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    Mst peple want t be happy but few knw hw t find happiness. Mney and success dn't really (1) happiness. A famus persn nce said, "Happiness depends n (2) ." In ther wrds, we make ur wn happiness. Here are a few ways t help yu becme happier.
    The first secret f happiness is t enjy the (3) things in life. T ften, we spend s much time thinking abut the (4) , fr example, getting int cllege r getting a gd jb, that we can't enjy the present. We shuld enjy life's simple pleasures, (5) spending time with clse friends, listening t ur favurite music, r reading bks. Peple wh have clse friends ften (6) happier and healthier lives.
    Anther (7) f happiness is t be active, and have (8) . We can cllect ty cars, g fishing r play a sprt. In this way, we enjy urselves. We can (9) ur prblems and nly think abut the activities.
    Finally, many peple find happiness in helping thers. Accrding t studies, peple feel gd when they ffer t help thers. (10) yu want t feel happier, d smething nice fr smene else. We can help a friend with his r her studies, g shpping t get fd fr an elderly relative, r simply help ur parents t d the dishes.
    1.A. setB. bringC. shwD. lse
    2.A. urselvesB. themselvesC. himselfD. herself
    3.A. strangeB. surprisingC. simpleD. hard
    4.A. futureB. healthC. mneyD. time
    5.A. in factB. such asC. instead fD. abve all
    6.A. hearB. hpeC. enjyD. feel
    7.A. secretB. planC. taskD. idea
    8.A. wishesB. hbbiesC. hnurD. tastes
    9.A. talkB. knwC. frgetD. feel
    10.A. AfterB. ThughC. lfD. S
    Anger is a kind f feeling. Many things can make yu angry. When yur teacher gives yu t much hmewrk, when yur team lses an imprtant game, and when a friend brrws yur favurite thing and then breaks it, yu may get really angry.
    Usually, yur bdy will tell yu when yu are angry. Fr example, yu breathe faster, yur face turns red, and yu may want t break smething r hit (打) smene, but smetimes, yu hide (隐藏) yur anger. Fr example, yu may hide it in yur heart. The prblem is that if yu d this, yu may get a headache r yur stmach may hurt.
    In fact, it's nt gd t hide yur anger, and it's nrmal fr yu t get angry smetimes. But anger must be let ut in the right way, withut hurting yurself r thers.
    When yu get angry, yu can talk abut it with ther peple. It's helpful t talk abut yur anger with an adult, such as yur parent, a teacher, etc. When yu talk abut anger, thse bad feelings can start t g away. Here are sme ther things yu can d when yu start t feel angry: talk t a gd friend; cunt frm 1 t 100; give smene a hug; g fr a bike ride; think abut gd things, etc.
    Remember that hw yu act when yu are angry can make everything better r wrse. Dn't let yur anger cntrl yu.
    11.Yu may nt get angry when ______.
    A. there is t much hmewrk t d this weekend
    B. yur favurite basketball team wins the game
    C. a friend breaks yur favurite thing
    D. yur parents dn't let yu watch TV
    12.______ shws that yu're nt angry.
    A. Taking a faster breathB. Getting a headache
    C. Getting a stmachacheD. Wanting t prtect smene
    13.Accrding t the passage, yu can d everything when yu get angry except (除了) ______.
    A. ging fr a bike ride
    B. thinking abut gd things
    C. talking t a gd friend
    D. saying bad things t the peple arund yu
    14.The underlined wrd "cntrl" in the last paragraph means ______ in Chinese.
    A. 控制B. 连接C. 帮助D. 失去
    15.This passage is mainly abut ________.
    A. angerB. excitementC. happinessD. sadness
    My name is Jack. When my family mved t America in 2010 frm a small village in Guangdng, China, we brught nt nly ur luggage, but als ur village rules, custms and culture. One f the rules is that yung peple shuld always respect (尊敬) the elderly. Unluckily, this rule led t my first embarrassment in the United States.
    I had a part-time jb as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One day, when I was serving fd t a middle-aged cuple, the wife asked me hw the fd culd be served s quickly. I tld her that I had made sure they gt their fd quickly because I always respected the elderly. As sn as I said that, her face shwed great displeasure. My manager, wh happened t hear what I said, tk me aside and gave me a lng talk abut hw sensitive (敏感的) Americans were and hw they disliked the descriptin "ld" . I then walked back t the table and said srry t the wife. After the cuple heard my reasn, they understd the cultural difference, s they laughed and were n lnger angry.
    In my village in China, peple are prud f being ld. Nt s many peple live t be seventy r eighty, and peple wh reach such an age have the mst knwledge and experience. Yung peple always respect lder peple because they knw they can learn frm their rich experience.
    After that, I changed the way I had been with lder peple. It is nt that I dn't respect them any mre; I still respect them, but nw I dn't shw my feelings thrugh wrds.
    16.Jack brught the cuple their fd very fast because ​ .
    A. the manager asked him t d s
    B. he thught he shuld respect the elderly
    C. the cuple wanted him t d s
    D. he wanted mre pay
    17.What des the underlined wrd "embarrassment" mean in the first paragraph?
    A. 尴尬B. 拮据C. 潦倒D. 敬仰
    18.In the writer's hmetwn, ​ .
    A. peple dislike being called "ld" because they can't learn frm thers
    B. many peple reach the age f seventy r eighty
    C. peple are prud f being ld
    D. the elderly are the first t get fd in restaurants
    19.Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. The mre Jack explained, the angrier the cuple gt.
    B. Jack wanted t shw his feelings thrugh wrds after his experience.
    C. The manager went back t the table and aplgized t the cuple.
    D. Frm this experience, Jack learned mre abut American culture.
    20.The passage mst prbably cmes frm ​ .
    A. an English dictinaryB. a fashin magazine
    C. a TV guideD. a culture magazine
    Our nearest neighbur is the mn. In the sky, the mn and the sun seem t be f the same size because the mn is much nearer.
    The mn makes the tides—the changes in the level f the sea. The mn and the sun tgether pull the sea. In sme parts f the wrld, the difference between "high tide" (when the sea is very near t the land) and “lw tide” (when the sea is far away frm the land) is very big. This is very imprtant fr ships.
    The mn is very different frm the earth. Gravity(重力)n the mn is six times weaker than that n the earth. There isnˈt any air. During the day, it is very, very ht but at night it is very, very cld. Nthing can live n the mn. If the mn ges between the earth and the sun, we have an eclipse f the sun(日食). The mn stps the light frm the sun and we have night in the day.
    If the earth ges between the mn and the sun, we have an eclipse f the mn(月食). The mn ges int the shadw(影子)f the earth and it disappears fr a few minutes.
    21.When the sea is far away frm the land, we call it "________".
    A. high tideB. lw tideC. shadwD. gravity
    22.Gravity n the earth is ________ times strnger than that n the mn.
    A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight
    23.When the mn ges between the earth and the sun, we have night in the day, and we call it the eclipse f ________.
    A. the mnB. the sunC. the starsD. the earth
    24.Which f the fllwing happens when we have an eclipse f the mn?
    A. The earth ges between the mn and the sun.
    B. The mn ges int the shadw f the sun.
    C. The mn ges int the shadw f its wn.
    D. The sun disappears fr a few minutes.
    25.Which f the fllwing statements are TRUE?
    a.The mn and the sun are f the same size.
    b.Gravity n the earth is six times strnger than that n the mn.
    c.The changes in the level f the sea are called tides.
    d.The mn itself pulls the sea and makes the tides.
    e.When the sea is near t the land, a high tide may happen.
    f.Itˈs much htter in the day but much clder at night n the mn.
    A. abcfB. bcdeC. adefD. bcef
    Exercise imprves nt nly yur appearance, but als yur health. Health experts advise peple t chse physical activities that they find interesting. S, what are sme f the mst ppular frms(形式)f exercise in the USA?
    Walking is n the tp f the list. It is cnsidered t be the ______ way t get exercise. Yu can walk at any time and any place. Walking is als said t be the least harmful t the knees and feet. S, it's a perfect chice fr the ld.
    Anther ppular frm f exercise is jgging. In the 1960s, Bill Bwerman brught jgging t the USA. He did s after seeing the ppularity f the activities during a trip t New Zealand in 1962. He started the first jgging club in America. He als helped fund Nike.
    Swimming is als very ppular. It is ne f the mst ppular sprting activities in America. When ne is swimming, the whle bdy is put t wrk. It is said that swimming is gd fr peple with special needs, like pregnant(怀孕的)wmen.
    Dancing can als be a fun way t exercise. This is especially true fr thse wh see exercise as smething that they shuld d. A dance fitness prgramme called Zumba has grwn in ppularity in recent(最近的)years. It was created by Albert Perez in Clmbia in the 1990s. In 2001, he brught the prgramme t the USA. Since then, it has spread arund the wrld.
    26.Which f the fllwing can be put in the blank f Paragraph 2?
    A. easiestB. mst expensiveC. mst difficultD. clest
    27.Frm the passage, we can learn that ______.
    A. swimming was nt ppular
    B. swimming was mre ppular than walking
    C. walking was the mst ppular frm f exercise
    D. it's nt gd fr pregnant wmen t g swimming
    28.Accrding t the last paragraph, we knw that Zumba ______.
    A. has a very lng histryB. is the name f a dance club
    C. was created in the USAD. became ppular nt lng ag
    29.Which is NOT true accrding t the passage?
    A. Walking is the mst ppular activity.
    B. In 2001, Albert Perez brught Zumba t the USA.
    C. In the 1990s, Bill Bwerman brught jgging t the USA.
    D. Swimming was ne f the ppular sprting activities in America.
    30.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The advantages f exercise.
    B. Sme ppular frms f exercise in the USA.
    C. The histry f sme frms f exercise.
    D. Advice n hw t chse the best frm f exercise.
    A yung dctr mved t wrk in a small village. He was ging t take the ld dctrˈs place. The ld dctr shwed (1) (he) arund every huse s that he culd be used t wrking in the village.
    When they went int (2) first huse, a wman tld them she had a stmach ache. The ld dctr said, “Well, thatˈs (3) yu ate t much fruit. Yu shuld eat less.”
    “Hw did yu knw that s clearly withut checking n her?” (4) they left, the yung man asked.
    “Did yu see there was a lt f banana peel n the grund? She must have eaten t many (5) (banana).”
    At the next huse, anther wman said, “Iˈm feeling tired nw and dnˈt want (6) (eat) anything.”
    The ld dctr lked (7) (careful) arund her huse and then said, “Well, stay in bed fr three days and d nthing else. Then yu (8) (be) well sn.”
    “Hw did yu knw it this time?” the yung dctr asked again.
    “Well, did yu see the fresh sil (泥土) arund her shes? Itˈs the (9) (busy) time fr her this mnth. She needs t have a gd rest.”
    “ Oh, I see. Knwing (10) their everyday lives is als imprtant fr us when we make diagnsis (诊断).”
    Seeing a Dctr Last Friday afternn, when Daming was playing ftball with his friends, it began t rain. They were s interested in playing ftball that nbdy was willing t g back hme. The next day, Daming (1)had a bad headache. In the afternn, he gt a high fever. His mther had t take him t the hspital.
    After they gt t the waiting rm, a nurse tk Daming's temperature. Then he went t the dctr's rm with his mther. (2)The dctr lked him ver and said he had a bad cld with a fever. In anther rm the nurse gave him an injectin. The dctr gave him sme medicine. (3)医生建议他多喝水,好好休息。 The dctr tld him nt t play in the rain any mre. After that his mther paid the mney and they went hme by bus.
    (1) 对(1)处画线部分进行提问。
    ____________ with Daming the next day?
    (2) Why did Daming get a high fever?
    (3) Hw did Daming and his mther g hme n Saturday afternn?
    (4) 将(2)处的画线句子翻译成汉语。
    (5) 将(3)处的画线句子翻译成英语。
    参考词汇:熬夜stay up;增进,加强build up
    I think healthy habits are very imprtant fr us. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    二、1. B2. A3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A
    8. B9. C10. C
    三、11. B12. D13. D14. A 15. A16. B17. A
    C19. D20. D21. B 22. B23. B24. A
    25. A26. A27. C28. D 29. C30. B
    四. 【小题1】him
    【小题6】t eat
    【小题8】will be
    五. 【小题1】​What's wrng
    【小题2】​Because he played ftball in the rain.
    【小题3】​They went hme by bus.
    【小题5】The dctr advised him t drink mre water and have a gd rest.
    六. I think healthy habits are very imprtant fr us.
    All f us want t be healthy. First, we shuld get enugh sleep during the night. We can g t bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad fr ur health. Secnd, we shuld have healthy eating habits. We shuld eat mre fruit and vegetables and less meat. Besides, we shuld drink a lt f water every day. Third, we shuld d mre exercise t build up ur bdies. Finally, we shuld wash ur hands befre meals and brush ur teeth twice a day.
    If we dnˈt feel well, we shuld g t see the dctr at nce.

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