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    这是一份2024届湖南省岳阳市高三下学期教学质量监测(二)英语试卷,共15页。试卷主要包含了 本试卷分为四部分,共12页等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷分为四部分,共12页。
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号与校名填写在答题卡的相应位置。
    3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
    1. What des the man want t d?
    A. Admire the scenery. B. Have a rest. C. Cntinue walking.
    2. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Prfessr and student.
    B. Interviewer and interviewee.
    C. Dctr and patient.
    3. What is the wman’s attitude t the man’s wrds?
    A. Negative. B. Unclear. C. Favrable.
    4. What d we learn abut the wman?
    A. She cled herself dwn by a fan.
    B. She wants t buy an air cnditiner.
    C. She is mre sensitive t ht weather than the man.
    5. Which drink is prbably unavailable in the party?
    A. White wine. B. Beer. C. Orange juice.
    6. Hw did the man learn Spanish?
    A. By watching Spanish mvies.
    B. By taking nline language curses.
    C. By having a Spanish tutr.
    7. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is starting t learn Prtuguese.
    B. He has been t Brazil nce.
    C. He has been t Chile fr business.
    8. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Having a family dinner.
    B. Organizing a wedding celebratin.
    C. Preparing a birthday party.
    9. When will the event take place?
    A. On August 10th. B. On July 10th. C. On September 10th.
    10. Where did the wman knw abut the advertisement?
    A. On the Internet. B. Frm a newspaper. C. Frm her friend.
    11. Why will the man sell the dining table?
    A. He has bught a smaller ne.
    B. He desn’t like it anymre.
    C. He is mving t a new apartment.
    12. What will the wman prbably d this afternn?
    A. Talk with her friend.
    B. Check n the dining table.
    C. Tidy up her rm.
    13. What is the man ding?
    A. Painting a picture. B. Admiring a masterpiece. C. Having his meal.
    14. What des the wman think f the fd at the canteen?
    A. Disappinting. B. Acceptable. C. Satisfactry.
    15. What dishes des the wman like best?
    A. Ht dgs and grund beef.
    B. Rice and fish.
    C. Bread and fish.
    16. What des the wman suggest ding fr the talent shw?
    A. Singing a sng. B. Bringing sme fd. C. Creating a backdrp.
    17. What is the speaker?
    A. A teacher. B. A manager. C. A film-maker.
    18. Hw did the speaker feel after his first prject?
    A. Jyful. B. Prud. C. Nervus.
    19. When d the curses end?
    A. In July. B. In August. C. In September.
    20. What des Pw Pictures ffer thrughut the year?
    A. Graphic design curses. B. Jb pprtunities. C. Language learning prgrams.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Spring breakers dn’t need t spend a frtune t enjy life in the sunshine fr a week. U. S. News carefully cnsidered everything t bring yu the best inexpensive spring break destinatins.
    Key West
    This small island in the Flrida Keys is knwn fr its dd residents and best snrkeling(浮潜)pprtunities. While yu’ll find plenty f spts fr partying alng rwdy Duval Street, yu can als sak up sme culture at the Ernest Hemingway Hme & Museum. Plus, Key West ffers several budget-friendly vacatin rentals, s yu can save yur cash fr bars and bat turs.
    Panama City Beach
    Panama City Beach is a tried-and-true Flrida spring break lcatin that is sure t please the masses. Scpe ut a spt acrss the twn’s 27 miles f white sand beaches t sunbathe, play vlleyball r scan the hrizn fr bttlense dlphins. Htel prices are reasnable if yu bk yur accmmdatins in advance. Just nte: This twn bans alchl cnsumptin n the beach during March, s yu’ll have t enjy yur adult beverages elsewhere.
    Suth Padre Island
    With htels ffering nightly rates arund $200 r less and DJs and celebrities hlding curt at nightclubs, Suth Padre Island, Texas, is a ht spring break destinatin fr cllege students. This Suth Texas lcal e is nly abut 30 miles nrth f the U. S.-Mexic brder, meaning yu’ll get t enjy warm weather withut having t leave the cuntry. As an added bnus, the island ffers a free public shuttle system, s budget-cnscius travelers wn’t have t wrry abut spending mney n a rental car.
    21. What can turists d in Key West?
    A. Have a gd surfing.
    B. Bath e in the sun n the beach.
    C. Thrw a party anywhere n the island.
    D. Visit the Ernest Hemingway Hme & Museum.
    22. What is special abut Panama City Beach?
    A. The htel prices are lw whenever yu g.
    B. It is a perfect destinatin fr spring vacatin.
    C. Yu can drink sme wine n the beach in March.
    D. Yu can see the bttlense dlphins in persn.
    23. What d the three travel destinatins have in cmmn?
    A. They are budget-friendly. B. They are alive with wildlife.
    C. They ffer a taste f culture. D. They ffer free public shuttle system.
    There cmes a time when the ld must give way t the new, and it is nt pssible t preserve everything frm ur past as we mve twards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between prgress and the prtectin f cultural sites can be a big challenge.
    Big challenges, hwever, can smetimes lead t great slutins. In the 1950s, the Egyptian gvernment wanted t build a new dam acrss the Nile in rder t cntrl flds, prduce electricity, and supply water t mre farmers in the area. But the prpsal led t prtests. Water frm the dam wuld likely damage a number f temples and destry cultural relics that were an imprtant part f Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening t different vices, the gvernment turned t the United Natins fr help in 1959.
    A cmmittee was established t limit damage t the Egyptian buildings and prevent the lss f cultural relics. The grup asked fr cntributins frm different departments and raised funds within the internatinal cmmunity. Experts investigated the issue, cnducted several tests, and then made a prpsal fr hw the buildings culd be saved. Finally, a dcument was signed, and the wrk began in 1960.
    The prject brught tgether gvernments and envirnmentalists frm arund the wrld. Temples and ther cultural sites were taken dwn piece by piece, and then mved and put back tgether again in a place where they were safe frm the water. In1961, German engineers mved the first temple. Over the next 20 years, thusands f engineers and wrkers rescued 22 temples and cuntless cultural relics. Fifty cuntries dnated nearly $80 millin t the prject. When the prject ended in 1980, it was cnsidered a great success. Nt nly had the cuntries fund a path t the future that did nt run ver the relics f the past, but they had als learnt that it was pssible fr cuntries t wrk tgether t build a better tmrrw.
    The spirit f the Aswan Dam prject is still alive tday. If a prblem seems t difficult fr a single natin, the glbal cmmunity can smetimes prvide a slutin.
    24. What was the majr cncern regarding the cnstructin f the new dam?
    A. The damage t lcal farms.
    B. The high cst f the cnstructin.
    C. The disapprval f lcal cmmunities.
    D. The ptential harm t cultural remains.
    25. Hw were the cultural sites rescued?
    A. By rebuilding similar cultural sites.
    B. By building fences arund them.
    C. By taking them dwn int pieces.
    D. By remving and piecing them tgether again.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes the Aswan Dam prject?
    A. Internatinal cperatin is nt necessary fr large-scale prjects.
    B. It is pssible t achieve prgress withut sacrificing cultural heritage.
    C. The pinins f experts shuld be ignred in favr f ppular pinin.
    D. Cuntries shuld always priritize their wn interests ver glbal cncerns.
    27. What is the key t the success f the Aswan Dam prject?
    A. Trial and errr. B. Adequate investment.
    C. Glbal cperatin. D. Careful investigatin.
    Billins f peple deal with a nail-biting habit at sme pint in their lives. Many will g t great lengths t try t stp. And while nt all f us are nail-biters, mst f us d have a habit we’d like t kick. S what’s the best way t break ne?
    Research shws that intentins alne ften fail t lead t lng-term behavir change. This isn’t t say yu can’t break a habit. Rather, by understanding the basis f habits, yu can create better plans fr changing them. Fr example, we knw habits are ften affected by envirnments and rutines. Lying in bed may cause yu t endlessly scrll thrugh yur phne, r watching TV n the cuch may lead yu t grab a sugary snack.
    One f the mst effective ways t manage behavir is t identify these lcatins r times f day. Then try t mdify them by changing yur rutine r creating bstacles that make it mre difficult t perfrm the habit in that space. Mving, switching jbs, r even starting a new schedule, are particularly great times t break a habit r build a new ne.
    One 2005 study tracked university students’ exercising, reading, and TV-watching habits befre and after they transferred schls. When students were n lnger arund ld envirnments and rutines, their habits, even the strng nes, significantly changed.
    Fr behavirs like nail-biting, a practice called habit reversal training can be helpful. Develped by psychlgists in the 1970s, the aim is t change a habit by replacing it with anther ne that’s less detrimental. The training requires yu t analyze and understand yur habit cues, s yu can effectively step in at the right times. Fr example, if yu tend t bite yur nails at wrk, keep a fidget ty at yur desk in advance. Then, if a stressful email cmes in, use the ty when yu feel the urge t bite yur nails.
    Breaking a habit takes time, s remember t give yurself grace and have patience thrugh the prcess.
    28. Why des the authr mentin “a nail-biting habit” in Para. 1?
    A. T make a cmparisn. B. T make a cnclusin.
    C. T intrduce the tpic. D. T attract readers’ attentin.
    29. What is the best way t help us cntrl ur actin?
    A. Having intentins alne. B. Understanding the basis f habits.
    C. Making practical plans. D. Adapting the envirnments r times.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “detrimental” in Para.5 prbably mean?
    A. Harmful. B. Helpful.
    C. Annying. D. Time-cnsuming.
    31. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Difficulties in dealing with nail-biting. B. Significance f habit reversal training.
    C. Useful tips n getting rid f a habit. D. Necessity f having grace and patience.
    Predicting extreme weather events is a tricky business. Changing climate cnditins have increased the frequency f severe strms, flds, and heatwaves, alng with larger wildfires. As a result, scientists are using artificial intelligence(AI)techniques fr mre accurate frecasts that help t minimize damage and save lives.
    Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have wrked tgether with meterlgists (气象学家)t analyze mre than 50,000 weather satellite images t quickly identify strms. They fund cmma-shaped clud frmatins that ften lead t severe weather such as hail, blizzards, high winds, and thunderstrms.
    Cmputers were then taught using cmputer visin and machine learning t autmatically detect these cluds frm satellite images, with almst 100 percent accuracy, in less than a minute. By refcusing meterlgists’ attentin n ptential strm clud frmatin the AI tl helped predict 64 percent f severe weather events and beat established detectin systems.
    Expensive supercmputers are ften used t prcess vast amunts f data needed fr accurate weather predictin. But pwerful Al methds can run n smaller cmputers. Climate risk and planning cmpany ClimateAI uses a technique t dwnscale glbal weather frecasts t a lcal scale, cutting dwn n csts and cmputing pwer.
    It uses a machine learning technique that pits tw neural netwrks against each ther. The neural netwrks - designed t wrk like neurns cnnected in the brain-fight and train each ther using glbal weather data until they get a result.
    Using this methd ClimateAI researchers generate highly accurate and inexpensive lcal frecasts fr hurs r days ahead. And because it is nt as cstly, it allws prer cuntries affected by climate change t use frecasts t change the way they farm, build bridges, rads, r hmes, and adapt t extreme weather.
    Average csts assciated with extreme weather events in the United States have increased steadily since 1980. These have cstly impacts n cities’ basic services, infrastructure, husing, human livelihds, and health. AI helps us t calculate that risk and can be used as a preventive measure.
    32. What can be inferred frm Para.1?
    A. Inaccurate frecasts minimize the destructin.
    B. AI enhances accuracy in making weather predictin.
    C. Less natural disasters are caused by climate change.
    D. Changeable climate decreased the frequency f serius strms.
    33. Which is NOT an advantage f AI tl?
    A. Being steadier. B. Being cheaper.
    C. Being quicker. D. Being mre precise.
    34. What is the functin f Para.5?
    A. T explain hw ClimateAI wrks.
    B. T intrduce why AI methds are used.
    C. T shw where ClimateAI can be applied.
    D. T identify what effects f the AI tl has.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude twards AI techniques in predicting extreme weather?
    A. Critical. B. Apprving.
    C. Objective. D. Indifferent.
    Anger is the mst destructive emtin. When in a temper, yu make hasty ill-cnsidered decisins that yu will prbably regret. Yu will als regret language spken withut thught. Hw t stp being angry? 36. ________
    Change yur attitude t the way the wrld wrks. Yu have t accept that smetimes things d g wrng and that peple are nt always lvely.37. ________ Als, yu need t accept that nt everyne has the same standards as yu, nr will they behave in the same way that yu wuld in a given situatin. The answer is t be a bit mre flexible and lsen yur hld n life.
    Dn’t dismiss anger as a bad emtin. There are ccasins when anger can be directed in such a way as t achieve great things. Martin Luther King was angry abut the lack f civil rights in the USA. Gandhi was angry abut British dminatin in India.38. ________ Use anger t help yu nt prevent yu.
    39. ________ Anger management used t be prmted as a way f dealing with anger, but all that happens is that the anger is held back. A much better way f facing up t anger is t identify the rt cause. When trying t get t the rt cause, be prepared t be hnest with yurself. Once yu knw why yu get mad, it is pssible t deal with the cause. Take psitive steps t help yu vercme feelings f anger.
    40. ________ Make changes t yur lifestyle and attitudes, and yu will stp being angry.
    A. Stp trying t manage yur anger.
    B. Try t cntrl it when yu get angry.
    C. Here are ways that yu can cunter the causes f anger.
    D. In cnclusin, yu must recgnize that anger is smething yu can cntrl.
    E. Realizing that n ne is perfect is a gd start t aviding getting angry.
    F. Try t accept that ther peple d behave in ways that will make yu frustrated and angry.
    G. They bth used anger t mtivate themselves t fight against what they saw as injustice.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Many years ag, a teenage by named David arrived at a children’s institutin in England. He was referred t me, a (an)41. ________, by his head teacher. David had lst bth his parents and was understandably sad and 42. ________. I met with him twice, but he 43. ________ silent.
    I recgnized the limitatins f psychlgy in 44. ________ his deep pain but fund that empathetic listening and shared activities like chess prvided a safe space fr David t 45. ________. S we played every Wednesday afternn in 46. ________ and withut any eye cntact. I 47. ________ t ensure he wn nce r twice, prviding a sense f 48.________ and success.
    Gradually, David began t 49. ________. He arrived early and 50.________ participated in setting up the chessbard. It seemed as if he enjyed my 51. ________. I thught David needed smene t share his pain with, and he sensed my respect fr his 52. ________. Mnths later, I watched David 53.________ ver the chessbard. Suddenly, he lked up at me and said, “Yur 54. ________.” After that, he started talking and making friends. He wrte t me abut his bike rides and plans t get int university. Later, he really started living his wn life.
    David shwed me hw ne can reach ut t anther persn withut 55. ________, just with a hug, a shulder t cry n, r an ear that listens.
    41. A. dctr B. tutr C. adviser D. psychlgist
    42. A. ashamed B. depressed C. disappinted D. annyed
    43. A. remained B. seemed C. fell D. became
    44. A. feeling B. understanding C. addressing D. causing
    45. A. relax B. heal C. speak D. play
    46. A. peace B. chas C. silence D. pain
    47. A. backed B. expected C. struggled D. cheated
    48. A. cmfrt B. security C. directin D. belief
    49. A. pen up B. shw ff C. break dwn D. fit in
    50. A. regularly B. slwly C. actively D. curiusly
    51. A. cmmunicatin B. cmpany C. cntact D. recgnitin
    52. A. suffering B. lss C. participatin D. prgress
    53. A. thinking B. turning C. bending D. tripping
    54. A. chance B. favr C. duty D. turn
    55. A. limitatin B. hesitatin C. regret D. wrds
    The 16th t 18th centuries 56 (witness)the peak time f Suzhu classical gardens, fllwing the rise f the city as 57 ecnmic center, playing hst t arund 250 gardens. Sme were inevitably lst t time, but sme f the mre recent 58 kept blssming. A survey frm 2015 t 2018 shwed that the city is hme t 108 classical gardens, 57 f 59 are in the histrical neighbrhd f Gusu district.
    “Suzhu gardens reveal peple’s adratin f nature by mixing elements f different natural landscapes 60 their designs,” says He Fengchun, directr f the Suzhu Institute f Landscape Architecture Design. “They inspire us 61 (pursue)harmny with the wrld arund us.” “Visiting a garden is like unrlling a traditinal Chinese landscape painting,” she further explains. “S, like paintings, ancient Chinese philsphy and mrals 62 (hide)in the details f the gardens.” In centuries past, Suzhu als 63 (large)directed the develpment f ancient Chinese landscape gardens as a whle.
    Zhu Haijun, directr f Suzhu Cnservatin and Mnitring Center, cnsiders educatin prgrams fr the yung generatin as key t 64 (pass)dwn the intangible heritage fr the future. “The future destiny f the classical gardens is in their hands,” he says. “We’d like t plant a seed in their hearts s that the gardens can cntinue t flurish thrugh the 65 (age).”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 介绍招募目的;
    2. 说明工作内容和要求。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Vlunteers wanted
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Fr many, an act f kindness is its wn reward. But Eva Hachey fund her selflessness answered in ways she culd never have imagined.
    Fr weeks, Eva Hachey had imagined adpting a glden Chihuahua with a white spt n its frehead. And there he was, at her lcal SPCA in Frederictn, New Brunswick. The dg had been abused by his previus wners and was timid. “He’d cme t me, then back away and grwl, then cme back t me,” Hachey said. “After 15 minutes, the attendant picked him up and put him in my lap. He started giving me kisses. He stle my heart in that mment.” She adpted the ten-mnth-ld puppy n the spt and named him Brun.
    Brun lived happily with Hachey and her 35-year-ld daughter, Angel Hutchinsn, fr five mnths. Then, n the evening f September 26, 2016, Hachey, 52 at the time, returned hme as usual at 8 p. m. frm her jb as a chirpractic assistant and ffice manager. And as usual, she ate supper in frnt f the TV in the living rm. Arund 10: 30, a friend called, just as Brun went int Hutchinsn’s rm t g t sleep fr the night. Hachey and her friend chatted a bit, and as Hachey hung up, she nticed the time was 11: 08.
    “The next thing I remember was a male vice saying, ‘Eva, Eva, wake up.’ It was an emergency dctr,” said Hachey. “I lked arund, and the rm was just full f peple. And I said, ‘What are yu ding in my huse?’”
    What they were ding was saving her life. By the time Hachey had hung up with her friend, Hutchinsn was fast asleep in her bedrm and Brun was in his usual spt next t her under the blankets. Hachey believed Brun heard smething dd then and pssibly went t the living rm t investigate.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Unexpectedly, Brun ran back t the bedrm and tried every means t awaken Hutchinsn. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A year later, Hachey finally fully recvered. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    岳阳市 2024 届高三教学质量监测(二)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1—5BCCAA 6—10BCBCA 11—15CBAAB 16—20CBACB
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    A 篇 【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文。主题语境人与自然。文章介绍了三个春假期间可以便宜好玩的去处。
    21. D 细节理解题。根据文章中的描述,“yu can als sak up sme culture at the Ernest Hemingway Hme & Museum.”,游客可以在海明威故居博物馆感受文化。
    22. D. 细节理解题。信息句为“Scpe ut a spt acrss the twn’s 27 miles f white sand beaches t sunbathe, play vlleyball r scan the hrizn fr bttlense dlphins. ”“(在镇上27英里长的白沙滩上)选一个地方晒太阳,打排球,或者眺望海平面上寻找宽吻海豚。”
    23. A.细节理解题。信息句为第一段 “Spring breakers dn’t need t shell ut a frtune t spend a week enjying life in the sunshine. U.S. News carefully cnsidered everything t bring yu the best inexpensive spring break destinatins.” 以及下文的每一段都涉及到了经济实惠。
    B 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。主题语境人与社会。文章叙述了埃及政府在建造阿斯旺大坝过程中,文化遗产保护所面临的问题和解决过程,并总结了其对全世界产生的积极影响。
    24. D 细节理解题。信息句为第二段 “Water frm the dam wuld likely damage a number f temples and destry cultural relics that were an imprtant part f Egypt’s cultural heritage. ”
    25. D 细节理解题。信息句为第四段 “Temples and ther cultural sites were taken dwn piece by piece, and then mved and put back tgether again in a place where they were safe frm the water.”
    26. B 推理判断题。综合一二段的 “Finding and keepig the right balance between prgress and the prtectin f cultural sites can be a big challenge. Big challenges, hwever, can smetimes lead t great slutins.”和最后倒数第二段的 “Nt nly had the cuntries fund a path t the future that did nt run ver the relics f the past, but they had als learnt that it was pssible fr cuntries t wrk tgether t build a better tmrrw.”可以推出答案。
    27. C 推理判断题。根据最后两段的 “they had als learnt that it was pssible fr cuntries t wrk tgether t build a better tmrrw.” “The spirit f the Aswan Dam prject is still alive tday. If a prblem seems t difficult fr a single natin, the glbal cmmunity can smetimes prvide a slutin.”可得出答案。
    C 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。主题语境人与自我。文章介绍了戒除习惯的方法。
    28. 推理判断题。选 C。从第一段的“And while nt all f us are nail-biters, mst f us d have a habit we’d like t kick. S what’s the best way t break ne? ” 可知“a nail-biting habit”是为了引出文章话题的。
    29. 细节理解题。选 D。依据第三段的“One f the mst effective ways t manage behavir is t identify these lcatins r times f day.”可知答案为 D。
    30. 词义猜测题。选 A。根据下划线词所处句子的句意 “…目的是通过用一个伤害性更小的习惯来替代习惯的方式来改变一个习惯”可知此处应该是 Harmful(有害的)。其余选选项Helpful(有帮助的),Annying(让人生气的),Time-cnsuming(费时的)都不合适。
    31. 主旨大意题。选 C。 根据第一段的最后两句 “…mst f us d have a habit we’d like t kick. S what’s the best way t break ne. S what’s the best way t break ne? ”可得出答案。
    D 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。主题语境人与社会。文章介绍了使用人工智能能准确地预测极端天气的研究发现。
    32. 推理判断题。选 B。根据第一段“预测极端天气事件是一项棘手的任务。气候变化导致严重风暴、洪水、热浪以及更大规模的野火的频率增加。因此,科学家们正在利用人工智能技术来提供更准确的预测,以帮助减少损失并挽救生命。”可知。
    33. 细节理解题。选 A。根据第三段“Cmputers were then taught using cmputer visin and machine learning t autmatically detect these cluds frm satellite images, with almst 100 percent accuracy, in less than a minute. ” 可以看出 C 和 D 都是优点;根据 “Climate risk and planning cmpany ClimateAI uses a technique t dwnscale glbal weather frecasts t a lcal scale, cutting dwn n csts and cmputing pwer.”再排除 A。
    34. 推理判断题。选 A。第五段的意思是“它使用了一种机器学习技术,使两个神经网络相互竞争。这些神经网络—被设计成像大脑中连接的神经元一样工作——利用全球天气数据相互对抗和训练,直到它们得到结果。”因此本段主要写研究方式方法。
    35. 情感态度题。选 B。根据最后一段“自 1980 年以来,美国极端天气事件相关的平均成本一直稳步上升。这些措施对城市的基本服务、基础设施、住房、人类生计和健康产生了代价高昂的影响。人工智能可以帮助我们计算这种风险,并可以被用作一种预防措施。”可知作者的态度是 apprving 赞成的。
    36. C 承上启下句。根据空前内容“Hw t stp being angry? ”以及下文三个段落的中心句可知该题选择“Here are ways that yu can cunter the causes f anger”,本文是在提出解决问题的方法。
    37. F 段中支撑句。根据中心句“Change yur attitude t the way the wrld wrks. ”和空前内容“Yu have t accept that smetimes things d g wrng and that peple are nt always lvely.”可知改变自己的态度,接受别人不同的行为方式可以避免让自己生气,选项F “ Try t accept that ther peple d behave in ways that will make yu frustrated and angry ”符合题意 。
    38. G.段中支撑句。Martin Luther King 和 Gandhi 是两个来证明“…anger can be directed in such a way as t achieve great things”的例子,选项中的 they bth 是用来指代两人的。
    39. A.段首小标题。形式一致用祈使句结构。 根据文本内容“Anger management used t be prmted as a way f dealing with anger, but all that happens is that the anger is held back.” 可推断出作者不赞成 cntrl the anger,依据“A much better way f facing up t anger is t identify the rt cause ”,作者提出了更好的方法。
    40. D. 文末总结概括句。“Make changes t yur lifestyle and attitudes, and yu will stp being angry. ”是对上文方法和带来的结果的描述,推断这是一个总结段,因此选择“In cnclusin, yu must recgnize that anger is smething yu can cntrl. ”
    本文是一篇记叙文。一个痛失双亲自此开始变得沉默寡言的青春期男孩 David 在我这个心理医生的帮助下慢慢地敞开心扉重新拥有正常生活的感人故事。
    41. 选 D。由 44 前的 psychlgy 可知,我的身份应是一名 psychlgist.
    42. 选 B。由空前 sad 可知,他悲伤且沮丧,郁郁寡欢。故选择 depressed。
    43. 选 A。我见过他两次,但他一直不开口说话,remain 符合语境。
    44. 选 C。作为一名心理医生,我意识到解决他内心痛苦最有效的方法就是提供一个安全
    的地方可以进行同理心倾听和分享活动,让他慢慢痊愈。address 意为解决。
    45. 选 B。 见 44 题解析。
    46. 选 C。43 空提到他一直保持沉默 此处同源词复现。
    47. 选 D。两人对弈全程没有眼神交流,作者作弊确保 David 赢一两次(故意输给 David),让 David 获得慰藉和成就感,这是作者的一种治疗方式。cheat 意为“作弊,舞弊”,符合语境。干扰项 A 答案意为“后退,倒退”。C 选项意为“挣扎”,说明有难度,棋局走向尽在作者掌控下,不适合语境。
    48. 选 A。见 47 题解析。
    49. 选 A。慢慢地,作者的治疗有了效果,David 开始敞开心扉了。shw ff 为炫耀,break dwn 为崩溃,不符合治疗的进度。fit in 表示适应,融入(某个环境,群体),相处融洽。
    50. 选 C。由 arrived early 可知,David 开始慢慢期待与作者对弈的时间,也慢慢开始享受作者这种安静的陪伴,主动积极地摆起棋盘等待作者的到来。
    51. 选 B。见 50 题解析。
    52. 选 A。David 需要有个人能理解尊重并分享他的痛苦,无疑我所提供的恰好是他所需要的。suffering 意为“痛苦”。
    53. 选 C。几个月之后对弈的某一天,作者看见 David 倾身/躬身于棋盘上(需脑补画面感),说明“他很专注”。bending 指身体的倾斜弯腰,turn ver 翻转,trip ver 绊倒。
    54. 选 D。David 突然抬头说,“轮到你了”(对弈时轮到作者出棋)。
    55. 选 D。治疗过程中大多数时候他是不说话的,所以是 withut wrds.
    56. witnessed 考查时态。主语为“The 16th t 18th centuries”,所以使用过去式。
    57. an 考查冠词。ecnmic 元音开头,center 为可数,所以用 an。
    58. nes 考查代词。“the mre recent nes” 特指前面的可数名词复数 gardens。
    59. which 此句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为 108 classical gardens,指物,“57 f which...” “108 座古典园林中 57 座位于姑苏区的历史街区”,用 which。
    60. int 考查介词。与前面的 mix 构成固定搭配。
    61. t pursue 考查非谓语动词。与前面的 inspire 构成 inspire sb. t d sth.固定搭配。
    62. are hidden 考查时态语态和主谓一致。根据前句可知此句应用一般现在时,主语 ancient Chinese philsphy and mrals 与 hide 之间构成被动关系,同时使用复数。
    63. largely 考查词性转换。形容词转换为副词修饰动词 directed。
    64. passing 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配 the key t ding sth.做某事的关键。
    65. ages 考查名词单复数。age 在这里表示“(历史上的)时代,时期”为可数名词,thrive thrugh the ages 意为“历久弥新”。
    1. 第一段交代背景信息和招募目的(3 分)
    2. 第二段说明工作内容和要求:
    说明工作内容(3 分)
    招募要求:能力,年龄,相关工作经历等,至少两点(每点 3 分)
    3. 联系方式(1 分)
    4. 书写清晰整洁 (2 分)
    Vlunteers wanted
    T ease the burden f the teacher shrtage in remte areas, vlunteers are needed t teach English there.
    As a vlunteer, yu will be respnsible fr giving English classes and caring fr the kids, especially the left-behind nes. The prgramme will last fr ne year. There is n dubt that these activities will leave yu with unfrgettable memries fr the rest f yur life.
    Yu need t be ver 18 and able t cmmunicate well bth in spken and written Chinese and English. Similar experience is nt a must, but yu shuld be friendly and utging. If interested, please cntact 123456@qq. cm.
    高三二模英语试答案 第 4页 (共 7 页)
    1. 第一段要写清楚 Brun 尝试 every means 的具体内容,如叫跳咬等具体动作;Hutchinsn醒来后的反应和动作,如急救和拨打救援电话;Hatchey 最终脱险;
    2. 第二段要写清楚 Hachey 对整件事情的回忆与感受;重点突出对 Brun 的感激与欣赏;点明主题,善有善报,呼应第一自然段。
    3. 书写清晰整洁。
    Unexpectedly, Brun ran back t the bedrm and tried every means t awaken Hutchinsn. He barked and jumped n and ff the bed. When that didn’t wrk, he attacked Hutchinsn’s fleshy skin between her fingers. Finally, Hutchinsn wke up and was immediately led int the living rm, nly t discver Hatchey passed ut in the chair. She had almst stpped breathing and was apparently in danger. Withut hesitatin, Hutchsn lifted her head up s her mther culd breathe, and dialed 911 n her cell. The ambulance finally arrived and Hatchey was rushed t the hspital. It turned ut that she suffered a strke and wuld have died withut the quick respnse.
    A year later, Hachey finally fully recvered. Recalling the experience, she was cnvinced that being fund s quickly after the attack was the key factr in helping her survive. She wed it t Brun, saying that it was he that saved her life. “I never imagined he wuld save my life when I adpted him. I d believe the animal will pick us and I am lucky he chse me. ” Hatchey gazed at Brun and strked his fur gently, smiling cntentedly. Any act f kindness is its wn reward, n matter hw small it seems.
    Text 1
    M: We’ve been walking fr a while. Are we clse?
    W: Can’t yu just enjy the beauties f nature?
    M: I was but such a lng way really wre me ut.
    Text 2
    M: Have yu fund anything wrng with my right leg?
    W: Nt yet. I’m still examining. I’ll let yu knw the result next Mnday.
    Text 3
    M: Bright purple jacket? Sparkly blue skirt? Wh wuld wear such ridiculus clthes?
    W: I can’t agree with yu mre. Guess peple like us culd never understand what is the s-called “fashin”.
    Text 4
    M: Hw did yu survive the summer withut an air cnditiner?
    W: I left my fan n all the time.
    M: Yu can’t be as sensitive t ht weather as I am.
    Text 5
    M: Have yu bught the drinks fr the party yet?
    W: Yep — a case f red wine and tw bxes f beer, als five bttles f range juice fr kids.
    Text 6
    W: Mr. Zhang, yu speak such excellent Spanish. Where did yu learn it?
    M: I have learned it by signing up fr sme nline language curses.
    W: Ww, that’s cl. S, have yu ever been t any Spanish-speaking cuntry? Like Brazil, fr instance?
    M: Actually, Brazilians speak Prtuguese and I haven’t gne there yet. But I’ve been t Argentina, Chile, etc. fr business trips.
    Text 7
    W: We’ve arranged the dining area. Yur guests can sit in grups f 10. We’ve arranged 15 tables. Is that enugh?
    M: Yeah, mst guest cnfirmatins are back. That seems right. When des the htel need a final number?
    W: They’ll need a depsit befre August 10th, that is t say a mnth befre the wedding, but we can make small adjustments after and we’ll recnfirm everything n the day. Will yu be t busy n the day?
    M: Of curse! My Aunt Sally has ffered t rganize things then.
    Text 8
    W: Hell, This is Amy. I’m calling abut the secnd-hand dining table that yu’re selling. I nticed yur advertisement nline this mrning. It’s such a nice wden table. Is it still available?
    M: Hi, yes, it is! The table is still in gd cnditin, but I’m leaving my current apartment this weekend, and my new ne is a lt smaller. I just wn’t have enugh space fr it.
    W: That’s a shame. I’m definitely interested in buying it, but wuld yu mind hlding n t it fr a few days? I’d like t take a lk at it later this week.
    M: Well, I’ve had calls all mrning. And as I mentined in the ad, I’d like t find a buyer befre this Friday.
    W: Oh, I understand. In that case, I’ll try t g ver t yur place with my friend this afternn. Wuld yu mind giving me yur address?
    M:Srry, I regret t tell yu I am nt free this afternn, since I have an imprtant meeting t attend. Culd yu cme ver tmrrw afternn? I’ll text yu my address later.
    Text 9
    W: Hey there! Jack, what are yu ding with the wall?
    M: Oh, ur art teacher thught I was gd with a brush, s she asked me t paint a landscape n this ld canteen wall. It’s nt a masterpiece r anything.
    W: What a wnderful picture! It’s definitely making the place lk mre cheerful. It reminds me a bit f a famus artist’s wrk.
    M: Haha, nw that yu mentin it! I just wish it were that easy! Wuld yu like t jin me in finishing it?
    W: All right! Let’s impress all the teachers and students with the breathtaking beauty! If nly we culd brighten up the fd here t!
    M: The ck des her best with what she has, but there’s nly s much yu can d with ht dgs, grund beef, and bread.
    W: I just wish there were mre fish and rice dishes. S, what are yu planning t perfrm fr the upcming talent shw next week?
    M: Hnestly speaking, I’d rather nt get invlved in it; I think thers wuld prefer the stage and sptlight.
    W: Seriusly, we shuld. Maybe we culd paint a backdrp fr the stage! That’s what we are gd at.
    M: Ah yes, anther way t share my art! And definitely better than hearing me sing!
    Text 10
    M: Gd mrning, students. I’m Tmmy Simkins, a frmer student, and nw a marketing manager at Pw Pictures dwntwn. Yu may recgnize sme f ur wrk frm internatinal mvie campaigns like “Space Future”, t lcal prmtins such as ur annual “City Lights Festival” r “Christmas Fair”.
    When I was starting ut like yu, I was eager t understand the wrld f business. I remember vividly, the excitement f putting tgether my first campaign, the nervus anticipatin f the first release, and the jy after. Yet, I learned, grew and discvered my passin: Creative strategies fr audience engagement. The prcess became satisfying. I was prud f my achievements.
    S, we’re here t ffer yu pprtunities t achieve yur ptential. Summer curses run frm July t September, ffering practical experience in creating art and learning the tls used in fields like graphic design, marketing, film, and even special effects. Yu’ll develp yur cmmunicatin skills and artistic vcabulary by prducing cntent.
    We als have peridic wrkshps and year-rund wrk experience, whether yu are lking fr a skill upgrade r n-the-jb experience. Future film-makers, artists, r business leaders, there’s a wrkshp fr yu!
    Remember, every jurney is unique. The future awaits, and it’s yurs t shape.

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