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    这是一份山东省泰安市2024届高三下学期3月一轮检测(泰安一模)英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了 03等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024. 03
    1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    “The Greatest Night in Pp” Makes a Trip Dwn Memry Lane fr Yu and Me
    Being f a certain age will surely enhance the pleasure in watching "The Greatest Night in Pp", a dcumentary n the making f "We Are the Wrld" nearly 40 years ag. Linel Richie serves as the tur guide fr this trip dwn memry lane, which fulfills its prmise t make a better day fr yu and me.
    Fr thse wh dn’t remember, the sng and vide t benefit starving peple in Africa was pulled tgether in 1985, cleverly gathering nearly fur dzen influential musical stars after they appeared at the American Music Awards. As Richie ntes, rganizers knew they had "ne night nly t get this right, "with prducer Quincy Jnes famusly psting a sign utside that read, "Check yur eg(自负) at the dr. "
    Directed by Ba Nguyen, the whle thing is pretty exciting, drawing frm the enugh ftage(连续镜头) sht that night t prvide plenty f fly-n-the-wall mments, added by interviews with musicians and the prductin crew.
    There are plenty f amusing details, like Diana Rss asking Daryl Hall fr his signature, which pened the fldgates t these perfrmers releasing their inner fans and mving arund the rm cllecting signatures.
    Granted, the trade-ff t watching is yu'll likely be humming r singing "We Are the Wrld" fr the next several days. Cnsider that a relatively small price t pay fr a frnt-rw seat t this remarkable gathering f musical ryalty, and the magic that happened during ne lng night when, at Jnes' request, they left their egs utside.
    1. What is a purpse f the dcumentary?
    A. T benefit starving peple in Africa.
    B. T be in hnur f "We Are the Wrld".
    C. T remember famus American musicians.
    D. T raise fund fr the American Music Awards.
    2. Wh is the directr f the dcumentary?
    A. Quincy Jnes. B. Diana Rss. C. Linel Richie. D. Ba Nguyen.
    3. What d we knw abut the dcumentary?
    A. It may make the sng ppular again.
    B. The price f a frnt-rw seat is wrthless.
    C. The yunger yu are, the mre yu like it.
    D. The prductin crew are mre ryal t music.
    When Stanfrd University student Ellen Xu was a five-year-ld in Califrnia, she vividly recalls her parents rushing her little sister t the hspital. Three-year-ld Kate had fallen acutely ill; she had a fever, reddened eyes, a rash and sme swelling in her hands and tngue.
    At first, the puzzled dctrs thught she had influenza, but when her cnditin didn't imprve, the Xus returned t the emergency rm, where a dctr by chance had prir experience with an acute inflammatry (炎症性的) reactin in the bld vessels knwn as Kawasaki disease. Thugh rare, it's the leading cause f acquired heart disease in babies and yung children, and its cause and triggers remain smewhat mysterius. The dctr knew hw t treat it: He rdered a dse f intravenus immunglbulin, and eventually Kate shk ff the illness withut suffering damage t her heart.
    Xu remembers being curius abut her sister's dramatic cnditin and was amazed that the grwn-ups culdn't answer her questins abut why it was s hard t detect. "In my mind, it was this mystery, she says. "It was a puzzle I wanted t slve. "
    A decade later, wanting t enter a high schl science fair, she had an idea: "What if we had a dctr in ur pcket?" S she created just that: Using AT, Xu designed an algrithm(算法) that uses visual data t diagnse (诊断) Kawasaki disease based n five physical symptms.
    The technlgy wrks the same way as apps that can identify birds and plants with phts yu've taken n yur cellphne. Wrried parents can uplad a pht that they have taken f their child, and the technlgy will scan the image fr symptms f Kawasaki disease, which ften have a strng visual element, such as a rash r a swllen tngue.
    Xu's inventin has been applied as a web app n the Kawasaki Disease Fundatin's website withut charge. "The technlgy culd als be develped fr recgnizing aut-immune and rheumatlgical (风湿病学的) diseases, " she says. "It means a lt t me. I want t use Al t help peple live happier and healthier lives. "
    4. Why was Kawasaki disease s hard t diagnse?
    A. It had n symptms.
    B. It had never been knwn befre.
    C. It culd be cnfused with influenza.
    D. It culdn't be diagnsed by medical instruments.
    5. What's the functin f the first three paragraphs?
    A. T describe the bad results f the disease.
    B. T intrduce a case remaining mysterius.
    C. T shw why Xu develped the technlgy.
    D. T prve dctrs shuld accumulate clinical experience.
    6. What's the advantage f Xu's inventin?
    A. It is cnvenient and cheap.
    B. It can take the place f dctrs.
    C. It can treat Kawasaki disease quickly.
    D. It can diagnse Kawasaki disease via scanned pictures.
    7. What can be learned frm the text?
    A. The technlgy is an AI-pwered diagnsed tl.
    B. Xu had the idea f the technlgy when Kate was treated.
    C. The technlgy can't be applied t diagnse ther diseases.
    D. Influenza is the leading reasn f acquired heart disease in babies.
    "Deep Wrk: Rules fr Fcused Success in a Distracted Wrld" by Cal Newprt is an explratin f the challenges psed by ur mdern, digitally-driven envirnment and the strategies ne can emply t achieve fcused success. Newprt researches the cncept f deep wrk, emphasizing its critical rle in an era marked by cnstant distractins.
    The bk addresses the cmmn issue f infrmatin verlad and the impact f shallw tasks n prductivity. Newprt argues that the ability t engage in deep, cncentrated wrk is essential fr success. The authr supprts his claims with research, including experiments cmparing brain cnnectivity patterns during deep wrk and shallw tasks.
    Newprt's wrk agrees with earlier studies, cnfirming that handwritten ntes utperfrm (胜过) typed nes in academic perfrmance. Beynd academia, Newprt presents evidence f the cgnitive (认知的) benefits f deep wrk.
    The bk prvides practical strategies fr integrating deep wrk int ne's prfessinal life, advcating fr rutines and intentinal changing f the brain t resist distractins. Newprt intrduces cncepts like prductive meditatin (冥想) and the craftsman apprach t tl selectin, ffering readers actinable advice t enhance their fcus and prductivity.
    "Deep Wrk" has wn widespread praise fr its insights int prductivity in a distracted wrld. Many praise Newprt's thrugh research, cmbining neurscience with practical advice. Readers appreciate the real-wrld examples, frm Carl Jung's fcused mindset t a scial media pineer's distractin-free writing jurney.
    In cnclusin, "Deep Wrk" stands as a valuable guide fr navigating the challenges f the digital age. Newprt's explratin f deep wrk as a catalyst(催化剂) fr success, supprted by research and cncrete strategies, has left a lasting impact n hw individuals apprach their prfessinal and persnal lives. It serves as a timely reminder t priritize fcus and cncentratin in an era defined by cnstant cnnectivity and distractins.
    8. What kind f writing is this passage?
    A. A bk review. B. An advertisement.
    C. A science reprt. D. A psychlgical research.
    9. Hw des Cal Newprt supprt his claims abut the benefits f deep wrk in the bk?
    A. By sharing persnal experiences.
    B. By prviding practical strategies.
    C. By ding experiments n brain cnnectivity.
    D. By integrating deep wrk int ne's prfessinal life
    10. What des Newprt advcate as a strategy in "Deep Wrk"?
    A. Selective tls. B. Inflexible mind.
    C. Changeable rutines. D. Prductive meditatin.
    11. What des the authr want t tell us in the bk?
    A. Achieving success thrugh fcus.
    B. The necessity f handwritten ntes.
    C. The drawbacks f cnstant cnnectivity.
    D. An analysis f mdern wrkfrce challenges.
    As t psychlgical well-being, the cmfrt zne is frequently perceived as a haven, a familiar lcatin where individuals feel calm and peaceful. Pushing beynd this psychlgical state might have benefits.
    The cmfrt zne can be understd as a behaviral metaphr. Within a cmfrt zne, an individual takes n a state f minimal anxiety withut a perceptin f risk, respnding predictably t deliver a cnsistent level f perfrmance. These include behavirs that peple d cmmnly, find relaxing, r that take them away frm high-stress situatins. Engaging in the same manner ver time leads t a predictable and familiar zne f cmfrt. As creatures f habit, we becme dependent n these rutines that we knw we can cmplete well t feel secure. Hwever, by stepping utside f ur cmfrt zne, we learn abut ur ability t handle new situatins and cntrl risks, leading t greater self-cnfidence, and lwer levels f anxiety.
    One study fund that individuals wh are mre secure in stepping ut f their cmfrt zne are mre likely t be excited by and lk frward t new experiences, feeling greater cnfidence in their ability t take them n.
    One behavir that demnstrates the benefits f stepping ut f a cmfrt zne is learning t play a musical instrument. When we cnsider actins utside f ur cmfrt zne, we must assess ur desire t engage in that activity. By weighing the prs and cns, we evaluate hw uncmfrtable a situatin may seem, and whether the danger f entering such an unknwn situatin will be wrth the risk. Music ffers a safe way t step ut f yur initial cmfrt zne because yu can begin by practicing in an islated setting, which ffers a casual, safe way t build a new skill set. By picking up and practicing a new instrument, yu have prven t yurself that yu are capable f meeting an unfamiliar bjective, thus decreasing anxiety.
    12. What des the underlined wrd "haven" in Paragraph 1 mst prbably mean?
    A. habitatB. shelterC. cmmunityD. destinatin
    13. Which will nt be cnsidered when we step ut f ur cmfrt zne?
    A. We recall the ld experience.
    B. We think whether it is wrth the risk.
    C. We evaluate ur thirsty fr the activity.
    D. We weigh the strengths and weaknesses.
    14. What will be prbably discussed in the fllwing paragraph?
    A. The definitin f the cmfrt zne.
    B. The imprtance f psychlgical well-being.
    C. The prcess f learning a new musical instrument.
    D. The benefits f stepping ut f ne's cmfrt zne.
    15. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t Identify Cmfrt Zne
    B. Staying Inside Cmfrt Zne is Imprtant
    C. Stepping Outside Cmfrt Zne Prmtes Learning
    D. Hw t Take Yurself Away frm High-stress Situatins
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    "Rise t Glry" is an incredibly inspiring film that unflds the gripping (扣人心弦的) tale f a lser's jurney t greatness. 16 It takes them n an emtinal rllercaster, mixing mments f success with heart-breaking setbacks.
    The cinematgraphy, the technique f making films fr the cinema, in "Rise t Glry" deserves special mentin. 17 The directr's ability t perfectly cmbine intense actin sequences (镜头) with quiet mments f reflectin adds a layer f depth t the strytelling.
    18 Each character faces their wn set f challenges, cntributing t the verall theme f grwth and resilience (适应力). The supprting cast delivers exceptinal perfrmances, filling the stry with authenticity and depth. The strng cnnectin amng the cast members is nticeable, increasing the appeal f the characters' jurneys.
    The sundtrack f "Rise t Glry" is a standut feature. It perfectly makes up the n- screen events, creating an immersive (沉浸式的) experience fr the audience. 19
    "Rise t Glry" leaves a pwerful impressin n the viewer. It is a must-watch fr anyne wh wants t get mtivated. The mvie delivers a prfund message f perseverance and self- discvery, presented with a heartfelt sincerity. 20 It's an emtinal jurney that attracts frm beginning t end. Its exceptinal cinematgraphy, cmpelling characters, and impactful sundtrack cme tgether t create a cinematic masterpiece that will undubtedly stand the test f time.
    A. The sundtrack features a cllectin f music.
    B. In summary, "Rise t Glry" is mre than just a film.
    C. The visuals are attractive, deepening the emtinal impact.
    D. The mvie attracts the audience frm the beginning t the end.
    E. The music adds nt nly emtin but als depth t the strytelling.
    F. What sets this film apart is its well-develped and relatable characters.
    G. The film lacks a dramatic emtinal jurney, leaving viewers unaffected.
    第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I never met a mre interesting man than Mayhew, a lawyer, in Detrit. By 35 he had a gd 21 ; a cute brain and an attractive 22 . There was n reasn why he shuld nt becme, financially r plitically, a(n) 23 in the land.
    One evening he was drinking with friends. One had recently cme frm Italy and tld them f a huse n the hill, 24 the Bay f Naples. He 25 t them the beauty f the mst beautiful island in the Mediterranean.
    Mayhew sent an email, wanting t buy the huse. The next day the 26 came back. The ffer was accepted. Mayhew made n secret f the fact that he wuld never have dne s 27 a thing if he had nt drunk, but he did nt regret it. He made up his mind t d 28 as he had said. He did nt 29 wealth and he had enugh mney n which t live in Italy.
    He had n _ 30 plan. He merely wanted t get away frm his current life. He determined t write a histry abut the Rman Empire. He began t cllect 31 bks and sn he had a large library. He wrked harder, ready t sit dwn t 32 . He died. His memry is 33 in the hearts f fewer friends. As the years pass n and t the wrld, he is unknwn. And yet t me his life was a 34 . He did what he wanted, and he died when his 35 was in sight.
    21.A. caseB. chanceC. reputatinD. business
    22.A. pseB. viceC. fashinD. persnality
    23.A. pwerB. energyC. strengthD. nbdy
    24.A. blckingB. surrundingC. verlkingD. mnitring
    25.A. reprtedB. explainedC. describedD. annunced
    26.A. fferB. replyC. letterD. ntice
    27.A. wildB. urgentC. demandingD. awkward
    28.A. actuallyB. exactlyC. frmallyD. casually
    29.A. ask frB. search frC. call frD. care abut
    30.A. randmB. effectiveC. undetailedD. definite
    31.A. classicB. relatedC. uniqueD. cntemprary
    32.A. writeB. studyC. imagineD. recrd
    33.A. explredB. treasuredC. frgttenD. discussed
    34.A. shwB. failureC. successD. surprise
    35.A. galB. glryC. prgressD. dignity
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Every day, thusands f turists frm arund the wrld plan their trips t the Great Wall f China.
    Despite the wall's 5, 500-dd miles, 36 (spread) frm east t west acrss the cuntry, mst travelers find 37 (them)at either the Badaling r Mutianyu sectins, the tw areas clsest t Beijing. These visitrs rise early frm their dwntwn htels, pack themselves int buses and wait in lng queues 38 (see) the magnificent structures that cnsist f the Great Wall.
    But what if there was anther way?
    An hur-lng drive nrth f the 39 (crwd) capital is Cmmune by the Great Wall, a ppular weekend getaway fr Beijingers 40 a series f mdern buildings cnsist f a luxury htel, with award-winning design amng yellw-leaved gingk trees. It is nt nly the rural surrundings 41 attract travelers t the twn f Yangqing. Beynd the usual services-an expansive breakfast buffet and czy bed sheets-Cmmune by the Great Wall 42 (prvide) a rare pprtunity t simply walk t the Wall. Just 20 minutes by ft frm the htel receptin 43 (be) the Shuiguan sectin f the wall.
    Cmmune by the Great Wall wn 44 special praise at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002, the year the 12 cre buildings 45 (cmplete).
    第三部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    请你写一篇短文向校英文报“Mental Health”栏目投稿, 向同学们推荐一种调节情绪的方法。内容包括:
    1. 介绍这种方法;
    2. 说明推荐的理由。
    1. 词数80个左右;
    2. 短文的题目已为你写好, 不计人总词数。
    Cntrl Yur Emtin and Be Mentally Healthy
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I've always cnsidered art t be "my thing", the area where hurs transfrm int the graceful dance f brushes n papers. It was a simple day. I finished my ther classes befre ging t my favrite class-art. My teacher, a beautiful wman wh always smiled, assigned ur final task f the year: finish a self-prtrait (自画像). I hadn't dne ne since secnd grade. This was ging t be an interesting challenge.
    I lked thrugh my pht albums as sn as I returned hme. The first picture I fund was me in 7th grade. Hmm. My teeth lked a little strange. The next picture was me with my friend. Ugh, there was a giant dt n my cheek. The third picture was me with my little sister. What was my hair ding? I decided I culdn't use any f these phtgraphs.
    I went t my rm and pulled up my mirrr, face-t-face with my reflectin. I started with the utline. First, I captured (捕捉) the shape f my face. I settled n sme dd mixture between val (椭圆) and circular (圆). Then, I cntinued sketching (素描) the eyes, nse, muth, ears and finally my hair. The utline tk a while because I wanted it t be beautiful. Then I wrked n the actual painting prcess fr a few days, making sure every detail was perfect. Finally, I finished it a week early.
    I presented it t my teacher, wh lked ver it and sighed, "But we need t discuss the
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    After arriving hme, I lked in the mirrr again.
    When I submitted the updated prtrait, my teacher smiled and prpsed t shw it at an exhibitin.

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