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    Here are fur famus characteristic markets in Melburne fr yu t explre,nly in the city.
    Kensingtn Market
    Kensingtn Market highlights the gift f a wnderful grup f inner-city makers.Nw entering its eighth year,the market is well supprted and is a ppular meeting spt.Yu can brwse the carefully-made range f designer fashin,delicius hmemade treats and cffee,hmewares,and plenty f art creatins.The market pens every third Sunday f the mnth.
    Melburne Craft Fair
    It's a cntemprary craft fair held at the Queen Victria Market.Yu can experience a ttally unique craft fair shwing independent makers f all kinds with handmade gds that yu wn't find anywhere else.Melburne is als hme t sme f the mst creative artists and designers and this craft fair is yur chance t catch them all in the ne place.
    Arts Centre Melburne's Sunday Market
    Discver handcrafted treasures made by lcal peple at the Sunday Market.Yu will find unique,handmade gds ranging frm arts and crafts t freshly made delicius snacks.Frm jewellery,saps,scarves and candles,t wdcraft,leather gds and paintings,each item is lvingly handcrafted.Everything n ffer is prduced lcally,making the market a real favurite fr thse seeking ne-f-a-kind treasures fr themselves r as gifts.
    Hawker 88 Night Market
    The Hawker 88 Night Market brings the sights,arts and tastes f Asia t Melburne's favurite market.Step in the streets f Asia t feast n authentic(地道的) street fd frm right acrss the cntinent,frm China t India,Vietnam t Krea,and Malaysia t Japan.Inspired by Asian street markets arund the wrld,Hawker 88 Night Market has had lanterns hung,plus lng share tables creating traditinal setting fr visitrs t enjy.
    1.What des the Kensingtn Market emphasize? ______
    A. The talent f famus artists.B. Sme ppular meeting spts.
    C. The talent f inner-city makers.D. Sme delicius hmemade treats.
    2.What d Melburne Craft Fair and Arts Centre Melburne's Sunday Market have in cmmn with? ______
    A. They ffer handmade gds.
    B. They have handmade cffee.
    C. They sell freshly made snacks.
    D. They prvide gds designed by creative artists.
    3.Which f the fllwing ffers the street fd frm Asia? ______
    A. Kensingtn Market.
    B. Melburne Craft Fair.
    C. Arts Centre Melburne's Sunday Market.
    D. Hawker 88 Night Market.
    Oliver's jurney with tai chi began in her early 20s,when she was suffering frm a back injury,which left her lying in bed fr six mnths.
    "As an active yungster at that time,I culdn't bear resting in bed," she explained. "My muscles became wasted and stiff(僵直的) fr lack f use,and I was ften in a lt f pains.S,I felt that sme physical exercise wuld help."
    She then discvered tai chi when she sptted by chance a pster advertising classes and decided t try the mysterius and extic(异国的) sprt.Oliver was immediately struck by the gentle and beautiful mvements f tai chi,and t her delight,fund that her ccasinal pains disappeared after years f practice.
    "It nt nly helps me imprve physical strength,but als prvides me with many mental benefits,such as imprved md and fcus,and less anxiety and depressin," she added.
    T further understand tai chi and the Chinese philsphy behind it,Oliver decided t begin a jurney t China.In 2005,Oliver established the Duble Dragn Alliance Cultural Center,which acts as a bridge fr freign peple seeking t gain a better understanding f Chinese culture.The center supprts kung fu masters in teaching martial arts(武术) and rganizes events fr peple t experience varius aspects f Chinese culture.
    Apart frm her tai chi classes,Oliver nw serves as the directr f the British Cultural Center at Shanghai University.Reflecting n her wrk,Oliver said, "Fr quite many years,my wrk is actually like a cultural bridge.If yu dn't have smene in the middle wh is appreciative f all the cultures and have the desire t cnnect peple,then it's hard fr them t get t knw each ther.I hpe I can be the bridge t bring peple clse tgether.We need t fster mutual understanding amng cultures t prmte peaceful relatins and friendship acrss the glbe."
    4.Why did Oliver try tai chi? ______
    A. T slve a mystery.
    B. T recver physical state.
    C. T treat her mental illness.
    D. T advance her knwledge f China.
    5.Hw was Oliver after practicing tai chi? ______
    A. Her well-being imprved.B. She became talkative.
    C. Her pain came less ften.D. She became pen-minded.
    6.What des Oliver mainly d in Shanghai? ______
    A. Give kung fu perfrmances.B. Learn Chinese philsphy.
    C. Bring kung fu masters tgether.D. Prmte cultural exchange.
    7.What is a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Try Tai Chi t Relieve Pain
    B. Tai Chi:a Glbal Cultural Bridge
    C. A British Tai Chi Lver Builds Cultural Bridge in China
    D. Tai Chi Enjys Great Ppularity Arund the Wrld
    Even chess experts perfrm wrse when air quality is lwer,suggesting a negative effect n cgnitin(认知).Here's smething else chess players need t keep in check:air pllutin.
    That's the bttm line f a newly published study c-authred by a researcher,shwing that chess players perfrm bjectively wrse and make mre subptimal(次优的) mves,as measured by a cmputerized analysis f their games,when there is mre fine particulate matter(颗粒物) in the air,ntated as PM 2.5.
    Mre specifically,given a mdest increase in fine particulate matter,the prbability that chess players will make an errr increases by 2.1 percentage pints,and the spectrum f thse errrs increases by 10.8 percent.In this setting,at least,cleaner air leads t clearer heads and sharper thinking.
    "We find that when individuals are expsed t higher levels f air pllutin,they make mre mistakes,and they make larger mistakes," says Juan Palacis,an ecnmist in Sustainable Urbanizatin Lab.
    "It's pure randm expsure t air pllutin that is driving these peple's perfrmance," Palacis says. "Against cmparable ppnents in the same turnament rund,being expsed t different levels f air quality makes a difference fr mve quality and decisin quality."
    The researchers als fund that when air pllutin was wrse,the chess players perfrmed even mre prly when under time limitatin. "We find it interesting that thse mistakes especially ccur in the phase f the game where players are facing time pressure," Palacis says.
    "There are mre and mre papers shwing that there is a cst with air pllutin,and there is a cst fr mre and mre peple," Palacis says. "And this is just ne example shwing that even fr these very excellent chess players,wh think they can beat everything,it seems that with air pllutin,they have an enemy wh harms them."
    8.What effect des air pllutin have n chess players? ______
    A. They make fewer gd chices.
    B. They perfrm subjectively wrse.
    C. They suffer bdy discmfrt.
    D. They lse all games with cmputers.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "spectrum" in paragraph 3 prbably mean? ______
    A. Magic.B. Prcess.C. Range.D. Balance.
    10.What des Palacis express in the last paragraph? ______
    A. His appeal fr attentin t chess players.
    B. His cncern abut air pllutin.
    C. An example f chess players' perfrmance.
    D. Appraches t dealing with air pllutin.
    11.What's the main idea f the text? ______
    A. Air pllutin is a tugh enemy chess players face.
    B. Chess players make mre and mre mistakes.
    C. There is a cst with air pllutin fr mre peple.
    D. Chess players perfrm prly under time limitatin.
    In February,news brke that Salesfrce CEO Marc Beniff had taken a "digital detx(脱瘾)":10 tech-free days at a French Plynesian resrt.Fr a small grup f peple,taking a step back frm devices is an achievable dream,but fr mst,it's an impssibility,especially.
    A digital detx requires dismissing technlgy almst entirely:taking a break frm screens,scial media and vide cnferences fr multiple days.The gals—reducing stress r anxiety,and recnnecting with the physical wrld—are well-intentined.Hwever,experts say a digital detx isn't practical anymre fr mst peple.
    "Technlgy is very much a part f us nw.We bank with an app,read restaurant menus n phnes and even sweat with exercise instructrs thrugh a screen," says Seattle-based cnsultant Emily Cherkin,wh specialises in screen-time management. "It's s embedded(嵌入式的) in ur lives,we're setting urselves up fr failure if we're ging t g phne-free fr a week."
    As peple becme increasingly interdependent n technlgy,ding a digital detx n lnger seems like a reasnable gal.But there may be a mre realistic slutin that will lessen ur tech bsessin(着迷),withut frcing us t ttally discnnect.
    Rather than cutting ut technlgy altgether,practice digital mindfulness.Make sure the use f technlgy is purpseful.Instead f a full detx,digital mindfulness may be mre practical fr sme peple:less wrry abut cutting tech ut entirely,and mre fcus n being intentinal with its use.
    The gal shuldn't be t cut ff technlgy r t put a full stp.Peple still need t send an email,but can d s withut getting distracted by the varius nline cntents.
    This apprach is called "grey detxing"—yu're nt ttally immersed(沉浸的) r ttally cut ff frm technlgy.Instead f causing urselves mre anxiety by attempting t live withut ur phnes fr a week,we can apprach unavidable screen time in a way that feels right fr ur individual lives.
    12.Why des the authr mentin Marc Beniff in paragraph 1? ______
    A. T criticize the idea f digital detx.
    B. T urge readers t take a digital detx.
    C. T bring digital detx up fr discussin.
    D. T recmmend a French Plynesian resrt.
    13.Why is a digital detx impssible fr mst peple nwadays? ______
    A. They are mre stressed and anxius.
    B. They are deeply influenced by tech.
    C. They are unwilling t g phne-free.
    D. They tend t be mre pessimistic.
    14.What might be a slutin t tech bsessin? ______
    A. Ging n a hliday t Plynesia.B. Aviding tech altgether.
    C. Discnnecting ccasinally.D. Using tech purpsefully.
    15.What des the authr think f less screen time in mdern sciety? ______
    A. It is achievable.B. It is unreasnable.
    C. It is ridiculus.D. It is unrealistic.
    Hw t D a Science Investigatry Prject
    A science investigatry prject(SIP) uses the scientific methd t study and test an idea abut hw smething wrks.It invlves researching a tpic and creating a wrking thery that can be tested.(1) ______ .Yu will prbably need t fllw this prcedure if yu are planning t enter a prject in a schl science fair,fr instance.The fllwing are sme f usual prcesses fr a science investigatry prject.
    Ask a questin.Often,the mst challenging part f a SIP is figuring ut what yu want t investigate.Take yur time in chsing the tpic yu want t investigate.(2) ______ Then cnsider whether it is smething yu can reasnably investigate fr the prject.
    ( 3) ______ When planning yur experiment,cnsider the materials that yu will need.Make sure they are readily available and affrdable,r even better,use materials that are already in yur huse.Once yur preparatin and planning is cmplete,it's time t begin.Clsely fllw the steps that yu have planned.(4) ______
    Make yur cnclusin.Nw that yu have cnducted yur experiment,it's time t clearly and accurately state yur findings.(5) ______ Remember,cncluding that yur hypthesis(假设) was cmpletely wrng des nt make yur SIP a failure.If yu make clear and scientifical findings and present them well,it is als a success.
    A.Discuss the issue with yur instructr.
    B.Plan yur experiment and cnduct yur experiment.
    C.The research paper is ften the mst imprtant thing.
    D.During the experiment,keep accurate recrds f all yur results.
    E.Think abut smething that interests,surprises,r cnfuses yu.
    F.In fact,yu are nw answering the questin yu riginally asked.
    G.It als invlves cnducting the experiment,recrding and reprting the results.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    That day Bill Price was attending a reunin fr a summer prgram.He remembers standing utside after the reunin,(1) ______ with friends.Eventually,everyne said their(2) ______ — leaving Price standing by himself.
    "Smetimes when yu're(3) ______ ,it's fine," Price said. "But smetimes when yu're alne,yu feel(4) ______ .And that's the way I felt then."
    Nearby,anther grup f teenagers std laughing and(5) ______ . "I fund myself wishing s much t be a part f them," Price(6) ______ .One f the teenagers was a persn named Wendy Westman.She and Price had nly met in anther summer prgram a few mnths earlier.As Price std there,feeling(7) ______ lnely,Westman turned arund and(8) ______ him if he'd like t jin them.
    "My life was transfrmed at that mment," Price said.
    Westman's kindness(9) ______ a realizatin in Price:He culd ffer that same(10) ______ t anyne,at any time. "It's s easy t see smene wh seems left ut and alne and(11) ______ them,say hell t them,be kind t them," Price explained. "And I realize that is a gift that everyne can(12) ______ ."
    Price became a psychiatrist (精神科医生).His jb is being kind t his(13) ______ ,listening t them and being attentive t their(14) ______ .Price attributes his understanding f the imprtance f kindness t that(15) ______ .
    21.A. keeping upB. filling upC. putting upD. catching up
    22.A. gdbyesB. creatinsC. achievementsD. experiences
    23.A. disappintedB. cnfusedC. alneD. sad
    24.A. cmfrtedB. abandnedC. interestedD. mtivated
    25.A. talkingB. cmplainingC. cryingD. abusing
    26.A. evaluatedB. indicatedC. recitedD. remembered
    27.A. suddenlyB. regularlyC. increasinglyD. literally
    28.A. huggedB. askedC. recmmendedD. dubted
    29.A. inspiredB. designedC. recgnizedD. admired
    30.A. investmentB. cnfidenceC. curisityD. kindness
    31.A. appreciateB. cheatC. trapD. ntice
    32.A. refuseB. giveC. makeD. reserve
    33.A. visitrsB. patientsC. neighbrsD. wrkmates
    34.A. talentsB. tipsC. needsD. guidelines
    35.A. mmentB. rangeC. stageD. decisin
    Mencius said there are three things in life (1) ______ bring great happiness.The first is that ur parents,brthers and sisters are fine;the secnd is having a pure and pen heart s as nt t feel ashamed befre peple;the third is t have (2) ______ pprtunity t teach talented peple.But the (3) ______ ( much) imprtant thing t him is t hnr and respect parents.
    During the annual Spring Festival travel rush,n matter whether it's windy (4) ______ rainy,we all return t hmetwns just t see ur parents,brthers and sisters.Chinese culture,t put it simply,( 5) ______ ( revlve)arund the imprtance f settling ur hearts.
    In ancient times,there was such a custm that due t fd shrtages,sme elderly peple (6) ______ ( abandn) in the deep muntains.Once there was a sn wh was carrying his mther t the muntains.Alng the way,the mther kept breaking pine branches and thrwing them n the grund.The sn felt very (7) ______ ( cnfuse) and asked why.The mther said, "I'm afraid yu wn't find yur way hme." Hearing this,the sn felt guilty.Thinking t (8) ______ ( he), "My mm raises me with hardship,I can't d that." Tears in eyes,he carried his mther back hme.
    There is a Chinese saying, "Dn't harm the spring birds in the nests,fr they are waiting fr their mthers (9) ______ ( return)." It's true that a mther and her children are (10) ______ ( tight) tied thrughut the life.
    37.We hpe t ______ (复原)the garden t its frmer glry.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    38.A famus ld name f a firm is nt necessarily a ______ (保证) f quality. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39.She made great achievements in science,which she ______ (把……归功于) t the educatin she had received. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    40.T my disappintment,the delivery has been ______ (推迟) due t the bad weather. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41.The yung man wh said labring was beneath his ______ (尊严) finally put his pride in his pcket and gt a jb as a kitchen prter. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    SENIOR EDITOR Requirements:Must have 10 years f English-learning experience,gd writing skills and cmmunicatin skills.
    Jb details:Wrk 8 hurs a week,cmmunicate with the reprter,check the articles and design the pages.
    Fr infrmatin:Cntact the editr-in-chief at 612-789-0044 r editrinchief@163.cm
    Dear Editr-in-chief,
    Sincerely, Li Hua
    In a quiet suburb f Nrthern Califrnia,a diligent (勤奋的) high schl student named Sarah had always been devted t her academics.Hwever,she fund herself with sme free time n her hands as the schl year came t an end.It was then that she was struck with an idea——why nt use this spare time t give back t her cmmunity?
    With a newfund sense f purpse,Sarah set ut t lk fr ways she culd make a difference.She nticed that the lcal park was in need f sme repairs and restratin,but the city lacked the budget t tackle the necessary redecratin.Regardless f sme challenges,Sarah decided t take matters int her wn hands.She gathered her classmates and engaged with the lcal businesses t prvide dnatins,materials,and equipment needed fr the restratin prject.With a clear gal in mind and a team f eager vlunteers,they rlled up their sleeves and began the heavy task f cleaning up the park.Everyne wrked tirelessly,day after day,in the Califrnia sun.
    Meanwhile Sarah had anther idea in her mind.Seeing s many families in the area had been affected by the ecnmic dwnturn,Sarah knew she had t d mre t help.She partnered with lcal businesses and launched a fd drive t supprt struggling families.Her effrts brught back hpe t many families wh had been struggling t make ends meet.
    As Sarah and her team faced numerus bstacles(障碍) thrughut the restratin prject,Sarah made sure t maintain a psitive attitude and gathered her classmates t keep ging at the same time.One day,while painting the park's brken fence,ne f the vlunteers called ut, "Sarah,why are we even ding this?It's never ging t lk gd again."It was a mment f upset feelings.Sarah apprached the vlunteer.She placed her hands n the vlunteer's shulder and said, "I dn't expect this t be easy,but we can't give up.We have an pprtunity t help ur cmmunity and make it a better place.That's what makes it wrth the effrt.Dn't yu think s?"
    (1)续写词数应为 150左右;
    Her wrds had a pwerful effect n the team.______
    There were challenges alng the way,but she never lst her determinatin.______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Kensingtn Market下面Kensingtn Market highlights the gift f a wnderful grup f inner-city makers.(肯辛顿市场突显了一群出色的市中心制造商的天赋。)可知,肯辛顿市场突显了市中心制造商的天赋。.The talent f famus artists.著名艺术家的才能;B.Sme ppular meeting spts.一些受欢迎的聚会地点;C.The talent f inner-city makers.市中心制造者的才能;D.Sme delicius hmemade treats.一些美味的自制点心。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Melburne Craft Fair下面Yu can experience a ttally unique craft fair shwing independent makers f all kinds with handmade gds that yu wn't find anywhere else.(你可以体验一个完全独一无二的工艺博览会,展示各种各样的独立制造商的手工制品,这些手工制品是你在其他地方找不到的。)和Arts Centre Melburne's Sunday Market"下面的"Yu will find unique,handmade gds ranging frm arts and crafts t freshly made delicius snacks.(你会发现独一无二的手工制品,从手工艺到新鲜制作的美味小吃。)可知,在墨尔本手工艺品集市和墨尔本艺术中心周日市场均有独一无二的手工制品。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Hawker 88 Night Market下面Step in the streets f Asia t feast n authentic(地道的) street fd frm right acrss the cntinent,frm China t India,Vietnam t Krea,and Malaysia t Japan. (走在亚洲的街道上,尽情享用来自整个大陆——从中国到印度,从越南到韩国,从马来西亚到日本——的正宗街头美食。)可知,在小贩88夜市,可以吃到来自亚洲的街头美食。故选D。
    这篇短文主要介绍了墨尔本四个著名的特色市场。Kensingtn Market是一个受欢迎的市集,提供设计师时尚、美味的自制美食、家居用品和艺术品。Melburne Craft Fair是一个独特的手工艺品展览会,展示了独立制造商的手工艺品。Arts Centre Melburne的Sunday Market是一个由当地人手工制作的宝藏市场,提供从艺术品到美食的独特手工制品。Hawker 88夜市将亚洲的风景、艺术和美食带到墨尔本最受欢迎的市场,提供来自中国、印度、越南、韩国和日本的正宗街头美食。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第三段She then discvered tai chi when she sptted by chance a pster advertising classes and decided t try the mysterius and extic(异国的) sprt.Oliver was immediately struck by the gentle and beautiful mvements f tai chi,and t her delight,fund that her ccasinal pains disappeared after years f practice.(后来,她偶然发现了一张宣传课程的海报,并决定尝试这项神秘而富有异国情调的运动。奥利弗立刻被太极拳轻柔优美的动作所打动,令她高兴的是,经过多年的练习,她发现自己偶尔的疼痛消失了。)可知,奥利弗练习太极拳是为了锻炼来恢复他的身体健康。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Oliver was immediately struck by the gentle and beautiful mvements f tai chi,and t her delight,fund that her ccasinal pains disappeared after years f practice.(奥利弗立刻被太极拳轻柔优美的动作所打动,令她高兴的是,经过多年的练习,她发现自己偶尔的疼痛消失了。)可知,练习了太极拳之后,奥利弗的健康状况有了改善。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段Reflecting n her wrk,Oliver said, "Fr quite many years,my wrk is actually like a cultural bridge.If yu dn't have smene in the middle wh is appreciative f all the cultures and have the desire t cnnect peple,then it's hard fr them t get t knw each ther.I hpe I can be the bridge t bring peple clse tgether.We need t fster mutual understanding amng cultures t prmte peaceful relatins and friendship acrss the glbe."(回想她的工作,奥利弗说,"很多年来,我的工作实际上就像一座文化桥梁。如果你中间没有一个欣赏所有文化并渴望联系人们的人,那么他们很难相互了解。我希望我能成为使人们紧密联系的桥梁。我们需要促进不同文化之间的相互理解,以促进和平关系和友谊遍布全球。")可知,奥利弗在上海主要是为了促进不同文化的相互交流。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第五段T further understand tai chi and the Chinese philsphy behind it,Oliver decided t begin a jurney t China.(为了进一步了解太极拳及其背后的中国哲学,奥利弗决定开始中国之旅。)和最后一段Reflecting n her wrk,Oliver said, "Fr quite many years,my wrk is actually like a cultural bridge.If yu dn't have smene in the middle wh is appreciative f all the cultures and have the desire t cnnect peple,then it's hard fr them t get t knw each ther.I hpe I can be the bridge t bring peple clse tgether.We need t fster mutual understanding amng cultures t prmte peaceful relatins and friendship acrss the glbe."(回想她的工作,奥利弗说,"很多年来,我的工作实际上就像一座文化桥梁。如果你中间没有一个欣赏所有文化并渴望联系人们的人,那么他们很难相互了解。我希望我能成为使人们紧密联系的桥梁。我们需要促进不同文化之间的相互理解,以促进和平关系和友谊遍布全球。")可知,这篇文章主要讲述英国太极爱好者在中国架起文化桥梁。A.Try Tai Chi t Relieve Pain(试着打太极来缓解疼痛);B.Tai Chi:a Glbal Cultural Bridge(太极:一座全球文化的桥梁);C.A British Tai Chi Lver Builds Cultural Bridge in China(英国太极爱好者在中国架起文化桥梁);D.Tai Chi Enjys Great Ppularity Arund the Wrld(太极拳在全世界都很受欢迎)。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Even chess experts perfrm wrse when air quality is lwer,suggesting a negative effect n cgnitin(认知).(当空气质量较低时,即使是国际象棋专家的表现也会更差,这表明这会对认知产生负面影响。)可知,空气污染使得国际象棋专家的表现也更差了。故选A。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第三段Mre specifically,given a mdest increase in fine particulate matter,the prbability that chess players will make an errr increases by 2.1 percentage pints,and the spectrum f thse errrs increases by 10.8 percent.(更具体地说,考虑到细颗粒物的适度增加,国际象棋棋手犯错误的概率增加了2.1个百分点,这些错误的spectrum增加了10.8%。)可知,这里描述的是细颗粒物的适度增加导致国际象棋棋手犯错误的概率增加了,所以应该是错误的范围增加了10.8%。spectrum的意思应该是"范围"。A.Magic(魔术);B.Prcess(进步);C.Range(范围);D.Balance(平衡)。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段There are mre and mre papers shwing that there is a cst with air pllutin,and there is a cst fr mre and mre peple(越来越多的论文表明,空气污染是有代价的,越来越多的人也付出了代价。)可知,这一点主要讲述Palacis对空气污染的担忧。故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据第一段Even chess experts perfrm wrse when air quality is lwer,suggesting a negative effect n cgnitin(认知).(当空气质量较低时,即使是国际象棋专家的表现也会更差,这表明这会对认知产生负面影响。)可知,这篇文章主要讲述空气污染对棋手的影响。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段In February,news brke that Salesfrce CEO Marc Beniff had taken a "digital detx(脱瘾)":10 tech-free days at a French Plynesian resrt.Fr a small grup f peple,taking a step back frm devices is an achievable dream,but fr mst,it's an impssibility,especially. (今年2月,有消息称Salesfrce首席执行官马克•贝尼奥夫(Marc Beniff)进行了一次"数字脱瘾":在法属波利尼西亚的一个度假胜地度过了10天的无技术日。对于一小群人来说,从设备上退一步是一个可以实现的梦想,但对大多数人来说,这尤其是不可能的。)可知,第一段提到马克•贝尼奥夫(Marc Beniff)是为了提出"数字脱瘾"这一话题。A.T criticize the idea f digital detx.批评数字脱瘾的想法;B.T urge readers t take a digital detx.敦促读者数字脱瘾;C.T bring digital detx up fr discussin.让大家来讨论一下数字脱瘾;D.T recmmend a French Plynesian resrt.推荐一个法属波利尼西亚度假胜地。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段"Technlgy is very much a part f us nw.We bank with an app,read restaurant menus n phnes and even sweat with exercise instructrs thrugh a screen," says Seattle-based cnsultant Emily Cherkin,wh specialises in screen-time management. "It's s embedded(嵌入式的) in ur lives,we're setting urselves up fr failure if we're ging t g phne-free fr a week."(西雅图的顾问艾米丽•切尔金专门研究屏幕时间管理,她说:"技术现在在很大程度上是我们的一部分。我们用应用程序存钱,用手机阅读餐厅菜单,甚至通过屏幕与运动教练一起流汗。它深深植根于我们的生活中,如果我们要在一周内不打电话,我们就注定要失败。")可知,现在我们大部分人几乎无法做到"数字脱瘾"是因为我们受数字化影响太大了。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段Rather than cutting ut technlgy altgether,practice digital mindfulness.Make sure the use f technlgy is purpseful.Instead f a full detx,digital mindfulness may be mre practical fr sme peple:less wrry abut cutting tech ut entirely,and mre fcus n being intentinal with its use. (与其完全放弃技术,不如练习数字正念。确保技术的使用是有目的的。对一些人来说,数字正念可能更实用,而不是完全脱瘾:更少担心完全淘汰技术,更多地关注有意使用技术。)可知,要想解决科技瘾可以通过有目的的使用来实现。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段This apprach is called "grey detxing"—yu're nt ttally immersed(沉浸的) r ttally cut ff frm technlgy.Instead f causing urselves mre anxiety by attempting t live withut ur phnes fr a week,we can apprach unavidable screen time in a way that feels right fr ur individual lives. (这种方法被称为"灰色脱瘾"——你不会完全沉浸在技术中,也不会完全脱离技术。我们可以以一种适合我们个人生活的方式来处理不可避免的屏幕时间,而不是试图在没有手机的情况下生活一周,从而给自己带来更多的焦虑。)可知,减少屏幕时间是可以实现的。A.It is achievable.这是可以实现的;B.It is unreasnable.这是不合理的;C.It is ridiculus.这太荒谬了;D.It is unrealistic.这是不现实的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句A science investigatry prject(SIP) uses the scientific methd t study and test an idea abut hw smething wrks.It invlves researching a tpic and creating a wrking thery that can be tested(科学调查项目,即SIP,使用科学方法来研究和测试关于某事物如何起作用的想法。它包括研究一个主题和创建一个可以测试的工作理论),G项"它还包括进行实验、记录和报告结果"可以承接前句,讲述了进行科学调查项目需要做的事,It als invlves和It invlves是关联词,故选G。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句Take yur time in chsing the tpic yu want t investigate(慢慢来选择你想调查的主题),可知E项"想想让你感兴趣、惊讶或困惑的事情"可以承接前句,介绍选择调查话题的范围,故选E。
    (3)主题判断题。根据后句When planning yur experiment,cnsider the materials that yu will need(在计划你的实验时,考虑一下你需要的材料);和Once yur preparatin and planning is cmplete,it's time t begin.Clsely fllw the steps that yu have planned(一旦你的准备和计划完成,是时候开始了。严格遵循你计划的步骤),可知B项"计划你的实验并进行你的实验"可以作为本段的主题---计划和实施实验的方法,故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句Clsely fllw the steps that yu have planned(严格遵循你计划的步骤);以及后句Make yur cnclusin(做出总结),可知D项"在实验过程中,准确记录你的所有结果"可以承接前句要严格遵循所计划的步骤进行实验的话题,和后句一起强调要做总结,故选D。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Nw that yu have cnducted yur experiment,it's time t clearly and accurately state yur findings(既然你已经进行了实验,是时候清楚准确地陈述你的发现了),以及第二段第一句Ask a questin(问问题),可知F项"事实上,你现在正在回答你最初提出的问题"可以承接前句实验结束后,要准确地陈述实验的发现的话题,同时与实验的开始步骤首尾照应,故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.keeping up with与……保持联系;B.filling up with装满;C.putting up with忍受;D.catching up with叙旧。由上文的"He remembers standing utside after the reunin"和常识可知,聚会都想和朋友聊聊天,所以与朋友们叙旧。故选D项。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.gdbyes再见;B.creatins创作;C.achievements成就;D.experiences经历。由上文的"He remembers standing utside after the reunin"和下文的"leaving Price standing by himself (留下普莱斯独自站着)"可知,聚会结束大家说再见,只剩下普莱斯独自站着。故选A项。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.disappinted失望的;B.cnfused困惑的;C.alne独自的;D.sad悲伤的。结合上文的"leaving Price standing by himself (留下普莱斯独自站着)",与下文的"But smetimes when yu're alne (但有时当你独自一人时)"形成对比,讲述有时候独自一人的不同感受。故选C项。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.cmfrted安慰;B.abandned抛弃;C.interested感兴趣;D.mtivated激励。结合But,与上文的"Smetimes when yu're (3) ,it's fine (有时候当你独自一人的时候,这很好)"形成对比,讲述有时候独自一人感觉不好,像被抛弃一样。故选B项。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.talking谈论;B.cmplaining抱怨;C.crying哭泣;D.abusing滥用。由上文的"anther grup f teenagers std laughing"可知,一群青少年站在那里谈笑风生,与普莱斯的孤单形成鲜明对比。故选A项。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.hugged拥抱;B.asked问;C.recmmended推荐;D.dubted怀疑。由下文的"if he'd like t jin them"可知,此处指韦斯特曼问普莱斯是否愿意加入他们。故选B项。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.inspired激励;B.designed设计;C.recgnized认可;D.admired钦佩。由下文的"He culd ffer that same (10) t anyne ,at any time"可知,韦斯特曼的善良激发了普莱斯的意识,普莱斯也想把善良传递下去。故选A项。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.appreciate欣赏;B.cheat欺骗;C.trap卡住;D.ntice看到。由下文的"say hell t them"可知,看到人之后才会打招呼。故选D项。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.refuse拒绝;B.give给;C.make使;D.reserve保留。由上文的"say hell t them,be kind t them (向他们问好,善待他们)"可知,普莱斯意识到善良是每个人都可以给予的礼物。故选B项。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.visitrs游客;B.patients病人;C.neighbrs邻居;D.wrkmates同事。由上文的"Price became a psychiatrist (精神科医生). (普莱斯成了一名精神病学家)"可知,普莱斯的工作是善待病人。故选B项。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.talents人才;B.tips建议;C.needs需要;D.guidelines指南。由上文的"listening t them"可知,精神科医生需要关注病人的需求。故选C项。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.mment时刻;B.range范围;C.stage舞台;D.decisin决定。呼应上文的"My life was transfrmed at that mment (那一刻,我的生活发生了改变)"讲普莱斯把他对善良重要性的理解归功于那一刻。故选A项。
    这篇短文主要讲述了Bill Price参加夏季项目的聚会后感到孤独,希望能加入另一群人的故事。他感到孤独时,一个叫Wendy Westman的人邀请他加入他们。这个经历让Price意识到自己可以随时向他人提供同样的善意。他成为了一名精神科医生,工作中关心病人,倾听他们并关注他们的需求。Price将自己对善意重要性的理解归功于那次经历。
    【小题6】were abandned
    【小题9】t return
    【解析】(1)考查定语从句关系词。句意:孟子说人生有三件事能带来极大的快乐。分析可知,此处引导定语从句,先行词为three things,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词that或which引导。故填that/which。
    (3)考查形容词最高级。句意:但对他来说最重要的是尊重和敬佩父母。根据定冠词the以及语境可知,此处表示三件事中最重要的,故应用imprtant的最高级mst imprtant表示"最重要的"。故填mst。
    (5)考查时态及主谓一致。句意:中国文化,简单地说,围绕着解决我们的心的重要性。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,结合语境可知,句子是在陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语为Chinese culture,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填revlves。
    (6)考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:在古代,有这样一种习俗,由于食物短缺,一些老人被遗弃在深山中。分析可知,所填词为从句谓语动词,根据上文in ancient times可知,句子应用一般过去时,主语sme elderly peple与谓语动词abandn之间构成被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语sme elderly peple为复数,be动词应用复数形式were。故填were abandned。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:中国有句谚语:"不要伤害窝里的春鸟,它们在等妈妈回来。"wait fr…t d sth."等待……做某事",固定用法。故填t return。
    【解析】根据汉语提示和空后的the garden t its frmer glry,这里应用及物动词restre,意为"将……复原到……"。空前有不定式符号t,这里应用动词原形。
    【解析】根据汉语提示和空后的t the educatin可知,此处应用及物动词we,意为"把……归功于……"。根据句中的made和句意,句子陈述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。
    【解析】根据句意及汉语提示可知,此处使用动词delay,与主语是逻辑动宾关系,应用被动语态,空前有has been,应用动词的过去分词delayed,构成现在完成时的被动语态。
    42.【答案】Dear Editr-in-chief,
    I am writing t express my interest in the Senir Editr psitin yu advertised.【高分句型一】I believe I will be an excellent candidate.(写信目的)
    Firstly,I have ver 10 years f English-learning experience.Mrever,I pssess exceptinal writing skills.Additinally,my cmmunicatin skills are tp-ntch.All f these experiences have equipped me with the skills necessary fr this rle.(自荐)
    S,I wuld like t request an pprtunity fr an interview t discuss my applicatin further.I am cnfident that I can exceed yur expectatins and becme a valuable member f yur team.【高分句型二】(请求面试机会)
    Thank yu fr cnsidering my applicatin.
    Sincerely, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:I am writing t express my interest in the Senir Editr psitin yu advertised.
    分析:这句话使用了yu advertised作为定语从句修饰the Senir Editr psitin。
    高分句型二:I am cnfident that I can exceed yur expectatins and becme a valuable member f yur team.
    43.【答案】Her wrds had a pwerful effect n the team.They realized that this prject was nt just abut repairing a park:it was abut prviding a space fr the cmmunity t gather,relax,and enjy each ther's cmpany.【高分句型一】As the restratin prject prgressed,the team als faced issues with dnatins f time and materials.Sarah,armed with her strng persnality and passin fr the prject,tk the lead and negtiated with lcal businesses t secure much-needed resurces.(萨拉说完话之后对整个团队产生的影响,他们意识到这个修复项目并不局限于一个公园,而是为社区谋福利,但在修复过程中还是遇到了一些问题)
    There were challenges alng the way,but she never lst her determinatin.There was a time when it felt like this prject wuld never be cmpleted,but Sarah persevered.【高分句型二】Inch by inch,the park was transfrmed.The ld benches were replaced with new nes and new playgrund equipment was installed.After all their hard wrk,the park was nce again a beautiful place,bringing jy t the cmmunity.Due t Sarah's persuasiveness and the enthusiasm f the cmmunity,the prject prved t be highly successful(在萨拉持之以恒的努力下,公园发生了巨大的变化)
    高分句型一:They realized that this prject was nt just abut repairing a park:it was abut prviding a space fr the cmmunity t gather,relax,and enjy each ther's cmpany.
    高分句型二:There was a time when it felt like this prject wuld never be cmpleted,but Sarah persevered.

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