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    这是一份辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Which language des Ted speak best?
    A. German. B. French. C. Japanese.
    2. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Welcme the man. B. Tell the man her age. C. Jin the club.
    3. What des the by prmise t d fr the girl?
    A. Buy her a new glass. B. D sme cleaning. C. Give her 10 dllars.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A travel experience. B. A capital city. C. A trip plan.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Father and daughter.
    6. Why is the wman trying t find a library?
    A. T find sme infrmatin.
    B. T brrw bks.
    C. T study there.
    7. Hw lng is the Natinal Library pen n weekends?
    A. 11 hurs. B. 12 hurs. C. 14 hurs.
    8. Hw des the wman pay?
    A. In cash. B. By WeChat Pay. C. By Alipay.
    9. Hw much mney will the waiter get?
    A. $23. B. $27. C. $50.
    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. What fd teenagers shuld have.
    B. Why many teenagers get sick.
    C. Hw teenagers keep healthy.
    11. What des the man think f an hur’s exercise fr teenagers daily?
    A. It’s necessary. B. It’s nt enugh. C. It’s t tiring.
    12. What des the man suggest teenagers d?
    A. Stp eating fast fd.
    B. Wash hands ften.
    C. Imprve their schlwrk.
    13. Why was the man late fr his flight?
    A. He lked fr his bag.
    B. His taxi didn’t turn up.
    C. He went back hme t get his passprt.
    14. Hw did the man get t Lmbk frm Bali?
    A. By ship. B. By taxi. C. By air.
    15. What happened when the man was swimming?
    A. He was hurt by a fish.
    B. He had a sudden headache.
    C. He culdn’t head back t the beach.
    16. What did the man d in Lmbk?
    A. He climbed the muntain.
    B. He helped a taxi driver.
    C. He watched the sunset.
    17. What happened t the 28-year-ld man?
    A. He was attacked by a shark.
    B. He frightened a dlphin away.
    C. He was dragged away by a dlphin.
    18 What d we knw abut dlphins?
    A. They attack the sharks sme time.
    B. They are easily attracted by mankind.
    C. They have similar size f brains t humans.
    19. What is ne f the dlphins’ greatest prblems?
    A. Fishing. B. Sharks. C. Pllutin.
    20. What is the speaker’s purpse in giving the talk?
    A. T tell a stry.
    B. T encurage peple t prtect dlphins.
    C. T intrduce the kindness f dlphins t peple.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Varius Apps t Learn
    Apps are typical digital learning tls, which can give yu diverse and persnalized cntent t meet yur needs. Want t find an app that can help yu learn? Here are sme great ideas fr yu.
    1. Accrding t the passage, what apps allw yu t learn at yur speed?
    A. Khan Academy and Udemy.B. Udemy and Duling.
    C. Khan Academy and BrainPOP.D. BrainPOP and Duling.
    2. What can Duling ffer its users?
    A. Technical supprt.B. Career training.
    C Subjects reviewing.D. Speaking practice.
    3. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T prvide varius learning activities.
    B. T help find the suitable learning apps.
    C. T intrduce the develpment f learning technlgy.
    D. T cmpare the difference f different learning methds.
    Tny Hawk, wh I thught was bigger than life, came in the rm and then the interview began.
    As the wrld’s greatest skatebarder, he talked abut hw his life was nt always s miraculus (奇迹般的). He mentined ne day he was skating n tp f the wrld, and the next day the sprt f skatebarding fell right n its face. Life fr Tny has had its ups and dwns, and what brught him back up was the way he believed in himself. One f the mst tragic events in Tny’s life was that his father passed away. Althugh he suffered such pain, he never lst sight f his dream. He put his energy int his dream, which helped him vercme his sadness.
    One part f Tny that cmpletely impressed me is the way he accepts himself. His gal is never t d better than thers, but t d his best. If he des the best he can, it desn’t matter hw anyne else takes him. That’s true and wise. As fr me, I play baseball and things aren’t ging s well, but I’m trying my hardest because that’s life. It’s hw yu apprach thse bad days that will keep yu n tp.
    Cnfidence brught Tny t the next level. During ur meeting he cntinually talked abut the imprtance f fllwing ne’s dream. He als said, alng with that, ne needs t have a strng faith in ne’s wn ability t achieve that dream, n matter what challenges are presented.
    By the end, I didn’t see the same guy wh had walked thrugh the dr an hur earlier. Nw I view him as mre than a wrld-class skatebarder. He is als a nrmal persn wh has dealt with many f the same prblems we all face, but the difference is that he is always able t rise abve his prblems by having faith in his dream.
    4. What des the underlined part “fell right n its face” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Finished.B. Cntinued.C. Failed.D. Happened.
    5. The example f the authr’s playing baseball is used t shw he ______.
    A. accepts Tny Hawk’s suggestin
    B. desn’t want t play baseball anymre
    C. wants t be as successful as Tny Hawk
    D. has the same view f life as Tny Hawk
    6. In the eyes f the authr, what makes Tny Hawk special?
    A. His achievement.B. His unusual experience.
    C. His cnfidence in winning the game.D. His determinatin t realize his dream.
    7. What des the authr think f Tny Hawk at the end f the interview?
    A. Simple.B. Real.C. Lucky.D. Cautius.
    Psychlgists tell us ur self-image defines what we believe we can and cannt d. Each f us ver the years has built up belief abut urselves: Uncnsciusly, ur pictures f wh we are have been frmed by past experiences. Our successes and failures, what thers have tld us and what we think peple believe abut us all help frm impressins f what we think we are. As self-image plays a crucial rle in ur grwth, gaining a prper understanding f it and even making changes t it can hld significant meaning fr ur develpment.
    Changing ur self-image is pssible: Sme psychlgists suggest we begin t change ur self-image by mentally picturing urselves perfrming well at sme tasks. Since we presently react t things based n ur present images, it’s suggested that we replace thse with better nes. In many experiments, peple were asked t sit quietly fr a few minutes each day and imagine themselves ding well. Fr instance, subjects wuld sit and imagine themselves thrwing darts (飞镖) at a bull’s-eye n a target. Over a perid f weeks, their dart game imprved. This has been dne with peple wh wanted t play chess better, thrw a ball mre accurately, increase their salesmanship r musical talents, r imprve many ther skills. In mst cases, remarkable imprvement is made.
    The pint f changing self-image is nt t develp an image f urselves that is nt real. T try t becme smething we really aren’t is just as wrng as living the unrealistic, inferir image we may have. The aim is t find the real self and t bring ur mental images f urselves in line with ur true ptential. Hwever, it is generally accepted amng psychlgists that mst f us fail t d justice t urselves. We’re usually better than we think we are.
    Anther imprtant part f changing self-image is t nt think abut past mistakes. Dn’t let failures d harm. Our errrs r humiliatin ver mistakes are necessary steps in learning. It is all right t make mistakes. But when they have taught us what we did wrng, we shuld frget them and nt dwell n (纠结于) them. Smetimes we keep remembering ur failures r mistakes and feel guilty r embarrassed abut them. We let them take ver, and then we develp a fear.
    It is imprtant t have realistic expectatins f urselves. Sme f ur dissatisfactin might cme frm expecting t much f urselves. If we demand cnstant perfectin in everything we d, we can be disappinted and ur pr self-image will cntinue. If ur gal is t reach perfectin, we are dmed (注定要失败的) frm the start.
    8. Which situatin agrees with the idea f the passage?
    A. T win a speech cntest, Tina pictures herself speaking mre cnfidently.
    B. T get alng with her classmates, Dris always humbles herself.
    C. T becme a star player, Alex repeatedly plays back his faults in his mind.
    D. T utshine his clleagues, Je sets an idealistic gal.
    9. What is the purpse f paragraph 3?
    A T clarify the principle f changing self-image.
    B. T cnfirm the effect f changing self-image.
    C. T prpse a new view n changing self-image.
    D. T stress the imprtance f changing self-image.
    10. Accrding t the authr, hw shuld we regard ur past mistakes?
    A. They are tls fr vercming fear.
    B. They are warnings fr future.
    C. They are part f ur grwth.
    D. They are barriers t ur develpment.
    11. What is the main idea that the authr cnveys in the passage?
    A. Overcming fear thrugh past mistakes.
    B. Building a realistic self-image thrugh visualizatin.
    C. The imprtance f humility in persnal grwth.
    D. Setting idealistic gals fr persnal develpment.
    In the picture Landscape with Digenes by the 17th century French artist Pussin, the ancient philspher Digenes is described casting away his last pssessin, a drinking bwl. He realizes he desn’t need it after seeing a yuth cupping a hand t drink frm a river. The significance fr us is that Digenes’ spiritual descendants (后代) knwn as “new minimalists” are nw everywhere, if nt as cmpletely pssessin-free as he was.
    There are hundreds f websites praising the virtues f tidy living. Everyne is trying t cut dwn n things these days. Peple are trying t reduce their carbn ftprints, their waistlines, and their mnthly utgings. What’s mre, there’s a general fear that peple are becming chked by their pssessins, and this is fueled by the knwledge that the leading hbby these days seems t be shpping. It’s true that sales f e-readers and e-bks g beynd thse f paperbacks. As a result, the need fr bkshelves is cut ut.
    Hwever, tday’s new minimalists dn’t urge us t burn ur bks and destry ur CDs, but just make sure we have them as digital files. S, fr example, I have digitized versins f sme f my ld vinyl LP (黑胶) recrds and haven’t, as yet, stimulated myself t take the LPs t the nearest charity shp — and I admit I shall prbably g n keeping them. Technlgy has gne beynd ur dreams and there is always the dubt that ur hard drives will crash and all will be lst. Far mre imprtant, hwever, is the fact that ur memries are s inseparably tied t ur pssessins that we can’t get rid f stuff. We are nt exactly suffering withdrawal symptms as we try t break ur addictin t bjects. We are just acquiring new stuff, which means we can bin r recycle ur ld stuff.
    I’m happy t have fund anther website which seems t slve a whle lt f prblems at nce — a thriving nline advice service ffering strage slutins. The interir (室内的) designer respnsible fr this des nt suggest getting rid f stuff, but rather recmmends buying mre stuff such as elegant flexible baskets r clrful lidded (有盖子的) cntainers t hide the first lts f stuff frm view. I lve this philsphy — cnvince yurself yu’ve gt yur desire fr pssessins under cntrl, withut having t lse a thing. After all, we aren’t merciless enugh t fllw Digenes and cast away all ur pssessins.
    12 Why des the authr mentin a picture by the artist Pussin?
    A. T intrduce Pussin as a famus painter.
    B. T spark a discussin abut the new minimalist trend.
    C. T interpret the artistic style f 17th-century French painting.
    D. T illustrate the negative impact f ancient philsphy n mdern views.
    13. What makes the authr believe that minimalism may nt succeed?
    A. Peple’s resistance t media pressure.
    B. Peple’s strng bnd with physical bjects.
    C Peple’s lack f faith in digital hardware.
    D. Peple’s laziness in the face f change.
    14. Accrding t the authr, peple invest in smart new strage in rder t______.
    A. satisfy their desire t make purchases
    B. make attractive additins t their hmes
    C. ease their cnscience ver having t many things
    D. prvide a temprary slutin t a prblem
    15. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Psychlgy f Overcnsumptin
    B. Lw Carbn Is an Attitude
    C. Treasure What Yu Have
    D. Less Is Mre
    Tears can ruin make-up, bring cnversatin t a stp, and give yu a runny nse. Tears leave yu embarrassed and withut energy. Still, crying is a fact f life, and yur tears are very useful. Even when yu’re nt crying, they make a film ver the eye’s surface. ____16____
    When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend t fight them fr all srts f reasns. “Peple wrry abut shwing their emtins, afraid that nce they lse cntrl they’ll never get back.”____17____ After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears ften disappear.
    Smetimes peple becme much stressed and can’t cry. Whatever emtin they are feeling—shck, anger, fear, r sadness—is being held back.
    ____18____ Psychlgist Vera Diamnd explains that her treatment ften cnsists f giving peple permissin t cry. ____19____ Patients practice crying just t becme used t expressing emtins. She suggests safe, private places t cry, like under the bedcvers r in the car. Crying is a way f easing tensin, but peple dn’t like it when thers cry because it makes them tense. They t may be hlding back a need t cry. And they’ll d just abut anything t make tears stp.
    In certain situatins, such as at wrk, tears are nt apprpriate. It’s gd nt t cry during a tense business discussin.____20____ Yu shuld als act ut the whle situatin again and be as nisy and angry as yu like. It will help yu feel better. “And,” she adds, “Once yur tears have taken away the stress, yu can begin t think calmly f ways t deal with the prblem.”
    Tears are a sign f ur ability t feel. If yu find yurself near smene crying, deal with it. And never be afraid t cry yurself.
    A. She gives crying exercises.
    B. They cry fr different reasns.
    C. But everyne has the need t cry.
    D. But nce yu’re safely behind clsed drs, dn’t just cry.
    E. Hwever, when yu cme hme frm wrk, it’s kay t cry.
    F. The fact is that n emtin lasts frever.
    G. It cntains a chemical against infectin(炎症).
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    As sixth graders, kids were separated int grups, but I wasn’t sure where I belnged.
    Our teacher gave us a task called “secret friends” fr the cming week. We were suppsed t d nice things ____21____ ur friends withut letting them knw wh was ding it. We culd leave ____22____ ntes r cards either n their desks r in their backpacks. Befre ding the task, with ur eyes clsed, frm a basket, we drew a name f a classmate wh we were t secretly befriend ver the next five days.
    Sn, the task was turned int a cmpetitin f giving ____23____ instead f ntes. Everyne was getting cl presents except me. My friend fllwed the teacher’s directins withut a fault. I received nthing but handmade cards with nice wrds abut me.
    On the last mrning, I finally gt a package. When I ____24____ it, the girls arund all ____25____. It was perfumed pwder, an “ld lady” gift. My face went red.
    I tried t frget abut the ____26____ gift, but when the same girls ____27____ it again during the break in the bathrm, I jined, “Hw stupid! My grandmther wuldn’t ____28____ want it.”
    The girls laughed at my ____29____ and filed ut f the bathrm. Washing my hands, I let the water run thrugh my fingers as I thught abut my wrds. It wasn’t ____30____ like me t say things like that.
    “I’m yur secret friend.” It was Rchelle. “I’m srry abut the gift,” she whispered t me, tears ____31____ dwn her face.
    Frm a pr family, she was a ____32____ at schl fr thse with rich parents. Yet she just tk all the ____33____ and the hrrible treatment silently.
    I was sick t my stmach as my hurtful wrds ran thrugh my mind. She had heard everything. Hw culd I have been s cruel?
    Later I learned she had felt bad all week abut nt being able t leave me any cl present and her mum had given up her nly luxury.
    And I had ruined everything fr her.
    I tld her that I had nly said thse things t try t ____34____.
    “We aren’t that different frm each ther, are we?” She smiled ____35____. Her simple wrds, spken frm her heart, fund their way straight int mine.
    A. frB. behindC. thrughD. like
    A. cnvincingB. remindingC. rewardingD. encuraging
    A. chancesB. helpC. hpeD. gifts
    A. discveredB. penedC. graspedD. held
    A. blamedB. shutedC. laughedD. cmmented
    A. embarrassingB. delicateC. wrryingD. special
    A. mentinedB. sawC. shwedD. suggested
    A. justB. everC. evenD. nly
    A. remarksB. feelingC. sufferingD. reactins
    A. casuallyB. perfectlyC. nrmallyD. necessarily
    A. gettingB. dashingC. smthingD. streaming
    A. galB. targetC. centreD. wnder
    A. challengeB. puzzleC. teasingD. ignring
    A. turn ffB. shw ffC. get inD. fit in
    A. ptimisticallyB. understandinglyC. persuasivelyD. hnestly
    Rse had been searching fr a jb, ____36____(explre)varius ffices, yet nne f them seemed t capture her interest. Hwever, ne day, she fund a bard in an ffice advertising, “This ffice requires a typist capable f typing 200 wrds per minute.” Rse was thrilled by the pprtunity. She ____37____(cnfident)entered the manager’s ffice and asked, “Are yu in need f a typist?” “Yes!” ____38____(reply)the manager. Rse, filled with ____39____(excite), said, “Great! What will be the pay?” After a mment’s thught, the manager ffered, “I will pay yu 77 dllars fr ____40____ first three mnths and then 30 dllars every mnth.” With a smile, Rse agreed, “Fantastic! I ____41____(cme)and start wrking in three mnths.” The manager was left speechless.
    Returning hme, Rse was exhilarated (高兴的) by the prspect f the new jb. It was the chance she had been lnging fr, a place ____42____ she culd shwcase her typing skills. She prepared ____43____ this new jurney, eagerly imagining varius ____44____(achievement)she might make in this fresh wrk envirnment.
    Three mnths later, she arrived at the ffice in a neat suit. As she entered the manager’s ffice, the manager was _____45_____(surprise). Rse greeted him with a smile, “I’m here t wrk.” The manager, astnished yet als impressed, hadn’t expected Rse t keep her prmise.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    46. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你们学校下个月将要举办主题为“寻找春天,拥抱自然”的踏青骑行活动,请给你校的交换生Jim写一封邮件,邀请他参加此次活动,内容包括:
    1. 活动安排;
    2. 准备事项。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I used t be very active in sprts and games when I was in primary schl. I wn the B Divisin lng jump and was a gd sprinter (短跑运动员). As a result, I was chsen t represent the schl in the lng jump and relay events at the District Sprts Meet. Befre the sprts meet, I had put in a lt f hard wrk and dedicatin during the training sessins. I wke up early every mrning t g fr runs and did cuntless drills t imprve my technique. My teammates and I supprted and encuraged each ther during training, pushing urselves t d better and achieve ur gals.
    The meet lasted tw days, I had n events scheduled fr the first day. S I kept myself busy by watching the thers cmpete. Large tents were prvided fr the yung cmpetitrs n ne side f the track. Despite being assigned the last tent that was furthest frm the track, I made the best f the situatin by decrating it with ur schl clrs and creating a supprtive atmsphere.
    The next day, I was getting ready fr my events. The lng jump was scheduled fr the early afternn, fllwed by the 8×50m relay later in the afternn. I thught I was a pretty gd jumper, but as the cmpetitin began, I realized I was vastly utclassed. We finished ur jumps, and I came in furth place, just missing ut n a medal.
    That was disappinting, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 8×50m relay, fr which I was assigned t run the fifth leg. The race date arrived. We filed int ur assigned spts and prepared fr the race. After a tense minute r s, I heard the starter’s gun g ff. When the first runners tk ff, I watched nervusly and excitedly as my team runners kept up with the thers. As they gt clser, I realized we were at least in secnd place.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My turn arrived and I tk the batn (接力棒) cleanly and began my run.
    As a result, I left the meet empty-handed.
    Khan Academy allws yu t learn almst anything fr free. It cvers subjects such as math, physics, bilgy, and even cmputer science. The real magic f this app is that yu can learn at yur wn pace. Yu can review subjects that yu are nt gd at, r start learning a subject yu like. The app is in English. If yu want t see its translatin yu can visit http: //pen. 163. cm/khan.
    BrainPOP mixes learning and technlgy in a fun and simple way. It’s free and teaches yu smething new every day. Frm the slar system t DNA, each tpic starts with an interesting cartn mvie. After yu’ve watched it, yu can take a test t see hw much yu’ve learned.
    Udemy is a “learn n demand” website and app. It is fr career-riented individuals t start their curse pricing at $10. 99. This app allws yu the flexibility t take yur time n a curse yu purchase ver the curse f several mnths, withut wrrying abut recurring (重复的) payments befre yu finish. This flexible learning app allws yu t take things slw, fast, r anywhere in-between with cmplete cntrl n yur end.
    Duling is the premier leader in language educatin fr learning apps. Yu can learn t speak 29 different languages, all at the tuch f a buttn. Yu’ll be invited nt nly t read new wrds, but t speak them. Yu’ll learn grammar and cnversatinal strategies. This app helps yu learn t cmmunicate with a new prtin f its inhabitants!

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