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    这是一份2024长沙南雅中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试题含听力含解析,文件包含湖南省长沙市南雅中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题docx、湖南省长沙市南雅中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题答案docx、湖南省长沙市南雅中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1-5 BACBC 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BCAAA
    21-23. BCC 24-27. BCDC 28-31. CDCA 32-35. BACB 36. ABCGE
    41-45 CADCB 46-50. CADB A 51-55. BBADC
    56.whse 57. the 58.called 59.is cnsidered
    60.explsin 61. annuncing 62. specially 63.n 64. descriptin 65. its
    66.ethnically 67. flapping 68. against 69. that 70.that
    【A篇答案】21. B 22. C 23. C
    21.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Nw, dust ff yur bts, plan accrding t the fllwing rutes presented by a survey f senir hikers and an incredible experience will wait fr yu.(现在,掸掉靴子上的灰尘,根据一项针对高级徒步旅行者的调查给出的以下路线进行计划,一场令人难以置信的体验将等待着你)”可知,徒步旅行爱好者会对这些路线更感兴趣。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Yu can surely jump n t any pint as yu like, but yu can’t affrd t miss all the pubs full f jkes and laughter n the way!(你当然可以随心所欲地跳到任何一个点上,但你不能错过路上所有充满笑话和笑声的酒吧!)”可知,西南海岸航道当地的酒吧值得推荐。故选C。
    23.细节理解题。根据三个小标题“Wales Castal Path;Suthwest Cast Path;Cast t Cast Walk(威尔士海岸小径;西南海岸步道;海岸到海岸步道)”以及最后一段中“Yu’ll want nine days t flly cmplete this hike, which explres bth the Nrth Yrk Mrs and the cunty’s wrld-famus castline. (你将需要9天时间来完成这趟徒步旅行,它将探索北约克荒原和这个郡举世闻名的海岸线)”可知,这四条路线的共同之处是都沿着海岸。故选C。
    【B篇答案】24. B 25. C 26. D 27. C
    24. 词义猜测。根据文章第二段“My husband Tdd and I first started ging n full mn walks fr urselves, as we needed these little dses f mnlight t stay happy, thugh smetimes we had t hike thrugh the frest t find a perfect spt. But after we became parents, we did this fr ur children.(我和丈夫托德最初开始进行满月散步是为了我们自己,因为我们需要这样一点一滴的月光来保持快乐,尽管有时我们必须穿越森林去寻找一个完美的地方。但当了父母后,我们就为孩子们做这件事)”可推知,第二段中划线的“this”指的是在满月下散步。故选B。
    25. 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Tdd explained t Sierra and Bryce that the mn generates n light, but simply acts like a mirrr, reflecting the sunlight back t us. “Des the mn’s face change?” Bryce asked.(Tdd向Sierra和Bryce解释说,月亮不会发光,只是像一面镜子一样,把阳光反射回我们身边。Bryce问道:“月亮的脸会变吗?”)”及“Sierra remarked that the mn lked larger and clser when it was rising.(Sierra说,当月亮升起时,它看起来更大、更近)”可知,孩子们在这次外出活动中表现出对月球的探索精神。故选C项。
    26. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段“We wanted t shw Sierra and Bryce that it was nt necessary t travel far frm hme t have an adventure and learn smething new, and that there was much magic in the natural wrld, available t all.(我们想让Sierra和Bryce明白,无需远离家乡就能体验冒险并学到新东西,而且自然界本身就蕴含着神奇之处,对所有人都触手可及)”可知,这对父母有比较深刻的见解,文章第三段““Des the mn’s face change?” Bryce asked. I tld him that the mn rtates arund the earth, but des nt spin by itself, s the same side f the mn is always facing the earth.(“月亮的脸会变吗?”Bryce问道。我告诉他,月球绕地球旋转,但不会自行旋转,所以月球的同一侧总是面向地球)”及“I explained that it is a visual illusin because it is s clse t the hrizn that the mn magically tricks ur eyes int cmparing it with nearby bjects, thus creating the impressin f the increased size.(我解释说,这是一种视觉错觉,因为它离地平线太近了,月亮神奇地欺骗我们的眼睛,让我们把它与附近的物体进行比较,从而给人留下尺寸增大的印象)”可知,孩子提出问题时,作者总是耐心回答,故这对父母是有深刻见解的,有耐心的。故选D项。
    27. 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“We wanted t shw Sierra and Bryce that it was nt necessary t travel far frm hme t have an adventure and learn smething new, and that there was much magic in the natural wrld, available t all.(我们想让Sierra和Bryce明白,无需远离家乡就能体验冒险并学到新东西,而且自然界本身就蕴含着神奇之处,对所有人都触手可及)”及文章最后一段“T educate, smetimes all it takes is ging utdrs and gazing up at the heavens.(教育孩子时,有时候所需要的仅仅是走出户外,抬头仰望天空)”可知,作者想要表达“大自然是最好的老师”。故选C项。
    【C篇答案】28. C 29. D 30. C 31. A
    28.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“In cntrast, the AI that she is develping will be designed t run the human hme, encuraging healthful decisins such as taking a nightly walk, refilling the fridge and supprting scial interactins like lunches r birthday celebratins with friends. (相比之下,她正在开发的人工智能将被设计为管理人类的家庭,鼓励健康的决定,比如晚上散步,给冰箱加满食物,支持与朋友共进午餐或庆祝生日等社交互动。),可知Akin的人工智能系统支持与家人一起度过更多时间。故选C。
    29.细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Yearsley began develping the Akin technlgy in 2017, when she realized .the need t better manage the hme is hugely ignred. ( Yearsley在2017年开始开发Akin技术,当时她意识到更好地管理家庭的需求被严重忽视。)”,第二句“Besides, she realized that wmen unequally bear the burden f husehld wrk. (此外,她意识到女性承担家务的负担是不平等的。)”可知,Yearsley的AI系统研发的因素之一就是家庭主妇和照顾者的沉重负担。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Current hme devices made by Ggle r Amazn r Apple use predictive A1 t track patterns, strengthen behavirs and manipulate buying decisins, sme f which, she assumes, are questinable r just unhealthy. (目前由谷歌、亚马逊或苹果生产的家用设备使用预测性人工智能来跟踪模式、强化行为并操控购买决策。其中有一些,她认为,是有问题的或者不健康的。)”和第三段的“In cntrast, the Al that she is develping will be designed t run the human hme, encuraging healthful decisins such as taking a nightly walk, refilling the fridge and supprting scial interactins like lunches r birthday celebratins with friends. (相比之下,她正在开发的人工智能将被设计为管理人类的家庭,鼓励健康的决定,比如晚上散步,给冰箱加满食物,支持与朋友共进午餐或庆祝生日等社交互动。)”可知,Akin公司的人工智能系统是考虑周到的且新颖的。故选C。
    31.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句 “ Akin has received sme early seed frm a handful f investrs, and was recently selected as a finalist fr tech giant LG Nva's Missin fr the Future prgram, an annual challenge that seeks t identify businesses having ptential t imprve life and lead sciety int the future. ( Akin已经从一些投资者那里获得了一些早期种子资金,最近还入选了科技巨头LG Nva的“未来使命‘项目的决赛名单,该项目是一个年度挑战,旨在寻找有潜力改善生活、引领社会走向未来的企业。)”并结合全文可知,本文的目的是介绍Akin公司的一套未来人工智能系统。故选A。
    【D篇答案】32. B 33. A 34. C 35. B
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段“They first identified a grup f neurns (神经元) in a deep brain regin, which were fund t be invlved in cntrlling bdy temperature during hibernatin. They shwed that, in mice, these neurns culd be stimulated using ultrasund (超声波), which was delivered thrugh a helmet withut causing an injury.( 他们首先确定了大脑深部区域的一组神经元,这些神经元被发现与冬眠期间控制体温有关。他们证明,在老鼠身上,可以用超声波刺激这些神经元,超声波通过头盔传递而不会造成伤害。)”以及第三段中“When receiving the ultrasund, the mice shwed a drp in bdy temperature f abut3°C, and their heart rates fell by abut 47%. When the ultrasund system was switched ff, they wke up again.(当接受超声波时,小鼠的体温下降了约3°C,心率下降了约47%。当超声波系统被关闭时,他们又醒了。)”可知,研究者首先确定老鼠大脑中控制体温相关的神经元,通过超声波刺激这些神经元,导致老鼠体温下降,由此进入冬眠。由此推断通过刺激老鼠大脑中的神经元可以让老鼠冬眠。故选B。
    33.词义猜测题。根据第四段划线词后的内容“the pwer f hibernatin t help humans(冬眠帮助人类的力量)”以及后文“They believe that it culd be key t addressing health cnditins like heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. (他们认为,这可能是解决心脏病和阿尔茨海默病等健康问题的关键。)”可知,研究者正在研究使用冬眠来帮助人类解决心脏病和阿尔茨海默病等健康问题,故人类正在努力尝试利用冬眠。故划线词与A选项“Emply.(利用)”为同义词。故选A。
    34.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“ Research in animals als suggests that bdies f hibernating astrnauts might lse less bne and muscle, making them fit and ready t start challenging explratin sn after they wake up. (对动物的研究也表明,冬眠的宇航员的身体可能会失去更少的骨骼和肌肉,使他们在醒来后很快就能开始具有挑战性的探索。)”可知,冬眠的宇航员的身体可能会损失更少的骨骼肌肉,使他们在苏醒后能够保持健康,并且可以立即开始具有挑战性的探索任务即冬眠帮助宇航员保持身体健康。故选C。
    35.推理判断题。根据最后一段中““Our next experiments will test wrking memry in mnkeys. This is imprtant because while astrnauts physically hibernate as they fly int deep space, their brain still needs t be wrking,” said Chen.(“我们的下一个实验将测试猴子的工作记忆。这很重要,因为当宇航员在太空深处飞行时,他们的身体处于冬眠状态,他们的大脑仍然需要工作。”)”可知,最后一段强调的是下一阶段将在猴子身上展开研究,由此最后一段的目的是引出后续研究的重点。故选B。
    36. A 根据前文“Trying t find the perfect present is as difficult as trying t read smene's mind.”(想要找到完美的礼物就像想要读懂别人的心思一样困难。)可知,找到完美的礼物很难,根据后文“Here are sme tips that culd help.”(这里有一些建议可以帮助你。)可知,此处是讲如何找到完美的礼物。所以选项A“那该怎么办呢?”切合文意。故选A。
    37. B 根据前文“Be hnest - d yu wait until the last minute t start lking fr presents?”(老实说——你会等到最后一刻才开始找礼物吗?)和后文“S are we!”(我们也是!)可知,此处是讲不止有你一个人会等到最后一刻才开始找礼物,所以选项B “你肯定不是一个人。”切合文意。故选B。
    38. C 根据前文“S, if yu wait t lng, yu might have t spend quite a bit mre n what yu want.”(所以,如果你等得太久,你可能要在你想要的东西上花更多的钱。)可知,此处是指早早买礼物才能省钱。所以选项C“早早买礼物来省钱。”切合文意。故选C。
    39. G 根据前文“Nw is the time t put yur thinking cap n as yu make a list. Here, yu can write dwn everything the receivers lve.”(现在是你列清单的时候了。在这里,你可以写下收礼物的人所爱的一切。)可知,选项G中的this是指列出收礼物的人喜欢的东西,在列出清单后,就可以考虑他们需要的东西了。所以选项G “一旦你做到了这一点,你就可以着手他们需要的东西了。”切合文意。故选G。
    40. E 根据后文“Often, the reasn yu get stuck fr gift ideas is because yu are restricting yurself t much. If yu are nly fixed n the same kind f presents then yu'll run ut f inspiratin.”(通常,你被礼物的想法束缚的原因是你限制自己太多了。如果你只专注于同一种礼物,那么你的灵感就会枯竭。)可知,此处是指要突破限制,进行创新。所以选项E “如果你仍然一无所获,那是时候发挥创造力了。”切合文意。故选E。
    【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个问题让我们想起了多年来我们与造型师之间建立的独特友谊。A. break打破;B. prmte促进、晋升;C. frm形成、建立;D. begin开始。根据“with ur stylists ver the years.”可知,这里是指思考和我们熟悉的发型师多年来建立的友情。故选C。
    【42题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:你们一起欢笑,定期了解彼此的消息。A. catch up n追上、跟进;B. make up fr弥补;C. put up with忍受;D. end up with以……为终。根据“Yu have a laugh tgether”可知,你和理发师互相会跟进各自发生的事情,即了解彼此的消息。故选A。
    【43题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅是一段伟大友谊的秘诀,也能让你和你的理发师保持完美的关系。A. request要求;B. desire欲望;C. ccasin场合;D. recipe秘诀。根据“nt nly fr a great friendship, but als fr the perfect relatinship with yur hairdresser.”可知,互相关心跟进彼此的消息不仅仅是维护友谊的秘方,也适合用于和理发师维护关系。故选D。
    【44题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你找到一个好理发师,这是值得珍惜的。 A. reslve解决;B. remember记住;C. cherish珍惜;D. evaluate评估。根据“When yu find a gd barber,”可知,遇到一个好的理发师要珍惜。故选C。
    【45题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:许多人和理发师都有难忘的经历。A. reliable可靠的;B. unfrgettable无法忘记的;C. imaginable难以想象的;D. inseparable不可分离的。根据后文可知,作者和很多人一样和自己的理发师有着难忘的经历。故选B。
    【46题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她带我经历了各种各样的风格,她帮助我在化疗后找到了一个全新的面貌,染成金色的头发! A. shapes形状;B. mdels模型;C. styles款式、风格;D. srts品种。根据“and she’s helped me find a ttally new lk nw during the pst-chemtherapy (化疗后) perid with dyed blnde hair!”可知,理发师带着作者看遍所有的发型风格。故选C。
    【47题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:除了发型,我们还交流了做母亲的喜悦和考验,健康问题的挑战,以及我们职业和生活中的变化——我们在克莱尔工作的三家沙龙里分享了15年的事情。A. Besides在……之外;B. Despite尽管;C. Given考虑到;D. After之后。根据“there have been cmmunicatins abut the jys and trials f mtherhd, the ___8___ f health prblems and changes in ur careers and lives”可知,除了发型之外还有其他有趣的话题来谈论。故选A。
    【48题详解】考查名词词义辨析。 A. injuries伤害;B. emtins情感;C. cncerns担忧、关心;D. challenges挑战。根据“health prblems”可知,健康问题所带来的挑战。故选D。
    【49题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. brught带来;B. shared分享;C. bserved观察;D. emphasized强调。作者和发型师Clarie一起分享了15年所发生的事情。故选B。
    【50题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:最近她给我理发时,我们聊起了美发师和客户之间形成的特殊联系。A. link联系;B. rle角色;C. habit习惯;D. pattern模式。根据“that frms between hairdressers and their clients.”可知,这里指理发师与客人们建立的一种人与人之间的联系。故选A。
    【51题详解】考查短语辨析。句意:你从他们那里听到了很多故事,有时你觉得自己像个咨询师,而不是理发师。A. ther than除了;B. rather than而不是;C. less than比……更少;D. mre than比……更多。根据“Yu assess their needs, and yu knw hw t react t them,”可知,理发师的角色有时候更像顾客的咨询师而不是理发师。故选B。
    【52题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:对Claire来说,与客户的互动是她热爱这份工作的原因,这也是她在整个工作生涯中逐渐培养出来的。A. eventually最终;B. gradually渐渐地;C. immediately立刻地;D. frequently经常地。根据“thrughut her wrking life.”可知,Clarie她热爱这份工作,她与顾客之间的联系是在工作中渐渐建立的。故选B。
    【53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是关于为人和关心他人。A. caring关心;B. hanging悬挂;C. wrrying担心;D. talking谈论。根据“It’s abut being human”可知,理发师的工作就是变得有人情味并且关心他人。故选A。
    【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的工作是给她们剪头发,让她们看起来和感觉都很好,但我也想让她们在这段经历中感到振奋。A. desire欲望;B. ambitin雄心;C. hbby爱好;D. jb职业。根据“cut their hair, making them lk and feel gd”可知,帮助客人理发让他们更好看是她的本职工作。故选D。
    【55题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的工作是给她们剪头发,让她们看起来和感觉都很好,但我也想让她们在这段经历中感到振奋。A. fascinated使……入迷;B. struck打击;C. uplifted提起、提高(地位);D. impressed对……有印象。根据“It’s my ___14___ t cut their hair, making them lk and feel gd,”可知,但是Clarie更希望能让客人在理发过程中感觉情绪被提升。故选C。
    Dear Frank,
    I heard that yu have been keen n Chinese culture recently, s I am writing t invite yu t visit my hmetwn Changsha in the cming summer hliday.
    Changsha, as a famus histric and cultural city, is hme t many representative turist attractins. T be specific, Orange Isle lks like a large green ship sailing in the center f the Xiangjiang River, where yu can take a view f the grand statue f Ma Zedng as well as the beauty f nature. Besides, it is als a gd chice t visit Yuelu Academy, learning abut its rigin and experiencing its cultural atmsphere. In additin, it is wrth sampling the Hunan cuisine and street fd with a lcal spicy flavr in Huangxing Rad Pedestrian Street.
    I hpe there will be nthing stpping yu frm cming. Lking frward t yur reply.

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Over the next few weeks, Lin fllwed the ways we discussed. At schl, she sught additinal help frm her physics teacher, wh prvided her with additinal guidance. Lin als jined a study grup with her classmates, where they slved difficult prblems tgether and shared sme study methds abut physics. At hme, my husband and I kept encuraging her and acknwledged every small victry in her understanding f physics. We culd see her gradually but surely vercme her fear f physics.
    Finally came Lin’s final-term physics exam. The night befre, she was understandably nervus, but there was a newfund cnfidence in her eyes. The day after the exam, Lin came hme with a big smile. While she didn’t get the tp scre, she did much better than we expected. This achievement was mre than just abut the grade; it was abut the jurney she undertk t vercme her challenges. This small success brught nt just relief but als a strnger bnd in ur family, united by ur cllective effrt and belief in each ther.
    ①向某人寻求帮助:seek help frm sb./turn t sb. fr help
    ②继续:keep/g n
    ③克服:vercme/get ver
    ②高兴地:with a big smile/with pleasure
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. At schl, she sught additinal help frm her physics teacher, wh prvided her with additinal guidance. (由关系代词wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Lin als jined a study grup with her classmates, where they slved difficult prblems tgether and shared sme study methds abut physics. (由关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句)
    M:The thing I lve abut maths is all the prblems yu have t wrk ut.
    W:I knw what yu mean, but numbers aren't my thing. (1)I'm better at shapes and angles.
    Text 2
    W:My shulder has been hurting fr three days. D yu think I shuld g see a dctr?
    M:Have yu tried taking sme medicine?
    W:My brther bught sme types f medicine,but I dn't knw which ne t take.(2)
    Text 3
    M:I dn't get it.Yu're always reading travel bks,yet yu never actually g anywhere!
    W:Well,I can't affrd it right nw.…Nt everybdy is the sn f a banker,yu knw. But when I finish studying and have a dctr's salary, (3) I'll travel the wrld.Yu'll see!
    Text 4
    M:Frm what I've learned in lectures,t cure an infectin,we have t clean the wund first.Then,we must clse it.
    W:But we dn't have medical tls utdrs,and Michael is getting wrse. (4)Run back t the car and call an ambulance.
    Text 5
    M:What time is yur mther arriving?
    W:She was suppsed t catch the nn bus,but she called me t say she missed it. S she plans t take the 3:00 bus,which will get her here arund dinner time.(5)
    Text 6
    W:My friends have gd intentins,but smetimes they're s negative. Hnestly,it brings me dwn smetimes.(6)
    M:That's cmmn at yur age,Gina. I think life in high schl is great.Hwever,with life changing s quickly,it's easy t be at a lss.
    W:But yu're always in such a gd md. Hw d yu maintain such an ptimistic attitude?(7)
    M:Situatins aren't necessarily gd r bad.It just depends n hw yu lk at them!
    W:Yu're right,Papa. I'll try t cnvince my friends f this.
    M:Just shw them a psitive example. Eventually, they'll fllw!
    Text 7
    M:Welcme t the busiest seaprt in the wrld —the Prt f Shanghai is essential t the cnnectin f ur planet
    W:I'm just a student nw, but I hpe t manage a shipping prt like yu ne day.(8)
    M:Great! I was just like yu, at yur age.I'd lve t explain this prt's rle in glbal trade mre clearly.
    W:Thanks. I've nly studied the Prt f Singapre in my hmetwn.(9)
    M:Yes, that city's prt,frm which yu just arrived, is an imprtant link fr Shanghai's trade. This critical rute cnnects thrugh Singapre, nt India and Africa,and ends in Italy r beynd.
    W:I heard this prt dates back t 1842—is that true?M:Exactly.Nw,ver 30 millin units are prcessed yearly,with a cuple thusand ships departing every mnth
    Text8 (第10题为总结题)
    M:In the future,many f ur current jbs will be dne by rbts.
    W:The future is clser than yu think.Several f my friends were fired in a car factry, because rbts are nw replacing them.
    M:Rbts d ffer better utput(产量)fr less cst. (11)They can perate all day and night.
    W:This is true, but my friends are n lnger earning any mney.
    M:Hpefully they will be able t find ther jbs.
    W:It is getting harder t find a jb that will nt be replaced in a few years' time.
    M:This is true. I read a reprt that said in this decade, 3%f jbs were at risk frm machines.(12)
    W:I read the same reprt. That number wuld jump t 33% during the next decade.(12)
    M:Yes, but they als pinted ut that rbts and artificial intelligence culd bst the glbal ecnmy by $15 trillin.
    W:D yu think they will replace lawyers like us?
    M:Nt anytime sn.
    W:We have t wrk lng hurs,but at least we have jb security.
    Text 9
    W:What d yu think when yu lk thrugh yur telescpe?
    M:Well,I think abut my jb, which is t lk int space, lk at planets and discver what knwledge they ffer.(13)
    W:Yes, but what are yur private thughts abut what yu see?
    M:That is a gd questin. What is yur name?
    M:Well, Jenny, even after a quarter f a century in this jb, I am still filled with wnder when I lk at planets and stars.
    W:D yu wnder whether there is life there?
    M:It depends. When I lk at Mars, Venus r the planet I am viewing tday, the Mn, (14) I am pretty sure there is nthing living there. Further away…well, maybe.
    W:At my schl, we had a cmpetitin t draw what we thught a space creature wuld lk like.
    M:Ha-ha.That is fun, as lng as it desn't scare yu t much. Because the fact is, scientists and explrers have never fund evidence that such things exist.
    W:Oh, I see.
    M:S,Jenny, what will yu and yur friends be ding next? Ging back t schl,r ging hme?
    W:I think we are ging t have ur lunch at the cafe here.(15)
    M:Wuld yu like t lk thrugh my telescpe befre yu g?(16)
    W:Oh,yes please.(16)
    Text 10
    Dear diary, it's the 10th day f my bicycle jurney frm Beijing t Mnglia.(17) (19)Tmrrw will be ne f the hardest days. T be hnest, it's nt the physical challenge f cycling 10 hurs per day, nr is it the burning July sun in this desert-like part f nrthern China.(17) The real challenge is the lneliness f cycling fr days withut any cmpany(陪伴).(18) The lcal peple in the cities are s friendly, but I've nly just been able t make friends with peple wh can speak English. But tmrrw mrning I'll have t say gdbye t the lvely family that hused me. I stayed here fr an extra tw days after this family helped me rder fd at a restaurant and invited me t stay at their hme.
    (19)They generusly ffered me a ride arund their twn, and amazing intrductins t lcal fd and traditin. I'll miss them a lt as I cntinue riding nrth thrugh the desert.I write this nw, nt just t mtivate myself t cntinue, but t remind myself that each new friend I make n this trip culd prvide materials fr my new bk.(20) As I sit here, lking ut int an empty desert rad, I feel s thankful fr the friends I've made and s inspired by the experience f traveling.

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