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    本试题卷共8页, 67题。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。
    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、考场填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题的答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需
    改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本
    3. 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Writing a paper. B. Watching a mvie. C. Meeting the deadline.
    2. Where culd the wman prbably be?
    A. In a cffee shp.B. In a hspital.C. In a plane.
    3. Which skirt des the man like better?
    A. The blue ne.B. The yellw ne.C. The red ne.
    4. What is the man?
    A. A cyclist.B. A shpkeeper.C. A pliceman.
    5. Hw will they get t the airprt?
    A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6, 7题。
    6. What mistake did the wman make?
    A. She deleted smething imprtant.
    B. She didn’t finish the dcument n time.
    C. She accidentally brke the cmputer.
    7. Where did the dialgue prbably take place?
    A. In an ffice.B. In a restaurant.C. In a classrm.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8, 9题。
    8. What was the man mst wrried abut?
    A. The recvery time after the surgery. B. The duratin f the surgery. C. The ptential pain f the surgery.
    9. Hw lng will the surgery take?
    A. Less than an hur.B. Abut tw hurs.C. Mre than three hurs.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至13题。
    10. What des the jb require the man t d?
    A. Answer custmers’ inquiries. B. Satisfy wrkmates’ requirements. C. Organize cmmunicatin meetings.
    11. Hw much will the man get paid fr a day?
    A. $ 15.B. $ 90.C. $ 120.
    12. What will the man learn in the training prgram?
    A. Updated knwledge. B. Sme cmpany plicies. C. The selectin prcess.
    13. When will the man get further infrmatin abut the interview?
    A. In 2 days.B. In 3 days.C. In 4 days.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14 至17题。
    14. What is the man cmplaining abut?
    A. The quality f the shirt.B. The service f the shp.C. The refund plicy f the shp.
    15. Why des the wman refuse t refund the shirt at first?
    A. It was bught ver 7 days ag. B. It is f gd quality in her pinin. C. Her manager disagreed t d that.
    16. Wh des the man advise the wman t cnsult with?
    A. Anther custmer.B. Her manager.C. A salesman.
    17. What des the man get in the end?
    A. A stre credit.B. An exchange.C. A refund.
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
    18. Hw lng des the Lusheng Festival in Guizhu last?
    A. 3 days.B.5 days.C. 7 days.
    19. Where can yu enjy the Lusheng Festival in Nvember?
    A. In Kaili.B. In Zhuxi Twn.C. In Huangping Cunty.
    20. What is the purpse f hlding the ceremny?
    A. T wish fr a gd harvest. B. T bst the lcal ecnmy. C. T shw lve fr each ther.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    I lve learning abut custms and practices in ther cuntries. Fr this pst, I asked all f my friends in the Multicultural Kid Blgger grup t give me their favrite birthday traditins!
    The mst special f the birthday traditins in China is fr babies. New parents give red eggs (an even number) t friends and family fr gd luck. Cmmn presents include fd, silverware, and mney wrapped in red paper. On birthdays, it is cmmn t eat lngevity ndles (长寿面) withut breaking them fr gd luck t live a lng life.
    Smetimes children in Israel wear a crwn (王冠) made frm leaves r flwers fr their birthday. The birthday child sits in a chair, and gets picked up and raised and lwered the chair ne time fr each year f age, plus ne mre fr gd luck. Guests at the birthday party sing and dance arund the chair. At birthday parties, kids ften play games, such as races with ptates n spns.
    In Ghana, ne f the mst cmmn birthday traditins is that kids get t eat t fr breakfast: sweet ptates mixed with nins, made int patties, and fried with hard biled eggs. Later in the day, Ghanaians smetimes have a party fr the child with stew, rice, and kelewele. At the party, girls ften like t play a game called ampe.
    Mexic families lve parties, and celebrate birthdays en grande (盛大地). The 15th birthday, quinceañera is the mst imprtant, frmal, and well-prepared. Mexicans always sing Las Mañanitas t wake up the child n their birthdays. When the birthday girl r by blws ut their candles, guests call fr them t take a bite f the cake (“mrdida-mrdida!”) and always push their face int the frsting. A Mexican birthday party always has a piñata filled with little tys and candies.
    21. What d parents bth in China and Ghana d fr their kids’ birthdays?
    A. Offer them a special fd.B. Give them mney in red papers.
    C. Play a unique game with them.D. Make a special clthing fr them.
    22. What d kids in Mexic get fr their birthdays?
    A. A blessing sng.B. A beautiful crwn. C. Red eggs.D. A wnderful breakfast.
    23. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A nticebard.B. A travel guidebk. C. A website.D. A gegraphy magazine.
    Learning anything can be challenging, especially when it cmes t figuring ut hw and what t practice. Repetitin is usually essential. But yu dn’t want smething that takes the jy ut f yu. I’ve been teaching myself t draw fr a few years. I had imprved a lt but fr a lng while was ging nwhere. I’d tried lts f bks and curses, and filled endless pages with bxes, parallel lines and figures. Nne f these seems t be wrking.
    But smething clicked when I started sketchbking this year. The sketchbks led t a shift in mindset. Rather than trying t practise, I was engaging in a practice—scribbling (涂鸦). The scribbles weren’t all gd but they have becme part f a whle. I’ve been absrbed ever since. I scribbled my breakfast, the fruit in the ffice, and ther peple n the train.
    I spke t Danny Gregry, a writer wh blgs and makes vides abut sketchbking, t try t figure ut why I had becme s taken by my new practice.
    “We think the practice in drawing is like that in pian, where yu have t play thrugh a series f musical ntes step by step,” Gregry says. “But what if yu think abut practice in ther terms—like a yga practice r medical practice? With thse kinds f practices, yu’ve learned sme stuff, right? Prgress happens naturally. It’s nt preparatry. S just fllw the prcess and take pleasure in it. This is what matters.”
    I have nw filled tw sketchbks just with prtraits—mre than 100 scribbled ver a cuple f mnths. In them I challenged myself t include peple n every page. Used t drawing ghst-twn versins, the first few pages were a struggle. But I started varying my mrning cffee rutine t find new places where I culd bserve life.
    My latest sketchbk will tackle the challenge f all my drawings—hands. I’ve always had prblems drawing hands. It’s early days, but I’m nt fearing it as I wuld have befre because it isn’t just practice any mre.
    24. What was the challenge the authr faced when learning t draw?
    A. Lack f interest in traditinal practice methds. B. Little prgress despite extensive effrts.
    C. Difficulty in btaining necessary resurces. D. Inability t master specific drawing techniques.
    25. What did the authr benefit frm scribbling?
    A. Imprving hand cntrl.B. Enriching creative expressin.
    C. Grasping ways t paint details.D. Accepting imperfectins in art.
    26. Accrding t Gregry, which attitude tward practice shuld be emphasized?
    A. Fcus n specifics is essential.B. Repetitin is a fundamental key.
    C. The emphasis lies in enjying the prcess.D. The highlight is in well-rganized exercises.
    27. What message des the stry cnvey?
    A. Every beginning is difficult.B. Tailred methds drive prgress.
    C. Art is the language f the sul.D. Integrating life enhances learning.
    “The ppsite f play isn’t wrk; it’s depressin,” says play researcher Stuart Brwn. “The adult-play shrtage is becming a public health crisis.” Play may appear insignificant, but recent studies indicate it may be as essential as the need fr sleep. Playfulness helps sme yung animals learn t master their bdies and their-envirnments—and nce they d, mst stp playing as adults.
    “Adult play prmtes qualities that we humans culd use mre f,” says Jeff Harry, a play cnsultant. Unfrtunately, scial standards restrain (抑制) ur urge t let lse. “Being a playful adult is really disapprved in ur sciety,” he says. “Yu dn’t want peple t think that yu’re childish.”
    “It hasn’t always been this way,” says Peter Gray, a play researcher at Bstn University. When Gray reviewed descriptins f the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes, he nticed that they were ften described as “gd-humred” and “jyful”. “What we wuld call wrk—hunting and gathering—was fun,” he says. “Generally speaking, we like t d the things that are necessary fr ur survival. Humans tk ne giant step away frm fun when we started planting crps. Then we invented factries and lst sight f play entirely,” Gray adds.
    We may be able t reverse this situatin, says Harry. As we fully make the transitin t a knwledge-based ecnmy, wrk and play are beginning t merge (合并) again. Sme f tday’s mst successful cmpanies, such as Ggle and Apple, were started by peple tinkering (小修补) in their garages.
    “Play is all abut lking at a tugh wrld with creativity and ptimism,” Brwn says. He ges s far as t declare that “adult play is necessary fr ur survival as a species”.
    The next time I’m caught playing, I knw exactly what I’ll say, “I am nt wasting time, r acting immature. I’m playing fr the benefit f all humanity. Yu’re welcme.”
    28. Why des Stuart Brwn cnsider adult play essential?
    A. It prmtes creativity.B. It battles depressin.
    C. It facilitates cperatin.D. It imprves adaptivity.
    29. What scietal factr restrains adult play accrding t Jeff Harry?
    A. Fear f judgment frm thers. B. Lack f sufficient time fr leisure.
    C. Cultural emphasis n persnal values. D. Pressure frm wrk-related respnsibilities
    30. Which statement will Peter Gray agree with accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. Adult play cntributes psitively t wrk. B. Scial attitudes tward play regularly shift.
    C. Humans initially fund jy in survival activities. D. Industrializatin clsely cnnected wrk and play.
    31. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T stress the significance f adult play. B. T discuss the evlutin f wrk and play.
    C. T advcate playfulness in mdern businesses. D. T explre the impact f adult play n depressin.
    The climate crisis may lead the human race t shrink in size, as mammals with smaller frames appear better able t deal with rising glbal temperatures, a leading fssil expert has said.
    Prfessr Steve Brusatte, a palaentlgist at the University f Edinburgh, suggested that the way in which ther mammals have previusly respnded t perids f climate change culd ffer an insight int humans’ future. He cmpared the ptential prblem f peple as similar t that f early hrses, which became smaller in bdy size as temperatures rse arund 55 millin years ag.
    Writing in The Rise and Reign f the Mammals, Brusatte ntes that animals in warmer parts f the wrld tday are ften smaller than thse in clder areas, an eclgical principle knwn as Bergmann’s rule. “The reasns are nt entirely understd, but it is prbably, in part, because smaller animals have a higher surface area relative t their vlume than bigger animals and can thus imprve the dissipatin f the extra heat,” he writes.
    Brusatte said that becming smaller was “a cmmn way that mammals deal with climate change”. He added, “That’s nt t say every species f mammal wuld get smaller, but it seems t be a cmmn survival trick f mammals when temperatures rise pretty quickly. That des raise the questin: If temperatures d rise really quickly, might humans get smaller? And I think that’s certainly reasnable.”
    Hwever, nt all experts agree that rising temperature causes mammals t shrink. Prfessr Adrian Lister, f the Natural Histry Museum in Lndn, said the relatinship shwn by the recent human remains study is weak. “We are nt really cntrlled by natural selectin,” he said. “If that was ging t happen, yu’d need t find large peple dying befre they culd reprduce because f climate warming. That is nt happening in tday’s wrld. We wear clthes, we have gt heating, we have gt air cnditining if it is t ht.”
    32. Hw d mammals cpe with climate change accrding t Brusatte?
    A. Mving t clder regins. B. Reducing their bdy size.
    C. Lsing their weight. D. Adapting their diet.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “dissipatin” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Exchange.B. Frmatin. C. Absrptin.D. Emissin.
    34. What is Adrian Lister’s attitude twards the recent study?
    A. Wrried.B. Objective.C. Skeptical.D. Apprving.
    35. What is the best title f this text?
    A. The Threat f Climate Change t Human Survival
    B. The Impact f Climate Change n Mammal Bdy Sizes
    C. The Evlutinary Trends in Mammal Bdy Sizes
    D. The Adaptive Strategies f Mammals t Climate Change
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    It’s summer. Yu’re n yur favurite beach twel, a friend beside yu. Yu’re bth absrbed in bks, ccasinally taking sips f water. But what happens when it’s time t head hme? Will yu carry n reading tgether later? Generally speaking, reading tends t be seen as a slitary (孤独的) pastime. 36 Hwever, the benefits f sharing the experience are numerus and wrth sticking with thrughut the year.
    37 Fr example, yu dn’t have t brainstrm t rganize a cnversatin, because yu bth have a bk in yur hands. Yu can get lst in yur bk withut wrrying abut seeming rude by nt keeping up a cnstant stream f chatter. As yu bth enter the same state, yur bld pressure will g dwn, muscle tensin will ease, and yur wrries will fade away. All these put yu at ease. 38 A quiet crner f the playgrund, a blanket spread ut n the grass in the garden, r any calm space where yu feel relaxed will d.
    Spending time tgether reading can strengthen friendships. As yu turn the pages, yu might discver interesting facts t pass a lng r funny anecdte t giggle (咯咯笑) ver. Smetimes, yu’ll cme acrss mre serius themes, such as lsing a lved ne r a cherished pet, r facing any ne f life’s many challenges. 39
    Reading fictin has been shwn t enhance empathy (同理心), which is the ability t understand and share the feelings f anther. As yu knw, nvels allw us t live cuntless experiences thrugh their characters, which will result in heightened sensitivity. 40 Fr example, a persn’s empathetic respnse increases as he emerges frm being immersed in a stry.
    A. Reading with thers is cmfrting in many ways.
    B. And this sensitivity can lead t an immediate impact.
    C. Reading can surely bring the jy f relaxatin t peple.
    D. Besides, yu dn’t need t find a specific place t get int this zne.
    E. S it might seem unusual t pull ut a nvel in the cmpany f thers.
    F. Reading in pair may help yu and yur friend stay mre cmmitted t reading.
    G. Discussing these themes can help deepen the bnd between yu and yur friend.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I am emplyed in an educatinal institutin. Fllwing the 41 f the students each day, a delightful yung wman named Claire ften arrives t clean the classrms and ffices. Once a week, I 42 after hurs, ding sme extra wrk. S I ften chat fr a few minutes with her. She always makes me feel gd because she’s a gd listener and willing t talk abut her children. Our 43 are cnsistently enjyable.
    Last week, she seemed unlike her 44 self. She tld me that her husband had been 45 , leaving them wrried abut their financial 46 . Later that week, while I was in a department stre, my attentin was drawn t the shelves lined with sunglasses. After 47 varius pairs, I discvered the ideal sunglasses. As I admired my 48 , it ccurred t me that Claire wuld lk great while wearing them. 49 with my current pair, I purchased the sunglasses fr Claire.
    Eager t surprise her, I placed them in an elegant beg and 50 put them in her clset fr her discvery. The fllwing day, Claire was chatting with a cwrker as she 51 the clset. Upn 52 the bag and taking ut the sunglasses and a Smile Card, her face lit up with jy. She expressed that it had been days since she had reasn t smile and that this act f kindness 53 her spirits.
    She penned a nte expressing her gratitude fr my heart-warming 54 . Chsing t gift her the sunglasses instead f myself brught me much satisfactin. I eagerly 55 creating mre mments f jy.
    41. A. exitB. queueC. guidanceD. plan
    42. A. waitB. wrkC. remainD. think
    43. A. tripsB. jbsC. cnversatinsD. arrangements
    44. A. regularB. calmC. wrriedD. usual
    45. A. rewardedB. dismissedC. blamedD. cmfrted
    46. A. aidB. stabilityC. reprtD. supprt
    47. A. wearing utB. putting asideC. taking upD. trying n
    48. A. reflectinB. mirrrC. ambitinD. decisin
    49. A. BredB. CntentC. FamiliarD. Careful
    50. A. ccasinallyB. cautiuslyC. secretlyD. accurately
    51. A. apprachedB. clsedC. fundD. remved
    52. A. cveringB. hidingC. receivingD. sptting
    53. A. maintainedB. struckC. restredD. lifted
    54. A. preparatinB. cmmentC. gestureD. award
    55. A. anticipateB. dubtC. imagineD. admit
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Giant pandas Yang Guang and Tian Tian arrived in suthwest China’s Sichuan Prvince n Tuesday mrning, after wrapping up 56 (they) stay in Britain. The pair 57 (tuch) dwn at the Chengdu Shuangliu Internatinal Airprt at abut 6:50 a.m., befre 58 (send) t the Bifengxia giant panda base in Ya’an fr a mnth-lng bservatin and detectin.
    Yang Guang and Tian Tian, 59 literally mean Sunshine and Sweetie, arrived at Edinburgh Z in December 2011 n a 10-year lan. The lan extended fr an additinal tw years subsequently. 60 the nly pandas in Britain, they acquired significant attentin, attracting a recrd number f visitrs t the z.
    They did nt give birth t any cubs (幼崽) during their stay in Britain. There were several attempts t get Tian Tian pregnant 61 nne f them were successful.
    Befre their 62 (depart), Edinburgh Z cnducted training sessins t acclimate the pair t the upcming jurney, 63 z had als prepared fresh bamb fr the pandas as fd during the flight.
    Accrding t the Natinal Frestry and Grassland Administratin, Chinese pandas 64 (live) in 23 institutins in 19 freign cuntries are generally in gd health cnditin, and internatinal cperatin in this respect has been 65 (fruit).
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    近期哈尔滨成为网红旅游打卡地, 假定你是李华, 想在寒假期间邀请美国交换生Tm一起去哈尔滨游玩。请你给他写一封英文电子邮件, 内容包括:
    (1) 邀请同行, 商议出行日期和方式;
    (2) 询问御寒措施和注意事项。
    注意: (1) 写作词数应为80左右;
    (2) 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
    Dear Tm,
    I hpe this email finds yu well.
    Best regards.
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I was at the back f a grup f eight hrse riders when ne f my fellw safari (观兽旅行) camp guides called my name, ndding t the spt behind me. I turned t see a male lin, fully grwn, nt 10 metres away.
    I’d been wrking as a guide at the safari camp in Btswana fr a year and had seen lins a few times, usually in the heat f the day. Guests paid t cme n guided rides between tented camps 20 miles apart. It was a very remte area. We left at 7 am that mrning; it was three hurs later when the lin appeared.
    Just as I saw it, the hrses ran wildly, leaving riders hanging n as the lin began its chase (追逐). I wasn’t in cntrl f my hrse, Acaba, which was heading int a much thicker bush, away frm the path and the rest f the grup. I realised that the lin had chsen t drive Acaba away frm the thers.
    I thught we were ging t die tgether. I screamed in pure panic. Suddenly, Acaba ran int a really thick bush and stpped withut cntrl, thrwing me int a bush. By the time I gt myself ut f the lw wdy plants, the lin was killing him.
    Unbelievable! Acaba hid me in the bushes and left himself in extreme danger! It prtected me! Scared. . . shcked. . . mved. . . my mind went blank. I was nly tw metres away! Acaba was n the grund, feet in frnt f him. He tried t push himself up. But the lin was n tp f him, cvering his bdy entirely, his frnt feet arund Acaba’s neck.
    I seized a device hanging arund my neck, which is knwn as a bear banger. It has a spring, and when yu pull the trigger (扳机) the spring fires ff cntainers that explde when they land. It’s like a small firewrk but as lud as a shtgun.
    Smehw my panic died dwn. I fund myself mving clser t Acaba and the lin.
    注意: (1) 续写词数应为150左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    I pulled the trigger, and it wrked.
    Paragraph 2:
    One f the guides gave me a hrse and I planned t find Acaba.

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