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      福建省部分地市2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测(期末)英语 Word版含答案.docx
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    这是一份福建省部分地市2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测(期末)英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含福建省部分地市2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测期末英语Word版含答案docx、2024福建省部分地市高三上学期第一次质量检测期末英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What was the final scre?
    A. 3: 2.B. 3: 3.C. 3: 4.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why des the man make the call?
    A. T change an appintment.
    B. T ask abut wrk.
    C. T arrange a trip.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman think f the science test?
    A. Demanding.B. Unexpected.C. Easy.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers?
    A. At an airprt.B. In a htel.C. In a department stre.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers discussing?
    A. A fish.B. A dish.C. A rmmate.
    6. What happened during the wman’s skiing trip?
    A. She hit a tree.B. She fell int the snw.C. She made n prgress in skiing.
    7. What is the man’s attitude twards the instructr’s decisin?
    A. Disapprving.B. Supprtive.C. Uncncerned.
    8. Why des the pie the wman made lk strange?
    A. She wanted t surprise her father.
    B. She frgt t shape the pie prperly.
    C. She added a great many ingredients.
    9. What des the wman plan t d with the pie?
    A. Put an egg n it.B. Change its shape.C. Beautify its tp.
    10. What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Brther and sister.C. Custmer and salesgirl.
    11. What type f phtgraphy did the wman start with?
    A. Street phtgraphy.B. Fashin phtgraphy.C. Nature phtgraphy.
    12. Why des the wman like street phtgraphy?
    A. It’s challenging.B. It tells her stry.C. It dcuments rdinary life.
    13. What will the wman give the man?
    A. A pht.B. A strybk.C. A magazine.
    14. What is the man ding?
    A. Cnducting a survey.B. Asking fr directins.C. Planning a trip.
    15. What is the wman happy with abut the train?
    A. Its space.B. Its Internet.C. Its speed.
    16. What d we knw abut the train tday?
    A. It was t crwded.B. It brke dwn halfway.C. It ran behind schedule.
    17. What imprvement impressed the wman?
    A. The infrmatin display facilities.
    B. Bigger bards fr train times.
    C. Mre seats n the platfrms.
    18. What is the purpse f Natinal Hugging Day?
    A. T create a chance fr peple t get refreshed.
    B. T expand the psitive effects f hugging.
    C. T prmte an event related t hugging.
    19. Hw will daily hugs affect a child?
    A. He will be smarter.
    B. He will be mre sciale.
    C. He will be mre pen-minded.
    20. What can we learn frm the talk?
    A. Animals hug mre than peple d.
    B. Hugs happen in varius situatins.
    C. Hugging requires immediate actins.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Animal vlunteering abrad is the perfect pprtunity fr animal lvers wh want t d smething gd while traveling. Here are several prgrams.
    Leatherback Turtle Ambassadr
    Our main missin is t prtect endangered sea turtles such as the leatherback sea turtle and the green sea turtle. By wrking with lcals and envirnmental educatin prgrams, we will be able t educate peple n the imprtance f prtecting the valuable sea ecsystem.
    Lcatin: Limn, Csta Rica
    Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: basic English
    Fee: 266€ per week
    Wildlife Shelter Carer
    Every year, hundreds f thusands f native animals are injured r becme sick, ften because f interactin with peple r pets. Our wildlife shelters have rescued sick, injured native wildlife and lved them back t health t be returned t the natural envirnment. Since we receive n funding frm gvernments, the shelters rely n the dnatins f vlunteers and the public.
    Lcatin: New Suth Wales, Australia
    Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: fluent English
    Fee: 706€ per week
    Thai Elephant Sanctuary
    Our prgram helps dmesticated elephants rescued frm a life f wrking n the streets r lgging and prvides care t rescued elephant ppulatin. The prgram has wn numerus awards fr its ethical cntributin t the assistance f Thai Elephants. The team have rescued dzens f elephants and given them shelters in beautiful, pen spaces.
    Lcatin: Phetchaburi prvince, Thailand
    Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: fluent English
    Fee: 647€ per week
    Frce-free Hrse Sanctuary Assistant
    Are yu passinate abut hrses and eager t make a psitive impact n hrse welfare? Jin ur incredible Frce-Free Hrse Sanctuary Prgram, where yu’ll becme part f a devted team caring fr ur beautiful hrses. Thrugh psitive reinfrcement and frce-free hrsemanship skills, yu’ll help imprve the lives f these magnificent animals.
    Lcatin: Atajate, Spain
    Requirements: Age: 14-50; Language skill: basic English r basic Spanish
    Fee: 392€ per week
    21. Which prgram csts least per week?
    A. Leatherback Turtle Ambassadr.B. Wildlife Shelter Carer.
    C. Thai Elephant Sanctuary.D. Frce-free Hrse Sanctuary Assistant.
    22. What can yu d in the prgram f Wildlife Shelter Carer?
    A. Advcate prtecting sea animals.
    B. Attend t animals in pr cnditin.
    C. Adpt endangered animals as yur pets.
    D. Acquire cmplicated hrsemanship skills.
    23. Where can yu vlunteer if yu are a 15-year-ld English speaker?
    A. Limn, Csta Rica.B. New Suth Wales, Australia.
    C. Phetchaburi prvince, Thailand.D. Atajate, Spain.
    My plan t learn t play the cell (大提琴) was a health y chice. S I tk the next inncent step f ging t a shp that sells and rents string instruments, especially vilins, vilas, and cells. The place was a hle-in-the-wall, up a steep flight f stairs. Instruments left a narrw path t the cunter where a wman with grey hair and warm eyes greeted me. Since I culdn’t frm a questin abut what I wanted, I just std there explring the scene, which felt immensely pleasurable.
    I rented a cell, a bw, and a case t hld them. What attracted me t the cell was its enrmus size and its sft, smth, and memrable sunds. It’s an instrument made f beautifully plished wd that I culd wrap my arms arund and feel its pwerful vibratins when the strings were played. That was a gd starting pint fr me. The nly prblem was that I didn’t knw hw t play it.
    There’s a ppular belief that the cell is a particularly difficult instrument t learn. Anther is the admnitin, “Dn’t bther if yu are a beginner ver age 10!” Well, I was 70, and what thers thught n lnger influenced me. And besides, I thught f the wrds f Dr. Chen, wh suggested that learning causes physical changes in the brain.
    S I fund a teacher wh had respect fr lder adult beginners and I practiced diligently, daily fr years, and smetimes disheartened, but I kept up. I’m happy t reprt that nw, mre than a decade later, I can hld my wn in a string tri and tw quartets (tw vilins, a vila, and me, the female cell)and even a senir cmmunity band. Of curse, I’ll never sund like Y-Y Ma but yu culd recgnize a Mzart piece if yu heard me play it. And, mre imprtantly, I dn’t need t please anyne but myself.
    Whether it’s a pleasurable pastime r a new career, the starting pint is the same: wnder, curisity, determinatin, and the desire t keep yur brain sharp.
    24. Hw did the writer feel in the shp?
    A. Amused by the shp assistant.
    B. Anxius fr a live perfrmance.
    C. Pleased at the nice music atmsphere.
    D. Curius abut where t find a teacher.
    25 What des the underlined wrd “admnitin” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Apprval.B. Criticism.
    C. Puzzlement.D. Warning.
    26. Why des the writer mentin Dr. Chen in paragraph 3?
    A. T recmmend a reliable dctr.
    B. T prvide prf fr cmmn belief.
    C. T add anther reasn fr her decisin.
    D. T stress the crucial functin f the brain.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best cnvey the writer’s idea?
    A. Art is man’s secnd nature.
    B. One is never t ld t learn.
    C. Educatin is the key t success.
    D Happiness is the best frm f health.
    Imagine being able t use energy frm the sun all the time, even when it’s night. That’s the idea that scientists at Caltech(Califrnia Institute f Technlgy)are explring. They’re wrking n cllecting sunlight in space and sending its energy t Earth.
    Caltech’s scientists have created a special tl fr this prject. They call it MAPLE. MAPLE and tw ther devices are part f a prject that was sent int space in January, 2023. MAPLE’s jb is t test the idea f sending energy wirelessly frm space t Earth. We’re used t using wires t mve electrical energy frm ne place t anther. But sending energy withut wires is a lt trickier.
    The methd used by Caltech’s scientists depends n the way waves act when they meet. Imagine tw waves cming tgether as they travel in the same directin. If the tps f the waves line up, they cmbine t make a bigger wave. But if the tp f ne wave lines up with the lw pint f the ther, the waves cancel each ther ut. The Caltech team has fund a way t cntrl the timing f lts f micrwaves s that they can cmbine their pwer, and fcus the energy in ne directin. It’s a little like using a magnifying(放大的)glass t fcus sunlight int a small, ht pint f light.
    T prve that the system culd wrk, MAPLE sent energy t tw devices just 30 centimeters away in space. This energy was then turned int electricity, which made tw small lights light up. Next, MAPLE sent energy all the way dwn t a lab at Caltech. The scientists were able t detect the energy, prving that it’s pssible t send slar energy t Earth frm space.
    Dr. Hajimiri, ne f the prject’s leaders, thinks that ne day, the system culd be extremely useful, bringing energy t places that need it, all ver the wrld. He believes that in the future, we’ll be able t send energy t remte regins and areas destryed by war r natural disaster.
    28. What is the challenge in Caltech’s prject with MAPLE?
    A. Slar energy detectin.
    B. Wireless energy delivery.
    C. Sending devices int space.
    D. Using wires t mve electricity.
    29. Hw des the Caltech team cncentrate slar pwer?
    A. By changing the way micrwaves act.
    B. By magnifying waves cming tgether.
    C By cntrlling the timing f micrwaves.
    D. By lining up the waves in ppsite directins.
    30. What ptential benefit culd the system bring in the future accrding t Dr. Hajimiri?
    A. Warning peple f natural disasters.
    B. Turning slar energy int electricity.
    C. Prviding a slutin t energy shrtages.
    D. Sending energy t regins in urgent need.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Use f Slar Energy in Space Explratin
    B. The Challenges f Generating Energy Withut Wires
    C. The Develpment f a New Tl fr Cllecting Electricity
    D. The Pssibility f Sending Energy Wirelessly frm Space t Earth
    On the streets f Manhattan and Washingtn, D. C., in neighbrhds in Seul and parks in Paris, ginkg (银杏) trees are lsing their leaves in reactin t the first gust f cld winter air. This leaf drp, gradual at first, and then sudden, carpets streets with glden, fan-shaped leaves. Scientists are dcumenting evidence f the event happening later and later, a pssible indicatin f climate change. But the stry f ginkgs is nt the familiar ne f human carelessness with nature.
    Thanks t fssils fund in Nrth Dakta, scientists fund a ginkg has genetically similar ancestrs dating back 170 millin years t the Jurassic Perid. “It almst went extinct. Then humans rescued it and spread it arund the wrld. It’s such a great evlutinary (进化) and cultural stry,” says Peter Crane, a ginkg expert.
    One thery fr the decline f the ginkg species began 130 millin years ag, when flwering plants began spreading. They grew faster and attracted mre pllinatrs (传粉者) than ginkgs. “It’s pssible that ginkgs were elbwed ut f the way,” says Crane. Already cmpeting t survive, ginkgs began t disappear during a time f glbal cling that began arund 66 millin years ag. By the time the last ice age ended 11,000 years ag, the remaining survivrs were fund in China.
    Ginkg trees are smelly. “My guess is that they were eaten by animals that liked smelly things. They then passed thrugh their bdy and grew.” Crane says. Thse same seeds may have helped ginkg find favr with humans 1,000 years ag. Once cleaned f their uter layer, ginkg seeds are safe t eat. It’s then, when the trees had lng since disappeared elsewhere, that peple in China may have begun planting them and eating their seeds. Then gradually ginkgs spread acrss the wrld. Nw it’s seemingly naturally resistant t insects and high levels f air pllutin.
    Crane isn’t wrried abut its future, thugh: The ppularity f the species will help it survive. “Thugh its status in the wild may be difficult t access, it’s a plant that’s unlikely t ever g extinct,” he says.
    32. What may have caused the further delay f ginkg’s leaf drp?
    A. The clder weather in winter.
    B. The prtectin frm city cuncils.
    C. The glbal warming phenmenn.
    D. The careless interactin with humans.
    33. What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. The reasns why ginkgs almst died ut.
    B. The advantages f ginkgs ver ther plants.
    C. The theries f experts fr multiplying ginkgs.
    D. The cmpetitin between varius flwering plants.
    34. What might have cntributed t ginkgs’ survival?
    A. Their eatable seeds.B. Their unpleasant smell.
    C. The natural evlutin.D. The careful planting.
    35. Hw des Crane feel abut ginkgs’ future?
    A. Wrried.B. Optimistic.C. Uncertain.D. Hpeless.
    Reading a new stry alne is ften a great way t relax. Hwever, smetimes yu just want t discuss what yu’ve read with anther persn t bring thse ideas ff the page and int the wrld. ____36____
    First, find members. When yu begin searching fr yur bk club members, lk in the places in yur life that feel mst natural t yu. ____37____ Then, maybe it’s psting a ntice n the bulletin bard f yur lcal library r bkstre. If yu’re lking t “get a range f perspectives” frm yur club, yu may want t cnsider lking fr a diverse range f ages and genders. They can bring their varied wrld views t discussins.
    ____38____ Will yur time tgether be spent largely fcusing n the nvel at hand, r will refreshments ultimately be the mst imprtant? There’s the typical friends gathering at smene’s apartment and having cheese and wine apprach. But ftentimes, peple will be frustrated because they just turn int a scial event rather than fcusing n the bk. In rder t make sure yur new grup is all n the same page, take the time t discuss what yu want t get ut f regular club gatherings befre yur first fficial meeting.
    Picking bks may seem like the trickiest part. Bks that wrk really well are nes that allw yu t reflect n self. They have a lt f entry pints fr peple s they prbably have a gd setting. The pacing is slid. There’s great character develpment and the language desn’t get in the way f the stry. ____39____
    Befre yur meetings, list sme discussin questins. Remember t cme up with questins depending n yur bk’s genre: rmance, mystery, thriller and s n. ____40____ Fr example, yu may ask which scene has stuck with them the mst r whether there are any standut sentences.
    A. It is necessary t set sme grup guidelines.
    B. Here’s a lk f fur f ur favrites belw.
    C. T start, reach ut t yur friends wh lve t read.
    D. There are als general questins yu can start ut with.
    E. Yu can never g wrng with the bestseller list t get the ball rlling.
    F. Chse smething with that criteria and yu can please all kinds f readers.
    G. If yu’ve ever had the urge t start a bk club, it’s easier than yu might think.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Dn Pwell was pulling the envelpes frm the mailbx utside his hme when he nticed smething unusual — a tiny dll cuple were inside the mailbx. A small sticky ____41____ was als inside. “We’ve decided t live here,” the message read. It was ____42____ frm Mary and Shelley.
    Pwell, 72, says he ____43____ thught that smebdy must have left the wden dlls inside his mailbx by mistake. “I asked the ____44____ whether anybdy had left dlls in their mailbxes, and everyne tld me n,” he says. “S I thught, this must just be a ____45____, and whever left them here will cme back t ____46____ them. I mved them t the back f the mailbx t see what wuld happen.”
    A few days passed and nbdy ____47____ the dlls, Pwell says, nting that he and his wife sn discvered that the small cuple had ____48____ a table and a pillw. “I als have a sense f ____49____, s I left a nte f my wn, saying that what the _____50_____ really needed was a refrigeratr stcked with fd,” he says. The fridge never _____51_____. But ver the next several mnths, additinal items were strangely _____52_____.
    Every mnth r tw, particularly arund hlidays, the Pwells find smething _____53_____ placed inside the bx fr Mary and Shelley. “Peple in the neighbrhd are enjying it and stp by smetimes t ask questins,” he said. “Sme peple ask if I’ve thught abut _____54_____ an utdr camera, but persnally, I like it being a _____55_____.”
    A. pictureB. tyC. brchureD. nte
    A. signedB. madeC. brrwedD. learned
    A. seriuslyB. initiallyC. hnestlyD. instantly
    A. prducersB. childrenC. neighbrsD. pstmen
    A. jkeB. cheatC. giftD. dnatin
    A. payB. getC. dressD. hld
    A. claimedB. replacedC. purchasedD. recgnized
    A. missedB. decratedC. acquiredD. designed
    A. securityB. guiltC. satisfactinD. humr
    A. streB. hmeC. cmmunityD. mailbx
    A. cled dwnB. brke dwnC. pened upD. shwed up
    A. preservedB. carvedC. deliveredD. repaired
    A. newB. valuableC. uglyD. familiar
    A. sharingB. fixingC. adjustingD. hiding
    A. dubtB. shckC. secretD. hpe
    Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigatin system, ____56____(lcate) in the Min River Valley, Sichuan Prvince, China. It ____57____(build) by a gvernr named Li Bing and his sn, wh have been admired by Chinese fr ver 2,000 years.
    The system cnsists f three main ____58____(part): the Yuzui (Fish Muth) levee (河堤), the Feishayan(Flying Sand Weir) , and the Bapingku (Bttle-Neck Channel) . The Yuzui redirects water away frm the city f Chengdu while allwing sand and mud ____59____(flw) thrugh the main channel, preventing flding. The Feishayan cntrls the flw f water and helps prevent gradual destructin, while the Bapingku distributes the water ____60____ farmland.
    Dujiangyan has been able t cntrl the water flw withut the use f dams r gates ____61____ is cnsidered ne f the greatest engineering prjects in ancient China. It has als played a crucial rle in irrigating the surrunding farmland, ____62____(make) the regin ne f the mst fertile crplands in China.
    In additin t its ____63____(practice) uses, Dujiangyan is als a ppular turist attractin, ____64____ visitrs cme t admire the ancient architecture and learn abut its histry. In 2000, it was recgnized as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site fr its cultural and histrical _____65_____(significant) .
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是校英文报记者李华,刚刚完成对你校高中生每周参加体育锻炼时长的调查,调查结果如图所示。请你结合图表内容,进行数据介绍和分析。
    A Survey n Weekly Exercise Time
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    They called him “Dnnie the Dung Beetle”. Dnald didn’t mind the cmparisn, as he knew that African dung beetles(粪金龟)were knwn fr mving things a thusand times their wn bdy weight. Hwever, his classmates in Mrs. Beecher’s third-grade class prbably didn’t knw this fact. Nbdy knew insects like Dnald did, and he figured that being cmpared t a dung beetle was nt a praise.
    One day, Richie made fun f Dnald, pinting twards a cntainer under the windw where a small brwn ball hung frm a branch. Dnald tried t explain that it was an egg case f a praying mantis(螳螂), and the exciting part wuld be when the eggs hatched. But Richie didn’t understand, and neither did mst f the ther kids. Dnald had brught the egg case frm his backyard and was excited when Mrs. Beecher agreed t make it their class prject. He thught having an insect as a class pet might finally give him smething t talk abut with the ther kids. But after tw mnths f staring at a lifeless brwn ball, Dnald began t lse hpe.
    During science class ne day, Mrs. Beecher annunced they wuld start by writing in their jurnals. As Dnald pened his jurnal, a left ver particle frm his lunch rlled acrss the page. When he went t brush it ff, he realized it wasn’t a particle at all —it was a tiny praying mantis, barely the size f a grain f rice! Dnald bunced ut f his seat, crying ut that the eggs were hatching.
    Suddenly, chas erupted in the classrm as mre baby mantises started appearing everywhere. Kids were jumping ut f their seats, screaming and waving their arms. Mrs. Beecher quickly tk charge, asking why the lid f the cntainer was ff. Richie, wh was suppsed t check n the cntainer that day, had frgtten t put the lid back n.
    Dnald tk charge f the situatin, directing Richie t get paintbrushes and white paper.
    After the successful rescue, Mrs. Beecher asked the class t write abut this special experience.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    【答案】6. B 7. A
    【答案】8. C 9. C 10. B
    【答案】11. C 12. C 13. A
    【答案】14. A 15. B 16. C 17. A
    【答案】18. B 19. A 20. B
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】21 A 22. B 23. D
    【答案】24. C 25. D 26. C 27. B
    【答案】28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D
    【答案】32. C 33. A 34. A 35. B
    【答案】36. G 37. C 38. A 39. F 40. D
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. D 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. C
    【答案】56. lcated
    57. was built
    58. parts 59. t flw
    60. t 61. and
    62. making 63. practical
    64. where 65. significance
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】A Survey n Weekly Exercise Time
    We recently did a survey abut hw much exercise we’re getting each week. The results are pretty interesting! 21% f us are ding less than 1 hur f exercise, 59% are putting in a gd 1-3 hurs, 16% are hitting arund 3-5 hurs, and just 4% are exercise superstars ding mre than 5 hurs. These numbers tell us a lt abut ur exercise habits. Mst f us are ding alright, but maybe sme f us culd add a bit mre fun wrkut time. Let’s find a balance and keep staying active and healthy tgether!
    【答案】Dnald tk charge f the situatin, directing Richie t get paintbrushes and white paper. Dnald tk the brush and carefully drve the baby mantises nt the white paper. They were s small that he culd injure their legs r bdy parts. The baby mantises were s small that sme f the students brught a magnifying glass t help. With the cncerted effrts f everyne, the baby mantises finally returned safely t the bx.
    After the successful rescue, Mrs. Beecher asked the class t write abut this special experience. Richie n lnger laughed at Dnald, and n lnger called him “Dnnie the Dung Beetle”, and deeply admired Dnald’s calmly handling the unexpected things. Dnald’s prfund knwledge left a deep impressin n everyne. Frm this incident, everyne realized the imprtance f patience, calmness, carefulness and being knwledgeable.

    福建省福州市部分学校教学联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份福建省福州市部分学校教学联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(Word版附解析),共34页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, C等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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