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    这是一份江苏省南通市海安高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.At 3,5分,满分37,7℃n average,5分,满分5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Hw lng des the museum pen each day?
    A.Eight hurs.B.Seven hurs.C.Six hurs.
    2.Hw des the wman feel nw?
    3.Wh is the wman?
    A.The man’s teacher.B.The man’s cach.C.The man’s mther.
    4.What will the wman d?
    A.Give Jan a call.B.Tell Jan abut the meeting.C.Have lunch with the man.
    5.Where did Jane mve t?
    A.A place in the cuntry.B.A place ut f Lndn.C.A place with a gd view.
    6.What are the tw speakers ding nw?
    A.Having dinner.B.Seeing a filmC.Cleaning the table.
    7.What is the man cmplaining abut?
    A.The wman is t busy with her wrk.
    B.The wman hardly ever sees a mvie with him.
    C.The wman watches t much TV and ignres him.
    8.What will the wman sell?
    A.Her clthes.B.Her bks.C.Her electrnic prducts.
    9.What des the wman suggest ding first?
    A.Preparing fr the sale.B.Talking t their friends.C.Having a cffee.
    10.Where did the man spend the nights?
    A.In a htel.B.In a campsite.C.In a guesthuse.
    11.What was the weather like n the secnd day?
    12.What time did the man prbably get hme yesterday?
    A.Arund 5 pm.B.Arund 7 pm.C.Arund 9 pm.
    13.What clr is the hallway?
    14.What is the prblem with the kitchen?
    A.It desn’t have a fridge.B.There isn’t much light.C.It isn’t big enugh.
    15.Which rm are the speakers bth satisfied with?
    A.The bathrm.B.The living rm.C.The bedrm.
    16.What time will the speakers see the next huse?
    A.At 2:15.B.At 3:15.C.At 4:15.
    17.Hw lng is the club pen every day?
    A.6 hurs and 30 minutes.B.11 hurs and 15 minutes.C.16 hurs and 45 minutes.
    18.What des the speaker suggest peple d in the club?
    A.Swim fr 25 minutes at night.
    B.Try diving in the 10-meter pl.
    C.Relax in the steam rm befre swimming.
    19.Hw can peple becme a member f the club?
    A.By calling the club.
    B.By checking the club website.
    C.By writing t the club ffice.
    20.When can peple enjy the guided turs f the club?
    A.At 2:15 every Thursday afternn.
    B.At 2:50 every Tuesday afternn.
    C.At 2:15 every Tuesday afternn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Literary festivals all ver the USA ffer pprtunities fr readers t meet their favrite authrs and learn abut their new prjects. Yu can start planning yur next literary vacatin!
    Summer Wrds
    Dates: June 19-22
    Price: Free
    It’s ne f America’s mst respected literary festivals and writing cnferences. Authrs are able t attend advanced wrkshps in rder t imprve the craft f writing. Besides, they can meet editrs and literary agents and attend public panel discussins t gain inspiratin and insight.
    Bk Bnanza
    Dates: June 23-24
    Price: $250
    It is a celebratin f bks cvering multiple styles and always nets a huge list f incredible authr attendees. What makes it stand ut, hwever, is nt just its impressive list f attendees: it’s the charitable fcus. All prceeds are dnated t charitable causes, including thse that benefit wmen and children.
    Ls Angeles Times Festival f Bks
    Dates: April 22-23
    Price: Free, althugh indr panels will require tickets
    It is a massive celebratin f bks and the bkish cmmunity, with bk signings, panel discussins with distinguished prfessrs and experts, art perfrmances and bk giveaways. The tw-day event has grwn t becme an essential element f the L. A.cultural scene.
    Imaginarium Bk Festival
    Dates: May 20-21
    Price: Free, but VIP tickets fr early entry t signing rms ($45), tickets fr the brunch ($50)
    It celebrates all things abut fantasy and science fictin. In additin t panels where authr s will answer yur questins, yu’ll get t meet and acquire signed bks frm yur favrite authrs and have the ptin f brunching with them at the csmic (宇宙的) brunch buffet.
    21.In which literary festival can yu catch a shw?
    A.Summer Wrds.B.Bk Bnanza.
    C.Ls Angeles Times Festival f Bks.D.Imaginarium Bk Festival.
    22.What is special abut Bk Bnanza?
    A.Its prfits g t charity.B.It’s meant fr wmen and children.
    C.It desn’t charge admissin fee.D.It features wrkshps fr ntable writers.
    23.What can yu d in Imaginarium Bk Festival?
    A.Get an authr-signed phtgraph.B.Dine with yur admiring writers.
    C.Interact with science fictin supermen.D.Obtain ne-n-ne reading training.
    Andrea Lankfrd quit her jb after spending 12 years as a Natinal Park Service frester specializing in search and rescue missins in scenic and remte American landscapes. Hwever, decades later, three yung hikers went missing n the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). She fund herself unable t turn away frm the three separate cases despite challenges in the inquiry int them.
    Trail f the Lst was her answer.
    It’s an absrbing nnfictin narrative (叙事) abut the three hikers, including their lives and thse f the peple lking fr them. It als explres the histry f the PCT and the rich subculture, practices and even literature that surrund it and thse wh undertake the 2, 650-mile jurney.
    The bk is a rich multilayered narrative that wrks n three different levels. The first is the stry f each f the three hikers. Lankfrd ffers a bigraphy f each f the missing men and shws them thrugh the eyes f thse wh knew them well and thse wh jined the search.
    Right underneath the narratives abut the three hikers are the stries f everyne lking fr them. Lankfrd played a rle in each search but she allwed friends, family and even strangers t ccupy center stage thrughut mst f the narrative. The stry lks at the rle f missing persn Facebk grups in the searches and hw crucial wrd f muth can be. Many warm-hearted individuals came frth and became instrumental in the searches r prvided valuable infrmatin. But Lankfrd als writes f the many wh lied fr n apparent reasn and cnfused the investigatins.
    The narrative als shines a light n diverse aspects f the PCT. Lankfrd, wh has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail and was the first persn t muntain bike the 800-mile Arizna Trail, knws just hw the PCT is physically and mentally demanding. Besides, the bk explres threats frm muntain lins t peple with bad intentins wh dn’t bserve the PCT’s unspken mral rules, serving as a revelatin f the well-knwn, hidden r ignred dangers f the PCT.
    Written with a clear, fast-paced, straightfrward style, Trail f the Lst is as full f hpe and humanity as it is packed with pain, srrw, danger and tensin. Read it and yu’ll find mre than yu seek.
    24.What led Lankfrd t write Trail f the Lst?
    A.Her lve fr her previus career.B.Her strng attachment t the PCT.
    C.The stress frm the missing families.D.Her investigatin int hikers’ disappearance.
    25.What is presented n the secnd level f the bk?
    A.Effrts by different peple in searches.B.A string f wilderness survival tips.
    C.Appraches t infrmatin classificatin.D.Respective stries f the three hikers.
    26.What’s the purpse f mentining Lankfrd’s previus adventures?
    A.T prmte her bk.B.T make her famus.
    C.T mtivate hikers t challenge themselves.D.T stress the difficulty f hiking the PCT.
    27.What can we say abut the bk?
    A.It targets single yuth.B.It’s a rmantic nvel.
    C.It’s based n actual events.D.It’s a detailed accunt f a jurney.
    Trpical (热带的) frests culd becme s ht that sme kinds f leaves will n lnger be able t cnduct phtsynthesis (光合作用), accrding t a study. The phtsynthetic machinery in trpical trees begins t fail at abut 46.7℃n average. The research suggests that frests may be nearing dangerus temperature sner than expected. Mdels predict that nce we hit a glbal temperature increase f 3.9℃, these frests might experience mass leaf damage.
    Chris Dughty, an assciate prfessr at Nrthern Arizna University and the lead researcher f the study, said the leaf-warming experiments had revealed a nnlinear rise in temperatures. “We were really surprised that when we warmed leaves by 2, 3 r 4℃, the highest leaf temperatures actually increased by 8℃. This shws a cncerning nnlinear feedback that we were nt expecting.” said Dughty. “If we adpt a d-nthing respnse t climate change and trpical frest air temperatures increase by greater than 4°C, there culd be massive leaf death.” he added.
    Aviding high emissins in the first place is key t stabilizing temperatures. “We shuld d all we can t avid high-emissins. Under lw-emissins, almst all trpical frest tree leaves can avid death frm verheating and the trees will survive,” said Simn Lewis, a prfessr f glbal change science at University Cllege Lndn. “Yet what the study desn’t lk at is heatwaves. We still might see tree deaths frm verheating fr limited perids during heatwaves under lwer emissins.”
    Researchers suggest that the damage is nt yet unchanged. “Vte fr peple wh are serius abut addressing climate change and transferring t lw-carbn ecnmies,” Disney, ne researcher, advcated. Mre generally, we can all recgnize the imprtance f supprting thse cuntries and peple wh live in and rely n trpical frests ecnmically. But the serius changes t trpical frests dn’t just affect the lcal peple it’s a glbal issue.
    28.Which f the fllwing can best replace the underlined wrd “nnlinear” in Paragraph 2?
    29.What is mst crucial in keeping temperatures stable?
    A.Planting mre trees.B.Explring heatwaves.
    C.Cnducting researches.D.Pursuing lw emissins.
    30.What was Disney’s suggestin in the last paragraph?
    A.Prmting glbal effrts.B.Seeking ecnmic supprt.
    C.Helping trpical cuntries.D.Bsting lw-carbn educatin.
    31.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Glbal warming harms trees.B.Trpical frests lse functins.
    C.Trpical leaves struggle in heat.D.Frests near dangerus temperature.
    D yu want t ensure yur child hits their expected develpmental milestnes? New UBC research suggests living in areas with high expsure t green space can help set them up fr success.
    Fr the study, the researchers at UBC analyzed the develpmental scres f 27, 372 children in Metr Vancuver wh attended kindergarten between 2005 and 2011. They estimated the amunt f green space arund each child’s residence frm birth t age five. They als assessed levels f traffic-related air pllutin and cmmunity nise.
    The results highlight the fundamental imprtance f natural green spaces like street trees, parks and cmmunity gardens. “Mst f the children were ding well in their develpment, in terms f language skills, cgnitive (认知的) capacity, scializatin and ther utcmes,” says Ingrid Jarvis, a PhD candidate in the department f frest and cnservatin sciences at UBC.“But what’s interesting is that thse children living in a residential lcatin with mre vegetatin and richer natural envirnments shwed better verall develpment than their peers with less green space.”
    Accrding t the researchers, the reasn fr this is partly green spaces’ ability t reduce the harmful effects f air pllutin and nise--envirnmental challenges that have been shwn t adversely (不利地)affect children’s health and develpment thrugh increased stress, sleep disturbances and central nervus system damage. “Few studies have investigated this pathway linking green space and develpmental utcmes amng children,” adds Jarvis.
    The researchers assessed early childhd develpment using the Early Develpment Instrument (EDI), a survey cmpleted by kindergarten teachers fr each child. The tl measures a child’s ability t meet age-apprpriate develpmental expectatins.
    “Mre research is needed, but ur findings suggest that urban planning effrts t increase green space in residential neighburhds and arund schls are beneficial fr early childhd develpment, with ptential health benefits thrughut life,” says the study’s senir authr Matilda Bsch. “Time in nature can benefit everyne, but if we want ur children t have a gd head start, it’s imprtant t prvide an enriching envirnment thrugh nature cntact.”
    32.Which is a key factr in the researchers’ study?
    A.The kids’ scres frm schl exams.B.The average IQ scre f the subjects.
    C.The green space where the kids lived.D.The air pllutin level f the whle city.
    33.What’s the message implied in Paragraph 4?
    A.Air pllutin is largely t blame fr kids’ failures.
    B.Kids living in a nisy area tend t feel mre stressed.
    C.Pllutin harms kids’ nervus system mre than nise.
    D.Greenspace is directly linked t kids’ mental develpment.
    34.What des Matilda Bsch stress in the last paragraph?
    A.The imprtance f nature in kids’ grwth.B.The rle f research in scientific wrk.
    C.The prper way f giving a gd start t kidsD.The urgency f expanding greenspace in cities.
    35.What culd be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.What Are the Health Effects f Nise Pllutin?
    B.Green Spaces: A guarantee fr Kids’ Future Success
    C.Urban Green Space and Its Impact n Human Health
    D.Time in Nature Aids Early Childhd Develpment
    Hw t make the mst f yur time with yur hst family
    Living and studying abrad can be a meaningful and enriching experience. And living with a hst family is ne f the best ways t immerse (沉浸) yurself in the culture. 36 Here are sme tips n making the mst f yur time with yur hst family.
    37 Yu have t understand that hst families are ding it just because they want t give a kid the pprtunity t live abrad. They are willingly changing their lives s yu can experience this! With their supprt, things becme easier.
    Many peple struggle t feel cmfrtable with their hst families at first. This is a cmpletely nrmal feeling! Yu’ve just left everything yu’ve knwn fr years behind t start a new life. It’s kay t be cnfused. 38 While yu may knw the language, sme expressins can be hard t understand at first. Be patient with yurself and remember that yu will adapt but it will take sme time.
    Feeling at hme can be difficult at the beginning. That’s why spending time in cmmn areas is necessary. If yu spend all yur time in yur rm, it’s ging t be hard t feel like yu belng. Jining in everyday activities with yur hst family will help yu create a family bnd. Fr example, sme families like having dinner tgether n weekends. Make time fr thse mments. 39
    Cmmunicatin is key. If yu are unsure abut smething, ask! It’s nrmal t knw few custms and habits at first, s instead f ding things blindly, just ask. Yur hst family will understand and help yu. 40 When yu are ut with yur hst family, ask them abut these, and keep learning them when yu are n yur wn!
    A.The language barrier can als be a struggle.
    B.Shwing gratitude will take yu a lng way.
    C.Keep in mind that when in Rme, d as the Rmans d.
    D.Then, yu’ll have chances t expse yurself t their language.
    E.It’s als nrmal nt t knw a lt abut unspken scial rules f the cuntry.
    F.Nt nly will they appreciate it but yu will als feel like a part f their wrld.
    G.Hwever, living with a freign family can be difficult and adapting t it can take sme effrt.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
    After my diagnsis (诊断) with a cancer, I lved the 41 f having smething new and green arund. My wife, Hannah, bught me what she said was a lucky bamb plant in a deep-green pttery bwl. We placed the plant in the living rm. I 42 every time I lked at it frm the sfa where I spent mst f my time.
    I tld Hannah I wanted t 43 the plant myself. I was pleased when it didn’t immediately turn yellw r brwn r 44 all its leaves.
    The cancer 45 my ability t walk, and the treatment left me 46 , making it hard fr me t perfrm everyday tasks. Since my diagnsis in August 2018, far t ften, it seemed that I had t depend n help frm ther peple. The huge 47 left me feeling upset. 48 , caring fr the plant gave me a sense f 49 at a time when I smetimes felt 50
    Befre I fell sick, I had wrked as a family dctr. I was used t being the ne wh 51 care, nt the ne wh received it. Watering the plant, as small an act as it was, cnnected me t my ld 52 and taught me I culd still be a caregiver. Plants and 53 culd still depend n me.
    Over the next few mnths, I recvered frm surgery and 54 wrk. Nw I keep a few pts f lucky bamb in my clinic. Smetimes, I will give ne t my patients, telling them, “Take care f it. It 55 yu!”
    43.A.hunt frB.wish frC.call frD.care fr
    54.A.insisted nB.gave upC.returned tD.resulted in
    第二节 语法填空(共10个小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
    One sunny day in the late spring f 353, a party tk place with 40-sme pets, schlars, and artists 56.______ (play) a drinking game by a river in Lanting, r the “Orchid Pavilin”, a hilly suthwestern suburb f Shaxing. They flated cups f wine in the flw f the stream. 57.______ the cup stpped in frnt f a guest, he had t cmpse a pem.
    A ttal f 37 pems 58.______ (write) that day, but it was the frewrd t the petry cllectin by famed calligrapher Wang Xizhi, titled “Preface t the Pems Cllected frm the Orchid Pavilin”, that made this party ne f the best 59.______ (knw) in Chinese literary histry. In 324wrds, Wang described the event while expressing his passin 60.______ life. The naturally-flwing strkes, a prduct f his utstanding skills and the 61.______ (inspire) f the mment have led the “Preface” t be regarded 62.______ (wide) as the best semi-cursive calligraphy (行书) wrk ever.
    Tday, visitrs can g t the “Orchid Pavilin” area, 63.______ elegant garden cmplex n the frmer site f the party, 64.______ includes a calligraphy museum, a pavilin, and a pnd, all 65.______ (surrund) by thick bamb frests. In dwntwn Shaxing-a wrld f alleyways, green canals, ancient bridges and graying whitewashed huses, ne can als visit a number f scenery sites cnnected with Wang’s stries frm his time there.
    第三节 单句语法填空(共10个小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)
    66.Sme such experience as this lies in s______ fr us when we begin the study f literature.
    67.Nerve cells have limited ability t regenerate if d______ (破坏,毁灭).
    68.The prpsal has nt met with u______ (普遍) agreement.
    69.R______ (沉思) n my past experiences, I have realized the imprtance f staying psitive and embracing challenges.
    70.Sme experts call fr a change f lifestyle ______ an attempt t slve the envirnmental prblems.
    71.Emergency help is needed fr ______ (幸存者) f the earthquake.
    72.The equipment culd be used fr ______ (各种各样,不同种类) f educatinal purpses.
    73.The rckets are a purely ______ (防御的) measure against nuclear attack.
    74.He is an accmplished singer and a talented actr. While the frmer shwcases his vcal skills, the ______ highlights his acting abilities.
    75.The cllege is nt an ______ (官方,正式) recgnized English language schl.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    76.假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部组织了主题为“Live a healthy life”的演讲活动。请你写一篇演讲稿参加此次活动,内容包括:
    Live a healthy life
    Hell, everyne!
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I begged my mm t let me make ckies by myself. Even thugh I had never attempted baking befre, I was nine years ld and my friend Emmie had been baking cupcakes by herself fr a year. I was determined t prve that I culd make it.
    My brther, Caleb, laughed at the idea f me cking alne, calling it a disaster. Having a big brther can be annying. Despite his laughing, my mm agreed t let me try. She reminded me t take my time and be careful because I’d had sme messy spills befre I was nine.
    I raced t the kitchen and went t wrk. I cracked eggs and put a cld stick f butter int the bwl. I turned n the mixer at medium speed—and wha. Wha. Wha! What a disaster! I had t wipe butter ff my face, then ff the table and flr.
    Caleb made fun f me again, calling me a mess. I chased him away with a spn and turned back t the mixing bwl. I started again with sfter butter. Referring t the recipe, I pured everything needed int the bwl and mixed it. After that, I put rund batter (面糊) nt the ckie sheet and put it int the ven (烤箱). Within a minute, a fantastic smell filled the kitchen—the smell f ckie success!
    I was ging t prve that I was respnsible. N mre eye-rlling frm my brther. N mre “Yu’re t yung” frm my parents. I was grwn up and in cntrl.
    I stared int the ven, and my heart sank. The neat, little balls had melted (融化) and verflwed t the edges f the ckie sheet. I pulled the pan ut just as Caleb wandered back int the kitchen.
    “What in the wrld?” He started t laugh. “Ckie sup?”
    “Yu just be quiet,” I whispered, trying nt t cry. “Just leave me alne.”
    “Hw’s it ging in there?” Dad called frm the living rm.
    Caleb raised his eyebrws and bit his lip. I respnded that everything was fine, puring the melted batter int the bwl quickly.
    Paragraph 1: I picked up the directins, wndering what had gne wrng. ___________________________
    Paragraph 2: I brught a plate f ckies int the living rm fr my parents. _________________________
    听力:1-5 BBCBC6-10 ACACB11-15 ACACA16-20 CCCAC
    阅读理解:21-23 CAB24-27 DADC28-31 BDAC32-35 CBAD
    完型填空:41-45 ACDBA46-50 CBCAB51-55 DDACB
    语法填空:56.playing57.When58.were written59.knwn60.fr
    Hell, everyne!
    As we knw, living a healthy life is imprtant t each f us. Hwever, many high-schl students dn’t have healthy living habits. Fr example, a lt f them ften lse themselves in playing cmputer games and stay up very late at night. What’s wrse, mst f them g t schl withut breakfast. They just each much junk fd every day, which des great harm t their health. Mrever, few f them d exercise. They prefer staying at hme all day withut ding any sprts.
    In my pinin, health is the mst imprtant thing. We need t live a healthy life. Here are sme suggestins. First, Having a gd sleep is necessary. We shuld get up early and g t bed early. Secnd, it’s vital t keep a balanced diet. Students need t have breakfast every mrning n time, and eat enugh vegetables and fruits. Last, ding exercise is a gd way t keep us fit. S we shuld d exercise regularly.
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    Paragraph 1:
    I picked up the directins, wndering what had gne wrng. It was then that I realized I had frgtten t add the flur! The batter had been t runny, causing the ckies t spread ut. I quickly mixed in the flur and spned the batter nt a new ckie sheet. This time, I watched carefully as they rse and brwned in the ven. The sweet arma filled the kitchen, and my heart beat with excitement. I culdn’t wait t shw my family what I had accmplished. Caleb sneaked in and raised his eyebrws, but this time, I just smiled cnfidently.
    Paragraph 2:
    I brught a plate f ckies int the living rm fr my parents. They lked surprised and delighted. “These are... yurs?” Mm asked, taking a cautius bite.
    “They’re…amazing!” She smiled, and Dad ndded in agreement. Caleb sat n the cuch, a ckie in his hand, and his face betrayed a hint f pride. “I tld yu she culd d it,” he said with a grin. I beamed, feeling a sense f accmplishment wash ver me. I had prved myself, nt just t my family but t myself. Frm that day n, n ne dubted my baking skills again.
    (Text 1)
    W: I’d like t g t the Art Museum. D yu knw what time it pens?
    M: Yes, it’s pen frm 9 am t 5 pm, with an hur break in the middle f the day.
    (Text 2)
    M: What’s up, Judy? Yu lk a bit lw tday.
    W:I have just cme back frm seeing my parents ff at the airprt.
    (Text 3)
    W: N mnkey business while I am away frm hme, my little bys.
    M: We prmise.
    W: Last time yu bys brke my favrite cups.
    M: That was just an accident. N accidents this time, we prmise.
    (Text 4)
    M: I shuld call Jan and tell her abut the meeting this afternn.
    W: Why bther? I’ll see her at lunch.
    (Text 5)
    M: Jane, yu were in the prcess f getting a flat in Lndn last time we spke, weren’t yu?
    W:That’s right. I ended up getting a little apartment verlking the river. Hw abut yu?
    M: Actually, I mved t the cuntry.
    W: Very nice.
    (Text 6)
    M: Oh, it’s s delicius. What is it, hney? Lucy! Lucy!
    W: I’m srry. What?
    M: Yu knw, smetimes I think yu watch t much TV.
    W: Oh, I hardly ever watch TV.
    M: Are yu serius?
    W: Oh, smetimes I watch the mrning shw, and I usually watch the late mvies.
    M: And yu always eat dinner in frnt f TV. I mean, yu never talk t me!
    W: Yes, I d. I talk t yu during advertisements.
    (Text 7)
    M: S, everything’s ready?
    W: That’s right. Here are all my things—my dresses, shes and scarves. Oh, and I have sme nice cats tday, t.
    M: What are thse bks?
    W: Oh, a friend has a bkstre. He wants t sell sme f these ld bks.
    M: OK. What’s the time?
    W: 8:45.D yu have yur things?
    M: Yeah, here they are — sme fantastic mbile phnes tday, and these tw laptps.
    W: Oh, they’re gd. Listen, d yu want t have a cffee befre we start?
    M: Gd idea.
    (Text 8)
    W: Mrning, Paul. Did yu enjy yur hliday in the cuntry?
    M: Yes, thanks. We had a great time.
    W: Where did yu stay? At a htel?
    M: N. There wasn’t a htel r a guesthuse near where we were. We camped in the muntain. It was beautiful there. The tp f the muntain was cvered in clud.
    W: That sunds wnderful. Hw was the weather?
    M: It rained n ur first day there, but the weather turned fine that afternn and it remained s n the fllwing days until we left the cuntry.
    W: When did yu get back? Last night?
    M: Yes. We left the cuntry arund 5 pm. It was just a fur-hur drive. S when we gt back, it was still nt very late.
    (Text 9)
    W: Lk at the clr f the hallway. It is a rather ugly brwn.
    M: True, but we can paint it blue r white. I quite like the size f it, thugh.
    W: Yes. And this must be the living rm. Nt a bad size, t.
    M: Oh yes. Our sfa will definitely fit. Only ne windw thugh?
    W: Yes, but it lks ut nt the river, s that’s a gd thing. What d yu think f the kitchen?
    M: It’s really small. Our fridge will fit, but I can’t see the dishwasher getting in here.
    W: That’s a prblem—I hate ding the washing-up!
    M: I knw! I’d like t see the bathrm next. It has a crner bath! That’s amazing!
    W: Oh, I lve it. I’ve always wanted ne f thse. I culd really have a relaxing bath here.
    M: Yes. And just ppsite is the bedrm. Lts f space.
    W: Yes. But it’s a pity there is n place t put ur clthes in. S what d yu think? Shall we g fr it?
    M: It’s a great place, but I just dn’t think the kitchen is big enugh.
    W: Maybe yu’re right. Shall we g t the next ne? It’s 3:15 nw. That gives us an hur t get there.
    M: Sure, let’s g.
    (Text 10)
    This is the 24-hur infrmatin line fr the Slway Fitness Club. Our pening hurs are frm 6:30 in the mrning until 11:15 at night, seven days a week. If yu lve exercising, yu’ll lve ur club! We have a large gym with all the latest equipment. There are tw pls at the club. We have a 10-meter pl just fr diving and a 25-meter swimming pl. Why nt try relaxing in ur steam rm befre yu swim? It’s fantastic.
    If yu’d like t becme a member f Slway Fitness Club, please phne us at 1453-88679 during wrking hurs.
    We als give guided turs f the club nce a week. These turs are at 2:15 every Tuesday afternn. Yu dn’t have t bk a place, but dn’t be late. We hpe yu enjy getting fit at Slway Fitness Club!

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