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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a bakery. C. In a fruit shp.
    2. What shuld be avided in bear encunters?
    A. Flee away immediately. B. Stay where yu are. C. Seek shelter in a tree.
    3. Where did the wman g yesterday?
    A. T a park. B. T an exhibitin. C. T her sister’s.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Office clleagues. B. Bard members. C. Business partners.
    5. What des the athlete we his success t?
    A. Racing at sea level.
    B. Training at high altitudes.
    C. Living in a muntainus area.
    6. What kind f stry is The Wmen in White?
    A. An art stry. B. An adventure stry. C. A detective stry.
    7. Why will it take Camille a bit f time t finish reading the bk?
    A. It is written in French.
    B. It is quite a lng stry.
    C. It has a rather cmplex plt.
    8. What d the speakers think f taiknauts’ missin?
    A. Heric yet lnely.
    B. Hnrable yet risky.
    C. Cstly yet irreplaceable.
    9 What des the wman insist n abut space explratin?
    A. Having manned space travel.
    B. Mdernizing space gvernance.
    C. Investing in space explratin.
    10. Why d Chinese peple like t call freigners “la wai”?
    A. T shw respect t the ld age.
    B. T cnvey the idea f a clse relatinship.
    C. T stress smene is frm anther culture.
    11. What d we learn abut the man?
    A. He disliked Chinese fd.
    B. He preferred t travel alne.
    C. He cared abut persnal privacy.
    12. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Persnal identity.
    B Interpersnal relatinship.
    C. Cultural understanding.
    13. Hw des the man feel abut the play n at Paramunt Theater?
    A. Uninterested. B. Disappinted. C. Satisfied.
    14. What d we knw abut the play n at the Riverside Theater?
    A. It stars Neil Simn.
    B. It has been reviewed favrably.
    C. It is the new adaptatin f a classic.
    15. Which play d they decide t g and see?
    A. Rme and Juliet. B. The Head f the Snake. C. Bareft in the Park.
    16. Hw will the wman purchase the ticket?
    A. Via Internet B. By phne. C. In persn.
    17. Wh inspired the speaker?
    A. Erene Gerrard. B. Dan Rather. C. Richard Genee.
    18. What was the speaker’s teacher like?
    A. Flexible. B. Apprachable. C. Knwledgeable.
    19. What did the speaker’s teacher d t help her?
    A. He gave her high grades in tests.
    B. He ffered her an editr psitin.
    C. He encuraged her t stick t her career path.
    20. What is the speaker?
    A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A publisher.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Washingtn, D.C. Bicycle Turs
    Cherry Blssm Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.
    Duratin: 3 hurs
    This small grup bike tur is a fantastic way t see a wrld-famus cherry trees with beautiful flwers f Washingtn, D.C. Yur guide will prvide a histry lessn abut the trees and the famus mnuments where they blssm. Reserve yur spt befre availability — the cherry blssms—disappear!
    Washingtn Capital Mnuments Bicycle Tur
    Duratin: 3 hurs (4 miles)
    Jin a guided bike tur and view sme f the mst ppular mnuments in Washingtn, D.C. Explre the mnuments and memrials n the Natinal Mall as yur guide shares unique facts and histry at each stp. Guided tur includes bike, helmet, ckies and bttled water.
    Capital City Bike Tur In Washingtn, D.C.
    Duratin: 3 hurs
    Mrning r Afternn, this bike tur is the perfect tur fr D. C. newcmers and lcals lking t experience Washingtn, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effrt. Knwledgeable guides will entertain yu with the mst, interesting stries abut Presidents, Cngress, memrials, and parks. Cmfrtable bikes and a smth tur rute(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.
    Washingtn Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tur
    Duratin: 3 hurs (7miles)
    Jin a small grup bike tur fr an evening f explratin in the heart f Washingtn, D.C. Get up clse t the mnuments and memrials as yu bike the sites f Capitl Hill and the Natinal Mall. Frequent stps are made fr pht taking as yur guide ffers unique facts and histry. Tur includes bike, helmet, and bttled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.
    1. Which tur d yu need t bk in advance?
    A. Cherry Blssm Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.
    B. Washingtn Capital Mnuments Bicycle Tur.
    C. Capital City Bike Tur in Washingtn.
    D. Washingtn Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tur.
    2. What will yu d n the Capital City Bike Tur?
    A. Meet famus peple.B. G t a natinal park.
    C. Visit well-knwn museums.D. Enjy interesting stries.
    3. Which f the fllwing des the bicycle tur at night prvide?
    A. City maps.B. Cameras.
    C. Meals.D. Safety lights.
    Bilgists Slagsvld and Wiebe have spent years studying tits, flycatchers, and ther birds that lay their eggs int hles in trees, walls and even human-made bxes. “Hles are rare, s there’s great cmpetitin,” Wiebe said. Birds will smetimes get int fights. Even after a bird gets a hle, it has t watch ut: There’s always a chance that a passerby tries t pssess it. Owners dn’t have many ptins t wait fr and stp thieves. Sme plice their nest’s entrance hle, but preparing fr parenthd is hungry wrk, and eventually the birds have t leave t get fd. S Slagsvld and Wiebe started t lk fr alternative hme-defense systems the birds might be using.
    They nticed feathers, usually helping animals keep warm, but that desn’t seem t be hw these particular birds are using them. Blue tits, fr instance, get feathers n tp f the nest, rather than putting them in. Sme ther birds dump feathers int hles befre gathering ther materials. “They’re white, and ften nticeable,” Wiebe said, “as if the birds want t send a message.”
    T find ut, they built nest bxes — sme feathery, sme nt — in Eurpe and America, and recrded hw tits, flycatchers and swallws reacted. The birds entered feather-free bxes quickly. But they frze at the sight f white feathers, smetimes hesitating utside fr an hur. Black feathers scared them less, perhaps because they were harder t see. The feathers didn’t stp the birds as mst eventually went inside. But even a brief delay can make a huge difference, Wiebe said. “Even 20 minutes can give the wner enugh time t circle back, and fight ff their cmpetitrs.”
    The birds’ behavir shws their high-risk lifestyle. They have t think twice as the hles may be hiding danger. The feathers represent pssible vilence, shwing a predatr might be inside.
    The experiment reflects the lies animals tell where nest sites are rare. They build a scene s hrrible t discurage nest stealers. Birds are terrified f death. And they can explit that reality t safeguard what’s theirs.
    4. What inspired Slagsvld and Wiebe t seek birds’ ther pssible ways t prtect hmes?
    A. Birds have t fight t get the limited hles.B. Birds get tired frm watching ut in nests.
    C. Birds face many nest stealers n their wn.D. Birds leave their nests unattended smetimes.
    5. What is the functin f white feathers utside the nests?
    A. T shw a friendly welcme.B. T help stealers avid danger.
    C. T buy time fr the nest wners.D. T cnfirm this place is ccupied.
    6. Hw des the authr feel abut the birds’ reactin in the experiment?
    A. Understandable.B. Cnfusing.C. Pssible.D. Wrrying.
    7. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A Sme birds refuse t build their nestsB. It’s imprtant fr birds t have feathers
    C. High risks f life lead birds t turn t liesD. Birds create a false scene t prtect their nests
    On the way t his hme the child turned many times and beat the dg,declaring with childish gestures that he held him in cntempt(茂视)as an unimprtant dg.the dg aplgized fr being this quality f animal and expressed regret in fine frm,but he cntinued stealthily t fllw the child.
    When the child reached his dr-step,the dg was a few yards behind,mving slwly tward him.He became s anxius with shame when h again faced the child that he frgt the dragging rpe . He tripped(绊倒) upn it and fell frward.
    The child sat dwn n the step and the tw had anther interview. During it the dg greatly exerted himself t please the child. He perfrmed a few playful jumps with such abandn(尽情地) that the child suddenly saw him t be a valuable thing. He made a swift,greedy charge(猛冲)and seized the rpe.
    He dragged his captive(俘虏) int a hall and up many lng stairways in a dark building. The dg made willing effrts, but he culd nt walk very skillfully up the stairs because he was very small and sft,and at last the pace f the child grew s energetic that the dg became panic-stricken. In his mind he was being dragged tward smewhere unknwn. His ayes grew wild with the terrr f it. He began t wiggle his head wildly and t brace his legs.
    The child redubled his effrts.They had a battle n the stairs.The child was victrius because he was cmpletely absrbed in his purpse,and because the dg was very small.He dragged his acquirement t the dr f his hme,and finally with victry acrss the drway.
    N family member was in.The child sat dwn n the flr and made vertures t(向示好) the dg.These the dg instantly accepted.He smiled with affectin upn his new friend.In a shrt time they were firm and abiding(矢志不渝的)cmrades.
    8. What might have happened befre the first paragraph?
    A. The child had wanted t wn the dg fr a lng time.
    B. The dg had been smene else' s pet but lst his way.
    C. The child had been lking fr the lst dg fr a lng time.
    D. The dg had been driven ut f hme by the child's family.
    9. What directly made the by change his mind?
    A. The dg's aplgy.
    B His first interview with the dg.
    C. His pity n the dg.
    D. The dg's pleasing perfrmance.
    10. What can we knw frm paragraph 4 and 5?
    A. The by was naughty.
    B. The dg was flish.
    C. The by was a devted friend.
    D. The dg was a faithful friend.
    11. Which f the fllwing best describe the change f the dg's feeling?
    A. Frightened-relieved-anxius-happy.
    B. Wrried-angry-scared-delighted.
    C. Guilty-anxius-nervus-pleased.
    D. Angry-regretted-scared-puzzled.
    Sme peple hld the idea that being starving is the mst effective way f lsing bdy fat. Remember, if we g n a starvatin diet, we lse weight but nt much fat. In starvatin mde, we use up ur energy stres f carbhydrate (碳水化合物) first (in the frm f a substance called glycgen). Hwever, the bdy can stre nly a little glycgen, and this is used up within tw days. Then we start breaking dwn fat and prtein. But we can’t affrd t lse bdy prteins: ur muscle mass decreases, we becme nticeably weaker, and ur immunity is threatened because the lack f prtective immunglbulin prteins (保护性免疫球蛋白) means we are subject t an increased risk f infectin.
    Sure, we lk slimmer, and we certainly weigh less, but we are weaker and becming unhealthy. There is n pint in dieting if it’s ging t make us ill. And, f curse, because we need ur muscles, when we are even slightly distracted frm the diet, ur bdies immediately rebuild muscle and we regain all f the ‘lst’ weight very quickly. Nt nly have we gne thrugh a perid f reduced immunity and a lack f prteins, minerals, vitamins, antixidants and ther essential nutrients, there is evidence that s-called immediately effective dieting is detrimental t health in the lnger term.
    Quite simply, we are ging t virtually eliminate all refined (精制的) carbhydrates and sugars (which are als carbhydrates), leaving us with a lw-carbhydrate, high-prtein diet. On this diet, yu will be cutting ut virtually all refined carbhydrates s that bdy fat is burned with pririty, t prvide energy. Sugar, white flur, cakes, bread, pasta and rice are the usual truble-makers. These fds have very little nutritinal value and, what’s mre, can cause medical and fat prblems. Of curse, there are frms f these carbhydrates — such as whlemeal rice, whlemeal bread and whlemeal pastas — that d have nutritinal benefits and which yu can reintrduce later, but in the initial stage f the diet, yu have t reduce all carbhydrates, t switch n the fat-burning mechanism.
    One pint t be aware f is that refined carbhydrates can appear in many unexpected surces. Yu prbably knw that bread, cakes, biscuits, ptat crisps and fried ptat chips all cntain refined carbhydrates, but pasta, rice, mst breakfast cereals, mst tinned fds, many pre-packaged fds, and prepared sauces d as well… In fact the list ges n and n. Virtually all ‘fast fds’ cntain very high prprtin f refined carbhydrates and if yur diet is high in refined carbhydrates, yu will definitely put n weight. If yu’re wrried that by cutting ut refined carbhydrates yu’ll have virtually n fds left t chse frm, fear nt. In fact, high-prtein and nutritius fds such as meat, fish, shellfish and eggs are all pen t yu, alng with vegetables, cheese, spices and herbs, frm which yu can easily prduce delicius, healthy and quick meals. Yu’ll be relieved t hear that yu dn’t have t live n a diet f lettuce and tmat. On the cntrary, yu will be eating virtually limitless quantities f very tasty fd with delicius sauces and dressings: in ther wrds, real fd!
    12. What d yu knw abut peple fllwing a starvatin diet?
    A. They are mre likely t develp diseases.
    B. They run the risk f immediate health prblems.
    C. Their fat and prtein will be burnt prir t carbhydrates.
    D. Their appetite will be spiled gradually.
    13. What’s the meaning f the underlined wrd in paragraph 2?
    A. Damaging.B. Insignificant.C. Unpredictable.D. Cnstructive.
    14. What can yu learn abut the carbhydrates in a high prtein diet?
    A. They are banned althugh cnsidered beneficial.
    B They are used as a primary surce f energy.
    C. They can be cnsumed nly under certain circumstances.
    D. Carbhydrates fster the cnsumptin f sugary fd.
    15. What can yu d if yu fllw the new high prtein diet?
    A. Yu can becme less muscular and athletic.
    B. Yu shuld nly eat meat, fish, shellfish and eggs.
    C. Yu shuld mnitr all the prtein yu take in.
    D. Yu can have and make delicius dishes.
    Abut 20 years ag, I was attending a law schl while still ding my part-time jb t prvide my tuitin. Despite that, my grades were still amng the tp ten percent f the class. ____16____ I was directed t a prfessr wh I had never met. He agreed t supervise the prject by email. He emailed me a set f rules and instructins fr the paper s that I wuld meet the requirements.
    After several weeks, I cmpleted the legal research and began writing my paper. Tw weeks later, I ended my paper draft. ____17____ I accepted all f them, recmpsed it again and again, and finally submitted it t the prfessr. T my surprise, he gave me a C+, the lwest grade.
    ____18____ A few weeks after my graduatin, I happened t ntice a cntest in a jurnal where the best student-written paper wuld get published and win a significant cash prize—$2,500. Since I had the C+ paper at hand, I sent it in, just fr fun. A mnth later, the jurnal called me t let me knw that my C+ paper wn first place in the cntest ut f mre than 200 submissins. ____19____
    Later, I wrte a letter t the lcal newspaper detailing this stry and explaining hw paper grades were subjective. The letter was then published. Knwing this, the prfessr was awkward. Luckily, I didn’t mentin his name. He emailed me and explained he’d made a mistake and cnfused my paper with anther student’s. ____20____ Actually, I didn’t care abut an A. And t be hnest, if he had given me an A, I wuldn’t have submitted my paper t the cntest.
    A. S I had nthing t cmplain abut.
    B. It was published and I gt the check.
    C. In fact, my paper shuld have been given an A.
    D. Thugh annyed, I culd d nthing but accept it.
    E. During the graduatin seasn, I had t write an essay.
    F. In rder t win the cmpetitin, I prepared my essay very hard.
    G. I shwed it t sme f my classmates, wh gave me sme cnstructive suggestins.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In 1997,I wrked at a gas statin with a Laundrmat (自助衣店) and fr $2 a bag we’d wash, dry and fld. One f the days that I prvided this ____21____ changed my perspective n the peple we randmly meet in life.
    Early ne mrning, a tatted (纹身的) giant truck driver ____22____ a bag f laundry, and I ____23____ it’d be ready fr ____24____ by the end f the day. Then I threw the lad in the washer and pressed start.
    An hur later, I went t mve the giant’s laundry int the dryer. Then I was ____25____ t find that every item I pulled frm the machine turned pink. The tatted giant was ging t kill me. I wuld be fired because sme red sck was left and because I hadn’t made sure that the machine was cmpletely ____26____ befre I threw in a new lad. Just thinking abut these, I culd hardly ____27____.
    The rest f the day passed in a blur (模糊) as I ____28____ what wuld happen when the giant came fr his laundry. ____29____ , the giant returned. When he stepped inside, lking terrifying and stern (严厉的), I ____30____ . I burst int tears. I admitted my ____31____ and swre I’d pay fr his clthes. But t my ____32____ , he explded with ____33____ and tld me that it was fine, n wrries. I’d say the wrds did ____34____ me. I let ut the wrld’s lngest breath as he cntinued laughing all the way back t the truck.
    That day I learned that n ne and nthing is ever quite what it seems. Giants can be ____35____, and a little gas statin can als be the unlikely birthplace f many a memrable stry.
    21. A. ptinB. methdC. serviceD. prgram
    22. A. drppedB. grabbedC. remvedD. pened
    23. A. prpsedB. prmisedC. agreedD. warned
    24. A. distributinB. submissinC. admissinD. cllectin
    25. A. cnfusedB. excitedC. shckedD. amused
    26. A. pwerfulB. emptyC. usefulD. autmatic
    27. A. breatheB. understandC. resistD. cmplain
    28. A. predictedB. determinedC. imaginedD. prevented
    29. A. EventuallyB. SuddenlyC. HpefullyD. Frtunately
    30. A. wke upB. gave upC. sat dwnD. brke dwn
    31. A. secretB. effrtC. mistakeD. fear
    32. A. astnishmentB. regretC. disappintmentD. satisfactin
    33. A. applauseB. laughterC. angerD. silence
    34. A. inspireB. hurtC. relieveD. remind
    35. A. generusB. uniqueC. carefulD. gentle
    There are several reasns why schl unifrms are gd idea. First f all, unifrms help the schl lk smart. The students feel that they belng t a particular grup. When every pupil in the schl wears the unifrm, nbdy ___36___(have) t wrry abut fashin(时尚). Everybdy wears ___37___ same style f clthes. Unifrms can be useful in unexpected ways. A schl in Ireland has intrduced an interesting new unifrm. On the edge f the jacket, there is a piece f clth ___38___ gives ff light in the dark. When the children are walking r ___39___(cycle) t schl n dark mrnings, car drivers can ___40___(easy) see them.
    But can unifrms help imprve schl standards? The answer ___41___ this questin is nt clear. One study in America fund that students’ grades ___42___(imprve) a little after the schl intrduced unifrms. But sme students didn’t want ___43___(wear) the unifrm. Other American studies shwed n ___44___(cnnect) between unifrms and schl perfrmance.
    Schl unifrms are ____45____(traditin) in Britain, but sme schls are starting t get rid f them. Sme very gd schls dn’t have a unifrm plicy. Hwever, unifrms are still ppular. Pupils at abut 90 percent f British secndary schls wear unifrms.
    第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40)
    46. 假定你是李华,暑假在你市对外文化交流中心做志愿者。近日,一个来自美国的学生团队将参加交流中心组织的中国茶文化之旅。请你代表交流中心写一篇欢迎辞,内容包括:
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had a trip t New Mexic last year, a trip I still remember very well t this day. I went t a place called Philmnt and attended a summer camp. There were thirteen peple including me. The entire 10-day hike we tk thrugh thse muntains went well, except fr the secnd day, because f the terrible weather.
    It had been a nice sunny day up until we were halfway t the camp we were staying at that night. Then withut a wrd it started raining gently. There was nthing t bad and certainly nthing we culdn’t handle. We put ur raincats n and cntinued n ur way. It stayed raining slightly fr a while, s I decided it wuld be a gd idea t say, “Well, it can’t be much wrse than this, right?” And in less than five secnds the thunder crashed arund us. It almst sunded like a laugh, as if it was laughing at us. Then the rain started t cme dwn harder, and then, the hail (冰雹) came.
    Getting hit with balls f ice in the middle f the New Mexic muntains was nt smething I had ever thught wuld happen t us, but here we were. All thirteen f us were wishing at that mment that we culd g hme. But we quickly abandned the idea. It was freezing, and my feet felt like they might fall ff. Wet, cld, and carrying 40 punds n ur backs, we hiked n.
    But sn enugh we gt lst fr abut a mile because f a mistake that ur “Navi-guesser” made n getting us t ur destinatin. At the same time, ne f ur bys gt a minr case f hypthermia (低温症). We decided t stp fr a while, unpacking ur tents t get int a nice warm sleeping bag. I dn’t knw if yu knw this, but unpacking camping gear (装备) in the rain was nt very fun, especially setting up a tent.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    We came up with a slutin.
    The rain stpped just as we were abut t start.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a bakery. C. In a fruit shp.
    2. What shuld be avided in bear encunters?
    A. Flee away immediately. B. Stay where yu are. C. Seek shelter in a tree.
    3. Where did the wman g yesterday?
    A. T a park. B. T an exhibitin. C. T her sister’s.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Office clleagues. B. Bard members. C. Business partners.
    5. What des the athlete we his success t?
    A. Racing at sea level.
    B. Training at high altitudes.
    C. Living in a muntainus area.
    6. What kind f stry is The Wmen in White?
    A. An art stry. B. An adventure stry. C. A detective stry.
    7. Why will it take Camille a bit f time t finish reading the bk?
    A. It is written in French.
    B. It is quite a lng stry.
    C. It has a rather cmplex plt.
    8. What d the speakers think f taiknauts’ missin?
    A. Heric yet lnely.
    B. Hnrable yet risky.
    C. Cstly yet irreplaceable.
    9. What des the wman insist n abut space explratin?
    A. Having manned space travel.
    B. Mdernizing space gvernance.
    C. Investing in space explratin.
    10. Why d Chinese peple like t call freigners “la wai”?
    A. T shw respect t the ld age.
    B. T cnvey the idea f a clse relatinship.
    C. T stress smene is frm anther culture.
    11. What d we learn abut the man?
    A. He disliked Chinese fd.
    B. He preferred t travel alne.
    C. He cared abut persnal privacy.
    12. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Persnal identity.
    B. Interpersnal relatinship.
    C. Cultural understanding.
    13. Hw des the man feel abut the play n at Paramunt Theater?
    A. Uninterested. B. Disappinted. C. Satisfied.
    14. What d we knw abut the play n at the Riverside Theater?
    A. It stars Neil Simn.
    B. It has been reviewed favrably.
    C. It is the new adaptatin f a classic.
    15. Which play d they decide t g and see?
    A. Rme and Juliet. B. The Head f the Snake. C. Bareft in the Park.
    16. Hw will the wman purchase the ticket?
    A. Via Internet B. By phne. C. In persn.
    17. Wh inspired the speaker?
    A. Erene Gerrard. B. Dan Rather. C. Richard Genee.
    18. What was the speaker’s teacher like?
    A. Flexible. B. Apprachable. C. Knwledgeable.
    19. What did the speaker’s teacher d t help her?
    A. He gave her high grades in tests.
    B. He ffered her an editr psitin.
    C. He encuraged her t stick t her career path.
    20. What is the speaker?
    A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A publisher.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Washingtn, D.C. Bicycle Turs
    Cherry Blssm Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.
    Duratin: 3 hurs
    This small grup bike tur is a fantastic way t see a wrld-famus cherry trees with beautiful flwers f Washingtn, D.C. Yur guide will prvide a histry lessn abut the trees and the famus mnuments where they blssm. Reserve yur spt befre availability — the cherry blssms—disappear!
    Washingtn Capital Mnuments Bicycle Tur
    Duratin: 3 hurs (4 miles)
    Jin a guided bike tur and view sme f the mst ppular mnuments in Washingtn, D.C. Explre the mnuments and memrials n the Natinal Mall as yur guide shares unique facts and histry at each stp. Guided tur includes bike, helmet, ckies and bttled water.
    Capital City Bike Tur In Washingtn, D.C.
    Duratin: 3 hurs
    Mrning r Afternn, this bike tur is the perfect tur fr D. C. newcmers and lcals lking t experience Washingtn, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effrt. Knwledgeable guides will entertain yu with the mst, interesting stries abut Presidents, Cngress, memrials, and parks. Cmfrtable bikes and a smth tur rute(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.
    Washingtn Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tur
    Duratin: 3 hurs (7miles)
    Jin a small grup bike tur fr an evening f explratin in the heart f Washingtn, D.C. Get up clse t the mnuments and memrials as yu bike the sites f Capitl Hill and the Natinal Mall. Frequent stps are made fr pht taking as yur guide ffers unique facts and histry. Tur includes bike, helmet, and bttled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.
    1. Which tur d yu need t bk in advance?
    A. Cherry Blssm Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.
    B. Washingtn Capital Mnuments Bicycle Tur.
    C. Capital City Bike Tur in Washingtn.
    D. Washingtn Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tur.
    2. What will yu d n the Capital City Bike Tur?
    A Meet famus peple.B. G t a natinal park.
    C. Visit well-knwn museums.D. Enjy interesting stries.
    3. Which f the fllwing des the bicycle tur at night prvide?
    A. City maps.B. Cameras.
    C. Meals.D. Safety lights.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D
    【分析】本文是一篇广告应用文。文章介绍了在Washingtn, D.C. 骑自行车旅行的四条路线的相关行程及注意事项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Cherry Blssm Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.中的Reserve yur spt befre availability可知,这个骑行项目需要提前预约。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章Capital City Bike Tur in Washingtn, D.C.中的Knwledgeable guides will entertain yu with the mst interesting stries abut Presidents, Cngress, memrials, and parks.可知,在这个活动中,你可以享受有趣的故事。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章Washingtn Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tur中的All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.可知,所有骑行者都要装备反光背心和安全手电筒。故选D。
    【点睛】本篇文章最容易出错的题是21题,究其原因是不熟悉词汇reserve的词义:预约。in advance意为“提前“。因此,高考前熟悉词汇和短语是重中之重的事情。Reserve yur spt befre availability — and the cherry blssms — disappear在有效期和樱花消失前预约。
    Bilgists Slagsvld and Wiebe have spent years studying tits, flycatchers, and ther birds that lay their eggs int hles in trees, walls and even human-made bxes. “Hles are rare, s there’s great cmpetitin,” Wiebe said. Birds will smetimes get int fights. Even after a bird gets a hle, it has t watch ut: There’s always a chance that a passerby tries t pssess it. Owners dn’t have many ptins t wait fr and stp thieves. Sme plice their nest’s entrance hle, but preparing fr parenthd is hungry wrk, and eventually the birds have t leave t get fd. S Slagsvld and Wiebe started t lk fr alternative hme-defense systems the birds might be using.
    They nticed feathers, usually helping animals keep warm, but that desn’t seem t be hw these particular birds are using them. Blue tits, fr instance, get feathers n tp f the nest, rather than putting them in. Sme ther birds dump feathers int hles befre gathering ther materials. “They’re white, and ften nticeable,” Wiebe said, “as if the birds want t send a message.”
    T find ut, they built nest bxes — sme feathery, sme nt — in Eurpe and America, and recrded hw tits, flycatchers and swallws reacted. The birds entered feather-free bxes quickly. But they frze at the sight f white feathers, smetimes hesitating utside fr an hur. Black feathers scared them less, perhaps because they were harder t see. The feathers didn’t stp the birds as mst eventually went inside. But even a brief delay can make a huge difference, Wiebe said. “Even 20 minutes can give the wner enugh time t circle back, and fight ff their cmpetitrs.”
    The birds’ behavir shws their high-risk lifestyle. They have t think twice as the hles may be hiding danger. The feathers represent pssible vilence, shwing a predatr might be inside.
    The experiment reflects the lies animals tell where nest sites are rare. They build a scene s hrrible t discurage nest stealers. Birds are terrified f death. And they can explit that reality t safeguard what’s theirs.
    4. What inspired Slagsvld and Wiebe t seek birds’ ther pssible ways t prtect hmes?
    A. Birds have t fight t get the limited hles.B. Birds get tired frm watching ut in nests.
    C. Birds face many nest stealers n their wn.D. Birds leave their nests unattended smetimes.
    5. What is the functin f white feathers utside the nests?
    A. T shw a friendly welcme.B. T help stealers avid danger.
    C. T buy time fr the nest wners.D. T cnfirm this place is ccupied.
    6. Hw des the authr feel abut the birds’ reactin in the experiment?
    A. Understandable.B. Cnfusing.C. Pssible.D. Wrrying.
    7. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Sme birds refuse t build their nestsB. It’s imprtant fr birds t have feathers
    C. High risks f life lead birds t turn t liesD. Birds create a false scene t prtect their nests
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段““Hles are rare, s there’s great cmpetitin,” Wiebe said. Birds will smetimes get int fights. Even after a bird gets a hle, it has t watch ut: There’s always a chance that a passerby tries t pssess it. Owners dn’t have many ptins t wait fr and stp thieves. Sme plice their nest’s entrance hle, but preparing fr parenthd is hungry wrk, and eventually the birds have t leave t get fd. S Slagsvld and Wiebe started t lk fr alternative hme-defense systems the birds might be using.(“洞很少,所以竞争很激烈,”韦博说。鸟儿有时会打架。即使一只鸟找到了一个洞,它也必须小心:路过的鸟总有可能试图占有它。主人没有太多的选择来等待和阻止小偷。有些鸟会守在鸟巢的入口洞里,但为为人父母做准备是一项饥饿的工作,最终它们不得不离开去找食物。因此,Slagsvld和Wiebe开始寻找鸟类可能使用的替代家庭防御系统)”可知,鸟儿们必须为得到有限的洞而战斗激发了Slagsvld和Wiebe去寻找鸟类保护家园的其他可能方式。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“But they frze at the sight f white feathers, smetimes hesitating utside fr an hur.(但它们一看到白色的羽毛就僵住了,有时在外面犹豫了一个小时)”和“But even a brief delay can make a huge difference, Wiebe said. “Even 20 minutes can give the wner enugh time t circle back, and fight ff their cmpetitrs.”(但韦博说,即使是短暂的延迟也会产生巨大的影响。“即使是20分钟,也能让巢主有足够的时间绕回来,打败竞争对手。”)”可知,巢外的白色羽毛可以为巢主争取时间。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The birds’ behavir shws their high-risk lifestyle. They have t think twice as the hles may be hiding danger. The feathers represent pssible vilence, shwing a predatr might be inside.(这些鸟的行为显示了它们高风险的生活方式。它们必须三思而后行,因为这些洞可能隐藏着危险。羽毛代表着可能的暴力,表明里面可能有捕食者)”以及最后一段“The experiment reflects the lies animals tell where nest sites are rare. They build a scene s hrrible t discurage nest stealers. Birds are terrified f death. And they can explit that reality t safeguard what’s theirs.(这个实验反映了动物们在巢穴稀少的地方所说的谎言。它们营造了一个可怕的场景来阻止偷巢者。鸟害怕死亡。它们可以利用这个现实来保护他它们的东西)”可知,因为山雀高风险的生活方式,它们把白色羽毛丢在巢穴顶部恐吓想要偷窃巢穴的鸟类,以此保护自己的巢穴,作者认为实验中鸟儿的反应可以理解。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“The experiment reflects the lies animals tell where nest sites are rare. They build a scene s hrrible t discurage nest stealers. Birds are terrified f death. And they can explit that reality t safeguard what’s theirs.(这个实验反映了动物们在巢穴稀少的地方所说的谎言。它们营造了一个可怕的场景来阻止偷巢者。鸟害怕死亡。它们可以利用这个现实来保护它们的东西)”结合文章主要说明了科学家们发现鸟类会通过把羽毛放在巢上,来恐吓那些想要偷窃巢穴的鸟类。可知,D选项“鸟类创造一个虚假的场景来保护它们的巢穴”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    On the way t his hme the child turned many times and beat the dg,declaring with childish gestures that he held him in cntempt(茂视)as an unimprtant dg.the dg aplgized fr being this quality f animal and expressed regret in fine frm,but he cntinued stealthily t fllw the child.
    When the child reached his dr-step,the dg was a few yards behind,mving slwly tward him.He became s anxius with shame when h again faced the child that he frgt the dragging rpe . He tripped(绊倒) upn it and fell frward.
    The child sat dwn n the step and the tw had anther interview. During it the dg greatly exerted himself t please the child. He perfrmed a few playful jumps with such abandn(尽情地) that the child suddenly saw him t be a valuable thing. He made a swift,greedy charge(猛冲)and seized the rpe.
    He dragged his captive(俘虏) int a hall and up many lng stairways in a dark building. The dg made willing effrts, but he culd nt walk very skillfully up the stairs because he was very small and sft,and at last the pace f the child grew s energetic that the dg became panic-stricken. In his mind he was being dragged tward smewhere unknwn. His ayes grew wild with the terrr f it. He began t wiggle his head wildly and t brace his legs.
    The child redubled his effrts.They had a battle n the stairs.The child was victrius because he was cmpletely absrbed in his purpse,and because the dg was very small.He dragged his acquirement t the dr f his hme,and finally with victry acrss the drway.
    N family member was in.The child sat dwn n the flr and made vertures t(向示好) the dg.These the dg instantly accepted.He smiled with affectin upn his new friend.In a shrt time they were firm and abiding(矢志不渝的)cmrades.
    8. What might have happened befre the first paragraph?
    A. The child had wanted t wn the dg fr a lng time.
    B. The dg had been smene else' s pet but lst his way.
    C. The child had been lking fr the lst dg fr a lng time.
    D. The dg had been driven ut f hme by the child's family.
    9. What directly made the by change his mind?
    A. The dg's aplgy.
    B. His first interview with the dg.
    C. His pity n the dg.
    D. The dg's pleasing perfrmance.
    10. What can we knw frm paragraph 4 and 5?
    A. The by was naughty.
    B. The dg was flish.
    C. The by was a devted friend.
    D. The dg was a faithful friend.
    11. Which f the fllwing best describe the change f the dg's feeling?
    A. Frightened-relieved-anxius-happy.
    B. Wrried-angry-scared-delighted.
    C. Guilty-anxius-nervus-pleased.
    D. Angry-regretted-scared-puzzled.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“On the way t his hme the child turned many times and beat the dg, declaring with childish gestures that he held him in cntempt(茂视)as an unimprtant dg. the dg aplgized fr being this quality f animal and expressed regret in fine frm, but he cntinued stealthily t fllw the child.(在回家路上,孩子多次转过身来打那条狗,用孩子气的手势宣称他蔑视那条狗,认为它是一条不重要的狗。狗为自己是这样的动物而道歉,并以良好的形式表示遗憾,但它继续偷偷地跟着孩子。)”可知,孩子试图摆脱狗,而且他们在此之前并不认识,可见他们是无意间遇到的。从而推断,这条狗曾是别人的宠物,但迷路了。小狗是丢失后才遇到男孩的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“He perfrmed a few playful jumps with such abandn(尽情地) that the child suddenly saw him t be a valuable thing.(它尽情地跳了几下,孩子突然觉得它很有价值。)”可知,小狗努力的取悦男孩,使得男孩改变了主意。故选D。
    推理判断题。狗的心情和它的遭遇是一致的,第一段狗尽管被嫌弃但还是跟着,心情是有点罪恶感的,从aplgized可以看出;第二段出现了anxius and shamed,可见狗的心情是紧张羞愧;第三段狗取悦小孩;四五段就是狗被带上楼梯的过程,从panic-stricken可以看出,狗因为未知的地方感到害怕;最后一段狗和小孩已经交好,推断出心情愉悦。故选C。
    Sme peple hld the idea that being starving is the mst effective way f lsing bdy fat. Remember, if we g n a starvatin diet, we lse weight but nt much fat. In starvatin mde, we use up ur energy stres f carbhydrate (碳水化合物) first (in the frm f a substance called glycgen). Hwever, the bdy can stre nly a little glycgen, and this is used up within tw days. Then we start breaking dwn fat and prtein. But we can’t affrd t lse bdy prteins: ur muscle mass decreases, we becme nticeably weaker, and ur immunity is threatened because the lack f prtective immunglbulin prteins (保护性免疫球蛋白) means we are subject t an increased risk f infectin.
    Sure, we lk slimmer, and we certainly weigh less, but we are weaker and becming unhealthy. There is n pint in dieting if it’s ging t make us ill. And, f curse, because we need ur muscles, when we are even slightly distracted frm the diet, ur bdies immediately rebuild muscle and we regain all f the ‘lst’ weight very quickly. Nt nly have we gne thrugh a perid f reduced immunity and a lack f prteins, minerals, vitamins, antixidants and ther essential nutrients, there is evidence that s-called immediately effective dieting is detrimental t health in the lnger term.
    Quite simply, we are ging t virtually eliminate all refined (精制的) carbhydrates and sugars (which are als carbhydrates), leaving us with a lw-carbhydrate, high-prtein diet. On this diet, yu will be cutting ut virtually all refined carbhydrates s that bdy fat is burned with pririty, t prvide energy. Sugar, white flur, cakes, bread, pasta and rice are the usual truble-makers. These fds have very little nutritinal value and, what’s mre, can cause medical and fat prblems. Of curse, there are frms f these carbhydrates — such as whlemeal rice, whlemeal bread and whlemeal pastas — that d have nutritinal benefits and which yu can reintrduce later, but in the initial stage f the diet, yu have t reduce all carbhydrates, t switch n the fat-burning mechanism.
    One pint t be aware f is that refined carbhydrates can appear in many unexpected surces. Yu prbably knw that bread, cakes, biscuits, ptat crisps and fried ptat chips all cntain refined carbhydrates, but pasta, rice, mst breakfast cereals, mst tinned fds, many pre-packaged fds, and prepared sauces d as well… In fact the list ges n and n. Virtually all ‘fast fds’ cntain very high prprtin f refined carbhydrates and if yur diet is high in refined carbhydrates, yu will definitely put n weight. If yu’re wrried that by cutting ut refined carbhydrates yu’ll have virtually n fds left t chse frm, fear nt. In fact, high-prtein and nutritius fds such as meat, fish, shellfish and eggs are all pen t yu, alng with vegetables, cheese, spices and herbs, frm which yu can easily prduce delicius, healthy and quick meals. Yu’ll be relieved t hear that yu dn’t have t live n a diet f lettuce and tmat. On the cntrary, yu will be eating virtually limitless quantities f very tasty fd with delicius sauces and dressings: in ther wrds, real fd!
    12. What d yu knw abut peple fllwing a starvatin diet?
    A. They are mre likely t develp diseases.
    B. They run the risk f immediate health prblems.
    C. Their fat and prtein will be burnt prir t carbhydrates.
    D. Their appetite will be spiled gradually.
    13. What’s the meaning f the underlined wrd in paragraph 2?
    A. Damaging.B. Insignificant.C. Unpredictable.D. Cnstructive.
    14. What can yu learn abut the carbhydrates in a high prtein diet?
    A. They are banned althugh cnsidered beneficial.
    B. They are used as a primary surce f energy.
    C. They can be cnsumed nly under certain circumstances.
    D. Carbhydrates fster the cnsumptin f sugary fd.
    15. What can yu d if yu fllw the new high prtein diet?
    A. Yu can becme less muscular and athletic.
    B. Yu shuld nly eat meat, fish, shellfish and eggs.
    C. Yu shuld mnitr all the prtein yu take in.
    D. Yu can have and make delicius dishes.
    【答案】12. A 13. A 14. C 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“But we can’t affrd t lse bdy prteins: ur muscle mass decreases, we becme nticeably weaker, and ur immunity is threatened because the lack f prtective immunglbulin prteins (保护性免疫球蛋白) means we are subject t an increased risk f infectin. (但是我们不能失去身体的蛋白质:我们的肌肉量减少,我们变得明显更弱,我们的免疫力受到威胁,因为缺乏保护性免疫球蛋白意味着我们受到感染的风险增加)”可知,采用节食减肥法的人免疫力会下降,更容易患病。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词的上文“Nt nly have we gne thrugh a perid f reduced immunity and a lack f prteins, minerals, vitamins, antixidants and ther essential nutrients (我们不仅经历了免疫力下降和缺乏蛋白质、矿物质、维生素、抗氧化剂和其他必需营养素的时期)”可知,此处介绍节食减肥法对人体带来的损害,画线词所在句是进一步介绍这种损害。由此推知,所谓立竿见影的节食从长远来看对健康是“有害的”,画线词意思应该是“有害的”,与damaging意思相近。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Of curse, there are frms f these carbhydrates — such as whlemeal rice, whlemeal bread and whlemeal pastas — that d have nutritinal benefits and which yu can reintrduce later, but in the initial stage f the diet, yu have t reduce all carbhydrates, t switch n the fat-burning mechanism. (当然,这些碳水化合物也有一些形式——比如全麦米饭、全麦面包和全麦面食——它们确实有营养价值,你可以稍后再引入它们,但在饮食的初始阶段,你必须减少所有的碳水化合物,以启动脂肪燃烧机制)”可知,在高蛋白饮食法中,碳水化合物只有在特定情况下才能吃,初始阶段不能吃。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“In fact, high-prtein and nutritius fds such as meat, fish, shellfish and eggs are all pen t yu, alng with vegetables, cheese, spices and herbs, frm which yu can easily prduce delicius, healthy and quick meals. (事实上,高蛋白和营养的食物,如肉类、鱼类、贝类和鸡蛋,以及蔬菜、奶酪、香料和草药,都是向你开放的,你可以很容易地制作出美味、健康和快速的食物)”可知,如果遵循高蛋白饮食法,你可以吃并制作出美味的菜肴。故选D项。
    Abut 20 years ag, I was attending a law schl while still ding my part-time jb t prvide my tuitin. Despite that, my grades were still amng the tp ten percent f the class. ____16____ I was directed t a prfessr wh I had never met. He agreed t supervise the prject by email. He emailed me a set f rules and instructins fr the paper s that I wuld meet the requirements.
    After several weeks, I cmpleted the legal research and began writing my paper. Tw weeks later, I ended my paper draft. ____17____ I accepted all f them, recmpsed it again and again, and finally submitted it t the prfessr. T my surprise, he gave me a C+, the lwest grade.
    ____18____ A few weeks after my graduatin, I happened t ntice a cntest in a jurnal where the best student-written paper wuld get published and win a significant cash prize—$2,500. Since I had the C+ paper at hand, I sent it in, just fr fun. A mnth later, the jurnal called me t let me knw that my C+ paper wn first place in the cntest ut f mre than 200 submissins. ____19____
    Later, I wrte a letter t the lcal newspaper detailing this stry and explaining hw paper grades were subjective. The letter was then published. Knwing this, the prfessr was awkward. Luckily, I didn’t mentin his name. He emailed me and explained he’d made a mistake and cnfused my paper with anther student’s. ____20____ Actually, I didn’t care abut an A. And t be hnest, if he had given me an A, I wuldn’t have submitted my paper t the cntest.
    A. S I had nthing t cmplain abut.
    B. It was published and I gt the check.
    C. In fact, my paper shuld have been given an A.
    D. Thugh annyed, I culd d nthing but accept it.
    E. During the graduatin seasn, I had t write an essay.
    F. In rder t win the cmpetitin, I prepared my essay very hard.
    G. I shwed it t sme f my classmates, wh gave me sme cnstructive suggestins.
    【答案】16. E 17. G 18. D 19. B 20. C
    根据上文“Abut 20 years ag, I was attending a law schl while still ding my part-time jb t prvide my tuitin. Despite that, my grades were still amng the tp ten percent f the class.(大约20年前,我在一所法学院读书,同时还在做一份兼职工作来支付学费。尽管如此,我的成绩仍然在班上名列前10%)”以及后文“I was directed t a prfessr wh I had never met. He agreed t supervise the prject by email. He emailed me a set f rules and instructins fr the paper s that I wuld meet the requirements.(我被引导去见一位素未谋面的教授。他通过电子邮件同意监督这个项目。他给我发了一套写论文的规则和说明,以便我能达到要求)”和第三段“A few weeks after my graduatin(毕业几周后)”可知,后文提到了教授发写论文的规则和说明给作者,说明作者毕业要写论文。故E选项“在毕业季,我必须写一篇论文”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“After several weeks, I cmpleted the legal research and began writing my paper. Tw weeks later, I ended my paper draft.(几周后,我完成了法律研究,开始写论文。两周后,我完成了论文草稿)”以及后文“I accepted all f them, recmpsed it again and again, and finally submitted it t the prfessr.(我全部接受了,一遍又一遍地重写,最后交给了教授)”可知,后文提到了作者接受了什么,并且重写,可知作者应是把论文拿给别人看,想得到建议。故G选项“我把它拿给一些同学看,他们给了我一些建设性的建议”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“T my surprise, he gave me a C+, the lwest grade.(令我吃惊的是,他给了我一个最低的C+)”可知,上文提到了作者的论文得了最低分,可知本句应说明作者对此的态度。故D选项“虽然我很恼火,但除了接受,我别无选择”符合语境,故选D。
    根据上文“A few weeks after my graduatin, I happened t ntice a cn test in a jurnal where the best student-written paper wuld get published and win a significant cash prize — $2,500. Since I had the C+ paper at hand, I sent it in, just fr fun. A mnth later, the jurnal called me t let me knw that my C+ paper wn first place in the cntest ut f mre than 200 submissins.(毕业几周后,我碰巧在一本杂志上看到一个竞赛,最好的学生论文将被发表,并赢得一笔可观的现金奖励——2500美元。因为我手头有C+的论文,所以我把它寄了出去,只是为了好玩。一个月后,杂志社打电话告诉我,我的C+论文在200多篇投稿中获得了第一名)”可知,作者的论文得了第一名,可知作者获胜了,本句说明后续的结果。故B选项“文章发表了,我收到了支票”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“Later, I wrte a letter t the lcal newspaper detailing this stry and explaining hw paper grades were subjective. The letter was then published. Knwing this, the prfessr was awkward. Luckily, I didn’t mentin his name. He emailed me and explained he’d made a mistake and cnfused my paper with anther student’s.(后来,我给当地的报纸写了一封信,详细说明了这件事,并解释了论文成绩是如何主观的。这封信随后被发表了。知道了这一点,教授很尴尬。幸运的是,我没有提到他的名字。他给我发邮件,解释说他犯了一个错误,把我的论文和另一个学生的弄混了)”以及后文“Actually, I didn’t care abut an A. And t be hnest, if he had given me an A, I wuldn’t have submitted my paper t the cntest.(事实上,我并不在乎A,说实话,如果他给我A,我就不会提交论文参加比赛了)”可知,作者的论文被教授弄混了,作者应该得A的。故C选项“事实上,我的论文应该得A”符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In 1997I wrked at a gas statin with a Laundrmat (自助衣店) and fr $2 a bag we’d wash, dry and fld. One f the days that I prvided this ____21____ changed my perspective n the peple we randmly meet in life.
    Early ne mrning, a tatted (纹身的) giant truck driver ____22____ a bag f laundry, and I ____23____ it’d be ready fr ____24____ by the end f the day. Then I threw the lad in the washer and pressed start.
    An hur later, I went t mve the giant’s laundry int the dryer. Then I was ____25____ t find that every item I pulled frm the machine turned pink. The tatted giant was ging t kill me. I wuld be fired because sme red sck was left and because I hadn’t made sure that the machine was cmpletely ____26____ befre I threw in a new lad. Just thinking abut these, I culd hardly ____27____.
    The rest f the day passed in a blur (模糊) as I ____28____ what wuld happen when the giant came fr his laundry. ____29____ , the giant returned. When he stepped inside, lking terrifying and stern (严厉的), I ____30____ . I burst int tears. I admitted my ____31____ and swre I’d pay fr his clthes. But t my ____32____ , he explded with ____33____ and tld me that it was fine, n wrries. I’d say the wrds did ____34____ me. I let ut the wrld’s lngest breath as he cntinued laughing all the way back t the truck.
    That day I learned that n ne and nthing is ever quite what it seems. Giants can be ____35____, and a little gas statin can als be the unlikely birthplace f many a memrable stry.
    21. A. ptinB. methdC. serviceD. prgram
    22. A. drppedB. grabbedC. remvedD. pened
    23. A. prpsedB. prmisedC. agreedD. warned
    24. A. distributinB. submissinC. admissinD. cllectin
    25. A. cnfusedB. excitedC. shckedD. amused
    26. A. pwerfulB. emptyC. usefulD. autmatic
    27. A. breatheB. understandC. resistD. cmplain
    28. A. predictedB. determinedC. imaginedD. prevented
    29. A. EventuallyB. SuddenlyC. HpefullyD. Frtunately
    30. A. wke upB. gave upC. sat dwnD. brke dwn
    31. A. secretB. effrtC. mistakeD. fear
    32. A. astnishmentB. regretC. disappintmentD. satisfactin
    33. A. applauseB. laughterC. angerD. silence
    34. A. inspireB. hurtC. relieveD. remind
    35. A. generusB. uniqueC. carefulD. gentle
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。 句意:有一天,我提供这项服务,改变了我对生活中偶遇的人的看法。A. ptin选择;B. methd方法;C. service服务;D. prgram项目。根据上文“In 1997, I wrked at a gas statin with a Laundrmat and fr $2 a bag we’d wash, dry and fld.(1997年,我在一家加油站和一家自助洗衣店一起工作,我们洗、干、叠一包衣服,挣2美元)”可知,此处指提供洗衣服务。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天清晨,一个满身纹身的大块头卡车司机丢下一袋要洗的衣服,我向他保证,在今天结束的时候,这些衣服就可以拿来收了。A. drpped放下;B. grabbed抓住;C. remved去除;D. pened打开。根据后文“a bag f laundry”可知,此处指卡车司机丢下了一袋要洗的衣服。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天清晨,一个满身纹身的大块头卡车司机丢下了一袋要洗的衣服,我向他保证,在今天结束的时候,这些衣服就可以拿来收了。A. prpsed计划;B. prmised承诺;C. agreed同意;D. warned警告。根据后文“it’d be ready fr”可知,作者承诺衣服今天结束的时候就洗好了。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天清晨,一个满身纹身的大块头卡车司机送来了一袋要洗的衣服,我向他保证,在今天结束的时候,这些衣服就可以拿来收了。A. distributin分配;B. submissin提交;C. admissin录取;D. cllectin收取。根据上文“it’d be ready fr”可知,一天结束的时候,衣服洗好了就可以来收取了。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后我震惊地发现我从机器里拿出的每一件东西都变成了粉红色。A. cnfused困惑的;B. excited激动的;C. shcked震惊的;D. amused被逗乐的。根据后文“that every item I pulled frm the machine turned pink”可知,衣服都变成了粉红色,作者很震惊。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我可能会被炒鱿鱼,因为有一些红袜子被遗漏了,因为我没有确保机器是空的,就扔进了新的一包衣服。A. pwerful强大的;B. empty空的;C. useful有用的;D. autmatic自动的。根据上文“sme red sck was left”可知,作者没有确保机器是空的,就放进了要洗的衣服。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一想到这些,我就喘不过气来。A. breathe呼吸;B. understand理解;C. resist抵抗;D. cmplain投诉。根据后文“I let ut the wrld’s lngest breath(我呼出了世界上最长的一口气)”可知,作者想到严重后果喘不过来气。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想象着大个子来取衣服的时候会发生什么事,这一天剩下的时间就模糊地过去了。A. predicted预测;B. determined决定;C. imagined想象;D. prevented阻止。根据后文“what wuld happen when the giant came fr his laundry”可知,此处指作者想象着大个子来取衣服的时候会发生什么事,故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,大个子回来了。A. Eventually最后;B. Suddenly突然;C. Hpefully有希望地;D. Frtunately幸运地。根据后文“the giant returned”可知,此处指卡车司机最后来取衣服了。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他走进来,看上去既可怕又严厉时,我崩溃了。A. wke up醒来;B. gave up放弃;C. sat dwn坐下;D. brke dwn崩溃。根据后文“I burst int tears.”可知,此处指作者情绪崩溃,哭了。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我承认了我的错误,并发誓我会为他的衣服付钱。A. secret秘密;B. effrt努力;C. mistake错误;D. fear恐惧。根据上文可知,作者由于粗心把衣服都染成了粉红色,所以是承认错误。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但令我惊讶的是,他大笑起来,告诉我没关系,不用担心。A. astnishment惊讶;B. regret后悔;C. disappintment失望;D. satisfactin满足。根据后文“tld me that it was fine, n wrries”可知,对方说没关系,让作者惊讶,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但令我惊讶的是,他大笑起来,告诉我没关系,不用担心。A. applause喝彩;B. laughter笑;C. anger愤怒;D. silence沉默。根据后文“he cntinued laughing”可知,大个子没有责备作者,而是突然笑了,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我得说这句话确实让我解脱了。A. inspire鼓舞;B. hurt伤害;C. relieve缓解(疼痛或不快的感觉);D. remind提醒。根据后文“I let ut the wrld’s lngest breath as he cntinued laughing all the way back t the truck.( 我呼出了世界上最长的一口气,他一路笑着回到卡车旁)”可知,此处指司机的话让作者从恐惧中解脱了。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大个子可以是“温柔的”,而一个小小的加油站也可能是许多令人难忘的故事的发源地。A. generus慷慨的;B. unique独特的;C. careful小心的;D. gentle温柔的。根据上文“That day I learned that n ne and nthing is ever quite what it seems.(那一天,我明白了没有人,没有事是表里如一的)”以及司机没有责怪作者,所以大个子司机是温柔的。故选D。
    There are several reasns why schl unifrms are gd idea. First f all, unifrms help the schl lk smart. The students feel that they belng t a particular grup. When every pupil in the schl wears the unifrm, nbdy ___36___(have) t wrry abut fashin(时尚). Everybdy wears ___37___ same style f clthes. Unifrms can be useful in unexpected ways. A schl in Ireland has intrduced an interesting new unifrm. On the edge f the jacket, there is a piece f clth ___38___ gives ff light in the dark. When the children are walking r ___39___(cycle) t schl n dark mrnings, car drivers can ___40___(easy) see them.
    But can unifrms help imprve schl standards? The answer ___41___ this questin is nt clear. One study in America fund that students’ grades ___42___(imprve) a little after the schl intrduced unifrms. But sme students didn’t want ___43___(wear) the unifrm. Other American studies shwed n ___44___(cnnect) between unifrms and schl perfrmance.
    Schl unifrms are ____45____(traditin) in Britain, but sme schls are starting t get rid f them. Sme very gd schls dn’t have a unifrm plicy. Hwever, unifrms are still ppular. Pupils at abut 90 percent f British secndary schls wear unifrms.
    【答案】36. has/will have
    37. the 38. that/which
    39. cycling
    40. easily 41. t
    42. imprved
    43. t wear
    44. cnnectin/cnnectins
    45. traditinal
    考查时态。句意:当每个学生在校穿校服时,没有人会担心时尚问题。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,遵循主将从现原则,因此,主句可以使用将来时will d;根据语境可知,本文叙述的是客观事实,因此,本句亦可用一般现在时,主语是nbdy,谓语用has。故填will have/has。
    考查介词。句意:这个问题的答案不清楚。the key/answer t ...表示“……的答案是……”,是固定搭配。故填t。
    考查固定用法。句意:但是,有一些学生不想穿学生服。want t d sth想要做某事,这是want的固定用法。故填t wear。
    第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40)
    46. 假定你是李华,暑假在你市对外文化交流中心做志愿者。近日,一个来自美国的学生团队将参加交流中心组织的中国茶文化之旅。请你代表交流中心写一篇欢迎辞,内容包括:
    【答案】Dear friends,
    On behalf f the Freign Cultural Exchange Center, I wuld like t extend ur warm welcme t yu all. During yur stay, yu will have the pprtunity t visit famus tea plantatins, learn abut the histry and traditins f tea prcessing, and taste varius kinds f Chinese tea. We als arranged sme cultural activities fr yu t experience, such as calligraphy and traditinal Chinese music perfrmances.
    We hpe this trip will nt nly allw yu t gain a deeper understanding f Chinese tea culture but als prvide a platfrm fr cultural exchange and friendship building.
    代表:n behalf f→represent/in name f
    各种各样的:varius→a variety f
    原句:On behalf f the Freign Cultural Exchange Center, I wuld like t extend ur warm welcme t yu all.
    拓展句:Since I am n behalf f the Freign Cultural Exchange Center, I wuld like t extend ur warm welcme t yu all.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】During yur stay, yu will have the pprtunity t visit famus tea plantatins, learn abut the histry and traditins f tea prcessing, and taste varius kinds f Chinese tea. (运用了不定式作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】We hpe this trip will nt nly allw yu t gain a deeper understanding f Chinese tea culture but als prvide a platfrm fr cultural exchange and friendship building. (运用了省略that引导的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had a trip t New Mexic last year, a trip I still remember very well t this day. I went t a place called Philmnt and attended a summer camp. There were thirteen peple including me. The entire 10-day hike we tk thrugh thse muntains went well, except fr the secnd day, because f the terrible weather.
    It had been a nice sunny day up until we were halfway t the camp we were staying at that night. Then withut a wrd it started raining gently. There was nthing t bad and certainly nthing we culdn’t handle. We put ur raincats n and cntinued n ur way. It stayed raining slightly fr a while, s I decided it wuld be a gd idea t say, “Well, it can’t be much wrse than this, right?” And in less than five secnds the thunder crashed arund us. It almst sunded like a laugh, as if it was laughing at us. Then the rain started t cme dwn harder, and then, the hail (冰雹) came.
    Getting hit with balls f ice in the middle f the New Mexic muntains was nt smething I had ever thught wuld happen t us, but here we were. All thirteen f us were wishing at that mment that we culd g hme. But we quickly abandned the idea. It was freezing, and my feet felt like they might fall ff. Wet, cld, and carrying 40 punds n ur backs, we hiked n.
    But sn enugh we gt lst fr abut a mile because f a mistake that ur “Navi-guesser” made n getting us t ur destinatin. At the same time, ne f ur bys gt a minr case f hypthermia (低温症). We decided t stp fr a while, unpacking ur tents t get int a nice warm sleeping bag. I dn’t knw if yu knw this, but unpacking camping gear (装备) in the rain was nt very fun, especially setting up a tent.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    We came up with a slutin.
    The rain stpped just as we were abut t start.
    We came up with a slutin. We all fcused n ne tent at a time. We sn gt ur grup shelter set up and had a very simple but welcme meal. While the weather wuld make peple think that we wuld still be miserable, smehw, we weren’t. Our spirits were actually up. After regaining ur strength, we decided t cntinue ur hike in the rain in case we culdn’t reach ur destinatin befre dark.
    The rain stpped just as we were abut t start. When we had reached ur halfway pint, a bit f blue sky started gazing dwn at us thrugh the cluds, a very welcme sight. We had std at least three days’ wrth f rain in ne day, but I thught that was a very fair trade. We gt t enjy the excellent sights f New Mexic after the rain. What’s mre, we were glad that we were nt defeated by the rain, which gave us the curage t g n.
    ①专注于:fcus n/ cncentrate n
    ②使得:make/ let
    ③继续:cntinue/ g n
    ①高兴的:glad/ happy/ jyful/ delighted
    ②可悲的:miserable/ pathetic
    【点睛】【高分句型1】While the weather wuld make peple think that we wuld still be miserable, smehw, we weren’t.( 运用了While引导的让步状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】When we had reached ur halfway pint, a bit f blue sky started gazing dwn at us thrugh the cluds, a very welcme sight.( 运用了When引导时间状语从句)
    【高分句型3】What’s mre, we were glad that we were nt defeated by the rain, which gave us the curage t g n.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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