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    While Alice has her adventures in the Wnderland. yu can have yur wn as well this summer. British cntemprary artist Philip Clbert has created a Lbster(龙虾)Wnderland in Changsha. Hunan Prvince.
    Date: July 15
    Lcatin: Changsha Internatinal Finance Square (Changsha IFS)
    Abut Philip Clbert
    His glbally welcmed lbster series has wn the hearts f a large number f fllwers. The artist. with a master's in philsphy. takes lbster as his secnd persnality.
    Thrugh large installatins. public art theme exhibitin and new media art. the artist has intrduced wrks frm galleries and created a surreal art scenery in city's public space with a cmbinatin f pp art and lcal culture.
    In Changsha IFS. Clbert's exhibitin. which is the Lndn-based artist's first large-scale ut dr public art installatins. has three majr sectrs. shwcasing his large installatins. sculptures and new media arts as well as the special Wrks created fr the event.
    The pening ceremny. an art carnival. saw the debut(首次登台)f a 12-meter-lng Lbster Taiknaut specially made by Clbert. His Lbster Flwer and Lbster Shark als fund their way in the parade. Al the suthwest square. peple can find Lbster Funtain twering 12 meters and enjy tw majr theme sectrs. Lbster Island and Lbster Skate Park.
    Lbster Rainbw. a lbster breaking thrugh a rf with a rainbw behind it. is the artist's brand-new wrk fr Changsha IFS. In his wrks. such as Daydreamer. Clbert als expresses his wish f narrwing the distance between art pieces and peple.
    1.What is Philip Clbert well knwn fr?
    A. Alice Wnderland. B. Shark experience
    C. Rainbw stry. D. Lbster series.
    2.What can we learn abut the exhibitin accrding t the text?
    A. It tk place in the pen air.
    B. There was n special wrks fr the event.
    C. Peple can enjy lbster funtain and lake.
    D. Lbster Island is the artist s brand-new wrk fr Changsha IFS.
    3.Where can the text prbably be fund?
    A. A shpping brchure. B. An art magazine
    C. A science reprt. D. A fashin advertisement.
    When Belquer first jined a team t make a better live music experience fr deaf and hard f-hearing peple. he was struck by hw they had develped wrkarunds t enjy cncerts. “What they were ding at the time was hlding ballns t feel the vibratins(震动) thrugh their fingers. ”Belquer said. He thught the team culd make smething t help hard-f-hearing peple enjy live music even mre with the technlgy nw available.
    Belquer. wh is als a musician and theater artist. is nw the "Chief Vibratin Officer"f Music: Nt Impssible. which uses new technlgy t address scial issues like pverty and disability access. His team started by tying different vibrating cellphne mtrs t bdies. but that didn't quite wrk. The vibratins were all the same. Eventually. they wrked with engineers t develp a light haptic(触觉的)suit with a ttal f 24 vibrating plates. There are20 f them tied t a vest that fits tightly arund the bdy like a hiking backpack. plus ne that ties t each wrist and ankle. When yu wear the suit. it's surprising hw it feels.
    The vibratins are mixed by a haptic DJ wh cntrls the lcatin. frequency and intensity f feeling acrss the suits. just as a music DJ mixes sunds in an artful way. “What we're ding is Selecting and mixing what we want and send it t different parts f the bdy. " said the DJ. The haptic suits were just ne cmpnent f the event. There were American Sign Language interpreters;the music was captined n a screen n the stage.
    The suits are the star attractin. Lily Lipman. wh has auditry prcessing disrder. lit up when asked abut her experience. “It's cl. because I'm never quite sure if I'm hearing what ther peple are hearing. s it's amazing t get the music in my bdy. "
    4.What surprised Belquer abut peple with hearing prblems?
    A. The attitude they held t life.B. The way they enjyed music.
    C. The lve they had fr ballns.D. The frequency they vibrated fingers.
    5.Why did the team's initial attempt fail?
    A. The vibratins lacked variety.B. The mtrs were the same.
    C. The mtrs hardly wrked.D. The vibratins were irregular.
    6.What did the DJ d?
    A. He interpreted the sign language.B. He captined the music n stage.
    C. He selected suits fr the attendees.D. He helped peple feel the music.
    7.What des Lily Lipman think f the suit?
    A. Cmfrting.B. Challenging.C. Satisfying.D. Encuraging
    Bringing species like beavers(河狸)back t England is n lnger a pririty. the gvernment said n Friday t criticism frm wildlife grups.
    A recent reprt shws that ne n six UK species are at risk f extinctin. In September mre than 60 cnservatin rganizatins reprted a significant decline in species due t expansins in farming and the effects f climate change. In recent years. animals and plants have been reintrduced by charities as part f effrts t restre the cuntry's reduced bidiversity
    Despite the gvernment allwing this. the Envirnment. Fd and Rural Affairs Cmmittee cncluded in July that there was an absence f lng-term plans n hw t manage this. In respnse. the gvernment has nw said that the“reintrductin f species is nt a pririty".
    The gvernment said it was fcused n increasing bidiversity thrugh habitat restratin. The gvernment's envirnment department has cme under scrutiny(详细审查)fr nt ding mre t prevent sewage dumping and ther frms f pllutin in England's waterways.
    Sir Rbert Gdwill. chair f the Cmmittee. said he was disappinted with the gvernment respnse. Bringing back extinct species is a cntrversial issue—althugh farmers and landwners appear bradly supprtive. there are risks f reintrducing new species. and withut clear guidance. prblems culd arise.
    A recent study shwed that river barriers similar t thse built by beavers can prtect cmmunities at risk f flding. But there have als been cases dcumented in Eurpe where beavers have built their dams in places that have damaged crps and changed rivers.
    Jan Edwards. directr f Plicy &Public Affairs at The Wildlife Trusts said. “Reintrducing wildlife must be part f the UK gvernment's arsenal(武器)fr tackling nature lss and climate change—it is astnishing there is n strategy fr ding s. ”
    “The return f wild beavers can help t recreate lst wetlands. with a knck-n effect that benefits ther wildlife including insects. invertebrates and birds. Beavers als slw the flw f water. which can reduce fld risks t twns and villages. "she said.
    8.What des paragraph 2 want t cnvey?
    A. The situatin f species in the UKk Severe.
    B. Reintrductin f species in the UK is nt a pririty.
    C. Expansins in farming have a great effect n climate change.
    D. The UK gvernment's respnse t reduced bidiversity is disappinting.
    9.Hw did the UK gvernment plan t increase bidiversity?
    A. By restring habitat.B. By ffering guidance.
    C. By expanding farming.D. By develping strategy.
    10.What did Jan Edwards think f reintrductin f wildlife?
    A. It was messy.B. It was cntrversial.
    C. It was beneficial.D. It was cstly.
    11.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The advantages f reintrducing wildlife.
    B. The respnses t a gvernment statement.
    C. The effects f climate change n farming.
    D. The appraches t increasing bidiversity.
    Researchers have prpsed a nvel methd fr cunting and tracking vehicles n public rads. d develpment that culd imprve current traffic systems and help travelers get t their destinatins faster.
    Using the cameras already installed n campus buses at the Ohi State University. researchers prved that they culd autmatically and accurately measure cunts f vehicles n urban radways. detect bjects in the rad and distinguish parked vehicles frm thse that are mving.
    In previus studies. Ohi State researchers fund that using these mbile. cameras prvides much better spatial and tempral(时间的)cverage than relying n ften temprarily placed sensrs that dn't prvide a view f many streets and rads in a city.
    “If we cllect and prcess mre high-reslutin(高清)spatial infrmatin abut what's happening n the rads. then planners cild better understand changes in demand. effectively imprving efficiency in the brader transprtatin system. ”said Keith Redmill. lead authr f the study.
    “If we can measure traffic in a way that is as gd r better than what is cnventinally dne with fixed sensrs. then we will have created smething incredibly useful extremely cheaply. " he said. “Our gal is t start building a system that culd d this withut much manual interventin because if yu want t cllect this infrmatin ver lts f ptential vehicles and lts f time. it's wrth fully autmating that prcess. "
    While still a lng way frm ttal implementatin(实施). the study suggests the system's results bear prmise fr the future f intelligent traffic surveillance. Transprtatin planners. engineers and peratrs make vital decisins abut the future f ur radways. s when designing transprtatin systems t wrk ver the next 30 t 50 years. it's necessary that we give them data that allws them t imprve the efficiency f the system and the level f service prvided t travelers
    12.Hw can cameras n buses benefit travelers?
    A. By shrtening their travel time. B. By making their schedules tight.
    C. By decreasing their transprt cst. D. By imprving their safety awareness.
    13.What can we knw abut the sensrs placed n buses?
    A. They prvide mre spatial cverage.
    B. They can't detect bjects n the rad.
    C. They cver less view f the urban traffic.
    D. They accurately recrd the flw f traffic.
    14.What des the underlined wrd“surveillance”in paragraph 6 mean?
    A. Operatin. B. Mnitring. C. Prtectin. D. Arrangement.
    15.What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Transprtatin autmatin is n its way
    B. It is time t imprve the efficiency f traffic system
    C. Cameras installed n buses can better measure traffic
    D. Transprtatin planners use cameras t make plicies
    16.Getting and staying fcused can be a challenge even in the best f times. But with everything ging n in the wrld. cncentrating can ften feel dwn-right impssible. Belw are sme tips t help yu find yur flw.
    Distract(使分心)yur brain. Schedule int every wrkday sme breaks frm all that fcusing and allw yur mind t travel int what's called the“default(默认的) mde netwrk”fr a bit f freestyle activities. ① _________ . It's the place where ur minds find innvatin and creativity and ften make better decisins than the fcused mind.
    ② _________ . This invlves first turning yur attentin inward. Try traveling with yur mind t smeplace enjyable—maybe it's a walk thrugh an imaginary frest r sunbathing n a warm sandy beach. Ding this several times a day can ffer yur mind a fresh apprach t the jb at hand.
    Blck interruptins befre diving int deep wrk. ③ _________ . T help. turn ff text messaging. ntificatins and scial media alerts. Be vital when yu want a deep dive int fcus. Yur imprtant wrk benefits when yu shut ff r put away yur phne and ther screens.
    Knw yur bdy clck. Whether yu are sharp in the mrning r a night wl. dn't spend yur day—in particular yur peak brain hurs—ding busywrk. ④ _________ .
    Try new hbbies. Engaging in hbbies nt nly is fun but can help us cme up with new slutins t prblems we're facing at wrk r hme. ⑤ _________ .
    A. Try t daydream what happened
    B. We try t btain fcus but in vain
    C. Engage in psitive cnstructive daydreaming
    D. Instead. reserve yur best brain time fr the big stuff)
    E. This netwrk f the brain circuit ie where magic happens
    F. Our days are filled with distractins. frm thers and urselves
    G. Allwing yur mind time t play is anther way t invite innvatin
    This is a true stry that tk place a few days ag. This wman lked 1 . but she was very pretty in my eyes. I met the mst beautiful wman in a shp. She wasn't that 2 as she was 5 feet at the mst. Her 3 was bent. t. She was thin and her face was 4 with black age spts frm a lifetime f wrking in the sun. Her hair was thin and White She was at least 80 years ld and might have been ver 90. She mved 5 and with eat can Hwever. when she 6 at yu in the eye and spke t yu. yu culd see her 7 beauty shining thrugh.
    Her face was wrinkled frm a very 8 life f hard wrk and difficulty. But it was the lines arund her eyes that caught my 9 . These wrinkles were deep and frever “canyns” that had been 10 by a millin smiles and a lifetime f laughter.
    Her 11 were deep set and hidden behind thick. heavy glasses. But yu culd still see a lvely light 12 ut f them. When she talked t yu. they were bright with a wnderful shine that tld yu she was 13 with faith. lve. hpe. kindness and jy. I nly 14 her fr a minute r tw. yet I left feeling better. and happier.
    I nly hpe that ne day my wn face will 15 the signs that hers did. shwing a happy life. and a lved life.
    17.A. delightful B. accessible C. rdinary D. delicate
    18.A. tall B. efficient C. depressed D. lazy
    19.A. ft B. image C. back D. dignity
    20.A. awarded B. cvered C. assciated D. issued
    21.A. slwly B. firmly C. ultimately D. vividly
    22.A. wndered B. pinted C. glared D. lked
    23.A. superb B. true. C. typical D. slight
    24.A. lng B. rigid C. reserved D. strange
    25.A. cncern B. attentin C. curisity D. sympathy
    26.A. rewarded B. mtivated C. frmed D. integrated
    27.A. ptins B. emtins C. smiles D. eyes
    28.A. escaping B. shining C. dying D. swinging
    29.A. anxius B. cmpared C. filled D. cntent
    30.A. cast ff B. fcused C. applauded fr D. spke
    31.A. changeB. present C. lse D. imprve
    32.Diesel engines(柴油机)wrk n the same Basie principles① _________ gasline engines. but they d the wrk differently. Let's take a clser lk.
    The stry f the diesel engine actually begins with the inventin f the gasline engine. Niklaus August Ott② _________ (invent)the gasline engine in 1861. His inventin used the fur-strke cmbustin(四冲程燃烧)principle. als knwn as the “Ott Cycle”. ③ _________ is the basis fr mst/car engines tday. In its early stage. the gasline engine wasn't very efficient. and ther majr methds f transprtatin. such as the steam engine. perfrmed④ _________ (pr)as well. Only abut 10 percent f the fuel⑤ _________ (use)t pwer these types f engines actually mved a vehicle. The rest f the fuel simply prduced useless heat.
    Rudlf Diesel created an engine with high efficiency. and he devted much f his time t
    ⑥ _________ (develp) a“cmbustin pwer engine”. By 1892 Diesel had btained a patent fr ⑦ _________ we nw call the diesel engine.
    Fr decades. diesel engines had a reputatin fr being dirt and lud. While Eurpe adpted the technlgy pretty widely. mst⑧ _________ (drive)in the United States said. “N. thank yu. ” By the 21st century. thugh diesel engines became far cleaner. much⑨ _________ (quiet)and even mre efficient they experienced a setback in ppular pinin because f a scandal(丑闻) in 2014. Thanks t⑩ _________ (they)prven efficiency. thugh. diesel engines are regaining sme grund.
    33.假定你是李华,你的外教Nvak精通小提琴,而你擅长琵琶(Chinese lute). 你想跟他互相学习。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
    1. 钦佩他的演奏;
    2. 提出互相学习。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Nvak.
    Li Hua
    A Frtunate Escape
    “Truth r Dare. Ben?”Max questined. Max. Ben and I were walking hme tgether while I tk small bites f the beef burger I had grabbed frnt a shp nearby. “Truth r Dare”was a game we usually played t amuse urselves n the lengthy. bring jurney hme. Ben wanted a dare. “Well. Ben. I dare yu t carry my bag all the way hme!”Max cmmanded as we laughed at pr Ben's truble.
    As Ben pulled the heavy bag up his shulder and adjusted the bag straps. he nticed that Max's bag was partially pen. When he hurriedly put it n his back. an bject flew ut f the
    bag. and ver the/fence f ur neighbur' s huse.
    “Oh. n. ”Max cried. “I think that was my English assignment. ”Stretching his handut and trying t crawl(爬)under the fence t save the paper. Ben fund that it was just ut f reach.
    “Well. I guess I'll just have t climb ver the fence t get it. ”Ben said. He was barely able t climb up. using the small gaps in the wden fence as handhlds as the fence was nearly as tall as him(which was nt very tall). and lw enugh fr smething t be thrw never it. Sliding dwn the fence. Ben grabbed the valued piece f paper. cmplaining abut injured dignity. Just then. a lud and frightening bark cut his wrds shrt.
    “Wf. Wf!”Our neighbur. Mr Masn. wned a German shepherd(kind f dg). well-knwn fr its fierceness. which guarded the huse. It was smething we had ver lked. t fcused n bringing back Max's assignment. Ben's legs trembled like jelly and his face turned a deathly white as the German shepherd advanced slwly n him like a wlf mving
    twards its target.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Max and I stared at it in fear.
    Just then I caught sight f my half-eaten burger n the path.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Abut Philip Clbert部分的第一段可知,他的龙虾系列作品受到全球欢迎,所以他是因他的龙虾系列作品而全球闻名的。
    4.答案: B
    5.答案: A
    6.答案: D
    7.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,Lily Lipman对这种触感套装很满意。
    8.答案: A
    9.答案: A
    10.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,Jan Edwards认为重新引进野生动物是英国政府应对自然丧失和气候变化的武器。重新引进野生动物是有好处的。
    11.答案: B
    12.答案: A
    13.答案: C
    14.答案: B
    15.答案: C
    解析:①根据上一句“在每个工作日安排一些休息时间,让你的大脑进入所谓的‘默认模式网络’. 进行一些自由活动”可知,E项“这个大脑回路网络就是奇迹发生的地方”与之衔接紧密。
    17.答案: C
    18.答案: A
    19.答案: C
    20.答案: B
    21.答案: A
    22.答案: D
    23.答案: B
    24.答案: A
    25.答案: B
    26.答案: C
    解析:考查动词。这些皱纹是深深的、永远的“峡谷”. 是由无数的微笑和一生的笑声形成的。
    27.答案: D
    28.答案: B
    29.答案: C
    30.答案: D
    31.答案: B
    解析:①考查介词。the same. . . as. . . . 是固定搭配。
    ⑧考查名词复数。此处缺少句子主语,而根据句意,此处是指“司机”. 故用drivers
    33.答案:Dear Nvak.
    I knw yu are gd at playing the vilin. and I was deeply impressed by yur perfrmance at the schl evening party last time. I admire yur playing skills very much. If it's cnvenient fr yu. I'd like t learn t play the vilin frm yy. I hear that yu are als interested in Chinese musical instruments. It happens that I am gd at Chinese lute. In return. I can share my playing skills with yu. I hpe yu will cnsider my advice. which will be a win-win ne.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    34.答案: Max and I stared at it in fear. Ben backed up against the fence. attempting t climb up. but a lud hwl stpped him in his tracks. Recvering frm the shck. I anxiusly searched my mind fr an idea abut hw I culd assist Ben. Shuld I climb up the fence and help Ben?Or culd I d smething t distract the dg?Ben was in danger f being attacked by Mr Masn's fercius dg. Drpping everything. I searched my bag fr smething t help Ben.
    Just then I caught sight f my half-eaten burger n the path. I had drpped it in panic. Dgs lve beef!There was n time t waste. Grabbing it frm the pavement. I used all my strength t thrw it ver the fence. hitting the German shepherd directly n the neck. “Eat it. dg!”I shuted. Thankfully. the dg decided that the burger was mre appealing than a little by. The dg turned its head away frm Ben. wh swiftly regained his calm and climbed ver the fence. The three f us made ur way hme again. agreeing that it was a frtunate escape.

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