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    Serena's hard wrk paid ff. Last week, she reccived her exam results.
    "Grade A fr maths!" she shuted 1 ________________. Serena culd nt believe her eyes.
    She always did badly in the subject and befre this time, her best scre was a ‘B’.
    What a great imprvement(进步)! Her friends 2 _____________ her happiness.
    3_________________ this, Serena’s parents agreed that she culd g camping with her friends. Serena was 4_____________________. She had never spent a night away frm her hme . That wuld be the first time."I can't 5 __________________ fr Saturday t cme!"
    she tld her friends.
    Saturday came finally. Serena had already packed (打包) all her things lng befre that day. Her friends bked the East Cast Cannpsite (野营地) 6____________ their stay. It was ging t be fun. The 7 ___________________ arrived. "Have yu packed yur sleeping bag? What abut yur tthbrush and twels?" her mther asked as they walked twards the taxi.
    "Dn't wrry, Mm. I have 8____________________. I can lk after myself," Serena said. She 9 ______________________ her bags in the bt (后备 箱) and then jumped 10_________________the taxi.With a final wave f her hand,she was ff t the camp.
    ( )1. A. carefully B. sadly C. angrily D. happily
    ( )2. A. shared B. used C. frgt
    ( )3. A. Fr example B. Because f C. As well as D. Such as
    ( )4. A. nervus B. bred C. excited D. quiet
    ( )5. A. stay B. call C. pay D. wait
    ( )6. A. fr C. with D. after
    ( )7. A. plane B. ship C. bus D. taxi
    ( )8. A. smething B. nthing C. everything D. anything
    ( )9. A. made B. changed C. placed D. shwed
    ( )10. A. ut f B. int C. thrugh D. frm
    Mary Lee seemed t have everything. She was be aut if i ul and rich. Her clthes were better than anyne else’s. Her bks, pens, bicycle and schl bags were always new and expensive. She was very clever t. Withut ding very much wrk, she was always first in all the exams. She culd always answer all the questins while ther shrdents were still thinking.
    Because f all these, Mary Lee was t prud. She thught n ne was gd enugh t talk t her r t be her friend. She was lnely but she did nt care because she was always the best.
    As the end f the term came, all the pupils began t try their best t get the mst
    imprtant prize f all. The prize was ffered by the head teacher. It was fr the best article."Happiness"and "Friendship"were the tw subjects fr the article. Mary Lee knew little abut either. She realized that she didn’t have any friends t speak t and that she was very far frm being happy. As a result, she didn’t get the prize.
    Mary felt it silly t have been t prud befre. After that, she became a much mre pleasant persn and her classmates began t make friends with her.
    She wn many prizes, but she never frgt the prize that she had lst.
    ( )11. Which ne is NOT trme abut Mary?
    A. Mary had a quick mind. B. Mary's schl bags were always new.
    C.Mary was very lazy. D. She always came ip f the class in exams.
    ( )12. The underlined wrd "prud"means"________________"in Chinese.
    B.骄傲的 C.认真的 D.浮躁的
    ( )13.__________ ffered the mst imprtant prize at schl.
    . A manager B. Mary Lee C. A Chinese teacher D. The head teacher
    ( 04. Mary thught she was _______________ because she was t prud befre.
    A. snqly B. happy C. silly D. sad
    ( )15. What can we learn frm the passage?
    Ai Dn't be t prud althugh yu are excellent.
    B. Pupils shuld try their best t win prizes.
    C. Happiness has nthing t d with friends.
    D. Friends are always helpful.
    There was a girl called Anna. She studied at a primary schl and she was the mst hardwrking girl at her schl. Anna was the best student, but nbdy wanted t be her friend.
    One day, the teacher held an exam and a by called Rbert wrte Anna’s name n his paper. S when the teacher tld the students the marks f the exam, everybdy was surprised. Anna failed (不及格) the exarn, and the ther kids were very happy abut this. The next day, when Anna arrived at schl, all the kids invited her t play with them. When Anna was playing with her classmates, the teacher came. He said that there was a mistake, and Anna didn’t fail. Hearing the teacher's wrds, the ther kids all stpped playing with Anna.
    One day, the First Lady f the US went t visit the schl. During her visit, she saw Anna was crying s she asked her why. Anna tld her what had happened t her. Then, the First Lady tk the schl micrphne and tld stries abut her childhd. Her stries were similar t Anna's. After that, all the children felt srry. They
    learned the lessn f respecting (尊重) thers. Then they fllwed Anna's example and sn their studies imprved. In the end, they became gd friends with Anna.
    ( )16. Anna’s classmates didn’t like her because _________.
    A. she ften cried B. they didn’t like her gd grades
    C. their teacher didn’t like her D. she didn’t like playing with them
    ( )17. The ther kids began t play with Anna after _________.
    A. she wrte Rbert's name n her paper B. they heard stries abut Anna
    C. the teacher said Anna failed the exam D. the teacher crrected Anna's marks
    ( )18. Thse kids felt _______ fr freating (对待) Anna badly after they heard the First Lady's strics.
    A. sarry B. happy C. excited D. angry
    ( )19. Which is the right rder f the stry?
    a. The Pirst Lady tld stries abut herself. b. Nbdy played with Anna at schl.
    c. The First Lady came t visit the schl.
    d. Anna's classmates learned frm her and made prgress.
    A. abed B. dcab C. bcad D. beda
    ( )20. What can be the best title fr this stry?
    A. Everyne can be yur friend B. Hw t imprve yur studies
    C. Hw t make gd friends D. We shuld respect thers
    We need t d many things in a day such as hmewrk, activities and chres. Sme children are cmplaining (抱怨) they dn't have enugh time t d what they want t.
    Alexis, 13, says, "I dn’t have much time fr friends. I wish I culd talk t them mre."
    Rachael feels like she never has enugh time t practice the vilin r g ut with friends. She’s always studying and ding hmewrk.
    Caitlin, 11, wants mre time fr skatebarding, and Jamie, 12, wishes t spend mre time watching TV.
    Megan, 12, says, "I never have time t spend with my friends r keep a diary."And Amerila, 12, says that she has little time fr herself because she has t d her hmewrk and practice the pian.
    Well, we can't get mre time. S we shuld make gd use f time. This means that we shuld:
    ◆ Think abut everything that we have t d and want t d;
    ◆ Understand hw much time cach activity will take in a day;
    ◆ Make a plan.
    If yu can d like that, yu will be ▲ t find that yu can d much mre nw and yu’ll feel happier.
    ( )21 Hw many children want t spend mre time with friends?
    A. Fw. B. Three. C. Fnr. D. Five.
    ( )22. Wh's cmplaining abut t much hmewrk?
    A. Amerila and Rachaef. B. Rachael and Alexis.
    C. Caitlin and Amerila. D. Megan and Caitlin.
    ( )23. Jamie wants t spend mre time __________.
    A. skatebarding B. keeping a diary
    C. practicing the pian D. watching TV
    ( )24. Which f the fllwing wrds can be pet in ▲________?
    A/tircd B. afraid C. surprised D. sad
    ( )25. The passage tells us that we _________.
    A. sheld be busy all the time B. need t knw hw t be a gd student
    C. shuldn't have s many things t d D. shuld learn t use time well
    D yu have many friends? D yu have fun tgether? D yu feel cmfrtable when talking t thers? Have yu ever fund it hard t make new friends? Here are sme tips fr gd interpersnal cmmunicatin:
    • Remember ther peple's names. 26 Then when yu meet again, yu will easily make that persn feel cmfrtable if yu remember his r her name. It shws yu care.
    • Smile. Make sure yu smile and greet thers in a friendly way, especially the first time yu meet them. Smiling can be a passprt t gd cmmunicatin.
    27 Talk abut the weather, sprts r news. Yu can als ask questins r tell jkes. The main thing is t find smething yu are bth interested in.
    • Be a gd listener. Gd listeners shw thers that they are interested in the cnversatin. Peple will be happy t talk t yu if yu are listening carefully.
    One simple way t shw yu are a gd listener is t make eye cntact(接触). • Be hnest. Tell peple the truth. 28
    • Keep yur prmises. Try nt t be late If yu set a time t meet yur friends, d yur best t be n time. If yu have t change yur plan r cancel it, let yur friends knw ahead f time. 29
    A. N ne wants t waste time talking t smene wh ften tell lies.
    B. Find a prper tpic.
    C Peple will trust thse wh always keep their wrds.
    D. Talk in a plite way.
    E. Make a great effrt t d this when yu first meet smene new.
    O. Henry was a pen-name used 1 an American writer f shrt stries. His
    2 name was William Sydney Prter He was brn in Nrth Carlina in 1862.
    As a yung by he lived an 3 liftc. Ilp drd nt g t schl fr very lng, but he managed t(设法) teach 4 everything he needed t knw.When he was abut 20 years ld,O.Henry went t Texas,where he tried different jbs.He_________5 wrked n a news-paper, and then had a jb in a 6 . when sme mney went missing frm the bank,O. Henry was believed t have stlen it . Because f that, he was 7 t prisn . During the three years in prisn, he learned t write shrt stries . After he gt ut f prisn , he went t New Yrk and cntinued 8.
    He wrte mstly abut New Yrk and the life f the pr there. Peple liked his stries because they were 9 t understand , they wuld finish with a sudden change at the end t the reader's 10.
    In 1990. when I __________________ l (be) nine ycars ld. I wanted very much t find ______________________ pen friend . I fund Ashley's address in a magazine, and decided _____ _____ (write) t her.
    I sent ff my letter with a little hpe . Very quickly. I received her letter. 4 _____ my surprise. Ashley was nly ne mnth _____ 5_____ (ld) than me. I learned sme new expressins frm her.I 6 real) liked this new friend. Letter after letter, year after year, Ashley and I cntinued t write t ne anther. A letter wuld be received and I'd write back right away. We wuld send each ther birthday and Christmas ___________ (gift).
    Eight years later, my parents decided it wàs time _______ _________ me t meet this friend. They drve me dwn t Mississippi fr a few days. We _____ ______ (have) a fun time tgether. We did the things that teenage girls lve t d.
    Twenty-five years after the _______10______(ne) letter. Ashley and I still have an amazing friendship. Althugh we dn't write letters nw. we cmmunicate thrugh mbile phnes and the Internet.
    This is such a heart-warming piece f news in the cld winter. Sme days ag, the temperature was nly -6℃ in Kaifeng, Henan. Smene rdered 50 cups f warm prridge(粥) thrugh Meituan App and nted "Please give fhe prridge t thse cleaners wh are.clearing snw n the rad nearby and thse delivery
    (递送) men wh are delivering fd. "When the prridge shp wner received the rder, he was mved by the nte and prvided 60 cups.
    The stry didn't end here. As sn as the fd delivery man gt the big rder, he shared it with his wrkmates s that they culd ats get paid. Finally, Meituan returned the mney t the prridge buyer, Mr. Zhang and gave him a reward f ¥ 500. Althugh he had t raise his newbrn baby and pay fr his huse every mnth, Mr. Zhang said he wuld surely cntinue delivering lve.
    The kind help als encuraged many ther citizens in Kaifeng. This summer, vlunteers are sending cl drinks every day.
    Similar stries have happened in many ther places in China. Outdr wrkers in different cities are able t enjy free and caring help. Lts f "lve psts" are prviding "clness" in ht summer and "warmth" in cld winter.
    Just as a citizen f Kaifeng said, "I feel deeply mved and warm in my heart."
    In fact we get lve and give lve every day. Lve makes ur life better and mre beautiful.
    1. What did Mr. Zhang rder thrugh Meituan App?
    2. Wh did Mr. Zhang rder fr?
    3. Why did the delivery man share the big rder?
    4. Was Mr. Zhang rich?
    5. Hw d yu feel after reading this passage?
    假如你叫李华,你得知你的美国笔友 Tm 对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。请你给他写一封邮件,介绍你最喜欢的节日--春节,讲一讲你通常是怎么庆祝的,你喜欢这个节日的原因,以及邀请他来你家过春节。请你根据以下内容提示完成邮件。
    Hw d yu celebrate the Spring Festival? Why d yu like it?
    Smething mre abut the Spring Festival. Can yu cme t my hme t celebrate it with us?

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    山东省淄博市张店区第十一中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题: 这是一份山东省淄博市张店区第十一中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题,共10页。

    山东省淄博市张店区第十一中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题: 这是一份山东省淄博市张店区第十一中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题,共8页。







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