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    英 语
    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    Here are sme hstels (旅社) that will help yu save mney when yu’re traveling in Trnt, Canada.
    HI Hstel Trnt
    HI Hstel Trnt really gets what travelers need. The hstel is in a central lcatin clse t everything yu need (shpping, restaurants, subway and mre). It’s very easy t meet peple here because there is a bar that hsts live music. The beds are super cmfrtable s yu can have a gd sleep. Free breakfast is included.
    Beds frm $45 every night.
    Tw Peas Pd Hstel
    Tw Peas Pd Hstel runs a stre and a café. They have a super rftp (屋顶) (yu can see the CN Twer frm it) and a mini mvie theater. Their beds are super cl and cmfrtable. They have lckers underneath them s yu can keep all yur things safe. It’s almst like staying in a mdern htel but with the fun f a hstel. Enjy a great stay with free breakfast.
    Beds frm $59 every night.
    The Only Backpacker’s Inn
    This is yur standard backpacker hstel. They have a bar and a café. There’s n free breakfast but the mney yu save makes up fr that. It’s lcated near the subway s yu can easily get arund the city. It’s a gd chice fr travelers t meet peple.
    Beds frm $37 every night.
    The Parkdale Hstellerie
    This is the mst affrdable hstel with free breakfast in the city. It’s nt as central as the ther hstels but that als makes ne f its advantages: it is far frm nise. The hstel is nt the mst mdern but it has a welcming, hmey feel.
    Beds frm $26 every night.
    1.What can travelers d at HI Hstel Trnt?
    A.Drink cffee at a café.
    B.Watch a live music shw.
    C.See the CN Twer n the rftp.
    D.Watch a film at a mini mvie theater.
    2.What makes The Only Backpacker’s Inn different frm the thers?
    A.It runs a stre and a café.B.It ffers cmfrtable beds.
    C.It desn’t ffer free breakfast.D.It’s clse t public transprtatin.
    3.Which hstel shuld yu chse if yu want t live in a quiet place?
    A.HI Hstel Trnt. B.Tw Peas Pd Hstel.
    C.The Only Backpacker’s Inn.D.The Parkdale Hstellerie.

    As the COVID-19 appeared, many peple’s life changed.
    At the beginning f March 2020, Bylan, a prfessr f Medicine Jn Bae, went frm wrking nsite t being anther rle as a health ecnmic analyst(分析家) f Duke University Health System. And a mnth int the pandemic(流行病), his daughter, Elra, was brn. The past tw years drew Bylan clser t his wife, Katie, “During the time f the pandemic, I am nt ne f thse peple wh have time t learn hw t bake bread r anything,” Bylan said. “I think, in terms f persnal grwth, I have learned much abut hw t live a happy life.”
    By Octber f 2020, the pandemic had lasted fr several mnths, and Melanie Thmas was feeling dwn. “Hw d I have a rich and full life during this special time and keep a psitive attitude?” Thmas asked herself. She decided that she needed a gal that she culd wrk ut until the wrld pened up. Fr the next several mnths, Thmas began running, wrking ut at a scially distant gym, and walked as much as she culd every day. While the trip t Nepal was the gal, the exercise t prepare fr it became a central piece f herself-care rutine.
    A few weeks ag, Mary Atkinsn began spending the remaining daylight after wrk setting up a garden in the yard f her Greensbr hme. She as well as her tw-year-lds n, West, ften played there with the sand and his ty truck. “This is smething that never happened befre the pandemic, and it gives much happiness t us,” said Atkinsn.
    During the pandemic, Jhn Carbuccia, instead f eating lunch ut r grabbing meals in the university canteen, fund himself eating hmemade breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Scrambled eggs with vegetables r simply prepared salmn fillets are sme f his current favrites. And withut having t rush t the cmpany, he walks and runs arund his neighbrhd befre and after wrk at hme.
    4.Hw was Bylan affected by the pandemic?
    A. He became a cking master.
    B. His incme turned t be uncertain.
    C. He lst his jb.
    D. He had a better understanding f living happily.
    5.What did Thmas mainly d during the pandemic?
    A. She visited Nepal.B. She lst weight.
    C. She did exercise.D. She learned nline.
    6.What benefit did the garden built by Atkinsn bring t her?
    A. It saved much space fr string sand.
    B. It prvided cmfrtable ffice space.
    C. It ffered a gd envirnment fr sprts,
    D. It imprved the parent-child relatinship.
    7.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The features f wrking frm hme.
    B. Tips n hw t fight against the pandemic.
    C. The change f peple’s life during the pandemic.
    D. An experiment in studying the meaning f life.

    When yu praise a dg, it’s listening t nt just the wrds yu say but als hw yu say them. That might nt be huge news t dg wners. But nw researchers have explred this phenmenn by using an imaging machine t lk inside the brains f 13 dgs as they listened t their wners’ vice.
    The reward pathway in the dgs’ brains lit up when they heard bth praising wrds and an apprving intnatin (语调)—but nt when they heard randm (随机的) wrds spken in a praising tne r praising wrds spken in a flat tne, accrding t the researchers.
    “Dgs deal with bth what we say and hw we say it in a way which is amazingly similar t hw humans d it,” says Attila Andics, a neurscientist in Hungary. When dgs hear speech, he explains, they seem t separate the meaning f wrds frm the intnatin. Then the left hemisphere (半球) f the brain deals with meaning, while intnatin is dealt with in the right hemisphere.
    All the dgs in the study were willing vlunteers and were trained nt t mve in the scanner (扫描器). The dgs culd get up and leave the machine whenever they wanted. But it was clear t the dgs that their human cmpanins lved it when they did this very easy task. “They were really happy t take part,” says Andics. “The difficulty f the training was that they can’t mve mre than 3 millimeters in any directin, therwise we will have t thrw ut all f the data.”
    He says mst dg wners have experimented with trying t “trick” their dgs by saying nnsense wrds in a cheerful, happy tne f vice. “I think the big difference here is that they nly heard us, and they didn’t see us,” says Andics, because the dgs were inside the machine. “Here, the nly infrmatin they had was the speech signal. What we saw is that fr praise t be dealt with as a reward, when there is n ther supprting infrmatin, bth wrd meaning and intnatin have t fit.”
    8.What is regarded as a reward by dgs accrding t the study?
    A. Praising wrds in a flat tne.B. Randm wrds in a flat tne.
    C. Praising wrds in a praising tne.D. Randm wrds in a praising tne.
    9.Hw d dgs deal with what they hear?
    A. Fcus mre n the meaning.B. Fcus mre n the intnatin.
    C. Use infrmatin frm their peers.D. Use the tw parts f the brain.
    10.What is a hard part f the training in Andics’pinin?
    A. Lking int the dgs’ brain activity.
    B. Training dgs t stay still in the machine.
    C. Keeping dgs separated frm their wners.
    D. Asking dgs t get up and leave the scanner.
    11.Which f the fllwing culd be the best title fr the text?
    A. Dgs Understand Tne and Meaning f Wrds
    B. Dgs Indeed Knw Hw t Praise
    C. Dgs Can Recgnize Owners’ Vices
    D. Dgs Can Read Man’s Mds

    What d we mean when we talk abut repair? The mst cmmnly repaired items at hme are wden furniture and table lamps and ther small lights, but many peple express a level f discmfrt fr lack f knwledge abut the skills required t repair them. Hwever, we live in a time when many f the bjects we buy cme with limited lifespans(寿命) —especially technlgical and electrical gds.
    Althugh sme bjects may require specialist aid, plenty f wrn things arund the hme can be repaired there, if yu knw what yu’re ding. “One hundred years ag, everyne needed t repair things themselves,” an expert says. “S many peple had the skills, and they were passed dwn frm generatin t generatin. And nt nly the skills, but als the tls. The tls almst became the memries f that repair and carried their wn stries.”
    Repair ften feels pleasant because it is a mment f fixing. The hles can be filled. The gaps will be smthed ver. The language f repair has great significance in describing things: mending, fixing, restring, rebuilding, piecing tgether. All are wrds we use fr the bjects arund us, but als nes we apply t urselves. We feel a little happy in the idea that few things are truly beynd salvage.
    Repair is attractive fr many reasns. It helps us think abut hw t care fr the things we wn. It makes us mindful f what we waste, and what we shuld hld n t. It reminds us t bend in clser and see the changes, the pints where the needle went thrugh the surface and pulled tgether smething new.
    12.Hw d many peple feel when it cmes t repairing things?
    A. Very cnfident.B. A little scared.
    C. Particularly interested.D. Slightly uneasy.
    13.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Mst wrn things need t be repaired by specialists.
    B. The repairing tls were nce passed dwn fr generatins.
    C. Wrds abut repairing can nt be used fr peple.
    D. The prcess f repairing is ften disappinting.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “salvage” mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Reach.B. Descriptin.C. Repair.D. Reasn.
    15.What is the authr’s attitude twards repair?
    A. Indifferent.B. Psitive.C. Dubtful.D. Curius.
    Hw t imprve yur immune(免疫) health
    As the temperatures drp and flu and cld seasn appraches, we need t start thinking abut lking after ur immune health. ____16_____ . These fds are rich in micrnutrients such as Vitamin C and zinc, which supprt healthy immune functin. Sme ways plant-based nutritin can imprve yur immune system.
    The relatinship between smking and/r excessive alchl cnsumptin and harmful immune-related health effects is well dcumented. Avid breathing in any material that might be harm t the lungs, including vaping(电子烟). Try t reduce risky materials such as alchl as these have a negative impact n immune health.
    Get seven t nine hurs restrative sleep every day
    There is strng evidence that sleep imprves immune defence. Try t aim fr between seven and nine hurs f gd quality, restrative sleep every night. Imprving sleep ften starts by fcusing n yur daily habits, rutines and bedrm envirnment. ____18_____.
    Stress less and spend mre time with thers
    Stress prmtes inflammatin(炎症)and reduces yur defence against infectin. Meditatin, a gratitude practice, yga r breathwrk can all help lwer levels f crtisl, the main stress hrmne. ____19_____ , whether it is vlunteering in the cmmunity, picking up the shpping fr an elderly neighbur, nurturing yur friendships r making quality time fr yur friends and family.
    Be physically active every day
    ____20_____. Besides, it can help maintain healthy bdy weight and prtect against a variety f diseases including viral and bacterial infectins. Aim t be physically active every day fr 30-60 minutes per day. Adults need at least 150 minutes f mderate intensity aerbic activity each week t acquire the mst health benefits frm physical activity.
    A. Take exercise each day
    B. It is imprtant t seek advice
    C. Avid smking and reduce alchl
    D. Develp a relaxing bedtime rutine
    E. Relatinships als play a key rle in ur health
    F. Regular exercise imprves health and lwers bld pressure
    G. This means enjying a diet based arund fruit and vegetables
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    Fr mst f my life I had lived in the black and Latin cmmunity. Neither f my parents had graduated frm middle schl and I was the first in my family t ever enter a cllege campus. By cntrast, mst f my 21 came frm generatins f well educated family and had grwn up in 22 white suburbs. In the cllege, 23 sharing with thers hw I was feeling, I clsed myself and thught I culd get thrugh it if I just 24 study. Hwever, during the weeks befre the winter break, I finally decided I wuld drp ut. 25 , that wasn’t the end f the stry. I fund 26 and guidance t cntinue t finish my cllege.
    Cnsulting prvided me with space t 27 my emtins. My cnsultant prvided me with bks and ther 28 t understand what I was experiencing and she helped me feel pwerful. Vlunteering with a campus rganizatin prvided me with a cnstant 29 f why I was in cllege. My interactins with students, wh reminded me s much f my wn friends at hme, inspired me t wrk fr 30 t higher educatin fr lw incme yuth. I als 31 in a summer urban prgram, where I cperated with a grup f student leaders t start a cnference t talk abut 32 f race and class.
    33 is pwer. I read bks and chse curses t learn mre abut tpics 34 t immigratin, race, scial class and urban educatin. These curses and bks helped me 35 a much deeper understanding f my wn racial experiences f ppressin. Mst imprtantly, I was equipped with the knwledge I needed t wrk against injustice and inequality.
    21.A. teachersB. classmatesC. clleaguesD. neighbrs
    22.A. cmplexB. remteC. richD. rdinary
    23.A. Instead fB. Regardless fC. Ahead fD. Apart frm
    23.A. relied nB. fcused nC. gave upD. tk up
    25.A. UnusuallyB. PsitivelyC. InstantlyD. Frtunately
    26.A. curisityB. cmfrtC. strengthD. intentin
    27.A. adjustB. expressC. cntrlD. relieve
    28.A. trainingB. mtivatinC. creditsD. resurces
    29.A. ambitinB. reminderC. memryD. practice
    30.A. apprachesB. guidesC. subscriptinD. access
    31.A. enteredB. absrbedC. attendedD. participated
    32.A. suggestinsB. messagesC. issuesD. examples
    33.A. CnfidenceB. KnwledgeC. BraveryD. Cnstructin
    34.A. expsedB. appliedC. intrducedD. related
    35.A. gain B. link C. shw D. experience
    The humr effect is a cgnitive bias (认知偏差) that causes peple t remember infrmatin better when they regard it as humrus.
    Fr example, when students 36_________ (teach) a new cncept in a humrus way, such as thrugh a funny stry, they’re generally mre likely t remember that cncept, cmpared t if they learn it in a nn-humrus manner. Infrmatin that has the same effect 37_________cncepts includes wrds, sentences, pictures, and 38_________ (mix) infrmatin, such as cartns and vides.
    Humr has varius ther benefits besides imprving memry.
    Humr reduces negative emtins, such as 39_________ (angry) r anxiety, which peple might experience when prcessing certain infrmatin.
    Humr 40_________ (lead) t increased interest. Adding humr t the infrmatin that yu’re presenting can make it mre interesting and appealing t thers. Fr example, 41_________ (advertisement) that use humr receive mre attentin frm peple.
    Humr, when 42_________ (prper) used in the right circumstances, can imprve ther peple’s impressin f yu. Fr example, 43_________ (include) humr in a speech can psitively impact the way in 44_________listeners understand the speaker. Similarly, using humr can imprve peple’s impressin f yur warmth 45_________cmpetence, especially when yu cmbine it with negative infrmatin that yu need t tell.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你的建议;
    3. 你的祝愿。
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Once, my uncle brught hme a cute little baby parrt. At first, I and my cusins were a little scared, because we didn’t knw hw t handle that little tender baby. My aunt eventually helped us ut. She tk it and kept it just as her baby. She fed it, she gave it ccasinal shwers and eventually we became quite cmfrtable with it. Nw there was anther dilemma (困境) that we had — as we were nt really aware f its gender (性别) we were unable t decide a name fr the parrt. S finally my mm called it Mitthu. We agreed.
    As it was grwing, its wings started grwing lng, but my family was t pssessive (占有欲强的) and caring twards Mitthu that they trimmed (修剪) its wings. They said if it flew, it wuldn’t be able t survive utside.
    As time went by, we grew, s did had by nw started talking quite a was amazed by the way my aunt cared fr it. She fed it anything and everything they had befre eating. Mitthu was never kept in a cage frm the is still nt kept in a eage... at first its wings were trimmed t prtect nw as it has grwn quite a lt, even its wings are nt trimmed...
    I smetimes wnder, it has the whle sky t fly, it is neither in a cage nr its wings are trimmed, then why isn’t it flying at all? Maybe it is nw quite attached t us and desn’t want t leave us, r maybe it desn’t want t leave this cmfrtable life and g away and face the hard reality f life. The answer may be anything, depending n hw we view the situatin.
    But as I grew lder, I realized that the life f Mitthu is nt really very different frm that f mine. I was cared t and thus was prtected frm really getting alng with utside wrld. I made my huse my wrld, just as it was taught t me. I guess s did Mitthu. The cmfrt f my hpe became, and I guess Mitthu’s as well, the invisible chain that never actually will let us fly.
    I guess nt just I, but mst f the girls feel the same.
    The parrt flew tday.
    英语 • 参考答案
    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    解析:细节理解题。根据HI Hstel Trnt部分中“It’s very easy t meet peple here because there is a bar that hsts live music. (在这里很容易遇到朋友,因为这里有一个举办现场音乐演出的酒吧。)”可知,在这里很容易遇到朋友,因为这里有一个举办现场音乐演出的酒吧。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据HI Hstel Trnt部分中的“Free breakfast is included.(包括免费早餐)”和Tw Peas Pd Hstel中的“Enjy a great stay with free breakfast.(享受免费早餐的美好住宿)”以及The Parkdale Hstellerie中的“This is the mst affrdable hstel with free breakfast in the city.(这是该市最实惠的免费早餐旅馆)”和The Only Backpacker’s Inn部分中“There’s n free breakfast but the mney yu save makes up fr that.(没有免费的早餐,但你省下的钱弥补了这一点。)”可推知,The Only Backpacker’s Inn的不同之处在于它不提供免费的早餐。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Parkdale Hstellerie部分中“It’s nt as central as the ther hstels but that als makes ne f its advantages: it is far frm nise. (它不像其他青年旅社那样位于市中心,但这也是它的优势之一:远离噪音。)”可知,Parkdale Hstellerie是一个安静的旅社。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二自然段“The past tw years drew Bylan clser t his wife, Katie, “During the time f the pandemic, I am nt ne f thse peple wh have time t learn hw t bake bread r anything,” Bylan said. “I think, in terms f persnal grwth, I have learned much abut hw t live a happy life.”(过去的两年拉近了博伊兰与妻子凯蒂的距离,博伊兰说:“在疫情期间,我不是那种有时间学习如何烤面包或其他东西的人。我认为,就个人成长而言,我学到了很多关于如何过幸福生活的知识。”)”可知,疫情让Bylan对幸福生活有了更好的理解。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三自然段“Fr the next several mnths, Thmas began running, wrking ut at a scially distant gym, and walked as much as she culd every day. (在接下来的几个月里,托马斯开始跑步,在社交距离较远的健身房锻炼,每天尽可能多地走路。)”可知,托马斯在疫情期间主要做了运动。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“She as well as her tw-year-lds n, West, ften played there with the sand and his ty truck. “This is smething that never happened befre the pandemic, and it gives much happiness t us,” said Atkinsn.她和她两岁的孩子在维斯特经常在那里玩沙子和他的玩具卡车。阿特金森说:“这是疫情之前从未发生过的事情,它给了我们很多幸福。”)”可知,阿特金森建造的花园改善了她和孩子的亲子关系。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一自然段“As the COVID-19 appeared, many peple’s life changed. (随着新冠肺炎的出现,许多人的生活发生了变化。)”可知,本文主要讲了疫情期间人们生活的变化。故选C。
    8.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The reward pathway in the dgs’ brains lit up when they heard bth praising wrds and an apprving intnatin(语调)(当狗听到赞扬的话语和赞许的语调时,它们大脑中的奖赏通路会被激活)”可知,当狗听到用赞赏的语调说的表扬的话时,其脑内的奖赏通路会被激活,这被狗视为奖励。故选C项。
    9.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“they seem t separate the meaning f wrds frm the intnatin. Then the left hemisphere(半球) f the brain prcesses meaning, while intnatin is analyzed in the right hemisphere.(它们似乎把单词的意思和语调分开了。然后,大脑左半球处理意思,而语调由右半球分析。)”可知,狗在大脑的不同半球对话语的含义和说话的语调分别进行分析。故选D。
    10.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“All the dgs in the study were willing vlunteers and were trained nt t mve in the scanner(扫描器).(研究中的所有狗都是自愿的志愿者,并被训练不在扫描仪中移动)”及“The difficult aspect f the training was cnvincing the dgs that ‘mtinless’ means really mtinless. They can’t mve mre than 3 millimeters in any directin, therwise we will have t thrw ut all f the data.(训练的困难之处在于让狗相信‘不动’意味着真的不动。它们不能向任何方向移动超过3毫米,否则我们将不得不扔掉所有的数据。)”可知,研究过程中,狗被要求在扫描仪器中待着不动,这是训练中的难点。故选B项。
    11.答案: A
    解析:主旨大义题。文章开头通过“When yu praise a dg, it's listening t nt just the wrds yu say but als hw yu say them. That might nt be huge news t dg wners. But nw researchers have explred this phenmenn…(当你表扬一只狗时,它不仅在听你说的话,还在听你怎么说。这对狗主人来说可能不是什么大新闻。但现在研究人员对这一现象进行了探索……)”引入话题:狗能理解人说话的语气和含义,研究者对此进行了研究。接着,下文介绍了该研究的内容和结论,故A项“狗能理解语言的语气和含义”适合作本文标题。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The mst cmmnly repaired items at hme are wden furniture and table lamps and ther small lights, but many peple express a level f discmfrt fr lack f knwledge abut the skills required t repair them.(家里最常修理的物品是木制家具、台灯和其他小灯,但许多人表示,由于缺乏修理所需技能的知识,他们感到一定程度的不适。)”可知,人们在修理东西的时候会因为缺乏知识而在一定程度上会感到不安。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“S many peple had the skills, and they were passed dwn frm generatin t generatin. And nt nly the skills, but als the tls. (很多人都有这种技能,他们一代一代地传了下来。不仅是技能,还有工具。)”可知,修理工具和修理技能一样,很多都是代代相传。故选B项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据文章倒数第二段“The language f repair has great significance in describing things: mending, fixing, restring, rebuilding, piecing tgether. All are wrds we use fr the bjects arund us, but als nes we apply t urselves.(修复的语言在描述事物时具有重要意义:修补、固定、恢复、重建、拼凑。这些词都是我们用来形容周围事物的,但也都是我们用来形容自己的。)”可知,作者认为很多事情和人都是可以修复、修补的,并且后文“We feel a little happy in the idea that few things are truly beynd salvage.(想到很少有东西是真正无法挽救的,我们感到有点高兴。)”可知,想到很少有东西是无法_____的会感到高兴,作者想要表达的意思应该和前文“修复、修补”相近或相同。A. reach到达;B. descriptin描述;C. repair修理;D. reasn原因。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Repair is attractive fr many reasns.(修理有很多吸引人的原因。)”可知,作者认为修理很吸引人,是一件有趣的事情,可以推出作者对修理这件事持有积极的态度。故选B项。
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    16.根据下文“These fds are rich in micrnutrients such as Vitamin C and zinc, which supprt healthy immune functin. (这些食物富含微量营养素,如维生素C和锌,可以支持健康的免疫功能。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是有良好的饮食习惯,所吃的食物能够提高免疫力。G. This means enjying a diet based arund fruit and vegetables. (这意味着享受以水果和蔬菜为主的饮食。)说明的是以水果和蔬菜为主的饮食,能够引出下文,符合语境。故选G。
    17.根据下文“The relatinship between smking and/r excessive alchl cnsumptin and harmful immune-related health effects is well dcumented. (吸烟和/或过度饮酒与有害的免疫相关健康影响之间的关系已得到充分证明。)”可知,本段说明的是吸烟和/或者过度饮酒有害免疫系统。C. Avid smking and reduce alchl (避免吸烟,减少饮酒)能够作为本段的主题句,符合语境。故选C。
    18.根据上文“Imprving sleep ften starts by fcusing n yur daily habits, rutines and bedrm envirnment. (改善睡眠通常从关注你的日常习惯、常规和卧室环境开始。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是与睡眠、生活习惯有关。D. Develp a relaxing bedtime rutine (养成放松的就寝习惯)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
    19.根据下文“whether it is vlunteering in the cmmunity, picking up the shpping fr an elderly neighbur, nurturing yur friendships r making quality time fr yur friends and family. (无论是在社区做志愿者,为年老的邻居买东西,培养你的友谊,还是和你的朋友和家人共度美好时光。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是人与人之间的关系,或者是与他们相处对健康的关系。E. Relatinships als play a key rle in ur health (人际关系对我们的健康也起着关键作用)说明的是人际关系对健康的作用,能够引出下文,符合语境。故选E。
    20.根据本段的主题“Be physically active every day (每天锻炼身体)”以及下文“Besides, it can help maintain healthy bdy weight and prtect against a variety f diseases including viral and bacterial infectins. (此外,它可以帮助保持健康的体重和防止各种疾病,包括病毒和细菌感染。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是锻炼有关的好处。F. Regular exercise imprves health and lwers bld pressure (有规律的运动可以增进健康,降低血压)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:相比之下,我的同学大都出身富裕的郊区家庭,那里以白人为主,他们往上几代家族成员都接受过良好的教育。A. teachers老师;B. classmates同学;C. clleagues同事;D. neighbrs邻居。根据“Neither f my parents had graduated frm middle schl and I was the first in my family t ever enter a cllege campus.”可知,这里对比的是和作者同身份的学生。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:相比之下,我的同学大都出身富裕的郊区家庭,那里以白人为主,他们往上几代家族成员都接受过良好的教育。A. cmplex复杂的;B. remte遥远的;C. rich富的;D. rdinary普通的。根据前文的“Mst f my life I had lived in a Black and Latin cmmunity.”可知,作者的家境一般,通过本句的“By cntrast”可知,与作者相反,同学们的家境富裕,故选C项。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:我没有与人分享心中的烦闷,而是将自己封闭起来,专注学习,希望以此能熬过艰难的求学生涯。A. Instead f而不是;B. Regardless f不管;C. Ahead f在...前;D. Apart frm除了。后文的“clsed myself”与“sharing with thers”形成反差,可知,此处应该意为“而是,作为……的替换”。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我没有与人分享心中的烦闷,而是将自己封闭起来,专注学习,希望以此能熬过艰难的求学生涯。A. relied n依赖;B. fcused n聚焦于,专注于;C. gave up放弃;D. tk up占用。通过前文“thught I culd get thrugh it”可知,作者渴望通过专注于学习来熬过艰难的求学生涯。故选B项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,故事还没有结束。A. Unusually不同寻常地;B. Psitively积极地;C. Instantly立刻;D. Frtunately幸运地。上一句提到“drp ut”指出作者决定退学,后文“wasn’t the end f the stry”说明一切并未结束。可知,此句与上一句构成转折关系,说明作者是幸运的。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我找到了继续完成大学学业的力量和向导。A. curisity好奇心;B. cmfrt舒适;C. strength强度,力量;D. intentin打算。通过文章标题,以及后文中多次提到的“pwer”,可以推断出这里作者找到了心中的“力量”。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:心理咨询为我提供了一个表达情绪的空间。A. adjust调整,适应;B. express表达;C. cntrl控制;D. relieve缓解。通过后文“she helped me feel pwerful”可知心理咨询师帮助作者变得强大,为作者提供了表达问题的空间。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:咨询师为我推荐书籍和其他资源,让我正视当下的经历,帮助我变得强大起来。A. training培训;B. mtivatin动机;C. credits学分,信用 ;D. resurces资源。通过前面的“bks”可知,心理咨询师为作者推荐书籍和其他资源。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我自愿参加了学校的一个组织,这让我不断回想起自己进入大学的初衷。A. ambitin追求的目标;B. reminder提醒;C. memry记忆;D. practice实践。此处作者想表达参加社团提醒了自己回想起进入大学的初衷。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我与学生的互动,让我想起了我在家里的朋友,激励我为低收入青年获得高等教育的机会而努力。A. appraches接近;B. guides指导;C. subscriptin订阅;D. access通道,入径。根据设空处前的“wrk fr”以及后文的“higher educatin fr lw-incme yuth”可知,作者想要为低收入青年接受高等教育而努力,让他们有机会接受高等教育。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还参与了夏季城市项目,与一群学生领袖合作,发起专题讨论,探讨种族和阶级问题。A. entered进入;B. absrbed吸收;C. attended出席;D. participated参与。根据下文“ where I cperated with a grup f student leaders t start a cnference”可知,我还参与了夏季城市项目。固定词组get invlved in 意为“参与”,这里表示作者参与了夏季城市项目。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还参与了夏季城市项目,与一群学生领袖合作,发起专题讨论,探讨种族和阶级问题。 A. suggestins建议;B. messages消息;C. issues问题;D. examples示例。通过前文“start a cnference”以及后文“f race and class”可知,作者与学生们针对一个专题进行了讨论。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:知识就是力量。A. Cnfidence信心;B. Knwledge知识;C. Bravery勇敢;D. Cnstructin建设。本句是本段的总结句,根据下文“I read bks and chse curses t learn”可知,知识就是力量。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我阅读书籍,有意选择课程,以了解更多有关移民、种族、社会阶层和城市教育的话题。A. expsed暴露;B. applied应用;C. intrduced介绍; D. related联系。根据前文“I read bks and intentinally chse curses t learn mre abut tpics”以及后文“immigratin, race, scial class and urban educatin”可知,作者有意了解与移民、种族、社会阶层和城市教育有联系的话题。be related t意为“与……相关的”。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些书籍和课程让我对自己遭受种族压迫的经历得到了深刻的理解。A. gain获得;B. link 连接;C. shw显示;D. experience经验,体验。根据前文的“helped”以及后文“a much deeper understanding f my wn racial experiences f ppressin”可知,作者对于自己的经历得到了深刻理解。故选A项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    答案:36.are taught;37.n;38.mixed;39.anger;40.leads;41.advertisements;42.prperly;43.including;44.which;45.and
    解析:36.考查时态语态。句意:例如,当学生以幽默的方式学习一个新概念时,比如通过一个有趣的故事,与以非幽默的方式学习相比,他们通常更容易记住这个概念。时间状语从句的主语students与谓语teach构成被动关系,且陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,谓语用复数。故填are taught。
    37.考查介词。句意:对概念有相同影响的信息包括单词、句子、图片和混合信息,如漫画和视频。表示“对……有同样影响”短语为have the same effect n。故填n。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Dear Xia Ming,
    Hearing that yu have difficulty in learning English, I’m writing t give yu sme practical advice abut it.
    First, yu can listen t sme English teachers’ lectures abut prnunciatin and sentence structures. Secnd, yu’d better learn frm yur English friends and try t cmmunicate with them. Third, reading sme English classic wrks is a gd chice. Last but nt least, pay attentin t the spellings f English wrds and practise writing a diary every day.
    I sincerely hpe my suggestins are helpful fr yu. Meanwhile, try yur best t make prgress in English as quickly as pssible.
    Li Hua
    首先:first → first f all/initially
    最后:last but nt least→ finally/ lastly
    真诚地:sincerely → genuinely
    与此同时:meanwhile → at the same time
    原句:First, yu can listen t sme English teachers’ lectures abut prnunciatin and sentence structures.
    拓展句:First, yu can listen t sme English teachers’ lectures which are abut prnunciatin and sentence structures.
    【高分句型1】Hearing that yu have difficulty in learning English, I’m writing t give yu sme practical advice abut it.(运用了现在分词作状语和that连接的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】I sincerely hpe my suggestins are helpful fr yu.(运用了省略连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    One pssible versin:
    I guess nt just I, but mst f the girls feel the same. We are afraid f flying. We are afraid we might hurt ur parents’ feelings. We are afraid we might end up hurting them if we take ur wn decisins. Hw similar ur lives are! I and Mitthu might be tw different beings but trapped in a similar situatin. The baggage f feelings, emtins and attachment will never really allw us t fly independently!
    The parrt flew tday. It finally freed itself in true sense. Everyne at hme is sad. My cusins have stpped eating, and they are cntinuusly crying. Maybe they are nt ld enugh t understand the true meaning f freedm s they are unable t understand Mitthu and are sad at lsing it. But I am happy fr Mitthu. I wish t get the equal curage sn. Dear parents, it’s gd t lve and prtect yur child. But smetimes verprtectiveness might harm their future, and it might influence their decisins in future. S nw the parrt is really free!
    ②被困:be trapped in/be stuck in
    ③大哭:cry/burst int tears
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. We are afraid we might end up hurting them if we take ur wn decisins. (运用了宾语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Hw similar ur lives are!(运用了感叹句)
    [高分句型3]. Maybe they are nt ld enugh t understand the true meaning f freedm s they are unable t understand Mitthu and are sad at lsing it. (运用了不定式作结果状语以及s连接表因果关系的并列句)

    2024郑州宇华实验学校高三下学期开学考试英语含解析: 这是一份2024郑州宇华实验学校高三下学期开学考试英语含解析,共29页。

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