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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Cnsumer Brief Summary
    This summary cntains risk and safety infrmatin fr patients abut EYLEA. It des nt include all the infrmatin and des nt take the place f talking t yur eye dctr.
    What is EYLEA?
    EYLEA is a medicine that wrks by blcking vascular endthelial grwth factr(VEGF), which can cause fluid t leak int the macula(视网膜黄斑).
    What is EYLEA used fr?
    EYLEA is indicated fr the treatment f patients with:
    ·Macular Edema Fllwing Retinal Vein Occlusin(RVO)
    ·Diabetic Macular Edema(DME)
    ·Diabetic Retinpathy(DR)
    Hw is EYLEA given?
    EYLEA is an injectin(注射)administered by eye dctr and the injectins are given n different schedules. Cnfirm with yur dctr which schedule is apprpriate.
    What are the mst cmmn side effects f EYLEA?
    ·Eye pain
    ·Light sensitivity
    ·Increased eye redness
    Fr mre pssible side effects, ask yur eye dctr. Yu are encuraged t reprt negative side effects f prescriptin drugs t the FDA. Visit , r call1-800-FDA-1088.
    What shuld I tell my eye dctr befre receiving EYLEA?
    ·Infectins in r arund the eye
    ·Eye pain r redness
    ·Being allergic t any ingredients in EYLEA
    ·Being r planning t be pregnant
    Where can I learn mre abut EYLEA?
    Fr a mre cmprehensive review f EYLEA safety and risk infrmatin, talk t yur health care prvider and see the full infrmatin at EYLEA. cm.
    1. Wh is the passage intended fr?
    A. Eye dctrs. B. Medicine students.
    C. Drug researchers. D. Patients with eye cnditins.
    2. Hw can yu learn mre abut EYLEA?
    A. Visit EYLEA.cm.B.Call1-800-FDA-1088.
    C. Visit D. Talk t a medical prfessr.
    3. What is this text?
    A. A medical reprt. B. An intrductin t a bk.
    C. A healthcare cntract. D. A piece f medical instructins.
    Watfrd and her family have lived in Curtis Bay, Baltimre fr generatins. Her cmmunity has faced envirnmental injustice. Heavy industries cntinued t mve in her cmmunity. As a result, her neighbrs have had t live with serius respiratry(呼吸的)prblems.
    When she knew a plan t build the natin’s largest trash-burning incineratr(焚化炉)less than a mile away frm her high schl, she realized she had t take actin. The incineratr was being sld wrngly as clean, renewable energy equipment but actually it wuld be a surce f brain-damaging chemicals and wuld release 200 millin tns f greenhuse gases per year, bth wrse than cal burning. Watfrd felt she had a respnsibility t warn her cmmunity t wrk tgether t shut this plant dwn.
    She c-funded Free Yur Vice(FYV), a 10-persn student rganizatin devted t cmmunity rights and scial justice. Tgether, they decided t start a campaign t take dwn Energy Answers, the incineratr’s develper. They went dr-t-dr talking t neighbrs and rganizing prtests.
    When it was discvered that Baltimre City Public Schls(BCPS)was ging t be a custmer f Energy Answers, the rganizatin fught with the bard and presented their case, urging BCPS t withdraw frm the prject. BCPS was cnvinced t cancel their cntract, which in turn inspired 22 ther custmers t d the same. Withut any financial gain, Energy Answers had n market t mve frward with its plan.
    Watfrd cntinues t wrk with Curtis Bay residents tward fair develpment. They have a visin fr the future which includes building a zer-waste mvement, a slar farm, and green jbs. She wants the entire human family t jin the fight fr envirnmental justice because survival as a species depends n ur ability t take actin.
    4. What caused respiratry prblems in Watfrd’s cmmunity?
    A. Pr medical care. B. Terrible envirnmental cnditins.
    C. Cnstant bacterial infectin. D. Unbalanced distributin f resurces.
    5. What is Watfrd’s attitude t building the incineratr?
    A. Unfavurable. B. Dubtful. C. Unclear. D. Indifferent.
    6. What was the result f their campaign?
    A. BCPS lst financial supprt. B. Energy Answers stpped its plan.
    C. The investrs fund new market. D. Many custmers revised their cntracts.
    7. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. A teenage her against urban pllutin
    B. A teenage her fighting fr an advanced city
    C. A battle fr Baltimre’s sky by a teenage her
    D. The scial justice challenge fr a teenage her
    Humans wrk hard t avid viruses. Sick peple are islated, diseased animals are killed and fields f infected crps are fired up. Reviving(复活)an ancient virus wuld surely be a disaster.
    But a new study led by Fiddamanfrm Oxfrd, challenges this cnventinal wisdm. It shws hw the revival f an ancient virus can unlck the secrets f its evlutin.
    The virus in the study is Marek’s disease virus(MDV), killing mre than 90% f chickens. Yet when it was discvered in 1907, MDV rarely caused death.
    Dr Fiddaman wndered whether its new-fund virulence(毒性)was a result f large structural changes. T find ut, he and his clleagues gt their hands n nearly 1,000 chicken bnes frm ancient times acrss Eurpe and Asia, sme f them up t 2000 years ld. Sectins f DNA frm these remains were mapped n t the nes f tday’s virus.
    As the authrs pieced tgether the sets f genes f ancient MDV, hwever, they nticed that the genes were arranged identically t thse in mdern species. It suggests that the increased virulence resulted nt frm large structural changes, but frm pint mutatins(突变). In particular, changes had ccurred in the arrangement f a gene called MEQ, which has an essential rle in tumur(肿瘤)frmatin.
    This discvery suggests that the ancient MDV may nt have been able t cause tumurs. T test this assumptin, Dr Fiddaman fllwed up with a daring experiment. He made the ancient frm f the MEQ gene and sht it int living chicken cells. It did nt turn n any f the genes assciated with tumur frmatin. In cmparisn, a mdern MEQ gene quickly shwed its tendency t cause tumurs.
    By cmbining ancient and mdern genetic bilgy, the methds pineered in the paper reveal hw, and mre imprtantly why, any virus mutates. That culd help scientists tackle ther viruses that pull n the purse-strings f farmers —by designing new vaccines(疫苗), fr instance— r even t wrk ut hw t prevent anther glbal pandemic.
    8. What is widely acknwledged abut the revival f an ancient virus?
    A. It is a challenging task. B. It reveals the virus evlutin.
    C. It means a disaster fr humans. D. It helps peple fight diseases.
    9. What caused the virulence change f MDV?
    A. Pint mutatins in MEQ. B. The ccurrance f a new gene.
    C. The reprductin f the ancient MDV. D. Large structural changes in mdern species.
    10. Hw did Dr Fiddaman test the assumptin?
    A. By investigating a typical case. B. By cnducting a field survey.
    C. By studying the related theries. D. By ding a cmparative experiment.
    11. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Viruses weaken gradually when they mutate.
    B. The finding thrws light n handling ther viruses.
    C. A glbal pandemic requires a wrld effrt t end it.
    D. Farmers will face mre cmplex challenges than befre.
    When American anthrplgist Clin Turnbull published The Muntain Peple in 1972, he referred t his subjects —a Ugandan grup called the Ik — as “the lveless peple.” After tw years f bservatins, he decided that they reflected humanity’s basic instincts(本能): cheat, thievery, and pitilessness. But when Athena Aktipis and her clleagues frm the Human Genersity Prject tk a deeper lk, they identified a cmmunity that shared everything. “Turnbull had visited Uganda during a disastrus famine(饥荒). All he saw is what happens when peple are starving.” says Aktipis. But her team revealed that despite living under pressure, the Ik placed a high value n helping ne anther when they culd.
    Aktipis believes that altruism is mre cmmn and beneficial than evlutinary scial science has lng thught. “It was assumed that peple are designed t nly d things t help themselves r their relatives.” she says. By studying the unique, selfless practices that helped nine cmmunities acrss the wrld t cntinue t exist, the experts frm the Prject are lking t shw that we are indeed capable f widespread cperatin.
    The Maasai peple in Kenya prvide ne f the prject’s main pints. They rely n tw-way friendships fr resurces like fd r water when they’re in need, withut expecting any repayment. Als, a wrld away, in New Mexic, while flks ften help transprt cattle and receive supprt in return, they will assist withut repayment if smene faces difficulties, such as an injury r the death f a lved ne.
    Aktipis believes theretical framewrks she’s perfected thrugh studying these grups can apply bradly t any interdependent systems. Her big gal is t design scial-service systems that supprt everyne. Take market -based insurance in the United States as an example: It’s priced based n individual risk factrs such as health histries and where peple live, which means millins f Americans can’t affrd it. But in a system built n neighbring, pled csts(合并成本)wuld level the burden during cllective hardship like natural disasters and pandemics.
    12. What did Turnbull think f the Ik peple?
    A. Heartless. B. Helpful. C. Restless. D. Generus.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “altruism” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Trying t be strng and tugh t survive.
    B. Making full use f the surrunding resurces.
    C. Being devted t themselves r their relatives.
    D. Caring abut the needs and happiness f thers.
    14. What des paragraph 3 intend t cnvey?
    A. Friendships guarantee a well-being life. B. Flks assist each ther t get supprt.
    C. Cperatin is a gd and natural instinct. D. Peple tend t prvide resurces fr free.
    15. Hw des Aktipis intend t apply her findings?
    A. By designing a plicy fr public health.
    B. By mnitring individual health histries.
    C. By creating a system against cllective hardship.
    D. By lwering insurance prices fr individual victims.
    Mark Cvingtn, funder f the Gergia Street Cmmunity Cllective in Detrit, stands in a crner f his urban farm, breathing the fresh air in the early mrning. 16 Early in the day, the green crps giving life t tmates, cabbages, eggplants, and mre are bathed in gld, as if being watered by the sun. The sunds f dgs, pigs, rsters, and a grup f stirring bees drwn ut the sunds f the city.
    In 2007, Cvingtn lst his jb and returned t his childhd street. 17 “It was dirty,” he said. “There were always vacant lts, but they had always been maintained fr children t play n.” He knew that if he just cleaned them up, peple wuld pile n them again. 18
    Cvingtn started with a small cmmunity garden. 19 One mther sent three children t help him build a larger garden where the kids culd grw fd, stay busy during the summer and add structure t their lives. Little by little the seeds tk rt, as the hands n the garden that wuld evlve int a farm multiplied.
    20 On ne crner: a mvie screen and a public garden with vegetable and flwer beds. On anther: a farm and a cmmunity center in a building. Nearby are garlic beds and a greenhuse. “It’s smewhat spiritual fr me,” Cvingtn says. “It’s like a sanctuary(圣殿). Peple cme here and dn’t want t leave.”
    A. But if he planted stuff, they might nt.
    B. It’s a typical mrning scene at the cllective.
    C. He saw garbage piled high in vacant, abandned lts.
    D. Cvingtn made the garden a little bigger t plant mre.
    E. And almst immediately neighbrs began asking t participate.
    F. He planted a garden t help feed residents and enrich their lives.
    G. What began as an effrt t remve trash has turned int a site f cmmunity.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Whatever the patient’s age r disease, a hspital stay can be stressful, especially fr kids. Effrts like Ella’s are a(an) 21 spt during a tugh time.
    It began in 2018, when Ella celebrated her birthday in a 22 way — a gift drive. Since then, it has 23 each year in early Octber, a few weeks befre her birthday. Alng with a(an) 24 t her party, Ella’s friends get a list f gift ideas fr kids at the hspital. Fr the yungest 25 , gifts might include building blcks r stuffed tys. Then it’s time t share the gifts. “Seeing ther peple’s 26 — that’s all that matters t me,” Ella says.
    After the first rund, the number f dnatins 27 every year. But she desn’t keep an exact cunt. 28 , she judges by sight. “We measure hw much f the carpet it cvers in ur living rm,” Ella says. “Last year, it 29 the entire carpet.”
    Allisn, wrking at Brigham Children’s Hspital, has seen firsthand the 30 f Ella’s gift-giving. “She puts smile n the faces f these little patients in ur hspital,” Allisn says. “They are all amazed at her 31 at such a yung age.”
    Ella’s 32 t help kids in the hspital have inspired thers t 33 in her ftsteps. Friends have cllected and 34 gifts fr their birthdays t.
    “ 35 t thers is a gd feeling t have at the end f the day,” Ella says. “I want t keep ding this as lng as I can.”
    21. A. independent B. extra C. free D. bright
    22. A. new B. private C. fancy D. natural
    23. A. wrked ut B. kicked ff C. given ut D. thught up
    24. A. letter B. recreatin C. invitatin D. cake
    25. A. wrkers B. patients C. parents D. nurses
    26. A. happiness B. recgnitin C. behavir D. admiratin
    27. A. changes B. grws C. declines D. maintains
    28. A. Thus B. Smehw C. Smetimes D. Instead
    29. A. reached B. included C. decrated D. cvered
    30. A. excitement B. effect C. inspiratin D. feature
    31. A. genersity B. explratin C. ambitin D. prgress
    32. A. prmises B. aims C. effrts D. prpsals
    33. A. fllw B. engage C. track D. mix
    34. A. received B. cunted C. gathered D. dnated
    35. A. Respnding B. Relating C. Giving D. Cmparing
    Playing an instrument r singing in a chir may bst yur brain. Fr generatins, parents 36 (encurage)their children t practice playing musical instruments. Parents have gd reasn t priritize their children’s musical educatin. Learning an instrument is nt nly assciated with 37 (gd)educatinal
    attainment but als with imprved cgnitive(认知的)abilities and intelligence(智力)scres in children.
    The results f a recent study 38 (investigate)this questin shwed that musical peple had better memry and the ability t stay 39 (fcus)n tasks than thse with less r n musicality.
    Hwever, 40 made a difference amng thse wh played an instrument was whether they cntinued t play 41 had nly played in the past. Current amateur musicians exhibited the highest cgnitive perfrmance amng participants.
    Cntinued engagement 42 cgnitively stimulating activities, like playing an instrument, is likely 43 (lead)t sustained brain health. In cntrast, playing the recrder fr nly three years in primary schl may nt 44 (significant)impact ur cgnitive perfrmance later in life.
    Given the verall benefits f learning an instrument r participating in a chir, engaging in such a cgnitive 45 (stimulate)as we age culd be beneficial.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Ryan,
    Li Hua
    Becky, a 12-year-ld girl, was deep in her maths hmewrk. Her father Bill asked her t help fix the gate f the stall(牛栏). “I culdn’t cme ut and help, Daddy,” she respnded, withut even lking up. “I’ll get extra marks if I d these equatins(方程式).”
    Frwning, Bill was cncerned abut Becky. She nly lved numbers, shwing little interest in ther things. Bill hped his daughter culd enjy animals and help n their farm.
    “Wuldn’t yu like t win the blue ribbn cmpetitin with yur very wn calf next year?” Bill refused t give up. In the cmpetitin, children shw the calves they raise and the best calf(小牛)with a large build, well-develped muscles and strng legs wuld get the blue ribbn.
    Becky listened withut a wrd. “Yu knw, raising a calf als requires mathmatics, like calculating the expenses t maintain health and muscle develpment during grwth.” Bill cntinued.
    It seemed that smething clicked with Becky, “It might be a perfect pprtunity t shw my math talents.” She then fllwed her dad int the stall. Bill pinted t a new brn calf. “Here she is! Tag 333. She will be the best calf!” Becky lked, and a smile brightened her face. “OK. I’ll give it a try.”
    In the fllwing weeks, she started a jurnal f prjected expenses —vaccinatins, registratin fees, vet bills, grain and hay. “She’s finally getting interested in cattle,” Bill thught. But fr Becky, the calf seemed mre like a mathematical challenge than a living animal that wuld require care and lve.
    Winter came —the tugh time fr the calves. One mrning, an extreme snwstrm hit. Calves! Bill and Becky hurried t the stall t check. All the calves were inside except Tag 333! Where was she? They searched everywhere and finally fund her a mile away frm the stall. The little calf was lying still, cvered in ice and snw. Her eyelids were sealed shut by glittering frst. “Is she dead?” Becky cried. Bill pressed his fingers against the calf’s chest. “N. But we need t d smething —fast,” he urged.
    1~3 DAD 4~7 BABC 8~11CADB 12~15 ADCC
    16~20 BCAEG
    21~25 DABCB26~30 ABDDB31~35 ACADC
    36.have encuraged/have been encuraging 37.better 38.investigated 39.fcused
    One Pssible versin:
    Dear Ryan.
    All the students are excited abut the upcming English reading activity,and I am writing t express my pinin abut it.
    If students are allwed t chse what they read,I believe they will prve t be enthusiastic readers.Besides,it is beneficial t frm reading grups s that we can discuss with thse wh have the same taste.Activities like rle-play,mvie appreciatin,r reading experience sharing wuld prvide mre chances fr students t better the understanding f the bks as well.
    Hpe my pinin will be helpful and the event will start sn!
    Li Hua
    一、 评分细则
    One pssible versin:
    They rushed the calf int the stall.Bill quickly started a fire while Becky quickly fetched blankets and wrapped her,rubbing and hlding her bdy gently."Dad,she is mving!"Becky gave an excited shut.Then she fed a few drps f warm milk in the calf's muth and the tiny jaws mved slightly.Frm then n,the first thing Becky did after schl was ging t the stall and feeding her.Day by day,Tag 333 became a strng calf with huge brwn eyes,and a cat that shne like silk.“She'll be the champin in the cmpetitin!”Becky thught.
    Time flying by,the judging day finally arrived.Flags,musicians,shuting children and bawling cattle added t the excitement at the cunty fair.The judge began checking each calf carefully,then questined its yung wner,wh tried hard t describe hw gd their calves lked like.Becky's turn came last.She recited all the numbers since Tag 333's birth she had clearly memrized.Pinting t Tag 333,the judge annunced,“Ladies and gentlemen,my chice fr first place is this ne!”Hlding the blue ribbn,Becky realized the experience f lve and care is beynd what numbers can cnvey.
    They rushed the calf int the stall.
    Time flying by, the judging day finally arrived.

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