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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Hw des the man sund?
    2.What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A.Ck sme fd.B.Turn ff the light.C.Send fr a dctr.
    3.Why did Dina arrive at the cinema late?
    A.She missed the bus.B.She gt up late.C.She frgt the time.
    4.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.At hme.B.In a restaurant.C.In a she shp.
    5.What is the wman ging t d this weekend?
    A.G t wrk.B.G shpping.C.G t the gym.
    6.Hw did the wman feel at the tp f the twer?
    7.What did the man buy?
    8.What des the wman like mst?
    A.Sap peras.B.Histrical dramas.C.Talent shws.
    9.What is the man?
    A.An actr.B.A teacher.C.A student.
    10.What d we knw abut the speakers?
    A.They are interested in histry lessns.
    B.They each have their wn favrite prgrams.
    C.They ften watch dcumentaries tgether.
    11.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Mther and sn.B.Brther and sister.C.Teacher and student.
    12.Hw much will the dancing curse cst in ttal?
    13.What des the wman finally allw the by t d?
    A.Learn jazz.B.Buy new clthes.C.Wear special shes.
    14.Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A.T ask fr permissin.B.T extend an invitatin.C.T get sme infrmatin.
    15.Where will the wman’s children prbably d vlunteer wrk?
    A.At a museum.B.At a fd bank.C.At an animal shelter.
    16.Hw will the wman find vlunteer pprtunities?
    A.By surfing the Internet.
    B.By visiting lcal charities.
    C.By calling cmmunity rganizatins.
    17.What des the speaker suggest ding at the beach?
    A.Taking a walk.B.Enjying a picnic.C.Playing vlleyball.
    18.Where will the listeners g n the secnd day?
    A.A park.B.The cast.C.A cinema.
    19.When can the listeners visit the lcal markets during the trip?
    A.On the first day.B.On the third day.C.On the furth day.
    20.What des the speaker remind the listeners t take in the end?
    A.A camera.B.A hat.C.A map.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Welcme t Musée Rdin
    The Musée Rdin, a hidden jewel in Paris, is actually the frmer residence f famed 19th-century sculptr Auguste Rdin.Here yu can enjy Rdin’s emtive sculptures, including The Walking Man, The Kiss and The Thinker, amng many mre.In additin t the sculptures, the museum huses 8,000 f the artist’s drawings in its cllectin—sme f thse are n display.Visitrs will als get t view pieces frm Rdin’s persnal art cllectin, including paintings by Van Ggh.
    Anther big favrite fr visitrs, as much f a highlight as the art, is the beautiful n-site gardens.T travelers, the gardens create a peaceful atmsphere nt fund at ther tp Parisian museums.
    The Musée Rdin is just a shrt walk frm the Varenne stp and Saint-Francis-Xavier stp, bth f which lie n Metr Line 13.
    Opening times
    The museum is pen Tuesday thrugh Sunday frm 10:00 am t 6:30 pm.
    Admissin charges
    Admissin t the museum(including the gardens and permanent and temprary exhibitin)csts 13 eurs (arund $14)per adult and is free fr kids wh are 17 and yunger; audi guides cst an extra 6 eurs(abut$6). The museum is free t visit n the first Sunday f the mnth frm Octber t March.
    21.What makes Musée Rdin different frm ther tp Parisian museums?
    A.Persnal art cllectins.B.Many sculptures.
    C.On-site gardens.D.Famus artists’ drawings.
    22.When can yu visit Musée Rdin?
    A.At 9:00 am n Mnday.B.At 8:00 am n Sunday.
    C.At 7:00 pm n Friday.D.At 3:00 pm n Thursday.
    23.Hw much shuld a cuple with a kid aged 5 pay t enter the museum n Tuesday?
    Paris mayr Anne Hidalg has lng wrked t make her city less dependent n cars.She wanted t see mre peple using bicycles t get arund.Over a number f years, the city gvernment set limits n cars and increased the amunt f bike paths frm 200 kilmeters t ver 1,000 kilmeters.
    This year, Parisians are nt cmplaining abut t much autmbile traffic.Instead, they say there are t many bikes.“Nw, it’s really like a bike traffic jam(阻塞),” Thibault Quere, a spkespersn fr France’s Federatin f Bicycle Users, said.“It’s kind f a gd difficulty t have, especially when we think abut what Paris used t be.”
    Sme famus rads alng the River Seine are cmpletely clsed t cars.Nw yu see peple riding bikes, running and walking with their families alng the river.In anther part f Paris, a bike path n Sebastpl Bulevard is ne f the busies t in Eurpe, after pening in 2019.In ne week in early September, it reached a recrd high f 124,000 riders.
    The city will hst the Summer Olympics in 2024 and plans t add mre bike paths by then.Paris wants t reduce its pllutin by half during the games, even as visitrs frm arund the wrld will be in the city fr the event. Organizers say all f the cmpetitin sites will be reachable by bike thrugh a 60-kilmeter netwrk f bike paths.
    The change t Paris, hwever, has nt been easy.With mre peple using bikes, mre peple are making mistakes.Sme f them are new t cycling and disbey traffic rules.But the envirnment may be imprving. Cycling is gd exercise and helps reduce pllutin, which is still a prblem fr the large city.The French gvernment blames atmspheric pllutin fr 48,000 early deaths in the cuntry each year.
    Hidalg was re-elected in 2020 and plans t keep making what she calls a “Paris that breathes”.Her newest five-year bike plan includes ver $250 millin fr mre bike paths and bike parking.The new budget is an increase f ver $100 millin frm her first five-year plan.
    24.What can be learned frm the secnd paragraph?
    A.Parisians find it difficult t ride bikes.B.Parisians prefer t travel by car.
    C.Hidalg’s effrt has paid ff.D.Quere disagrees with Hidalg.
    25.Why des the authr mentin the data in paragraph 3?
    A.T cmpare the famus rads in France.
    B.T shw hw busy a cycle path is in Paris.
    C.T stress the imprtance f France in Eurpe.
    D.T praise peple enjying riding bicycles.
    26.What d the rganizers prbably wish visitrs t d during the Summer Olympics in 2024?
    A.Tur lcal bike shps.B.Supprt the athletes arund the wrld.
    C.Prmte the sights in France.D.Ride t cmpetitin sites.
    27.Which wrd can best describe Anne Hidalg?
    A fully autmated prcess, including a brand-new artificial intelligence(AI)tl, has successfully detected, identified and categrized its first supernva(超新星).Develped by an internatinal rganizatin led by Nrthwestern University, the new system autmates the entire search fr new supernvae acrss the night sky—effectively remving humans frm the prcess.Nt nly des this rapidly speed up the prcess f analyzing and categrizing new supernva candidates(候选), but it als bypasses human errrs.
    The team reprted t the astrnmical cmmunity the launch and success f the new tl, called the Bright Transient Survey Bt(BTSbt), this week.In the past six years, humans have spent an estimated ttal f 2,200 hurs checking and categrizing supernva candidates.With the new tl nw fficially nline, researchers can redirect this precius time tward ther respnsibilities in rder t speed up the discvery.
    T detect and analyze supernvae, humans currently wrk hand in hand with rbtic systems.First, rbtic telescpes repeatedly image the same sectins f the night sky, searching fr new surces that were nt present in previus images.Then, when these telescpes detect smething new, humans take ver.The researchers develped the BTSbt t cut ut these human middlemen.
    T test the BTSbt, the researchers lked t a newly discvered supernva candidate called SN2023tyk.The ZTF, a rbtic bservatry that images the night sky in a search fr supernvae, first detected the surce n Oct.3.Examining ZTF’s data in real time, BTSbt fund SN2023tyk n Oct.5.After determining that the candidate was a Type Ia supernva, the autmated system publicly shared the discvery with the astrnmical cmmunity n Oct.7.
    In the first days f running BTSbt, Nrthwestern’s Nabeel Rehemtulla, wh c-led the technlgy develpment, felt a mix f nervusness and excitement.“The beauty f it is that, nce everything is turned n and wrking prperly, we dn’t actually d anything.We g t sleep at night, and, in the mrning, we see that BTSbt and these ther AIs firmly d their jbs,” he said.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “bypasses” in the first paragraph mean?
    29.What can we say abut the research n supernvae in the past six years?
    A.It is simple.B.It is time-cnsuming.
    C.It is meaningless.D.It is autmatic.
    30.What is the final step fr the BTSbt t cmplete the test?
    A.Detecting the supernva.B.Categrizing the supernva.
    C.Identifying the supernva.D.Sharing the supernva.
    31.What can we infer frm Rehemtulla’s wrds?
    A.Researchers benefit greatly frm the BTSbt.
    B.Running BTSbt requires a lt f manpwer.
    C.He hasn’t had a gd sleep fr a lng time.
    D.He has n cnfidence in the success f the test.
    A man with advanced Parkinsn’s disease(帕金森氏症)is nw able t walk almst nrmally again thanks t electrdes implanted(电极植入)in his spinal crd(脊椎), researchers said n Mnday.The medical first was achieved by Swiss researchers wh had previusly pineered similar breakthrughs t help disabled peple walk again.
    “This culd be a game-changing technlgy t help bring back mvement in peple with advanced Parkinsn’s,” said David Dexter, research directr at Parkinsn’s UK.
    Marc Gauthier, the 62-year-ld patient wh lives in France, has suffered frm the brain disrder fr abut 30 years.Like mre than 90 percent f peple with advanced Parkinsn’s, Mar c has had great difficulty walking.What are knwn as “freezing” experiences—during which patients are unable t mve fr a limited time, putting them at risk f falling—are particularly awful, Mar c tld AFP.
    Much remains unknwn abut Parkinsn’s disease, making treatment difficult.But the disease can seriusly affect the lives f patients, smetimes keeping them t bed r a wheelchair.S when the pprtunity came t g thrugh an peratin in Switzerland, Marc gladly accepted the chance.
    “Nw I can d whatever I want,” Marc says.“I can g fr a walk and g ut shpping by myself.” He adds that he can nw walk much mre easily—he is even planning a trip t Brazil—but it still requires cncentratin, particularly when climbing upstairs.
    The Swiss team, led by surgen Jcelyne Blch and neurscientist Gregire Curtine , implanted a cmplex system f electrdes called a “neurprsthesis(神经假体)” at imprtant pints alng Marc’s spinal crd.The neurprsthesis was first tested n animals, and then implanted in Marc, wh has used it fr rughly eight hurs a day ver nearly tw years.
    The Swiss team has expanded their experiment t a grup f six Parkinsn’s patients, aiming t knw hw it culd help thers, given the disease affects peple in different ways.Hwever, treatment using the implant culd be quite expensive, ptentially limiting hw many patients wuld have access.
    32.What is David Dexter’s attitude t the Swiss breakthrugh?
    33.What can Marc d after the surgery?
    A.Vlunteer as a tur guide in Brazil.B.Run t his heart’s cntent.
    C.G t the supermarket alne.D.Make a phne call while climbing the stairs.
    34.What d we knw abut the surgery?
    A.It was first tested n Marc Gauthier.B.It is hardly affrdable fr rdinary peple.
    C.It has been perfrmed n many patients.D.It was dne by researchers in the UK.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A Spinal Implant Allws a Parkinsn’s Patient t Walk Again
    B.Parkinsn’s Patients Have t Deal With Difficulties in Life
    C.Swiss Experts Have Created a Drug t Treat Parkinsn’s
    D.New Technlgy Prevents Peple Frm Develping Parkinsn’s
    Accrding t the US gvernment’s dietary guidelines, peple shuld eat 14 grams f fiber fr every 1,000 calries yu take in daily.But nly arund 9% f wmen and 3% f men in the US meet the fiber recmmendatins, S hw d we add mre fiber t ur diets? 36 .
    Fcus n getting fiber frm a variety f plant-based fds
    Researchers say yur best bet is t get fiber frm a variety f plant-based fds.That means eating different kinds f fruits and vegetables, whle grains, beans, seeds and nuts.Think abut sweet ptates, brwn rice and pumpkin seeds. 37 , but they cntain ther vitamins and minerals that prmte gd health.
    Take baby steps
    38 .That’s because yu need t gradually increase yur fiber intake in rder t give yur bdy time t adapt.Fr example, if yu like t eat white bread, try eating ne serving f whle w heat bread the first week.In the secnd week, eat tw servings.Keep ding that until yu’ve turned all yur servings f white bread t whle w heat bread.
    Everyne is different, and sme peple might be mre sensitive t certain types f fiber than thers.S when yu increase yur fiber intake, yu can write dwn hw varius high-fiber fds affect yu.
    Dn’t frget t drink water
    As yu add mre fiber t yur diet, make sure t drink plenty f water as well. 40 .It can als keep fiber frm hardening, which can lead t mre gas.
    A.Rethink yur salads
    B.Here are sme tips fr getting there
    C.Yu include fiber in yur regular diet
    D.Keep track f hw high-fiber fds affect yu
    E.Nt nly are these fds a gd surce f fiber
    F.If yu dn’t eat a lt f fiber befre, the key is t start slwly
    G.It can help the fiber mve thrugh yur digestive system smthly
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A 72-year-ld resident frm Gergia, Sam Kaplan, recently celebrated his cllege graduatin in cinema studies.His 41 became even mre special by the 42 f his 99-year-ld mther.
    Kaplan decided t 43 his educatin al jurney at Gergia Gwinnett Cllege in 2019, half a century after he had riginally chsen nt t receive higher 44 fllwing his high schl graduatin in 1969.The 45 f ging t cllege came when he heard a radi annuncement abut a degree prgram in cinema studies.
    Kaplan was 46 dwn the highway when he heard abut the degree prgram.The next exit led t Cllinsville, s he 47 exited, and within five minutes, he 48 the classes.He’s always been 49 in writing and strytelling.He lnged t adapt his stries t screenplays, but he realized he 50 the basic knwledge t d s.
    Kaplan admitted that the 51 was a mix f anxiety and excitement, but it prved t be very 52 . He graduated with hnrs, majring in cinema and media arts.And he 53 t cntinue writing screenplays in the future.
    On Kaplan’s graduatin day, his mther,99-year-ld Virginia Kaplan, expressed her great 54 , saying, “My sn faced numerus challenges but vercame them.I feel 55 and incredibly prud.”
    48.A.caught up withB.signed up frC.kept away frmD.gt ut f
    As the sun rises ver his tea plantatin in Ning’er cunty in Pu’er, Yunnan prvince, Li Xingchang walks arund examining the leaves and smelling their arma(香气).September is harvest time, and Li is treating each tree 56 (careful), as if it were his wn child.
    The 69-year-ld man has spent almst fur decades 57 (plant)and making Pu’er tribute tea(贡茶), which was nce prduced fr the use f the ryal family during the Qing Dynasty(1644—1911).“Frm the time I started making tea, I felt like it was part 58 my life.My whle life has been invlved with Pu’er tea,” says Li.
    Last Nvember, China’s 59 (traditin)tea-prcessing techniques and practices 60 (write)n UNESCO’s Representative List.Pu’er tea was included n the list.
    Li’s family began making Pu’er tribute tea during the Yngzheng perid(1723-1735).He is nw the 61 (eight)generatin with expertise in the prcess.
    When Li was a child, he wuld g t the plantatin with his parents t help them pick leaves at harvest time.In 1987, Li started learning hw 62 (make)Pu’er tribute tea frm his mther, 63 was very strict.Frm planting t the cmplex prcesses f tea making, it tk him 10 years t win his 64 (mther)recgnitin.“If I didn’t d well, she wuld thrw away the leaves r refuse t drink 65 tea I made.When ne day, she smiled after taking a drink, I knew I had made it,” says Li.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    The Mang Tree—A Friend f All
    It was a usual cheerful and playful day fr Drthy.The nly difference was that her family had shifted t a new apartment.Althugh she had been in the new huse just tw days, Drthy had already started liking her new hme very much, nt nly because f the spacius rms, but als because f a large mang tree which had lvingly extended its branches acrss the balcny(阳台)f her huse.The mang tree nt nly gave a beautiful view but als served as a hme fr a large number f birds and small animals.Drthy’s mther was als fnd f plants and had kept many ptted plants in the balcny.
    A week passed by.On a Sunday mrning, Drthy was awakened by a lud nise in her neighburhd.She ran twards the balcny and, t her surprise, fund sme peple chpping(砍)ff the belved mang tree.She ran up t her mther and explained the matter.
    Drthy and her mther lked dwn frm the balcny.They saw tw men under the guidance f Mr. Denver, cutting the mang tree dwn.Mr. Denver was the resident f the grund flr apartment.He said angrily, “Lk, I am getting this jb dne under my expense.This tree is blcking my view.I cannt see my car prperly because f this annying tree.” Drthy and her mther understd that there was n pint in having an argument with Mr. Denver.
    Frm then n, Drthy tried all pssible ways t take her revenge(报复)against Mr. Denver fr cutting her belved mang tree.She did many tricks such as sticking the gum n his calling bell, puring sugar in his balcny t attract ants, jumping n the flr t create nise, etc.
    Days passed by.One mrning, as Drthy was helping her mther water the ptted plants kept in the balcny, she culdn’t take her eyes away frm the fresh green leaves cming frm the injured mang tree.Drthy culdn’t hld her excitement and started jumping with delight.
    Several days later, Drthy’s parents decided t invite Mr. Denver and his family fr dinner._______________
    Mr. Denver received Drthy’s mther’s gift warmly with a smile.____________________________________
    (Text 1)
    W: Gd mrning, sir! Are yu enjying yur stay in ur htel?
    M: Yes, I am.The staff is very plite and ur rm is lvely.My wife and I are having a great time.
    (Text 2)
    W: What’s wrng, Peter?
    M: I have a stmachache.Maybe I ate smething bad.
    W: Oh, yu prbably have fd pisning.Yu shuld rest a little bit.Let me ck smething light fr yu.(Text 3)
    M: Did yu have a gd time at the cinema yesterday?
    W: Um, nt really.My friends were late.Sandra missed the bus and arrived there ten minutes late.Dina verslept, s she didn’t get up until ten ’clck.
    (Text 4)
    W: D yu have these bts in a bigger size? I’ve tried them in a thirty-seven, but they’re t small.
    M: D yu want t try them in a thirty-eight r a thirty-nine?
    W: I think the thirty-nine will be t big.
    M: OK.I see.I’ll be back in a mment.
    (Tex t 5)
    W: What are yu ging t d this weekend?
    M: I have t wrk vertime.What abut yu, Lisa? Will yu g t the gym as usual?
    W: N.I’ll g shpping and g t the mvies with my family this weekend.
    (Text 6)
    M: Hw was yur visit t the castle, Nancy?
    W: Well, I climbed t the tp f a twer and lked dwn.But I felt scared, s I had t g dwn.And that was when I saw the huge windws, which were all made f clred glass.I’d never seen anything like that befre! Have yu ever been there?
    M: Yeah, I went there with my sister last year.We spent ages walking in the gardens .I als bught lads f pstcards.
    W: Oh, we missed that.What a pity!
    (Text 7)
    M: There’s nthing I like ding mre than watching a talent shw n Saturday evenings.What abut yu, Anna?
    W: I can’t say it’s ne f my favrite prgrams.I watch sme sap peras but my preference is fr histrical dramas.
    M: They dn’t appeal t me, t be hnest.I’d much prefer t see a dcumentary if there isn’t a gd talent shw.I always see the dcumentaries recmmended by ur gegraphy teacher.
    W: Really? I’m nt at all keen n thse.They all seem the same t me.
    (Text 8)
    M: Mm! I heard abut a new dancing curse fr teenagers.It’s a jazz curse.Can I take it?
    W: Jazz? That sunds like a lt f fun.When des the class meet?
    M: It meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm, and it’s at the cmmunity center just a few blcks frm ur huse.
    W: That’s cnvenient.Hw much des it cst?
    M: It’s $10 per class, and there are 8 classes in ttal.
    W: Alright, that’s nt t bad.D yu need any special clthes r shes?
    M: The teacher said that we shuld wear cmfrtable clthes that we can mve freely, and sprts she s will be fine.
    W: Sunds gd.Yu can sign up fr the curse.Just make sure yu practice yur mves at hme!
    M: I will, Mm!
    (Text 9)
    W: Gd mrning, sir.My children are interested in vlunteer wrk.I’d like t get sme infrmatin abut it.
    M: Well, there are many ways yur children can get invlved in the cmmunity.Vlunteering is a great way fr kids t make a difference t the cmmunity.They can help at a fd bank.They culd als participate in a charity r help clean up a park.
    W: They lve animals.Is there anything they can d t help animals in need?
    M: Yes.They culd vlunteer at an animal shelter r just dnate sme ld clthes r twels t a lcal pet rescue center.
    W: That sunds wnderful.Where can we find these pprtunities?
    M: There are many nline resurces that can help yu find vlunteer pprtunities.Yu can als visit lcal charities r cmmunity rganizatins t see if they have any prgrams specifically fr yung vlunteers.
    W: OK.I’ll lk thrugh the resurces nline.Thank yu s much!
    (Tex t 10)
    W: Gd mrning, bys and girls.We’re ging t start ur schl trip tmrrw.Here I’d like t tell yu abut ur plan.The trip will last 4 days.We’ll first pay a visit t the cast.There’s nthing better than spending a day at the beach with yur friends and playing in the water.We suggest bringing a vlleyball t play sme games.And dn’t frget t bring a hat! On the secnd day, we’ll head ver t an amusement park.We recmmend checking ut the park’s website befrehand t reserve tickets yurselves.On the third day f the trip, we’ll head t a nearby city and explre sme f the turist attractins.This culd include checking ut lcal markets, ging t museums, r just taking a walk arund the city t see the sights.Dn’t frget t try sme f the lcal fd while yu’re there! On the last day, we’ll g hiking and enjy a picnic in the park.We suggest bringing a camera and wearing cmfrtable shes.That’s all abut ur trip! Remember t stay safe, be respectful f the envirnment, and mst imprtantly, have fun!
    1~5 BABCB 6~10 ACBCB 11~15 ACACC 16~20 ACABA
    21.C 细节理解题。根据第二段“T travelers, the gardens create a peaceful atmsphere nt fund at ther tp Parisian museums.”可知,馆内的花园营造的幽静氛围使罗丹美术馆有别于巴黎其他顶级博物馆。
    22.D 细节理解题。根据Opening times部分“The museum is pen Tuesday thrugh Sunday frm 10:00 am t 6:30 pm.”可知,游客可以在周四下午三点游览罗丹美术馆。
    23.A 数字计算题。根据Admissin danger部分“Admissin t the museum(including the gardens and permanent and temprary exhibits)csts 13 eurs(arund $14)per adult and is free fr kids wh are 17 and yunger”可知,一对带一个5岁小孩的夫妇周二进入罗丹美术馆需付26 欧元。
    24.C 推理判断题。根据第一段“Paris mayr Anne Hidalg has lng wrked t make her city less dependent n cars...”及第二段“This year, Parisians are nt cmplaining abut t much autmbile traffic.”可推断,Hidalg的努力得到了回报。
    25.B 细节理解题。根据第三段“In anther part f Paris, a bike path n Sebastpl Bulevard is ne f the busies t in Eurpe, after pening in 2019.In ne week in early September, it reached a recrd high f 124,000 riders.”可知,作者在第三段提及的数据是为了展示塞瓦斯托波尔大道上自行车道的繁忙程度。
    26.D 推理判断题。根据第四段“Paris wants t reduce its pllutin by half during the games, even as visitrs frm arund the wrld will be in the city fr the event Organizers say all f the cmpetitin sites will be reachable by bike thrugh a 60-kilmeter netwrk f bike paths.”可推断,组织者可能期望游客在2024夏季奥运会期间骑车前往比赛场地。
    27.A 推理判断题。根据第一段及最后一段“Hidalg was re-elected in 2020 and plans t keep making what she calls a ‘Paris that breathes’.Her newest five-year bike plan includes...”可推断,Anne Hidalg是一个有决心的人。
    28.D 词义猜测题。根据画线词前“…effectively remving humans frm the prcess.Nt nly des this rapidly speed up the prcess f analyzing and categrizing new supernva candidates(候选)...”可推断,画线词的意思和Avids最接近。
    29.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“In the past six years, humans have spent an estimated ttal f 2,200 hurs checking and categrizing supernva candidates.”可知,过去六年对超新星的研究非常耗时。
    30.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“After determining that the candidate was a Type la supernva, the autmated system publicly shared the discvery with the astrnmical cmmunity n Oct.7.“可知,BTSbt完成测试的最后一步是分享超新星的发现。
    31.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“…Nabeel Rehemtulla, wh c-led the technlgy develpment, felt a mix f nervusness and excitement. ‘The beauty f it is that, nce everything is turned n and wrking prperly, we dn’t actually d anything.We g t sleep at night, and, in the mrning, we see that BTSbt and these ther AIs firmly d their jbs.’ he said.”可推断,研究人员得益于BTSbt。
    32.C 观点态度题。根据第二段“‘This culd be a game-changing technlgy t help bring back mvement in peple with advanced Parkinsn’s,’ said David Dexter…”可知,David Dexter对瑞士研究人员的突破是“肯定的”。
    33.C 细节理解题。根据第四段“S when the pprtunity came t g thrugh an peratin in Switzerland, Mare gladly accepted the chance.”及第五段“…Mare says.‘I can g fr a walk and g ut shpping by myself.’”可知,Marc在手术后能够独自去超市。
    34.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Hwever, treatment using the implant culd be quite expensive, ptentially limiting hw many patients wuld have access.”可知,一般人很难负担得起这项手术。
    35.A 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“A man with advanced Parkinsn’s disease(帕金森氏症)is nw able t walk almst nrmally again thanks t electrdes implanted(电极植入)in his spinal crd(脊椎), researchers said n Mnday.”可知,本文主要讲的是脊椎植入物使帕金森病患者能够再次行走。
    36.B 根据空前“S hw d we add mre fiber t ur diets?”及下文可知,B项“这里有一些实现这一目标的建议”符合。
    37.E 根据空前“Think abut sweet ptates, brwn rice and pumpkin seeds.”及空后“but they cntain ther vitamins and minerals that prmte gd health.”可知,E项“这些食物不仅是纤维素的良好来源”符合。
    38.F 根据本段的小标题Take baby steps及空后“That’s because yu need t gradually increase yur fiber intake in rder t give yur bdy time t adapt.”可知,F项“如果你以前没有吃很多富含纤维素的食物,那么你摄取纤维素的关键是要慢慢开始”符合。
    39.D 根据下文“S when yu increase yur fiber intake, yu can write dwn hw varius high-fiber fds affect yu.”可知,D项“记录高纤维素食物对你的影响”符合。
    40.G 根据空前“As yu add mre fiber t yur diet, make sure t drink plenty f water as well.”及空后“It can als keep fiber frm hardening, which can lead t mre gas.”可知,G项“它可以帮助纤维素在你的消化系统中顺畅地移动”符合。
    41.D 他99岁的母亲的到场(presence)使他的成就(achievement)更加特别。
    42.B 见上题解析。
    43.A Kaplan决定于2019年在乔治亚格温内特学院开始(start)他的受教育之旅。
    44.C 半个世纪前,他曾在1969 年高中毕业后选择不接受高等教育(educatin)。
    45.D 当他在广播中听到关于电影研究学位课程的公告时,他萌生了上大学的念头(idea)。
    46.C Kaplan在高速公路上开车(driving)时听说了这个学位项目,
    47.B 下一个出口通向柯林斯维尔,所以他立刻(immediately)开了出去,不到五分钟,他就报名参加了(signed up fr)这些课程。
    48.B 见上题解析。
    49.C 他一直对写作和讲故事很感兴趣(interested)。
    50.D 他渴望将自己的故事改编成电影剧本,但他意识到,要做到这一点,他需要(needed)基础知识。
    51.C Kaplan承认,这场学习之旅(jurney)既令人焦虑又令人兴奋,但事实证明,它是非常值得的(rewarding)。
    52.A 见上题解析。
    53.D 他希望(hped)将来能继续写剧本。
    54.B 在Kaplan的毕业典礼上,他99岁的母亲Virginia Kaplan表示非常自豪(pride),她说:“我的儿子面临无数挑战,但他克服了这些挑战。我感到高兴(pleased),同时也无比自豪。”
    55.A 见上题解析。
    56.carefully 57.planting 58.f 59.traditinal 60.were written 61.eighth 62.t make 63.wh 64.mther’s 65.the
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jasn,
    Hearing that yu are interested in the festival n science, technlgy and culture held by ur schl last week.I feel hnred t make a brie f intrductin t yu.
    The festival included a wide range f activities, all revlving arund its theme.We had a technlgy fair where students shwcased their innvative prjects.There was als a rbtics cmpetitin and a 3D printing cmpetitin, as well as wrkshps n cding and 3D mdeling.
    I fund the festival t be a rewarding experience, prviding me with an pprtunity t learn abut the latest advancements in technlgy.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Several days later, Drthy’s parents decided t invite Mr. Denver and his family fr dinner.After all the friendly talks ver dinner, Drthy’s father casually spke t Mr. Denver abut the imprtance f plants in life, stressing that plants and trees near the huse increase the market value.Mr. Denver listened very keenly.Sn Drthy’s mther brught a ptted plant frm her balcny and handed it ver t Mr. Denver.She said, “This plant will lk beautiful in yur balcny.I can take yu t the nearby nursery and help yu select mre plants.”
    Mr. Denver received Drthy’s mther’s gift warmly with a smile.Drthy std smiling and lked at it all.She was ashamed f what she had dne and admired her parents fr chsing such a peaceful way t save the mang tree.The mang tree, with the lve and care frm all, nce again grew back t its riginal frm sn.

    广西部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题: 这是一份广西部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题,共15页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共14页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题: 这是一份江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题,共12页。






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