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    英 语
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分,不计入总分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What des the wman mean?
    A.She wuld like t g t the mvies.
    B.She was t tired t g t the mvies.
    C.She thught it wnderful t have a sleep.
    2.What des the wman prbably d?
    A.A dctr.
    B.A cach.
    C.A writer.
    3.Wh are the speakers prbably?
    C.Factry wrkers.
    4.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.At the ticket the train.
    C.In the street.
    5.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.TV statins.
    B.TV series.
    C.TV ads.
    6.What will the speakers d tmrrw?
    A.G t a museum.
    B.G ver their lessns.
    C.Visit their headteacher.
    7.When will the speakers meet at the schl gate?
    A.At 7:00.
    B.At 6:45.
    C.At 6:15.
    8.Where des the wman wrk?
    A.In the ty department.
    B.In the she shpping center.
    C.At the cashier.
    9.What des the wman think that Christmas means t her?
    A.Mre mney and mre tips.
    B.Mre wrk and mre headaches.
    C.Mre nise and mre headaches.
    10.When des the man feel nervus?
    A.Befre a game.
    B.During a game.
    C.During training.
    11.What des the man think f their training?
    12.What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A.The man is wrried abut tmrrw's game.
    B.The man's team will prbably get the cup.
    C.Nrthern City has wn by fur gals.
    13.What's the man's phne number?
    14.Where did the man see the pictures f the furniture?
    A.On the Internet.
    B.In the shp.
    C.In a brchure.
    15.What's the man's chice f sfa?
    A.Three pieces,yellw.
    B.Fur pieces,yellw.
    C.Three pieces,white.
    16.Hw will the man pay fr the furniture?
    A.By credit card.
    B.By check.
    C.In cash.
    17.Where was Camp Alisn first funded?
    A.In the UK.
    B.In Australia.
    C.In America.
    18.Hw lng did it take Camp Alisn t acquire ten sites in Lndn?
    A.Abut 5 years.
    B.Abut 6 years.
    C.Abut 16 years.
    19.Why is it easy fr Camp Alisn t find sites?
    A.It has excellent sprts equipment.
    B.There are many schls in Lndn.
    C.Schls aren't usually pen in the summer.
    20.What d we knw abut Camp Alisn?
    A.It has been perating fr 30 years.
    B.It is the ldest day camp in the wrld.
    C.It has experienced camp directrs.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)
    The Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneur Cmpetitin
    The Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneur Cmpetitin is the largest and mst well-knwn virtual business cmpetitin fr high schl students in the wrld.It was funded in Maryland in 2014 by a yung budding(萌芽的)high schl entrepreneur.
    The cmpetitin gives high schl students the chance t present their innvative business ideas, get real entrepreneurial experience,earn cash prizes,and build resumes that stand ut frm the crwd when applying fr cllege.Participatin is 100%free fr all students,which levels the playing field and prvides equal access t pprtunities fr aspiring entrepreneurs regardless f their sciecnmic backgrund r natinality.
    The cmpetitin attracts the very best high schl student entrepreneurs frm all cmers f the glbe,making the cmpetitin truly glbal.
    Participating is Easy
    1.Register fr the cmpetitin individually r team up with up t fur friends t cmpete tgether.
    2.Recgnize a pressing prblem the wrld faces,then create smething new and build a business idea t address it.
    3.Check ut the scring criteria t make sure yur idea qualifies as a blue cean business.
    4.Reference the blue cean pitch template(模版)t recrd yur 5-minute vide,uplad n YuTube,and submit a link and the vide file.
    21.What benefit culd a cmpetitr get frm the cmpetitin'
    A.A cllege admissin letter.
    B.A full schlarship.
    C.Hands-n business experience.
    D.Discunted entry fee.
    22.When did the cmpetitin expand n a glbal scale?
    A.In 2014-15.
    C.In 2016-17.
    B.In 2015-16.
    D.In 2022-23.
    23.What shuld be dne in preparatin fr participatin?
    A.Submitting a wrd file.
    B.Designing a scring criterin.
    C.Identifying an urgent glbal issue.
    D.Register a business rganizatin.
    Julia Whelan climbed int the duble-walled,fam-insulated bth in her hme ffice near Palm Springs,Calif.In preparatin,she had stpped drinking alchl the night befre,had avided dairy since waking at 6 had run thrugh the humming and vcalizing f her warm-up exercises.Her glass jar filled with water,her Vaseline lip therapy at hand,she was ready t wrk.
    Whelan,38,the cmfrting,cnfident female vice behind mre than 400 audi-bks,is s sught-after that six mnths' ntice is required.Once she has taken n a prject,she reads thrugh the bk nce r twice,deciding n themes t highlight when she gets int the recrding bth by using different tnes and accents,and emphasizing certain wrds. “Narrating a bk really is a perfrmance,"she said,“and it can be harder t d than acting, because I can't use my eyes r facial expressin t cmmunicate smething t the audience.”
    Her narrating vice,slightly different frm her regular speech,is crisp and lw-pitched.There is n singsng,n up speak,“I have an abslute affectin n her vice,with a detached but nt uninterested tne that makes her a very persuasive stryteller.When I listen t Julia read my stries,it sunds like she is calling yu ver t tell yu a great stry."said Olivia Nuzzi,NewYrk magazine's Washingtn crrespndent.
    Flynn,an American writer and film maker,decided against rereading the bk Gne Girl, pting instead t listen t the narratin when preparing t write the screenplay fr the film adaptatin.“Julia gave me the benefit f listening t Amy and seeing the wrld thrugh her eyes,”Flynn said.Just befre the pandemic,Whelan began her writing Thank Yu fr Listening.She learned abut her writing when she experienced it as a narratr.“There is smething abut it that changes when yu're perfrming it,"Whelan said,"I read the bk ut lud during every stage f its revisins but it's different when yu sit dwn and have the micrphne in frnt f yu.When I finally am inhabiting all the characters,the stry cmes t life.”
    24.Why did Julia Whelan make the preparatins?
    A.T avid muscle strain.
    B.At her fllwers’ request.
    C.T build up her cnfidence.
    D.Fr her ccupatinal necessity.
    25.What can we learn abut Whelan frm paragraph 2?
    A.She is a serius-minded narratr.
    B.Her accent is typical f her narratin.
    C.She earns peple's admiratin in acting.
    D.Her bdy language speaks luder than vice.
    26.Which is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd“detached”in paragraph 3?
    27.What des the authr indicate by mentining Whelan's writing experience?
    A.Whelan's exceptinal writing talent.
    B.Whelan's deep gratitude t.the audience.
    C.The hardship f Whelan's interpreting stries.
    D.The cntributin f Whelan's narratin t writing.
    Angus Neish dared t hpe that his fine-lking cattle,bred at Rdmead Farm in Wilt-shire,wuld nab a prize at the Ryal Bath and West Shw last mnth.The annual fair,held near Sheptn Mallet,in Smerset,is England's ldest and grandest.As well as a fiercely cmpetitive livestck parade,it features Mrris dancing,sheep-shearing and a vintage fairgrund.Its pny-charit races are secnd t nne.Many cntestants perfrmed vigrusly befre a large crwd.100,000 turned ut fr sme f the three-day shw.
    Britns lve a fair.N ne is sure exactly hw many shws there are acrss the cuntry, but at least 400 days f such rural events happen annually acrss the cuntry.Rughly ne in ten Britns attend them each year.It appears their ppularity is rising.
    In late June,it was the turn f the Ryal Highland Shw,near Edinburgh,where 217,000 peple—breaking a recrd set in 2019-rlled up.It is estimated that the event last year bsted nearby businesses by almst &40m($51m).
    Why d peple g?Nstalgia(怀旧)is evidently a draw.At Bath and West,as clred flags flapped,visitrs frmed queues,bught cream teas and listened as a military band played wartime hits.Rural shws als have a purpse.Many fairs were funded t spread the knwledge f new farming technlgy amng rural ppulatins.Sme f that missin lives n.
    A secndary gal is t better educate thse wh fld in frm twns and cities—urban flk make up a decent share f thse wh pack the grunds.Sme cnsumers als cme armed with pwerful knwledge f fd supply chains—as well as smetimes picky persnal preferences fr rganic,lcal,animal-friendly and envirnmentally sund prducts.Laura Williams,f the Ryal Welsh Shw,ntes that visitrs are“much mre invested in farming and interested in where their fd cmes frm”than in years past.
    A last purpse,naturally,is fr farmers t excel against their rivals in friendly cmpetitin.In this respect,Mr.Neish enjyed an utterly successful day.In a first fr Bath and West, his cattle scped all fur f the tp prizes n ffer in their categries.Such victries d nt bring immediate,large financial rewards,but shuld bst the reputatin f his breeding prgram.
    28.What d we knw abut the fair last mnth?
    A.It saw high attendances.
    B.It was a mnthly shw.
    C.It was a fierce art cmpetitin.
    D.It cnveyed British mral values.
    29.What's the purpse f the shws?
    A.T narrw the urban-rural gap.
    B.T prmte wartime hit recrds.
    C.T ffer an insight int farming.
    D.T erase cmpetitin amng farmers.
    30.What will Mr Neish gain frm Bath and West?
    A.An instant prfit.
    B.Marketing strategies.
    C.A chance t advertise.
    D.An academic reputatin.
    31.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Rural shws:Victrs’ stage
    B.Masses f farmers:True winners
    C.Farm prducts:Sweeping British
    D.Fun f the fair:Gaining ppularity
    A team frm Newcastle University and Nrthumbria Uaiversity in the UK has fund that the thin,rt -like threads prduced by many fungi(真菌)can ptentially be used as a bidegradable,wearable material that's als able t repair itself.
    In their tests,the researchers fcused n the Ganderma lucidum fungus,prducing a skin frm branching thin threads,which tgether weave int a structure called a mycelium(菌丝体). With a little mre wrk,the fragile skins culd serve as a substitute fr leather, satisfying envirnmental and fashin tastes.
    “The results suggest that mycelium materials can survive in dry and unfavurable envirnments, and self-repairing is pssible with minimal interventin after a tw -day recvery perid,"write the researchers in their published paper.Hwever,the prcess used t prduce these materials tends t kill ff the fungal spres(孢子)hat help the rganism regenerate itself.
    A new apprach invlving a mix f mycelia,prteins,and ther nutrients in a liquid encuraged the grwth f a skin.The results are currently t thin and delicate t be tuned int a jacket. Hwever,the researchers are cnfident that it's pssible that future innvatins culd turn it int a tugher skin,pssibly by cmbining layers r plasticizing in glycerl. Crucially, the prductin prcess didn't kill ff the fungal spres.Tests n the material shwed that it was indeed able t replace hles made in it.The material was as strng as befre,thugh it was still pssible t see where the hles had been.
    “Due t their functinal prperties,the ability f this regenerative mycelium material t heal micr and macr defects pens interesting future prspects fr unique prduct applicatins in leather-gds replacements such as furniture,autmtive seals,and fashin wear,"write there searchers.
    There's a lng way t g here befre yu'll be wearing clthes made ut f fungus.The grwing and healing prcesses take several days t happen at the mment fr example, smething which culd be sped up ver time.
    32.What did the team find in their tests?
    A.An alternative t fragile skin.
    B.Thin threads shaped like rts.
    C.A mycelium with a cmplicated structure.
    D.Mycelium materials with self-healing functin.
    33.What is mainly presented in paragraph 3?
    A.The recvery perid f fungal spres.
    B.Crises f mycelium materials' survival.
    C.Imperfectin in prducing mycelium materials.
    D.The methd f intervening rganisms' regeneratin.
    34.What can we learn abut the new apprach?
    A.It speeds up the creatin f mycelia.
    B.It keeps fungal spres frm destructin.
    C.It makes the hles in materials invisible.
    D.It cmbines the liquid with layers f skin.
    35.What is the prspect f mycelium-based materials?
    A.A flash in the pan.
    B.Prmising but challenging.
    C.Inspiring but unachievable.
    D.A grwth and decline cycle.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    Whenever I've had a few stressful weeks,I typically schedule a“cking day".Wrking n
    recipes that I already knw builds my cnfidence;trying ut sme new ncs adds an element fsurprisc.In the end,I fecl satisfied by the prducts f my wrk.36 Yu can find yur wnrelief in preparing fd.
    37 This multisensry aspect f cking is like a cping tl fr stressful situatin,the 5-4-3-2-1 technique.It allws yu t quickly cnnect with the present mmnt by ncuragingyu t ntice five things yu can see,fur things yu can fcel,three things yu can hcar,tw yucan smell,and ne yu can taste.38 Yu might feel a bit calmer at the cnd.
    Anther key feature f cking is that it's cnnected t and shaped by the past.What yuchse t ck,and the way yu prepare it,might issuc in part frm the prfcrenccs andtechniques f yur parents,grandparents,friends r partners.39This link is part fcking's psychlgical richness and its ptential t restre.
    Trying new recipes and new ingredients can help yu with the creatin f new memrics.40 And,if yu are wise in yur chice f healthy ingredicnts,the fd itself uld havesubsequent benefits fr yur psychlgical wellbeing.
    The next time yu step int the kitchen and try yur hand at a new dish,try t cnsciuslytake ntice f what's ging n in yur mind and in yur bdy,f what srts f feelings ckingbrings ut in yu.
    A.Cking engages all five senses.
    B.Fr me,cking is a stress-relieving way.
    C.Thrugh cking,I can get back cntrl f my life.
    D.Yu are cking,in this sense,fr yur future self.
    E.Each smell and taste has the pwer t revive certain memries.
    F.It helps fcus n a task,ffering yu a sense f pwer and cntrl:
    G.Giving it a try can demnstrate the benefits f sensry experience.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    I wasn't raised t be a fan f snails(蜗牛).I was always taught that if we see a snail n a plant, we shuld pick it ff and__41__n it.This brught us the kind f giggly(咯咯傻笑的) __42__that nly children experience.We lved it.Hwever,my__43__n snails has changed,as I've grwn lder.They bring me a different kind f happiness.
    The first time.I thught f snails as mre than a__44__was when I saw smething that __45__ me in my garden.A small snail,__46__a hard shell,mved slwly tward ne__47__ bud and explred it.The explratin lasted fr quite a while and,__48__enugh,the bud turned int a full blm.Watching the snail carefully tuching the flwer__49__me f the lyric:“Snails see the beauty in every inch.”I realized that the snail is prbably a best representatin f__50__and taking life slwly.
    Then,I__51__the snail in my palm.It was scared by the sudden mve and immediately __52__back int its shell.I thught it wuld__53__inside fr several minutes,but shrtly after gutting used t the takeaway,the snail pked its head ut again.It was nt just hiding but __54__.
    Giving urselves time t nurish(滋养)inside and ut,and waiting fr the right__55__ t reenter the exciting life,is extremely restrative and wrthwhile.
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    Fashin is always a majr indicatr f ppular trends.The new Chinese style has been selected as ne f the Tp 10 lifestyle trends in a cmpilatin(汇编)__56__(release)by Xiahngshu.
    Besides adding value__57__design,the new Chinese style is enriching peple's eating and drinking habits.S far,the imprted cffee business__58__(embrace)the Chinese style and culture t create a new image fr cffee as a lifestyle beverage.Fr instance,Sexy Tea launched Chinese-style Yuenn &Yang Cffee,__59__struck an instant chrd with yung peple.__60__(similar),a Mutai flavred latte by Luckin Cffee created a stir in the market. The integratin f Eastern and Western drinks is nt simply a__61__(cmbine),but a new flavr supprted by new materials and prcesses.
    “Amid all these market__62__(phenmenn)sparked by the new Chinese style,cultural cnsumptin has als emerged.Scenes such as traditinal Chinese style phtgraphy, Hanfu utings, ancient city cultural turism,the ppular new Chinese weddings and related fashin have all becme__63__(act).”said Hua Hui,assciate prfessr f the Schl f Media & Cmmunicatin at Shanghai Jia Tng University.
    The inclusiveness f Chinese culture__64__the leading rle f Chinese aesthetics(美学) have redefined the cntemprary wrld,__65__(give)it a new dimensin and a new status.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Sam看到你在社交媒体上发布的“Just applied t be a vlunteer at the 9th Asian Winter Games(HARBIN 2025).Feeling excited!”,他很感兴趣,发邮件询问志愿者申请事宜。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Sam,
    I hpe this email finds yu in great spirits.
    Li Hua
    I like staying vernight at my Gramma's huse—that is,until Gramma starts telling me hw wnderful my cusin Maya is.Then it's Maya this and Maya that until I dn't ever want t hear anther wrd abut her.
    That's why I wasn't t excited when Gramma called me n the phne t"cme n ver and bring yur pyjamas(睡衣裤).”When I gt there,it was wrse than I'd expected.There,in Grandpa's big leather rcker,sat Maya,all dressed up and frmal-lking and wearing fancy shes as if she'd just been a party.
    “Surprise,Kristen!”Gramma said.“Yur cusin Maya and her parents have traveled in frm the East Cast n business.Maya gets t stay with us this afternn.”Gramma chattered away abut hw excited she'd been fr this surprise get-tgether,and hw cusins ught t get t knw each ther better.
    I hung my baseball cap in the clset and set my backpack by the stairway,all the time smiling and ndding as if I'd been waiting frever fr this chance t spend an afternn with Maya.Grandpa's chair squawked(咯咯叫)as Maya rcked back and frth.It's the chair I like best in the huse,the ne I usually sit in.I sat dwn n the sfa acrss frm her.
    Shrtly,Gramma went ff t the kitchen t“see abut sme lunch,”she said.That left me stuck in the living rm with rcking Maya.
    She was still small but taller than I'd remembered her frm her last visit fur years ag.She was gd at small talk,thugh,and was chatting away abut hw nice it was t see me again.But I culd tell that she didn't really think s.The last time she was here,we'd had hurs f fun tgether building caves ut f Gramma's sfa pillws.
    After that,I wuld hear abut her nly thrugh Gramma's tales.Maya taking pian lessns.Maya learning math.Maya,Maya,Maya.Nw Maya was here,lking great with the latest haircut and a fancy dress.
    Glancing dwn at my jeans and my ld sneakers,I wished I hadn't cme.
    “Hw d yu knw all these things abut me?”I asked.
    第一部分 听力:(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分,不计入总分)
    1—5 BAAAC 6—10 ABABA11—15 CBBAC16—20 CBACC
    第二部分 阅读:(共20小题,每小题3分,满分60分)
    21—23 CCC 24—27 DABD 28—31ACCD 32—35DCBB 36—40 BAGED
    41—45 BBACB 46—50ADABC 51—55ABCDC
    56.released 57.t 58.has embraced 59.which 60.Similarly
    61.cmbinatin 62.phenmena 63.active 64.and 65.giving
    第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Sam,
    I hpe this message finds yu in great spirits.Delightedly knwing yur interest in the 9th Asian Winter Games,I can't wait t share details with yu.
    The Asian Winter Games is a significant event.Vlunteering at it is really a unique pprtunity t meet and interact with many different peple,and experience the spirit f sprtsmanship and cmpetitin.As fr its requirements,excellent cmmunicatin and rganizatin skills with flexibility are emphasized.Additinally,prficiency in bth Mandarin and English is a must.Fr mre detailed infrmatin,yu can refer t the attachment.
    I sincerely hpe yu will take this pprtunity t participate in the Games.Lking frward t hearing frm yu.(鼓励Sam参加是考查学生是否有读者意识。)
    Dear Sam,
    I hpe this message finds yu in great spirits.Yes,it's true!I've just submitted my applicatin fr a vlunteer psitin at the 9th Asian Winter Games t be held in Harbin in 2025.
    As fr its requirements,it's prficiency in bth Mandarin and English that is a must,which is greatly beneficial in assisting thse in need.Besides,bth flexible skills in cmmunicatin and prir relevant experience are especially highlighted. Undubtedly, vlunteering at it is really a unique pprtunity t meet and interact with many different peple,and experience firsthand the behind-the-scenes wrkings f a majr sprting event.
    Why nt cnsider vlunteering fr such a significant event?Waiting t receive yur gd news.(鼓励Sam参加是考查学生是否有读者意识。)
    Glancing dwn at my jeans and my ld sneakers,I wished I hadn't cme.A rush f shame flded ver me as I cmpared myself t Maya.She was smarter,prettier,and mre talented than I.“I hear yu like t skate,”Maya's wrds crashed thrugh my thughts."I hear yu are the captain f yur baseball team.Even better,yu are always cmpetitive and aggressive in any sprts activities,"she exclaimed,her eyes full f envy and admiratin.What she annunced was ttally beynd my expectatin.
    “Hw d yu knw all these things abut me?”I asked.Maya tld me that my Gramma wrte abut me in her emails and that I was her favrite persn t write abut.Numb with shck,I stared at Maya's face,I explained that my Gramma talked abut her all the time.It was at that mment that a bnd was rebuilt,reminding me f the lst pieces f thse sweet memries.During the afternn,the living rm was brimming with laughter.I finally understd that Gramma had tw favrites.
    Glancing dwn at my jeans and my ld sneakers,I wished I hadn't cme.There I was, feeling ut f place,in my casual wear.A feeling f envy and smewhat discmfrt welled up in my heart.“Krista,yu wn hnr fr yur schl baseball team last mnth.Fantastic!"A dynamic and uplifting vice brke the embarrassing silence.“Yu excel at maths.Culd yu help me with my maths?”she cntinued.Feeling stunned with what I heard,I gt t realize that Maya was just a regular child like me,with her wn struggles and achievements.
    “Hw d yu knw all these things abut me?”I asked.“It's grandma.She talked a lt abut yu n the phne,yur baseball games,yur science prjects,and hw much yu helped her arund the huse."she said.I was taken aback.I thught Gramma nly talked abut Maya,but she had been sharing stries abut me as well.It dawned n me that maybe Gramma wasn't cmparing us,but rather celebrating bth ur accmplishments.As the afternn prgressed,Maya and I started sharing mre abut ur lives,and I fund myself enjying her cmpany,realizing that we had a lt in cmmn.
    Glancing dwn at my jeans and my ld sneakers,I wished I hadn't cme.Her nice haircut, trendy utfit and graceful manner all made me feel inferir.My head was cluttered with a mix f jealusy and embarrassment.Despite that,I still managed a smile and ndded every nw and then as she was lecturing her experiences I had already heard f frm Gramma.Time dragged.I was abut t excuse myself ff the living rm when Maya said admiringly,“Hw des it feel winning the baseball match?I've never claimed the tp spt.”Ignring the apparent astnishment n my face,she cntinued mentining my recent imprvement in math.
    “Hw d yu knw all these things abut me?”I asked.“It was Gramma!”she said,“She talked a lt abut yu n the phne.I rather envy yu."Her wrds came as a shck in my heart.It turned ut Gramma had always been the bridge between us,bnding us with her special attentin.Later that afternn,bth f us fund back the lst delight we had had fur years ag.After Maya left,I gave Gramma a bear hug and thanked her fr giving us a place t recnnect and shwering us with unspken lve.
    Text 1
    M:Let's g t the mvies after dinner.
    W:A wnderful idea,but I'm t exhausted nw and I want t take a break.
    Text 2
    W:Henry,what brings yu here?
    M:Well,I've been running a temperature fr tw weeks.I finally decided I shuld cme and see yu.
    Text 3
    M:There is always a lt f smke cming frm the chimney f the factries near ur schl.
    W:Yes,there is.I think factries shuld nt be built near schls.
    Text 4
    M:Excuse me,when des the next train fr Princetn leave?
    W:Let's see …There's ne leaving in fifteen minutes,and anther ne in an hur.
    M:I'd like tw tickets fr the earlier train.
    Text 5
    W:Why are yu angry,Tm?
    M:I can't stand it when they shw the same cmmercials twice in a rw.It drives me crazy.
    W:Oh,they always interrupt the TV series at the mst exciting mment t shw sme stupid cmmercials.
    M:I knw!
    Text 6
    M:Hell.This is Mike.Can I speak t Mary?
    W:Speaking.Why are yu calling?
    M:I've gt smething imprtant t tell yu.
    W:I guess we're ging n a schl trip?
    M:Ww!Yu hit the bull's eye.⑥We plan t g t a museum tmrrw mrning.
    W:N prblem!I just had a cld yesterday and nw I've already recvered.
    M:OK,I'll tell ur teacher.⑦We'll meet at the schl gate at a quarter t seven tmrrw mrning.See yu then.
    W:Thanks a lt.I'll be there.Bye!
    Text 7
    W:Christmas is cming.And it seems everything has been ging wrng lately.
    M:Here …Sit dwn and tell me abut it.
    W:Well,recently I've had t be at wrk by 8 am.⑧Yu knw I wrk in the ty department at the shpping center.
    M:Ah,yes,f curse it's much busier than usual.Everyne's shpping fr Christmas presents.
    W:Yesterday I verslept and I was ten minutes late.At 10 'clck the frnt drs f the shpping center pened and a fld f shppers walked int the ty department.Sn peple were shuting,pushing me arund r making angry demands.
    M:Oh,that's awful.
    W:I'm used t it nw.It's just that selling gifts fr kids is such an unpleasant jb befre Christmas.⑨Christmas desn't mean much t me nw except mre wrk and mre headaches.
    Text 8
    W:Nw,Tny,what d yu like best abut being a ftball star?
    M:Well,I lve t hear the cheering when I'm playing,especially when I scre a gal.And,f curse,the pay is gd.
    W:D yu get nervus?
    M:⑩Befre the game,yes,but nt during it.
    W:Can yu tell us smething abut yur training?
    M:Well,we train very hard,especially befre a big game.The team has t stay tgether n the rad—smetimes fr weeks—and I find it very bring.
    W:Are yu wrried abut tmrrw's game?
    M:N.⑫Even if we lse we'll prbably still get the cup.Yu see,we scred mre gals than Nrthern City,s they'll have t win by at least fur gals if they want the cup.I dn't think they can d it.W:Thank yu,Tny,and gd luck tmrrw.
    W:Gd mrning,Redwd Furniture Shp.Can I help yu?
    M:Yes.I'd like t rder a set f furniture fr my new huse,please.Can yu deliver it t my hme?W:Sure!Just let me get the rder frm here and I'll take dwn yur infrmatin.Can I have yur name please?
    M:Bill Duttn.⑬My phne number is 661-3564.
    W:OK,gt it.⑭And have yu lked thrugh the pictures f ur furniture n the Internet?
    M:Of curse.Nw,may I tell yu the number f each piece f furniture?
    W:Yes.I will write them dwn.Please g ahead.
    M:A white yellw duble bed,picture N.5;⑮a sfa,three pieces,white,N.4;a light red bkcase,N.8;a rund yellw dinner table with 4 chairs,,that's all.
    W:OK.I have written them dwn.Nw,where wuld yu like them delivered?
    M:My address is N.366,Zhngshan Rad.Is tmrrw OK?
    W:Let me check.Yes,tmrrw we are available.But hw will yu pay,cash r credit card?
    M:⑯Cash.Please bring a receipt when yu deliver them.W:OK.Then see yu tmrrw.
    M:See yu.
    Text 10
    Gd mrning,everyne.Welcme t Camp Alisn.Camp Alisn is ne f the ldest day camps in the UK.It was funded 20 years ag by a British cuple,Susan and Mike Defin,in Australia.After its success in Australia,they thught the idea wuld wrk well in the UK,t.⑱Within five years f its pening in the UK,Camp Alisn expanded t ten different sites within Lndn.
    Day camps are rganized thrughut the summer and are pen t children and teenagers between 6 and 16.⑲The camps are hsted at schls and clleges that wuld nrmally be clsed in the summer.This allws Camp Alisn t have its day camp n sites that have excellent grunds and equipment,particularly fr sprts
    All the sites have sprts halls and indr swimming pls if it is t wet and r cld fr the rganized utdr activities.2Camps have their wn directrs wh plan everything and have a lt f experience.All camps are regularly inspected.Have a lk at ur website fr full details.

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