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    Get Ready fr Summer Series
    Jin the Natinal Summer Learning Assciatin Summer Btcamp t gain tls and best practices t help yuth thrive. Anyne wh cares abut summer learning is welcme! Leaders frm schls, cmmunitybased prgrams, camps, libraries, utdr educatin prgrams, and mre. If yu are wrking with yuth during the summer mnths, yu will benefit frm these ideas and strategies.
    Day 1 --- March 30
    Sessin 1: 1 p.m. --- 2 p.m.
    We’ll explre the research and data telling us the current state f the academic, mental, and physical well-being f children and families. With the data in hand, we’ll cnsider hw t create strategies that meet this mment in time and help yung peple thrive.
    Sessin 2: 2 p.m. --- 3 p.m.
    What’s knwn is that we need t think creatively and plan strategically t find and retain excellent staff that knws hw t build relatinships with yung peple. In this sessin, we’ll share tls and strategies t develp a strng wrkfrce ready t make a difference this summer.
    Day 2 --- March 31
    Sessin 1: 1 p.m. --- 2 p.m.
    Let’s explre hw t access the investments and ensure impact. We’ll cnsider hw t leverage partnerships acrss sectrs, including schls, cmmunity-based rganizatins, business and mre t make the mst f the investment f public funding.
    Sessin 2: 2 p.m. --- 3 p.m.
    In this sessin, we’ll dive int prgrams that have prven strategies, tls and curses that can be applied in yur summer learning prgram. We’ll talk abut hw t access and apply learning strategies that ensure children and yuth enjy their summer.
    21. Wh shuld attend the Summer Btcamp?
    A. Only the leaders frm schls.
    B. The yung peple wh are thriving.
    C. Whever wrks with the yuth in summer.
    D. The students caring abut summer learning.
    22. Which d yu chse if yu’re interested in the healthy issue?
    A. Day 1 --- March 30 Sessin 1.
    B. Day 1 --- March 30 Sessin 2.
    C. Day 2 --- March 31 Sessin 1.
    D. Day 2 --- March 31 Sessin 2.
    23. What des the last paragraph talk abut?
    A. Hw t enjy yurself in summer.
    B. Prgrams abut the learning methds.
    C. Strategies, tls and curses n yuth.
    D. Hw t ensure yuth access the investments.
    When Simn Cane was in the secnd grade, he began learning abut all the ways humans have an impact n the envirnment and really tk thse classrm lessns t heart in a way that set him apart frm his schlmates at his elementary schl, P. S. 81, in the Brnx. “He tld me we drve t much and made t much pllutin,” his dad, Jnathan Cane, tld Runner’s Wrld. S Simn cnvinced his parents t start hanging their clthes t dry, taking the stairs instead f elevatrs, and ther “green” measures.
    “Fr much f kindergarten and first grade I rde my bike t Simn’s schl with him n the back,” Jnathan said. “We had a lt f fun being utdrs. We’d stp t give ur dg treats and generally enjyed it.” As Simn gt bigger, thugh, it wasn’t practical fr him t ride n his father’s back, but it als didn’t make sense t ride tgether --- bth because f safety cncerns and because there was n place t put away Simn’s bike. S, mst f the time they drve the 1. 5 miles t schl.
    But in 2019, when Simn was ging int third grade, the 8-year-ld came up with a new way t help the planet: running the 1. 5 miles t P.S. 81. And Jnathan prmised his sn he’d jin him fr as lng as he wanted.
    “We did a test run ne day in August, and decided t give it a g. T be hnest, I thught he’d blink (眨 眼)after it gt really cld r rainy, but he never did,” Jnathan said. He recalled ne day when the weather was particularly bad. “It’s really raining ut there tday,” he tld Simn. “And Simn said, ‘Well then we’re ging t get wet!’ He tk pride in tughing it ut, and it became a really fun family rutine.”
    Since the start, Simn has run with his dad and their black dg, Lla, and has even inspired his mm, Nicle Sin Quee, t jin in. They sn became knwn as “the family that runs t schl”.
    24. What makes Simn different frm his classmates?
    A. Washing his clthes by himself.
    B. Taking many classes after schl.
    C. Raising strange questins in class.
    D. Taking green measures t prtect the envirnment.
    25.Hw did Simn usually g t schl in secnd grade?
    A. By car. B. By cycling.
    C. By running. D. By schl bus.
    26. What can be inferred frm paragraph 4?
    A. Simn has truble with his eyesight.
    B. Simn is really stubbrn and inflexible.
    C. Simn is much tugher than expected.
    D. Simn didn’t get supprt frm his father.
    27. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. The Best Way t G t Schl
    B. Father and Sn Run fr the Envirnment
    C. A Teenager Keeps Running t Inspire Father
    D. Three Inspiring Running Athletes t Prtect the Envirnment
    We all lve animals, but animals dn’t feel the same way abut us. When we enter their wild wrld, we are “unnatural” invaders int their hmes.
    There was a vide many f yu may have seen n the Internet recently f a bear and its cub (幼崽)climbing up a steep, snw-cvered hill in Russia, The mama bear makes it t the tp withut t much truble, but the baby bear keeps sliding back dwn. It takes three attempts t reach the tp and, n dubt, many cheered at the cub’s never-give-up spirit. But nature scientists wh saw the vide didn’t cheer.
    Instead, the scientists were upset that the tw bears had been frightened int making a dangerus, unnecessary climb by the drne (无人机)that was filming them. Sphie Gilbert f the University f Idah said, “It shwed a cmplete lack f understanding frm the drne peratr f the effects his actins were having n the bears. Other scientists have fund that when a drne is hvering near, a bear’s heart rate can increase frm 41 beats per minute t 162 beats per minute --- a high enugh rate t cause a heart attack.
    Human disturbance has actually been having a far-reaching influence n wildlife. Researchers at the University f Berkeley recently fund that many mammals are turning int “night wls” again t avid cntact with humans. Such a shift might nt nly affect thse species themselves, but als have numerus chain effects.
    We human beings find urselves in a strange psitin in nature. We are part f it but als separate frm it, nw mre than ever, since mst f us live in cities. S, when we g ff hiking int wild areas t “recnnect” with nature, we shuld g sftly and cnsiderately. It’s OK t get clse t ur animal friends, just nt t clse --- we wuldn’t want t scare them, wuld we?
    28. What des the vide feature?
    A. The baby bear’s climbing. B. The mama bear’s care.
    C. The dangerus envirnment. D. The experiment by scientists.
    29. Why didn’t nature scientists cheer?
    A. They knew the bear’s family well.
    B. They were against ther scientists.
    C. They knew the cause f the bears’ climbing.
    D. They lacked understanding f the drne peratr.
    30. What may be the effect f human disturbance n wildlife?
    A. Fd shrtage. B. Changing habitats.
    C. Eclgical imbalance. D. Less cntact with humans.
    31. What des the authr seem t agree with?
    A. Lse cnnectin with nature.
    B. Tighten the bnd with wild animals.
    C. Respect the human-animal distance.
    D. Sht mre vides n animals fr study.
    Dctrs smetimes prescribe light therapy t treat a frm f depressin in peple wh get t little mrning sun. But t much light at ther times may actually cause such md disrders. Lng-lasting expsure t light at night brings depressin, a new study finds, at least in animals.
    The new data cnfirm bservatins frm studies f peple wh wrk night shifts, says Richard Stevens f the University f Cnnecticut Health Center. Md disrders jin a grwing list f prblems, including cancer, besity and diabetes (梩)hat can ccur when light thrws life ut f balance by disturbing the bilgical clck and its timing f daily rhythms.
    In the new study, Tracy Bedrsian and Randy Nelsn f Ohi State University expsed mice t nrmal light and dark cycles fr fur weeks. Fr the next fur weeks, half f the mice remained n this schedule, and the rest received cntinuus dim light thrughut their night. Cmpared with mice expsed t nrmal nighttime darkness, thse getting dim light at night lst their strng preference fr sweet drinks, “a sign they n lnger get pleasure ut f activities they nce enjyed,” Bedrsian says.
    In a secnd test, mice were clcked n hw lng they actively tried t escape a pl f water. Thse expsed t night lights stpped struggling and just flated in the water, a sign f “behaviral despair”, 10 times as lng as the mice that had experienced nrmal nighttime darkness. All symptms f depressin disappeared within tw weeks f the mice returning t a nrmal light-dark cycle, the researchers reprt. The scientists als culd quash the behaviral symptms by injecting (注射)the brains f animals with a drug that prhibits the activity f certain mlecules linked with human depressin. This finding further suggests that light at night may cause smething related t depressin.
    Human studies linking nighttime light and md disrders are imprtant but can’t easily detect mlecular underpinnings (分子基础)as animal studies can, says Gerge Brainard f Thmas Jeffersn University. The new wrk, he says, suggests that the change f the bilgical clck by light at night can be “an extremely pwerful frce in regulating bilgy and behavir.”
    32.Why des the authr mentin dctrs prescribing light therapy?
    A. T emphasize the imprtance f light.
    B. T intrduce the new research finding.
    C. T prve prfessinal skills f dctrs.
    D. T suggest a way t deal with depressin.
    33.What d we knw abut the new study?
    A. Symptms caused by light expsure can be relieved.
    B. Mice expsed t dim light stick t swimming fearlessly.
    C. The experiment invlves peple wrking night shifts.
    D. Scientists injected the stmachs f animals t help them.
    34. What can we infer accrding t Gerge Brainard?
    A. Mlecular underpinings can be easily detected in human studies.
    B. Mice differ a lt frm human beings in terms f night behavirs.
    C. The new wrk helps dctrs t give better treatments t patients.
    D. Regulating light at night may have practical effects n peple.
    35.Which can be a suitable title f the passage?
    A. Animals Suffering frm Light Pllutin
    B. New Drug Fund t Cure Md Disrders
    C. Nighttime Light Likely t Fster Depressin
    D. Human Bilgical Clck Cntrlled by Light
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    A new year can bring new excitement and pprtunities t grw fr kids, t. (36)________ New Year’s reslutins can be a beneficial way fr kids t get mtivated, accrding t the American Academy f Pediatrics.
    “(37)________” said Dr. Lanre Falusi, a Washingtn, D.C., pediatrician (儿科医生)in an American Academy f Pediatrics statement. “Kids als lve having smething t wrk tward and t have fun keeping track n sticker charts r getting praise r rewards as they reach these gals.”
    The idea f a gal may als be easier fr yunger children t grasp. Jack Frezell, 3, f Ontari, Canada, said his gal fr next year is t “g n my bike by myself.” Setting gals can teach children persistence, fcus and the value f planning, accrding t Gary Latham, Secretary f State Prfessr f Organizatinal Behavir at the University f Trnt, wh specializes in gal setting. “(38)________” Latham said, “It teaches them cntrl ver their envirnment instead f being dependent n Mm and Dad.”
    (39)________ “It has t be cncrete; it has t be within the child’s ability t attain; and there has t be a reasnable time frame,” said Latham. He nted that nce kids reach age 7 r s, it’s achievable fr them t set a gal and make their wn plan fr hw t pursue and attain it. (40)________ Here’s when t shw children with inspiratin and give them a hand.
    “Next thing yu knw, the verall gal has been attained, and it gives kids a sense f accmplishment, excitement and achievement,” he said.
    A. Setting realistic gals is difficult fr kids.
    B. The big impact is that it teaches them initiative.
    C. Hw imprtant it is t set healthy gals with kids.
    D. Gals that are bth specific and achievable are key.
    E. They can learn t fcus n new gals just like adults.
    F. If it’s nt specific, sme kids are likely t blame themselves.
    G. Of curse, guidance frm parents is still helpful fr kids f all ages.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    When I was in my first year f cllege, a friend recmmended a bk abut realizing dreams. Usually, I read nthing except gaming blgs. But I was ging thrugh a rugh time, and she 41 that if I read ne page per day, and spent 5-10 minutes thinking abut what that page said, my 42 wuld begin t change: abut the wrld, abut myself and even abut reading.
    Fr tw years, I wke up every single day and read a page ut f this bk. Then, I either sat in 43 r wrte dwn what the page made me think f. I started t 44 I was gd at cming up with ideas but 45 at seeing them thrugh. I started t understand why I 46 t make friends. I was very afraid t talk t peple I’d never met r didn’t knw very well. Once I became 47 f this, I started 48 myself. I lived in a big department cmplex with cllege kids, and the lift 49 had smene in it. I wuld push myself t talk t ne persn in that lift a day, even if I just said “Hey”, that was a big 50 . I failed a lt. I had a lt f 51 cnversatins where I prbably sunded like an idit. But slwly and surely, I gt cmfrtable and was able t 52 a cnversatin with anyne.
    I just keep experimenting with different 53 , trying t find smething that helps me wrk n the next piece f myself that needs wrking n. I urge yu t 54 the same. There is n right answer t the 55 f bettering yurself. But the ne thing it des require is cnsistency. Practice every day, and watch yur life change.
    41. A. pretended B. insisted C. estimated D. admitted
    42. A. thughts B. life C. studies D. careers
    43. A. silence B. pain C. rder D. place
    44. A. recall B. realize C. predict D. hpe
    45. A. delighted B. skilled C. hrrible D. angry
    46. A. struggled B. cmplained C. cntinued D. tended
    47. A. afraid B. aware C. shrt D. capable
    48. A. prtecting B. frgiving C. challenging D. dubting
    49. A. ever B. always C. even D. still
    50. A. step B. signal C. rule D. reasn
    51. A. ppular B. right C. secret D. funny
    52. A. ask fr B. put ff C. break ff D. strike up
    53. A. methds B. flavrs C. recipes D. tls
    54. A. say B. buy C. remain D. d
    55. A. utcme B. prcess C. risk D. purpse
    第二节 语法填空(共10题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Lcated at the ft f Haba Snw Muntain, the White Water Terrace, knwn as Baishuitai in Chinese, (56)________ (be)a grgeus natural terrace with beautiful Cliffside pls. It is abut 100 kilmeters sutheast frm Shangri-La Cunty, (57)________ takes abut 3 hurs by vehicle.
    (58)________ (measure)140 meters in length and 160 meters in width, the terrace is ne f the biggest f its kind in China. It lks like a large white marble carving amng the green muntains and lcal peple call it “a field (59)________ (leave)by fairies”. The terrace is cvered by a layer f white depsits f calcium carbnate. Spring water runs dwn frm the muntain (60)________ (steady), leaving crystallized sdium carbnate alng its slpes, giving the impressin f a marble sculpture.
    The White Water Terrace is the birthplace f Dngba culture f the Naxi Ethnic Grup. It is a sacred place fr the Naxi peple. A Dngba (61)________ ( believe)passed dwn frm ancestrs explains that the white clr represents gd luck and dignity. Accrding t the Naxi culture, a man (62)________ any experience f visiting the White Water Terrace cannt be a true believer.
    In additin t the splendid terrace (63)________ (it), travelers can als learn mre abut the Naxi ethnic culture in the nearby Baidi village. On the eighth day f the secnd lunar mnth, the Naxi peple cme (64)________ (shw)their respect fr this sacred site. Dressed in their hliday cstumes, they sing and dance t celebrate (65)________ ethnic festival.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你校交换生Alice有意加入学校阳光志愿者组织 (Sunshine Vlunteer Club),向你咨询相关情况,请你给他写一封回信,表达支持并介绍活动方式及申请方式。
    1.写作词汇应为 80 左右;
    Dear Alice,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    Catherine was the clest kid in her class. Whenever she went, she was in the sptlight, with a bunch f kids fllwing her and ding everything she did.
    Her deskmate, Landy, hwever, was nt in the cl kids’ grup. Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased by her classmates, wh were always chanting “Landy, Landy, lng as spaghetti (意大利面)”. Every time Landy heard thse silly chants, she culd feel her face burst int flames. Gd knew hw she wished the grund t crack and swallw her!
    Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy, Landy, lng as spaghetti”. But she never tld them t stp either, and nr did she ever talk t her. She liked being ppular.
    One weekend, Catherine went ver t her grandfather fr Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives n a farm at the ppsite end f twn, where he keeps chickens. While helping t feed the chickens, Catherine nticed a peculiar ne. Curling in the crner, it lked smaller than the thers and was almst half-bare!
    “What’s the matter with it?” She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frwn n her face. Her grandfather tld her hw chickens culd act. “They have a pecking (啄)rder,” he explained, wrinkles f cncern spreading arund his frehead. “If ne chicken is different, the thers will push it away and keep pecking it. Smetimes they peck it s much that it dies.”
    “Oh, what a pr little thing!” Catherine let ut a sigh as she scped the frightened chicken up in her arms, whse heart was beating fast in the bny little bdy. Suddenly, she thught f Landy, the girl being “pecked” by her classmates. “I’m ging t take it hme and take gd care f it,” she said with a determined lk.
    Back in schl, Catherine tld the cl kids abut the chicken. “It’s lking healthy,” she said prudly. “It’s fatter and its feathers are grwing. Even the cat likes it. She carries it arund the garden, and...” Everyne was entertained by Catherine’s stry f her lvely chicken, laughter lingering arund the classrm.
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then Catherine sptted Landy sitting by herself in a crner.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    But Catherine walked directly tward Landy, regardless f what they said.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    2021-2022 学年高一下学期南京市田家炳中学期末考试英语试卷
    第二部分 阅读理解
    第一节 阅读理解
    21-23 CAC 24-27 DACB 28-31 ACCC 32-35 BADC
    第二节 七选五
    36-40 CEBDG
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 BAABC 46-50 ABCBA 51-55 DDADB
    第二节 语法填空
    56. is 57. which 58. Measuring 59. left 60. steadily
    61. belief 62. withut 63. itself 64. t shw 65. the
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 应用文
    Dear Alice,
    Glad t knw yur desire t be a vlunteer f the Sunshine Vlunteer Club. As a member, I d think it is wrthwhile t be engaged in vlunteering and I’m writing t give yu my full supprt.
    Here are sme f ur regular activities, such as visits t the nursing hme, events t prmte peple’s awareness f envirnmental prtectin and wrking as a turist guide in a wrld heritage site.
    Once yu have decided, please fill in the applicatin frm attached and send it t me. Lking frward t yur participatin.
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写
    Then Catherine sptted Landy sitting by herself in a crner. She kept her head dwn with her eyes fixed n the flr as usual. It hit Catherine that the pecking rder wrked in schl, t. Landy was just like the pr little chicken, being teased and ignred by her classmates, merely due t her special height. “It’s time fr me t make an aplgy t Landy.” Catherine thught t herself. N sner had she made up her mind than she annunced it t the cl kids surrunding her. Astnished at what she said, all the kids burst ut screaming, “Talking t the lng spaghetti? Are yu crazy?”
    But Catherine walked directly tward Landy, regardless f what they said. “Hi, Landy. I’m srry abut the spaghetti thing.” Catherine murmured an aplgy, her face reddening. “I knw it hurts yu. Can yu frgive us?” She figured Landy might just walk away. But she lifted her misty eyes and ndded yes. Catherine wiped away her tears, giving her a warm hug. Mved by the scene, the ther kids als came t ffer their sincere aplgies t Landy. Frm that day n, n ne made up silly chants abut Landy, and Catherine als gained an imprtant life lessn that everyne shuld be treated equally n matter hw special he r she was.

    江苏省南京市玄武高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中英语试卷++: 这是一份江苏省南京市玄武高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中英语试卷++,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,50B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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