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    这是一份湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联考英语试卷,文件包含云学名校联盟3月联考高一英语试卷定稿docx、云学名校联盟3月联考高一英语答案解析定稿docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:2024年3月13日08:00 --10:00 考试时长:2小时 满分:150 页码:12 页
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. Why des the wman g t Japan?
    A. T study. B. T travel. C. T wrk.
    2. What is the man ging t d tmrrw?
    A. Take an exam. B. G t a party. C. Study fr an exam.
    3. What was the nrmal price f the T-shirt?
    A. $15. B. $30. C. $50.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A sng. B. The man’s brther. C. A band.
    5. What des the man think f his rmmate?
    A. Tidy. B. Dependable. C. Unreliable.
    第二节 (共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Hw des the wman feel?
    A. Scared. B. Lnely. C. Excited.
    7. Where is the wman ging t study?
    A. In Mexic. B. In Argentina. C. In Spain.
    8. Why des the man make a phne call?
    A. T ffer the wman a jb.
    B. T ask the wman sme questins abut wrk.
    C. T tell the wman abut the time f an interview.
    9. What des the wman have t d?
    A. Infrm her bss f her quitting.
    B. Take up her new psitin next Mnday.
    C. Find a replacement fr her present psitin.
    10. What relatin is the wman t Mr. Lewis?
    A. His wife. B. His bss. C. His secretary.
    11. What will Mr. Lewis d at ne ’clck?
    A. Attend a meeting. B. Take a lunch break. C. Write a reprt.
    12. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Call Mr. Lewis tmrrw. B. Cme back later. C. Leave a nte.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
    13. What can the wman see?
    A. A drink shp. B. The traffic lights. C. An advertisement.
    14. Where is the man?
    A. At the bttm f Nrth Street.
    B. At the frnt dr f a clthes stre.
    C. At the frnt dr f a department stre.
    15. What will the man d next?
    A. Call the plice. B. Have a drink in a cafe. C. G t meet the wman.
    16. What prblem d the speakers have?
    A. They arrive at different places.
    B. They can’t agree n a place fr shpping.
    C. They dn’t knw where a department stre is.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. An art teacher. B. A tur guide. C. An artist.
    18. What des the center ffer?
    A. Daily vides. B. Exhibitins f ancient art. C. Painting curses.
    19. On which level can listeners get smething t eat?
    A. Leve1 3. B. Level 4. C. Level 5.
    20. What d we knw abut the gift shp?
    A. It has a variety f bks. B. It is lcated n Level 2. C. It is beside the receptin desk.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Tp Sunny Christmas Destinatins
    Yu’re imagining what yur dream Christmas will be like, walking n a perfect beach with yur tes sinking int the warm, sft sand instead f wearing layers f winter clthes. If yu prefer summer, nw is the time t visit NH Htels web and plan yur ideal warm hliday fr Christmas. Here, we’ve selected a list f sme f the mst attractive sunny Christmas destinatins arund the wrld.
    Buens Aires, Argentina — Sizzling Summer Celebratins
    At the heart f Argentina’s summer seasn, Buens Aires cmes alive with Christmas festivities. As the city sizzles under the Suth American sun, yu’ll find lcals celebrating with all the passin and their talents that define their culture. Christmas Eve, knwn as “Nchebuena,” is the highlight, and Argentines gather with friends and family fr a grand feast that ften includes asad (barbecue) and traditinal hliday desserts. One f the mst unique aspects f a Buens Aires Christmas is the lively street celebratins, with firewrks lighting the night sky and tang dancers rushing t the streets.
    Sydney, Australia — Beachfrnt Bliss
    Dwn under, Christmas falls in the middle f summer, making Sydney an ideal destinatin fr sun-seekers. The city is famus fr its dazzling Christmas lights displays, including the icnic lighting f the Christmas tree in Martin Place. Bndi Beach is a ppular spt fr beachgers, where yu can spend Christmas Day enjying the sun, surf, and a picnic n the sand.
    Bali, Indnesia — Trpical Paradise
    Bali, with its lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich cultural heritage, ffers a unique trpical Christmas experience. While Christmas isn’t a traditinal Balinese hliday, many resrts and restaurants embrace the festive seasn with special events, dinners, and decratins. Yu can enjy a beachfrnt Christmas dinner, explre ancient temples, r simply relax under the sun.
    Cancún, Mexic — Mexican Christmas Magic
    Cancún, n the eastern cast f Mexic’s Yucatán Peninsula, is a htspt fr thse seeking a festive Christmas. The hliday seasn here is marked by exciting Mexican traditins. Cancún’s amazing beaches and crystal-clear waters prvide the perfect backdrp fr a trpical Christmas celebratin.
    21. What’s special abut a Buens Aires Christmas?
    A. A grand feast is prvided fr visitrs.
    B. Lively celebratins are held in the streets.
    C. The lcals celebrate Christmas with passin.
    D. Families get tgether t enjy traditinal fd.
    22. If yu’re interested in lcal cultural heritage, which destinatin will yu mst prbably explre?
    A. Buens Aires, Argentina. B. Sydney, Australia.
    C. Bali, Indnesia. D. Cancún, Mexic.
    23. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A web page. B. An encyclpedia. C. A travel jurnal. D. A gegraphy textbk.

    When 19-year-ld Emily Bhatnagar frm Maryland, USA, fund ut her father had stage fur thyrid(甲状腺) cancer, her respnse was a little different than yu might expect. T hnur her father, wh she als describes as her best friend, she decided t start a bk drive called Fr Lve and Buttercup, cllecting bks fr kids with cancer.
    “It was very much an vernight idea,” she explains. “I psted a message n an app called Nextdr asking my neighburs fr used bk dnatins. I was nly expecting a few here and there, but the respnse was truly incredible, and it was just the push I needed t c-exist with my grief rather than letting it cnsume me.
    “It was abslutely heartbreaking t watch my dad g thrugh cancer and see him lse a little bit f himself each day, but the bk drive allwed me t develp a newfund sense f purpse cmbined with an even greater sense f cmpassin(同情)t help thers in any shape r frm. I wanted t help kids. They’ve always held a sft spt in my heart.”
    Using tips she earns frm wrking at her parents’ bread shp, Emily has bught many bks ut f her wn pcket. In additin, she receives dnatins thrugh her Amazn wish list, which can be fund in the bi f the bk drive’s Instagram accunt.
    Emily and her lder brther spent a whle summer driving arund twn, lading bxes f bks int their car. “It was such an hnur knwing peple have carried these bks all their lives thrugh generatins, and they wanted t gift it t my cause.”
    The prject has seen huge success, with Fr Lve and Buttercup dnating ver 15,000 bks and being recgnized by The Washingtn Pst, Frbes, The President’s Vlunteer Service Award and Lady Gaga’s Brn This Way Fundatin.
    Why did Emily decide t start a bk drive?
    A. T shw respect fr her sick father. B. T raise mney fr kids with cancer.
    C. T recycle used bks frm neighburs. D. T draw mre attentin frm the media.
    25. What can we learn abut Emily frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Emily didn’t give up in the face f difficulties.
    B. Helping kids brught Emily great jy and pride.
    C. Emily was well aware f what her life was all abut.
    D. Emily’s stry deeply tuched the hearts f kids she had helped.
    26. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The bk drive was highly thught f.
    B. The bk drive earned Emily fame and frtune.
    C. Emily was hnured t knw many kind peple.
    D. Emily received a lt f supprt frm the news media.
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A father’s mving stry f fighting cancer.
    B. Peple’s respnses t a girl’s act f kindness.
    C. A girls’ curage t cnquer challenges in life.
    D. A bk drive launched t cllect bks fr kids with cancer.

    “Our temperature’s nt what peple think it is,” said Julie Parsnnet, MD, prfessr f medicine and f health research and plicy in Stanfrd. “r ur cmmn sense that ur nrmal temperature is 37℃r 98.6 F, is wrng.”
    That standard f 37℃was made famus by German dctr Carl Reinhld August Wunderlich in a bk in 1868. Mdern studies, hwever, have called that number int questin, suggesting that it’s t high.
    In a latest study published in eLife, Parsnnet and her clleagues explre bdy temperature trends and cnclude that temperature changes since the time f Wunderlich reflect a true histrical pattern, rather than measurement errrs r biases(偏见). The researchers prpse that the decrease in bdy temperature is the result f changes in ur envirnment ver the past 200 years, which have in turn driven physilgical changes.
    The researchers analyzed temperatures frm three fficially-recrded datasets cvering different histrical perids, using the 677,423 temperature measurements frm these datasets t develp a linear mdel(线性模型) cntaining the temperatures ver time. They determined that the bdy temperature f men brn in the early t mid-1990s is n average 1.06 F lwer than that f men brn in the early 1800s. Similarly, they determined that the bdy temperature f wmen brn in the early t mid-1990s is n average 0.58 F lwer than that f wmen brn in the 1890s. These calculatins match a decrease in bdy temperature f 0.05 F every 10 years.
    The decrease in average bdy temperature in the US culd be explained by a reductin in the amunt f energy being used. The authrs believe this trend may be due t a ppulatin-wide decrease in inflammatin(炎症): “Inflammatin prduces all srts f prteins and cytkines that speed up yur metablism(新陈代谢)and raise yur temperature,” Parsnnet said. Public health has imprved sharply in the past 200 years due t advances in medical treatments, mre cnvenient envirnment, greater availability f fd and imprved living standards. The authrs als argue that cmfrtable lives at cnstant surrunding temperature cntribute t a lwer metablic rate. Hmes in the 19th century had irregular heating and n cling; tday, central heating and air cnditining are cmmnplace. A mre cnstant envirnment remves a need t expend energy t keep a cnstant bdy temperature.
    What des the underlined phrase “call ... int questin” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Find evidence fr smething. B. Shw supprt fr smething.
    C. Regard smething as nthing. D. Express dubt abut smething.
    29. Cmpared t her bdy temperature at birth, hw culd it change when a wman was 55?
    A. 0.58 F lwer. B. 0.53 F lwer. C. 0.28 F lwer. D. 0.25 F lwer.
    30.What is the main idea f the last paragraph f the text?
    A. Intrductin f the latest findings f a Standfrd prfessr.
    B. Appeal t the public t care abut the temperature changes.
    C. Pssible reasns fr the changes f average bdy temperature.
    D. Explanatin f a rather difficult academic term in plain English.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. 37℃, Still Nrmal Bdy Temperature?
    B. Same Bdy Temperature between Men and Wmen?
    C. The Effects Envirnment Has n Bdy Temperature
    D. Inflammatin: Key Factr t Decrease f Bdy Temperature
    A survey by the Kennel Club has fund almst ne in five wuld rather have a dg than be in a relatinship.
    The research, which asked 2,612 dg wners fr their thughts n rmance, fund just under a quarter agreed that having a dg wuld make them feel less cncerned abut nt being in lve.
    Perhaps the findings are unsurprising, as celebrities have lng used dgs as their plus-nes. Hllywd legend Glenn Clse tk her Havanese dg Pip t the Oscars last year, describing her pet as “the best date a girl can have”. Jennifer Anistn has credited her dgs and female friends with making her happy, stating: “I’ve had mre fun pst-40 than I can remember.”
    Bill Lambert, a spkesman fr the Kennel Club, said: “There certainly seems t be a grwing number f dg-lvers wh wuld rather share their lives with a fur-legged friend instead f a human partner. This culd be due t the many benefits that cme with dg wnership—frm the psychlgical t the physical. Dgs help their wners relax, whether that’s with a daily walk in fresh air, r with a cuddle(依偎) n a sfa. They can als be great listeners, help their wners fight stress, and can play a part in imprving the health and fitness f their tw-legged wners.”
    Nevertheless, fr thse dg wners wh are still lking fr lve, the research suggests their pet might help.
    Mre than a fifth f thse questined said they had been asked ut n a date r fund lve while ut with their dg, with beagles, springer spaniels and German Shepherds appearing best fr attracting a ptential partner. Peple wh wned glden retrievers and crgis were als very likely t say their pet may have helped them ut rmantically.
    Mr Lambert said: “This is quite unsurprising when yu cnsider that dgs are a great ice-breaker, when strangers may therwise nt lk twice at each ther, and that we tend t have very psitive assciatins abut peple wh lve dgs.”
    Amng thse respnding t the survey, 21 percent said they were mre likely t date smene wh als had a dg.
    Hw wuld a single with a dg react when asked fr their pinin f lve?
    A. Behave like a cat n ht bricks. B. Stay calm r even a little carefree.
    C. Feel quite wrried abut being single. D. Still be hpeful abut lve and marriage.
    Why des the authr mentin the celebrities in Paragraph 3?
    T tell us sme rmantic stries abut them.
    B. T shw that the result f the research is true.
    C. T persuade us t fllw these peple’s example.
    D. T give us sme tips n hw t be in a relatinship.
    Accrding t Bill Lambert, why d many peple tend t live with dgs?
    Because f the advice given by their dctrs.
    B. Because the dgs can remind them f smebdy.
    C. Because they can’t find their true lve in reality.
    D. Because f the gd their dgs bring t their life.
    What can yu d if yu are t find yur likely partner?
    Learn sme basic knwledge abut dgs.
    B. Set up a hmeless dg shelter n yur wn.
    C. Bring sme dg fd with yu in the street.
    D. Walk yur beagle in the park after supper.
    第二节 (共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Grw Taller
    As we all knw, yur height is mstly determined by yur genetics. Once yur grwth plates (生长板)are jined tgether, yu will stp grwing taller, which usually happens between 14 and 20. 36 Of curse, there are many ways yu can find n the Internet t help, such as, gd nutritin, a healthy lifestyle and exercise. But tday, we’re just ging t fcus n nutritin.
    Add mre prtein int yur diet.
    Prtein helps yur bdy build healthy bdy mass, like muscles. 37 Nt nly eat prtein at every meal, but als include it in yur snacks. Fr instance, yu might eat ygurt at breakfast, tuna fish fr lunch, chicken at dinner, and string cheese as a snack.
    Eat an egg every day if yu’re nt allergic t them.
    Kindergarten teachers have bserved smething typical and interesting. Yung children wh eat a whle egg daily may grw taller than kids wh dn’t. And this has been prved clinically. Eggs cntain prtein and vitamins that supprt healthy grwth and they’re als quite affrdable. Eat an egg fr ne meal every day t ptentially help yu get taller. But here is a tip fr yu. 38
    Take calcium and vitamin supplements.
    39 Hwever, yur daily meals can’t supply enugh fr yur grwth. Supplements may help yu grw taller by meeting yur nutritinal needs. Calcium and vitamins A and D are especially imprtant because they supprt strng bnes. Talk t yur dctr t find ut if supplements are right fr yu. Keep in mind that vitamins wn’t make yu grw taller than yur genetics allw.
    Dairy cntains prtein, calcium, and vitamins t nurish yur bdy. While milk is a great chice, ygurt and cheese are als great surces f dairy. Include 1 serving f yur favrite dairy prduct int yur daily diet.
    Keep a balanced diet.
    This can help yu be yur tallest.
    Cnsume a serving f dairy each day.
    Please ask yur dctr if it’s safe fr yu t d s.
    Minerals and nutrients play a key rle in grwing higher.
    Luckily, taking gd care f yur bdy may still help yu grw taller.
    Yu might increase yur height by abut1.3 t 5.1 cm by stretching ut yur spine daily.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
    Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walked t a nursing hme. “Whever visits the sick gives them life,” Grandpa 41 believed.
    One day Grandpa was suddenly 42 t hspital. Wrse still, we were tld he was 43 t recver, deep sadness ver ur family.
    Saturday came. I had nt 44 t g there, but Grandpa’s wrds rang in my head. S alne I went. Everyne was happy t see me but 45 when nt seeing Grandpa. When tld his 46 , they cmfrted me in turn, “D yur best and Gd will d the rest.” They all tried in their unique way t cheer me up and 47 fr Grandpa.
    Fr days, neither culd Grandpa sit up, nr wuld he speak r eat. The atmsphere was awfully 48 . Suddenly the nurse came in, saying, “Yu have visitrs.” I 49 . The guys Grandpa and I visited every Saturday were all present.
    They all shwcased their best t the fullest, thus making grandpa’s day. Visiting hurs went s fast that they had t 50 and tld grandpa they wuld cme again sn. I was 51 in tears.
    That evening, Grandpa sat up and asked the 52 what he culd eat. Day by day he 53 fr the better. Grandpa’ recvery was a medical 54 , the dctrs thught. But I knew the truth: His friends’ 55 had made him well.
    41. A. easily B. firmly C. warmly D. hardly
    42. A. rushed B. invited C. delivered D. led
    43. A. unlikely B. sure C. natural D. prud
    44. A. pretended B. refused C. intended D. regretted
    45. A. interested B. pleased C. excited D. surprised
    46. A. purpse B. result C. cnditin D. incme
    47. A. wrk B. fight C. speak D. pray
    48. A. friendly B. heavy C. tuching D. calm
    49. A. turned up B. came up C. stayed up D. lked up
    50. A. sleep B. stp C. leave D. rest
    51.A. mved B. scared C. chked D. bred
    52. A. nurse B. manager C. teacher D. ck
    53. A. searched B. changed C. functined D. studied
    54. A. task B. reprt C. wnder D. research
    55. A. letters B. requests C. praise D. visit
    第二节 (共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Many peple must have read The Art Of War but hw many have 56 (true) understd it? What des it have t teach us? This is t big 57 questin t explre.
    58 (appreciate) The Art Of War fully, we must first understand wh Sun Tzu was. The thing abut Sun Tzu is that his whle existence remains 59 (hide) in mystery. Where did he live? Where was he brn? Hw did he becme s successful? Hw did he die? N ne knws the exact answers 60 these questins.
    Sme peple actually believe Sun Tzu did nt live and that he 61 (be) just a myth, t begin with. This claim is strngly supprted by many peple 62 Sun Tzu des nt appear in many imprtant histrical recrds, but then again, there culd be an errr.
    But it culd be pssible that Sun Tzu was brn under the name f Sun Wu arund 544 BCE. Sun Tzu made the majr 63 (appear) f his life as a military strategist fr King H-Lu, in the state f Wu, als knwn fr 64 (win) many great battles in histry. Accrding t researchers, he suppsedly wrte the texts during the Warring States perid. This was the time 65 China was divided int seven states that waged war against each ther fr supremacy(霸权).
    第四部分 写作 (共两节:满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1.活动目的; 2.具体经过; 3.自己的感受。
    注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右; 2.请在答题卡指定位置作答。
    Students Sprang int Actin t Clear Snw
    第二节 (满分25分)
    The library was typically s quiet that yu culd hear a pin drp. But n this Wednesday afternn, there was a rar f laughter that spread thrugh the halls. It was cming frm a table in the back. Bks were piled s high that ne culd barely see the surce f all the nise. Brian and Jsie were hiding behind the muntain f histry texts, their faces bright red frm laughing.
    Mrs Cane, the librarian, fllwed the laughter and then apprached the table. As she cleared her thrat and lked ver the piles f bks, Brian and Jsie lked up t meet her gaze. Mrs Cane lked at the bks, then at the kids. “And what is it yu tw are suppsed t be wrking n?”
    Brian hesitated a mment, and then answered, “We’re wrking n a paper fr ur histry class.”
    “I see,” Mrs Cane said harshly. “Perhaps ne f the private reading rms wuld be a better place fr yu t cncentrate and study. Quietly.”
    The kids cllected their bks and their backpacks and fllwed Mrs Cane dwn a lng hallway until they gt t a dark rw f drs. Mrs Cane pulled ut a ring f keys frm her pcket and unlcked a dr. She turned n the light, which shne brightly verhead. The kids placed their bks n the dusty table and reluctantly(不情愿地) climbed int the chairs. Brian and Jsie shrugged(耸肩) and pened their bks, finally fcusing n the prject at hand.
    Time was ticking away. After what seemed like hurs, Brian and Jsie decided t take a break and when Jsie pened the dr f the rm, Brian’s eyes pened wide. The library was cmpletely dark. Lking at his watch, he let ut a gasp. “It’s 9:30! The library clsed an hur ag!”
    Paragraph 1:
    Brian lked thrugh his backpack fr his cellphne. _________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    They heard a nise that sunded like a telephne ringing. _______________________________

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