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    (本卷共8页, 满分120分, 考试时间120分钟)
    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。
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    第一节 听短对话,选择图片。(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    A B C
    D E F
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    第二节 听短对话,选择答案。(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    6. Wh is the wman?
    A. Jack’s sister.B. Jack’s mther.C. Jack’s teacher.
    7. Where des the man want t g?
    A. The bkstre.B. The park.C. The supermarket.
    8. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny.B. Cludy.C. Rainy.您看到的资料都源自我们平台,20多万份试卷,家威杏 MXSJ663 每日最新,性比价最高9. What will Mike d first?
    A. Take ut the rubbish.B. D his hmewrk.C. Wash the clthes.
    10. Hw des Jhn learn English?
    A. By jining clubs.B. By ding exercises.C. By reading English bks.
    第三节 听长对话,选择答案。(共7小题,每题1.5分,满分10.5分)
    11. Where did the by lse his cat?
    A. In the park.B. On the playgrund.C. At the bus stp.
    12. What clr is the by’s cat?
    A. Red.B. White.C. Yellw.
    13. Where is the wman ging?
    A. T the stre.B. T the museum.C. T the library.
    14. Hw lng des it take t g there n ft?
    A. Abut 5 minutes.B. Abut 10 minutes.C. Abut 20 minutes.
    15. Where did Bb meet Anna’s brther?
    A. On his way t schl.B. On his way hme.C. On his way t the theater.
    16. Wh is n the schl basketball team?
    A. Bb’s brther.B. Anna’s brther.C. Bb.
    17. What will they d after schl?
    A. Watch a mvie.B. Play basketball.C. G t a cncert.
    第四节 听短文,填写表格。(共3小题,每题1.5分,满分4.5分)
    I used t feel hpeless and upset. Last year my mther became 21 ill and had an peratin(手术) n her brain. I felt my whle wrld turn upside dwn and I had n 22 what I culd d t help her t reduce her pain. My eyes were filled with tears 23 I was alne.
    Last mnth I 24 a watch, which was a gift fr my 18th birthday frm my father. I culd nt fall asleep fr a cuple f nights because I felt 25 abut the lss.
    There have been many bad things like these in my life. I culd never knw hw t deal with such terrible things 26 I read If Yu Have a Lemn, Make Lemnade.
    “When the wise man is handed a lemn”, he says, “What 27 can I get frm this?Hw can I imprve my situatin?Hw can I turn this lemn int lemnade?” the authr wrte.
    I suddenly 28 that life is full f ups and dwns, s I need t stay psitive all the time. Nw when I think f my past, I wish I culd have dealt with things 29 .When my mther was fighting against her illness, I shuld have held her hands in mine, telling her things wuld get better
    30 hiding and crying.
    Several weeks ag, I tk part in a schl singing cmpetitin. I didn’t 31 a prize. If I had nt read this article, I wuld certainly have felt 32 again. But instead, I smiled after the cmpetitin. I was happy that 33 I had gt sme stage experience.
    Life is nt just a bed f rses. There are thrn (刺), 34 . But these thrns help us becme brave and strng. When life 35 us a lemn, dn’t be upset. Let’s try t make lemnade.
    21. A. quietlyB. badlyC. hardlyD. pssibly
    22. A. hpeB. wnderC. ideaD. dubt
    23. A. whateverB. whereverC. wheneverD. whever
    24. A. lstB. gtC. sldD. fixed
    25. A. bredB. excitedC. upsetD. happy
    26. A. whenB. untilC. whetherD. since
    27. A. giftB. prizeC. lessnD. decisin
    28. A. realizedB. thughtC. dreamedD. hped
    29. A. silentlyB. easilyC. suddenlyD. differently
    30. A. because fB. away frmC. instead fD. except fr
    31. A. expectB. missC. refuseD. win
    32. A. interestedB. disappintedC. excitedD. surprised
    33. A. at nceB. at timesC. at firstD. at least
    34. A. tB. eitherC. alsD. thugh
    35. A. shwsB. givesC. makesD. lends
    二、阅读理解 (共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)
    The Internatinal Anti-Drug (禁毒) Day this year is cming sn. In rder t raise teenagers’ awareness (意识) t fight against drug taking, the City Art Sciety is ging t hld a painting cmpetitin fr the students in ur city.
    36. The main purpse f this cmpetitin is t .
    A. teach teenagers sme painting skills
    B. tell teenagers t stay away frm drugs
    C. prvide teenagers with sme art knwledge
    D. intrduce the histry f the Anti-Drug Day t teenagers
    37. When can students hand in their paintings at the Art Sciety Hall?
    A. At 8:00 a.m. n June 23rd.B. At 11:00 a.m. n June 23rd.
    C. At 7:00 a.m. n June 24th.D. At 9:00 a.m. n June 24th.
    38. Where can the public enjy the winning paintings?
    A. At the City Yuth Park.B. At the City Art Sciety.
    C. At 175 Jianjun Rad.D. At each schl.
    39. Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. Only ne size f the paintings can be accepted.
    B. Students can call 0515-8637258 fr further infrmatin.
    C. Sixty f the cmpetitrs in ttal can win the prizes.
    D. The name list f the winners will be put up n the schl website.
    40. Where des the text prbably cme frm?
    A. A strybk.B. A schl ntice.C. A tur website.D. A sprts newspaper.
    Juan Pabl never knws what the wrld is like. He was blind when he was brn. But that didn’t prevent him frm becming a tp bird watcher. Juan desn’t think f his blindness as a disability and instead he tries t understand the wrld with his ears. Nw, aged 35, he is a leading expert n the birds f Suth America, having develped an ability t lcate (定位) and identify (辨别) each bird by its sng.
    Juan’s interest in nature started when his father tk him t the natural museum. There he culd handle bird specimens (标本) and feel their feathers. At the age f 12, he began t make recrdings f birds and at 16 he was shwn hw t wrk as a sund recrder and encuraged t g ut and make recrdings. It was the beginning f a life-lng passin (热情).
    It is difficult fr nrmal peple t walk thrugh the rain frests f eastern Suth America, let alne a blind man. But Juan made it. Juan used his ears t lcate the bird, then put n his headphnes t help him guide his micrphne t the exact directin t get the best recrding. He has made a CD f Brazilian birds, which takes the listener thrugh an audi jurney f a day in the life f the Brazilian frest.
    Juan makes use f his advantage t imprve himself. He believes we all have the ability t enjy life in the way that he des but that ability is sleeping and we’re nt making use f it.
    41. Which part f Juan’s bdy is used t lcate and identify birds?
    A. B. C. D.
    42. Where culd Juan handle bird specimens and feel their feathers?
    A. In the rain frests.B. In Suth America.
    C. At his wn hme.D. In the natural museum.
    43. Which paragraph shws hw Juan gt the best recrding?
    A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.
    44. Which wrd can best describe Juan Pabl?
    A. Helpful.B. Warm-hearted.C. Humrus.D. Brave.
    45. What might Juan agree with accrding t the text?
    A. Everyne’s ability is limited, especially the disabled.
    B. A persn’s disability t see makes little difference t his life.
    C. The gvernment shuld take mre measures t help the disabled.
    D. It is impssible fr blind peple t walk thrugh the rain frests alne.
    The natural wrld is clrful with humans, plants and animals shwing different clrs.
    Human skin can be many different clrs and it changes with the sun, ur feelings r ur health. This is because f pigments (色素), which reflect light and make what the eyes see as clrs. S, when we feel excited r angry, ur heart can send mre bld t the face and the pigments in the skin becme red. This is why we have the expressin that smene “sees red” when they are angry.
    Plants als have pigments. Clrs are imprtant fr them t live n. The bright clrs f flwers catch the attentin f insects, which then carry their pllen (花粉) frm ne flwer t anther. Bees can see clrs we cannt, and they fllw these t the inside f the flwer. Withut bees visiting flwers in this way, many plants wuld die ut.
    Animals als use clrs fr their wn need. They prtect themselves with different clrs in rder nt t be seen by predatrs. The snwshe hare, fr example, a type f wild rabbit, changes clrs with seasns fr this reasn. During summer it is a brwn clr, and in winter it is white s that it can hide in the snw. Hwever, sme animals use clrs as a warning t make predatrs stay away. Bright clrs such as yellw and red are ften used in this way.
    S, we can see that there may be many different reasns and uses fr clrs in the natural wrld. Sme uses f clrs in nature remain unknwn, but ne thing is fr sure, clrs nt nly make ur planet beautiful but they are als necessary fr ur planet t live n.
    46. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that is/are the cause that makes human skin change clr.
    A. feelingsB. pigmentsC. bldD. sunshine
    47. What can plants use t attract (吸引) insects?
    A. Clrs.B. Leaves.C. Fruits.D. Pllen.
    48. The underlined wrd “predatrs” refers t animals which .
    A. hide in secret placesB. kill ther animals fr fd
    C. change clrs with the sunD. prtect themselves frm danger
    49. It’s clear that .
    A. the bright clrs f the plants can keep bees away
    B. we haven’t knwn all the uses f clr in nature yet
    C. sme wild rabbits are white in winter and black in summer
    D. the face can send mre bld t the heart and the pigments in the skin becme red when we feel angry
    50. Which is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T describe animals’ ways f life.
    B. T explain the imprtance f prtecting ur planet.
    C. T intrduce the uses f clrs fr life n the earth.
    D. T tell the difference between the clrs f plants and animals.
    第二节 (共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)
    Many peple think they shuld wait until they have free time befre they get int a new hbby, but I think that’s a mistake. There are many benefits t already having a develped hbby when yu retire (退休). 51
    Interest in a new hbby might nt be sustainable (可持续的). Yu may find yu dn’t actually want t spend as much f yur retirement time with the activity as yu first thught. I’ve dne many activities in my life, including baseball, sccer, biking, glf and many mre. 52 Part f these is due t my interests, while ther hbbies have been drpped due t my physical ability.
    I like ging t the glf curse and hearing the sund f the ball ging in the cup, but it tk me a few years f cnsistently (始终如一地) playing t realize that I enjy the game mre when I dn’t play that ften. When I play t much, I tend t lse fcus. 53
    It’s easier t change hbbies when yu have a jb. Changing hbbies is ften expensive. When I first gt int rad biking, I knew abut the csts f the bike and helmet(头盔). 54 The csts f a nice rad bike alne can be thusands f dllars. Then, there are shrts with shes, pedals, pumps, tls t make bike adjustment (调整). There was s much I needed t buy just t get the bike ging, and then I needed water bttles while I ride.
    55 But if I started after I retired, I dn’t knw if there wuld be enugh in the budget (预算) t try a new hbby like this.
    Last summer vacatin, a 15-year-ld by designed and built a drne (无人机) all by himself in less than a mnth, and flew it 56 .
    The by 57 Li Bang Hua, frm Hefei in East China’s Anhui Prvince, designed and built the plane cmpletely 58 his wn. The drne is 0.6 meters wide, has a wingspan f 4.4 meters and 59 abut 40 kilgrams. Li just finished high-schl entrance exams, and the plane was designed and built during 60 after-schl hurs.
    Li said he has been interested in mdel aviatin (航空) and spaceflight 61 he was a child. And he has been studying and building drnes fr years. But this time the drne is the largest he has 62 built and the ne he cnsiders the mst successful.
    “The biggest 63 I had was the lack f understanding frm adults. When I was ging t build a mdel plane, a lt f adults thught it was nnsense, s I called myself adult when I wanted t buy materials nline. Thrughut the prcess f building the plane, I had seven r eight failures and gt very upset, but I 64 t keep n ding it,” He says, “because nce yu start 65 , giving up is nt right.”
    第一节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)
    China is a cuntry with a very lng histry and it has pretty rich and valuable culture.
    Chinese Fd
    Fd plays an imprtant rle in Chinese culture. Different fds have special meanings. The mst bvius (明显的) difference is that Chinese peple eat their meals with chpsticks. One f the main fds in Chinese culture is rice. Tea is a favrite drink and is ppular in the market.
    Chinese New Year
    The Chinese calendar is called a lunar calendar (阴历). It is nt the same as the ne used in ther cuntries. New Year’s Day is in late winter. It is als called the Spring Festival. It has a big celebratin f letting g f the ld and bringing in the new. It has special fd and traditins. Fr example, sweeping the flr befre New Year’s Day sweeps away all the ld year’s bad luck.
    Chinese Zdiac (生肖)
    The Chinese zdiac, knwn as Sheng Xia, fllws a twelve-year cycle (循环). Each year is named after an animal. These animal signs are the rat, x, tiger, rabbit, dragn, snake, hrse, sheep, mnkey, cck, dg and pig. Fr example, the year 2023 is the Year f Rabbit, and the year 2024 is the Year f Dragn.
    Chinese Language
    Chinese is a cmplex (复杂的) language. Chinese writing develped almst 4, 000 years ag and might even be lder. Chinese writing has thusands f characters. A character stands fr a wrd and als meaning. Unlike English, there are n spaces in Chinese writing. Besides Standard Chinese, r Putnghua, Chinese peple speak six ther frms f the language, and there are many kinds f dialects (方言).
    66. The passage mainly talks abut China’s . (10个词以内)
    67. Which seasn is New Year’s Day in China? (8个词以内)
    68. We can knw that the year 2025 is the Year f . (1个词)
    69. Hw lng did Chinese writing develp? (8个词以内)
    70. Hw many frms f the language d Chinese peple speak? (10个词以内)
    第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)
    要点:1. 记叙你经历过的一件温暖的事;2. 你的感想和收获。
    注意:1. 词数:80词左右;2. 所写内容应包括所给要点,可适当发挥;3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。Sme infrmatin abut Wang Nan
    Her parents sent her t a training 18 t learn hw t play table tennis.
    Hw ften
    She went t practice table tennis every afternn after schl.
    Her father played with her every Sunday and gave her advice.
    She jined the natinal team in 1993, as the 19 player in the team.
    She likes nt nly 20 , listening t music, but als playing ftball.
    Her life is clrful.
    Welcme t the Painting Cmpetitin fr Teenage Students!
    If yu want t jin in the cmpetitin, yu can hand in yur wn painting in either f the fllwing tw ways.
    ★Put yur painting int the bx which is prvided fr yur schl. We’ll pick it up n Friday, June 23rd, 2023, befre the end f the secnd day.
    ★Hand in yur painting n Saturday, June 24th, frm 8:00 a.m. t 10:00 a.m. at the Art Sciety Hall (175 Jianjun Rad).
    ●All paintings are required t be 60 cm wide by 80 cm lng r smaller.
    ●Larger sizes wn’t be accepted. Each student can nly hand in ne painting.
    ●The final decisin n the cmpetitin results will be made n June 26th, the Anti-Drug Day. The name list f the winners will be annunced (宣布) n the website f the City Art Sciety n the same day. All winning paintings will be shwn t the public at the City Yuth Park frm June 27th until the end f July.
    ◎1st Prize (10 students) = ¥300 each.
    ◎2nd Prize (20 students) = ¥200 each.
    ◎3rd Prize (30 students) = ¥100 each.
    Fr further infrmatin: Visit r call 0515-8632578.
    A. Because I am nt gd at these physical exercises.
    B. Only a few f these will remain my hbbies in retirement.
    C. But that’s just the beginning f the csts f being a rad bike wner.
    D. I still lve biking, and ne f the main reasns is due t its health benefits.
    E. Here’s why yu shuldn’t wait until retirement t find ut hw yu will spend yur time.
    F. I just dn’t try as hard, because the scre desn’t matter t me as much as when I ften play the same hles.
    name smething weigh decide successful since n difficult he ever

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