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    这是一份2024届贵州省毕节市高三下学期二模考试英语试题,共11页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Natinal Public Radi (NPR) Music’s Tiny Desk Cntest is back. Artists can begin t submit an entry frm this mrning n Feb. 2nd. The submissin will last 14 days This isn’t just anther regular year f the Cntest-it’s the 10th anniversary.
    The panel (小组) f judges has dubled in size cmpared t previus years. The panel has a grup f industry experts wh are eager t see what this year’s participants can share. And there’s a great team f NPR’s Music statin hsts n the panel: Amelia Masn. Nvena Carmel and Stas THEE Bss.
    Als new this year: Nt nly will the 2024 winner play a Tiny Desk cncert, be interviewed n All Things Cnsidered and g n tur with NPR Music-they’ll als be paired with a tutr in the industry wh will help them navigate their music jurney. Our judges are determined t give this year’s winner the supprt they’ll need t take their music t the next level. The winner will als be featured at tw festivals this summer: Celebrate Brklyn and the Millennium Park Summer Music series in Chicag.
    And fr the first time this year, the Cntest is intrducing a fan favrite vte. Later this spring, Cntest judges will share their favrite entries as part f the annual Tiny Desk-Cntest Tp Shelf series n YuTube -and then artists and fans will be able t vte fr their favrite amng thse selectins.
    Here’s hw t enter: Recrd a vide f yu playing ne riginal sng -behind a desk, uplad yur vide t YuTube. and submit the vide n ur Tiny Desk Cntest website.
    1. What’s the deadline f the submissin?
    A. Feb. 21. B. Feb. 2. C. Feb. 16. D. Feb. 15.
    2. In what way is the Cntest special this year?
    A. There are fewer judges in the panel. B. Fann are able t vte in the Cntest.
    C. Judges g n tur with NPR Music. D. Winners hst festivals this summer.
    3. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T attract peple t jin in the Cntest. B. T remember musicians in the Cntest.
    C. T mark the anniversary f the Cntest. D. T talk abut the histry f the Cntest
    I used t believe that nly wrds culd catch the essence (本质) f the human sul. The literary wrks cntained such distinct stries that they shaped the way we saw the wrld. Wrds were what cmpsed the questins we sught t uncver and the answers t thse questins themselves. Wrds were everything.
    That belief changed.
    In an rdinary math class, my teacher psed a simple questin: What's 0. 99 runded t the nearest whle number? Easy. When runded t the nearest whle number. 0. 99=1. Smehw. I thught even thugh 0. 99 is nly 0. 01 away frm I. there's still a 0. 01 difference. That means even if tw things are nly a little different, they are still different, s desn't that make them cmpletely different?
    My teacher answered my questin by presenting anther equatin (等式): 1 = 0. 9, which culd als be expressed as 1=0. 999999. repeating itself withut ever ending.
    There was smething mysterius but fascinating abut the equatin. The left side was unchangeable. bjective: it cntained a number that ended. On the right was smething endless, a number repeating itself limitless times. Yet, smehw, these tw ppsed things were cnnected by an equal sign.
    Lying in bed, I thught abut hw much the equatin paralleled (使平行) ur existence. The left side f the equatin represents that smetimes life itself is s unchangeable and s clear. The cncrete, whle number f the day when yu were brn and the day when yu wuld die. But then there is that gap in between life and death. The right side means a time and space full f limitless pssibilities. and endless pprtunities int the pen future.
    S that's what life is. Objective but imaginative. Unchangeable but limitless. Life is an equatin with tw sides that balances itself ut. Still. we can't ever truly seem t put the perfect wrds t it. S pssibly numbers can express ideas as equally well as wrds can. Fr nw, let's leave it at that: 1=0. 999999. . . and live a life like it.
    4. Which f the fllwing can best describe "wrds" in paragraph 1?
    A. Difficult. B. Clear. C. Pwerful. D. Interesting.
    5. What may the number "1" refer t?
    A. Valuable chances. B. Definite facts.
    C. Creativity imaginatin. D. Scial develpment.
    6. What des the authr think f "1=0. 9"?
    A. They reveal the meaning f life. B. They are reliable in expressing ideas.
    C. They are useful in learning maths. D. They give limited pssibilities.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Why the equatin exists everywhere
    B. Which equatin is imprtant fr peple
    C. Hw numbers can express ideas like wrds
    D. When numbers can easily make up equatins
    Fr thusands f years, humans have used names t cmmunicate with ne anther. We als give names t animals, especially nes we lve, such as pets. Until nw there has been little evidence f animals naming ne anther, but a new study suggests that elephants use specific nises t identify ther elephants.
    A few animals, including parrts and dlphins, have been knwn t use sunds that are similar t names. Each dlphin invents a signature whistle that is unique t it, and ther members f its species cmmunicate with it by simulating this special call. The new study, led by Michael Pard f Clrad State University, shws that wild African elephants use names in a way that is nt just cpying sunds and is much clser t the way humans use names.
    Fr the study, the researchers recrded 625 sunds made by wild African elephants in Kenya that they called "rumbles (隆隆声)”. This is the mst cmmn type f call prduced by elephants, and it can travel lng distances-as far as 3. 7 miles. It takes place at a very lw frequency, which means humans can't hear it.
    The researchers analyzed the sunds using cmputers and fund that certain rumbles were directed at specific elephants t get their attentin They fund that all the elephants in the herd used the identical call t get a particular elephant's attentin -these calls were nt just nicknames used by ne f the elephant's friends. Als. unlike the way dlphins cmmunicate. the rumbles were nt just imitatins f the elephant they were trying t cmmunicate with.
    The researchers then played back sme f the recrded rumbles t the elephants. They fund that elephants respnded mre t their wn name than t ther calls. cming tward it mre quickly r calling back faster. Cartlin O'Cnnell-Rdwell, an elephant expert, said, "The study shws that elephants can still keep in tuch with ne anther even acrss a large area. "She tld Live Science, "The rumbles ere magical, which allw them t spread ut much further and still have very clse tabs(密切关注) n individuals. "
    8. What des the underlined wrd "simulating" in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Cpying. B. Inventing C. Transfrming. D. Receiving.
    9. Hw d wild elephants spt ther elephants?
    A. By making certain rumbles heard by peple.
    B. By using specific languages like peple’s.
    C. By making specific nises with a high frequency
    D. By using names in a way clser t peple’s.
    10. What can we learn frm Michael Pard's research?
    A. It recrds 625 sunds frm several species.
    B. It is subjective in the analysis f sunds.
    C. It is carried ut with the help f cmputers.
    D. It shws dlphins' calls travel lng distances.
    11. Which f the fllwing des O'Cnnell-Rdwell agree with?
    A. Elephants cmmunicate with nses acrss a large area.
    B. Rumbles are imprtant in elephants’ cmmunicatin
    C. Elephants may be last n the way t their habitats
    D. Rumbles enable elephants t stand nr play clser.
    Scientists have designed ways t "read" wrds directly frm brains. Brain implants (植入物) can translate internal speech int external signals, allwing cmmunicatin frm peple with paralysis (瘫痪 )r diseases that steal their ability t talk r type. New results frm tw studies, presented n Nvember 14 prvide additinal evidence f the extrardinary ptential that brain implants have fr restring lst cmmunicatin. says Leigh Hchberg, a physician at Massachusetts General Hspital in Bstn.
    "The new studies targeted internal speech, which requires that a persn nly think. Our device predicts internal speech directly, allwing the patient t just fcus n saying a wrd inside his head and transfrm it int text," says Sarah Wandelt.
    Neural signals assciated with wrds are detected by electrdes (电极)implanted in the brain. The signals can then be translated int text, which can be made an ral speech by cmputer prgrams.
    Anther apprach presented at the meeting, led by neurscientist Sean Metzger f the University f Califrnia. San Francisc and bis clleagues, relied n spelling. The participant was a man called Panch wh hadn't been able t speak fr mre than 15 years because f a disease. In this study, Panch attempted t silently think cde (代码) wrds, such as "alpha" fr A and "ech" fr E. By stringing these letters int wrds, he prduced sentences such as "I d nt want that" and "Yu have gt t be kidding." Each sessin wuld end when Panch attempted t squeeze his hand thereby creating a mvement-related brain signal that refused the decding (解码).
    With this system. Panch prduced abut seven wrds per minute. That's faster than the five wrds per minute his usual cmmunicatin device makes, but much slwer than nrmal speech, typically abut 150 wrds per minute. The techniques will need t ger faster and mre accurate t be useful. It's als unclear whether the technlgies will wrk fr peple with mre serius speech disrders. "These are still early days," Hchberg says.
    12. Wh are brain implants intended fr?
    A. Peple wh d research n speaking.B. Peple wh are fnd f talking.
    C. Peple wh are tired f speaking.D. Peple wh have difficulty in talking.
    13. What d patients need t da in the first apprach?
    A. Predict internal speech directly. B. Say a wrd inside their heads.
    C. Detect wards implanted in the head.D. Make an ral speech directly.
    14. Hw can Panch stp "speaking"?
    A. By pressing his hand.B. By decding the speech.
    C. By stringing the letters.D. By cnsidering cde wrds.
    15. Which f the fllwing us the best title fr the text?
    A. Scientists develp a device.B. Brain implants "help" t spell.
    C. Brain implants "read" thughts.D. Scientists help peple t speak.
    Hw t Save Humanity frm Extinctin
    Mdern humans have nly existed fr a relatively brief amunt f time, and prbably we'd like t stick arund a lt lnger. Fr example, if we want t reach ur 500.000th birthday as a species, what shuld we fcus n? 16 .
    • 17
    The Earth's climate has changed and shifted fr millins f years. There have been times in the past when it's been htter than it is tday, and times when it's been cler. But there is smething different abut the past century. As far as we can tell frm the gelgic recrd, there has been n time in Earth's entire histry when the climate has warmed s much in such a shrt amunt f time. 18 . While climate change desn't necessarily cause an existential threat t human existence, it surely pses a threat t hw we like t live ur lives in mdern sciety.
    • Figure ut nuclear weapn
    Again, a single nuclear weapn desn’t pse a threat t all f humanity, but the thusands f warheads in the wrld right nw certainly d. But as time ges n, the chances f ne nuclear explsin increases. Just cnsider all the "near misses" in recent histry, where all-ut nuclear war was avided thanks nly t the quick thinking and calmness f individuals. 19 . there will be n nuclear cnflict. S it's pssible t reduce the risk f catastrphe.
    • Explre asterids(小行星)
    20 . just ask the dinsaurs hw well it wrked ut fr them. Asterids and cmets have the ability t spark ff massive extinctin events. wiping ut vast numbers f entire species. While these kinds f events are thankfully incredibly rare, the risk they present are hrrible. Fr humanity t make it t the lng-term, we need t equip urselves with hard asterid detectin and relief strategies.
    A. Tackle climate change
    B. Make gelgic recrd
    C. If human beings calm dwn
    D. Here are sme gals we need t achieve
    E. If we want t safeguard urselves against ptential risks
    F. And we can see the effects f climate change everywhere
    G. If yu desire t knw the hrrible cnsequences fr ignring space threats
    My aunt Mantha lved Christmas. She always went ut f her way t make it 21 and csy fr everyne arund her. December 2022 was n 22 . Mantha drve three hurs t visit everyne tw weeks befre the 25th and t drp ff 23 t her friends. We chatted abut ur plans, 24 and kissed gdbye when it was time t 25 .
    S when n December 18. Mantha's sn called us sadly t tell us Mantha had passed away 26 at hme, nne f us culd quite believe it. S clse t Christmas, nne f us felt like 27 . That was until my sister-in-law, Vera tld us abut sme 28 f hers in the ffice wh were frm China had just arrived in the UK.
    We knew we culdn't leave them t spend the day by themselves, especially after we heard hw 29 they were t experience a prper English Christmas. Mre imprtantly, we knew Mantha wuld have wanted us t thrw pen ur drs and give them a Christmas t 30 .
    When the day finally came, we 31 them int the huse with pen arms and tried t 32 ur pain s we culd give them the full Christmas 33 .
    It didn't 34 the pain f Mantha's absence but cnnecting with strangers and 35 ur culture helped us get thrugh the day and turned ut t be the very thing we all needed.
    21.A. ppularB. safeC. cmmnD. magical
    22.A. exceptinB. acceptanceC. useD. regret
    23.A. pwerB. presentsC. bnusesD. help
    24.A. laughedB. cnductedC. survivedD. cperated
    25.A. wrkB. relaxC. leaveD. meet
    26.A. suddenlyB. naturallyC. generallyD. permanently
    27.A. sustainingB. explainingC. celebrating.D. treasuring
    28.A. custmersB. agentsC. friendsD. clleagues
    29.A. nervusB. eagerC. respnsibleD. shy
    30.A. prveB. remindC. rememberD. wait
    31.A. pushedB. welcmedC. grabbedD. drve
    32.A. g thrughB. thrw awayC. pull utD. put aside
    33.A. ppularityB. experienceC. admiratinD. culture
    34.A. miseB. strengthenC. deliverD. ease
    35.A. learningB. discussingC. sharingD. fllwing
    On Octber 14th, the Times Square in New Yrk 36 (take) ver by the full-screen pster f the"2023 Tianfu Bk Fair"!.
    The 2023 Tianfu Bk Fair. 37 (title)"Mutual Learning Amng Cultures Amid Fragrance f Bks", shwcased a range f utstanding Chinese publicatins. making their way verseas. The Internatinal Pavilin was a highlight. displaying ver 1,000 types and 38 (apprximate) 6,500 cpies f riginal literature, children's bks, and picture bks in English, Japanese, and ther languages. Plus the Harry Ptter Pp-up Stre. 39 had been stealing the shw, ffered readers 40 immersive experience with the cmplete Harry Ptter series and fficial merchandise.
    But wait, there's mre! A series f exciting cultural 41 (activity) were als lined up. Guests culd attend cultural lectures 42 the three Su schlars' culture, try their hand at panda-themed traditinal Chinese painting and witness a face-changing perfrmance f Chinese Sichuan pera. This fair was nt just abut bks: it was an excellent chance that allwed verseas readers t discver the charm f Sichuan culture 43 the richness f traditinal Chinese culture. It was a pwerful shwcase f Chinese culture, making the trustwrthy, lvable. and 44 (respect) image f China mre real and tangible than ever befre. In the future, China will make every effrt 45 (spread) excellent traditinal Chinese culture.
    On Oct. 4. 2021, James and his friend Raphael were squeezing in a lunchtime wrkut n Pier (码头) 15. verlking the East River, when James frze. "Smebdy's in the water," he shuted. Befre Raphael culd respnd. James climbed ver the rail at the edge f the pier and leaped int the cld. plluted water withut taking the time t remve his shes.
    What James had heard was an alarmed fisherman shuting frm Pier 16. nearly 50 yards away, "Help! He's in the water!" And what he'd seen was a persn flating, lifeless.
    Raphael didn't need t see the victim. “Maybe the fisherman saw smene in the water wh needs ur help." he thught. "Or maybe it's the fisherman wh needs my help. Either way, I'm ging in." He yanked ff his shes and swan-dived.
    Appraching the uncnscius victim, James saw that it was a middle-aged man. He was big, arund 200 punds, respectably dressed and sinking fast. He was 3 feet belw the surface by the time James reached him. James dve, felt arund, grasped the man and kicked upward until they bth resurfaced. Raphael was there nw. Treading(踩,踏) water, the tw friends flated the man n his back. As Raphael lped his arms arund the man's shulders and James supprted the hips and knees, they made their way back t Pier 15, exhausted.
    They might have been hauling a crpse ( 尸体) The man's skin was blue. and neither Raphael nr James detected any breathing. When at last they reached Pier 15, they faced a new uncertainty.
    Hw t get ut? The pier's decking std an unreachable 10 feet abve their heads. A metal beam was cvered by sharp barnacles. If Raphael, sheless, attempted t climb nt it, he'd hurt his bare feet.
    Suddenly the man breathed again, stirred and clbbered (狠揍) cnfusedly Raphael in the face befre fading back t near uncnsciusness.
    "Did we d smething wrng?" Raphael asked himself.
    At the mment, n the pier, u crwd had gathered frm smewhere.

    1-3 DBA 4-7 CBAC 8-11ADCB 12-15 DBAC16-20 DAFCG
    21 -25 DABAC26-30 ACDBC 31-35 BDBDC
    第二节 (36-45题:共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)
    36.was taken37.titled38. apprximately39. which40. an41.activities42.n/abut43. and 44. respectable45. t spread

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