g visit him.”
    “Visit wh?” I asked cnfusedly.
    “The headmaster.”
    “Visit the headmaster?” I was terrified. Wuld I get in truble? Wuld my mther and I be crssing bundaries we shuldn’t crss?
    My mm and I went t Mr. White’s ffice. “Linda wants t d the high jump,” my mther said.
    “Mrs. Martinez, yu dn’t understand. This is the traditin f ur Annual Sprts Day,” he said.
    “But Mr. White I dn’t knw where it says that girls cannt d this.”
    The headmaster culdn’t find any rules that said girls culdn’t d the high jump. “I have t think abut this,” he said at last.
    When we gt hme, my mm tld me smething I wuld always remember: this wasn’t just abut me. “Maybe ther girls want t d this, t,” she said.
    My mther waited a week, but still didn’t get the headmaster’s reply. S she walked ver t the schl again. “Mr. White, please. I ask yu this nt fr me and nt fr Linda, but let’s just see hw it wrks.” In the end, Mr. White agreed.
    I std n the field f the high jumping cmpetitin.
    T my surprise, sme f the cheers I gt were frm bys!

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