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      重庆市黔江中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      重庆市黔江中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份重庆市黔江中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含重庆市黔江中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、重庆市黔江中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1 .When did Alice feed the parrt?
    A .This mrning. B .Last night. C .Yesterday afternn.
    2 .What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A .Classmates. B .Clleagues. C .Mther and sn.
    3 .Hw des the wman sund?
    A .Anxius. B .Thankful. C .Understanding.
    4 .What clr dress des the wman want?
    A .White. B .Pink. C .Blue.
    5 .What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A .The wman ‘s kid. B .The man ‘s teacher. C .A vilin cntest.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
    6 .What des Carline think f the film?
    A .Just s-s. B .Quite disappinting. C .Very satisfactry.
    7 .What des Carline intend t d?
    A .Drink a cup f tea. B .Call her friends. C .Make a negative cmment.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。
    8 .What is the weather like nw?
    A .Sunny. B .Rainy. C .Cludy.
    9 .Hw did the wman g t wrk tday?
    A .By subway. B .By bike. C .By car.
    10 .What des the wman say abut shared bikes?
    A .They are cnvenient.
    B .They are gd fr the envirnment.
    C .It may be unsafe t ride them withut helmets.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。
    11.(改编)Wh is Jane prbably talking t?
    A .A schlmate. B .A teacher. C .A clleague.
    12 .Which curse des Jane like nw?
    A .Histry f art.
    B .Ancient Indian histry.
    C .Histry and plitics in Latin America.
    13 .What is Jane likely t d this weekend?
    A .G t a party. B .Wrk n a paper. C .Have a meal with the man.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 17 四个小题。
    14 .Hw did the wman knw abut the agency?
    A .Frm a clleague. B .Frm the newspaper. C .Frm the Internet.
    15 .Why des the wman want t rent a flat n King Street?
    A .The rent there is lw.
    B .The street is quiet at night.
    C .The street is near her cmpany.
    16 .Hw much des the wman have t pay in advance if she rents the flat?
    A .$1,500. B .$1,000. C .$1,800.
    17 .What will the wman d next Wednesday?
    A .Have meetings. B .G n a business trip. C .Tur the flat.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 18 至第 20 三个小题。
    18 .Where is the ship?
    A .3,000 meters beneath the ice.
    B .1,000 meters beneath the ice.
    C .300 meters beneath the ice.
    19. Hw did the British explrer feel abut the ship?
    A .A little frightened. B .A bit dissatisfied. C .Amazed.
    20.What did the explring team d t the ship?
    A .They lifted it frm the deep sea.
    B .They left it in the deep sea.
    C .They tk away sme parts f it.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The year 2023 witnessed the ccurrence f significant cultural events, with culture and turism becming even mre clsely cnnected. Let’s review the majr cultural events f 2023 as we bid farewell t the year and embrace the new year f 2024!
    Museum visits rise in ppularity in summer
    Turists were seen queuing fr lng hurs in frnt f museums and btaining entrance tickets became mre challenging. In respnse t the grwing demand, 46 museums in Beijing canceled their custmary Mnday clsures and remained pen daily until August 31. The rise in “museum fever” can be credited t varius factrs, including the public’s increasing enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture, the bming market fr yuth educatinal turs and summer camps, as well as the cntinuus innvatin f museums.
    Old tea frests in Pu’er win Wrld Heritage Site title
    The newly named heritage site, lcated in Lancang Lahu autnmus cunty in Pu’er, Yunnan prvince, cnsists f five large-scale, well-preserved ld tea frests, which stand 1,250 t 1,500 meters abve the sea level, three prtective barrier frests, and nine ancient villages in the ld tea frests, which are mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic grups. The cultural landscape was jintly created by the ancestrs f the Blang peple—wh immigrated t the Jingmai Muntain in the 10th century AD and later discvered and dmesticated wild tea trees—and the native Dai peple.
    Prtectin plan released fr Beijing’s Central Axis
    The plan is said t be ne f the necessary steps tward bidding fr UNESCO Wrld Heritage status. Alngside regulatins n the prtectin f the Central Axis carried ut earlier, the plan is in line with the requirements f Wrld Heritage cnservatin. The 21 member cuntries f the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee will decide n whether Beijing’s Central Axis can be added t the Wrld Heritage List at the cmmittee’s 46th annual cnference in 2024. If the applicatin succeeds, it will reinfrce Beijing’s tp psitin amng cities wrldwide by number f Wrld Heritage Sites.
    1. Which f the fllwing is NOT the reasn fr the rise in “museum fever”?
    A. Museums’ ceaseless innvatin.
    B. The cnstant innvatin f summer camps.
    C. The grwing market fr yuth educatinal turs.
    D. Peple’s grwing passin fr traditinal Chinese culture.
    2. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE cncerning the cultural events?
    A. 46 museums in Beijing stayed pen all year rund.
    B. The Blang peple are the natives in Jingmai Muntain.
    C. The heritage site in Pu’er cnsists f fur large ld tea frests.
    D. Beijing’s Central Axis hasn’t been added t the Wrld Heritage List yet.
    3. In which magazine wuld a reader mst likely find this text?
    A. Wnders f the Natural WrldB. Scientific Explratin
    C. Chinese Culture ResearchD. Art and Architecture
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据“Museum visits rise in ppularity in summer”下面的“The rise in ‘museum fever’ can be credited t varius factrs, including the public’s increasing enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture, the bming market fr yuth educatinal turs and summer camps, as well as the cntinuus innvatin f museums.(‘博物馆热’的兴起可归因于多种因素,包括公众对中国传统文化的热情日益高涨,青少年教育旅行和夏令营市场的蓬勃发展,以及博物馆的不断创新。)”可知,“博物馆热”的兴起有多种因素,包括公众对中国传统文化的热情日益高涨,青少年教育旅行和夏令营市场的蓬勃发展,以及博物馆的不断创新,选项A、选项C、选项D均符合题意,B项“夏令营的不断创新”不符合文章内容。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The 21 member cuntries f the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee will decide n whether Beijing’s Central Axis can be added t the Wrld Heritage List at the cmmittee’s 46th annual cnference in 2024.(世界遗产委员会的21个成员国将在2024年的第46届年会上决定是否将北京中轴线列入世界遗产名录。)”可知,北京中轴线目前还没有被列入世界遗产名录,所以D项正确。选项A、选项B、选项C可分别根据“Museum visits rise in ppularity in summer”下面的“In respnse t the grwing demand, 46 museums in Beijing canceled their custmary Mnday clsures and remained pen daily until August 31.(为了应对日益增长的需求,北京的46家博物馆取消了周一的惯例闭馆,每天开放至8月31日。)”、“Old tea frests in Pu’er win Wrld Heritage Site title”下面的“The cultural landscape was jintly created by the ancestrs f the Blang peple—wh immigrated t the Jingmai Muntain in the 10th century AD and later discvered and dmesticated wild tea trees—and the native Dai peple.(这里的文化景观是由布朗人的祖先和当地的傣族共同创造的,布朗人于公元10世纪移民到景迈山,后来发现并培育了野生茶树。)”和“The newly named heritage site, lcated in Lancang Lahu autnmus cunty in Pu’er, Yunnan prvince, cnsists f five large-scale, well-preserved ld tea frests, which stand 1,250 t 1,500 meters abve the sea level, three prtective barrier frests, and nine ancient villages in the ld tea frests, which are mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic grups.(新命名的遗产地位于云南省普洱市澜沧拉祜族自治县,由海拔1250米至1500米的五个保存完好的大型老茶林、三个防护屏障林和九个老茶林古村落组成,老茶林中主要居住着布朗族和傣族。)”得知陈述错误。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Let’s review the majr cultural events f 2023 as we bid farewell t the year and embrace the new year f 2024!(让我们一起回顾2023年的重大文化事件,告别这一年,迎接2024年的新一年!)”并结合下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了2023年中国发生的三个重大文化事件。由此可推测出,本篇文章最有可能出自《中国文化研究》杂志。故选C。
    The Maryland Center fr Histry and Culture (MCHC) is currently hsting “The Jim Hensn Exhibitin: Imaginatin Unlimited”. The exhibitin sptlights Hensn’s unique cntributins t children’s educatin, including his creatin f the Muppets (布偶).
    Brn in 1936 in Mississippi, Hensn grew up in Maryland. His creative talents were evident when he was a student at high schl. He lved cartning and creating sets fr schl theater prductins. While a freshman at university, Hensn made puppets fr a lcal TV statin. The statin’s prducers were s impressed that they asked him t prduce his wn puppet shw. Called Sam and Friends, the prgram started in 1955. Viewers lved Hensn’s playful characters, including an early versin f Kermit the Frg.
    While at university, Hensn majred in hme ecnmics. At the time, it was the nly majr that ffered classes in sewing and textiles (纺织品). Hensn nt nly hned his creative skills at university, but he was als gd at marketing and business. “He was an entrepreneur wh happened t get int puppetry,” said Debrah Wd, MCHC’s learning manager.
    In 1959, Hensn married Jane Nebel, whm he had met at university. The cuple established Muppets Inc. which later became the Jim Hensn Cmpany. It was there that Fcus Bert, Ernie, Miss Piggy, and ther Muppets were created fr Sesame Street, a ppular children’s televisin prgram. Generatins f children arund the wrld have grwn up watching and laming frm the Muppets.
    Hensn, wh died in 1990, created nt just the Muppets, but als films, TV cmmercials, variety shws, and mre. The exhibitin shws every aspect f his career. This includes sme lesser-knwn wrks, including The Cube, a shrt experimental film that was nminated(提名) fr an Academy Award.
    Visitrs als get a chance t appreciate Hensn’s creative prcess and inventiveness thrugh hands-n displays. They can even make their wn Muppets. “Fr me, I think the really pwerful message f this exhibitin is the fact that it cvers Hensn’s whle life and his whle career,” said Chle Green, public prgrams manager at the MCHC.
    4. What’s paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. An interesting exhibitin abut Hensn.B. Viewers’ attitude t Hensn’s wrks.
    C. Hensn’s exceptinal talents in creatin.D. Characters in Hensn’s famus wrks.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “hned” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Imprved.B. Changed.C. Fund.D. Shared.
    6. What can be learned abut the exhibitin?
    A. A less well-knwn experimental film made by Hensn is n exhibitin.
    B. The aim f the exhibitin is t cmmemrate an educatr.
    C. The exhibits are cmpsed f every aspect f Hensn’s life.
    D. Opinins vary n this exhibitin.
    7. What wrds can best describe Hensn?
    A. Creative and curageus.B. Talented and prductive.
    C. Humrus and passinate.D. Curageus and intelligent.
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了马里兰历史文化中心举办的关于布偶大师Jim Hensn的展览,并介绍了他的生平。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中的“His creative talents were evident when he was a student at high schl. He lved cartning and creating sets fr schl theater prductins. While a freshman at university, Hensn made puppets fr a lcal TV statin. The statin’s prducers were s impressed that they asked him t prduce his wn puppet shw.(他的创造才能在高中时就显露出来了。他喜欢画漫画,喜欢为学校的戏剧创造背景。在大一时,Hensn为当地一家电视台制作木偶。电视台的制片人对他印象深刻,请他制作自己的木偶剧。)”可知,本段主要描写了Jim Hensn的创作天赋,他在高中时就已经崭露头角,大一时为当地电视台制作的木偶让制片人印象深刻并邀请他制作自己的木偶节目。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“but he was als gd at marketing and business”可知,Hensn在大学还擅长市场营销和商业,尤其可知,这里是说他在大学里提升了创作技能。hne意为“磨练”,和imprve相近。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The exhibitin shws every aspect f his career. This includes sme lesser-knwn wrks, including The Cube, a shrt experimental film that was nminated(提名) fr an Academy Award.(展览展示了他职业生涯的方方面面。其中包括一些鲜为人知的作品,包括获得奥斯卡奖提名的实验短片《魔方》。)”可知,这次展览包括他制作的一部鲜为人知的实验短片——《魔方》。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中的“It was there that Fcus Bert, Ernie, Miss Piggy, and ther Muppets were created fr Sesame Street, a ppular children’s televisin prgram.(正是在那里,为受欢迎的儿童电视节目《芝麻街》创作了Fcus Bert、Ernie、Miss Piggy和其他布偶。)”和第五段中的“Hensn, wh died in 1990, created nt just the Muppets, but als films, TV cmmercials, variety shws, and mre.(Hensn于1990年去世,他不仅创作了布偶,还创作了电影、电视广告、综艺节目等等。)”可知,他为《芝麻街》创作了诸多布偶角色,而且除了布偶,他还创作了电影、电视广告、综艺节目等,由此可推测出,他非常有才华,而且很高产。故选B。
    When scientists g t a frest t study mnkeys and their habits and behavirs hw d they knw wh’s wh?
    In the past, scientists had t make marks n each f the animals t distinguish them. But in the future, they may have a much easier way t tell them apart thanks t facial recgnitin technlgy.
    A research team frm China’s Nrthwest University is using facial recgnitin technlgy t identify thusands f snub-nsed mnkeys that live n Qinling Muntain in Shaanxi prvince.
    Similar t human facial recgnitin, the technlgy that is used t identify mnkeys uses their facial features t create a database that includes every mnkey, Xinhua reprted. “When the system is fully develped, we can cnnect it with cameras set up in the muntains. The system will autmatically recgnize the mnkeys, name them and analyze their behavir,” said Zhang He, a member f the research team. “Fr each snub-nsed mnkey, we have 700 t 800 image samples, and the recgnitin success rate is 94 percent,” Zhang added.
    “We used mbile phnes and prtable cameras with the mnkeys in tests at distances ranging frm abut 3 t 10 meters,” said He Gang, a member f the research team and an assciate prfessr in the Cllege f Life Sciences at Nrthwest University. “There is n need t interfere with the mnkeys. Such a methd f sampling is clearly nn-invasive.”
    Cmpared t humans, facial recgnitin technlgy fr mnkeys is mre cmplicated because f their hairier faces. The clr f their hair causes them t blend int their envirnment. These factrs make it harder fr cmputers t identify them.
    “Mnkeys d nt cperate with researchers in the same way humans d. It is difficult t take high-quality pictures and vides f them, which are needed t imprve the system,” said Li Bagu, leader f the research team.
    Currently, there are abut 4,000 snub-nsed mnkeys living n Qinling Muntain. The team’s gal is t successfully identify every mnkey that lives there.
    8. What prblem d scientists face while studying mnkeys accrding t the text?
    A. Hw t mark them.B. Hw t distinguish them.
    C. Hw t understand their behavir.D. Hw t bserve them clearly
    9. What des the article tell us abut facial recgnitin technlgy fr mnkeys?
    A. It is nw widely adpted in China.
    B. It wrks better than human facial recgnitin.
    C. It will use mnkeys’ behavir t create a database.
    D. It can help scientists study mnkeys withut disturbing them.
    10. Accrding t the leader f the team, what is the difficulty in imprving the system?
    A. Less cperative mnkeys.
    B. Hard fr cmputers t identify the mnkeys.
    C. phts and vides f high quality.
    D. T many mnkeys t identify.
    11. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the article?
    A. T intrduce a new way t identify mnkeys.
    B. T shw the imprtance f studying mnkeys.
    C. T cmpare different ways t identify mnkeys.
    D. T explain difficulties in develping a new system.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“When scientists g t a frest t study mnkeys and their habits and behavirs, hw d they knw wh’s wh?(当科学家们去森林里研究猴子和它们的习惯和行为时,他们怎么知道谁是谁?)”可知,科学家在研究猴子的时候,遇到的最大的问题是如何区分猴子。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中的“There is n need t interfere with the mnkeys. Such a methd f sampling is clearly nn-invasive.(没有必要干扰猴子。这种取样方法显然是非侵入性的。)”可知,猴脸识别技术可以帮助科学家在不打扰猴子的情况下研究它们。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“‘Mnkeys d nt cperate with researchers in the same way humans d. It is difficult t take high-quality pictures and vides f them, which are needed t imprve the system,’ said Li Bagu, leader f the research team.(‘猴子不像人类那样与研究人员合作。很难拍摄高质量的猴子照片和视频,这是改进系统所必需的,’研究小组组长李保国说。)”可知,改进系统的难处在于猴子不配合。故选A。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第二段中的“But in the future, they may have a much easier way t tell them apart thanks t facial recgnitin technlgy.(但在未来,由于面部识别技术,他们可能会有一种更容易的方法来区分他们。)”和第三段“A research team frm China’s Nrthwest University is using facial recgnitin technlgy t identify thusands f snub-nsed mnkeys that live n Qinling Muntain in Shaanxi prvince.(中国西北大学的一个研究小组正在使用面部识别技术来识别生活在陕西省秦岭的数千只金丝猴。)”可知,本文主要介绍了中国西北大学的一个研究小组开发的猴脸识别技术,用来识别和区分金丝猴,由此可推测出,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是介绍一种识别猴子的新方法。故选A。
    The integratin f artificial intelligence (AI) in educatinal technlgy (EdTech) has brught incmparable cnvenience and efficiency t classrms wrldwide. Hwever, despite these advancements, it is crucial t recgnize the challenges these AI-driven tls pse t the autnmy and prfessinal judgment f instructrs.
    One f its primary cncerns is the depersnalizatin f instructin. These tls ften rely n pre-packaged digital cntent and standardized slutins, leaving insufficient rm fr instructrs t tailr their teaching methds. Each student pssesses unique characteristics. Instructrs, armed with their wealth f experience and knwledge, are best psitined t tailr their appraches t these individual needs. Hwever, AI-driven tls restrict their ability t d s effectively, resulting in a ne-size-fits-all apprach that fails t inspire students t reach their maximum ptential.
    EdTech cmpanies ffer step-by-step slutins t textbk prblems. These are intended t act as study aids. Hwever, sme students emply this feature as a means t merely cpy slutins withut cmprehending cncepts. Cnsequently, instances f cheating n assignments and exams becme widespread. While these tls may ffer cnvenience, students may use external resurces r cperate with thers during quizzes, affecting the hnesty f their learning utcmes.
    The implicatins f this depersnalizatin and the increase in academic dishnesty are far-reaching. By decreasing the rle f instructrs as facilitatrs f meaningful educatinal interactins, we run the risk f preventing the grwth f critical thinking and prblem-slving skills amng students. Educatin shuld nt nly fcus n knwledge acquisitin, but shuld als develp the ability t analyze, evaluate, and apply that knwledge in real-wrld cntexts. It shuld help ne’s mind grw, nt simply memrize infrmatin. Thrugh dynamic classrm discussins, cperative prjects, and hands-n activities, instructrs play a crucial rle in develping these essential skills.
    While AI-driven EdTech tls undeniably have their virtues, we must nt lse sight f the imprtance f preserving instructr autnmy and educatinal experience. Instead f relying nly n pre-packaged cntent and standardized slutins, these tls shuld be designed t empwer instructrs t adapt and custmize their appraches while taking full advantage f the benefits f technlgy.
    12. What d the underlined wrds “the depersnalizatin f instructin” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Tailred methds fr individuals.B. Instructrs’ dependence n Al.
    C. Insufficient resurces f Al-driven tls.D. The ne-size-fits-all apprach.
    13 What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. A pssible slutin.
    B. A further prblem.
    C. A well-meant intentin.
    D. A suggested applicatin
    14. In what aspect d students suffer mst with AI-driven EdTech educatin?
    A. Thinking skills.B. Teamwrk building.
    C. Interest develpment.D. Knwledge acquisitin.
    15. What is cnveyed abut Al-driven EdTech tls in the last paragraph?
    A. They shuld be used widely.
    B. Their benefits deserve ur attentin.
    C. Their resurces need enriching.
    D. They shuld supprt instructr autnmy.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. D
    词句猜测题。根据划线词下文“Each student pssesses unique characteristics. Instructrs, armed with their wealth f experience and knwledge, are best psitined t tailr their appraches t these individual needs. Hwever, AI-driven tls restrict their ability t d s effectively, resulting in a ne-size-fits-all apprach that fails t inspire students t reach their maximum ptential. (每个学生都有自己独特的特点。教师拥有丰富的经验和知识,最适合为这些个人需求量身定制他们的方法。然而,人工智能驱动的工具限制了他们有效地做到这一点的能力,导致一刀切的方法无法激发学生发挥最大潜力)”可知,每个学生都有自己独特的特点,人工智能采用一刀切的方法无法激发学生发挥最大潜力。由此可知,划线词组the depersnalizatin f instructin (教学的去人格化)指的是The ne-size-fits-all apprach (一刀切的方法)。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“Hwever, sme students emply this feature as a means t merely cpy slutins withut cmprehending cncepts. Cnsequently, instances f cheating n assignments and exams becme widespread. While these tls may ffer cnvenience, students may use external resurces r cperate with thers during quizzes, affecting the hnesty f their learning utcmes. (然而,一些学生利用这一特点作为一种手段,只是复制解决方案,而不理解概念。因此,在作业和考试中作弊的情况变得普遍。虽然这些工具提供了便利,但学生可能会在测试过程中使用外部资源或与他人合作,从而影响他们学习成果的诚实)”可知,第三段主要介绍了另一个问题。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中的“By decreasing the rle f instructrs as facilitatrs f meaningful educatinal interactins, we run the risk f preventing the grwth f critical thinking and prblem-slving skills amng students. Educatin shuld nt nly fcus n knwledge acquisitin, but shuld als develp the ability t analyze, evaluate, and apply that knwledge in real-wrld cntexts. It shuld help ne’s mind grw, nt simply memrize infrmatin. (通过减少教师作为有意义的教育互动促进者的角色,我们冒着阻碍学生批判性思维和解决问题技能发展的风险。教育不应该只关注知识的获取,还应该培养分析、评价和在现实环境中应用知识的能力。它应该帮助一个人的思维成长,而不仅仅是记忆信息)”可推知,在人工智能驱动的EdTech教育中,学生在思维能力方面受到的影响最大。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“While AI-driven EdTech tls undeniably have their virtues, we must nt lse sight f the imprtance f preserving instructr autnmy and educatinal experience. Instead f relying nly n pre-packaged cntent and standardized slutins, these tls shuld be designed t empwer instructrs t adapt and custmize their appraches while taking full advantage f the benefits f technlgy. (虽然人工智能驱动的教育技术工具无可否认有其优点,但我们不能忽视保留教师自主权和教育经验的重要性。这些工具的设计不应仅仅依赖于预先打包的内容和标准化的解决方案,而应使教师能够在充分利用技术优势的同时适应和定制他们的方法)”可推知,人工智能驱动的教育技术工具应该支持教师的自主权。故选D。
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
    Hw t think utside the bx
    Being pen t dissenting(持异议的)pinins is nt the nly way t think utside the bx. ___16___
    A break in ur everyday life may prvide the frce needed t shift the directin f ur thinking. S we can change envirnments. ___17___ ,fr example, rerganizing ur desk r taking a new rute t wrk. Hwever, fr thers , bigger changes such as a new jb r a marriage are required,
    A famus cncept is appraching rutine situatins as if we met r saw them fr the first time. In ther wrds, we shuld lk at them as if we'd never seen them. ____18____ Fr instance, when we brush ur teeth, take a mment t lk at the tthbrush as if we never laid eyes n such an bject and nticed its clr and shape. Think abut the flavr f the tthpaste and ntice hw ur muth feels as we mve the brush back and frth.
    ___19___. The mere presence f a grup f peple with diverse experiences, views and backgrunds in ur everyday life creates an atmsphere in which peple can better respnd t change. Why? Because they are key drivers f the develpment f new ideas and slutins.
    Unlike negative emtins (情感)that cause specific reactins(fr example, fear drives us t flee) ,psitive emtins help us braden ur attentin, explre ur envirnment, and pen urselves t absrbing infrmatin.
    ___20___. They can be thse that are ging well r fr which we are grateful. This shifting — int — psitivity prcess will autmatically brighten ur md—and free ur brain.
    A. It's als helpful t seek fr the difference
    B. Fr sme peple, small changes might wrk
    C. We shuld shw respect fr different cultures t
    D. Sme small techniques culd help braden the way we think
    E. Take a few mments t think abut the beautiful things in ur life
    F. Psitive emtins play an imprtant part in unfreezing ur thinking
    G. "Beginners' mind" allws us t remain pen t experiences despite any knwledge we may have
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. G 19. A 20. E
    空前提到“我们可以改变一下环境”,B项“对一些人来说,一些小的改变可能就起作用”呼应上文,都是关于改变,空后一句中“rerganizing ur desk r taking a new rute t wrk”是B项中“small changes”的具体内容;且B项与下文“Hwever, fr thers , bigger changes such as a new jb r a marriage are required.(然而,对另一些来说,需要大一点的改变比如一份新工作或者婚姻)”形成对比。故选B项。
    空前提到“换句话说,我们应该像从未见过它们一样,来看待它们”,G项“尽管我们可能有一些知识,‘初识者’思维允许我们对经历保持开放的态度”,是说明空前提到的方法的好处,空后内容是对G项中的“Beginners' mind”进行举例说明,上下文衔接紧密,故选G项。
    空处位于句首,是段落主题句,根据本段内容“diverse experiences, views and backgrunds”及“Because they are key drivers f the develpment f new ideas and slutins.(因为它们是新思想和解决办法发展的关键驱动因素)”可知,本段主要说差异的好处,所以A项“寻找差异也有帮助”切题。故选A项。
    根据空后“它们可以是那些进展良好或者我们所感激事情”可知,E项“花一些时间来考虑生活中美好的事情”切题,空后的They指代E项中“the beautiful things”,故选E项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)改编题(50、52 、 55)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。
    Rejectin desn’t always hurt. Smetimes rejectin may ____21____ a mre certain path t ur final gals.
    This year ftball fans have been watching t see hw Je wuld ____22____ in the playffs(季后赛) this seasn. Je dreamed t play in the Natinal Ftball League (NFL), but his jurney wasn’t a(n) ____23____ ne. He applied t several clleges, but nne ____24____ him. Later, he gt int Ohi State, but he sat n the ____25____ fr three years. Ohi State had a great ftball prgram and caches, wh didn’t think Je had ____26____. But Je thught differently. He ____27____ Nebraska and gt rejected nce again, but he didn’t quit. Then he applied t Luisiana State University, which accepted him. The rest is histry.
    Je became the Heisman Trphy ____28____ during his senir year, then he was admitted t the NFL, and later, his team participated in the Wrld Champinship.
    Je’s stry reminds us that there are ____29____ paths t ur final gals and that it _____30_____ strng endurance and determinatin t reach them. N single _____31_____ is ging t prevent yu frm _____32_____ yur lng-term gals. Be sure t_____33_____ the pain that cmes frm disappintment and face it bravely. Try t fcus n gals rather than the _____34_____ utcme f being rejected and remember that the hurt f rejectin cmes frm hw we _____35_____ it.
    21. A. fllwB. leadC. createD. clear
    22. A. studyB. perfrmC. trainD. jin
    23. A. tughB. funC. attractiveD. easy
    24. A. acceptedB. rememberedC. rejectedD. ignred
    25. A. benchB. standC. teamD. stage
    26. A. chanceB. resurceC. ptentialD. enthusiasm
    27. A. signed up frB. applied tC. attended tD. searched fr
    28. A. fanB. adviserC. learnerD. winner
    29. A. similarB. smthC. multipleD. flat
    30. A. cstsB. takesC. makesD. ffers
    31. A. theryB. trainingC. rejectinD. excuse
    32. A. achievingB. planningC. annuncingD. explaining
    33. A. affectB. emphasizeC. estimateD. acknwledge
    34. A. activeB. negativeC. pssibleD. predictable
    35. A. interpretB. imagineC. explreD. escape
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时,拒绝可能会为我们的最终目标创造一条更确定的道路。A. fllw跟随;B. lead带领;C. create创造;D. clear清除。根据前文“Rejectin desn’t always hurt.(拒绝并不总是痛苦的。)”可知,拒绝并不总是痛苦的,有时候拒绝会创造出一条通往目标的更加确定的路。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年,球迷们一直在关注Je在本赛季季后赛中的表现。A. study学习;B. perfrm做,履行,表演,表现;C. train训练,培训;D. jin参加。根据句中的“ftball fans have been watching”和空后的“in the playffs(季后赛) this seasn”可知,粉丝们一直很期待Je在本赛季季后赛中的表现。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Je梦想能在美国职业橄榄球大联盟(NFL)打球,但他旅程并不容易。A. tugh艰难的;B. fun有趣的;C. attractive吸引人的;D. easy容易的,轻易的。but前后表示转折,前面“Je dreamed t play in the Natinal Ftball League (NFL)”说Je梦想在NFL打球,所以这里是说他通往NFL的旅程并不容易。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他申请了好几所大学,但都没有录取他。A. accepted接受;B. remembered记得;C. rejected拒绝;D. ignred忽视。but前后表示转折,前面“He applied t several clleges”说他申请了好几所大学,根据空前的nne可知,没有一所大学录取他。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,他进入了俄亥俄州立大学,但他在替补席上坐了三年。A. bench场边的运动员休息区,替补队员席;B. stand货摊;C. team队;D. stage舞台。根据上文中的“ftball”“play”等可知,Je是一名橄榄球运动员。but前后表示转折,前面“he gt int Ohi State”说他进入了俄亥俄州立大学,所以这里应是说他没有上场比赛的机会,在替补席上坐了三年。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:俄亥俄州立大学有一个很棒的足球项目和教练,这些教练认为Je没有潜力。A. chance机会;B. resurce资源;C. ptential潜力;D. enthusiasm热情。根据上文中的“he sat n the ____5____fr three years”可知,Je在替补席上坐了三年却没有上场的机会,这说明教练不看好他,认为他没有潜力。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他申请了内布拉斯加州大学,并且再次被拒绝了,但他没有放弃。A. signed up fr报名(参加课程);B. applied t向……申请;C. attended t处理,照料;D. searched fr寻找。根据上文中的“He applied t several clleges”和下文中的“Then he applied t Luisiana State University”可知,这里表示他向内布拉斯加州大学提出申请。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Je在大四时获得了海兹曼奖,然后他被美国职业橄榄球大联盟录取,后来他的球队参加了世界锦标赛。A. fan迷,狂热爱好者;B. adviser顾问,忠告者;C. learner学习者;D. winner获胜者。根据空前的“the Heisman Trphy”可知,他是海兹曼奖的获得者。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Je的故事提醒我们,实现最终目标有多种途径,而通向目标需要强大的耐力和决心。A. similar相似的;B. smth平滑的,顺利的;C. multiple数量多的,多种多样的;D. flat平坦的。根据上文讲述的Je多次遭受拒绝后最终在努力坚持下实现目标的故事以及空后的“paths t ur final gals”并结合常识可知,通向最终目标的道路有许多种,而Je的这种道路非常艰辛。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. csts需付费,价钱为;B. takes需要,要求;C. makes制作;D. ffers主动提出。这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是strng endurance and determinatin t reach them。根据空后的“strng endurance and determinatin t reach them”可知,这里表达的是通向这些目标需要强大的耐力和决心。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:任何一次拒绝都不会阻止你实现长期目标。A. thery理论;B. training训练;C. rejectin拒绝;D. excuse借口。结合Je多次遭受拒绝但从不放弃目标的故事以及第一段“Rejectin desn’t always hurt. Smetimes rejectin may ____1____a mre certain path t ur final gals.(拒绝并不总是痛苦的。有时,拒绝可能会为我们的最终目标创造一条更确定的道路。)”可知,这里指的是拒绝不能阻止你实现目标。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. achieving实现;B. planning计划;C. annuncing宣告;D. explaining解释。根据空后的“yur lng-term gals”可知,这里表示实现长期目标。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一定要承认失望带来的痛苦,并勇敢地面对它。A. affect影响;B. emphasize强调;C. estimate估计,估价;D. acknwledge承认,感谢。根据句中的“face it bravely”并结合语境可知,要勇敢面对痛苦,就要首先承认痛苦。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:试着把注意力集中在目标上,而不是被拒绝的负面结果上,记住被拒绝的伤害来自于我们对它的理解。A. active积极的;B. negative消极的;C. pssible可能的;D. predictable可预料的。根据上文中的“the pain that cmes frm disappintment”和空后的“utcme f being rejected”可知,这里指被拒绝的负面结果。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. interpret诠释,理解;B. imagine想象;C. explre探索;D. escape逃跑。根据句中的“Try t fcus n gals rather than the ____14____utcme f being rejected”并结合Je的故事可知,Je虽然多次遭受拒绝,但他没有沉浸在受伤之中并放弃目标,而是坚持自己最初的目标,不断申请学校,寻找提升的机会,最终他获得了成功,本文建议要把注意力放在目标上而不是被拒绝的负面结果上,被拒绝的伤害来自于我们对它的理解方式,积极看待它或许会获得更好的结果,而消极看待它则会一直沉浸在痛苦之中。故选A。
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)(原创 56-62)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    A blgger frm Sichuan, nicknamed “AI Crazy Huse,” ___36___ (release) an AI-generated animated shrt film f “Jurney t the West” ___37___ the Internet. The film shcked netizens with its visual effects and pened up new ___38___ (pssibility) fr presenting classic wrks in film and televisin.
    Thrugh deep learning and innvative techniques, AI reinterpreted this Chinese literary masterpiece, ___39___ (deliver) breathtaking visual effects and emtinal experiences.
    The blgger, Mr. Feng, has 15 years f art experience. He stated that the vide, ___40___ wuld have taken at least six mnths t prduce manually, was cmpleted in a week with the help f AI.
    He als explained the steps ___41___ (generate) vides with AI. Taking the first episde f “Jurney t the West” as ___42___ example, frm the beginning f chas t the birth f the stne mnkey t the learning f art, he emphasized the need t determine the required number f pictures and strybards.
    He mentined using ChatGPT t analyze the riginal text, cmplete strybard planning, use AI painting sftware fr drawing, ___43___ then emply “picture-t-vide” sftware t animate the images.
    These prcesses ___44___ (general) prduce a large number f preliminary drafts. “At present, it is difficult fr AI ____45____ (understand) my meaning.” Mr. Feng said.
    【答案】36. released
    37. n 38. pssibilities
    39. delivering
    40. which 41. t generate
    42. an 43. and
    44. generally
    45. t understand
    考查一般过去时。句意:近日,一位来自四川、昵称为“人工智能疯狂屋”的博主在网络上发布了一部由人工智能生成的《西游记》动画短片。分析句子可知,release在句子里充当谓语,其主语是“A blgger”;全文都为一般过去时,故答案是released。
    考查介词搭配。句意:近日,一位来自四川、昵称为“人工智能疯狂屋”的博主在网络上发布了一部由人工智能生成的《西游记》动画短片。横线后是Internet(因特网),“在网上”的英文是“n the Internet”,故答案是n。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他还解释了用人工智能生成视频的步骤。分析句子可知,本句已经存在谓语explained,所以generate需要转化为非谓语的形式;可判断横线是用来修饰steps的后置定语,修饰steps需要使用t d的形式,故答案是t generate。
    考查冠词。句意:以《西游记》第一集为例。example是可数名词,意思是“例子”,本句使用了固定搭配“take sth. as an example”,意思是“拿……举个例子”,故答案是an。
    考查连词。句意:他提到了使用ChatGPT来分析原文,完成故事板规划,使用人工智能绘画软件进行绘图,然后使用“图片转视频”软件对图像进行动画化。分析句子可知,横线前后并列了四个动词,分别是analyze, cmplete, use和emply,根据语法规则,多个动词并列,需要在最后两个动词之间添加连词。根据句意,并列关系可以使用连词and,故答案是and。
    考查固定句型。句意:目前,人工智能很难理解我的意思。本句符合句型“it is + adj. + fr sb. + t d”,意思是“做某事对某人来说是……的”,故答案是t understand。
    第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)(改编)
    46. 假如你是李华,你校上周刚举办了艺术文化周,请你写一篇英文报道。内容包括:1. 活动目的;2. 活动内容;3. 活动反响。注意:
    1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    【答案】Art and Culture Week at Our Schl
    Our schl hsted an exciting Art and Culture Week n Mnday, last week. The aim was t prmte artistic talents and appreciate diverse cultures. The week was packed with events, which include art exhibitins, cultural perfrmances, and wrkshps. The feedback was verwhelmingly psitive, with students and teachers alike expressing enthusiasm and appreciatin fr the rich artistic and cultural experiences. It was truly a week t remember! We are all lking frward t the next Art and Culture Week.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    期待:lk frward t→expect
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Our schl hsted an exciting Art and Culture Week n Mnday last week. The aim was t prmte artistic talents and appreciate diverse cultures.
    拓展句:Our schl hsted an exciting Art and Culture Week n Mnday last week, whse aim was t prmte artistic talents and appreciate diverse cultures.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The week was packed with events, which include art exhibitins, cultural perfrmances, and wrkshps.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The feedback was verwhelmingly psitive, with students and teachers alike expressing enthusiasm and appreciatin fr the rich artistic and cultural experiences.(with的复合结构做状语)
    第二节(满分 25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It’s hard being an astrnaut’s sn. I ften wnder hw my father ever had a sn like me. I mean he’s s special and s gd at everything he des. But I’m just an average eleven-year-ld kid.
    Nwadays I dream abut being a famus writer, but I used t dream abut ding smething special t impress my father and make him prud f me-smething like rescuing a child frm a burning building.
    I was dreaming in schl ne mrning, which I ften d. I was daydreaming abut being sme kind f her when my friend Ellen reminded me f my English teacher’s annuncement abut a Father’s Day essay cntest.
    “I hpe we have a winner right here in my English class.” she said. “There are three prizes fr each f yu.”
    When I gt hme, I kissed my mm quickly. Then I went upstairs t my rm and sat dwn with a pen and a pad f paper. I started t think abut what I wuld write.
    Hw did I see my father? Mmm…
    I saw him teaching me hw t use a bat and hw t thrw baseball.
    I remembered hw he hugged me fr hurs when my dg Sptty was hit and killed by a car.
    And I remembered hw he sat and tried t explain death t me when Grandpa Bb died.
    These were the things I was ging t write abut my dad. T me, he wasn’t just a famus astrnaut. He was my dad.
    I wrte abut all these memries and put them in my essay. I handed it in the next day and was surprised t find ut that the winning essays wuld be read in the lecture hall n Thursday night. All the parents and students were invited.
    My parents and I went t schl Thursday night. One f ur neighbrs said, “I bet yu’ll win the cntest, David. I bet yu wrte what it’s like t be the sn f an astrnaut, and yu’re the nly ne in twn wh culd write abut that. ”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右。
    2. 请按以下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I shrugged and then the first winner - Ellen was annunced.
    The secnd prize winner was annunced next - It was me.
    I shrugged and then the first prize winner — Ellen was annunced. Thugh deep dwn, I didn’t want t win just because my father was an astrnaut. I was relieved and disappinted at the same time at the news. When Ellen read t the end, I heard a chrus f praise and saw tears running dwn my parents’ face. Smehw, a mixed feeling welled up in me. Will Dad feel disappinted? Maybe I shuld have written abut being the sn f an astrnaut.
    Then the secnd prize winner was annunced. T my amazement, it was me! Surprised and thrilled, I went up t the stage. Taking a deep breath, I started t read my essay “My Father’s Sn.” “He is a great astrnaut. But mre imprtantly, he is a great father t me.” Upn my finishing reading, the auditrium thundered with applause. When I went back t my seat, Dad put his hand n my shulder. “ Sn, this is the prudest mment f my life,” he almst sbbed. It was the prudest mment f my life, t. Maybe I’ll never be a great her, but just then, it was enugh just t be my father’s sn.
    ②返回:g back t/return
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Thugh deep dwn, I didn’t want t win just because my father was an astrnaut.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型2] When Ellen read t the end, I heard a chrus f praise and saw tears running dwn my parents’ face. (由when引导的时间状语从句和现在分词作宾语补足语)
    [高分句型3] Surprised and thrilled, I went up t the stage.(运用形容词作状语)

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